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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1129



No. 959 Session of 2003

           THOMAS AND WALKO, MARCH 25, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 10, 1981 (P.L.214, No.67), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the lawful conduct of bingo, prescribing
     3     penalties and making a repeal," further providing for rules
     4     for licensing and operation and for revocation of licenses
     5     and abrogating regulations.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Section 5(c), (d) and (e) of the act of July 10,
     9  1981 (P.L.214, No.67), known as the Bingo Law, amended December
    10  15, 1982 (P.L.1299, No.293) and February 12, 1988 (P.L.76,
    11  No.14), is amended to read:
    12  Section 5.  Rules for licensing and operation.
    13     * * *
    14     (c)  Operation.--Each licensed association shall comply with
    15  the following restrictions and rules governing the operation of
    16  bingo:
    17         (1)  No person under the age of 18 shall be permitted to
    18     play bingo unless accompanied by an adult.

     1         (2)  No association shall conduct bingo more than twice
     2     in any one week, except an association shall be permitted to
     3     conduct the game of bingo for a period not to exceed ten days
     4     at the association's exposition, carnival or fair site in
     5     addition to the regularly scheduled games.
     6         (3)  Prizes awarded shall not exceed a value of $250 for
     7     any one game of bingo, except for jackpot games which shall
     8     not exceed a value of $2,000 for one such game. In addition,
     9     no more than $4,000 in prizes shall be awarded in any
    10     calendar day.
    11         (4)  Only associations licensed to conduct bingo shall be
    12     permitted to advertise their bingo games. Such advertisements
    13     shall contain the date, time, location, whether cash or
    14     merchandise prizes will be awarded and the name of the
    15     association licensed to conduct the bingo game and the name
    16     of the individual in charge of the operation of the game. An
    17     association shall not advertise the prizes or their dollar
    18     value which will be awarded nor shall they advertise a
    19     guaranteed prize dollar value.
    20         [(5)  The association shall own the equipment used in
    21     playing bingo or shall sign a written agreement leasing the
    22     equipment from another licensed association for a fee which
    23     is not determined by the amount of receipts realized from the
    24     playing of bingo or the number of people attending bingo
    25     games. Joint ownership of bingo equipment shall be permitted
    26     only if both owners of the equipment are licensed
    27     associations. This paragraph shall not apply to associations
    28     contracting charitable organizations or outside operators to
    29     conduct bingo at expositions, carnivals or fairs.]
    30         (6)  The association shall own both the premises upon
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     1     which bingo is played and the personal property used in the
     2     conduct of the game, or if it does not, the association shall
     3     sign a written agreement leasing such premises or personal
     4     property from the owner thereof [for a fee which is not
     5     determined by either the amount of receipts realized from the
     6     playing of bingo or the number of people attending bingo
     7     games]. An association shall not lease such premises or
     8     personal property from any person who has been convicted of a
     9     felony or a violation of this act.
    10         (7)  Each association shall keep written records of the
    11     moneys and merchandise collected and distributed for each day
    12     they conduct bingo. These records shall indicate the total
    13     proceeds collected, the total prize money distributed, the
    14     total value of all merchandise awarded as a prize and the
    15     amount of moneys paid as rentals or wages and to whom such
    16     rentals or wages were paid. All prizes awarded having a value
    17     greater than $250 shall be specifically described in the
    18     association's records.
    19         (8)  Each association shall deposit with a financial
    20     institution all proceeds for each day's bingo game in an
    21     account in the association's name. This deposit shall be made
    22     before any of the proceeds may be used for any other purpose,
    23     except for payment of prize money and compensation to members
    24     employed in the operation of the game.
    25         (9)  No association shall permit any person [who is not a
    26     bona fide member of the association or] who has been
    27     convicted of a felony or a violation of this act to manage,
    28     set up, supervise or participate in the operation of the
    29     association's bingo games. Nothing contained in this act
    30     shall be construed to prohibit individuals under 18 years of
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     1     age from participating in the operation of the game and being
     2     compensated therefor if written permission is obtained from
     3     their parent or guardian.
     4         (10)  Associations which obtain a license for the purpose
     5     of conducting bingo at an exposition, carnival or fair for a
     6     period not exceeding ten days shall be permitted to contract
     7     a charitable organization to manage, set up, supervise or
     8     participate in the operation of the bingo game provided only
     9     merchandise prizes are awarded. Only bona fide members of the
    10     contracted charitable organization shall be permitted to
    11     participate in the operation of the bingo game. If no
    12     charitable organizations are available, the association may
    13     contract an outside operator to conduct the game for
    14     merchandise at the exposition, carnival or fair site. The
    15     provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed to allow
    16     bingo games to be ordinarily carried out on a commercial
    17     basis in this Commonwealth.
    18         (11)  No person shall participate in the operation of
    19     bingo games on more than four days in any calendar week,
    20     which games may be operated by no more than two different
    21     licensed associations. This provision shall not apply to
    22     persons engaged in the operation of bingo for merchandise at
    23     expositions, carnivals or fairs not exceeding ten days in
    24     duration.
    25         (12)  No supplier of merchandise nor any person who has
    26     been convicted of a felony or a violation of this act shall
    27     have a pecuniary interest in the operation or proceeds of the
    28     bingo game.
    29     (d)  Application for license.--Each association shall apply
    30  to the licensing authority for a license on a form to be
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     1  prescribed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Said form shall
     2  contain an affidavit to be affirmed by the executive officer or
     3  secretary of the association stating that:
     4         (1)  No person under the age of 18 will be permitted by
     5     the association to play bingo unless accompanied by an adult.
     6         (2)  The facility in which any game of bingo is to be
     7     played does have adequate means of ingress and egress and
     8     adequate sanitary facilities available in the area.
     9         [(3)  The association is the sole or joint owner with a
    10     licensed association of the equipment used in playing bingo
    11     or it leases the equipment from another licensed association
    12     under a written agreement for a fee which is not determined
    13     by the amount of receipts realized from the playing of bingo
    14     or the number of people attending bingo games. This paragraph
    15     shall not apply to associations contracting with charitable
    16     organizations or outside operators to conduct bingo at
    17     expositions, carnivals or fairs.]
    18         (4)  The association is the owner of both the premises
    19     upon which bingo is played and the personal property used in
    20     the conduct of the game or, if it is not, that the
    21     association is not leasing such premises or personal property
    22     from the owner thereof under an oral agreement, [nor is it
    23     leasing such premises or personal property from the owner
    24     thereof under a written agreement at a rental which is
    25     determined by either the amount of receipts realized from the
    26     playing of bingo or the number of people attending bingo
    27     games,] nor is it leasing such premises or personal property
    28     from a person who has been convicted of a felony or a
    29     violation of this act.
    30         (5)  The association will not conduct the playing of
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     1     bingo more than twice per week in any one week, except those
     2     associations conducting bingo at expositions, carnivals or
     3     fairs.
     4         (6)  The association in any calendar day will not award a
     5     total of more than $4,000 in prizes.
     6         (7)  The association is a nonprofit association as
     7     defined in this act.
     8     (e)  Limitation on compensation.--[No person may be employed
     9  in the operation or the actual running of a bingo game for
    10  compensation greater than $50 per day, except employees of
    11  outside operators under section 5(c)(10), and any person
    12  compensated] Any person employed in the operation or the actual
    13  running of a bingo game shall be paid individually by check or
    14  by cash, in which case the payee shall sign a written receipt
    15  therefor. In addition, no person shall receive compensation from
    16  more than one source for services rendered in the operation of a
    17  bingo game.
    18     * * *
    19     Section 2.  Section 6(a) of the act, amended December 15,
    20  1982 (P.L.1299, No.293), is amended to read:
    21  Section 6.  Revocation of licenses.
    22     (a)  Grounds.--The licensing authority shall revoke or refuse
    23  to renew the license of any association whenever the district
    24  attorney finds upon investigation that:
    25         (1)  Any of the funds derived from the operation of the
    26     game of bingo are used for any purpose which does not support
    27     the nonprofit purposes of the association.
    28         (2)  Any person under the age of 18 unaccompanied by an
    29     adult is playing bingo as herein defined.
    30         (3)  The facility in which any game of bingo is played
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     1     does not have adequate means of ingress and egress or does
     2     not have adequate sanitary facilities available in the area.
     3         (4)  [Greater compensation than is herein authorized has
     4     been paid to or received by any person, or that] That a
     5     person or persons other than those authorized in section 5
     6     have been involved in managing, setting up, operating or
     7     running the game.
     8         (5)  The association conducts bingo using bingo equipment
     9     [which it does not own solely or jointly with another
    10     licensed association or] which it leases in violation of the
    11     statement contained in its license application provided by
    12     section 5(d)(3).
    13         (6)  The association conducts bingo upon premises which
    14     it does not own or with personal property it does not own and
    15     is either:
    16             (i)  leasing such premises or personal property used
    17         in the conduct of the game from the owner thereof under
    18         an oral agreement;
    19             [(ii)  leasing such premises or personal property
    20         from the owner thereof under a written agreement at a
    21         rental which is determined by either the amount of
    22         receipts realized from the playing of bingo or the number
    23         of people attending bingo games;] or
    24             (iii)  leasing such premises or personal property
    25         from a person who has been convicted of a felony or a
    26         violation of this act.
    27         (7)  False or erroneous information was provided in the
    28     original notarized application.
    29         (8)  An association has been convicted of a violation of
    30     this act as evidenced by a certified record of the
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     1     conviction.
     2     * * *
     3     Section 3.  All regulations or parts of regulations are
     4  hereby abrogated insofar as they are inconsistent with this act.
     5     Section 4.  All other acts and parts of acts are repealed
     6  insofar as they are inconsistent with this act.
     7     Section 5.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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