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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1133



No. 963 Session of 2003

           WASHINGTON, MARCH 25, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 22, 1933 (P.L.853, No.155), entitled "An
     2     act relating to taxation; designating the subjects, property
     3     and persons subject to and exempt from taxation for all local
     4     purposes; providing for and regulating the assessment and
     5     valuation of persons, property and subjects of taxation for
     6     county purposes, and for the use of those municipal and
     7     quasi-municipal corporations which levy their taxes on county
     8     assessments and valuations; amending, revising and
     9     consolidating the law relating thereto; and repealing
    10     existing laws," further providing for appeal to court from
    11     assessments.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Section 518.1 of the act of May 22, 1933
    15  (P.L.853, No.155), known as The General County Assessment Law,
    16  amended May 26, 1988 (P.L.409, No.69), is amended to read:
    17     Section 518.1.  Appeal to Court from Assessments; Collection
    18  Pending Appeal; Payment into Court; Refunds.--(a)  Any owner of
    19  real estate or taxable property in this Commonwealth, who may
    20  feel aggrieved by the last or any future assessment or valuation
    21  of his real estate or taxable property, may appeal from the
    22  decision of the county commissioners, acting as a board of

     1  revision, or the board of revision of taxes, or the board for
     2  the assessment and revision of taxes, or the Board of Property
     3  Assessment, Appeals and Review, in counties of the second class,
     4  as the case may be, to the court and, thereupon, the court shall
     5  proceed, at the earliest convenient time to be by them
     6  appointed, of which notice shall be given to the county
     7  commissioners, acting as a board of revision, or the board of
     8  revision of taxes, or the board for the assessment and revision
     9  of taxes, or the Board of Property Assessment, Appeals and
    10  Review, in counties of the second class, as the case may be, to
    11  hear the said appeal and the proofs in the case and to make such
    12  orders and decrees touching the matter complained of as to the
    13  judges of said court may seem just and equitable having due
    14  regard to the valuation and assessment made of other real estate
    15  in such county or city, the costs and attorney fees of the
    16  appeal and hearing to be [apportioned or paid as the court may
    17  direct] paid by the county if the owner of the real estate or
    18  taxable property succeeds on the merits: Provided, however, That
    19  the appeal shall not prevent the collection of the taxes
    20  complained of, but in case the same shall be reduced, then the
    21  excess shall be returned to the person or persons who shall have
    22  paid the same: And provided further, That the appellant may pay
    23  the amount of the tax alleged to be due by reason of the
    24  assessment appealed from to the tax collector, under protest in
    25  writing, in which case when the tax is paid over to the taxing
    26  district, it shall be the duty of the tax collector to notify
    27  the taxing district of such payment under protest by delivering
    28  to it the protest in writing. Whereupon, the taxing district
    29  with the exception of cities of the second class and school
    30  districts of the first class A within such counties shall be
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     1  required to segregate twenty-five per centum (25%) of the amount
     2  of the tax paid over, and shall deposit the same in a separate
     3  account in the depository in which the funds of the taxing
     4  district are deposited, and shall not be permitted to expend any
     5  portion of such segregated amount, unless it shall first
     6  petition the court alleging that such segregated amount is
     7  unjustly withheld. Thereupon, the court shall have power to
     8  order the use by the taxing district of such portion of such
     9  segregated amount as shall appear to said court to be reasonably
    10  free from dispute, and the remainder of the segregated amount
    11  shall be held segregated by the taxing district pending the
    12  final disposition of the appeal: Provided further, That upon
    13  final disposition of the appeal the amount found to be due the
    14  appellant as a refund, together with interest thereon and any
    15  costs and attorney fees awarded by the court to the appellant,
    16  shall also be a legal set off or credit against any taxes
    17  assessed against appellant by the same taxing district and where
    18  a taxing district alleges that it is unable to thus credit all
    19  of such refund in one year, the court, upon application of
    20  either party, shall determine over what period of time such
    21  refund shall be made, and shall fix the amount thereof which
    22  shall be credited in any year or years. This proviso shall be
    23  construed to apply to all refunds that are now due, or may
    24  hereafter become due, as the result of appeals from assessments
    25  that have not been finally determined or adjusted at the time
    26  this act takes effect regardless whether there has been a
    27  payment of any moneys into court or to the tax collector under
    28  written protest.
    29     (b)  If a taxpayer has filed an appeal from an assessment, so
    30  long as the appeal is pending before the board or before a court
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     1  on appeal from the determination of the board, as provided by
     2  statute, the appeal will also be taken as an appeal by the
     3  taxpayer on the subject property for any valuation for any
     4  assessment subsequent to the filing of such appeal with the
     5  board and prior to the determination of the appeal by the board
     6  or the court. This provision shall be applicable to all pending
     7  appeals as well as future appeals.
     8     (c)  Appeals to courts of common pleas may be referred by
     9  such courts to boards of arbitrators under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 73
    10  Subch. C (relating to judicial arbitration) or to boards of
    11  viewers under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 21 Subch. E (relating to boards of
    12  viewers) in accordance with rules and procedures prescribed by
    13  such courts.
    14     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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