See other bills
under the
same topic
                                 SENATE AMENDED
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1091, 2526, 2831         PRINTER'S NO. 2892



No. 985 Session of 1997


           FEBRUARY 4, 1998

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), entitled, as
     2     reenacted, "An act relating to alcoholic liquors, alcohol and
     3     malt and brewed beverages; amending, revising, consolidating
     4     and changing the laws relating thereto; regulating and
     5     restricting the manufacture, purchase, sale, possession,
     6     consumption, importation, transportation, furnishing, holding
     7     in bond, holding in storage, traffic in and use of alcoholic
     8     liquors, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages and the
     9     persons engaged or employed therein; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board; providing
    11     for the establishment and operation of State liquor stores,
    12     for the payment of certain license fees to the respective
    13     municipalities and townships, for the abatement of certain
    14     nuisances and, in certain cases, for search and seizure
    15     without warrant; prescribing penalties and forfeitures;
    16     providing for local option, and repealing existing laws,"
    17     eliminating the requirement that certain licensees obtain      <--
    18     bonds; further providing for sales by licensees, for
    19     restrictions on sales by liquor licensees, for the time
    20     period of special occasion permits, for renewal of licenses,
    21     for unlawful acts relative to liquor, malt and brewed
    22     beverages and licensees, for certain performing arts
    23     facilities and for local option; and authorizing retail
    24     dispenser eating place and club licensees to accept credit
    25     cards for purchases. FURTHER PROVIDING FOR SALES BY LIQUOR     <--


     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Section 403(a) of the act of April 12, 1951        <--
     7  (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor Code, reenacted and amended
     8  June 29, 1987 (P.L.32, No.14) and amended April 29, 1994
     9  (P.L.212, No.30), is amended to read:
    10     Section 403.  Applications for Hotel, Restaurant and Club
    11  Liquor Licenses.--(a)  Every applicant for a hotel liquor
    12  license, restaurant liquor license or club liquor license or for
    13  the transfer of an existing license to another premises not then
    14  licensed shall file a written application with the board in such
    15  form and containing such information as the board shall from
    16  time to time prescribe, which shall be accompanied by a filing
    17  fee and an annual license fee as prescribed in section 614-A of
    18  the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The
    19  Administrative Code of 1929[," and the bond hereinafter
    20  specified.]." Every such application shall contain a description
    21  of that part of the hotel, restaurant or club for which the
    22  applicant desires a license and shall set forth such other
    23  material information, description or plan of that part of the
    24  hotel, restaurant or club where it is proposed to keep and sell
    25  liquor as may be required by the regulations of the board. The
    26  descriptions, information and plans referred to in this
    27  subsection shall show the hotel, restaurant, club, or the
    28  proposed location for the construction of a hotel, restaurant or
    29  club, at the time the application is made, and shall show any
    30  alterations proposed to be made thereto, or the new building
    31  proposed to be constructed after the approval by the board of
    19970H0985B2892                  - 2 -

     1  the application for a license or for the transfer of an existing
     2  license to another premises not then licensed. No physical
     3  alterations, improvements or changes shall be required to be
     4  made to any hotel, restaurant or club, nor shall any new
     5  building for any such purpose, be required to be constructed
     6  until approval of the application for license or for the
     7  transfer of an existing license to another premises not then
     8  licensed by the board. After approval of the application, the
     9  licensee shall make the physical alterations, improvements and
    10  changes to the licensed premises, or shall construct the new
    11  building in the manner specified by the board at the time of
    12  approval, and the licensee shall not transact any business under
    13  the license until the board has approved the completed physical
    14  alterations, improvements and changes to the licensed premises,
    15  or the completed construction of the new building as conforming
    16  to the specifications required by the board at the time of
    17  issuance or transfer of the license, and is satisfied that the
    18  establishment is a restaurant, hotel or club as defined by this
    19  act. The board may require that all such alterations or
    20  construction or conformity to definition be completed within six
    21  months from the time of issuance or transfer of the license.
    22  Failure to comply with these requirements shall be considered
    23  cause for revocation of the license. No such license shall be
    24  transferable between the time of issuance or transfer of the
    25  license and the approval of the completed alterations or
    26  construction by the board and full compliance by the licensee
    27  with the requirements of this act, except in the case of death
    28  of the licensee prior to full compliance with all of the
    29  aforementioned requirements, in which event, the license may be
    30  transferred by the board as provided in this act.
    19970H0985B2892                  - 3 -

     1     * * *
     2     Section 2.  Section 404 of the act, amended April 29, 1994
     3  (P.L.212, No.30) and October 5, 1994 (P.L.522, No.77), is
     4  amended to read:
     5     Section 404.  Issuance of Hotel, Restaurant and Club Liquor
     6  Licenses.--Upon receipt of the application[,] and the proper
     7  fees [and bond,] and upon being satisfied of the truth of the
     8  statements in the application that the applicant is the only
     9  person in any manner pecuniarily interested in the business so
    10  asked to be licensed and that no other person will be in any
    11  manner pecuniarily interested therein during the continuance of
    12  the license, except as hereinafter permitted, and that the
    13  applicant is a person of good repute, that the premises applied
    14  for meet all the requirements of this act and the regulations of
    15  the board, that the applicant seeks a license for a hotel,
    16  restaurant or club, as defined in this act, and that the
    17  issuance of such license is not prohibited by any of the
    18  provisions of this act, the board shall, in the case of a hotel
    19  or restaurant, grant and issue to the applicant a liquor
    20  license, and in the case of a club may, in its discretion, issue
    21  or refuse a license: Provided, however, That in the case of any
    22  new license or the transfer of any license to a new location the
    23  board may, in its discretion, grant or refuse such new license
    24  or transfer if such place proposed to be licensed is within
    25  three hundred feet of any church, hospital, charitable
    26  institution, school, or public playground, or if such new
    27  license or transfer is applied for a place which is within two
    28  hundred feet of any other premises which is licensed by the
    29  board: And provided further, That the board shall refuse any
    30  application for a new license or the transfer of any license to
    19970H0985B2892                  - 4 -

     1  a new location if, in the board's opinion, such new license or
     2  transfer would be detrimental to the welfare, health, peace and
     3  morals of the inhabitants of the neighborhood within a radius of
     4  five hundred feet of the place proposed to be licensed: And
     5  provided further, That prior to July 1, 1996, in any license
     6  district in a city of the first class, the board may, in its
     7  opinion, refuse any application for a new license or for any
     8  person-to-person transfer which shall include a change in
     9  stockholders involving ten per centum or more of all outstanding
    10  voting stock and/or less than ten per centum of all outstanding
    11  voting stock when such change involves a majority or controlling
    12  interest, of any license if the licensed premises is or would be
    13  within three hundred feet of any church, hospital, charitable
    14  institution, school or public playground or within two hundred
    15  feet of any other premises licensed by the board and if, in the
    16  opinion of the board, the licensed premises is or would be
    17  detrimental to the welfare, health, peace and morals of such
    18  church, hospital, school, public playground and/or the
    19  inhabitants of the neighborhood within a radius of five hundred
    20  feet of the licensed premises. This authority to refuse a
    21  person-to-person transfer in a city of the first class is in
    22  addition to and not in derogation of the authority of the board
    23  generally stated for all areas of this Commonwealth: And
    24  provided further, That the board shall have the discretion to
    25  refuse a license to any person or to any corporation,
    26  partnership or association if such person, or any officer or
    27  director of such corporation, or any member or partner of such
    28  partnership or association shall have been convicted or found
    29  guilty of a felony within a period of five years immediately
    30  preceding the date of application for the said license. The
    19970H0985B2892                  - 5 -

     1  board shall refuse any application for a new license or the
     2  transfer of any license to a location where the sale of liquid
     3  fuels or oil is conducted. Upon any opening in any quota, an
     4  application for a new license shall only be filed with the board
     5  for a period of six months following said opening.
     6     Section 3.  Section 405(e) of the act, amended April 29, 1994
     7  (P.L.212, No.30), is amended to read:
     8     Section 405.  License Fees.--* * *
     9     (e)  Every application for a restaurant liquor license for a
    10  nonprimary pari-mutuel wagering location or a racetrack shall be
    11  accompanied by an applicant's fee of five thousand dollars
    12  ($5,000) [and a bond in the penal sum of two thousand dollars
    13  ($2,000)] for the first year of a licensing period. Thereafter,
    14  the nonprimary pari-mutuel wagering location or the racetrack
    15  shall be subject to the above stated fees for restaurant
    16  licenses [and the filing of a bond in the amount of two thousand
    17  dollars ($2,000)] for each year of a licensing period.
    18     Section 4.  Section 406(a) of the act is amended by adding
    19  clauses to read:
    20     SECTION 1.  SECTION 406(A) OF THE ACT OF APRIL 12, 1951        <--
    22  JUNE 29, 1987 (P.L.32, NO.14), IS AMENDED BY ADDING A PARAGRAPH
    23  TO READ:
    24     Section 406.  Sales by Liquor Licensees; Restrictions.--(a)
    25  * * *
    26     (7)  Notwithstanding any provision of this act, on the Sunday
    27  on which the sporting event commonly referred to as the "Super
    28  Bowl" is conducted, licensees who do not possess the special
    29  annual permit provided for in clause PARAGRAPH (3), their         <--
    30  servants, agents or employes may sell liquor and malt or brewed
    19970H0985B2892                  - 6 -

     1  beverages on such Sunday after one o'clock postmeridian and
     2  until two o'clock antemeridian of the following day.
     3     (8)  Notwithstanding other provisions to the contrary, a       <--
     4  catering club licensee that is a volunteer fire company may sell
     5  liquor or malt or brewed beverages to nonmembers who purchase
     6  tickets in advance or at the door for a catered function.
     7     * * *
     8     Section 5.  Section 408(c) and (d) of the act, amended April   <--
     9  29, 1994 (P.L.212, No.30), are amended to read:
    10     Section 408.  Public Service Liquor Licenses.--* * *
    11     (c)  Every applicant for a public service liquor license
    12  shall [file with the board a surety bond as hereinafter
    13  prescribed,] pay to the board for each of the maximum number of
    14  dining, club or buffet cars which the applicant estimates it
    15  will have in operation on any one day an annual fee as
    16  prescribed in section 614-A of the act of April 9, 1929
    17  (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The Administrative Code of 1929."
    18     (d)  Unless previously revoked, every license issued by the
    19  board under this section shall expire if the annual fee is not
    20  timely paid or on the last day of the license period for which
    21  the license is issued. Licenses issued under the provisions of
    22  this section shall be renewed as herein provided, upon the
    23  filing of applications in such form as the board shall
    24  prescribe, but no license shall be renewed until the applicant
    25  shall [file with the board a new surety bond and shall] pay the
    26  requisite license fee.
    27     * * *
    28     Section 6.  Sections 408.1(f), 408.2(f) and 408.3(f) of the
    29  act are amended to read:
    30     Section 408.1.  Trade Show and Convention Licenses.--* * *
    19970H0985B2892                  - 7 -

     1     [(f)  The penal sum of the bond which shall be filed by an
     2  applicant for a trade show and convention license pursuant to
     3  section 465 of this article shall be two thousand dollars
     4  ($2,000) and in addition thereto he shall file an additional
     5  bond in a sum to assure payment of any suspension of license up
     6  to one hundred days.]
     7     * * *
     8     Section 408.2.  City-Owned Stadia.--* * *
     9     [(f)  The penal sum of the bond which shall be filed by an
    10  applicant for a stadium license pursuant to section 465 of the
    11  "Liquor Code" shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000) and in
    12  addition thereto he shall file an additional bond in a sum to
    13  assure payment of any fine imposed by the board up to one
    14  thousand dollars ($1,000).]
    15     * * *
    16     Section 408.3.  Performing Arts Facilities.--* * *
    17     [(f)  The penal sum of the bond which shall be filed by an
    18  applicant for a performing arts facility pursuant to section 465
    19  of the "Liquor Code" shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000).]
    20     * * *
    21     Section 7 2.  Section 408.4(a) of the act, amended December    <--
    22  20, 1996 (P.L.1523, No.199), is amended to read:
    23     Section 408.4.  Special Occasion Permits.--(a)  Upon
    24  application of any hospital, church, synagogue, volunteer fire
    25  company, volunteer ambulance company, volunteer rescue squad,
    26  nonprofit agricultural association in existence for at least ten
    27  years, bona fide sportsmen's club in existence for at least ten
    28  years, nationally chartered veterans' organization and any
    29  affiliated lodge or subdivision of such organization, fraternal
    30  benefit society that is licensed to do business in this
    19970H0985B2892                  - 8 -

     1  Commonwealth and any affiliated lodge or subdivision of such
     2  fraternal benefit society, or [the] one auxiliary of any of the
     3  foregoing, and upon payment of the prescribed fee for special
     4  occasion permits under section 614-A of the act of April 9, 1929
     5  (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The Administrative Code of 1929,"
     6  the board shall issue a special occasion permit good for a
     7  period of not more than [five] six consecutive or nonconsecutive
     8  days[: Provided, however, That the five nonconsecutive days
     9  shall be used in a three-month period measured from the date of
    10  the first day.] during a calendar year. Special occasion permits
    11  may also be issued to a museum operated by a nonprofit
    12  corporation in a city of the third class or township of the
    13  first class or a nonprofit corporation engaged in the performing
    14  arts in a city of the third class or in an incorporated town for
    15  a period of not more than six nonconsecutive or ten consecutive
    16  days at the prescribed fee for special occasion permits under
    17  section 614-A of "The Administrative Code of 1929."
    18     * * *
    19     Section 8.  Section 408.6(a) and (f) of the act, amended       <--
    20  April 29, 1994 (P.L.212, No.30) and May 31, 1996 (P.L.312,
    21  No.49), are amended to read:
    22     SECTION 3.  SECTIONS 408.6(A) AND 433.1(A) OF THE ACT,         <--
    23  AMENDED MAY 31, 1996 (P.L.312, NO.49), ARE AMENDED TO READ:
    24     Section 408.6.  Performing Arts Facilities in Second Class A
    25  Cities, Third Class Cities, BOROUGHS and Townships of the Second  <--
    26  Class Located in Fourth Class Counties.--(a)  The board is
    27  authorized to issue a restaurant liquor license to a nonprofit
    28  corporation or to a concessionaire selected by such nonprofit
    29  corporation in any city of the second class A [or], any city of
    30  the third class or any borough for the retail sale of liquor and
    19970H0985B2892                  - 9 -

     1  malt or brewed beverages by the glass, open bottles or other
     2  container or in any mixture for consumption on any city-owned
     3  premises utilized as a nonprofit performing arts facility or any
     4  other premises utilized as a nonprofit performing arts facility
     5  where there is an available seating capacity within the premises
     6  of six hundred fifty or more: Provided, however, That no sale or
     7  consumption of such beverages shall take place on any portions
     8  of such premises other than service areas approved by the board.
     9     * * *
    10     [(f)  The penal sum of the bond which shall be filed by an     <--
    11  applicant for a performing arts facility pursuant to section 465
    12  shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000) for each year of a
    13  licensing period.]
    14     * * *
    15     Section 9.  Sections 408.7(f), 408.8(f), 408.10(f),
    16  408.11(f), 409(b) and 410(b) and (c) of the act, amended or
    17  added April 29, 1994 (P.L.212, No.30), are amended to read:
    18     Section 408.7.  Performing Arts Facilities in First and
    19  Second Class Cities.--* * *
    20     [(f)  The penal sum of the bond which shall be filed by an
    21  applicant for a performing arts facility pursuant to section 465
    22  shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000) for each year of a
    23  licensing period.]
    24     * * *
    25     Section 408.8.  Trade Shows and Convention Licenses; Cities
    26  of the Third Class.--* * *
    27     [(f)  The penal sum of the bond which shall be filed by an
    28  applicant for a trade show or convention facility pursuant to
    29  section 465 shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000) for each year
    30  of a licensing period.]
    19970H0985B2892                 - 10 -

     1     * * *
     2     Section 408.10.  Recreation Facilities.--* * *
     3     [(f)  The penal sum of the bond which shall be filed by an
     4  applicant for a license issued under this section, pursuant to
     5  section 465, shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000) for each
     6  year of a licensing period, and in addition thereto the
     7  applicant shall file an additional bond in a sum to assure
     8  payment of any fine imposed by the board up to one thousand
     9  dollars ($1,000).]
    10     * * *
    11     Section 408.11.  Seasonal Outdoor Cafe.--* * *
    12     [(f)  The penal sum of the bond which shall be filed by an
    13  applicant for a license issued under this section, pursuant to
    14  section 465, shall be two thousand dollars ($2,000).]
    15     * * *
    16     Section 409.  Sacramental Wine Licenses; Fees; Privileges;
    17  Restrictions.--* * *
    18     (b)  Every applicant for a sacramental wine license shall
    19  file a written application with the board in such form as the
    20  board shall from time to time prescribe, which shall be
    21  accompanied by a filing fee as prescribed in section 614-A of
    22  the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The
    23  Administrative Code of 1929," and a license fee of one hundred
    24  dollars[, and a bond as hereinafter prescribed]. Every such
    25  application shall contain a description of the premises for
    26  which the applicant desires a license and shall set forth such
    27  other material information as may be required by the board.
    28     * * *
    29     Section 410.  Liquor Importers' Licenses; Fees; Privileges;
    30  Restrictions.--* * *
    19970H0985B2892                 - 11 -

     1     (b)  Every applicant for an importer's license shall file a
     2  written application with the board in such form as the board
     3  shall from time to time prescribe. The filing and license fees
     4  shall be as prescribed in section 614-A of the act of April 9,
     5  1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The Administrative Code of
     6  1929." [The applicant shall file a bond as hereinafter
     7  required.] Every such application shall contain a description of
     8  the principal place of business for which the applicant desires
     9  a license and shall set forth such other material information as
    10  may be required by the board.
    11     (c)  The holder of an importer's license may have included in
    12  such license one warehouse wherein only his liquor may be kept
    13  and stored, located in the same municipality in which his
    14  licensed premises is situate, and not elsewhere, unless such
    15  licensee secures from the board a license for each additional
    16  storage warehouse desired. The board is authorized and empowered
    17  to issue to a holder of an importer's license a license for an
    18  additional storage warehouse or warehouses located in this
    19  Commonwealth, provided such licensed importer files with the
    20  board a separate application for each warehouse in such form and
    21  containing such information as the board may from time to time
    22  require. The filing and license fees shall be as prescribed in
    23  section 614-A of "The Administrative Code of 1929." [The
    24  applicant shall file a bond of an approved surety company in the
    25  amount of ten thousand dollars for each year of a licensing
    26  period. Such bond shall contain the same provisions and
    27  conditions as are required in the other license bonds under this
    28  article.]
    29     * * *
    30     Section 10.  Section 431(a) and (b) of the act, amended May
    19970H0985B2892                 - 12 -

     1  31, 1996 (P.L.312, No.49), are amended to read:
     2     Section 431.  Malt and Brewed Beverages Manufacturers',
     3  Distributors' and Importing Distributors' Licenses.--(a)  The
     4  board shall issue to any person a resident of this Commonwealth
     5  of good repute who applies therefor, and pays the license fee
     6  hereinafter prescribed, [and files the bond hereinafter
     7  required,] a manufacturer's license to produce and manufacture
     8  malt or brewed beverages, and to transport, sell and deliver
     9  malt or brewed beverages at or from one or more places of
    10  manufacture or storage, only in original containers, in
    11  quantities of not less than a case or original containers
    12  containing one hundred twenty-eight ounces or more which may be
    13  sold separately anywhere within the Commonwealth. Licenses for
    14  places of storage shall be limited to those maintained by
    15  manufacturers on July eighteenth, one thousand nine hundred
    16  thirty-five, and the board shall issue no licenses for places of
    17  storage in addition to those maintained on July eighteenth, one
    18  thousand nine hundred thirty-five. The application for such
    19  license shall be in such form and contain such information as
    20  the board shall require. All such licenses shall be granted for
    21  a license period to be determined by the board. Every
    22  manufacturer shall keep at his or its principal place of
    23  business, within the Commonwealth daily permanent records which
    24  shall show, (1) the quantities of raw materials received and
    25  used in the manufacture of malt or brewed beverages and the
    26  quantities of malt or brewed beverages manufactured and stored,
    27  (2) the sales of malt or brewed beverages, (3) the quantities of
    28  malt or brewed beverages stored for hire or transported for hire
    29  by or for the licensee, and (4) the names and addresses of the
    30  purchasers or other recipients thereof. Every place licensed as
    19970H0985B2892                 - 13 -

     1  a manufacturer shall be subject to inspection by members of the
     2  board or by persons duly authorized and designated by the board,
     3  at any and all times of the day or night, as they may deem
     4  necessary, for the detection of violations of this act or of the
     5  rules and regulations of the board, or for the purpose of
     6  ascertaining the correctness of the records required to be kept
     7  by licensees. The books and records of such licensees shall at
     8  all times be open to inspection by members of the board or by
     9  persons duly authorized and designated by the board. Members of
    10  the board and its duly authorized agents shall have the right,
    11  without hindrance, to enter any place which is subject to
    12  inspection hereunder or any place where such records are kept
    13  for the purpose of making such inspections and making
    14  transcripts thereof. Whenever any checks issued in payment of
    15  filing and/or license fees shall be returned to the board as
    16  dishonored, the board shall charge a fee of five dollars ($5.00)
    17  per hundred dollars or fractional part thereof, plus all protest
    18  fees, to the maker of such check submitted to the board. Failure
    19  to make full payment or pay the face amount of the check in full
    20  and all charges thereon as herein required within ten days after
    21  demand has been made by the board upon the maker of the check or
    22  upon notification to the board by the Department of Revenue or
    23  the Department of Labor and Industry of its objection, the
    24  license of such person shall immediately become invalid and
    25  shall remain invalid until payment and all charges are received
    26  by the board.
    27     (b)  The board shall issue to any reputable person who
    28  applies therefor, and pays the license fee hereinafter
    29  prescribed, [and files the bond hereinafter required,] a
    30  distributor's or importing distributor's license for the place
    19970H0985B2892                 - 14 -

     1  which such person desires to maintain for the sale of malt or
     2  brewed beverages, not for consumption on the premises where
     3  sold, and in quantities of not less than a case or original
     4  containers containing one hundred twenty-eight ounces or more
     5  which may be sold separately as prepared for the market by the
     6  manufacturer at the place of manufacture. The board shall have
     7  the discretion to refuse a license to any person or to any
     8  corporation, partnership or association if such person, or any
     9  officer or director of such corporation, or any member or
    10  partner of such partnership or association shall have been
    11  convicted or found guilty of a felony within a period of five
    12  years immediately preceding the date of application for the said
    13  license: And provided further, That, in the case of any new
    14  license or the transfer of any license to a new location, the
    15  board may, in its discretion, grant or refuse such new license
    16  or transfer if such place proposed to be licensed is within
    17  three hundred feet of any church, hospital, charitable
    18  institution, school or public playground, or if such new license
    19  or transfer is applied for a place which is within two hundred
    20  feet of any other premises which is licensed by the board: And
    21  provided further, That the board shall refuse any application
    22  for a new license or the transfer of any license to a new
    23  location if, in the board's opinion, such new license or
    24  transfer would be detrimental to the welfare, health, peace and
    25  morals of the inhabitants of the neighborhood within a radius of
    26  five hundred feet of the place proposed to be licensed. The
    27  board shall refuse any application for a new license or the
    28  transfer of any license to a location where the sale of liquid
    29  fuels or oil is conducted. The board shall require notice to be
    30  posted on the property or premises upon which the licensee or
    19970H0985B2892                 - 15 -

     1  proposed licensee will engage in sales of malt or brewed
     2  beverages. This notice shall be similar to the notice required
     3  of hotel, restaurant and club liquor licensees.
     4     Except as hereinafter provided, such license shall authorize
     5  the holder thereof to sell or deliver malt or brewed beverages
     6  in quantities above specified anywhere within the Commonwealth
     7  of Pennsylvania, which, in the case of distributors, have been
     8  purchased only from persons licensed under this act as
     9  manufacturers or importing distributors, and in the case of
    10  importing distributors, have been purchased from manufacturers
    11  or persons outside this Commonwealth engaged in the legal sale
    12  of malt or brewed beverages or from manufacturers or importing
    13  distributors licensed under this article.
    14     Each out of State manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages
    15  whose products are sold and delivered in this Commonwealth shall
    16  give distributing rights for such products in designated
    17  geographical areas to specific importing distributors, and such
    18  importing distributor shall not sell or deliver malt or brewed
    19  beverages manufactured by the out of State manufacturer to any
    20  person issued a license under the provisions of this act whose
    21  licensed premises are not located within the geographical area
    22  for which he has been given distributing rights by such
    23  manufacturer. Should a licensee accept the delivery of such malt
    24  or brewed beverages in violation of this section, said licensee
    25  shall be subject to a suspension of his license for at least
    26  thirty days: Provided, That the importing distributor holding
    27  such distributing rights for such product shall not sell or
    28  deliver the same to another importing distributor without first
    29  having entered into a written agreement with the said secondary
    30  importing distributor setting forth the terms and conditions
    19970H0985B2892                 - 16 -

     1  under which such products are to be resold within the territory
     2  granted to the primary importing distributor by the
     3  manufacturer.
     4     When a Pennsylvania manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages
     5  licensed under this article names or constitutes a distributor
     6  or importing distributor as the primary or original supplier of
     7  his product, he shall also designate the specific geographical
     8  area for which the said distributor or importing distributor is
     9  given distributing rights, and such distributor or importing
    10  distributor shall not sell or deliver the products of such
    11  manufacturer to any person issued a license under the provisions
    12  of this act whose licensed premises are not located within the
    13  geographical area for which distributing rights have been given
    14  to the distributor and importing distributor by the said
    15  manufacturer: Provided, That the importing distributor holding
    16  such distributing rights for such product shall not sell or
    17  deliver the same to another importing distributor without first
    18  having entered into a written agreement with the said secondary
    19  importing distributor setting forth the terms and conditions
    20  under which such products are to be resold within the territory
    21  granted to the primary importing distributor by the
    22  manufacturer. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to
    23  prevent any manufacturer from authorizing the importing
    24  distributor holding the distributing rights for a designated
    25  geographical area from selling the products of such manufacturer
    26  to another importing distributor also holding distributing
    27  rights from the same manufacturer for another geographical area,
    28  providing such authority be contained in writing and a copy
    29  thereof be given to each of the importing distributors so
    30  affected.
    19970H0985B2892                 - 17 -

     1     * * *
     2     Section 11.  Sections 433.1(b) and 435 of the act, amended
     3  April 29, 1994 (P.L.212, No.30), are amended to read:
     4     Section 433.1.  Stadium or Arena Permits.--* * *
     5     (b)  The owner or lessee or a concessionaire of any such
     6  premises may make application for a permit. The aforesaid
     7  permits shall be issued only to reputable individuals,
     8  partnerships and associations, who are or whose members are
     9  citizens of the United States and have for two years prior to
    10  the date of their applications been residents of the
    11  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or to reputable corporations
    12  organized or duly registered under the laws of the Commonwealth
    13  of Pennsylvania, all of whose officers and directors are
    14  citizens of the United States. Each applicant shall furnish
    15  proof satisfactory to the board that he is of good repute and
    16  financially responsible and that the premises upon which he
    17  proposes to do business is a proper place. An applicant under
    18  subsection (a)(2) for a permit for a stadium or arena owned by
    19  the city in a city of the third class which shall have a seating
    20  capacity of at least four thousand but less than six thousand
    21  five hundred shall designate one or more areas of the licensed
    22  premises comprising not less than fifteen percent (15%) of its
    23  seating capacity in which the sale of malt and brewed beverages
    24  shall not be authorized. The applicant shall submit such other
    25  information as the board may require. Applications shall be, in
    26  writing on forms prescribed by the board, and signed and sworn
    27  to by the applicant. The application and permit fees shall be as
    28  prescribed in section 614-A of the act of April 9, 1929
    29  (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The Administrative Code of 1929."
    30  [A surety bond in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1000)
    19970H0985B2892                 - 18 -

     1  shall be filed for each year of a licensing period conditioned
     2  the same as the license bonds required by this act for retail
     3  dispenser licenses.]
     4     * * *
     5     Section 435.  Filing of Applications for Distributors',
     6  Importing Distributors' and Retail Dispensers' Licenses; Filing
     7  Fee.--Every person intending to apply for a distributor's,
     8  importing distributor's or retail dispenser's license, as
     9  aforesaid, in any municipality of this Commonwealth, shall file
    10  with the board his or its application. All such applications
    11  shall be filed at a time to be fixed by the board. The applicant
    12  shall file with the board fees as prescribed in section 614-A of
    13  the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The
    14  Administrative Code of 1929." [The applicant shall file a bond
    15  as herein required.]
    16     Section 12.  Section 468(a) of the act is amended to read:
    17     Section 468.  Licenses Not Assignable; Transfers.--(a)
    18  Licenses issued under this article may not be assigned. The
    19  board, upon payment of the transfer filing fee [and the
    20  execution of a new bond], is hereby authorized to transfer any
    21  license issued by it under the provisions of this article from
    22  one person to another or from one place to another, or both,
    23  within the same municipality, and if the applicant is a unit of
    24  a nonprofit nationally chartered club, the board is hereby
    25  authorized to transfer such license to a place in any other
    26  municipality within the same county if the sale of liquor or
    27  malt and brewed beverages are legal in such other municipality
    28  as the board may determine. Prior to the approval of an
    29  application for transfer by a unit of a nonprofit nationally
    30  chartered club the board shall make an affirmative finding, upon
    19970H0985B2892                 - 19 -

     1  proof submitted by the applicant, and after investigation by the
     2  board, that at the time the application for transfer is made the
     3  club continues to hold a valid national charter and continues to
     4  function in fact as a club as defined in section 102. The board,
     5  in its discretion, may transfer an existing restaurant retail
     6  dispenser or club license from one municipality to another in
     7  the same county regardless of the quota limitations provided for
     8  in this act, if sales of liquor or malt and brewed beverages are
     9  legal in such other municipality and if the restaurant retail
    10  dispenser or club lost the use of the building in which it was
    11  located due to governmental exercise of the right of eminent
    12  domain and no other suitable building can be found in the first
    13  municipality. In the case of distributor and importing
    14  distributor licenses, the board may transfer any such license
    15  from its place in a municipality to a place in any other
    16  municipality within the same county, or from one place to
    17  another place within the same municipality, or exchange a
    18  distributor license for an importing distributor license or an
    19  importing distributor license for a distributor license, if the
    20  building for which the license is to be issued has, in the case
    21  of an importing distributor license, an area under one roof of
    22  two thousand five hundred square feet and, in the case of a
    23  distributor license, an area under one roof of one thousand
    24  square feet: And provided, That, in the case of all transfers of
    25  distributor or importing distributor licenses, whether from a
    26  place within the same municipality to another place within the
    27  same municipality or from a place in a municipality to a place
    28  in any other municipality within the same county, and, in the
    29  case of an exchange of a distributor license for an importing
    30  distributor license or an importing distributor license for a
    19970H0985B2892                 - 20 -

     1  distributor license, the premises to be affected by the transfer
     2  or exchange shall contain an office separate and apart from the
     3  remainder of the premises to be licensed for the purpose of
     4  keeping records, required by the board, adequate toilet
     5  facilities for employes of the licensee and an entrance on a
     6  public thoroughfare: Provided, however, That in the event that
     7  the majority of the voting electors of a municipality, at an
     8  election held under the provisions of any law so empowering them
     9  to do, shall vote against the issuance of distributor or
    10  importing distributor licenses in such municipality, the board
    11  is hereby authorized to transfer any such distributor or
    12  importing distributor license from its place in such
    13  municipality to a place in any other municipality within the
    14  same county, upon application prior to the expiration of any
    15  such license and upon payment of the transfer filing fee [and
    16  the execution of a new bond]; but no transfer shall be made to a
    17  person who would not have been eligible to receive the license
    18  originally nor for the transaction of business at a place for
    19  which the license could not lawfully have been issued
    20  originally, nor, except as herein provided, to a place as to
    21  which a license has been revoked. No license shall be
    22  transferred to any place or property upon which is located as a
    23  business the sale of liquid fuels and oil. Except in cases of
    24  emergency such as death, serious illness, or circumstances
    25  beyond the control of the licensee, as the board may determine
    26  such circumstances to justify its action, transfers of licenses
    27  may be made only at times fixed by the board. In the case of the
    28  death of a licensee, the board may transfer the license to the
    29  surviving spouse or personal representative or to a person
    30  designated by him. From any refusal to grant a transfer or upon
    19970H0985B2892                 - 21 -

     1  the grant of any transfer, the party aggrieved shall have the
     2  right of appeal to the proper court in the manner hereinbefore
     3  provided.
     4     * * *
     5     Section 13.  Sections 469 and 470 of the act, amended April
     6  29, 1994 (P.L.212, No.30), are amended to read:
     7     Section 469.  Applications for Transfers; Fees.--(a)  Every
     8  applicant for a transfer of a license under the provisions of
     9  this article shall file a written application with the board,
    10  together with a filing fee as prescribed in section 614-A of the
    11  act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The
    12  Administrative Code of 1929." [Each such applicant shall also
    13  file an approved bond for each year of a licensing period as
    14  required on original applications for such licenses.]
    15     (b)  Whenever any license is transferred, no license or other
    16  fees shall be required from the persons to whom such transfer is
    17  made for the portion of the license period for which the license
    18  fee has been paid by the transferor, except for transfer fees
    19  provided in section 614-A of "The Administrative Code of 1929."
    20     Section 470.  Renewal of Licenses; Temporary Provisions for
    21  Licensees in Armed Service.--(a)  All applications for renewal
    22  of licenses under the provisions of this article shall be filed
    23  with [a new bond,] tax clearance from the Department of Revenue
    24  and the Department of Labor and Industry and requisite license
    25  and filing fees at least sixty days before the expiration date
    26  of same: Provided, however, That the board, in its discretion,
    27  may accept a renewal application filed less than sixty days
    28  before the expiration date of the license with the required
    29  [bond and] fees, upon reasonable cause shown and the payment of
    30  an additional filing fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for
    19970H0985B2892                 - 22 -

     1  late filing: And provided further, That except where the failure
     2  to file a renewal application on or before the expiration date
     3  has created a license quota vacancy after said expiration date
     4  which has been filled by the issuance of a new license, after
     5  such expiration date, but before the board has received a
     6  renewal application within the time prescribed herein the board,
     7  in its discretion, may, after hearing, accept a renewal
     8  application filed within ten months after the expiration date of
     9  the license with the required [bond and] fees upon the payment
    10  of an additional filing fee of two hundred fifty dollars
    11  ($250.00) for late filing. Where any such renewal application is
    12  filed less than sixty days before the expiration date, or
    13  subsequent to the expiration date, no license shall issue upon
    14  the filing of the renewal application until the matter is
    15  finally determined by the board and if an appeal is taken from
    16  the board's action the courts shall not order the issuance of
    17  the renewal license until final determination of the matter by
    18  the courts. A renewal application will not be considered filed
    19  unless accompanied by [a new bond and] the requisite filing and
    20  license fees and any additional filing fee required by this
    21  section. Unless the board shall have given ten days' previous
    22  notice to the applicant of objections to the renewal of his
    23  license, based upon violation by the licensee or his servants,
    24  agents or employes of any of the laws of the Commonwealth or
    25  regulations of the board relating to the manufacture,
    26  transportation, use, storage, importation, possession or sale of
    27  liquors, alcohol or malt or brewed beverages, or the conduct of
    28  a licensed establishment, or unless the applicant has by his own
    29  act become a person of ill repute, or unless the premises do not
    30  meet the requirements of this act or the regulations of the
    19970H0985B2892                 - 23 -

     1  board, the license of a licensee shall be renewed. Unless the
     2  board shall have given ten days' previous notice to the
     3  applicant of objections to the renewal of the license, based
     4  upon violation by the licensee, its servants, agents or employes
     5  of any of the laws or regulations of the United States or the
     6  Commonwealth, or licensee's citation history, or licensee's
     7  failure to prevent fighting, disorderly conduct or other
     8  criminal activity on or in the immediate vicinity of the
     9  licensed premises or in areas under licensee's control where
    10  there exists a causal connection between the activity outside
    11  and inside the licensed premises, or unless the premises do not
    12  meet the requirements of this act or the regulations of the
    13  board the license shall be renewed.
    14     (b)  In cases where a licensee or his servants, agents or
    15  employes are arrested, charged with violating any of the laws of
    16  this Commonwealth relating to liquor, alcohol or malt or brewed
    17  beverages, and where the board has on file in such cases reports
    18  of enforcement officers or investigators of the enforcement
    19  bureau or from other sources that a licensee or his servants,
    20  agents or employes have violated any of the aforementioned laws
    21  and a proceeding to revoke such licensee's license is or is
    22  about to be instituted, and such arrest occurs or report of
    23  violations is received or revocation proceeding instituted or
    24  about to be instituted during the time a renewal application of
    25  such license is pending before the board, the board may, in its
    26  discretion, renew the license, notwithstanding such alleged
    27  violations, but such renewal license may be revoked if and when
    28  the licensee or any of his servants, agents or employes are
    29  convicted of or plead guilty to violations under the previous
    30  license, as aforesaid, or if and when such previous license is
    19970H0985B2892                 - 24 -

     1  for any reason revoked.
     2     In the event such renewal license is revoked by the board,
     3  neither the license fee paid for such license nor any part
     4  thereof shall be returned to the licensee[, but the license bond
     5  filed with the application for such renewal of license shall not
     6  be forfeited].
     7     Section 14.  Section 471(b) of the act is amended to read:
     8     Section 471.  Revocation and Suspension of Licenses; Fines.--
     9  * * *
    10     (b)  Hearing on such citations shall be held in the same
    11  manner as provided herein for hearings on applications for
    12  license. Upon such hearing, if satisfied that any such violation
    13  has occurred or for other sufficient cause, the administrative
    14  law judge shall immediately suspend or revoke the license, or
    15  impose a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50) nor more than
    16  one thousand dollars ($1,000), or both, notifying the licensee
    17  by registered letter addressed to his licensed premises. If the
    18  licensee has been cited and found to have violated section
    19  493(1) insofar as it relates to sales to minors, section 493(10)
    20  insofar as it relates to lewd, immoral or improper entertainment
    21  or section 493(14), (16) or (21), or has been found to be a
    22  public nuisance pursuant to section 611, or if the owner or
    23  operator of the licensed premises or any authorized agent of the
    24  owner or operator has been convicted of any violation of the act
    25  of April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as "The Controlled
    26  Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act," or of 18 Pa.C.S. §
    27  5902 (relating to prostitution and related offenses) or 6301
    28  (relating to corruption of minors), at or relating to the
    29  licensed premises, the administrative law judge shall
    30  immediately suspend or revoke the license, or impose a fine of
    19970H0985B2892                 - 25 -

     1  not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) nor more than five
     2  thousand dollars ($5,000), or both. The administrative law judge
     3  shall notify the licensee by registered mail, addressed to the
     4  licensed premises, of such suspension, revocation or fine. [The
     5  increased civil penalty imposed by this subsection shall not be
     6  used to require any licensee to increase the amount of the bond
     7  required by this act.] In the event the fine is not paid within
     8  twenty days of the adjudication, the administrative law judge
     9  shall suspend or revoke the license, notifying the licensee by
    10  registered mail addressed to the licensed premises. Suspensions
    11  and revocations shall not go into effect until thirty days have
    12  elapsed from the date of the adjudication during which time the
    13  licensee may take an appeal as provided for in this act. When a
    14  license is revoked, the licensee's bond may be forfeited. Any
    15  licensee whose license is revoked shall be ineligible to have a
    16  license under this act until the expiration of three years from
    17  the date such license was revoked. In the event a license is
    18  revoked, no license shall be granted for the premises or
    19  transferred to the premises in which the said license was
    20  conducted for a period of at least one year after the date of
    21  the revocation of the license conducted in the said premises,
    22  except in cases where the licensee or a member of his immediate
    23  family is not the owner of the premises, in which case the board
    24  may, in its discretion, issue or transfer a license within the
    25  said year. In the event the bureau or the person who was fined
    26  or whose license was suspended or revoked shall feel aggrieved
    27  by the adjudication of the administrative law judge, there shall
    28  be a right to appeal to the board. The appeal shall be based
    29  solely on the record before the administrative law judge. The
    30  board shall affirm the decision of the administrative law judge
    19970H0985B2892                 - 26 -

     1  if it is based on substantial evidence; otherwise, the board
     2  shall reverse the decision of the administrative law judge. In
     3  the event the bureau or the person who was fined or whose
     4  license was suspended or revoked shall feel aggrieved by the
     5  decision of the board, there shall be a right to appeal to the
     6  court of common pleas in the same manner as herein provided for
     7  appeals from refusals to grant licenses. Each of the appeals
     8  shall act as a supersedeas unless, upon sufficient cause shown,
     9  the reviewing authority shall determine otherwise; however, if
    10  the licensee has been cited and found to have violated section
    11  493(1) insofar as it relates to sales to minors, section 493(10)
    12  insofar as it relates to lewd, immoral or improper entertainment
    13  or section 493(14), (16) or (21), or has been found to be a
    14  public nuisance pursuant to section 611, or if the owner or
    15  operator of the licensed premises or any authorized agent of the
    16  owner or operator has been convicted of any violation of "The
    17  Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act," or of 18
    18  Pa.C.S. § 5902 or 6301, at or relating to the licensed premises,
    19  its appeal shall not act as a supersedeas unless the reviewing
    20  authority determines otherwise upon sufficient cause shown. In
    21  any hearing on an application for a supersedeas under this
    22  section, the reviewing authority may consider, in addition to
    23  other relevant evidence, documentary evidence, including records
    24  of the bureau, showing the prior history of citations, fines,
    25  suspensions or revocations against the licensee; and the
    26  reviewing authority may also consider, in addition to other
    27  relevant evidence, evidence of any recurrence of the unlawful
    28  activity occurring between the date of the citation which is the
    29  subject of the appeal and the date of the hearing. No penalty
    30  provided by this section shall be imposed for any violations
    19970H0985B2892                 - 27 -

     1  provided for in this act unless the bureau notifies the licensee
     2  of its nature within thirty days of the completion of the
     3  investigation.
     4     * * *
    24  UNDER THE ACT OF JULY 29, 1953 (P.L.1034, NO.270), KNOWN AS THE
    19970H0985B2892                 - 28 -

     2     * * *
     5     * * *
    11     * * *
    12     Section 15 5.  Section 472(a) of the act, amended May 31,      <--
    13  1996 (P.L.312, No.49), is amended to read:
    14     Section 472.  Local Option.--(a)  In any municipality or any
    15  part of a municipality where such municipality is split so that
    16  each part thereof is separated by another municipality, an
    17  election may be held, subject to subsection (c), on the date of
    18  the primary election immediately preceding any municipal
    19  election, but not oftener than once in four years, to determine
    20  the will of the electors with respect to the granting of liquor
    21  licenses to hotels, restaurants and clubs, not oftener than once
    22  in four years, to determine the will of the electors with
    23  respect to the granting of liquor licenses to privately-owned
    24  private golf courses or to privately-owned public golf courses,
    25  not oftener than once in four years, to determine the will of
    26  the electors with respect to the granting of licenses to retail
    27  dispensers of malt and brewed beverages, not oftener than once
    28  in four years, to determine the will of the electors with
    29  respect to granting of licenses to wholesale distributors and
    30  importing distributors, not more than once in two years, to
    19970H0985B2892                 - 29 -

     1  determine the will of the electors with respect to the granting
     2  of club liquor licenses or club retail dispenser licenses to
     3  incorporated units of national veterans' organizations, not
     4  oftener than once in two years to determine the will of the
     5  electors with respect to the granting of special occasion
     6  permits to qualified organizations, or not more than once in
     7  four years, to determine the will of the electors with respect
     8  to the establishment, operation and maintenance by the board of
     9  Pennsylvania liquor stores, within the limits of such
    10  municipality or part of a split municipality, under the
    11  provisions of this act: Provided, however, Where an election
    12  shall have been held at the primary preceding a municipal
    13  election in any year, another election may be held under the
    14  provisions of this act at the primary occurring the fourth year
    15  after such prior election: And provided further, That an
    16  election on the question of establishing and operating a State
    17  liquor store shall be initiated only in those municipalities, or
    18  that part of a split municipality that shall have voted against
    19  the granting of liquor licenses; and that an election on the
    20  question of granting wholesale distributor and importing
    21  distributor licenses shall be initiated only in those
    22  municipalities or parts of split municipalities that shall have
    23  at a previous election voted against the granting of dispenser's
    24  licenses. Whenever electors equal to at least twenty-five per
    25  centum of the highest vote cast for any office in the
    26  municipality or part of a split municipality at the last
    27  preceding general election shall file a petition with the county
    28  board of elections of the county for a referendum on the
    29  question of granting any of said classes of licenses or the
    30  establishment of Pennsylvania liquor stores, the said county
    19970H0985B2892                 - 30 -

     1  board of elections shall cause a question to be placed on the
     2  ballots or on the voting machine board and submitted at the
     3  primary immediately preceding the municipal election. Separate
     4  petitions must be filed for each question to be voted on. Said
     5  proceedings shall be in the manner and subject to the provisions
     6  of the election laws which relate to the signing, filing and
     7  adjudication of nomination petitions, insofar as such provisions
     8  are applicable.
     9     When the question is in respect to the granting of liquor
    10  licenses, it shall be in the following form:
    11     Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses
    12     for the sale of liquor in........................  Yes
    13     of..............................................?  No
    14     When the question is in respect to the granting of liquor
    15  licenses, for privately-owned private golf courses, it shall be
    16  in the following form:
    17     Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses for
    18     privately-owned private golf courses for the sale
    19     of liquor  Yes
    20     of..............................................?  No
    21     When the question is in respect to the granting of liquor
    22  licenses, for privately-owned public golf courses, it shall be
    23  in the following form:
    24     Do you favor the granting of liquor licenses for
    25     privately-owned public golf courses for the sale
    26     of liquor  Yes
    27     of..............................................?  No
    28     When the question is in respect to the granting of licenses
    29  to retail dispensers of malt and brewed beverages, it shall be
    30  in the following form:
    19970H0985B2892                 - 31 -

     1     Do you favor the granting of malt and brewed
     2     beverage retail dispenser licenses for
     3     consumption on premises where sold in the........  Yes
     4     of..............................................?  No
     5     When the question is in respect to the granting of licenses
     6  to wholesale distributors of malt or brewed beverages and
     7  importing distributors, it shall be in the following form:
     8     Do you favor the granting of malt and brewed
     9     beverage wholesale distributor's and importing
    10     distributor's licenses not for consumption on
    11     premises where sold in the.......................  Yes
    12     of..............................................?  No
    13     When the question is in respect to the granting of club
    14  liquor licenses to incorporated units of national veterans'
    15  organizations, it shall be in the following form:
    16     Do you favor the granting of club liquor licenses
    17     to incorporated units of national veterans' organizations
    18     in the...........................................  Yes
    19     of..............................................?  No
    20     When the question is in respect to the granting of club
    21  retail dispenser licenses to incorporated units of national
    22  veterans' organizations, it shall be in the following form:
    23     Do you favor the granting of club retail dispenser
    24     licenses to incorporated units of national veterans'
    25     organizations in the.............................  Yes
    26     of..............................................?  No
    27     When the question is in respect to the granting of special
    28  occasion permits to qualified organizations, it shall be in the
    29  following form:
    30     Do you favor the granting of special occasion permits
    19970H0985B2892                 - 32 -

     1     to qualified organizations in the....................  Yes
     2     of...............................................?  No
     3     When the question is in respect to the establishment,
     4  operation and maintenance of Pennsylvania liquor stores it shall
     5  be in the following form:
     6     Do you favor the establishment, operation
     7     and maintenance of Pennsylvania liquor
     8     stores in the....................................  Yes
     9     of..............................................?  No
    10     In case of a tie vote, the status quo shall obtain. If a
    11  majority of the voting electors on any such question vote "yes,"
    12  then liquor licenses shall be granted by the board to hotels,
    13  restaurants and clubs, or liquor licenses shall be granted by
    14  the board to privately-owned private golf courses or to
    15  privately-owned public golf courses, or malt and brewed beverage
    16  retail dispenser licenses or wholesale distributor's and
    17  importing distributor's license for the sale of malt or brewed
    18  beverages shall be granted by the board, or club liquor licenses
    19  or club retail dispenser licenses shall be granted by the board
    20  to incorporated units of national veterans' organizations, or
    21  special occasion permits may be issued to qualified
    22  organizations, or the board may establish, operate and maintain
    23  Pennsylvania liquor stores, as the case may be, in such
    24  municipality or part of a split municipality, as provided by
    25  this act; but if a majority of the electors voting on any such
    26  question vote "no," then the board shall have no power to grant
    27  or to renew upon their expiration any licenses of the class so
    28  voted upon in such municipality or part of a split municipality;
    29  or if the negative vote is on the question in respect to the
    30  establishment, operation and maintenance of Pennsylvania liquor
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     1  stores, the board shall not open and operate a Pennsylvania
     2  liquor store in such municipality or part of a split
     3  municipality, nor continue to operate a then existing
     4  Pennsylvania liquor store in the municipality or part of a split
     5  municipality for more than two years thereafter or after the
     6  expiration of the term of the lease on the premises occupied by
     7  such store, whichever period is less, unless and until at a
     8  later election a majority of the voting electors vote "yes" on
     9  such question.
    10     * * *
    11     Section 16.  Section 492(8) of the act, amended April 29,      <--
    12  1994 (P.L.212, No.30), is amended to read:
    13     Section 492.  Unlawful Acts Relative to Malt or Brewed
    14  Beverages and Licensees.--
    15     It shall be unlawful--
    16     * * *
    17     (8)  Transportation of Malt or Brewed Beverages. For any
    18  person, to transport malt or brewed beverages except in the
    19  original containers, or to transport malt or brewed beverages
    20  for another who is engaged in selling either liquor or malt or
    21  brewed beverages, unless such person shall hold (a) a license to
    22  transport for hire, alcohol, liquor and malt or brewed
    23  beverages, as hereinafter provided in this act, or (b) shall
    24  hold a permit issued by the board and shall have paid to the
    25  board such permit fee, as prescribed in section 614-A of the act
    26  of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The Administrative
    27  Code of 1929," [and shall have filed with the board a bond in
    28  the penal sum of not more than two thousand dollars ($2000) for
    29  each year of a licensing period, as may be fixed by the rules
    30  and regulations of the board,] any other law to the contrary
    19970H0985B2892                 - 34 -

     1  notwithstanding.
     2     * * *
     3     SECTION 6.  SECTION 492(1) OF THE ACT IS AMENDED TO READ:      <--
    17  SALE.
    18     * * *
    19     Section 17 7.  Section 493(2) and (10) of the act, amended     <--
    20  April 29, 1994 (P.L.212, No.30) and May 31, 1996 (P.L.312,
    21  No.49), are amended and the section is amended by adding a        <--
    22  clause to read:
    23     Section 493.  Unlawful Acts Relative to Liquor, Malt and
    24  Brewed Beverages and Licensees.--The term "licensee," when used
    25  in this section, shall mean those persons licensed under the
    26  provisions of Article IV, unless the context clearly indicates
    27  otherwise.
    28     It shall be unlawful--
    29     * * *
    30     (2)  Purchase or Sale of Liquor or Malt or Brewed Beverages
    19970H0985B2892                 - 35 -

     1  on Credit. For any licensee, his agent, servant or employe, to
     2  sell or offer to sell or purchase or receive any liquor or malt
     3  or brewed beverages except for cash, excepting credit extended
     4  by a hotel or club to a bona fide guest or member, or by
     5  railroad or pullman companies in dining, club or buffet cars to
     6  passengers, for consumption while enroute, holding authorized
     7  credit cards issued by railroad or railroad credit bureaus or by
     8  hotel, restaurant, retail dispenser eating place, club and
     9  public service licensees, importing distributors or distributors
    10  to customers not possessing a license under this article and
    11  holding credit cards issued in accordance with regulations of
    12  the board or credit cards issued by banking institutions subject
    13  to State or Federal regulation: Provided further, That nothing
    14  herein contained shall be construed to prohibit the use of
    15  checks or drafts drawn on a bank, banking institution, trust
    16  company or similar depository, organized and existing under the
    17  laws of the United States of America or the laws of any state,
    18  territory or possession thereof, in payment for any liquor or
    19  malt or brewed beverages if the purchaser is the payor of the
    20  check or draft and the licensee is the payee. No right of action
    21  shall exist to collect any claim for credit extended contrary to
    22  the provisions of this clause. Nothing herein contained shall
    23  prohibit a licensee from crediting to a purchaser the actual
    24  price charged for original containers returned by the original
    25  purchaser as a credit on any sale, or from refunding to any
    26  purchaser the amount paid by such purchaser for such containers
    27  or as a deposit on containers when title is retained by the
    28  vendor, if such original containers have been returned to the
    29  licensee. Nothing herein contained shall prohibit a manufacturer
    30  from extending usual and customary credit for liquor or malt or
    19970H0985B2892                 - 36 -

     1  brewed beverages sold to customers or purchasers who live or
     2  maintain places of business outside of the Commonwealth of
     3  Pennsylvania, when the liquor or malt or brewed beverages so
     4  sold are actually transported and delivered to points outside of
     5  the Commonwealth: Provided, however, That as to all transactions
     6  affecting malt or brewed beverages to be resold or consumed
     7  within this Commonwealth, every licensee shall pay and shall
     8  require cash deposits on all returnable original containers and
     9  all such cash deposits shall be refunded upon return of the
    10  original containers.
    11     * * *
    12     (10)  Entertainment on Licensed Premises (Except Clubs);
    13  Permits; Fees. For any licensee, his servants, agents or
    14  employes, except club licensees, to permit in any licensed
    15  premises or in any place operated in connection therewith,
    16  dancing, theatricals or floor shows of any sort, or moving
    17  pictures other than television, or such as are exhibited through
    18  machines operated by patrons by the deposit of coins, which
    19  project pictures on a screen not exceeding in size twenty-four
    20  by thirty inches and which forms part of the machine, unless the
    21  licensee shall first have obtained from the board a special
    22  permit to provide such entertainment, or for any licensee, under
    23  any circumstances, to permit in any licensed premises any lewd,
    24  immoral or improper entertainment, regardless of whether a
    25  permit to provide entertainment has been obtained or not. The
    26  special permit may be used only during the hours when the sale
    27  of liquor or malt or brewed beverages is permitted, and between
    28  eleven o'clock antemeridian on Sunday and two o'clock
    29  antemeridian on the following Monday, regardless of whether the
    30  licensee possesses a Sunday sales permit. The board shall have
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     1  power to provide for the issue of such special permits, and to
     2  collect an annual fee for such permits as prescribed in section
     3  614-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as
     4  "The Administrative Code of 1929." All such fees shall be paid
     5  into the State Stores Fund. No such permit shall be issued in
     6  any municipality which, by ordinance, prohibits amusements in
     7  licensed places. Any violation of this clause shall, in addition
     8  to the penalty herein provided, subject the licensee to
     9  suspension or revocation of his permit and his license.
    10     * * *
    11     (29)  For any licensee, its servant, agent or employe to       <--
    12  engage in or permit any fighting, disorderly conduct or other
    13  criminal activity on or in the immediate vicinity of the
    14  licensed premises or under the licensee's control, where there
    15  exists a causal connection between the activity outside and
    16  inside the licensed premises.
    17     Section 18.  Sections 504, 505 and 514 of the act are amended
    18  to read:
    19     Section 504.  Applications; Filing Fees.--(a)  Every
    20  applicant for a license under this article shall file with the
    21  board a written application in such form as the board shall from
    22  time to time require. Every such application shall be
    23  accompanied by a filing fee of twenty dollars ($20), the
    24  prescribed license fee [and the bond hereinafter specified,] and
    25  shall set forth:
    26     (1)  The legal names of the applicant and of the owner of the
    27  place where business under the license will be carried on, with
    28  their residence addresses by street and number, if a
    29  partnership, of each separate partner, and if a corporation, of
    30  each individual officer thereof.
    19970H0985B2892                 - 38 -

     1     (2)  The exact location of said place of business and of
     2  every place to be occupied or used in connection with such
     3  business, the productive capacity of each plant where any
     4  alcohol or liquor is to be manufactured, produced, distilled,
     5  rectified, blended, developed or used in the process of
     6  manufacture, denatured, redistilled, recovered, reused, the
     7  capacity of every warehouse or other place where such alcohol or
     8  liquor or malt or brewed beverage is to be held in bond or
     9  stored for hire or the equipment to be used where a
    10  transportation business is to be carried on under the license.
    11     (3)  That each and every one of the applicants is a citizen
    12  of the United States of America.
    13     (4)  Such other relevant information as the board shall from
    14  time to time require by rule or regulation.
    15     (b)  Each application must be verified by affidavit of the
    16  applicant made before any officer legally qualified to
    17  administer oaths, and if any false statement is wilfully made in
    18  any part of said application, the applicant or applicants shall
    19  be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be
    20  subject to the penalties provided by this article.
    21     Section 505.  Licenses Issued.--Upon receipt of the
    22  application in the form herein provided[,] and the proper fees
    23  [and an approved bond as herein designated], the board may grant
    24  to such applicant a license to engage in, (a) the operation of a
    25  limited winery or a winery; or, (b) the manufacturing,
    26  producing, distilling, developing, or using in the process of
    27  manufacturing, denaturing, redistilling, recovering, rectifying,
    28  blending and reusing of alcohol and liquor; or, (c) the holding
    29  in bond of alcohol and liquor; or, (d) the holding in storage,
    30  as bailee for hire, of alcohol, liquor and malt or brewed
    19970H0985B2892                 - 39 -

     1  beverages; or, (e) the transporting for hire of alcohol, liquor
     2  and malt or brewed beverages.
     3     Section 514.  Suspension and Revocation of Licenses.--(a)
     4  Upon learning of any violation of this act or of any rule or
     5  regulation promulgated by the board under the authority of this
     6  act, or any violation of any laws of this Commonwealth or of the
     7  United States of America relating to the tax payment of alcohol,
     8  liquor or malt or brewed beverages by the holder of a license
     9  issued under the provisions of this article, or upon other
    10  sufficient cause, the enforcement bureau may, within one year
    11  from the date of such violation or cause appearing, cite such
    12  licensee to appear before an administrative law judge not less
    13  than ten (10) nor more than sixty (60) days from the date of
    14  sending such licensee, by registered mail, a notice addressed to
    15  his licensed premises, to show cause why the license should not
    16  be suspended or revoked. Hearings on such citations shall be
    17  held in the same manner as provided herein for hearings on
    18  applications for license. And upon such hearing, if satisfied
    19  that any such violation has occurred or for other sufficient
    20  cause, the administrative law judge shall immediately suspend or
    21  revoke such license, notifying the licensee thereof by
    22  registered letter addressed to his licensed premises, or to the
    23  address given in his application where no licensed premises is
    24  maintained in Pennsylvania.
    25     (b)  [When a license is revoked, the licensee's bond may be
    26  forfeited.] Any licensee whose license is revoked shall be
    27  ineligible to have a license under this act or under any other
    28  act relating to alcohol, liquor or malt or brewed beverages
    29  until the expiration of three (3) years from the date such
    30  license was revoked. In the event of a revocation, no license
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     1  shall be granted for the premises or transferred to the premises
     2  in which said license was conducted for a period of at least one
     3  (1) year after the date of the revocation of the license
     4  conducted in the said premises, except in cases where the
     5  licensee or a member of his immediate family is not the owner of
     6  the premises, in which case the board may, in its discretion,
     7  issue or transfer a license within said year. Such hearing
     8  before and adjudication by an administrative law judge shall be
     9  in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to
    10  practice and procedure of Commonwealth agencies).
    11     Section 19.  Section 517 of the act, amended April 29, 1994
    12  (P.L.212, No.30), is amended to read:
    13     Section 517.  Expiration of Licenses; Renewals.--All licenses
    14  issued under this article shall expire at the close of the
    15  license period, but new licenses for the succeeding license
    16  period shall be issued upon written application therefor, duly
    17  verified by affidavit, stating that the facts in the original
    18  application are unchanged, and upon payment of the fee as
    19  hereinafter provided [and the furnishing of a new bond], without
    20  the filing of further statements or the furnishing of any
    21  further information unless specifically requested by the board:
    22  Provided, however, That any such license issued to a corporation
    23  shall expire thirty (30) days after any change in the officers
    24  of such corporation, unless the name and address of each such
    25  new officer of such corporation shall, within that period, be
    26  reported to the board by certificate, duly verified.
    27  Applications for renewals must be made not less than thirty (30)
    28  nor more than sixty (60) days before the expiration of the
    29  license period. All applications for renewal received otherwise
    30  shall be treated as original applications. between the activity
    19970H0985B2892                 - 41 -

     1  outside and inside the licensed premises.
     2     Section 20 8.  Section 611(b) of the act is amended to read:   <--
     3     Section 611.  Nuisances; Actions To Enjoin.--* * *
     4     (b)  An action to enjoin any nuisance defined in this act may
     5  be brought in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by
     6  the Attorney General, by the Pennsylvania State Police, through
     7  its Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement, by the municipality
     8  wherein the establishment is located, by the district attorney
     9  of the proper county or by a person who resides or has a place
    10  of business within five hundred feet of the location of the
    11  alleged nuisance. Such action shall be brought and tried as an
    12  action in equity and may be brought in any court having
    13  jurisdiction to hear and determine equity cases within the
    14  county in which the offense occurs. If it is made to appear, by
    15  affidavit or otherwise, to the satisfaction of the court that
    16  such nuisance exists, a temporary writ of injunction shall
    17  forthwith issue, restraining the defendant from conducting or
    18  permitting the continuance of such nuisance until the conclusion
    19  of the proceedings. If a temporary injunction is prayed for, the
    20  court may issue an order restraining the defendant and all other
    21  persons from removing or in any way interfering with the
    22  liquids, beverages or other things used in connection with the
    23  violation of this act constituting such nuisance. No bond shall
    24  be required in instituting such proceedings brought in the name
    25  of the Commonwealth by the Attorney General, THE PENNSYLVANIA     <--
    28  district attorney OF THE PROPER COUNTY. Where such proceedings    <--
    29  are brought by a person, the court, upon application of the
    30  defendant and prior to any injunction being issued, may direct
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     1  the plaintiff to post bond in such amount as the court may find
     2  to be reasonable and sufficient. It shall not be necessary for
     3  the court to find the property involved was being unlawfully
     4  used, as aforesaid, at the time of the hearing, but on finding
     5  that the material allegations of the petition are true, the
     6  court shall order that no liquor, alcohol or malt or brewed
     7  beverage shall be manufactured, sold, offered for sale,
     8  transported, bartered or furnished, or stored in bond, or stored
     9  for hire in such room, house, building, structure, boat,
    10  vehicle, or place, or any part thereof.
    11     * * *
    12     Section 21.  It is the intent of the amendment of section 472  <--
    13  of the act that special occasion permits may continue to be
    14  issued in any municipality or any part of a municipality where
    15  such municipality is split so that each part thereof is
    16  separated by another municipality if the issuance of special
    17  occasion permits was permitted in such municipality or part of
    18  such split municipality on the effective date of this amendatory
    19  act unless the voters of that municipality or part of that split
    20  municipality vote to disapprove the issuance of special occasion
    21  permits in accordance with the referendum procedure of that
    22  section.
    23     Section 22 9.  This act shall take effect immediately.         <--

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