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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1057



No. 939 Session of 1989

           RUDY, APRIL 3, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing for the definition
     6     of "exceptional children."

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Section 1371 of the act of March 10, 1949
    10  (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, is
    11  amended by adding a clause to read:
    12     Section 1371.  Definition of Exceptional Children; Reports;
    13  Examination.--* * *
    14     (1.1)  The term "exceptional children" shall include children
    15  of school age who suffer from autism. For purposes of this act,
    16  autism shall be defined and determined as follows:
    17     (i)  The term "autism" shall mean a lifelong developmental
    18  disability which is typically manifested before thirty (30)
    19  months of age.

     1     Autism is characterized by disturbances in the rates and
     2  sequences of cognitive, affective, psychomotor, language and
     3  speech development.
     4     (ii)  The manifestation of the characteristics specified in
     5  subclause (i) and all of the following characteristics shall
     6  determine if a person is autistic:
     7     (A)  Disturbance in the capacity to relate appropriately to
     8  people, events and objects.
     9     (B)  Absence, disorder or delay of language, speech or
    10  meaningful communication.
    11     (C)  Unusual or inconsistent response to sensory stimuli or
    12  abnormalities relating to any of the following:
    13     (I)  Sight.
    14     (II)  Hearing.
    15     (III)  Touch.
    16     (IV)  Pain.
    17     (V)  Balance.
    18     (VI)  Smell.
    19     (VII)  Taste.
    20     (VIII)  The way a child holds his or her body.
    21     (D)  Insistence on sameness as shown by stereotyped play
    22  patterns, repetitive movements, abnormal preoccupation or
    23  resistance to change.
    24     (iii)  For a child to be considered to be autistic, there
    25  shall be an absence of the characteristics associated with
    26  schizophrenia, such as delusions, hallucinations, loosening of
    27  associations and incoherence.
    28     (iv)  A determination of impairment shall be based upon a
    29  comprehensive evaluation by a multidisciplinary evaluation team.
    30  The team shall include, at a minimum, a psychologist or
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     1  psychiatrist, a teacher of speech and the language impaired, and
     2  a school social worker.
     3     (v)  A determination of impairment shall not be based solely
     4  on behaviors relating to environmental, cultural or economic
     5  differences.
     6     * * *
     7     Section 2.  Section 1372 of the act, amended January 14, 1970
     8  (1969 P.L.468, No.192) and August 24, 1977 (P.L.199, No.59), is
     9  amended to read:
    10     Section 1372.  Exceptional Children; Education and
    11  Training.--(1)  Standards for Proper Education and Training of
    12  Exceptional Children. The State Board of Education shall adopt
    13  and prescribe standards and regulations for the proper education
    14  and training of all exceptional children by school districts or
    15  counties singly or jointly. The Department of [Public
    16  Instruction] Education shall have power, and it shall be its
    17  duty, to determine the counties which shall be joined for the
    18  purpose of providing proper education and training of
    19  exceptional children. Standards and regulations shall recognize
    20  such factors as number of exceptional children, types of
    21  handicaps, facility of transportation, adequacy of existing
    22  provisions for exceptional children, and availability of school
    23  plant facilities.
    24     (1.1)  Classrooms for Autistic Children.  To provide
    25  standards addressing the highly specialized environment for
    26  appropriate education of autistic children, classroom size and
    27  management for autistic children shall be set forth in each
    28  autistic child's individualized educational program and shall be
    29  in accordance with the following standards:
    30     (i)  There shall be two (2) teachers specialized in autism
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     1  and one teacher's aide for each classroom of autistic children.
     2  The term "specialized in autism" shall mean a minimum of an
     3  undergraduate degree in special education, three (3) credit
     4  hours in behavior management, six (6) credit hours in autism,
     5  one (1) on the job team teaching practicum with a certified
     6  mentor teacher in a program for autistic children and three (3)
     7  continuing education credits ever two (2) years.
     8     (ii)  Classrooms with students who are determined as being
     9  most challenging and classrooms with autistic children who have
    10  received formal group education for three (3) or less years
    11  shall have not less than three (3) and not more than six (6)
    12  students.
    13     (iii)  In other instances, there shall be no more than nine
    14  (9) students in a classroom of autistic children.
    15     (iv)  A behavior specialist or master teacher shall be
    16  assigned to each program of autistic children for the purposes
    17  of crisis intervention, teacher training and one-on-one
    18  instruction for students who have severe behaviors which create
    19  classroom and teaching difficulties. This staff person shall be
    20  free of regular teaching commitments, but shall have a formal
    21  room, for the purpose of carrying on the duties set forth in
    22  this paragraph.
    23     (2)  Plans for Education and Training Exceptional Children.
    24  Each intermediate unit, cooperatively with other intermediate
    25  units and with school districts shall prepare and submit to the
    26  [Superintendent of Public Instruction] Secretary of Education,
    27  on or before the first day of August, one thousand nine hundred
    28  seventy for his approval or disapproval, plans for the proper
    29  education and training of all exceptional children in accordance
    30  with the standards and regulations adopted by the State Board of
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     1  Education. Plans as provided for in this section shall be
     2  subject to revision from time to time as conditions warrant,
     3  subject to the approval of the [Superintendent of Public
     4  Instruction] Secretary of Education.
     5     (3)  Special Classes or Schools Established and Maintained by
     6  School Districts. Except as herein otherwise provided, it shall
     7  be the duty of the board of school directors of every school
     8  district to provide and maintain, or to jointly provide and
     9  maintain with neighboring districts, special classes or schools
    10  in accordance with the approved plan. The Secretary of Education
    11  shall superintend the organization of such special classes and
    12  such other arrangements for special education and shall enforce
    13  the provisions of this act relating thereto. If the approved
    14  plan indicates that it is not feasible to form a special class
    15  in any district or to provide such education for any such child
    16  in the public schools of the district, the board of school
    17  directors of the district shall secure such proper education and
    18  training outside the public schools of the district or in
    19  special institutions, or by providing for teaching the child in
    20  his home, in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by
    21  the Department of Education, on terms and conditions not
    22  inconsistent with the terms of this act or of any other act then
    23  in force applicable to such children. However, the institution
    24  of special classes and programs at the secondary level for
    25  exceptional children who are gifted and talented students may be
    26  deferred until September 1978 at the discretion of the board of
    27  the school directors of any school district.
    28     In addition to the above and in accordance with rules and
    29  regulations prescribed by the Department of Education, homebound
    30  instruction shall be provided for children confined in detention
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     1  homes as provided in section 7, act of June 2, 1933 (P.L.1433,
     2  No.311), as amended, for the period of their confinement, if
     3  their confinement exceeds or is expected to exceed ten days,
     4  even though such children are not exceptional.
     5     (4)  Classes for Exceptional Children. The intermediate unit
     6  shall have power, and it shall be its duty, to provide,
     7  maintain, administer, supervise and operate such additional
     8  classes or schools as are necessary or to otherwise provide for
     9  the proper education and training for all exceptional children
    10  who are not enrolled in classes or schools maintained and
    11  operated by school districts or who are not otherwise provided
    12  for.
    13     (5)  Day-Care Training Centers, Classes and Schools for the
    14  Proper Education and Training of Exceptional Children. Where in
    15  the judgment of the [Superintendent of Public Instruction]
    16  Secretary of Education, the provisions of this act relating to
    17  the proper education and training of exceptional children have
    18  not been complied with or the needs of exceptional children are
    19  not being adequately served, the Department of [Public
    20  Instruction] Education is hereby authorized to provide,
    21  including the payment of rental when necessary, maintain,
    22  administer, supervise and operate classes and schools for the
    23  proper education and training of exceptional children. Pupil
    24  eligibility for enrollment in classes for exceptional children
    25  shall be determined according to standards and regulations
    26  promulgated by the State Board of Education. For each child
    27  enrolled in any special class or school for exceptional children
    28  operated by the Department of [Public Instruction] Education,
    29  the school district in which the child is resident shall pay to
    30  the Commonwealth, a sum equal to the "tuition charge per
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     1  elementary pupil" or the "tuition charge per high school pupil"
     2  as determined for the schools operated by the district or by a
     3  joint board of which the district is a member, based upon the
     4  costs of the preceding school term as provided for in section
     5  two thousand five hundred sixty-one of the act to which this is
     6  an amendment plus a sum equal to ten (10) per centum of such
     7  tuition charges. In the event that any school district has not
     8  established such "tuition charge per elementary pupil" or
     9  "tuition charge per high school pupil," the [Superintendent of
    10  Public Instruction] Secretary of Education shall fix a
    11  reasonable charge for such district for the year in question. In
    12  order to facilitate such payments by the several school
    13  districts, the [Superintendent of Public Instruction] Secretary
    14  of Education shall withhold from any moneys due to such district
    15  out of any State appropriation, except from reimbursement due on
    16  account of rentals as provided in section two thousand five
    17  hundred eleven point one of the act to which this is an
    18  amendment, the amounts due by such school districts to the
    19  Commonwealth. All amounts so withheld are hereby specifically
    20  appropriated to the Department of [Public Instruction] Education
    21  for the maintenance and administration of centers and classes
    22  for exceptional children.
    23     (6)  Pupils Credited to District of Residence. The average
    24  daily membership of pupils enrolled in classes and schools for
    25  exceptional children, operated by an intermediate unit or by the
    26  Department of [Public Instruction] Education, shall be credited
    27  to the school district of residence for the purpose of
    28  determining the district's "teaching units" to be used in
    29  calculating the district's reimbursement fractions or weighted
    30  average daily membership to be used in calculating a district's
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     1  aid ratio and in determining payments to the district on account
     2  of instruction as provided in section two thousand five hundred
     3  two of the act to which this is an amendment.
     4     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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