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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1079



No. 971 Session of 1999

           MARCH 22, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing deadlines for budgetary actions by the General
     2     Assembly; and imposing certain sanctions.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Budget Reform
     7  Act.
     8  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
     9     It is the intent of the General Assembly that this act
    10  promote the timely passage of the annual State budget and
    11  broaden the opportunities for participation in the budget
    12  process by all members of the General Assembly.
    13  Section 3.  Definitions.
    14     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    15  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    16  context clearly indicates otherwise:

     1     "Balanced budget."  A budget that sets forth in detail:
     2         (1)  The amounts to be appropriated to the General
     3     Assembly, the Judicial Department, the Governor and the
     4     several administrative departments, boards and commissions of
     5     the State government, and to institutions within this
     6     Commonwealth, and for all public purposes, classified by
     7     department or agency and by program, including those
     8     institutions covered under section 30 of Article III of the
     9     Constitution of Pennsylvania. Total appropriations, including
    10     executive authorizations, from any fund shall not exceed the
    11     estimated revenues or receipts from that fund as defined in
    12     paragraph (2).
    13         (2)  The total estimated revenues or receipts available
    14     from all current and proposed sources for Federal
    15     appropriations, including executive authorizations, from the
    16     General Fund, for State appropriations, including executive
    17     authorizations, from the General Fund and for appropriations,
    18     including executive authorizations, made by the General
    19     Assembly from any other funds.
    20  Section 4.  Required budget introduction.
    21     No later than the third week of May, the Majority Leader and
    22  the Minority Leader of the Senate or the chair or minority chair
    23  of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the Majority
    24  Leader and the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives
    25  or the chair or minority chair of the Appropriations Committee
    26  of the House of Representatives shall introduce, jointly or
    27  separately, a balanced budget along with any legislation
    28  concerning proposals for new revenues and receipts included in
    29  the total estimated revenues or receipts.
    30  Section 5.  Initial passage of proposed budget.
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     1     No later than June 7, the Senate and the House of
     2  Representatives shall each be required to pass a balanced budget
     3  along with any legislation concerning proposals for new revenues
     4  and receipts included in the total estimated revenues or
     5  receipts.
     6  Section 6.  Budgetary limitation on conference committees.
     7     (a)  Meeting.--No committee of conference on the budget for
     8  the ensuing fiscal year can meet until both chambers have passed
     9  a balanced budget bill along with any legislation concerning
    10  proposals for new revenues and receipts as required under
    11  section 5.
    12     (b)  Budget report.--The report of the Committee of
    13  Conference on the budget for the ensuing fiscal year may not be
    14  brought to a final vote in either chamber until 24 hours after
    15  the report has been signed.
    16     (c)  Revenue report.--The report of the Committee of
    17  Conference on any revenue-raising bill may not be brought to a
    18  final vote in either chamber until 24 hours after the report has
    19  been signed.
    20  Section 7.  Final passage and certification.
    21     No later than June 30, the General Assembly shall finally
    22  pass a balanced budget and all legislation necessary for the
    23  implementation of the budget. The Majority Leader and the
    24  Minority Leader of the Senate and the Majority Leader and the
    25  Minority Leader of the House of Representatives shall certify to
    26  the President pro tempore of the Senate and to the Speaker of
    27  the House of Representatives that legislative authorization has
    28  passed for the expenditure of all funds appropriated in the
    29  passed budget.
    30  Section 8.  Sanctions.
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     1     (a)  Failure to comply with section 4.--In the event that the
     2  presiding officer of either chamber has determined that the
     3  Majority Leader or the Minority Leader of the Senate or the
     4  Majority Leader or the Minority Leader of the House of
     5  Representatives by the third week of May has not complied with
     6  the requirements of section 4, then the operating accounts of
     7  that leader's caucus of the General Assembly shall be suspended
     8  so that no moneys can be expended from such operating accounts
     9  until the requirements of section 4 are met without regard to
    10  date.
    11     (b)  Failure to comply with section 5.--In the event that the
    12  presiding officer of either chamber has determined that the
    13  Senate or the House of Representatives by June 7 has not
    14  complied with the requirements of section 5, then the operating
    15  accounts of that chamber shall be suspended so that no moneys
    16  can be expended from such operating accounts until the
    17  requirements of section 5 are met without regard to date.
    18     (c)  Failure to comply with section 7.--In the event that a
    19  balanced budget is not passed and the certification required
    20  under section 7 is not made by June 30, the operating accounts
    21  of the General Assembly shall be suspended so that no moneys can
    22  be expended from such accounts until such requirements have been
    23  met without regard to date.
    24     (d)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term
    25  "operating account" means any account or portion of an account
    26  used for, but not limited to, expenditures for any and all
    27  personnel costs for elected members or employees, operating
    28  expenses and the purchase of fixed assets.
    29  Section 9.  Rules and procedures.
    30     Each chamber of the General Assembly shall adopt rules and
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     1  procedures necessary to implement this legislation.
     2  Section 10.  Effective date.
     3     This act shall take effect immediately.

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