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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 1165                      PRINTER'S NO. 3110



No. 1023 Session of 1989


           MARCH 12, 1990

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, adding provisions relating to domestic
     3     relations; making conforming amendments to Titles 18 and 42;
     4     and repealing certain acts and parts of acts supplied by the
     5     act or otherwise obsolete.

     6                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     7                              TITLE 23
     8                         DOMESTIC RELATIONS
     9                    PART I.  GENERAL PROVISIONS
    10  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
    11  § 101.  Short title of title.
    12  § 102.  Definitions.
    13                         PART II.  MARRIAGE
    14  Chapter 11.  Preliminary Provisions
    15  § 1101.  Short title of part.
    16  § 1102.  Definitions.
    17  § 1103.  Common-law marriage.
    18  § 1104.  Forms.
    19  § 1105.  Fees.

     1  § 1106.  Records and statistics.
     2  Chapter 13.  Marriage License
     3  § 1301.  Marriage license required.
     4  § 1302.  Application for license.
     5  § 1303.  Waiting period after application.
     6  § 1304.  Restrictions on issuance of license.
     7  § 1305.  Examination and tests for syphilis.
     8  § 1306.  Oral examination.
     9  § 1307.  Issuance of license.
    10  § 1308.  Judicial review of refusal to issue license.
    11  § 1309.  Filing applications and consent certificates.
    12  § 1310.  Duration and form of license.
    13  Chapter 15.  Marriage Ceremony
    14  § 1501.  Form of marriage certificates.
    15  § 1502.  Forms where parties perform ceremony.
    16  § 1503.  Persons qualified to solemnize marriages.
    17  § 1504.  Returns of marriages.
    18  Chapter 17.  Miscellaneous Provisions Relating to Marriage
    19  § 1701.  Decree that spouse of applicant is presumed decedent.
    20  § 1702.  Marriage during existence of former marriage.
    21  § 1703.  Marriage within degree of consanguinity.
    22  Chapter 19.  Abolition of Actions for Alienation of Affections
    23             and Breach of Promise to Marry
    24  § 1901.  Actions for alienation of affections abolished.
    25  § 1902.  Actions for breach of promise to marry abolished.
    26  § 1903.  Purpose of chapter.
    27  § 1904.  Filing or threatening to file actions prohibited.
    28  § 1905.  Instruments executed in satisfaction of abolished
    29             claims prohibited.
    30                        PART III.  ADOPTION
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     1  Chapter 25.  Proceedings Prior to Petition to Adopt
     2     Subchapter E.  Pennsylvania Adoption Cooperative Exchange
     3  § 2551.  Definitions.
     4  § 2552.  Pennsylvania Adoption Cooperative Exchange.
     5  § 2553.  Registration of children.
     6  § 2554.  Responsibilities of PACE.
     7  § 2555.  Responsibilities of public and private agencies.
     8  § 2556.  Related activities of agencies unaffected.
     9  § 2557.  Regulations and staff.
    10  § 2558.  Retroactive application of subchapter.
    11                         PART IV.  DIVORCE
    12  Chapter 31.  Preliminary Provisions
    13  § 3101.  Short title of part.
    14  § 3102.  Legislative findings and intent.
    15  § 3103.  Definitions.
    16  § 3104.  Bases of jurisdiction.
    17  § 3105.  Effect of agreement between parties.
    18  Chapter 33.  Dissolution of Marital Status
    19     Subchapter A.  General Provisions
    20  § 3301.  Grounds for divorce.
    21  § 3302.  Counseling.
    22  § 3303.  Annulment of void and voidable marriages.
    23  § 3304.  Grounds for annulment of void marriages.
    24  § 3305.  Grounds for annulment of voidable marriages.
    25  § 3306.  Proceedings to determine marital status.
    26  § 3307.  Defenses.
    27  § 3308.  Action where defendant suffering from mental disorder.
    28  § 3309.  General appearance and collusion.
    29     Subchapter B.  Procedure
    30  § 3321.  Hearing by master.
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     1  § 3322.  Jury trial.
     2  § 3323.  Decree of court.
     3     Subchapter C.  Attacks Upon Decrees
     4  § 3331.  Limitations on attacks upon decrees.
     5  § 3332.  Opening or vacating decrees.
     6  § 3333.  Res judicata and estoppel.
     7  Chapter 35.  Property Rights
     8  § 3501.  Definitions.
     9  § 3502.  Equitable division of marital property.
    10  § 3503.  Effect of divorce on property rights generally.
    11  § 3504.  Disposition of property after termination of marriage.
    12  § 3505.  Disposition of property to defeat obligations.
    13  § 3506.  Statement of reasons for distribution.
    14  § 3507.  Division of entireties property between divorced
    15             persons.
    16  § 3508.  Conveyance of entireties property to divorced spouse.
    17  Chapter 37.  Alimony and Support
    18  § 3701.  Alimony.
    19  § 3702.  Alimony pendente lite, counsel fees and expenses.
    20  § 3703.  Enforcement of arrearages.
    21  § 3704.  Payment of support, alimony and alimony pendente lite.
    22  § 3705.  Enforcement of foreign decrees.
    23  § 3706.  Bar to alimony.
    24  § 3707.  Effect of death of either party.
    26  Chapter 41.  General Provisions
    27  § 4101.  Liability for debts contracted before marriage.
    28  § 4102.  Liability for purchases by married person.               <--
    29  § 4103.  Liability on judgment against married person.
    30  § 4102.  PROCEEDINGS IN CASE OF DEBTS CONTRACTED FOR              <--
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     1             NECESSARIES.
     2  § 4103.  (RESERVED)
     3  § 4104.  Right of married person to separate earnings.
     4  § 4105.  Loans between married persons.
     5  § 4106.  Construction of chapter.
     6  Chapter 43.  Support Matters Generally
     7     Subchapter D.  Proceedings Against Entireties Property
     8  § 4361.  Execution of support order against entireties property.
     9  § 4362.  Plaintiff's share of proceeds of sale.
    10  § 4363.  Trustee to distribute proceeds of sale.
    11  § 4364.  Credit to plaintiff who purchases property.
    12  § 4365.  Rights of divorced person in entireties property sold
    13             for support.
    14  § 4366.  Other enforcement remedies preserved.
    15                   PART VI.  CHILDREN AND MINORS
    16  Chapter 51.  General Provisions
    17  § 5101.  Attainment of full age.
    18  § 5102.  Children declared to be legitimate.
    19  § 5103.  Acknowledgment and claim of paternity.
    20  § 5104.  Blood tests to determine paternity.
    21  Chapter 53.  Custody
    22     Subchapter B.  Child Custody Jurisdiction
    23  § 5341.  Short title of subchapter.
    24  § 5342.  Purposes and construction of subchapter.
    25  § 5343.  Definitions.
    26  § 5344.  Jurisdiction.
    27  § 5345.  Notice and opportunity to be heard.
    28  § 5346.  Notice to persons outside this Commonwealth; submission
    29             to jurisdiction.
    30  § 5347.  Simultaneous proceedings in other states.
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     1  § 5348.  Inconvenient forum.
     2  § 5349.  Jurisdiction declined by reason of conduct.
     3  § 5350.  Information under oath to be submitted to the court.
     4  § 5351.  Additional parties.
     5  § 5352.  Appearance of parties and the child.
     6  § 5353.  Binding force and res judicata effect of custody
     7             decree.
     8  § 5354.  Recognition of out-of-State custody decrees.
     9  § 5355.  Modification of custody decree of another state.
    10  § 5356.  Filing and enforcement of custody decree of another
    11             state.
    12  § 5357.  Registry of out-of-State custody decrees and
    13             proceedings.
    14  § 5358.  Certified copies of custody decree.
    15  § 5359.  Taking testimony in another state.
    16  § 5360.  Hearings and studies in another state; orders to
    17             appear.
    18  § 5361.  Assistance to courts of other states.
    19  § 5362.  Preservation of documents for use in other states.
    20  § 5363.  Request for court records of another state.
    21  § 5364.  Intrastate application.
    22  § 5365.  International application.
    23  § 5366.  Priority.
    24  Chapter 55.  Liability for Tortious Acts of Children
    25  § 5501.  Definitions.
    26  § 5502.  Liability of parents.
    27  § 5503.  Establishing liability in criminal or juvenile
    28             proceedings.
    29  § 5504.  Establishing liability in civil proceedings.
    30  § 5505.  Monetary limits of liability.
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     1  § 5506.  Double recovery for same injury prohibited.
     2  § 5507.  Indemnity or contribution from child prohibited.
     3  § 5508.  Liability of parent not having custody or control of
     4             child.
     5  § 5509.  Other liability of parent or child unaffected.
     6                     PART VII.  ABUSE OF FAMILY
     7  Chapter 61.  Protection From Abuse
     8  § 6101.  Short title of chapter.
     9  § 6102.  Definitions.
    10  § 6103.  Effect of departure to avoid abuse.
    11  § 6104.  Registration of order.
    12  § 6105.  Responsibilities of local law enforcement agencies.
    13  § 6106.  Commencement of proceedings.
    14  § 6107.  Hearings.
    15  § 6108.  Relief.
    16  § 6109.  Service of orders.
    17  § 6110.  Emergency relief by minor judiciary.
    18  § 6111.  Domestic violence counselor/advocate.
    19  § 6112.  Disclosure of addresses.
    20  § 6113.  Arrest for violation of order.
    21  § 6114.  Contempt for violation of order or agreement.
    22  § 6115.  Reporting abuse and immunity.
    23  § 6116.  Confidentiality.
    24  § 6117.  Procedure and other remedies.
    25  Chapter 63.  Child Protective Services
    26     Subchapter A.  Preliminary Provisions
    27  § 6301.  Short title of chapter.
    28  § 6302.  Finding and purpose of chapter.
    29  § 6303.  Definitions.
    30     Subchapter B.  Reporting Suspected Child Abuse
    19890H1023B3110                  - 7 -

     1  § 6311.  Persons required to report suspected child abuse.
     2  § 6312.  Persons permitted to report suspected child abuse.
     3  § 6313.  Reporting procedure.
     4  § 6314.  Photographs and X-rays of child subject to report.
     5  § 6315.  Taking child into protective custody.
     6  § 6316.  Admission to private and public hospitals.
     7  § 6317.  Reporting and postmortem investigation of deaths.
     8  § 6318.  Immunity from liability.
     9  § 6319.  Penalties for failure to report.
    10     Subchapter C.  Powers and Duties of Department
    11  § 6331.  Establishment of pending complaint file and Statewide
    12             central register.
    13  § 6332.  Establishment of Statewide toll-free telephone number.
    14  § 6333.  Continuous availability of department.
    15  § 6334.  Disposition of complaints received.
    16  § 6335.  Information in pending complaint file.
    17  § 6336.  Information in Statewide central register.
    18  § 6337.  Disposition of unfounded reports.
    19  § 6338.  Disposition of founded and indicated reports.
    20  § 6339.  Confidentiality of reports.
    21  § 6340.  Release of information in confidential reports.
    22  § 6341.  Amendment, sealing or expungement of information.
    23  § 6342.  Studies of data in records.
    24  § 6343.  Investigating performance of child protective service.
    25  § 6344.  Information relating to prospective child-care
    26             personnel.
    27  § 6345.  Audits by Attorney General.
    28  § 6346.  Cooperation of other agencies.
    29  § 6347.  Annual reports to Governor and General Assembly.
    30  § 6348.  Regulations.
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     1  § 6349.  Penalties.
     2     Subchapter D.  Organization and Responsibilities of Child
     3                      Protective Service
     4  § 6361.  Organization of child protective service.
     5  § 6362.  Responsibilities of child protective service.
     6  § 6363.  Local plan for child protective services.
     7  § 6364.  Purchasing services of other agencies.
     8  § 6365.  Services for prevention and treatment of child abuse.
     9  § 6366.  Continuous availability to receive reports.
    10  § 6367.  Reports to department and coroner.
    11  § 6368.  Investigation of reports.
    12  § 6369.  Taking child into protective custody.
    13  § 6370.  Services for protection of child at home or in custody.
    14  § 6371.  Rehabilitative services for child and family.
    15  § 6372.  Protecting well-being of children detained MAINTAINED    <--
    16             outside home.
    17     Subchapter E.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    18  § 6381.  Evidence in court proceedings.
    19  § 6382.  Guardian ad litem for child in court proceedings.
    20  § 6383.  Education and training.
    21  § 6384.  Legislative oversight.
    22     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    23  hereby enacts as follows:
    24     Section 1.  Part IX of Title 23 of the Pennsylvania
    25  Consolidated Statutes is repealed.
    26     Section 2.  Title 23 is amended by adding parts, chapters or
    27  subchapters to read:
    28                              TITLE 23
    29                         DOMESTIC RELATIONS
    30  Part
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     1     I.  General Provisions
     2    II.  Marriage
     3   III.  Adoption
     4    IV.  Divorce
     5     V.  Support, Property and Contracts
     6    VI.  Children and Minors
     7   VII.  Abuse of Family
     8                               PART I
     9                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    10  Chapter
    11     1.  Preliminary Provisions
    12                             CHAPTER 1
    13                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    14  Sec.
    15  101.  Short title of title.
    16  102.  Definitions.
    17  § 101.  Short title of title.
    18     This title shall be known and may be cited as the Domestic
    19  Relations Code.
    20  § 102.  Definitions.
    21     (a)  General rule.--Subject to additional definitions
    22  contained in subsequent provisions of this title which are
    23  applicable to specific provisions of this title, the following
    24  words and phrases when used in this title shall have the
    25  meanings given to them in this subsection unless the context
    26  clearly indicates otherwise:
    27     "Clerk of court" or "clerk."  The personnel of the office of
    28  the prothonotary or clerk of the division of the court having
    29  jurisdiction over the matter.
    30     "Court."  The court or district justice having jurisdiction
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     1  over the matter under Title 42 (relating to judiciary and
     2  judicial procedure) exercised as provided in Title 42 or as
     3  otherwise provided or prescribed by law.
     4     (b)  Title 42 definitions.--Subject to additional definitions
     5  contained in subsequent provisions of this title which are
     6  applicable to specific provisions of this title, words and
     7  phrases not defined in subsection (a) which are defined in 42
     8  Pa.C.S. § 102 (relating to definitions) when used in this title
     9  shall have the meanings given to them in Title 42 unless the
    10  context clearly indicates otherwise.
    11                              PART II
    12                              MARRIAGE
    13  Chapter
    14    11.  Preliminary Provisions
    15    13.  Marriage License
    16    15.  Marriage Ceremony
    17    17.  Miscellaneous Provisions Relating to Marriage
    18    19.  Abolition of Actions for Alienation of Affections and
    19         Breach of Promise to Marry
    20                             CHAPTER 11
    21                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    22  Sec.
    23  1101.  Short title of part.
    24  1102.  Definitions.
    25  1103.  Common-law marriage.
    26  1104.  Forms.
    27  1105.  Fees.
    28  1106.  Records and statistics.
    29  § 1101.  Short title of part.
    30     This part shall be known and may be cited as the Marriage
    19890H1023B3110                 - 11 -

     1  Law.
     2  § 1102.  Definitions.
     3     The following words and phrases when used in this part shall
     4  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     5  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     6     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
     7     "Marriage license" or "license."  A license to marry issued
     8  under this part.
     9  § 1103.  Common-law marriage.
    10     This part shall not be construed to change the existing law
    11  with regard to common-law marriage.
    12  § 1104.  Forms.
    13     Marriage license applications, consent certificates, marriage
    14  licenses and other necessary forms shall be supplied at the
    15  expense of the county and shall be uniform throughout this
    16  Commonwealth as prescribed by the department. Statements of
    17  physicians and laboratories relative to examinations for
    18  syphilis shall be prepared and furnished by the department.
    19  § 1105.  Fees.
    20     (a)  General rule.--The fee to be charged for issuing a
    21  marriage license or declaration and for returns thereof to the
    22  department shall be $3 of which $2.50 shall be retained by the
    23  county wherein the license is issued and 50¢ shall be remitted
    24  to the Commonwealth.
    25     (b)  Transmitting Commonwealth moneys.--All moneys collected
    26  under this section for the Commonwealth shall be transmitted to
    27  the State Treasurer no later than the tenth day of the following
    28  month.
    29  § 1106.  Records and statistics.
    30     (a)  Filing transcript or record.--The county shall furnish
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     1  the department, not later than the 15th day of each month, with
     2  a transcript or record of each marriage license issued and each
     3  return of the celebration of a marriage received or filed during
     4  the preceding calendar month.
     5     (b)  Forms.--The transcripts or records required to be
     6  furnished shall be made on forms prepared and furnished by the
     7  department and shall contain such information as the department
     8  may require.
     9     (c)  Confidentiality.--The records furnished to the
    10  department under this section shall not be open to public
    11  inspection except as authorized by the regulations of the
    12  Advisory Health Board.
    13     (d)  Statistics.--The department shall from time to time
    14  compile and publish statistics derived from records furnished
    15  under this section.
    16                             CHAPTER 13
    17                          MARRIAGE LICENSE
    18  Sec.
    19  1301.  Marriage license required.
    20  1302.  Application for license.
    21  1303.  Waiting period after application.
    22  1304.  Restrictions on issuance of license.
    23  1305.  Examination and tests for syphilis.
    24  1306.  Oral examination.
    25  1307.  Issuance of license.
    26  1308.  Judicial review of refusal to issue license.
    27  1309.  Filing applications and consent certificates.
    28  1310.  Duration and form of license.
    29  § 1301.  Marriage license required.
    30     (a)  General rule.--No person shall be joined in marriage in
    19890H1023B3110                 - 13 -

     1  this Commonwealth until a marriage license has been obtained.
     2     (b)  Place of marriage ceremony.--A license issued under this
     3  part shall authorize a marriage ceremony to be performed in any
     4  county of this Commonwealth.
     5     (c)  Identity of applicants.--Prior to issuance of the
     6  license, the person issuing the license must be satisfied as to
     7  the identity of both of the applicants.
     8  § 1302.  Application for license.
     9     (a)  General rule.--No marriage license shall be issued
    10  except upon written and verified application made by both of the
    11  parties intending to marry.
    12     (b)  Contents.--The application shall contain the following:
    13         (1)  The full name of the applicants.
    14         (2)  The race, occupation, birthplace, residence and age
    15     of the applicants.
    16         (3)  Whether the marriage contemplated is the first,
    17     second or other marriage of an applicant.
    18         (4)  A statement that neither of the applicants is
    19     afflicted with transmissible disease.
    20         (5)  The full name, residence, race, occupation and
    21     birthplace of the parents of each applicant, including the
    22     maiden name of the mother of each applicant.
    23         (6)  Any other facts necessary to determine whether a
    24     legal impediment to the proposed marriage exists.
    25  § 1303.  Waiting period after application.
    26     (a)  General rule.--No marriage license shall be issued prior
    27  to the third day following the making of application therefor.
    28     (b)  Exception.--In case of emergency or extraordinary
    29  circumstances, the court may authorize a license to be issued at
    30  any time after the making of the application.
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     1  § 1304.  Restrictions on issuance of license.
     2     (a)  Examinations and tests for syphilis.--No marriage
     3  license shall be issued until there has been compliance with
     4  section 1305 (relating to examination and tests for syphilis).
     5     (b)  Minors.--
     6         (1)  No marriage license may be issued if either of the
     7     applicants for a license is under 16 years of age unless the
     8     court decides that it is to the best interest of the
     9     applicant and authorizes the issuance of the license.
    10         (2)  No marriage license may be issued if either of the
    11     applicants is under 18 years of age unless the consent of a
    12     parent or guardian of the applicant is personally given
    13     before the person issuing the license or is certified under
    14     the hand of a parent or guardian attested by two adult
    15     witnesses and, in the latter case, the signature of the
    16     parent or guardian is acknowledged before an officer
    17     authorized by law to take acknowledgments. When the minor has
    18     no guardian and a judge of the court is absent or not
    19     accessible for any reason, the office issuing the license may
    20     appoint a guardian pro hac vice for the minor.
    21     (c)  Incompetent persons.--No marriage license may be issued
    22  if either of the applicants for a license is weak-minded,
    23  insane, of unsound mind or is under guardianship as a person of
    24  unsound mind unless the court decides that it is for the best
    25  interest of the applicant and the general public to issue the
    26  license and authorizes the issuance of the license.
    27     (d)  Persons under influence of alcohol or drugs.--No
    28  marriage license may be issued if, at the time of making
    29  application, either of the applicants is under the influence of
    30  alcohol or drugs.
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     1     (e)  Marriage to relatives.--No marriage license may be
     2  issued to applicants within the prohibited degrees of
     3  consanguinity which are as follows:
     4         A man may not marry his mother.
     5         A man may not marry the sister of his father.
     6         A man may not marry the sister of his mother.
     7         A man may not marry his sister.
     8         A man may not marry his daughter.
     9         A man may not marry the daughter of his son or daughter.
    10         A MAN MAY NOT MARRY HIS FIRST COUSIN.                      <--
    11         A woman may not marry her father.
    12         A woman may not marry the brother of her father.
    13         A woman may not marry the brother of her mother.
    14         A woman may not marry her brother.
    15         A woman may not marry her son.
    16         A woman may not marry the son of her son or daughter.
    17         A WOMAN MAY NOT MARRY HER FIRST COUSIN.                    <--
    18  § 1305.  Examination and tests for syphilis.
    19     (a)  General rule.--No marriage license may be issued until
    20  there has been filed a statement or statements, signed by a
    21  licensed physician of this Commonwealth or of any other state or
    22  territory, a commissioned medical officer in the armed forces of
    23  the United States or a physician of the Public Health Service of
    24  the Federal Government, that each applicant within 30 days of
    25  the issuance of the marriage license has submitted to an
    26  examination to determine the existence or nonexistence of
    27  syphilis, which examination has included a standard serological
    28  test or tests for syphilis, and that, in the opinion of the
    29  examining physician, the applicant is not infected with syphilis
    30  or, if so infected, is not in a stage of that disease which is
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     1  likely to become communicable. The statement of the physician
     2  shall be accompanied by a statement from the person in charge of
     3  the laboratory making the test or from some other person
     4  authorized to make the statement setting forth the name of the
     5  test, the date the test was made, the exact name and address of
     6  the physician to whom a report was sent and the exact name and
     7  address of the person whose blood was tested and any other facts
     8  the department deems necessary to determine whether the
     9  applicant is infected with syphilis in a stage of that disease
    10  likely to become communicable. The statement from the laboratory
    11  shall not set forth the result of the test.
    12     (b)  Authorization and payment.--For the purpose of this
    13  section, a standard serological test for syphilis shall be a
    14  test approved by the department and shall be made at a
    15  laboratory approved by the department to make such tests.
    16  Laboratory tests required to be made by this section shall, upon
    17  request of the physician submitting the sample and certification
    18  of the physician that the applicant is unable to pay, be made
    19  without charge by the department.
    20     (c)  Administrative review of denial of statement.--Any
    21  applicant for a marriage license having been denied a
    22  physician's statement as required by this section shall have the
    23  right of appeal to the department for a review of the case, and
    24  the department shall, after appropriate investigation, issue or
    25  refuse to issue a statement in lieu of the physician's statement
    26  required by subsection (a).
    27     (d)  Forms and confidentiality.--The statements of the
    28  physician who examined the applicant and the laboratory which
    29  made the serological test shall be uniform throughout this
    30  Commonwealth and shall be upon forms provided by the department.
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     1  These forms shall be filed separately from the applications for
     2  marriage licenses and shall be regarded as absolutely
     3  confidential by every person whose duty it may be to obtain,
     4  make, transmit or receive the information or report.
     5  § 1306.  Oral examination.
     6     Each of the applicants for a marriage license shall appear in
     7  person and shall be examined under oath or affirmation as to:
     8         (1)  The legality of the contemplated marriage.
     9         (2)  Any prior marriage or marriages and its or their
    10     dissolution.
    11         (3)  The restrictions set forth in section 1304 (relating
    12     to restrictions on issuance of license).
    13         (4)  All the information required to be furnished on the
    14     application for license as prepared and approved by the
    15     department.
    16  § 1307.  Issuance of license.
    17     The marriage license shall be issued if it appears from
    18  properly completed applications on behalf of each of the parties
    19  to the proposed marriage that there is no legal objection to the
    20  marriage. Except as provided by section 1303(b) (relating to
    21  waiting period after application), the license shall not be
    22  issued prior to the third day following the date of the most
    23  recent of the two applications therefor.
    24  § 1308.  Judicial review of refusal to issue license.
    25     (a)  Certifying proceedings to court.--If the issuance of a
    26  marriage license is refused, upon request of the applicants, the
    27  proceedings shall immediately be certified to the court without
    28  formality or expense to the applicants.
    29     (b)  Prompt hearing.--The application for a marriage license
    30  shall be heard by a judge of the court, without a jury, in court
    19890H1023B3110                 - 18 -

     1  or in chambers at the earliest possible time.
     2  § 1309.  Filing applications and consent certificates.
     3     The applications for marriage licenses and consent
     4  certificates shall be immediately filed and docketed as public
     5  records.
     6  § 1310.  Duration and form of license.
     7     The marriage license shall not be valid for a longer period
     8  than 60 days from the date of issue and shall be in
     9  substantially the following form:
    10     Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11                                   ss:                   No. ....
    12     County of (name)
    13     To any person authorized by law to solemnize marriage:
    14         You are hereby authorized to join together in holy state
    15     of matrimony, according to the laws of the Commonwealth of
    16     Pennsylvania, (name) and (name).
    17         Given under my hand and seal of the Court of Common Pleas
    18     of (name), at (city, borough or town), on (date).
    19                             Signed ..............................
    20                                           (Official Title)
    21                             CHAPTER 15
    22                         MARRIAGE CEREMONY
    23  Sec.
    24  1501.  Form of marriage certificates.
    25  1502.  Forms where parties perform ceremony.
    26  1503.  Persons qualified to solemnize marriages.
    27  1504.  Returns of marriages.
    28  § 1501.  Form of marriage certificates.
    29     The marriage license shall have appended to it two
    30  certificates, numbered to correspond with the license (one
    19890H1023B3110                 - 19 -

     1  marked original and one marked duplicate), which shall be in
     2  substantially the following form:
     3         I hereby certify that on (date), at (city, borough or
     4     town), Pennsylvania, (name) and (name) were by me united in
     5     marriage, in accordance with license issued by the Court of
     6     Common Pleas of (name) numbered .....
     7                             Signed ..............................
     8                            (Title of person solemnizing marriage)
     9                            Address ..............................
    10  § 1502.  Forms where parties perform ceremony.
    11     (a)  Declaration of authorization.--In all cases in which the
    12  parties intend to solemnize their marriage by religious ceremony
    13  without officiating clergy, the marriage shall not take place
    14  until their right so to do is certified in a declaration in
    15  substantially the following form:
    16     Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17                                   ss:                   No. ....
    18     County of (name)
    19     To (name) and (name)
    20         Legal evidence having been furnished to me, in accordance
    21     with law, this certifies that I am satisfied that there is no
    22     legal impediment to you joining yourselves together in
    23     marriage.
    24                             Signed ..............................
    25                                           (Official Title)
    26     (b)  Marriage certificates.--In lieu of the certificate set
    27  forth in section 1501 (relating to form of marriage
    28  certificates), there shall be appended to the declaration two
    29  certificates, numbered to correspond to the declaration, in the
    30  following form:
    19890H1023B3110                 - 20 -

     1         We hereby certify that on (date), we united ourselves in
     2     marriage, at (city, borough or town), County of (name),
     3     Pennsylvania, having first obtained from the Court of Common
     4     Pleas of (name) a declaration numbered .... that the court
     5     was satisfied that there was no existing legal impediment to
     6     our so doing.
     7                             Signed ..............................
     8                             Signed ..............................
     9         We, the undersigned, were present at the solemnization of
    10     the marriage of (name) and (name), as set forth in the
    11     foregoing certificate.
    12                             Signed ..............................
    13                             Signed ..............................
    14  § 1503.  Persons qualified to solemnize marriages.
    15     (a)  General rule.--The following are authorized to solemnize
    16  marriages between persons that produce a marriage license issued
    17  under this part:
    18         (1)  A justice, judge or district justice of this
    19     Commonwealth.
    20         (2)  A former or retired justice, judge or district
    21     justice of this Commonwealth who is serving as a senior judge
    22     or senior district justice as provided or prescribed by law.
    23         (3)  An active or senior judge or full-time magistrate of
    24     the District Courts of the United States for the Eastern,
    25     Middle or Western Districts of Pennsylvania.
    26         (4)  An active or senior judge of the United States Court
    27     of Appeals for the Third Circuit who is a resident of this
    28     Commonwealth.
    29         (5)  A mayor of any city or borough of this Commonwealth.
    30         (6)  A minister, priest or rabbi of any regularly
    19890H1023B3110                 - 21 -

     1     established church or congregation.
     2     (b)  Religious organizations.--Every religious society,
     3  religious institution or religious organization in this
     4  Commonwealth may join persons together in marriage when at least
     5  one of the persons is a member of the society, institution or
     6  organization, according to the rules and customs of the society,
     7  institution or organization.
     8     (c)  Marriage license needed to officiate.--No person or
     9  religious organization qualified to perform marriages shall
    10  officiate at a marriage ceremony without the parties having
    11  obtained a marriage license issued under this part.
    12  § 1504.  Returns of marriages.
    13     (a)  General rule.--The original marriage certificate shall
    14  be signed by the person solemnizing the marriage and given to
    15  the parties contracting the marriage. The duplicate certificate
    16  shall be signed by the person or by a member of the religious
    17  society, institution or organization solemnizing the marriage
    18  and returned for recording within ten days to the court which
    19  issued the license.
    20     (b)  Marriage performed by parties.--If the marriage was
    21  solemnized by the parties themselves, the original certificate
    22  shall be signed by the parties to the marriage, attested by two
    23  witnesses and retained by the parties contracting the marriage.
    24  The duplicate certificate shall be signed by the parties to the
    25  marriage, attested by the same two witnesses and returned for
    26  recording within ten days to the court issuing the license.
    27                             CHAPTER 17
    29  Sec.
    30  1701.  Decree that spouse of applicant is presumed decedent.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 22 -

     1  1702.  Marriage during existence of former marriage.
     2  1703.  Marriage within degree of consanguinity.
     3  § 1701.  Decree that spouse of applicant is presumed decedent.
     4     (a)  Finding of death.--When the spouse of an applicant for a
     5  marriage license has disappeared or is absent from the place of
     6  residence of the spouse without being heard of after diligent
     7  inquiry, the court, aided by the report of a master if
     8  necessary, upon petition of the applicant for a marriage
     9  license, may make a finding and decree that the absentee is dead
    10  and the date of death if notice to the absentee has been given
    11  as provided in subsection (d) and either of the applicants is
    12  and for one year or more prior to the application has been a
    13  resident of this Commonwealth.
    14     (b)  Presumption from absence.--When the death of the spouse
    15  of an applicant for a marriage license is in issue, the
    16  unexplained absence from the last known place of residence and
    17  the fact that the absentee has been unheard of for seven years
    18  may be sufficient ground for finding that the absentee died
    19  seven years after the absentee was last heard from.
    20     (c)  Exposure to specific peril.--The fact that an absentee
    21  spouse was exposed to a specific peril of death may be a
    22  sufficient ground for finding that the absentee died less than
    23  seven years after the absentee was last heard from.
    24     (d)  Notice to absentee.--The court may require advertisement
    25  in any newspapers as the court, according to the circumstances
    26  of the case, deems advisable of the fact of the application for
    27  the marriage license together with notice that at a specified
    28  time and place the court, OR A MASTER APPOINTED BY THE COURT,     <--
    29  will hear evidence concerning the alleged absence, including the
    30  circumstances and duration thereof.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 23 -

     1     (e)  Remarriage after decree of presumed death.--Even though
     2  the absentee spouse declared to be presumed dead is in fact
     3  alive, the remarriage of the spouse who has obtained a license
     4  to marry and a decree of presumed death of the former spouse
     5  shall be valid for all purposes as though the former marriage
     6  had been terminated by divorce, and all property of the presumed
     7  decedent shall be administered and disposed of as provided by
     8  Title 20 (relating to decedents, estates and fiduciaries).
     9  § 1702. Marriage during existence of former marriage.
    10     (a)  General rule.--If a married person, during the lifetime
    11  of the other person with whom the marriage is in force, enters
    12  into a subsequent marriage pursuant to the requirements of this
    13  part and the parties to the marriage live together thereafter as
    14  husband and wife, and the subsequent marriage was entered into
    15  by one or both of the parties in good faith in the full belief
    16  that the former spouse was dead or that the former marriage has
    17  been annulled or terminated by a divorce, or without knowledge
    18  of the former marriage, they shall, after the impediment to
    19  their marriage has been removed by the death of the other party
    20  to the former marriage or by annulment or divorce, if they
    21  continue to live together as husband and wife in good faith on
    22  the part of one of them, be held to have been legally married
    23  from and immediately after the date of death or the date of the
    24  decree of annulment or divorce.
    25     (b)  False rumor of death of spouse.--Where a remarriage has
    26  occurred upon false rumor of the death of a former spouse in
    27  appearance well-founded but there has been no decree of presumed
    28  death, the remarriage shall be void and subject to annulment by
    29  either party to the remarriage as provided by section 3304
    30  (relating to grounds for annulment of void marriages), and the
    19890H1023B3110                 - 24 -

     1  returning spouse shall have cause for divorce as provided in
     2  section 3301 (relating to grounds for divorce).
     3     (c)  Criminal penalties.--Where the remarriage was entered
     4  into in good faith, neither party to the remarriage shall be
     5  subject to criminal prosecution for bigamy.
     6  § 1703.  Marriage within degree of consanguinity.
     7     All marriages within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity
     8  as set forth in this part are voidable, but, when any of these
     9  marriages have not been dissolved during the lifetime of the
    10  parties, the unlawfulness of the marriage shall not be inquired
    11  into after the death of either of the parties to the marriage.
    12                             CHAPTER 19
    14                   AND BREACH OF PROMISE TO MARRY
    15  Sec.
    16  1901.  Actions for alienation of affections abolished.
    17  1902.  Actions for breach of promise to marry abolished.
    18  1903.  Purpose of chapter.
    19  1904.  Filing or threatening to file actions prohibited.
    20  1905.  Instruments executed in satisfaction of abolished
    21         claims prohibited.
    22  § 1901.  Actions for alienation of affections abolished.
    23     (a)  General rule.--All civil causes of action for alienation
    24  of affections of husband or wife are abolished.
    25     (b)  Exception.--Subsection (a) does not apply to cases where
    26  the defendant is a parent, brother or sister or a person
    27  formerly in loco parentis to the spouse of plaintiff.
    28  § 1902.  Actions for breach of promise to marry abolished.
    29     All causes of action for breach of contract to marry are
    30  abolished.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 25 -

     1  § 1903.  Purpose of chapter.
     2     (a)  General rule.--No act done within this Commonwealth
     3  shall give rise, either within or without this Commonwealth, to
     4  a cause of action abolished by this chapter.
     5     (b)  Contract to marry.--No contract to marry which is made
     6  within this Commonwealth shall give rise, either within or
     7  without this Commonwealth, to a cause of action for breach of
     8  the contract.
     9     (c)  Intention of section.--It is the intention of this
    10  section to fix the effect, status and character of such acts and
    11  contracts and to render them ineffective to support or give rise
    12  to any such causes of action, either within or without this
    13  Commonwealth.
    14  § 1904.  Filing or threatening to file actions prohibited.
    15     It is unlawful for a person, either as litigant or attorney,
    16  to file, cause to be filed, threaten to file or threaten to
    17  cause to be filed in a court in this Commonwealth any pleading
    18  or paper setting forth or seeking to recover upon any cause of
    19  action abolished or barred by this chapter whether the cause of
    20  action arose within or without this Commonwealth.
    21  § 1905.  Instruments executed in satisfaction of abolished
    22             claims prohibited.
    23     (a)  Contracts and instruments void.--All contracts and
    24  instruments of every kind executed within this Commonwealth in
    25  payment, satisfaction, settlement or compromise of any claim or
    26  cause of action abolished or barred by this chapter, whether the
    27  claim or cause of action arose within or without this
    28  Commonwealth, are contrary to the public policy of this
    29  Commonwealth and void.
    30     (b)  Execution and use prohibited.--It is unlawful to cause,
    19890H1023B3110                 - 26 -

     1  induce or procure a person to execute a contract or instrument
     2  proscribed by this chapter, or cause, induce or procure a person
     3  to give, pay, transfer or deliver any money or thing of value in
     4  payment, satisfaction, settlement or compromise of any such
     5  claim or cause of action, or to receive, take or accept any such
     6  money or thing of value in such payment, satisfaction,
     7  settlement or compromise.
     8     (c)  Actions to enforce prohibited.--It is unlawful to
     9  commence or cause to be commenced, either as litigant or
    10  attorney, in a court of this Commonwealth any proceeding or
    11  action seeking to enforce or recover upon a contract or
    12  instrument proscribed by this chapter, knowing it to be such,
    13  whether the contract or instrument was executed within or
    14  without this Commonwealth.
    15     (d)  Exceptions.--This section does not apply to the payment,
    16  satisfaction, settlement or compromise of any causes of action
    17  which are not abolished or barred by this chapter or to the bona
    18  fide holder in due course of a negotiable instrument.
    19                              PART III
    20                              ADOPTION
    21  Chapter
    22    25.  Proceedings Prior to Petition to Adopt
    23                             CHAPTER 25
    25                               * * *
    26                            SUBCHAPTER E
    28  Sec.
    29  2551.  Definitions.
    30  2552.  Pennsylvania Adoption Cooperative Exchange.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 27 -

     1  2553.  Registration of children.
     2  2554.  Responsibilities of PACE.
     3  2555.  Responsibilities of public and private agencies.
     4  2556.  Related activities of agencies unaffected.
     5  2557.  Regulations and staff.
     6  2558.  Retroactive application of subchapter.
     7  § 2551.  Definitions.
     8     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
     9  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    10  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    11     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
    12  Commonwealth.
    13     "PACE."  The Pennsylvania Adoption Cooperative Exchange.
    14  § 2552.  Pennsylvania Adoption Cooperative.
    15     There shall be a Pennsylvania Adoption Cooperative Exchange
    16  in the Office of Children, Youth and Families of the Department
    17  of Public Welfare.
    18  § 2553.  Registration of children.
    19     (a)  Mandatory registration.--PACE shall register and be
    20  responsible for the review and referral of children for whom
    21  parental rights have been terminated for 90 days and for whom no
    22  report of intention to adopt has been filed in the court of
    23  common pleas.
    24     (b)  Optional registration.--PACE may also register children
    25  where restoration to the biological family is neither possible
    26  nor appropriate, a petition to terminate parental rights has
    27  been filed and adoption is planned pending identification of an
    28  adoptive parent or parents. However, information about these
    29  children shall not be publicized without prior approval by the
    30  department, which shall ensure the anonymity of these children
    19890H1023B3110                 - 28 -

     1  until such time as parental rights are terminated.
     2     (c)  Children excluded from registration.--A child for whom
     3  termination of parental rights is being appealed in a court
     4  shall not be registered with PACE as available for adoption.
     5  Identifying information of such children shall be forwarded to
     6  PACE by the agency, with reference to the specific reason for
     7  which the child is not to be placed on the listing service.
     8  § 2554.  Responsibilities of PACE.
     9     PACE shall be responsible for the following:
    10         (1)  Registration of adoptive parent applicants who have
    11     been approved by agencies.
    12         (2)  Accumulation and dissemination of statistical
    13     information regarding all children registered with PACE.
    14         (3)  Creation and administration of a public information
    15     program designed to inform potential adoptive parents of the
    16     need for adoptive homes for children registered with PACE.
    17         (4)  Preparation and distribution of a photographic
    18     listing service on children registered with PACE.
    19         (5)  Preparation of annual reports concerning functions
    20     of PACE regarding the children and the prospective parents
    21     listed with PACE. The reports shall be submitted annually to
    22     the Health and Welfare and Judiciary Committees of the House
    23     of Representatives, to the Public Health and Welfare and
    24     Judiciary Committees of the Senate and to the Governor.
    25         (6)  Coordination of its functions with other state,
    26     regional and national adoption exchanges.
    27  § 2555.  Responsibilities of public and private agencies.
    28     All public and licensed private child service agencies shall
    29  register all children with PACE for whom parental rights have
    30  been terminated for 90 days and for whom no report of intention
    19890H1023B3110                 - 29 -

     1  to adopt has been filed in the court of common pleas. A public
     2  or licensed private agency may register other children as set
     3  forth in section 2553(b) (relating to registration of children).
     4  § 2556.  Related activities of agencies unaffected.
     5     This subchapter shall not be construed to limit or delay
     6  actions by agencies or institutions to arrange for adoptions or
     7  other related matters on their own initiative and shall not
     8  alter or restrict the duties, authority and confidentiality of
     9  the agencies and institutions in those matters.
    10  § 2557.  Regulations and staff.
    11     The department shall promulgate necessary regulations and
    12  shall hire the staff which is necessary to implement this
    13  subchapter.
    14  § 2558.  Retroactive application of subchapter.
    15     This subchapter shall apply retroactively to all children for
    16  whom:
    17         (1)  Parental rights have been terminated and for whom no
    18     report of intention to adopt has been filed in the court of
    19     common pleas.
    20         (2)  Restoration to the biological family is neither
    21     possible nor appropriate, a petition to terminate parental
    22     rights has been filed and adoption is planned pending
    23     identification of an adoptive parent or parents.
    24                              PART IV
    25                              DIVORCE
    26  Chapter
    27    31.  Preliminary Provisions
    28    33.  Dissolution of Marital Status
    29    35.  Property Rights
    30    37.  Alimony and Support
    19890H1023B3110                 - 30 -

     1                             CHAPTER 31
     2                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
     3  Sec.
     4  3101.  Short title of part.
     5  3102.  Legislative findings and intent.
     6  3103.  Definitions.
     7  3104.  Bases of jurisdiction.
     8  3105.  Effect of agreement between parties.
     9  § 3101.  Short title of part.
    10     This part shall be known and may be cited as the Divorce
    11  Code.
    12  § 3102.  Legislative findings and intent.
    13     (a)  Policy.--The family is the basic unit in society and the
    14  protection and preservation of the family is of paramount public
    15  concern. Therefore, it is the policy of the Commonwealth to:
    16         (1)  Make the law for legal dissolution of marriage
    17     effective for dealing with the realities of matrimonial
    18     experience.
    19         (2)  Encourage and effect reconciliation and settlement
    20     of differences between spouses, especially where children are
    21     involved.
    22         (3)  Give primary consideration to the welfare of the
    23     family rather than the vindication of private rights or the
    24     punishment of matrimonial wrongs.
    25         (4)  Mitigate the harm to the spouses and their children
    26     caused by the legal dissolution of the marriage.
    27         (5)  Seek causes rather than symptoms of family
    28     disintegration and cooperate with and utilize the resources
    29     available to deal with family problems.
    30         (6)  Effectuate economic justice between parties who are
    19890H1023B3110                 - 31 -

     1     divorced or separated and grant or withhold alimony according
     2     to the actual need and ability to pay of the parties and
     3     insure a fair and just determination and settlement of their
     4     property rights.
     5     (b)  Construction of part.--The objectives set forth in
     6  subsection (a) shall be considered in construing provisions of
     7  this part and shall be regarded as expressing the legislative
     8  intent.
     9  § 3103.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this part shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Alimony."  An order for support granted by this Commonwealth
    14  or any other state to a spouse or former spouse in conjunction
    15  with a decree granting a divorce or annulment.
    16     "Alimony pendente lite."  An order for temporary support
    17  granted to a spouse during the pendency of a divorce or
    18  annulment proceeding.
    19     "Divorce."  Divorce from the bonds of matrimony.
    20     "Grounds for divorce."  The grounds enumerated in section
    21  3301 (relating to grounds for divorce).
    22     "Irretrievable breakdown."  Estrangement due to marital
    23  difficulties with no reasonable prospect of reconciliation.
    24     "Qualified professionals."  Includes marriage counselors,
    25  psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, ministers,
    26  priests, rabbis or other persons who, by virtue of their
    27  training and experience, are able to provide counseling.
    28     "Separate and apart."  Complete cessation of any and all
    29  cohabitation, whether living in the same residence or not.
    30     "Spousal support."  Care, maintenance and financial
    19890H1023B3110                 - 32 -

     1  assistance.
     2  § 3104.  Bases of jurisdiction.
     3     (a)  Jurisdiction.--The courts shall have original
     4  jurisdiction in cases of divorce and for the annulment of void
     5  or voidable marriages and shall determine in conjunction with
     6  any decree granting a divorce or annulment the following
     7  matters, if raised in the pleadings, and issue appropriate
     8  decrees or orders with reference thereto, and may retain
     9  continuing jurisdiction thereof:
    10         (1)  The determination and disposition of property rights
    11     and interests between spouses, including any rights created
    12     by any antenuptial, postnuptial or separation agreement and
    13     including the partition of property held as tenants by the
    14     entireties or otherwise and any accounting between them, and
    15     the order of any spousal support, alimony, alimony pendente
    16     lite, counsel fees or costs authorized by law.
    17         (2)  The future care, custody and visitation rights as to
    18     children of the marriage or purported marriage.
    19         (3)  Any support or assistance which shall be paid for
    20     the benefit of any children of the marriage or purported
    21     marriage.
    22         (4)  Any property settlement involving any of the matters
    23     set forth in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) as submitted by the
    24     parties.
    25         (5)  Any other matters pertaining to the marriage and
    26     divorce or annulment authorized by law and which fairly and
    27     expeditiously may be determined and disposed of in such
    28     action.
    29     (b)  Residence and domicile of parties.--No spouse is
    30  entitled to commence an action for divorce or annulment under
    19890H1023B3110                 - 33 -

     1  this part unless at least one of the parties has been a bona
     2  fide resident in this Commonwealth for at least six months
     3  immediately previous to the commencement of the action. Both
     4  parties shall be competent witnesses to prove their respective
     5  residence, and proof of actual residence within this
     6  Commonwealth for six months shall create a presumption of
     7  domicile within this Commonwealth.
     8     (c)  Powers of court.--The court has authority to entertain
     9  an action under this part notwithstanding the fact that the
    10  marriage of the parties and the cause for divorce occurred
    11  outside of this Commonwealth and that both parties were at the
    12  time of the occurrence domiciled outside this Commonwealth. The
    13  court also has the power to annul void or voidable marriages
    14  celebrated outside this Commonwealth at a time when neither
    15  party was domiciled within this Commonwealth.
    16     (d)  Foreign forum.--After the dissolution or annulment of a
    17  marriage in a foreign forum where a matter under subsection (a)
    18  has not been decided, a court of this Commonwealth shall have
    19  jurisdiction to determine a matter under subsection (a) to the
    20  fullest extent allowed under the Constitution of the United
    21  States.
    22     (e)  Venue.--A proceeding for divorce or annulment may be
    23  brought in the county:
    24         (1)  where the defendant resides;
    25         (2)  if the defendant resides outside of this
    26     Commonwealth, where the plaintiff resides;
    27         (3)  of matrimonial domicile, if the plaintiff has
    28     continuously resided in the county;
    29         (4)  prior to six months after the date of final
    30     separation and with agreement of the defendant, where the
    19890H1023B3110                 - 34 -

     1     plaintiff resides or, if neither party continues to reside in
     2     the county of matrimonial domicile, where either party
     3     resides; or
     4         (5)  after six months after the date of final separation,
     5     where either party resides.
     6  § 3105.  Effect of agreement between parties.
     7     (a)  Enforcement.--A party to an agreement regarding matters
     8  within the jurisdiction of the court under this part, whether or
     9  not the agreement has been merged or incorporated into the
    10  decree, may utilize a remedy or sanction set forth in this part
    11  to enforce the agreement to the same extent as though the
    12  agreement had been an order of the court except as provided to
    13  the contrary in the agreement.
    14     (b)  Certain provisions subject to modification.--A provision
    15  of an agreement regarding child support, visitation or custody
    16  shall be subject to modification by the court upon a showing of
    17  changed circumstances.
    18     (c)  Certain provisions not subject to modification.--In the
    19  absence of a specific provision to the contrary appearing in the
    20  agreement, a provision regarding the disposition of existing
    21  property rights and interests between the parties, alimony,
    22  alimony pendente lite, counsel fees or expenses shall not be
    23  subject to modification by the court.
    24                             CHAPTER 33
    25                   DISSOLUTION OF MARITAL STATUS
    26  Subchapter
    27     A.  General Provisions
    28     B.  Procedure
    29     C.  Attacks Upon Decrees
    30                            SUBCHAPTER A
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     1                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
     2  Sec.
     3  3301.  Grounds for divorce.
     4  3302.  Counseling.
     5  3303.  Annulment of void and voidable marriages.
     6  3304.  Grounds for annulment of void marriages.
     7  3305.  Grounds for annulment of voidable marriages.
     8  3306.  Proceedings to determine marital status.
     9  3307.  Defenses.
    10  3308.  Action where defendant suffering from mental disorder.
    11  3309.  General appearance and collusion.
    12  § 3301.  Grounds for divorce.
    13     (a)  Fault.--The court may grant a divorce to the innocent
    14  and injured spouse whenever it is judged that the other spouse
    15  has:
    16         (1)  Committed willful and malicious desertion, and
    17     absence from the habitation of the injured and innocent
    18     spouse, without a reasonable cause, for the period of one or
    19     more years.
    20         (2)  Committed adultery.
    21         (3)  By cruel and barbarous treatment, endangered the
    22     life or health of the injured and innocent spouse.
    23         (4)  Knowingly entered into a bigamous marriage while a
    24     former marriage is still subsisting.
    25         (5)  Been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of two or
    26     more years upon conviction of having committed a crime.
    27         (6)  Offered such indignities to the innocent and injured
    28     spouse as to render that spouse's condition intolerable and
    29     life burdensome.
    30     (b)  Institutionalization.--The court may grant a divorce
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     1  from a spouse upon the ground that insanity or serious mental
     2  disorder has resulted in confinement in a mental institution for
     3  at least 18 months immediately before the commencement of an
     4  action under this part and where there is no reasonable prospect
     5  that the spouse will be discharged from inpatient care during
     6  the 18 months subsequent to the commencement of the action. A
     7  presumption that no prospect of discharge exists shall be
     8  established by a certificate of the superintendent of the
     9  institution to that effect and which includes a supporting
    10  statement of a treating physician.
    11     (c)  Mutual consent.--The court may grant a divorce where it
    12  is alleged that the marriage is irretrievably broken and 90 days
    13  have elapsed from the date of commencement of an action under
    14  this part and an affidavit has been filed by each of the parties
    15  evidencing that each of the parties consents to the divorce.
    16     (d)  Irretrievable breakdown.--
    17         (1)  The court may grant a divorce where a complaint has
    18     been filed alleging that the marriage is irretrievably broken
    19     and an affidavit has been filed alleging that the parties
    20     have lived separate and apart for a period of at least two
    21     years and that the marriage is irretrievably broken and the
    22     defendant either:
    23             (i)  Does not deny the allegations set forth in the
    24         affidavit.
    25             (ii)  Denies one or more of the allegations set forth
    26         in the affidavit but, after notice and hearing, the court
    27         determines that the parties have lived separate and apart
    28         for a period of at least two years and that the marriage
    29         is irretrievably broken.
    30         (2)  If a hearing has been held pursuant to paragraph
    19890H1023B3110                 - 37 -

     1     (1)(ii) and the court determines that there is a reasonable
     2     prospect of reconciliation, then the court shall continue the
     3     matter for a period not less than 90 days nor more than 120
     4     days unless the parties agree to a period in excess of 120
     5     days. During this period, the court shall require counseling
     6     as provided in section 3302 (relating to counseling). If the
     7     parties have not reconciled at the expiration of the time
     8     period and one party states under oath that the marriage is
     9     irretrievably broken, the court shall determine whether the
    10     marriage is irretrievably broken. If the court determines
    11     that the marriage is irretrievably broken, the court shall
    12     grant the divorce. Otherwise, the court shall deny the
    13     divorce.
    14     (e)  No hearing required in certain cases.--If grounds for
    15  divorce alleged in the complaint or counterclaim are established
    16  under subsection (c) or (d), the court shall grant a divorce
    17  without requiring a hearing on any other grounds.
    18  § 3302.  Counseling.
    19     (a)  Indignities.--Whenever indignities under section
    20  3301(a)(6) (relating to grounds for divorce) is the ground for
    21  divorce, the court shall require up to a maximum of three
    22  counseling sessions where either of the parties requests it.
    23     (b)  Mutual consent.--Whenever mutual consent under section
    24  3301(c) is the ground for divorce, the court shall require up to
    25  a maximum of three counseling sessions within the 90 days
    26  following the commencement of the action where either of the
    27  parties requests it.
    28     (c)  Irretrievable breakdown.--Whenever the court orders a
    29  continuation period as provided for irretrievable breakdown in
    30  section 3301(d)(2), the court shall require up to a maximum of
    19890H1023B3110                 - 38 -

     1  three counseling sessions within the time period where either of
     2  the parties requests it or may require such counseling where the
     3  parties have at least one child under 16 years of age.
     4     (d)  Notification of availability of counseling.--Whenever
     5  section 3301(a)(6), (c) or (d) is the ground for divorce, the
     6  court shall, upon the commencement of an action under this part,
     7  notify both parties of the availability of counseling and, upon
     8  request, provide both parties a list of qualified professionals
     9  who provide such services.
    10     (e)  Choice of qualified professionals unrestricted.--The
    11  choice of a qualified professional shall be at the option of the
    12  parties and the professional need not be selected from the list
    13  provided by the court.
    14     (f)  Report.--Where the court requires counseling, a report
    15  shall be made by the qualified professional stating that the
    16  parties did or did not attend.
    17  § 3303.  Annulment of void and voidable marriages.
    18     (a)  General rule.--In all cases where a supposed or alleged
    19  marriage has been contracted which is void or voidable under
    20  this title or under applicable law, either party to the supposed
    21  or alleged marriage may bring an action in annulment to have it
    22  declared void in accordance with the procedures provided by this
    23  part and prescribed by general rules.
    24     (b)  Common-law marriage.--In the case of a purported common-
    25  law marriage where a party was under 18 years of age, a parent
    26  or guardian of the minor may bring a declaratory judgment
    27  proceeding during the party's minority to have the marriage
    28  declared void.
    29  § 3304.  Grounds for annulment of void marriages.
    30     (a)  General rule.--Where there has been no confirmation by
    19890H1023B3110                 - 39 -

     1  cohabitation following the removal of an impediment, the
     2  supposed or alleged marriage of a person shall be deemed void in
     3  the following cases:
     4         (1)  Where either party at the time of such marriage had
     5     an existing spouse and the former marriage had not been
     6     annulled nor had there been a divorce except where that party
     7     had obtained a decree of presumed death of the former spouse.
     8         (2)  Where the parties to such marriage are related
     9     within the degrees of consanguinity prohibited by section
    10     1304(e) (relating to restrictions on issuance of license).
    11         (3)  Where either party to such marriage was incapable of
    12     consenting by reason of insanity or serious mental disorder
    13     or otherwise lacked capacity to consent or did not intend to
    14     consent to the marriage.
    15         (4)  Where either party to a purported common-law
    16     marriage was under 18 years of age.
    17     (b)  Procedures.--In all cases of marriages which are void,
    18  the marriage may be annulled as set forth in section 3303
    19  (relating to annulment of void and voidable marriages) or its
    20  invalidity may be declared in any collateral proceeding.
    21  § 3305.  Grounds for annulment of voidable marriages.
    22     (a)  General rule.--The marriage of a person shall be deemed
    23  voidable and subject to annulment in the following cases:
    24         (1)  Where either party to the marriage was under 16
    25     years of age unless the marriage was expressly authorized by
    26     the court.
    27         (2)  Where either party was 16 or 17 years of age and
    28     lacked the consent of parent or guardian or express
    29     authorization of the court and has not subsequently ratified
    30     the marriage upon reaching 18 years of age and an action for
    19890H1023B3110                 - 40 -

     1     annulment is commenced within 60 days after the marriage
     2     ceremony.
     3         (3)  Where either party to the marriage was under the
     4     influence of alcohol or drugs and an action for annulment is
     5     commenced within 60 days after the marriage ceremony.
     6         (4)  Where either party to the marriage was at the time
     7     of the marriage and still is naturally and incurably impotent
     8     unless the condition was known to the other party prior to
     9     the marriage.
    10         (5)  Where one party was induced to enter into the
    11     marriage due to fraud, duress, coercion or force attributable
    12     to the other party and there has been no subsequent voluntary
    13     cohabitation after knowledge of the fraud or release from the
    14     effects of fraud, duress, coercion or force.
    15     (b)  Status of voidable marriage.--In all cases of marriages
    16  which are voidable, either party to the marriage may seek and
    17  obtain an annulment of the marriage but, until a decree of
    18  annulment is obtained from a court of competent jurisdiction,
    19  the marriage shall be valid. The validity of a voidable marriage
    20  shall not be subject to attack or question by any person if it
    21  is subsequently confirmed by the parties to the marriage or if
    22  either party has died.
    23  § 3306.  Proceedings to determine marital status.
    24     When the validity of a marriage is denied or doubted, either
    25  or both of the parties to the marriage may bring an action for a
    26  declaratory judgment seeking a declaration of the validity or
    27  invalidity of the marriage and, upon proof of the validity or
    28  invalidity of the marriage, the marriage shall be declared valid
    29  or invalid by decree of the court and, unless reversed upon
    30  appeal, the declaration shall be conclusive upon all persons
    19890H1023B3110                 - 41 -

     1  concerned.
     2  § 3307.  Defenses.
     3     (a)  General rule.--Existing common-law defenses are retained
     4  as to the grounds enumerated in section 3301(a) and (b)
     5  (relating to grounds for divorce). The defenses of condonation,
     6  connivance, collusion, recrimination and provocation are
     7  abolished as to the grounds enumerated in section 3301(c) and
     8  (d).
     9     (b)  Adultery.--In an action for divorce on the ground of
    10  adultery, it is a good defense and a perpetual bar against the
    11  action if the defendant alleges and proves, or if it appears in
    12  the evidence, that the plaintiff:
    13         (1)  has been guilty of like conduct;
    14         (2)  has admitted the defendant into conjugal society or
    15     embraces after the plaintiff knew of the fact;
    16         (3)  allowed the defendant's prostitution or received
    17     hire from it; or
    18         (4)  exposed the defendant to lewd company whereby the
    19     defendant became involved in the adultery.
    20  § 3308.  Action where defendant suffering from mental disorder.
    21     If a spouse is insane or suffering from serious mental
    22  disorder, an action may be commenced under this part against
    23  that spouse upon any ground for divorce or annulment.
    24  § 3309.  General appearance and collusion.
    25     The entry of a general appearance by, or in behalf of, a
    26  defendant does not constitute collusion. Collusion shall be
    27  found to exist only where the parties conspired to fabricate
    28  grounds for divorce or annulment, agreed to and did commit
    29  perjury or perpetrated fraud on the court. Negotiation and
    30  discussion of terms of property settlement and other matters
    19890H1023B3110                 - 42 -

     1  arising by reason of contemplated divorce or annulment do not
     2  constitute collusion.
     3                            SUBCHAPTER B
     4                             PROCEDURE
     5  Sec.
     6  3321.  Hearing by master.
     7  3322.  Jury trial.
     8  3323.  Decree of court.
     9  § 3321.  Hearing by master.
    10     The court may appoint a master to hear testimony on all or
    11  some issues, except issues of custody and paternity, and return
    12  the record and a transcript of the testimony together with a
    13  report and recommendation as prescribed by general rules or a
    14  judge of the court in chambers may appoint a master to hold a
    15  nonrecord hearing and to make recommendations and return the
    16  same to the court, in which case, either party may demand a
    17  hearing de novo before the court.
    18  § 3322.  Jury trial.
    19     (a)  Application for jury trial.--After service of the
    20  complaint in divorce or annulment on the defendant in the manner
    21  prescribed by general rules or entry of a general appearance for
    22  the defendant, if either of the parties desires any matter of
    23  fact that is affirmed by one and denied by the other to be tried
    24  by a jury, that party may take a rule upon the opposite party,
    25  to be allowed by a judge of the court, to show cause why the
    26  issues of fact set forth in the rule should not be tried by a
    27  jury which rule shall be served upon the opposite party or
    28  counsel for the opposite party.
    29     (b)  Disposition of application.--Upon the return of the
    30  rule, after hearing, the court may discharge it, make it
    19890H1023B3110                 - 43 -

     1  absolute or frame issues itself. Only the issues ordered by the
     2  court shall be tried. The rule shall not be made absolute when,
     3  in the opinion of the court, a trial by jury cannot be had
     4  without prejudice to the public morals.
     5  § 3323.  Decree of court.
     6     (a)  General rule.--In all matrimonial causes, the court may
     7  either dismiss the complaint or enter a decree of divorce or
     8  annulment of the marriage.
     9     (b)  Contents of decree.--A decree granting a divorce or an
    10  annulment shall include, after a full hearing, where these
    11  matters are raised in any pleadings, an order determining and
    12  disposing of existing property rights and interests between the
    13  parties, custody, partial custody and visitation rights, child
    14  support, alimony, reasonable attorney fees, costs and expenses
    15  and any other related matters, including the enforcement of
    16  agreements voluntarily entered into between the parties. In the
    17  enforcement of the rights of any party to any of these matters,
    18  the court shall have all necessary powers, including, but not
    19  limited to, the power of contempt and the power to attach wages.
    20     (c)  Bifurcation.--In the event that the court is unable for
    21  any reason to determine and dispose of the matters provided for
    22  in subsection (b) within 30 days after the report of the master
    23  has been filed, it may enter a decree of divorce or annulment.
    24  Upon the request of either party and after a hearing, the court
    25  may order alimony pendente lite, reasonable counsel fees, costs
    26  and expenses and may make a temporary order necessary to protect
    27  the interests of the parties pending final disposition of the
    28  matters in subsection (b).
    29     (d)  Substitution for deceased party.--If one of the parties
    30  dies after the decree of divorce has been entered, but prior to
    19890H1023B3110                 - 44 -

     1  the final determination in such proceeding of the property
     2  rights and interests of the parties under this part, the
     3  personal representative of the deceased party shall be
     4  substituted as a party as provided by law and the action shall
     5  proceed.
     6     (e)  Costs.--The court may award costs to the party in whose
     7  favor the order or decree shall be entered, or may order that
     8  each party shall pay their own costs, or may order that costs be
     9  divided equitably as it shall appear just and reasonable.
    10     (f)  Equity power and jurisdiction of the court.--In all
    11  matrimonial causes, the court shall have full equity power and
    12  jurisdiction and may issue injunctions or other orders which are
    13  necessary to protect the interests of the parties or to
    14  effectuate the purposes of this part, and may grant such other
    15  relief or remedy as equity and justice require against either
    16  party or against any third person over whom the court has
    17  jurisdiction and who is involved in or concerned with the
    18  disposition of the cause.
    19                            SUBCHAPTER C
    20                        ATTACKS UPON DECREES
    21  Sec.
    22  3331.  Limitations on attacks upon decrees.
    23  3332.  Opening or vacating decrees.
    24  3333.  Res judicata and estoppel.
    25  § 3331.  Limitations on attacks upon decrees.
    26     The validity of a decree of divorce or annulment issued by a
    27  court shall not be questioned, except by appeal, in any court or
    28  place in this Commonwealth after the death of either party to
    29  the proceeding. If it is shown that a party who subsequently
    30  attempts to question the validity of the decree had full
    19890H1023B3110                 - 45 -

     1  knowledge of the facts and circumstances later complained of at
     2  the time of issuance of the decree or failed to take any action
     3  despite this knowledge within two years after the date of the
     4  decree, the party shall be barred from questioning the decree,
     5  and it shall be valid in all courts and places within this
     6  Commonwealth.
     7  § 3332.  Opening or vacating decrees.
     8     A motion to open a decree of divorce or annulment may be made
     9  only within the period limited by 42 Pa.C.S. § 5505 (relating to
    10  modification of orders) and not thereafter. The motion may lie
    11  where it is alleged that the decree was procured by intrinsic
    12  fraud or that there is new evidence relating to the cause of
    13  action which will sustain the attack upon its validity. A motion
    14  to vacate a decree or strike a judgment alleged to be void
    15  because of extrinsic fraud, lack of jurisdiction over the
    16  subject matter or a fatal defect apparent upon the face of the
    17  record must be made within five years after entry of the final
    18  decree. Intrinsic fraud relates to a matter adjudicated by the
    19  judgment, including perjury and false testimony, whereas
    20  extrinsic fraud relates to matters collateral to the judgment
    21  which have the consequence of precluding a fair hearing or
    22  presentation of one side of the case.
    23  § 3333.  Res judicata and estoppel.
    24     The validity of a divorce or annulment decree granted by a
    25  court having jurisdiction over the subject matter may not be
    26  questioned by a party who was subject to the personal
    27  jurisdiction of the court except by direct appeal provided or
    28  prescribed by law. A party who sought and obtained a decree,
    29  financed or agreed to its procurement, or accepted a property
    30  settlement, alimony pendente lite or alimony pursuant to the
    19890H1023B3110                 - 46 -

     1  terms of the decree, or who remarries after the decree, or is
     2  guilty of laches, is barred from making a collateral attack upon
     3  the validity of the decree unless by clear and convincing
     4  evidence it is established that fraud by the other party
     5  prevented the making of a timely appeal from the divorce or
     6  annulment decree.
     7                             CHAPTER 35
     8                          PROPERTY RIGHTS
     9  Sec.
    10  3501.  Definitions.
    11  3502.  Equitable division of marital property.
    12  3503.  Effect of divorce on property rights generally.
    13  3504.  Disposition of property after termination of marriage.
    14  3505.  Disposition of property to defeat obligations.
    15  3506.  Statement of reasons for distribution.
    16  3507.  Division of entireties property between divorced persons.
    17  3508.  Conveyance of entireties property to divorced spouse.
    18  § 3501.  Definitions.
    19     (a)  General rule.--As used in this chapter, "marital
    20  property" means all property acquired by either party during the
    21  marriage, including the increase in value prior to the date of
    22  final separation of any nonmarital property acquired pursuant to
    23  paragraphs (1) and (3), except:
    24         (1)  Property acquired prior to marriage or property
    25     acquired in exchange for property acquired prior to the
    26     marriage.
    27         (2)  Property excluded by valid agreement of the parties
    28     entered into before, during or after the marriage.
    29         (3)  Property acquired by gift, except between spouses,
    30     bequest, devise or descent.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 47 -

     1         (4)  Property acquired after final separation until the
     2     date of divorce, except for property acquired in exchange for
     3     marital assets.
     4         (5)  Property which a party has sold, granted, conveyed
     5     or otherwise disposed of in good faith and for value prior to
     6     the date of final separation.
     7         (6)  Veterans' benefits exempt from attachment, levy or
     8     seizure pursuant to the act of September 2, 1958 (Public Law
     9     85-857, 72 Stat. 1229), as amended, except for those benefits
    10     received by a veteran where the veteran has waived a portion
    11     of his military retirement pay in order to receive veterans'
    12     compensation.
    13         (7)  Property to the extent to which the property has
    14     been mortgaged or otherwise encumbered in good faith for
    15     value prior to the date of final separation.
    16         (8)  Any payment received as a result of an award or
    17     settlement for any cause of action or claim which accrued
    18     prior to the marriage or after the date of final separation
    19     regardless of when the payment was received.
    20     (b)  Presumption.--All real or personal property acquired by
    21  either party during the marriage is presumed to be marital
    22  property regardless of whether title is held individually or by
    23  the parties in some form of co-ownership such as joint tenancy,
    24  tenancy in common or tenancy by the entirety. The presumption of
    25  marital property is overcome by a showing that the property was
    26  acquired by a method listed in subsection (a).
    27  § 3502.  Equitable division of marital property.
    28     (a)  General rule.--In an action for divorce or annulment,
    29  the court shall, upon request of either party, equitably divide,
    30  distribute or assign, in kind or otherwise, the marital property
    19890H1023B3110                 - 48 -

     1  between the parties without regard to marital misconduct in such
     2  proportions and in such manner as the court deems just after
     3  considering all relevant factors, including:
     4         (1)  The length of the marriage.
     5         (2)  Any prior marriage of either party.
     6         (3)  The age, health, station, amount and sources of
     7     income, vocational skills, employability, estate, liabilities
     8     and needs of each of the parties.
     9         (4)  The contribution by one party to the education,
    10     training or increased earning power of the other party.
    11         (5)  The opportunity of each party for future
    12     acquisitions of capital assets and income.
    13         (6)  The sources of income of both parties, including,
    14     but not limited to, medical, retirement, insurance or other
    15     benefits.
    16         (7)  The contribution or dissipation of each party in the
    17     acquisition, preservation, depreciation or appreciation of
    18     the marital property, including the contribution of a party
    19     as homemaker.
    20         (8)  The value of the property set apart to each party.
    21         (9)  The standard of living of the parties established
    22     during the marriage.
    23         (10)  The economic circumstances of each party, including
    24     Federal, State and local tax ramifications, at the time the
    25     division of property is to become effective.
    26         (11)  Whether the party will be serving as the custodian
    27     of any dependent minor children.
    28     (b)  Lien.--The court may impose a lien or charge upon
    29  property of a party as security for the payment of alimony or
    30  any other award for the other party.
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     1     (c)  Family home.--The court may award during the pendency of
     2  the action or otherwise to one or both of the parties the right
     3  to reside in the marital residence.
     4     (d)  Life insurance.--The court may direct the continued
     5  maintenance and beneficiary designations of existing policies
     6  insuring the life or health of either party which were
     7  originally purchased during the marriage and owned by or within
     8  the effective control of either party. Where it is necessary to
     9  protect the interests of a party, the court may also direct the
    10  purchase of, and beneficiary designations on, a policy insuring
    11  the life or health of either party.
    12     (e)  Powers of the court.--If, at any time, a party has
    13  failed to comply with an order of equitable distribution, as
    14  provided for in this chapter, or with the terms of an agreement
    15  as entered into between the parties, after hearing, the court
    16  may, in addition to any other remedy available under this part,
    17  in order to effect compliance with its order:
    18         (1)  enter judgment;
    19         (2)  authorize the taking and seizure of the goods and
    20     chattels and collection of the rents and profits of the real
    21     and personal, tangible and intangible property of the party;
    22         (3)  award interest on unpaid installments;
    23         (4)  order and direct the transfer or sale of any
    24     property required in order to comply with the court's order;
    25         (5)  require security to insure future payments in
    26     compliance with the court's order;
    27         (6)  issue attachment proceedings, directed to the
    28     sheriff or other proper officer of the county, directing that
    29     the person named as having failed to comply with the court
    30     order be brought before the court, at such time as the court
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     1     may direct. If the court finds, after hearing, that the
     2     person willfully failed to comply with the court order, it
     3     may deem the person in civil contempt of court and, in its
     4     discretion, make an appropriate order, including, but not
     5     limited to, commitment of the person to the county jail for a
     6     period not to exceed six months;
     7         (7)  award counsel fees and costs;
     8         (8)  attach wages; or
     9         (9)  find the party in contempt.
    10  § 3503.  Effect of divorce on property rights generally.
    11     Whenever a decree or judgment is granted which nullifies or
    12  absolutely terminates the bonds of matrimony, all property
    13  rights which are dependent upon the marital relation, except
    14  those which are vested rights, are terminated unless the court
    15  expressly provides otherwise in its decree. All duties, rights
    16  and claims accruing to either of the parties at any time
    17  theretofore in pursuance of the marriage shall cease, and the
    18  parties shall severally be at liberty to marry again as if they
    19  had never been married.
    20  § 3504.  Disposition of property after termination of marriage.
    21     Unless provided otherwise by the court, whenever a decree of
    22  divorce or annulment is entered by a court of competent
    23  jurisdiction, both parties whose marriage is terminated or
    24  affected shall have complete freedom of disposition as to their
    25  separate real and personal property and may mortgage, sell,
    26  grant, convey or otherwise encumber or dispose of their separate
    27  property, whether the property was acquired before, during or
    28  after coverture, and neither need join in, consent to or
    29  acknowledge a deed, mortgage or instrument of the other.
    30  § 3505.  Disposition of property to defeat obligations.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 51 -

     1     (a)  Preliminary relief.--Where it appears to the court that
     2  a party is about to leave the jurisdiction of the court or is
     3  about to remove property of that party from the jurisdiction of
     4  the court or is about to dispose of, alienate or encumber
     5  property in order to defeat equitable distribution, alimony
     6  pendente lite, alimony, child and spousal support or a similar
     7  award, an injunction may issue to prevent the removal or
     8  disposition and the property may be attached as prescribed by
     9  general rules. The court may also issue a writ of ne exeat to
    10  preclude the removal.
    11     (b)  Inventory of property.--Both parties shall submit to the
    12  court an inventory and appraisement, which shall contain all of
    13  the following:
    14         (1)  A list of the property owned or possessed by either
    15     or both of them as of:
    16             (i)  the date of separation; and
    17             (ii)  thirty days prior to the date of hearing on
    18         equitable distribution.
    19         (2)  A list of the value of the property owned or
    20     possessed by either or both of them as of:
    21             (i)  the date of acquisition;
    22             (ii)  the date of separation; and
    23             (iii)  thirty days prior to the date of hearing on
    24         equitable distribution.
    25         (3)  A list of the liabilities of either or both of them
    26     as of 30 days prior to the date of hearing on equitable
    27     distribution, whether or not the liabilities are related to
    28     the property set forth in the inventory and appraisement.
    29     (c)  Discovery.--Discovery under this part shall be as
    30  provided for all other civil actions under the Pennsylvania
    19890H1023B3110                 - 52 -

     1  Rules of Civil Procedure.
     2     (d)  Constructive trust for undisclosed assets.--If a party
     3  fails to disclose information required by subsection (b) and in
     4  consequence thereof an asset or assets with a fair market value
     5  of $500 or more is omitted from the final distribution of
     6  property, the party aggrieved by the nondisclosure may at any
     7  time petition the court granting the award to declare the
     8  creation of a constructive trust as to all undisclosed assets
     9  for the benefit of the parties and their minor or dependent
    10  children, if any. The party in whose name the assets are held
    11  shall be declared the constructive trustee, and the trust may
    12  include any terms and conditions the court may determine. The
    13  court shall grant the petition upon a finding of a failure to
    14  disclose the assets as required under subsection (b).
    15     (e)  Encumbrance or disposition to third parties.--An
    16  encumbrance or disposition of marital property to third persons
    17  who paid wholly inadequate consideration for the property may be
    18  deemed fraudulent and declared void.
    19  § 3506.  Statement of reasons for distribution.
    20     In an order made under this chapter for the distribution of
    21  property the court shall set forth the reason for the
    22  distribution ordered.
    23  § 3507.  Division of entireties property between divorced
    24             persons.
    25     (a)  General rule.--Whenever married persons holding property
    26  as tenants by entireties are divorced, they shall, except as
    27  otherwise provided by an order made under this chapter,
    28  thereafter hold the property as tenants in common of equal one-
    29  half shares in value and either of them may bring an action
    30  against the other to have the property sold and the proceeds
    19890H1023B3110                 - 53 -

     1  divided between them.
     2     (b)  Division of proceeds.--Except as provided in subsection
     3  (c), the proceeds of a sale under this section, after the
     4  payment of the expenses of sale, shall be equally divided
     5  between the parties.
     6     (c)  Liens.--The amount of any lien entered of record jointly
     7  against both of the parties, together with any interest due on
     8  the lien and docket costs, shall be deducted from the proceeds
     9  of sale and the amount of the liens entered of record against
    10  either of the parties, together with any interest due on the
    11  liens and docket costs, shall be deducted from the share of the
    12  party against whom the lien is filed and paid to the person or
    13  persons to whom the amount of the lien is due and payable.
    14     (d)  Record of divorce decree.--No decree of divorce shall be
    15  effective to change the existing law relating to liens upon
    16  property held by tenants by the entireties except a decree of
    17  divorce that is valid in this Commonwealth and not until the
    18  decree of divorce or a certified copy of the decree is recorded
    19  in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county where the
    20  property is situate. The decree shall be indexed in the
    21  grantor's index against each of the tenants by the entireties.
    22  § 3508.  Conveyance of entireties property to divorced spouse.
    23     Whenever married persons have acquired real estate as tenants
    24  by entireties and thereafter are divorced, either former spouse,
    25  except as otherwise provided by an order made under this
    26  chapter, may convey to the other without the joinder of the
    27  other the grantor's interest in the real estate so that the
    28  grantee holds the real estate in fee simple, freed from all
    29  right, title and interest which the grantor had in the real
    30  estate as a tenant by the entireties.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 54 -

     1                             CHAPTER 37
     2                        ALIMONY AND SUPPORT
     3  Sec.
     4  3701.  Alimony.
     5  3702.  Alimony pendente lite, counsel fees and expenses.
     6  3703.  Enforcement of arrearages.
     7  3704.  Payment of support, alimony and alimony pendente lite.
     8  3705.  Enforcement of foreign decrees.
     9  3706.  Bar to alimony.
    10  3707.  Effect of death of either party.
    11  § 3701.  Alimony.
    12     (a)  General rule.--Where a divorce decree has been entered,
    13  the court may allow alimony, as it deems reasonable, to either
    14  party only if it finds that alimony is necessary.
    15     (b)  Factors relevant.--In determining whether alimony is
    16  necessary and in determining the nature, amount, duration and
    17  manner of payment of alimony, the court shall consider all
    18  relevant factors, including:
    19         (1)  The relative earnings and earning capacities of the
    20     parties.
    21         (2)  The ages and the physical, mental and emotional
    22     conditions of the parties.
    23         (3)  The sources of income of both parties, including,
    24     but not limited to, medical, retirement, insurance or other
    25     benefits.
    26         (4)  The expectancies and inheritances of the parties.
    27         (5)  The duration of the marriage.
    28         (6)  The contribution by one party to the education,
    29     training or increased earning power of the other party.
    30         (7)  The extent to which the earning power, expenses or
    19890H1023B3110                 - 55 -

     1     financial obligations of a party will be affected by reason
     2     of serving as the custodian of a minor child.
     3         (8)  The standard of living of the parties established
     4     during the marriage.
     5         (9)  The relative education of the parties and the time
     6     necessary to acquire sufficient education or training to
     7     enable the party seeking alimony to find appropriate
     8     employment.
     9         (10)  The relative assets and liabilities of the parties.
    10         (11)  The property brought to the marriage by either
    11     party.
    12         (12)  The contribution of a spouse as homemaker.
    13         (13)  The relative needs of the parties.
    14         (14)  The marital misconduct of either of the parties
    15     during the marriage. The marital misconduct of either of the
    16     parties from the date of final separation shall not be
    17     considered by the court in its determinations relative to
    18     alimony.
    19         (15)  The Federal, State and local tax ramifications of
    20     the alimony award.
    21         (16)  Whether the party seeking alimony lacks sufficient
    22     property, including, but not limited to, property distributed
    23     under Chapter 35 (relating to property rights), to provide
    24     for the party's reasonable needs.
    25         (17)  Whether the party seeking alimony is incapable of
    26     self-support through appropriate employment.
    27     (c)  Duration.--The court in ordering alimony shall determine
    28  the duration of the order, which may be for a definite or an
    29  indefinite period of time which is reasonable under the
    30  circumstances.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 56 -

     1     (d)  Statement of reasons.--In an order made under this
     2  section the court shall set forth the reason for its denial or
     3  award of alimony and the amount thereof.
     4     (e)  Modification and termination.--An order entered pursuant
     5  to this section is subject to further order of the court upon
     6  changed circumstances of either party of a substantial and
     7  continuing nature whereupon the order may be modified,
     8  suspended, terminated or reinstituted or a new order made. Any
     9  further order shall apply only to payments accruing subsequent
    10  to the petition for the requested relief. Remarriage of the
    11  party receiving alimony shall terminate the award of alimony.
    12     (f)  Status of agreement to pay alimony.--Whenever the court
    13  approves an agreement for the payment of alimony voluntarily
    14  entered into between the parties, the agreement shall constitute
    15  the order of the court and may be enforced as provided in
    16  section 3703 (relating to enforcement of arrearages).
    17  § 3702.  Alimony pendente lite, counsel fees and expenses.
    18     In proper cases, upon petition, the court may allow a spouse
    19  reasonable alimony pendente lite, spousal support and reasonable
    20  counsel fees and expenses. Reasonable counsel fees and expenses
    21  may be allowed pendente lite, and the court shall also have
    22  authority to direct that adequate health and hospitalization
    23  insurance coverage be maintained for the dependent spouse
    24  pendente lite.
    25  § 3703.  Enforcement of arrearages.
    26     If at any time a party is in arrears in the payment of
    27  alimony or alimony pendente lite as provided for in sections
    28  3701 (relating to alimony) and 3702 (relating to alimony
    29  pendente lite, counsel fees and expenses), the court may, after
    30  hearing, in order to effect payment of the arrearages:
    19890H1023B3110                 - 57 -

     1         (1)  Enter judgment.
     2         (2)  Authorize the taking and seizure of the goods and
     3     chattels and the collection of the rents and profits of the
     4     real estate of the party.
     5         (3)  Attach no more than 50% of the wages of the party.
     6         (4)  Award interest on unpaid installments.
     7         (5)  Require security to insure future payments.
     8         (6)  Issue attachment proceedings, directed to the
     9     sheriff or other proper officer of the county, directing that
    10     the person named as having failed to comply with the court
    11     order be brought before the court at such time as the court
    12     may direct. If the court finds, after hearing, that the named
    13     person willfully failed to comply with the court order, it
    14     may declare the person in civil contempt of court and in its
    15     discretion make an appropriate order, including, but not
    16     limited to, commitment of the person to prison for a period
    17     not to exceed six months.
    18         (7)  Award counsel fees and costs.
    19  § 3704.  Payment of support, alimony and alimony pendente lite.
    20     When so ordered by the court, all payments of child and
    21  spousal support, alimony or alimony pendente lite shall be made
    22  to the domestic relations section of the court which issued the
    23  order or the domestic relations section of the court at the
    24  residence of the party entitled to receive the award. The
    25  domestic relations section shall keep an accurate record of all
    26  payments and shall notify the court immediately whenever a
    27  person subject to a payment order is 30 days in arrears of
    28  payment so that appropriate action may be taken to enforce the
    29  order of the court. The domestic relations section shall
    30  distribute the payments to the person entitled to them as soon
    19890H1023B3110                 - 58 -

     1  as possible after receipt.
     2  § 3705.  Enforcement of foreign decrees.
     3     (a)  General rule.--Whenever a person subject to a valid
     4  decree of a sister state or territory for the distribution of
     5  marital property or for the payment of alimony, temporary
     6  alimony or alimony pendente lite, or the property of that person
     7  is found within this Commonwealth, the obligee of the decree may
     8  petition the court where the obligor or the property of the
     9  obligor is found to register, adopt as its own and enforce the
    10  decree as a properly issued and authenticated decree of a sister
    11  state or territory. Upon registration and adoption, such relief
    12  and process for enforcement as is provided or prescribed by law
    13  in similar cases originally commenced in this Commonwealth shall
    14  be available. A copy of the decree and order shall be forwarded
    15  to the court of the state or territory which issued the original
    16  decree. The obligor shall have whatever defenses and relief are
    17  available to the obligor in the state or territory which issued
    18  the original decree and may question the jurisdiction of that
    19  court if not otherwise barred. Interest may be awarded on unpaid
    20  installments and security may be required to insure future
    21  payments as in cases originally commenced in this Commonwealth.
    22  Where property of the obligor, but not the person of the
    23  obligor, is found within this Commonwealth, there shall be
    24  jurisdiction quasi in rem, and, upon registration and adoption
    25  of the decree of the sister state or territory, relief and
    26  enforcement of the decree shall be available as in other
    27  proceedings which are quasi in rem.
    28     (b)  Optional procedure.--The right of a judgment creditor to
    29  proceed under 42 Pa.C.S. § 4306 (relating to enforcement of
    30  foreign judgments) or otherwise instead of proceeding under this
    19890H1023B3110                 - 59 -

     1  section remains unimpaired.
     2  § 3706.  Bar to alimony.
     3     No petitioner is entitled to receive an award of alimony
     4  where the petitioner, subsequent to the divorce pursuant to
     5  which alimony is being sought, has entered into cohabitation
     6  with a person of the opposite sex who is not a member of the
     7  family of the petitioner within the degrees of consanguinity.
     8  § 3707.  Effect of death of either party.
     9     Upon the death of the payee party, the right to receive
    10  alimony pursuant to this chapter shall cease. Upon the death of
    11  the payor party, the obligation to pay alimony shall cease
    12  unless otherwise indicated in an agreement between the parties
    13  or an order of court.
    14                               PART V
    15                  SUPPORT, PROPERTY AND CONTRACTS
    16  Chapter
    17    41.  General Provisions
    18                             CHAPTER 41
    19                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    20  Sec.
    21  4101.  Liability for debts contracted before marriage.
    22  4102.  Liability for purchases by married person.                 <--
    23  4103.  Liability on judgment against married person.
    24  4102.  PROCEEDINGS IN CASE OF DEBTS CONTRACTED FOR                <--
    25             NECESSARIES.
    26  4103.  (RESERVED)
    27  4104.  Right of married person to separate earnings.
    28  4105.  Loans between married persons.
    29  4106.  Construction of chapter.
    30  § 4101.  Liability for debts contracted before marriage.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 60 -

     1     (a)  General rule.--A spouse is not liable for the debts of
     2  the other spouse contracted before marriage., unless voluntarily  <--
     3  assumed in writing.
     4     (b)  Liability of property unaffected.--This chapter does not
     5  protect the property of a married person from liability for
     6  debts contracted by or in the name of the married person by any
     7  person authorized to so contract.
     8  § 4102.  Liability for purchases by married person.               <--
     9     (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection (b),
    10  married persons are not liable jointly for purchases by one of
    11  them unless they voluntarily assume joint debts.
    12     (b)  Necessaries.--Married persons are jointly and severally
    13  liable for debts contracted by one of them for necessaries for
    14  themselves or their children, except in cases where a child or
    15  spousal support order has been entered or a written agreement
    16  has been executed.
    17  § 4103.  Liability on judgment against married person.
    18     A judgment against a married person individually before or
    19  during marriage does not bind or constitute a lien upon the real
    20  property of the other spouse.
    21  § 4104.  Right of married person to separate earnings.
    22     A married person has the right to the separate benefit and
    23  use of the separate earnings of that person except with respect
    24  to legal support obligations due to other persons.
    25  § 4102.  PROCEEDINGS IN CASE OF DEBTS CONTRACTED FOR              <--
    26             NECESSARIES.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 61 -

     5  § 4103.  (RESERVED)
    17  § 4105.  Loans between married persons.
    18     A married person may loan the other spouse money from the
    19  separate estate of the married person and take in security
    20  therefor a judgment or mortgage against the property of the
    21  other spouse which shall be valid as otherwise provided by law.
    22  § 4106.  Construction of chapter.
    23     This chapter shall not be construed to affect Part IV
    24  (relating to divorce).
    25                             CHAPTER 43
    26                     SUPPORT MATTERS GENERALLY
    27                               * * *
    28                            SUBCHAPTER D
    30  Sec.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 62 -

     1  4361.  Execution of support order against entireties property.
     2  4362.  Plaintiff's share of proceeds of sale.
     3  4363.  Trustee to distribute proceeds of sale.
     4  4364.  Credit to plaintiff who purchases property.
     5  4365.  Rights of divorced person in entireties property sold
     6         for support.
     7  4366.  Other enforcement remedies preserved.
     8  § 4361.  Execution of support order against entireties property.
     9     (a)  Entry of order.--Whenever married persons hold real
    10  property by the entireties and one spouse secures an order of
    11  court against the other spouse for the support of the plaintiff
    12  spouse or of a child of both persons or the defendant or for the
    13  support of both the plaintiff spouse and child and a copy of the
    14  order has been certified to the court of common pleas of the
    15  county in this Commonwealth in which the property is situated,
    16  the order shall be entered in that court as a judgment with the
    17  same effect as if it had been recovered as a judgment of that
    18  court.
    19     (b)  Execution on judgment.--Execution may be issued on the
    20  judgment against the real property held by the entireties and
    21  the property may be sold in the manner provided by law for the
    22  sale of real property on execution issued on a judgment. In any
    23  writs of execution on the judgment, the defendant shall not be
    24  entitled to the benefit of 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 81 Subch. B (relating
    25  to exemptions from execution) or any other exemption statute.
    26     (c)  Title of purchaser.--The sale of real property under
    27  this section conveys to the purchaser or purchasers thereof a
    28  good and valid title to the property and vests in the purchaser
    29  or purchasers the entire title of both the married persons in
    30  the same manner and with the same effect as if both married
    19890H1023B3110                 - 63 -

     1  persons had joined in the conveyance of the property.
     2     (d)  Proceedings by obligor spouse prohibited.--The obligor    <--
     3  spouse shall not have the right to initiate proceedings under
     4  this section.
     5  § 4362.  Plaintiff's share of proceeds of sale.
     6     (a)  General rule.--The plaintiff spouse shall be entitled to  <--
     7  one-half of the proceeds of the sale of real property by the
     8  entireties which represents plaintiff's prior undivided one-half
     9  interest in the property. OUT OF THE PROCEEDS OF THIS SALE TO     <--
    13  PROPERTY.
    14     (b)  Petition to court.--The plaintiff spouse may petition
    15  the court of common pleas of the county where the real property
    16  is situated, either before or after the sale of the property by
    17  execution, setting forth plaintiff's claim, and the court shall
    18  fix a date for a hearing on the petition.
    19     (c)  Hearing and decree.--After notice and hearing, the court
    20  shall make such decree as shall be proper. At the hearing, both
    21  spouses shall be competent witnesses.
    22  § 4363.  Trustee to distribute proceeds of sale.
    23     (a)  Appointment of trustee.--The court shall, at the time of
    24  the hearing or thereafter, appoint a trustee who shall receive
    25  from the sheriff the proceeds of the sale of the property after
    26  the costs have been paid.
    27     (b)  Disposition of proceeds.--The trustee shall, out of the
    28  proceeds, pay to the plaintiff spouse the sum of money the court
    29  decreed as plaintiff's share in the property sold and also the
    30  sums of money, and interest thereon from the time the respective
    19890H1023B3110                 - 64 -

     1  items making them up became due and payable, which are due and
     2  payable under the order of support. The trustee shall also pay
     3  to the plaintiff spouse any additional sums the plaintiff may be
     4  entitled to under any order of court for the support of
     5  plaintiff or the children of defendant.
     6     (c)  Compensation of trustee.--The trustee shall be            <--
     7  compensated as determined by the court from the proceeds of the
     8  sale.
     9  § 4364.  Credit to plaintiff who purchases property.
    10     (a)  General rule.--If the plaintiff spouse becomes the
    11  purchaser at the execution sale, the plaintiff shall be entitled
    12  to a credit on the purchase price thereof for the sum of money
    13  found by the court to represent the plaintiff's share in the
    14  property and also for the sums of money due the plaintiff from
    15  the defendant under the order of support upon which the
    16  execution was issued at the time of the sale, together with
    17  interest on the sums due the plaintiff for support from the time
    18  the respective sums become due.
    19     (b)  Allowance or assignment of credit.--The credit shall be
    20  allowed the plaintiff by the sheriff or the plaintiff may assign
    21  the sums due the plaintiff to the purchaser of the property
    22  whereupon credit shall be given to the purchaser by the sheriff
    23  for the amount assigned.
    24  § 4365.  Rights of divorced person in entireties property sold
    25             for support.
    26     (a)  General rule.--After the divorce of any spouse who is a
    27  tenant by the entireties of real property with the former
    28  spouse, the divorced spouse is entitled to all the rights and
    29  remedies provided in this subchapter for the collection of any
    30  sums of money ordered by a court to be paid to the divorced
    19890H1023B3110                 - 65 -

     1  spouse for the support of the children of the former spouse as
     2  fully as if no divorce had occurred.
     3     (b)  Proceeds of sale.--Upon the sale of the real property
     4  for the collection of any sums of money due the divorced spouse
     5  under an order of court, the divorced spouse shall be entitled
     6  to receive therefrom such sum of money as represents the share
     7  of the divorced spouse in the property, as ordered by the court
     8  under section 4362 (relating to plaintiff's share of proceeds of
     9  sale), together with any sums which may be due to the divorced
    10  spouse under an order of support against the former spouse.
    11  § 4366.  Other enforcement remedies preserved.
    12     This subchapter and other provisions of this chapter do not
    13  remove from the plaintiff the rights to any other existing
    14  remedies to enforce a support order, including, but not limited
    15  to, the right of the plaintiff to institute proceedings against
    16  the real or personal property of the defendant.
    17                              PART VI
    18                        CHILDREN AND MINORS
    19  Chapter
    20    51.  General Provisions
    21    53.  Custody
    22    55.  Liability for Tortious Acts of Children
    23                             CHAPTER 51
    24                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    25  Sec.
    26  5101.  Attainment of full age.
    27  5102.  Children declared to be legitimate.
    28  5103.  Acknowledgment and claim of paternity.
    29  5104.  Blood tests to determine paternity.
    30  § 5101.  Attainment of full age.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 66 -

     1     (a)  Age for entering into contracts.--Any individual 18
     2  years of age and older shall have the right to enter into
     3  binding and legally enforceable contracts and the defense of
     4  minority shall not be available to such individuals.
     5     (b)  Age for suing and being sued.--Except where otherwise
     6  provided or prescribed by law, an individual 18 years of age and
     7  older shall be deemed an adult and may sue and be sued as such.
     8  § 5102.  Children declared to be legitimate.
     9     (a)  General rule.--All children shall be legitimate
    10  irrespective of the marital status of their parents, and, in
    11  every case where children are born out of wedlock, they shall
    12  enjoy all the rights and privileges as if they had been born
    13  during the wedlock of their parents except as otherwise provided
    14  in Title 20 (relating to decedents, estates and fiduciaries).
    15     (b)  Determination of paternity.--For purposes of prescribing
    16  benefits to children born out of wedlock by, from and through
    17  the father, paternity shall be determined by any one of the
    18  following ways:
    19         (1)  If the parents of a child born out of wedlock have
    20     married each other.
    21         (2)  If, during the lifetime of the child, it is
    22     determined by clear and convincing evidence that the father
    23     openly holds out the child to be his and either receives the
    24     child into his home or provides support for the child.
    25         (3)  If there is clear and convincing evidence that the
    26     man was the father of the child which may include a prior
    27     court determination of paternity.
    28  § 5103.  Acknowledgment and claim of paternity.
    29     (a)  Acknowledgment of paternity.--The father of a child born
    30  to an unmarried woman may file with the Department of Health on
    19890H1023B3110                 - 67 -

     1  forms prescribed by it an acknowledgment of paternity of the
     2  child which shall include the consent of the mother of the child
     3  supported by her affidavit. The department shall, upon receipt
     4  of the acknowledgment, proceed as provided in section 603(a) of
     5  the act of June 29, 1953 (P.L.304, No.66), known as the Vital
     6  Statistics Law of 1953, and the father shall have all the rights
     7  and duties as to the child which he would have had if he had
     8  been married to the mother at the time of the birth of the
     9  child, and the child shall have all the rights and duties as to
    10  the father which the child would have had if the father had been
    11  married to the mother at the time of birth. The acknowledgment
    12  may also provide for the assumption by the child of the surname
    13  of the father or other name desired by the parents.
    14     (b)  Claim of paternity.--If the mother of the child fails or
    15  refuses to join in the acknowledgment of paternity provided for
    16  in subsection (a), the Department of Health shall index it as a
    17  claim of paternity. The filing and indexing of a claim of
    18  paternity shall not confer upon the putative father any rights
    19  as to the child except that the putative father shall be
    20  entitled to notice of any proceeding brought to terminate any
    21  parental rights as to the child.
    22  § 5104.  Blood tests to determine paternity.
    23     (a)  Short title of section.--This section shall be known and
    24  may be cited as the Uniform Act on Blood Tests to Determine
    25  Paternity.
    26     (b)  Scope of section.--
    27         (1)  Civil matters.--This section shall apply to all
    28     civil matters.
    29         (2)  Criminal proceedings.--This section shall apply to
    30     all criminal proceedings subject to the following limitations
    19890H1023B3110                 - 68 -

     1     and provisions:
     2             (i)  An order for the tests shall be made only upon
     3         application of a party or on the initiative of the court.
     4             (ii)  The compensation of the experts shall be paid
     5         by the party requesting the blood test or by the county,
     6         as the court shall direct.
     7             (iii)  The court may direct a verdict of acquittal
     8         upon the conclusions of all the experts under subsection
     9         (f). Otherwise, the case shall be submitted for
    10         determination upon all the evidence.
    11             (iv)  The refusal of a defendant to submit to the
    12         tests may not be used in evidence against the defendant.
    13     (c)  Authority for test.--In any matter subject to this
    14  section in which paternity, parentage or identity of a child is
    15  a relevant fact, the court, upon its own initiative or upon
    16  suggestion made by or on behalf of any person whose blood is
    17  involved, may or, upon motion of any party to the action made at
    18  a time so as not to delay the proceedings unduly, shall order
    19  the mother, child and alleged father to submit to blood tests.
    20  If any party refuses to submit to the tests, the court may
    21  resolve the question of paternity, parentage or identity of a
    22  child against the party or enforce its order if the rights of
    23  others and the interests of justice so require.
    24     (d)  Selection of experts.--The tests shall be made by
    25  experts qualified as examiners of blood types, who shall be
    26  appointed by the court. The experts shall be called by the court
    27  as witnesses to testify to their findings and shall be subject
    28  to cross-examination by the parties. Any party or person at
    29  whose suggestion the tests have been ordered may demand that
    30  other experts qualified as examiners of blood types perform
    19890H1023B3110                 - 69 -

     1  independent tests under order of court, the results of which may
     2  be offered in evidence. The number and qualifications of experts
     3  shall be determined by the court.
     4     (e)  Compensation of experts.--The compensation of each
     5  expert witness appointed by the court shall be fixed at a
     6  reasonable amount. It shall be paid as the court shall order.
     7  Subject to general rules, the court may order that it be paid by
     8  the parties in such proportions and at such times as it shall
     9  prescribe or that the proportion of any party be paid by the
    10  county and that, after payment by the parties or the county, or
    11  both, all or part or none of it be taxed as costs in the action.
    12  Subject to general rules, the fee of an expert witness called by
    13  a party but not appointed by the court shall be paid by the
    14  party calling him, but shall not be taxed as costs in the
    15  action.
    16     (f)  Effect of test results.--If the court finds that the
    17  conclusions of all the experts as disclosed by the evidence
    18  based upon the tests are that the alleged father is not the
    19  father of the child, the question of paternity, parentage or
    20  identity of a child shall be resolved accordingly. If the
    21  experts disagree in their findings or conclusions, the question
    22  shall be submitted upon all the evidence.
    23     (g)  Effect on presumption of legitimacy.--The presumption of
    24  legitimacy of a child born during wedlock is overcome if the
    25  court finds that the conclusions of all the experts as disclosed
    26  by the evidence based upon the tests show that the husband is
    27  not the father of the child.
    28                             CHAPTER 53
    29                              CUSTODY
    30  Subchapter
    19890H1023B3110                 - 70 -

     1     B.  Child Custody Jurisdiction
     2                            SUBCHAPTER B
     3                     CHILD CUSTODY JURISDICTION
     4  Sec.
     5  5341.  Short title of subchapter.
     6  5342.  Purposes and construction of subchapter.
     7  5343.  Definitions.
     8  5344.  Jurisdiction.
     9  5345.  Notice and opportunity to be heard.
    10  5346.  Notice to persons outside this Commonwealth; submission
    11         to jurisdiction.
    12  5347.  Simultaneous proceedings in other states.
    13  5348.  Inconvenient forum.
    14  5349.  Jurisdiction declined by reason of conduct.
    15  5350.  Information under oath to be submitted to the court.
    16  5351.  Additional parties.
    17  5352.  Appearance of parties and the child.
    18  5353.  Binding force and res judicata effect of custody decree.
    19  5354.  Recognition of out-of-State custody decrees.
    20  5355.  Modification of custody decree of another state.
    21  5356.  Filing and enforcement of custody decree of another
    22         state.
    23  5357.  Registry of out-of-State custody decrees and proceedings.
    24  5358.  Certified copies of custody decree.
    25  5359.  Taking testimony in another state.
    26  5360.  Hearings and studies in another state; orders to appear.
    27  5361.  Assistance to courts of other states.
    28  5362.  Preservation of documents for use in other states.
    29  5363.  Request for court records of another state.
    30  5364.  Intrastate application.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 71 -

     1  5365.  International application.
     2  5366.  Priority.
     3  § 5341.  Short title of subchapter.
     4     This subchapter shall be known and may be cited as the
     5  Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act.
     6  § 5342.  Purposes and construction of subchapter.
     7     (a)  Purposes.--The general purposes of this subchapter are
     8  to:
     9         (1)  Avoid jurisdictional competition and conflict with
    10     courts of other states in matters of child custody which have
    11     in the past resulted in the shifting of children from state
    12     to state with harmful effects on their well-being.
    13         (2)  Promote cooperation with the courts of other states
    14     to the end that a custody decree is rendered in that state
    15     which can best decide the case in the interest of the child.
    16         (3)  Assure that litigation concerning the custody of a
    17     child takes place ordinarily in the state with which the
    18     child and his family have the closest connection and where
    19     significant evidence concerning his care, protection,
    20     training and personal relationships is most readily
    21     available, and that courts of this Commonwealth decline the
    22     exercise of jurisdiction when the child and his family have a
    23     closer connection with another state.
    24         (4)  Discourage continuing controversies over child
    25     custody in the interest of greater stability of home
    26     environment and of secure family relationships for the child.
    27         (5)  Deter abductions and other unilateral removals of
    28     children undertaken to obtain custody awards.
    29         (6)  Avoid relitigation of custody decisions of other
    30     states in this Commonwealth insofar as feasible.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 72 -

     1         (7)  Facilitate the enforcement of custody decrees of
     2     other states.
     3         (8)  Promote and expand the exchange of information and
     4     other forms of mutual assistance between the courts of this
     5     Commonwealth and those of other states concerned with the
     6     same child.
     7     (b)  Construction.--This subchapter shall be construed to
     8  promote the general purposes stated in this section.
     9  § 5343.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    11  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Contestant."  An institution or an individual, including a
    14  parent, who claims a right to custody or visitation rights with
    15  respect to a child.
    16     "Custody determination."  A court decision and court orders
    17  and instructions providing for the custody of a child, including
    18  visitation rights. The term does not include a decision relating
    19  to child support or any other monetary obligation of any person.
    20     "Custody proceeding."  Includes proceedings in which a
    21  custody determination is one of several issues, such as an
    22  action for divorce or separation, and includes child neglect and
    23  dependency proceedings.
    24     "Decree" or "custody decree."  A custody determination
    25  contained in a judicial decree or order made in a custody
    26  proceeding, and includes an initial decree and a modification
    27  decree.
    28     "Home state."  The state in which the child immediately
    29  preceding the time involved lived with his parents, a parent or
    30  a person acting as parent, or in an institution, for at least
    19890H1023B3110                 - 73 -

     1  six consecutive months, and, in the case of a child less than
     2  six months old, the state in which the child lived from birth
     3  with any of the persons mentioned. Periods of temporary absence
     4  of any of the named persons are counted as part of the six-month
     5  or other period.
     6     "Initial decree."  The first custody decree concerning a
     7  particular child.
     8     "Modification decree."  A custody decree which modifies or
     9  replaces a prior decree, whether made by the court which
    10  rendered the prior decree or by another court.
    11     "Person acting as parent."  A person, including an
    12  institution other than a parent, who has physical custody of a
    13  child and who has either been awarded custody by a court or
    14  claims a right to custody.
    15     "Physical custody."  Actual possession and control of a
    16  child.
    17  § 5344.  Jurisdiction.
    18     (a)  General rule.--A court of this Commonwealth which is
    19  competent to decide child custody matters has jurisdiction to
    20  make a child custody determination by initial or modification
    21  decree if:
    22         (1)  this Commonwealth:
    23             (i)  is the home state of the child at the time of
    24         commencement of the proceeding; or
    25             (ii)  had been the home state of the child within six
    26         months before commencement of the proceeding and the
    27         child is absent from this Commonwealth because of his
    28         removal or retention by a person claiming his custody or
    29         for other reasons, and a parent or person acting as
    30         parent continues to live in this Commonwealth;
    19890H1023B3110                 - 74 -

     1         (2)  it is in the best interest of the child that a court
     2     of this Commonwealth assume jurisdiction because:
     3             (i)  the child and his parents, or the child and at
     4         least one contestant, have a significant connection with
     5         this Commonwealth; and
     6             (ii)  there is available in this Commonwealth
     7         substantial evidence concerning the present or future
     8         care, protection, training and personal relationships of
     9         the child;
    10         (3)  the child is physically present in this
    11     Commonwealth, and:
    12             (i)  the child has been abandoned; or
    13             (ii)  it is necessary in an emergency to protect the
    14         child because he has been subjected to or threatened with
    15         mistreatment or abuse or is otherwise neglected or
    16         dependent;
    17         (4)  (i)  it appears that no other state would have
    18         jurisdiction under prerequisites substantially in
    19         accordance with paragraph (1), (2) or (3), or another
    20         state has declined to exercise jurisdiction on the ground
    21         that this Commonwealth is the more appropriate forum to
    22         determine the custody of the child; and
    23             (ii)  it is in the best interest of the child that
    24         the court assume jurisdiction; or
    25         (5)  the child welfare agencies of the counties wherein
    26     the contestants for the child live, have made an
    27     investigation of the home of the person to whom custody is
    28     awarded and have found it to be satisfactory for the welfare
    29     of the child.
    30     (b)  Physical presence insufficient.--Except under subsection
    19890H1023B3110                 - 75 -

     1  (a)(3) and (4), physical presence in this Commonwealth of the
     2  child, or of the child and one of the contestants, is not alone
     3  sufficient to confer jurisdiction on a court of this
     4  Commonwealth to make a child custody determination.
     5     (c)  Physical presence unnecessary.--Physical presence of the
     6  child, while desirable, is not a prerequisite for jurisdiction
     7  to determine his custody.
     8  § 5345.  Notice and opportunity to be heard.
     9     Before making a decree under this subchapter, reasonable
    10  notice and opportunity to be heard shall be given to the
    11  contestants, any parent whose parental rights have not been
    12  previously terminated and any person who has physical custody of
    13  the child. If any of these persons is outside this Commonwealth,
    14  notice and opportunity to be heard shall be given pursuant to
    15  section 5346 (relating to notice to persons outside this
    16  Commonwealth; submission to jurisdiction).
    17  § 5346.  Notice to persons outside this Commonwealth; submission
    18             to jurisdiction.
    19     (a)  General rule.--Notice required for the exercise of
    20  jurisdiction over a person outside this Commonwealth shall be
    21  given in a manner reasonably calculated to give actual notice,
    22  and may be:
    23         (1)  by personal delivery outside this Commonwealth in
    24     the manner prescribed for service of process within this
    25     Commonwealth;
    26         (2)  in the manner prescribed by the law of the place in
    27     which the service is made for service of process in that
    28     place in an action in any of its courts of general
    29     jurisdiction;
    30         (3)  by any form of mail addressed to the person to be
    19890H1023B3110                 - 76 -

     1     served and requesting a receipt; or
     2         (4)  as directed by the court, including publication, if
     3     other means of notification are ineffective.
     4     (b)  Duration.--Notice under this section shall be served,
     5  mailed or delivered or last published at least ten days before
     6  any hearing in this Commonwealth.
     7     (c)  Proof of service.--Proof of service outside this
     8  Commonwealth may be made by affidavit of the individual who made
     9  the service, or in the manner prescribed by the law of this
    10  Commonwealth, the order pursuant to which the service is made,
    11  or the law of the place in which the service is made. If service
    12  is made by mail, proof may be a receipt signed by the addressee
    13  or other evidence of delivery to the addressee.
    14     (d)  Submission to jurisdiction.--Notice is not required if a
    15  person submits to the jurisdiction of the court.
    16  § 5347.  Simultaneous proceedings in other states.
    17     (a)  General rule.--A court of this Commonwealth shall not
    18  exercise its jurisdiction under this subchapter if, at the time
    19  of filing the petition, a proceeding concerning the custody of
    20  the child was pending in a court of another state exercising
    21  jurisdiction substantially in conformity with this subchapter,
    22  unless the proceeding is stayed by the court of the other state
    23  because this Commonwealth is a more appropriate forum or for
    24  other reasons.
    25     (b)  Procedure.--Before hearing the petition in a custody
    26  proceeding, the court shall examine the pleadings and other
    27  information supplied by the parties under section 5350 (relating
    28  to information under oath to be submitted to the court) and
    29  shall consult the child custody registry established under
    30  section 5357 (relating to registry of out-of-State custody
    19890H1023B3110                 - 77 -

     1  decrees and proceedings) concerning the pendency of proceedings
     2  with respect to the child in other states. If the court has
     3  reason to believe that proceedings may be pending in another
     4  state, it shall direct an inquiry to the state court
     5  administrator or other appropriate official of the other state.
     6     (c)  Stay; communication with other court.--If the court is
     7  informed during the course of the proceeding that a proceeding
     8  concerning the custody of the child was pending in another state
     9  before the court assumed jurisdiction, it shall stay the
    10  proceeding and communicate with the court in which the other
    11  proceeding is pending to the end that the issue may be litigated
    12  in the more appropriate forum and that information be exchanged
    13  in accordance with sections 5360 (relating to hearings and
    14  studies in another state; orders to appear) through 5363
    15  (relating to request for court records of another state). If a
    16  court of this Commonwealth has made a custody decree before
    17  being informed of a pending proceeding in a court of another
    18  state, it shall immediately inform that court of the fact. If
    19  the court is informed that a proceeding was commenced in another
    20  state after it assumed jurisdiction, it shall likewise inform
    21  the other court to the end that the issues may be litigated in
    22  the more appropriate forum.
    23  § 5348.  Inconvenient forum.
    24     (a)  General rule.--A court which has jurisdiction under this
    25  subchapter to make an initial or modification decree may decline
    26  to exercise its jurisdiction any time before making a decree if
    27  it finds that it is an inconvenient forum to make a custody
    28  determination under the circumstances of the case and that a
    29  court of another state is a more appropriate forum.
    30     (b)  Moving party.--A finding of inconvenient forum may be
    19890H1023B3110                 - 78 -

     1  made upon the court's own motion or upon motion of a party or a
     2  guardian ad litem or other representative of the child.
     3     (c)  Factors to be considered.--In determining if it is an
     4  inconvenient forum, the court shall consider if it is in the
     5  interest of the child that another state assume jurisdiction.
     6  For this purpose it may take into account the following factors,
     7  among others:
     8         (1)  If another state is or recently was the home state
     9     of the child.
    10         (2)  If another state has a closer connection with the
    11     child and his family or with the child and one or more of the
    12     contestants.
    13         (3)  If substantial evidence concerning the present or
    14     future care, protection, training and personal relationships
    15     of the child is more readily available in another state.
    16         (4)  If the parties have agreed on another forum which is
    17     no less appropriate.
    18         (5)  If the exercise of jurisdiction by a court of this
    19     Commonwealth would contravene any of the purposes stated in
    20     section 5342 (relating to purposes and construction of
    21     subchapter).
    22     (d)  Communication with other court.--Before determining
    23  whether to decline or retain jurisdiction, the court may
    24  communicate with a court of another state and exchange
    25  information pertinent to the assumption of jurisdiction by
    26  either court with a view to assuring that jurisdiction will be
    27  exercised by the more appropriate court and that a forum will be
    28  available to the parties.
    29     (e)  Disposition.--If the court finds that it is an
    30  inconvenient forum and that a court of another state is a more
    19890H1023B3110                 - 79 -

     1  appropriate forum, it may dismiss the proceedings, or it may
     2  stay the proceedings upon condition that a custody proceeding be
     3  promptly commenced in another named state or upon any other
     4  conditions which may be just and proper, including the condition
     5  that a moving party stipulate his consent and submission to the
     6  jurisdiction of the other forum.
     7     (f)  Effect on divorce or other proceeding.--The court may
     8  decline to exercise its jurisdiction under this subchapter if a
     9  custody determination is incidental to an action for divorce or
    10  another proceeding while retaining jurisdiction over the divorce
    11  or other proceeding.
    12     (g)  Costs and expenses.--Subject to general rules:
    13         (1)  If it appears to the court that it is clearly an
    14     inappropriate forum, it may require the party who commenced
    15     the proceedings to pay, in addition to the costs of the
    16     proceedings in this Commonwealth, necessary travel and other
    17     expenses, including attorney fees, incurred by other parties
    18     or their witnesses.
    19         (2)  Payment is to be made to the office of the clerk of
    20     the court of common pleas for remittance to the proper party.
    21     (h)  Notice of disposition.--Upon dismissal or stay of
    22  proceedings under this section, the court shall inform the court
    23  found to be the more appropriate forum of this fact or, if the
    24  court which would have jurisdiction in the other state is not
    25  certainly known, shall transmit the information to the court
    26  administrator or other appropriate official of the other state
    27  for forwarding to the appropriate court.
    28     (i)  Registry of out-of-State stay; notice of assumption of
    29  jurisdiction.--Any communication received from another state
    30  informing this Commonwealth of a finding of inconvenient forum
    19890H1023B3110                 - 80 -

     1  because a court of this Commonwealth is the more appropriate
     2  forum shall be filed in the custody registry of the appropriate
     3  court. Upon assuming jurisdiction, the court of this
     4  Commonwealth shall inform the original court of this fact.
     5  § 5349.  Jurisdiction declined by reason of conduct.
     6     (a)  General rule.--If the petitioner for an initial decree
     7  has wrongfully taken the child from another state or has engaged
     8  in conduct intending to benefit his position in a custody
     9  hearing, the court may decline to exercise jurisdiction if this
    10  is just and proper under the circumstances.
    11     (b)  Restriction on modification of foreign decree.--Unless
    12  required in the interest of the child, the court shall not
    13  exercise its jurisdiction to modify a custody decree of another
    14  state if the petitioner, without consent of the person entitled
    15  to custody, has improperly removed the child from the physical
    16  custody of the person entitled to custody or has improperly
    17  retained the child after a visit or other temporary
    18  relinquishment of physical custody. If the petitioner has
    19  violated any other provision of a custody decree of another
    20  state, the court may decline to exercise its jurisdiction unless
    21  the petitioner can show that conditions in the custodial
    22  household are physically or emotionally harmful to the child,
    23  the burden of proof being on the petitioner requesting the court
    24  to take jurisdiction.
    25     (c)  Costs and expenses.--Subject to general rules, in
    26  appropriate cases a court dismissing a petition under this
    27  section may charge the petitioner with necessary travel and
    28  other expenses, including attorney fees, incurred by other
    29  parties or their witnesses.
    30  § 5350.  Information under oath to be submitted to the court.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 81 -

     1     (a)  General rule.--Every party in a custody proceeding in
     2  his first pleading or in an affidavit attached to that pleading
     3  shall give information under oath as to the present address of
     4  the child, the places where the child has lived within the last
     5  five years, and the names and present addresses of the persons
     6  with whom the child has lived during that period. In this
     7  pleading or affidavit every party shall further declare under
     8  oath whether:
     9         (1)  he has participated (as a party, witness, or in any
    10     other capacity) in any other litigation concerning the
    11     custody of the same child in this or any other state;
    12         (2)  he has information of any custody proceeding
    13     concerning the child pending in a court of this or any other
    14     state; and
    15         (3)  he knows of any person not a party to the
    16     proceedings who has physical custody of the child or claims
    17     to have custody or visitation rights with respect to the
    18     child.
    19     (b)  Additional information.--If the declaration as to any of
    20  the items set forth in subsection (a) is in the affirmative, the
    21  declarant shall give additional information under oath as
    22  required by the court. The court may examine the parties under
    23  oath as to details of the information furnished and as to other
    24  matters pertinent to the jurisdiction of the court and the
    25  disposition of the case.
    26     (c)  Continuing duty.--Each party has a continuing duty to
    27  inform the court of any custody proceeding concerning the child
    28  in this Commonwealth or any other state of which he obtained
    29  information during proceedings under this subchapter.
    30  § 5351.  Additional parties.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 82 -

     1     If the court learns from information furnished by the parties
     2  pursuant to section 5350 (relating to information under oath to
     3  be submitted to the court) or from other sources that a person
     4  not a party to the custody proceeding has physical custody of
     5  the child or claims to have custody or visitation rights with
     6  respect to the child, it shall order that person to be joined as
     7  a party and to be duly notified of the pendency of the
     8  proceeding and of his joinder as a party. If the person joined
     9  as a party is outside this Commonwealth, he shall be served with
    10  process or otherwise notified in accordance with section 5346
    11  (relating to notice to persons outside this Commonwealth;
    12  submission to jurisdiction).
    13  § 5352.  Appearance of parties and the child.
    14     (a)  General rule.--The court may order any party to the
    15  proceeding who is in this Commonwealth to appear personally
    16  before the court. If that party has physical custody of the
    17  child, the court may order that he appear personally with the
    18  child.
    19     (b)  Out-of-State persons.--If a party to the proceeding
    20  whose presence is desired by the court is outside this
    21  Commonwealth with or without the child, the court may order that
    22  the notice given under section 5346 (relating to notice to
    23  persons outside this Commonwealth; submission to jurisdiction)
    24  include a statement directing that party to appear personally
    25  with or without the child and declaring that failure to appear
    26  may result in a decision adverse to that party.
    27     (c)  Costs and expenses.--If a party to the proceeding who is
    28  outside this Commonwealth is directed to appear under subsection
    29  (b) or desires to appear personally before the court with or
    30  without the child, the court may require another party to pay
    19890H1023B3110                 - 83 -

     1  travel and other necessary expenses of the party so appearing
     2  and of the child if this is just and proper under the
     3  circumstances.
     4  § 5353.  Binding force and res judicata effect of custody
     5             decree.
     6     A custody decree rendered by a court of this Commonwealth
     7  which had jurisdiction under section 5344 (relating to
     8  jurisdiction) binds all parties who have been served in this
     9  Commonwealth or notified in accordance with section 5346
    10  (relating to notice to persons outside this Commonwealth;
    11  submission to jurisdiction) or who have submitted to the
    12  jurisdiction of the court, and who have been given an
    13  opportunity to be heard. As to these parties, the custody decree
    14  is conclusive as to all issues of law and fact decided and as to
    15  the custody determination made unless and until that
    16  determination is modified pursuant to law, including the
    17  provisions of this subchapter.
    18  § 5354.  Recognition of out-of-State custody decrees.
    19     The courts of this Commonwealth shall recognize and enforce
    20  an initial or modification decree of a court of another state
    21  which had assumed jurisdiction under statutory provisions
    22  substantially in accordance with this subchapter or which was
    23  made under factual circumstances meeting the jurisdictional
    24  standards of this subchapter, so long as the decree has not been
    25  modified in accordance with jurisdictional standards
    26  substantially similar to those of this subchapter.
    27  § 5355.  Modification of custody decree of another state.
    28     (a)  General rule.--If a court of another state has made a
    29  custody decree, a court of this Commonwealth shall not modify
    30  that decree unless:
    19890H1023B3110                 - 84 -

     1         (1)  it appears to the court of this Commonwealth that
     2     the court which rendered the decree does not now have
     3     jurisdiction under jurisdictional prerequisites substantially
     4     in accordance with this subchapter or has declined to assume
     5     jurisdiction to modify the decree; and
     6         (2)  the court of this Commonwealth has jurisdiction.
     7     (b)  Consideration of out-of-State record.--If a court of
     8  this Commonwealth is authorized under subsection (a) and section
     9  5349 (relating to jurisdiction declined by reason of conduct) to
    10  modify a custody decree of another state, it shall give due
    11  consideration to the transcript of the record and other
    12  documents of all previous proceedings submitted to it in
    13  accordance with section 5363 (relating to request for court
    14  records of another state).
    15  § 5356.  Filing and enforcement of custody decree of another
    16             state.
    17     (a)  General rule.--A certified copy of a custody decree of
    18  another state whose decrees are recognized under section 5354
    19  (relating to recognition of out-of-State custody decrees) may be
    20  filed in any office of the clerk of the court of common pleas of
    21  this Commonwealth. The clerk shall treat the decree in the same
    22  manner as a custody decree of a court of common pleas of this
    23  Commonwealth. A custody decree so filed has the same effect and
    24  shall be enforced in like manner as a custody decree rendered by
    25  a court of this Commonwealth.
    26     (b)  Costs and expenses.--A person violating a custody decree
    27  of another state which makes it necessary to enforce the decree
    28  in this Commonwealth may be required to pay necessary travel and
    29  other expenses, including attorney fees, incurred by the party
    30  entitled to the custody or his witnesses.
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     1  § 5357.  Registry of out-of-State custody decrees and
     2             proceedings.
     3     Each office of the clerk of the court of common pleas shall
     4  maintain a registry in which it shall enter the following:
     5         (1)  Certified copies of custody decrees of other states
     6     received for filing.
     7         (2)  Communications as to the pendency of custody
     8     proceedings in other states.
     9         (3)  Communications concerning a finding of inconvenient
    10     forum by a court of another state.
    11         (4)  Other communications or documents concerning custody
    12     proceedings in another state which may affect the
    13     jurisdiction of a court of this Commonwealth or the
    14     disposition to be made by it in a custody proceeding.
    15  § 5358.  Certified copies of custody decree.
    16     The office of the clerk of the court of common pleas, at the
    17  request of the court of another state or at the request of any
    18  person who is affected by or has a legitimate interest in a
    19  custody decree, shall certify and forward a copy of the decree
    20  to that court or person.
    21  § 5359.  Taking testimony in another state.
    22     In addition to other procedural devices available to a party,
    23  any party to the proceeding or a guardian ad litem or other
    24  representative of the child may adduce testimony of witnesses,
    25  including parties and the child, by deposition or otherwise, in
    26  another state. The court on its own motion may direct that the
    27  testimony of a person be taken in another state and may
    28  prescribe the manner in which and the terms upon which the
    29  testimony shall be taken.
    30  § 5360.  Hearings and studies in another state; orders to
    19890H1023B3110                 - 86 -

     1             appear.
     2     (a)  Hearings and studies.--A court of this Commonwealth may
     3  request the appropriate court of another state to hold a hearing
     4  to adduce evidence, to order a party to produce or give evidence
     5  under other procedures of that state, or to have social studies
     6  made with respect to the custody of a child involved in
     7  proceedings pending in the court of this Commonwealth; and to
     8  forward to the court of this Commonwealth certified copies of
     9  the transcript of the record of the hearing, the evidence
    10  otherwise adduced, or any social studies prepared in compliance
    11  with the request. Subject to general rules, the cost of the
    12  services may be assessed against the parties or, if necessary,
    13  ordered paid by the county.
    14     (b)  Order to appear.--A court of this Commonwealth may
    15  request the appropriate court of another state to order a party
    16  to custody proceedings pending in the court of this Commonwealth
    17  to appear in the proceedings, and, if that party has physical
    18  custody of the child, to appear with the child. The request may
    19  state that travel and other necessary expenses of the party and
    20  of the child whose appearance is desired will be assessed
    21  against another party or will otherwise be paid.
    22  § 5361.  Assistance to courts of other states.
    23     (a)  General rule.--Upon request of the court of another
    24  state, the courts of this Commonwealth which are competent to
    25  hear custody matters may order a person in this Commonwealth to
    26  appear at a hearing to adduce evidence or to produce or give
    27  evidence under other procedures available in this Commonwealth
    28  or may order social studies to be made for use in a custody
    29  proceeding in another state. A certified copy of the transcript
    30  of the record of the hearing or the evidence otherwise adduced,
    19890H1023B3110                 - 87 -

     1  any psychological studies and any social studies prepared shall
     2  be forwarded to the requesting court.
     3     (b)  Voluntary testimony.--A person within this Commonwealth
     4  may voluntarily give his testimony or statement in this
     5  Commonwealth for use in a custody proceeding outside this
     6  Commonwealth.
     7     (c)  Appearance in other state.--Upon request of the court of
     8  another state, a competent court of this Commonwealth may order
     9  a person in this Commonwealth to appear alone or with the child
    10  in a custody proceeding in another state. The court may
    11  condition compliance with the request upon assurance by the
    12  other state that travel and other necessary expenses will be
    13  advanced or reimbursed.
    14  § 5362.  Preservation of documents for use in other states.
    15     In any custody proceeding in this Commonwealth, the court
    16  shall preserve the pleadings, orders and decrees, any record
    17  that has been made of its hearings, social studies and other
    18  pertinent documents until the child reaches 18 years of age.
    19  Upon appropriate request of the court of another state, the
    20  court shall forward to the other court certified copies of any
    21  or all of such documents.
    22  § 5363.  Request for court records of another state.
    23     If a custody decree has been rendered in another state
    24  concerning a child involved in a custody proceeding pending in a
    25  court of this Commonwealth, the court of this Commonwealth upon
    26  taking jurisdiction of the case shall request of the court of
    27  the other state a certified copy of the transcript of any court
    28  record and other documents mentioned in section 5362 (relating
    29  to preservation of documents for use in other states).
    30  § 5364.  Intrastate application.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 88 -

     1     (a)  General rule.--Except as otherwise provided in this
     2  section, the provisions of this subchapter allocating
     3  jurisdiction and functions between and among courts of different
     4  states shall also allocate jurisdiction and functions between
     5  and among the courts of common pleas of this Commonwealth.
     6     (b)  Home jurisdiction.--For the purposes of the definition
     7  of "home state" in section 5343 (relating to definitions), a
     8  period of temporary absence of the child from the physical
     9  custody of the parent, person acting as parent or institution
    10  shall not affect the six months or other period.
    11     (c)  Petitioner.--As used in this subchapter, insofar as
    12  relates to the allocation of jurisdiction and functions between
    13  and among the courts of common pleas of this Commonwealth, the
    14  term "petitioner" means anyone seeking change in the status of
    15  custody of a child either by an affirmative action brought in a
    16  court or as a defense to a custody action brought by a person
    17  acting as parent who had previously been awarded custody of the
    18  child.
    19     (d)  Effect of agency investigation.--Section 5344(a)(5)
    20  (relating to jurisdiction) shall not be applicable for the
    21  purposes of this section.
    22     (e)  Period of notice.--Notice under section 5346 (relating
    23  to notice to persons outside this Commonwealth; submission to
    24  jurisdiction) shall be served, mailed, delivered or last
    25  published at least 20 days before any hearing.
    26     (f)  Jurisdiction declined by reason of conduct.--
    27         (1)  If it is just and proper under the circumstances,
    28     when the petitioner for an initial decree has wrongfully
    29     taken the child from another jurisdiction or has engaged in
    30     improper conduct intending to benefit his position in a
    19890H1023B3110                 - 89 -

     1     custody proceeding, upon presentation of the petition, the
     2     court shall decline to exercise jurisdiction or shall
     3     exercise jurisdiction only to issue an order, pending a full
     4     hearing in the appropriate jurisdiction, returning the
     5     parties to the custodial status quo existing prior to the
     6     improper conduct or wrongful taking unless the petitioner can
     7     show that conditions in the former custodial household are
     8     physically or emotionally harmful to the child.
     9         (2)  Unless required in the interest of the child, the
    10     court shall not exercise its jurisdiction to modify a custody
    11     decree of another court if the petitioner, without consent of
    12     the person entitled to custody has:
    13             (i)  improperly removed the child from the physical
    14         custody of the person entitled to custody;
    15             (ii)  improperly retained the child after a visit or
    16         other temporary relinquishment of physical custody; or
    17             (iii)  removed the child from the jurisdiction of the
    18         court entering the decree without 20 days' written notice
    19         to the court entering the decree and any party entitled
    20         to custody or visitation rights under the terms of the
    21         decree.
    22     If the petitioner has violated any provision of a custody
    23     decree of another court, the court shall decline to exercise
    24     its jurisdiction unless the contestant can show that
    25     conditions in the custodial household are physically or
    26     emotionally harmful to the child. The burden of proof on this
    27     issue is on the contestant requesting the court to take
    28     jurisdiction.
    29         (3)  Subject to general rules, in appropriate cases a
    30     court dismissing a petition under this subsection may charge
    19890H1023B3110                 - 90 -

     1     the petitioner with necessary travel and other expenses,
     2     including attorney fees, incurred by other parties or their
     3     witnesses.
     4     (g)  Statewide orders.--A court may under section 5352(a)
     5  (relating to appearance of parties and the child) issue orders
     6  to any party to the proceeding who is in any judicial district
     7  of this Commonwealth.
     8     (h)  Modification of custody decrees.--
     9         (1)  If another court has made a custody decree, a court
    10     before which a petition for modification is pending shall not
    11     modify the decree of the other court unless it appears to the
    12     court before which the petition is pending that the other
    13     court which rendered the decree does not have jurisdiction
    14     under jurisdictional prerequisites substantially in
    15     accordance with this subchapter or has declined to assume
    16     jurisdiction to modify its decree and the provisions of
    17     subsection (f)(2) will not be violated by an exercise of
    18     jurisdiction by the court before which the petition is
    19     pending.
    20         (2)  If a court of this Commonwealth is authorized under
    21     paragraph (1) to modify a custody decree of another court, it
    22     shall give due consideration to the transcript of the record
    23     and other documents of all previous proceedings submitted to
    24     it in accordance with section 5363 (relating to request for
    25     court records of another state).
    26  § 5365.  International application.
    27     The general policies of this subchapter, extend to the
    28  international area. The provisions of this subchapter relating
    29  to the recognition and enforcement of custody decrees of other
    30  states apply to custody decrees and decrees involving legal
    19890H1023B3110                 - 91 -

     1  institutions similar in nature to custody institutions rendered
     2  by appropriate authorities of other nations if reasonable notice
     3  and opportunity to be heard were given to all affected persons.
     4  § 5366.  Priority.
     5     Upon the request of a party to a custody proceeding which
     6  raises a question of existence or exercise of jurisdiction under
     7  this subchapter, the case shall be given calendar priority and
     8  handled expeditiously.
     9                             CHAPTER 55
    11  Sec.
    12  5501.  Definitions.
    13  5502.  Liability of parents.
    14  5503.  Establishing liability in criminal or juvenile
    15         proceedings.
    16  5504.  Establishing liability in civil proceedings.
    17  5505.  Monetary limits of liability.
    18  5506.  Double recovery for same injury prohibited.
    19  5507.  Indemnity or contribution from child prohibited.
    20  5508.  Liability of parent not having custody or control of
    21         child.
    22  5509.  Other liability of parent or child unaffected.
    23  § 5501.  Definitions.
    24     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    25  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    26  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    27     "Child."  An individual under 18 years of age.
    28     "Injury."  Includes injury to the person and theft,
    29  destruction or loss of property.
    30     "Parent."  Includes natural or adoptive parents.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 92 -

     1     "Person."  Includes government units and Federal agencies.
     2     "Tortious act."  A willful tortious act resulting in injury.
     3  § 5502.  Liability of parents.
     4     Any parent whose child is found liable or is adjudged guilty
     5  by a court of competent jurisdiction of a tortious act shall be
     6  liable to the person who suffers the injury to the extent set
     7  forth in this chapter.
     8  § 5503.  Establishing liability in criminal or juvenile
     9             proceedings.
    10     (a)  General rule.--In any criminal proceeding against a
    11  child and in any proceeding against a child under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch.
    12  63 (relating to juvenile matters), the court shall ascertain the
    13  amount sufficient to fully reimburse any person who has suffered
    14  injury because of the tortious act of the child and direct the
    15  parents to make payment in the amount not to exceed the
    16  limitations set forth in section 5505 (relating to monetary
    17  limits of liability).
    18     (b)  Noncompliance with direction of court.--If the parents
    19  fail to comply with the direction of the court, the amount may
    20  be recovered in a civil action against the parents or either of
    21  them.
    22  § 5504.  Establishing liability in civil proceedings.
    23     (a)  Petition.--If a judgment has been rendered against the
    24  child in a civil action for injury because of the tortious act
    25  of the child and the judgment has not been satisfied within a
    26  period of 30 days, the injured person may petition the court for
    27  a rule to show cause why judgment should not be entered against
    28  the parent.
    29     (b)  Answer and trial.--The parent may file an answer to the
    30  petition, and, if there is any dispute as to unlitigated facts,
    19890H1023B3110                 - 93 -

     1  the case shall be set down for trial.
     2     (c)  Judgment.--If there is no dispute as to the unlitigated
     3  facts, the court shall authorize the entry of a judgment against
     4  the parent. In no case shall the judgment against the parent
     5  exceed the limitations set forth in section 5505 (relating to
     6  monetary limits of liability).
     7  § 5505.  Monetary limits of liability.
     8     (a)  General rule.--Liability of the parents under this
     9  chapter shall be limited to:
    10         (1)  The sum of $300 for injuries suffered by any one
    11     person as a result of one tortious act or continuous series
    12     of tortious acts.
    13         (2)  The sum of $1,000 regardless of the number of
    14     persons who suffer injury as a result of one tortious act or
    15     continuous series of tortious acts.
    16     (b)  Proceedings where loss exceeds liability.--In the event
    17  that actual loss as ascertained by the court or the judgment
    18  against the child exceeds $1,000, the parents shall be
    19  discharged from further liability by the payment of $1,000 into
    20  court. The court shall cause all aggrieved parties to submit
    21  itemized statements of loss in writing and shall make
    22  distribution proportionately, whether the claims be for injuries
    23  to the person or for theft, destruction or loss of property. The
    24  court may take testimony to assist it in making proper
    25  distribution and may appoint a master to accomplish this
    26  purpose. All costs and fees incurred in these proceedings shall
    27  be paid from the $1,000 paid into court.
    28     (c)  Joint acts by children of same parent.--The limitations
    29  on liability set forth in subsections (a) and (b) shall be
    30  applicable when two or more children of the same parent engage
    19890H1023B3110                 - 94 -

     1  jointly in the commission of one tortious act or series of
     2  tortious acts.
     3  § 5506.  Double recovery for same injury prohibited.
     4     In no case shall there be a double recovery for one injury.
     5  Any judgment against a child resulting from a tortious act for
     6  which a parent makes payment under this chapter shall be reduced
     7  by the amount paid by the parent.
     8  § 5507.  Indemnity or contribution from child prohibited.
     9     The parent shall have no right of indemnity or contribution
    10  against the child.
    11  § 5508.  Liability of parent not having custody or control of
    12             child.
    13     (a)  General rule.--No liability may be imposed upon a parent
    14  under this chapter if, at the time of commission of the tortious
    15  act, the parent has neither custody of the child nor is entitled
    16  to custody of the child or if the child is institutionalized or
    17  emancipated.
    18     (b)  Exception.--No parent is absolved of liability due to
    19  the desertion of the child by the parent.
    20  § 5509.  Other liability of parent or child unaffected.
    21     The liability imposed upon parents by this chapter shall not
    22  limit the common-law liability of parents for damages caused by
    23  a child and shall be separate and apart from any liability which
    24  may be imposed upon the child.
    25                              PART VII
    26                          ABUSE OF FAMILY
    27  Chapter
    28    61.  Protection From Abuse
    29    63.  Child Protective Services
    30                             CHAPTER 61
    19890H1023B3110                 - 95 -

     1                       PROTECTION FROM ABUSE
     2  Sec.
     3  6101.  Short title of chapter.
     4  6102.  Definitions.
     5  6103.  Effect of departure to avoid abuse.
     6  6104.  Registration of order.
     7  6105.  Responsibilities of local law enforcement agencies.
     8  6106.  Commencement of proceedings.
     9  6107.  Hearings.
    10  6108.  Relief.
    11  6109.  Service of orders.
    12  6110.  Emergency relief by minor judiciary.
    13  6111.  Domestic violence counselor/advocate.
    14  6112.  Disclosure of addresses.
    15  6113.  Arrest for violation of order.
    16  6114.  Contempt for violation of order or agreement.
    17  6115.  Reporting abuse and immunity.
    18  6116.  Confidentiality.
    19  6117.  Procedure and other remedies.
    20  § 6101.  Short title of chapter.
    21     This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the
    22  Protection From Abuse Act.
    23  § 6102.  Definitions.
    24     (A)  GENERAL RULE.--The following words and phrases when used  <--
    25  in this chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this
    26  section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    27     "Abuse."  The occurrence of one or more of the following acts
    28  between family or household members, sexual or intimate partners
    29  or persons who share biological parenthood:
    30         (1)  Attempting to cause or intentionally, knowingly or
    19890H1023B3110                 - 96 -

     1     recklessly causing bodily injury, serious bodily injury,
     2     rape, spousal sexual assault or involuntary deviate sexual
     3     intercourse with or without a deadly weapon.
     4         (2)  Placing by physical menace another in fear of
     5     imminent serious bodily injury.
     6         (3)  The infliction of false imprisonment pursuant to 18
     7     Pa.C.S. § 2903 (relating to false imprisonment).
     8         (4)  Physically or sexually abusing minor children,        <--
    11     "Adult."  An individual who is 18 years of age or older.
    12     "Bail commissioners."  Bail commissioners of the Philadelphia
    13  Municipal Court.
    14     "Confidential communications."  Information, whether written
    15  or spoken, transmitted between a victim and a domestic violence
    16  counselor or advocate in the course of the relationship and in
    17  confidence by a means which, insofar as the victim is aware,
    18  discloses the information to no third person other than to those
    19  who are present to further the interest of the victim in the
    20  consultation or assistance, to those who are coparticipants in
    21  the counseling service or to those to whom disclosure is
    22  reasonably necessary for the transmission of the information or
    23  an accomplishment of the purpose for which the domestic violence
    24  counselor or advocate is consulted. The term includes
    25  information received or given by the domestic violence counselor
    26  or advocate in the course of the relationship, as well as
    27  advice, reports or working papers given or made in the course of
    28  the relationship.
    29     "Domestic violence counselor/advocate."  An individual who is
    30  engaged in a domestic violence program, who provides services to
    19890H1023B3110                 - 97 -

     1  victims of domestic violence, who has undergone 40 hours of
     2  training and who is under the control of a direct services
     3  supervisor of a domestic violence program, the primary purpose
     4  of which is the rendering of counseling or assistance to victims
     5  of domestic violence.
     6     "Domestic violence program."  A nonprofit organization or
     7  program whose primary purpose is to provide services to domestic
     8  violence victims which include, but are not limited to, crisis
     9  hotline; safe homes or shelters; community education; counseling
    10  systems intervention and interface; transportation, information
    11  and referral; and victim assistance.
    12     "Family or household members."  Spouses or persons who have
    13  been spouses, persons living as spouses or who lived as spouses,
    14  parents and children, other persons related by consanguinity or
    15  affinity, current or former sexual or intimate partners or
    16  persons who share biological parenthood.
    17     "Minor."  An individual who is not an adult.
    18     "Victim."  A person who is physically or sexually abused by a
    19  family or household member.
    23  § 6103.  Effect of departure to avoid abuse.
    25  THIS CHAPTER. The right of plaintiff to relief under this
    26  chapter shall not be affected by plaintiff leaving the residence
    27  or household to avoid further abuse.
    28  § 6104.  Registration of order.
    29     (a)  Registry.--The prothonotary shall maintain a registry in
    30  which it shall enter certified copies of orders entered by
    19890H1023B3110                 - 98 -

     1  courts from other jurisdictions in this Commonwealth pursuant to
     2  this chapter.
     3     (b)  Registration of order in any county.--A plaintiff who
     4  obtains a valid order under this chapter may register that order
     5  in any county within this Commonwealth where the plaintiff
     6  believes enforcement may be necessary. A court shall recognize
     7  and enforce a valid order under this chapter which has been
     8  issued by another court but properly registered with a county
     9  within the judicial district of the court where enforcement is
    10  sought.
    11     (c)  Certified copy.--A valid order under this chapter may be
    12  registered by the plaintiff in a county other than the issuing
    13  county by obtaining a certified copy of the order of the issuing
    14  court endorsed by the prothonotary of that court and presenting
    15  that certified order to the prothonotary where the order is to
    16  be registered.
    17     (d)  Proof of registration.--Upon receipt of a certified
    18  order for registration, the prothonotary shall provide the
    19  plaintiff with a copy bearing the proof of registration to be
    20  filed with the appropriate law enforcement agency.
    21  § 6105.  Responsibilities of local law enforcement agencies.
    22     The police department of each municipal corporation shall
    23  insure that all its officers and employees are familiar with the
    24  provisions of this chapter. Instruction concerning protection
    25  from abuse shall be made a part of the training curriculum for
    26  all trainee officers.
    27  § 6106.  Commencement of proceedings.
    28     (a)  General rule.--An adult or an emancipated minor may seek
    29  relief under this chapter for that person or any parent, adult
    30  household member or guardian ad litem may seek relief under this
    19890H1023B3110                 - 99 -

     1  chapter on behalf of minor children, or a guardian of the person
     2  of an adult who has been declared incompetent under 20 Pa.C.S.
     3  Ch. 51 Subch. B (relating to appointment of guardian) may seek
     4  relief on behalf of the incompetent adult, by filing a petition
     5  with the court alleging abuse by the defendant.
     6     (b)  Affidavit of insufficient funds for fees.--If the
     7  plaintiff files an affidavit stating that plaintiff does not
     8  have funds available to pay the fees for filing and service, the
     9  petition shall be filed and service shall be made without
    10  payment of fees, and leave of court to proceed in forma pauperis
    11  shall not be required.
    12     (c)  Determination of indigency.--When the petition is filed
    13  without payment of fees, the court shall determine at the
    14  hearing on the petition whether the plaintiff is able to pay the
    15  costs of filing and service. If the plaintiff is unable to pay
    16  the costs of filing and service, the court may waive the payment
    17  of costs or, if the plaintiff prevails in the action, assign
    18  them to the defendant. This subsection and subsection (b) apply
    19  to courts of common pleas, the Philadelphia Municipal Court,
    20  bail commissioners and district justices.
    21     (d)  Court to adopt means of service.--The court shall adopt
    22  a means of prompt and effective service in those instances where
    23  the plaintiff avers that service cannot be safely effected by an
    24  adult individual other than a law enforcement officer or where
    25  the court so orders.
    26     (e)  Service by sheriff.--If the plaintiff files an affidavit
    27  stating that the plaintiff does not have funds available to pay
    28  the costs of filing and service or if the court so orders, the
    29  sheriff or other designated agency or individual shall serve the
    30  petition and order without prepayment of costs.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 100 -

     1     (f)  Service of petition and orders.--The petition and orders
     2  shall be served upon the defendant, and orders shall be served
     3  upon the police departments with appropriate jurisdiction to
     4  enforce the orders. Orders shall be promptly served on the
     5  police. Failure to serve shall not stay the effect of a valid
     6  order.
     7     (g)  Assistance and advice to plaintiff.--The courts,
     8  district justices, the Philadelphia Municipal Court and bail
     9  commissioners shall:
    10         (1)  Provide simplified forms and clerical assistance in
    11     English and Spanish to help with the writing and filing of
    12     the petition for a protection order for an individual not
    13     represented by counsel.
    14         (2)  Advise a plaintiff not represented by counsel of the
    15     right to file an affidavit stating that the plaintiff does
    16     not have funds available to pay the costs of filing and
    17     service and assist with the writing and filing of the
    18     affidavit.
    19  § 6107.  Hearings.
    20     (a)  General rule.--Within ten days of the filing of a
    21  petition under this chapter, a hearing shall be held before the
    22  court, at which the plaintiff must prove the allegation of abuse
    23  by a preponderance of the evidence. The court shall advise the
    24  defendant of the right to be represented by counsel.
    25     (b)  Temporary orders.--If a plaintiff petitions for
    26  temporary order for protection from abuse and alleges immediate
    27  and present danger of abuse to the plaintiff or minor children,
    28  the court shall conduct an ex-parte proceeding. The court may
    29  enter such a temporary order as it deems necessary to protect
    30  the plaintiff or minor children when it finds they are in
    19890H1023B3110                 - 101 -

     1  immediate and present danger of abuse.
     2     (c)  Continued hearings.--If a hearing under subsection (a)
     3  is continued, the court may make or extend such temporary orders
     4  under subsection (b) as it deems necessary.
     5     (d)  Costs.--If the plaintiff prevails, the court shall
     6  assign costs to the defendant unless the parties agree
     7  otherwise. If the defendant is indigent, costs shall be waived.
     8  § 6108.  Relief.
     9     (a)  General rule.--The court may grant any protection order
    10  or approve any consent agreement to bring about a cessation of
    11  abuse of the plaintiff or minor children. The order or agreement
    12  may include:
    13         (1)  Directing the defendant to refrain from abusing the
    14     plaintiff or minor children.
    15         (2)  Granting possession to the plaintiff of the
    16     residence or household to the exclusion of the defendant by
    17     evicting the defendant or restoring possession to the
    18     plaintiff when the residence or household is jointly owned or
    19     leased by the parties, is owned or leased by the entireties
    20     or is owned or leased solely by the plaintiff.
    21         (3)  When the defendant has a duty to support the
    22     plaintiff or minor children living in the residence or
    23     household and the defendant is the sole owner or lessee,
    24     granting possession to the plaintiff of the residence or
    25     household to the exclusion of the defendant by evicting the
    26     defendant or restoring possession to the plaintiff or, by
    27     consent agreement, allowing the defendant to provide suitable
    28     alternate housing.
    29         (4)  Awarding temporary custody of or establishing
    30     temporary visitation rights with regard to minor children. A
    19890H1023B3110                 - 102 -

     1     defendant shall not be granted custody or partial custody
     2     where it is alleged in the petition, and the court finds
     3     after a hearing under this chapter, that the defendant abused
     4     the minor children of the parties or where the defendant has
     5     been convicted of violating 18 Pa.C.S. § 2904 (relating to
     6     interference with custody of children) within two calendar
     7     years prior to the filing of the petition for protection
     8     order. If a plaintiff petitions for a temporary order under
     9     section 6107(b) (relating to hearings) and the defendant has
    10     partial, shared or full custody of the minor children of the
    11     parties by order of court or written agreement of the
    12     parties, the custody shall not be disturbed or changed unless
    13     the court finds that the defendant is likely to inflict abuse
    14     upon the children or to remove the children from the
    15     jurisdiction of the court prior to the hearing under section
    16     6107(a). Nothing in this paragraph shall bar either party
    17     from filing a petition for custody under 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 53
    18     (relating to custody) or under the Pennsylvania Rules of
    19     Civil Procedure. The court shall consider, and may impose on
    20     a custody award, conditions necessary to assure the safety of
    21     the plaintiff and minor children from abuse.
    22         (5)  After a hearing in accordance with section 6107(a),
    23     directing the defendant to pay financial support to those
    24     persons the defendant has a duty to support. The support
    25     order shall be temporary, and any beneficiary of the order
    26     must file a complaint for support under the provisions of
    27     Chapters 43 (relating to support matters generally) and 45
    28     (relating to reciprocal enforcement of support orders) within
    29     two weeks of the date of the issuance of the protection
    30     order. If a complaint for support is not filed, that portion
    19890H1023B3110                 - 103 -

     1     of the protection order requiring the defendant to pay
     2     support is void. When there is a subsequent ruling on a
     3     complaint for support, the portion of the protection order
     4     requiring the defendant to pay support expires.
     5         (6)  Prohibiting the defendant from having any contact
     6     with the plaintiff, including, but not limited to,
     7     restraining the defendant from entering the place of
     8     employment or business or school of the plaintiff and from
     9     harassing the plaintiff or plaintiff's relatives or minor
    10     children.
    11         (7)  Ordering the defendant to temporarily relinquish to
    12     the sheriff the defendant's weapons which have been used or
    13     been threatened to be used in an incident of abuse against
    14     the plaintiff or the minor children. The court's order shall
    15     provide for the return of the weapons to the defendant
    16     subject to any restrictions and conditions as the court shall
    17     deem appropriate to protect the plaintiff or minor children
    18     from further abuse through the use of weapons.
    19         (8)  Directing the defendant to pay the plaintiff for
    20     reasonable losses suffered as a result of the abuse,
    21     including medical, dental, relocation and moving expenses;
    22     counseling; loss of earnings or support; and other out-of-
    23     pocket losses for injuries sustained. In addition to out-of-
    24     pocket losses, the court may direct the defendant to pay
    25     reasonable attorney fees.
    26     (b)  Duration and amendment of order or agreement.--A
    27  protection order or approved consent agreement shall be for a
    28  fixed period of time not to exceed one year. The court may amend
    29  its order or agreement at any time upon subsequent petition
    30  filed by either party.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 104 -

     1     (c)  Title to real property unaffected.--No order or
     2  agreement under this chapter shall in any manner affect title to
     3  any real property.
     4  § 6109.  Service of orders.
     5     (a)  Issuance.--A copy of an order under this chapter shall
     6  be issued to the plaintiff, the defendant and the police
     7  department with appropriate jurisdiction to enforce the order or
     8  agreement in accordance with the provisions of this chapter or
     9  as ordered by the court, district justice, the Philadelphia
    10  Municipal Court or bail commissioners.
    11     (b)  Placement in county registry.--Upon receipt of an order,
    12  the police department shall immediately place the order in a
    13  county registry of protection orders. The police department
    14  shall assure that the registry is current at all times and that
    15  orders are removed upon expiration thereof.
    16  § 6110.  Emergency relief by minor judiciary.
    17     (a)  General rule.--When, in counties with less than four
    18  judges, the court is unavailable during the business day by
    19  reason of duties outside the county, illness or vacation, and
    20  when, in counties with at least four judges, the court deems
    21  itself unavailable from the close of business at the end of each
    22  day to the resumption of business the next morning or from the
    23  end of the business week to the beginning of the business week,
    24  a petition may be filed before a district justice, bail
    25  commissioner or judge of the Philadelphia Municipal Court who
    26  may grant relief in accordance with section 6108(a)(1) and (2)
    27  or (1) and (3) (relating to relief) if the district justice,
    28  bail commissioner or judge deems it necessary to protect the
    29  plaintiff or minor children from abuse upon good cause shown in
    30  an ex parte proceeding. Immediate and present danger of abuse to
    19890H1023B3110                 - 105 -

     1  the plaintiff or minor children shall constitute good cause for
     2  the purposes of this subsection.
     3     (b)  Expiration of order.--An order issued under subsection
     4  (a) shall expire as of the resumption of business of the court
     5  at the beginning of the next business day, at which time the
     6  court shall schedule hearings on protection orders entered by
     7  district justices, bail commissioners or Philadelphia Municipal
     8  Court Judges under subsection (a) and shall review and continue
     9  in effect protection orders that are necessary to protect the
    10  plaintiff or minor children from abuse until the hearing, at
    11  which time the plaintiff may seek a temporary order from the
    12  court.
    13     (c)  Certification of order to court.--An emergency order
    14  issued under this section and any documentation in support
    15  thereof shall be immediately certified to the court. The
    16  certification to the court shall have the effect of commencing
    17  proceedings under section 6106 (relating to commencement of
    18  proceedings) and invoking the other provisions of this chapter.
    19  If it is not already alleged in a petition for an emergency
    20  order, the plaintiff shall file a verified statement setting
    21  forth the abuse of defendant at least five days prior to the
    22  hearing. Service of the verified statement shall be made subject
    23  to section 6106.
    24     (d)  Instructions regarding the commencement of
    25  proceedings.--Upon issuance of an emergency order, the district
    26  justice, bail commissioner or Philadelphia Municipal Court Judge
    27  shall provide the plaintiff instructions regarding the
    28  commencement of proceedings in the court of common pleas at the
    29  beginning of the next business day and regarding the procedures
    30  for initiating a contempt charge should the defendant violate
    19890H1023B3110                 - 106 -

     1  the emergency order. The district justice, a bail commissioner
     2  or Philadelphia Municipal Court Judge shall also advise the
     3  plaintiff of the existence of programs for victims of domestic
     4  violence in the county or in nearby counties and inform the
     5  plaintiff of the availability of legal assistance without cost
     6  if the plaintiff is unable to pay for them.
     7  § 6111.  Domestic violence counselor/advocate.
     8     A domestic violence counselor/advocate may accompany a party
     9  to a hearing under this chapter.
    10  § 6112.  Disclosure of addresses.
    11     During the course of a proceeding under this chapter, the
    12  court, district justice, Philadelphia Municipal Court Judge or
    13  bail commissioner may consider whether the plaintiff or
    14  plaintiff's family is endangered by disclosure of the permanent
    15  or temporary address of the plaintiff or minor children. Neither
    16  in the pleadings nor during proceedings or hearings under this
    17  chapter shall the court, district justice, Philadelphia
    18  Municipal Court Judge or bail commissioner require disclosure of
    19  the address of a domestic violence program.
    20  § 6113.  Arrest for violation of order.
    21     (a)  General rule.--An arrest for violation of an order
    22  issued pursuant to this chapter may be without warrant upon
    23  probable cause whether or not the violation is committed in the
    24  presence of the police officer. The police officer may verify,
    25  if necessary, the existence of a protection order by telephone
    26  or radio communication with the appropriate police department,
    27  county registry or issuing authority.
    28     (b)  Seizure of weapons.--Subsequent to an arrest, the police
    29  officer shall seize all weapons used or threatened to be used
    30  during the violation of the protection order or during prior
    19890H1023B3110                 - 107 -

     1  incidents of abuse. As soon as it is reasonably possible, the
     2  arresting officer shall deliver the confiscated weapons to the
     3  office of the sheriff. The sheriff shall maintain possession of
     4  the weapons until the court issues an order specifying the
     5  weapons to be relinquished and the persons to whom the weapons
     6  shall be relinquished.
     7     (c)  Procedure following arrest.--Subsequent to an arrest,
     8  the defendant shall be taken by the police officer without
     9  unnecessary delay before the court in the judicial district
    10  where the contempt is alleged to have occurred. When that court
    11  is unavailable, the police officer shall convey the defendant to
    12  a district justice designated as appropriate by local rules of
    13  court, the Philadelphia Municipal Court or designated bail
    14  commissioner.
    15     (d)  Preliminary arraignment.--The defendant shall be
    16  afforded a preliminary arraignment without unnecessary delay.
    17     (e)  Other emergency powers unaffected.--This section shall
    18  not be construed to in any way limit any of the other powers for
    19  emergency relief provided in this chapter.
    20     (f)  Hearing.--A hearing on a charge or allegation of
    21  indirect criminal contempt shall not preclude a hearing on other
    22  criminal charges underlying the contempt, nor shall a hearing on
    23  other criminal charges preclude a hearing on a charge of
    24  indirect criminal contempt.
    25     (g)  Notice.--Notice shall be given to the defendant, in
    26  orders issued pursuant to section 6108 (relating to relief), of
    27  the possible ramifications of resumption of residence in the
    28  family domicile contrary to court order. Resumption of co-
    29  residence on the part of the plaintiff and defendant shall not
    30  nullify the provisions of the court order directing the
    19890H1023B3110                 - 108 -

     1  defendant to refrain from abusing the plaintiff or minor
     2  children.
     3  § 6114.  Contempt for violation of order or agreement.
     4     (a)  General rule.--Upon violation of a protection order
     5  issued under this chapter or a court-approved consent agreement,
     6  the court may hold the defendant in indirect criminal contempt
     7  and punish the defendant in accordance with law.
     8     (b)  Trial and punishment.--A sentence for contempt under
     9  this chapter may include imprisonment up to six months or a fine
    10  not to exceed $1,000, or both, and may include other relief set
    11  forth in this chapter. The defendant shall not have a right to a
    12  jury trial on such a charge; however, the defendant shall be
    13  entitled to counsel.
    14  § 6115.  Reporting abuse and immunity.
    15     (a)  Reporting.--A person having reasonable cause to believe
    16  that a person is being abused may report the information to the
    17  local police department.
    18     (b)  Contents of report.--The report should contain the name
    19  and address of the abused person, information regarding the
    20  nature and extent of the abuse and information which the
    21  reporter believes may be helpful to prevent further abuse.
    22     (c)  Immunity.--A person who makes a report shall be immune
    23  from a civil or criminal liability on account of the report
    24  unless the person acted in bad faith or with malicious purpose.
    25  § 6116.  Confidentiality.
    26     Unless a victim waives the privilege in a signed writing
    27  prior to testimony or disclosure, a domestic violence
    28  counselor/advocate shall not be competent nor permitted to
    29  testify or to otherwise disclose confidential communications
    30  made to or by the counselor/advocate by or to a victim. The
    19890H1023B3110                 - 109 -

     1  privilege shall terminate upon the death of the victim. Neither
     2  the domestic violence counselor/advocate nor the victim shall
     3  waive the privilege of confidential communications by reporting
     4  facts of physical or sexual assault under Chapter 63 (relating
     5  to child protective services), a Federal or State mandatory
     6  reporting statute; or a local mandatory reporting ordinance.
     7  § 6117.  Procedure and other remedies.
     8     Unless otherwise indicated in this chapter, a proceeding
     9  under this chapter shall be in accordance with applicable
    10  general rules and shall be in addition to any other available
    11  civil or criminal remedies.
    12                             CHAPTER 63
    13                     CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES
    14  Subchapter
    15     A.  Preliminary Provisions
    16     B.  Reporting Suspected Child Abuse
    17     C.  Powers and Duties of Department
    18     D.  Organization and Responsibilities of Child Protective
    19         Service
    20     E.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    21                            SUBCHAPTER A
    22                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    23  Sec.
    24  6301.  Short title of chapter.
    25  6302.  Finding and purpose of chapter.
    26  6303.  Definitions.
    27  § 6301.  Short title of chapter.
    28     This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Child
    29  Protective Services Law.
    30  § 6302.  Finding and purpose of chapter.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 110 -

     1     (a)  Finding.--Abused children are in urgent need of an
     2  effective child protective service to prevent them from
     3  suffering further injury and impairment.
     4     (b)  Purpose.--It is the purpose of this chapter to encourage
     5  more complete reporting of suspected child abuse and to
     6  establish in each county a child protective service capable of
     7  investigating such reports swiftly and competently, providing
     8  protection for children from further abuse and providing
     9  rehabilitative services for children and parents involved so as
    10  to ensure the well-being of the child and to preserve and
    11  stabilize family life wherever appropriate.
    12     (c)  Effect on rights of parents.--This chapter does not
    13  restrict the generally recognized existing rights of parents to
    14  use reasonable supervision and control when raising their
    15  children.
    16  § 6303.  Definitions.
    17     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    18  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    19  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    20     "Child abuse."  Serious physical or mental injury which is
    21  not explained by the available medical history as being
    22  accidental, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or serious
    23  physical neglect of a child under 18 years of age if the injury,
    24  abuse or neglect has been caused by the acts or omissions of the
    25  child's parents or by a person responsible for the child's
    26  welfare, or any individual residing in the same home as the
    27  child, or a paramour of the child's parent. No child shall be
    28  deemed to be physically or mentally abused for the sole reason
    29  the child is in good faith being furnished treatment by
    30  spiritual means through prayer alone in accordance with the
    19890H1023B3110                 - 111 -

     1  tenets and practices of a recognized church or religious
     2  denomination by an accredited practitioner thereof or is not
     3  provided specified medical treatment in the practice of
     4  religious beliefs, or solely on the grounds of environmental
     5  factors which are beyond the control of the person responsible
     6  for the welfare of the child such as inadequate housing,
     7  furnishings, income, clothing and medical care.
     8     "Child-care services."  Child day-care centers, group and
     9  family day-care homes, foster homes, adoptive parents, boarding
    10  homes for children, juvenile detention center services or
    11  programs for delinquent or dependent children; mental health,
    12  mental retardation and drug and alcohol services for children;
    13  and any other child-care services which are provided by or
    14  subject to approval, licensure, registration or certification by
    15  the department or a county social services agency or which are
    16  provided pursuant to a contract with these departments or a
    17  county social services agency. The term does not include such
    18  services or programs which may be offered by public and private
    19  schools, intermediate units or area vocational-technical
    20  schools.
    21     "Child protective service."  That section of each county
    22  children and youth social service agency required to be
    23  established by section 6361 (relating to organization of child
    24  protective service).
    25     "Cooperation with an investigation." Includes, but is not
    26  limited to, a school or school district which permits authorized
    27  personnel from the department or child protection services to
    28  interview a student while the student is in attendance at
    29  school.
    30     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
    19890H1023B3110                 - 112 -

     1  Commonwealth.
     2     "Expunge."  To strike out or obliterate entirely so that the
     3  expunged information may not be stored, identified or later
     4  recovered by any mechanical or electronic means or otherwise.
     5     "Family members."  Spouses, parents and children or other
     6  persons related by consanguinity or affinity.
     7     "Founded report."  A report made pursuant to this chapter if
     8  there has been any judicial adjudication based on a finding that
     9  a child who is a subject of the report has been abused.
    10     "Indicated report."  A report made pursuant to this chapter
    11  if an investigation by the child protective service determines
    12  that substantial evidence of the alleged abuse exists based on
    13  any of the following:
    14         (1)  Available medical evidence.
    15         (2)  The child protective service investigation.
    16         (3)  An admission of the acts of abuse by the parent of
    17     the child or person responsible for the welfare of the child.
    18     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Public Welfare of the
    19  Commonwealth.
    20     "Sexual abuse."  The obscene or pornographic photographing,
    21  filming or depiction of children for commercial purposes or the
    22  rape, molestation, incest, prostitution or other forms of sexual
    23  exploitation of children under circumstances which indicate that
    24  the child's health or welfare is harmed or threatened thereby,
    25  as determined in accordance with regulations of the department.
    26     "Subject of the report."  Any child reported to the central
    27  register of child abuse and a parent, guardian or other
    28  responsible person also named in the report.
    29     "Under investigation."  A report pursuant to this chapter
    30  which is being investigated to determine whether it is
    19890H1023B3110                 - 113 -

     1  "founded," "indicated" or "unfounded."
     2     "Unfounded report."  Any report made pursuant to this chapter
     3  unless the report is a "founded report" or unless an
     4  investigation by the appropriate child protective service
     5  determines that the report is an "indicated report."
     6                            SUBCHAPTER B
     8  Sec.
     9  6311.  Persons required to report suspected child abuse.
    10  6312.  Persons permitted to report suspected child abuse.
    11  6313.  Reporting procedure.
    12  6314.  Photographs and X-rays of child subject to report.
    13  6315.  Taking child into protective custody.
    14  6316.  Admission to private and public hospitals.
    15  6317.  Reporting and postmortem investigation of deaths.
    16  6318.  Immunity from liability.
    17  6319.  Penalties for failure to report.
    18  § 6311.  Persons required to report suspected child abuse.
    19     (a)  General rule.--Persons who, in the course of their
    20  employment, occupation or practice of their profession, come
    21  into contact with children shall report or cause a report to be
    22  made in accordance with section 6313 (relating to reporting
    23  procedure) when they have reason to believe, on the basis of
    24  their medical, professional or other training and experience,
    25  that a child coming before them in their professional or
    26  official capacity is an abused child. The privileged
    27  communication between any professional person required to report
    28  and the patient or client of that person shall not apply to
    29  situations involving child abuse and shall not constitute
    30  grounds for failure to report as required by this chapter.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 114 -

     1     (b)  Enumeration of persons required to report.--Persons
     2  required to report under subsection (a) include, but are not
     3  limited to, any licensed physician, osteopath, medical examiner,
     4  coroner, funeral director, dentist, optometrist, chiropractor,
     5  podiatrist, intern, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse,
     6  hospital personnel engaged in the admission, examination, care
     7  or treatment of persons, a Christian Science practitioner,
     8  school administrator, school teacher, school nurse, social
     9  services worker, day-care center worker or any other child-care
    10  or foster-care worker, mental health professional, peace officer
    11  or law enforcement official.
    12     (c)  Staff members of institutions, etc.--Whenever a person
    13  is required to report under subsection (b) in the capacity as a
    14  member of the staff of a medical or other public or private
    15  institution, school, facility or agency, that person shall
    16  immediately notify the person in charge of the institution,
    17  school, facility or agency or the designated agent of the person
    18  in charge. Upon notification, the person in charge or the
    19  designated agent, if any, shall assume the responsibility and
    20  have the legal obligation to report or cause a report to be made
    21  in accordance with section 6313. This chapter does not require
    22  more than one report from any such institution, school, facility
    23  or agency.
    24     (d)  Civil action for discrimination against person filing
    25  report.--Any person who, under this section, is required to
    26  report or cause a report of suspected child abuse to be made and
    27  who, in good faith, makes or causes the report to be made and,
    28  as a result thereof, is discharged from his employment or in any
    29  other manner is discriminated against with respect to
    30  compensation, hire, tenure, terms, conditions or privileges of
    19890H1023B3110                 - 115 -

     1  employment, may commence an action in the court of common pleas
     2  of the county in which the alleged unlawful discharge or
     3  discrimination occurred for appropriate relief. If the court
     4  finds that the person is an individual who, under this section,
     5  is required to report or cause a report of suspected child abuse
     6  to be made and who, in good faith, made or caused to be made a
     7  report of suspected child abuse and, as a result thereof, was
     8  discharged or discriminated against with respect to
     9  compensation, hire, tenure, terms, conditions or privileges of
    10  employment, it may issue an order granting appropriate relief,
    11  including but not limited to reinstatement with back pay. The
    12  department may intervene in any action commenced under this
    13  subsection.
    14  § 6312.  Persons permitted to report suspected child abuse.
    15     In addition to those persons and officials required to report
    16  suspected child abuse, any person may make such a report if that
    17  person has reasonable cause to suspect that a child is an abused
    18  child.
    19  § 6313.  Reporting procedure.
    20     (a)  General rule.--Reports from persons required to report
    21  under section 6311 (relating to persons required to report
    22  suspected child abuse) shall be made immediately by telephone
    23  and in writing within 48 hours after the oral report.
    24     (b)  Oral reports.--Oral reports shall be made to the
    25  department pursuant to Subchapter C (relating to powers and
    26  duties of department) and may be made to the appropriate child
    27  protective service. When oral reports of suspected child abuse
    28  are initially received at the child protective service, the
    29  child protective service shall, after seeing to the immediate
    30  safety of the child and other children in the home, immediately
    19890H1023B3110                 - 116 -

     1  notify the department of the receipt of the report, which is to
     2  be held in the pending complaint file as provided in Subchapter
     3  C. The initial child abuse report summary shall be supplemented
     4  with a written report when a determination is made as to whether
     5  a report of suspected child abuse is a founded report, an
     6  unfounded report or an indicated report.
     7     (c)  Written reports.--Written reports from persons required
     8  to report under section 6311 shall be made to the appropriate
     9  child protective service in a manner and on forms the department
    10  prescribes by regulation. The written reports shall include the
    11  following information if available:
    12         (1)  The names and addresses of the child and the parents
    13     or other person responsible for the care of the child if
    14     known.
    15         (2)  Where the suspected abuse occurred.
    16         (3)  The age and sex of the child.
    17         (4)  The nature and extent of the suspected child abuse
    18     including any evidence of prior abuse to the child or
    19     siblings of the child.
    20         (5)  The name of the person or persons responsible for
    21     causing the suspected abuse if known.
    22         (6)  Family composition.
    23         (7)  The relationship of the suspected perpetrator to the
    24     child.
    25         (8)  The source of the report.
    26         (9)  The person making the report and where that person
    27     can be reached.
    28         (10)  The actions taken by the reporting source including
    29     the taking of photographs and X-rays, removal or keeping of
    30     the child or notifying the medical examiner or coroner.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 117 -

     1         (11)  Any other information which the department may
     2     require by regulation.
     3     (d)  Failure to confirm oral report.--The failure of a person
     4  reporting cases of suspected child abuse to confirm an oral
     5  report in writing within 48 hours shall not relieve the child
     6  protective service from any duties prescribed by this chapter.
     7  In such event, the child protective service shall proceed as if
     8  a written report were actually made.
     9  § 6314.  Photographs and X-rays of child subject to report.
    10     A person or official required to report cases of suspected
    11  child abuse may take or cause to be taken photographs of the
    12  areas of trauma visible on a child who is subject to a report
    13  and, if medically indicated, cause to be performed a
    14  radiological examination on the child. Medical summaries or
    15  reports of the photographs or X-rays taken shall be sent to the
    16  child protective service at the time the written report is sent
    17  or as soon thereafter as possible. Child protective services
    18  shall have access to the actual photographs and X-rays and may
    19  obtain them or duplicates of them upon request.
    20  § 6315.  Taking child into protective custody.
    21     (a)  General rule.--A child may be taken into protective
    22  custody:
    23         (1)  As provided by 42 Pa.C.S. § 6324 (relating to taking
    24     into custody).
    25         (2)  By a physician examining or treating the child or by
    26     the director, or a person specifically designated in writing
    27     by the director, of any hospital or other medical institution
    28     where the child is being treated if protective custody is
    29     immediately necessary to protect the child from further
    30     serious physical injury, sexual abuse or serious physical
    19890H1023B3110                 - 118 -

     1     neglect.
     2     (b)  Duration of custody.--No child may be held in protective
     3  custody for more than 24 hours unless the appropriate child
     4  protective service is immediately notified that the child has
     5  been taken into custody and the child protective service obtains
     6  an order from a court of competent jurisdiction permitting the
     7  child to be held in custody for a longer period. Each court
     8  shall insure that a judge is available 24 hours a day, 365 days
     9  a year to accept and decide the actions brought by a child
    10  protective service under this subsection within the 24-hour
    11  period.
    12     (c)  Notice of custody.--An individual taking a child into
    13  protective custody under this chapter shall immediately, and
    14  within 24 hours in writing, notify the parent, guardian or other
    15  custodian of the child of the whereabouts of the child and the
    16  reasons for the need to take the child into protective custody
    17  and shall immediately notify the appropriate child protective
    18  service in order that proceedings under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63
    19  (relating to juvenile matters) may be initiated, if appropriate.
    20     (d)  Detention hearing.--In no case shall protective custody
    21  under this chapter be maintained longer than 72 hours without a
    22  detention hearing. If at the detention hearing it is determined
    23  that protective custody shall be continued, the child protective
    24  service shall within 48 hours file a petition with the court
    25  under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63.
    26     (e)  Place of detention.--No child taken into protective
    27  custody under this chapter may be detained during the protective
    28  custody except in an appropriate medical facility, foster home
    29  or other appropriate facility approved by the department for
    30  this purpose.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 119 -

     1     (f)  Conference with parent or other custodian.--A conference
     2  between the parent, guardian or other custodian of the child
     3  taken into temporary protective custody pursuant to this section
     4  and the case worker designated by the child protection service
     5  to be responsible for the child shall be held within 48 hours of
     6  the time that the child is taken into custody for the purpose
     7  of:
     8         (1)  Explaining to the parent, guardian or other
     9     custodian the reasons for the temporary detention of the
    10     child and the whereabouts of the child.
    11         (2)  Expediting, wherever possible, the return of the
    12     child to the custody of the parent, guardian or other
    13     custodian where custody is no longer necessary.
    14  § 6316.  Admission to private and public hospitals.
    15     (a)  General rule.--Children appearing to suffer any physical
    16  or mental trauma which may constitute child abuse shall be
    17  admitted to and treated in appropriate facilities of private and
    18  public hospitals on the basis of medical need and shall not be
    19  refused or deprived in any way of proper medical treatment and
    20  care.
    21     (b)  Failure of hospital to admit child.--The failure of a
    22  hospital to admit and properly treat and care for a child
    23  pursuant to subsection (a) shall be cause for the department to
    24  order immediate admittance, treatment and care by the hospital
    25  which shall be enforceable, if necessary, by the prompt
    26  institution of a civil action by the department. The child,
    27  through an attorney, shall also have the additional and
    28  independent right to seek immediate injunctive relief and
    29  institute an appropriate civil action for damages against the
    30  hospital.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 120 -

     1  § 6317.  Reporting and postmortem investigation of deaths.
     2     A person or official required to report cases of suspected
     3  child abuse, including employees of a county children and youth
     4  social service agency and its child protective service, who has
     5  reasonable cause to suspect that a child died as a result of
     6  child abuse shall report that fact to the coroner. The coroner
     7  shall accept the report for investigation and shall report his
     8  finding to the police, the district attorney, the appropriate
     9  child protective service and, if the report is made by a
    10  hospital, the hospital.
    11  § 6318.  Immunity from liability.
    12     (a)  General rule.--A person, hospital, institution, school,
    13  facility or agency participating in good faith in the making of
    14  a report, cooperating with an investigation or testifying in a
    15  proceeding arising out of an instance of suspected child abuse,
    16  the taking of photographs or the removal or keeping of a child
    17  pursuant to section 6315 (relating to taking child into
    18  protective custody) shall have immunity from any civil or
    19  criminal liability that might otherwise result by reason of
    20  those actions.
    21     (b)  Presumption of good faith.--For the purpose of any civil
    22  or criminal proceeding, the good faith of a person required to
    23  report pursuant to section 6311 (relating to persons required to
    24  report suspected child abuse) shall be presumed.
    25  § 6319.  Penalties for failure to report.
    26     A person or official required by this chapter to report a
    27  case of suspected child abuse who willfully fails to do so
    28  commits a summary offense for the first violation and a
    29  misdemeanor of the third degree for a second or subsequent
    30  violation.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 121 -

     1                            SUBCHAPTER C
     2                  POWERS AND DUTIES OF DEPARTMENT
     3  Sec.
     4  6331.  Establishment of pending complaint file and Statewide
     5         central register.
     6  6332.  Establishment of Statewide toll-free telephone number.
     7  6333.  Continuous availability of department.
     8  6334.  Disposition of complaints received.
     9  6335.  Information in pending complaint file.
    10  6336.  Information in Statewide central register.
    11  6337.  Disposition of unfounded reports.
    12  6338.  Disposition of founded and indicated reports.
    13  6339.  Confidentiality of reports.
    14  6340.  Release of information in confidential reports.
    15  6341.  Amendment, sealing or expungement of information.
    16  6342.  Studies of data in records.
    17  6343.  Investigating performance of child protective service.
    18  6344.  Information relating to prospective child-care
    19         personnel.
    20  6345.  Audits by Attorney General.
    21  6346.  Cooperation of other agencies.
    22  6347.  Annual reports to Governor and General Assembly.
    23  6348.  Regulations.
    24  6349.  Penalties.
    25  § 6331.  Establishment of pending complaint file and Statewide
    26             central register.
    27     There shall be established in the department:
    28         (1)  A pending complaint file of child abuse reports
    29     under investigation.
    30         (2)  A Statewide central register of child abuse which
    19890H1023B3110                 - 122 -

     1     shall consist of founded and indicated reports of child
     2     abuse.
     3  § 6332.  Establishment of Statewide toll-free telephone number.
     4     (a)  General rule.--The department shall establish a single
     5  Statewide toll-free telephone number that all persons, whether
     6  mandated by law or not, may use to report cases of suspected
     7  child abuse. A child protective service may use the Statewide
     8  toll-free telephone number for determining the existence of
     9  prior founded or indicated reports of child abuse in the
    10  Statewide central register or reports under investigation in the
    11  pending complaint file.
    12     (b)  Limitation on use.--A child protective service may only
    13  request and receive information pursuant to this subsection
    14  either on its own behalf because it has received a report of
    15  suspected child abuse or on behalf of a physician examining or
    16  treating a child or on behalf of the director or a person
    17  specifically designated in writing by the director of any
    18  hospital or other medical institution where a child is being
    19  treated, where the physician or the director or a person
    20  specifically designated in writing by the director suspects the
    21  child of being an abused child.
    22  § 6333.  Continuous availability of department.
    23     The department shall be capable of receiving oral reports of
    24  child abuse made pursuant to this chapter and report summaries
    25  of child abuse from child protective services and shall be
    26  capable of immediately identifying prior reports of child abuse
    27  in the Statewide central register and reports under
    28  investigation in the pending complaint file and of monitoring
    29  the provision of child protective services 24 hours a day, seven
    30  days a week.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 123 -

     1  § 6334.  Disposition of complaints received.
     2     (a)  Notice to child protective service.--Upon receipt of a
     3  complaint of suspected child abuse, the department shall
     4  immediately transmit orally to the appropriate child protective
     5  service notice that the complaint of suspected child abuse has
     6  been received and the substance of the complaint. If the
     7  Statewide central register or the pending complaint file
     8  contains information indicating a prior report or a current
     9  investigation concerning a subject of the report, the department
    10  shall immediately notify the appropriate child protective
    11  service of this fact.
    12     (b)  Referral for services or investigation.--If the
    13  complaint received does not suggest suspected child abuse but
    14  does suggest a need for social services or other services or
    15  investigation, the department shall transmit the information to
    16  the county children and youth social service agency or other
    17  public agency for appropriate action. The information shall not
    18  be considered a child abuse report unless the agency to which
    19  the information was referred has reason to believe after
    20  investigation that abuse occurred. If the agency has reason to
    21  believe that abuse occurred, the agency shall notify the
    22  department, and the initial complaint shall be considered to
    23  have been a child abuse report.
    24     (c)  Recording in pending complaint file.--Upon receipt of a
    25  complaint of suspected child abuse, the department shall
    26  maintain a record of the complaint of suspected child abuse in
    27  the pending complaint file.
    28  § 6335.  Information in pending complaint file.
    29     (a)  Information authorized.--No information other than that
    30  permitted to be retained in the Statewide central register in
    19890H1023B3110                 - 124 -

     1  section 6336 (relating to information in Statewide central
     2  register) shall be retained in the pending complaint file or
     3  otherwise by the department.
     4     (b)  Access to information.--Except as provided in sections
     5  6332 (relating to establishment of Statewide toll-free telephone
     6  number), 6334 (relating to disposition of complaints received),
     7  6340 (relating to release of information in confidential
     8  reports) and 6342 (relating to studies of data in records), no
     9  person, other than an employee of the department in the course
    10  of official duties in connection with the responsibilities of
    11  the department under this chapter, shall at any time have access
    12  to any information in the pending complaint file or Statewide
    13  central register.
    14  § 6336.  Information in Statewide central register.
    15     (a)  Information authorized.--The Statewide central register
    16  shall include and shall be limited to the following information:
    17         (1)  The names, Social Security numbers, age and sex of
    18     the subjects of the reports.
    19         (2)  The date or dates and the nature and extent of the
    20     alleged instances of suspected child abuse.
    21         (3)  The home addresses of the subjects of the report.
    22         (4)  The county in which the suspected abuse occurred.
    23         (5)  Family composition.
    24         (6)  The name and relationship to the abused child of the
    25     person or persons responsible for causing the abuse.
    26         (7)  The source of the report.
    27         (8)  Services planned or provided.
    28         (9)  Whether the report is a founded report or an
    29     indicated report.
    30         (10)  The progress of any legal proceedings brought on
    19890H1023B3110                 - 125 -

     1     the basis of the report of suspected child abuse.
     2  No information other than that permitted in this subsection
     3  shall be retained in the Statewide central register, the pending
     4  complaint file or otherwise by the department.
     5     (b)  Type of information released.--Except as provided in
     6  sections 6334 (relating to disposition of complaints received),
     7  6335 (relating to information in pending complaint file), 6340
     8  (relating to release of information in confidential reports) and
     9  6342 (relating to studies of data in records), persons receiving
    10  information from the Statewide central register or pending
    11  complaint file may be informed only as to:
    12         (1)  Whether the report is a founded or indicated abuse
    13     or is under investigation.
    14         (2)  The number of founded and indicated SUCH reports.     <--
    15         (3)  The nature and extent of the alleged or actual
    16     instances of suspected child abuse.
    17         (4)  The county in which the reports are investigated.
    18     (c)  Limitation on release of information.--Except as
    19  provided in sections 6334, 6335, 6340 and 6342, no information
    20  shall be released from the Statewide central register or pending
    21  complaint file unless pursuant to section 6332 (relating to
    22  establishment of Statewide toll-free telephone number) and
    23  unless the department has positively identified the
    24  representative of the child protective service requesting the
    25  information and the department has inquired into and is
    26  satisfied that the representative has a legitimate need, within
    27  the scope of official duties and the provisions of section 6332,
    28  to obtain the information. Information in the Statewide central
    29  register or pending complaint file shall not be released for any
    30  purpose or to any individual not specified in section 6340.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 126 -

     1  § 6337.  Disposition of unfounded reports.
     2     (a)  General rule.--When a report of suspected child abuse is
     3  determined by the appropriate child protective service to be an
     4  unfounded report, the information concerning that report of
     5  suspected child abuse shall be expunged from the pending
     6  complaint file within 12 months of the date the report was
     7  received by the department, and no information other than that
     8  authorized by subsection (b), which shall not include any
     9  identifying information on any subject of the report, shall be
    10  retained by the department.
    11     (b)  Absence of other determination.--If an investigation of
    12  a report of suspected child abuse conducted by the appropriate
    13  child protective service pursuant to this chapter does not
    14  determine within 60 days of the date of the initial report of
    15  the instance of suspected child abuse that the report is an
    16  indicated report or an unfounded report, or unless within that
    17  same 60-day period court action has been initiated and is
    18  responsible for the delay, the report shall be considered to be
    19  an unfounded report, and all information identifying the
    20  subjects of the report shall be expunged within 12 months. The
    21  agency shall advise the department that court action has been
    22  initiated so that the pending complaint file is kept current
    23  regarding the status of all legal proceedings and expungement
    24  delayed. Nothing in this subsection shall in any way limit the
    25  powers and duties of the department as provided in section 6343
    26  (relating to investigating performance of child protective
    27  service).
    28     (c)  Expungement of information.--All information identifying
    29  the subjects of any report of suspected child abuse determined
    30  to be an unfounded report shall be expunged from the pending
    19890H1023B3110                 - 127 -

     1  complaint file within 12 months of the date the report was
     2  received by the department. The expungement shall be mandated
     3  and guaranteed by the department.
     4  § 6338.  Disposition of founded and indicated reports.
     5     (a)  General rule.--When a report of suspected child abuse is
     6  determined by the appropriate child protective service to be a
     7  founded report or an indicated report, the information
     8  concerning that report of suspected child abuse shall be
     9  expunged immediately from the pending complaint file, and an
    10  appropriate entry shall be made in the Statewide central
    11  register. Notice of the determination must be given to the
    12  subjects of the report, other than the abused child, along with
    13  an explanation of the implications of the determination. Notice
    14  given to subjects of the report shall include notice that their
    15  ability to obtain employment in a child-care facility or program
    16  may be adversely affected by entry of the report in the
    17  Statewide central register. The notice shall also inform the
    18  subject of the report of his right, at any time, to request the
    19  secretary to amend, seal or expunge information contained in the
    20  Statewide central register and his right to a hearing if the
    21  request is denied.
    22     (b)  Expungement of information when child attains 18 years
    23  of age.--All information identifying the subjects of all
    24  indicated reports and all information identifying the subject
    25  child of all founded reports shall be expunged when the subject
    26  child reaches the age of 18 years, unless another report is
    27  received involving the same child, his sibling or offspring, or
    28  another child in the care of the persons responsible for the
    29  subject child's welfare. The identifying information may then be
    30  maintained in the register for five years after the subsequent
    19890H1023B3110                 - 128 -

     1  case or report is closed. The expungement shall be mandated and
     2  guaranteed by the department.
     3  § 6339.  Confidentiality of reports.
     4     Except as otherwise provided in this subchapter, reports made
     5  pursuant to this chapter including, but not limited to, report
     6  summaries of child abuse and written reports made pursuant to
     7  section 6313(b) and (c) (relating to reporting procedure) as
     8  well as any other information obtained, reports written or
     9  photographs or X-rays taken concerning alleged instances of
    10  child abuse in the possession of the department, a county
    11  children and youth social service agency or a child protective
    12  service shall be confidential.
    13  § 6340.  Release of information in confidential reports.
    14     (a)  General rule.--Reports specified in section 6339
    15  (relating to confidentiality of reports) shall only be made
    16  available to:
    17         (1)  An authorized official of a child protective service
    18     in the course of official duties, multidisciplinary team
    19     members assigned to the case and duly authorized persons
    20     providing services pursuant to section 6370(a) (relating to
    21     services for protection of child at home or in custody).
    22         (2)  A physician examining or treating a child or the
    23     director or a person specifically designated in writing by
    24     the director of any hospital or other medical institution
    25     where a child is being treated when the physician or the
    26     director or the designee of the director suspect the child of
    27     being an abused child.
    28         (3)  A guardian ad litem for the child.
    29         (4)  An authorized official or agent of the department in
    30     accordance with department regulations or in accordance with
    19890H1023B3110                 - 129 -

     1     the conduct of a performance audit as authorized by section
     2     6343 (relating to investigating performance of child
     3     protective service).
     4         (5)  A court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to a
     5     court order.
     6         (6)  A standing committee of the General Assembly, as
     7     specified in section 6384 (relating to legislative
     8     oversight).
     9         (7)  The Attorney General.
    10         (8)  Federal auditors if required for Federal financial
    11     participation in funding of agencies except that Federal
    12     auditors may not have access to identifiable reports.
    13         (9)  Law enforcement officials in the course of
    14     investigating cases of:
    15             (i)  Homicide, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or
    16         serious bodily injury perpetrated by persons whether or
    17         not related to the victim.
    18             (ii)  Child abuse perpetrated by persons who are not
    19         family members.
    20             (iii)  Repeated physical injury to a child under
    21         circumstances which indicate that the child's health or
    22         welfare is harmed or threatened.
    23         (10)  Law enforcement officials who shall receive reports
    24     of abuse in which the initial review gives evidence that the
    25     abuse is homicide, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation or
    26     serious bodily injury perpetrated by persons whether or not
    27     related to the victim, or child abuse perpetrated by persons
    28     who are not family members. Reports referred to law
    29     enforcement officials shall be on forms provided by and
    30     according to regulations promulgated by the department.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 130 -

     1         (11)  County commissioners, to whom the department shall
     2     forward specific files upon request, for review when
     3     investigating the competence of county children and youth
     4     employees.
     5         (12)  A mandated reporter of child abuse as defined in
     6     section 6311 (relating to persons required to report
     7     suspected child abuse) who made a report of abuse involving
     8     the subject child, but the information permitted to be
     9     released to the mandated reporter shall be limited to the
    10     following:
    11             (i)  The final status of the report following the
    12         investigation, whether it be indicated, founded or
    13         unfounded.
    14             (ii)  Any services provided, arranged for or to be
    15         provided by the child protective service to protect the
    16         child from further abuse.
    17     (b)  Release of information to subject child.--At any time
    18  and upon written request, a subject of a report may receive a
    19  copy of all information, except that prohibited from being
    20  disclosed by subsection (c), contained in the Statewide central
    21  register or in any report filed pursuant to section 6313
    22  (relating to reporting procedure).
    23     (c)  Protecting identity of person making report.--The
    24  release of data that would identify the person who made a report
    25  of suspected child abuse or the person who cooperated in a
    26  subsequent investigation is prohibited unless the secretary
    27  finds that the release will not be detrimental to the safety of
    28  that person.
    29     (d)  Definition.--As used in this section, "serious bodily
    30  injury" means bodily injury which creates a substantial risk of
    19890H1023B3110                 - 131 -

     1  death or which causes serious permanent disfigurement or
     2  protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily
     3  member or organ.
     4  § 6341.  Amendment, sealing or expungement of information.
     5     (a)  General rule.--At any time:
     6         (1)  The secretary may amend, seal or expunge any record
     7     upon good cause shown and notice to the appropriate subjects
     8     of the report.
     9         (2)  A subject of a report may request the secretary to
    10     amend, seal or expunge information contained in the Statewide
    11     central register on the grounds that it is inaccurate or it
    12     is being maintained in a manner inconsistent with this
    13     chapter.
    14     (b)  Review of grant of request.--If the secretary grants the
    15  request under subsection (a)(2), the Statewide central register,
    16  appropriate child protective service agency and all subjects
    17  shall be so advised within seven days from the date of the
    18  decision. The child protective service agency and any subject
    19  have 45 days in which to file an appeal with the secretary. If
    20  an appeal is received, the secretary or his designated agent
    21  shall schedule a hearing pursuant to Article IV of the act of
    22  June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code,
    23  and attending departmental regulations. If no appeal is received
    24  within the designated time period, the Statewide central
    25  register shall comply with the decision of the secretary and
    26  advise the child protective service agency to amend, seal or
    27  expunge the information in their records so that the records are
    28  consistent at both the State and local levels.
    29     (c)  Review of refusal of request.--If the secretary refuses
    30  the request under subsection (a)(2) or does not act within a
    19890H1023B3110                 - 132 -

     1  reasonable time, but in no event later than 30 days after
     2  receipt of the request, the subject shall have the right to a
     3  hearing before the secretary or a designated agent of the
     4  secretary to determine whether the summary in the Statewide
     5  central register or the contents of any report filed pursuant to
     6  section 6313 should be amended, sealed or expunged on the
     7  grounds that it is inaccurate or that it is being maintained in
     8  a manner inconsistent with this chapter. The appropriate child
     9  protective service shall be given notice of the hearing. The
    10  burden of proof in the hearing shall be on the appropriate child
    11  protective service. The department shall assist the child
    12  protective service as necessary. In the hearings, the fact that
    13  there was a court finding of child abuse shall be presumptive
    14  evidence that the report was substantiated.
    15     (d)  Order.--The secretary or designated agent may make any
    16  appropriate order respecting the amendment or expungement of
    17  such records to make them accurate or consistent with the
    18  requirements of this chapter.
    19     (e)  Notice of expungement.--Written notice of an expungement
    20  of any record, made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter,
    21  shall be served upon the subject of the record who was
    22  responsible for the abuse and the appropriate child protective
    23  service. The latter, upon receipt of the notice, shall take
    24  appropriate, similar action in regard to the local child abuse
    25  records and inform, for the same purpose, the appropriate
    26  coroner if that officer has received reports pursuant to section
    27  6367 (relating to reports to department and coroner). Whenever
    28  the investigation reveals that the report is unfounded but that
    29  the subjects need services and voluntarily accept services, the
    30  county children and youth social service agency may retain those
    19890H1023B3110                 - 133 -

     1  portions of its records which do not specifically identify the
     2  source of the investigation or report as suspected child abuse.
     3     (f)  Access to sealed record.--Once sealed, a record shall
     4  not be otherwise available except as provided in section 6342
     5  (relating to studies of data in records) or except if the
     6  secretary, upon notice to the subjects of the report, gives
     7  personal approval for an appropriate reason.
     8  § 6342.  Studies of data in records.
     9     The department may conduct or authorize the conducting of
    10  studies of the data contained in the pending complaint file and
    11  the Statewide central register and county agencies and
    12  distribute the results of the studies. No study may contain the
    13  name or other information by which a subject of a report could
    14  be identified. The department may allow Federal auditors access
    15  to nonidentifiable duplicates of reports in the pending
    16  complaint file and the Statewide central register if required
    17  for Federal financial participation in funding of agencies.
    18  § 6343.  Investigating performance of child protective service.
    19     (a)  General rule.--If within 30 days from the date of an
    20  initial report of suspected child abuse the appropriate child
    21  protective service has not properly investigated the report and
    22  informed the department that the report is an indicated report
    23  or an unfounded report, or unless within that same 30-day period
    24  the report is determined to be a founded report, the department
    25  shall immediately begin an inquiry into the performance of the
    26  child protective service which inquiry may include a performance
    27  audit of the child protective service as provided in subsection
    28  (b). On the basis of that inquiry, the department shall take
    29  appropriate action to require that the provisions of this
    30  chapter be strictly followed, which action may include, without
    19890H1023B3110                 - 134 -

     1  limitation, the institution of appropriate legal action and the
     2  withholding of reimbursement for all or part of the activities
     3  of the county children and youth social service agency.
     4     (b)  Performance audit.--Notwithstanding any other provision
     5  of this chapter, the secretary or a designee of the secretary
     6  may direct, at their discretion, a performance audit of any
     7  activity engaged in pursuant to this chapter.
     8  § 6344.  Information relating to prospective child-care
     9             personnel.
    10     (a)  Applicability.--This section applies to all prospective
    11  employees of child-care services, prospective foster parents,
    12  prospective adoptive parents, prospective self-employed family
    13  day-care providers and other persons seeking to provide child-
    14  care services under contract with a child-care facility or
    15  program. This section does not apply to administrative or other
    16  support personnel unless their duties will involve direct
    17  contact with children.
    18     (b)  Information submitted by prospective employees.--
    19  Administrators of child-care services shall require applicants
    20  to submit with their applications the following information
    21  obtained within the preceding one-year period:
    22         (1)  Pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 91 (relating to criminal
    23     history record information), a report of criminal history
    24     record information from the Pennsylvania State Police or a
    25     statement from the Pennsylvania State Police that the State
    26     Police central repository contains no such information
    27     relating to that person. The criminal history record
    28     information shall be limited to that which is disseminated
    29     pursuant to 18 Pa.C.S. § 9121(b)(2) (relating to general
    30     regulations).
    19890H1023B3110                 - 135 -

     1         (2)  A certification from the department as to whether
     2     the applicant is named in the central register as the
     3     perpetrator of a founded or indicated report of child abuse.
     4     An indicated report shall not be included until the
     5     department adopts regulations specifying the manner in which
     6     the investigation required by sections 6366 (relating to
     7     continuous availability to receive reports) through 6372
     8     (relating to protecting well-being of children detained
     9     outside home) is to be conducted.
    10         (3)  Where the applicant is not a resident of this
    11     Commonwealth, administrators shall require the applicant to
    12     submit with the application for employment a report of
    13     Federal criminal history record information pursuant to the
    14     Federal Bureau of Investigation appropriation of the
    15     Department of Justice Appropriation Act of 1973 (Public Law
    16     92-544, 86 Stat. 1116), and the department shall be the
    17     intermediary for the purposes of this section.
    18  For the purposes of this subsection, an applicant may submit a
    19  copy of the required information with an application for
    20  employment. Administrators shall maintain a copy of the required
    21  information and shall require applicants to produce the original
    22  document prior to employment.
    23     (c)  Grounds for denying employment.--In no case shall an
    24  administrator hire an applicant where the department has
    25  verified that the applicant is named in the central register as
    26  the perpetrator of a founded report of child abuse committed
    27  within the five-year period immediately preceding verification
    28  pursuant to this section. In no case shall an administrator hire
    29  an applicant if the applicant's criminal history record
    30  information indicates the applicant has been convicted, within
    19890H1023B3110                 - 136 -

     1  five years immediately preceding the date of the report, of one
     2  or more of the following offenses under Title 18 (relating to
     3  crimes and offenses):
     4         Chapter 25 (relating to criminal homicide).
     5         Section 2702 (relating to aggravated assault).
     6         Section 2901 (relating to kidnapping).
     7         Section 2902 (relating to unlawful restraint).
     8         Section 3121 (relating to rape).
     9         Section 3122 (relating to statutory rape).
    10         Section 3123 (relating to involuntary deviate sexual
    11     intercourse).
    12         Section 3126 (relating to indecent assault).
    13         Section 3127 (relating to indecent exposure).
    14         Section 4303 (relating to concealing death of child born
    15     out of wedlock).
    16         Section 4304 (relating to endangering welfare of
    17     children).
    18         Section 4305 (relating to dealing in infant children).
    19         A felony offense under section 5902(b) (relating to
    20     prostitution and related offenses).
    21         Section 5903(c) or (d) (relating to obscene and other
    22     sexual materials).
    23         Section 6301 (relating to corruption of minors).
    24         Section 6312 (relating to sexual abuse of children).
    25     (d)  Prospective adoptive or foster parents.--With regard to
    26  prospective adoptive or prospective foster parents, the
    27  following shall apply:
    28         (1)  In the course of causing an investigation to be made
    29     pursuant to section 2535(a) (relating to investigation), an
    30     agency or person designated by the court to conduct the
    19890H1023B3110                 - 137 -

     1     investigation shall require prospective adoptive parents to
     2     submit the information set forth in subsection (b)(1) and (2)
     3     for review in accordance with this section.
     4         (2)  In the course of approving a prospective foster
     5     parent, a foster family care agency shall require prospective
     6     foster parents to submit the information set forth in
     7     subsection (b)(1) and (2) for review by the foster family
     8     care agency in accordance with this section.
     9     (e)  Self-employed family day-care providers.--Self-employed
    10  family day-care providers who apply for a certificate of
    11  registration with the department shall submit with their
    12  registration application a report of criminal history record
    13  information and shall also obtain certification from the
    14  department as to whether the applicant is named in the central
    15  register as the perpetrator of a founded report of child abuse.
    16     (f)  Submissions by operators of child-care services.--The
    17  department shall require persons seeking to operate child-care
    18  services to submit the information set forth in subsection
    19  (b)(1) and (2) for review in accordance with this section.
    20     (g)  Regulations.--The department shall promulgate the
    21  regulations necessary to carry out this section. These
    22  regulations shall:
    23         (1)  Set forth criteria for unsuitability for employment
    24     in a child-care service in relation to criminal history
    25     record information which may include criminal history record
    26     information in addition to that set forth above. The criteria
    27     shall be reasonably related to the prevention of child abuse.
    28         (2)  Set forth sanctions for administrators who willfully
    29     hire applicants in violation of this section or in violation
    30     of the regulations promulgated under this section.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 138 -

     1         (3)  Provide for the confidentiality of information
     2     obtained pursuant to subsection (b).
     3     (h)  Fees.--The department may charge a fee not to exceed $10
     4  in order to conduct the certification as required in subsection
     5  (b)(2).
     6     (i)  Time limit for certification.--The department shall
     7  comply with certification requests no later than 14 days from
     8  the receipt of the request.
     9     (j)  Voluntary certification of child caretakers.--The
    10  department shall develop a procedure for the voluntary
    11  certification of child caretakers to allow persons to apply to
    12  the department for a certificate indicating the person has met
    13  the requirements of subsection (b). The department shall also
    14  provide for the biennial recertification of child caretakers.
    15     (k)  Existing or transferred employees.--A person employed in
    16  child-care services on January 1, 1986, shall not be required to
    17  obtain the information required in subsection (b)(1) and (2) as
    18  a condition of continued employment. A person who has once
    19  obtained the information required under subsection (b)(1) and
    20  (2) may transfer to another child-care service established and
    21  supervised by the same organization and shall not be required to
    22  obtain additional reports before making the transfer.
    23     (l)  Temporary employees under special programs.--The
    24  requirements of this section do not apply to employees of child-
    25  care services who meet all the following requirements:
    26         (1)  They are under 21 years of age.
    27         (2)  They are employed for periods of 90 days or less.
    28         (3)  They are a part of a job development or job training
    29     program funded, in whole or in part, by public or private
    30     sources.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 139 -

     1  Once employment of a person who meets these conditions extends
     2  beyond 90 days, all requirements of this section shall take
     3  effect.
     4     (m)  Provisional employees for limited periods.--
     5  Notwithstanding subsection (b), administrators may employ
     6  applicants on a provisional basis for a single period not to
     7  exceed 30 days or, for out-of-State applicants, a period of 90
     8  days, if all of the following conditions are met:
     9         (1)  The applicant has applied for the information
    10     required under subsection (b) and the applicant provides a
    11     copy of the appropriate completed request forms to the
    12     administrator.
    13         (2)  The administrator has no knowledge of information
    14     pertaining to the applicant which would disqualify him from
    15     employment pursuant to subsection (c).
    16         (3)  The applicant swears or affirms in writing that he
    17     is not disqualified from employment pursuant to subsection
    18     (c).
    19         (4)  If the information obtained pursuant to subsection
    20     (b) reveals that the applicant is disqualified from
    21     employment pursuant to subsection (c), the applicant shall be
    22     immediately dismissed by the administrator.
    23         (5)  The administrator requires that the applicant not be
    24     permitted to work alone with children and that the applicant
    25     work in the immediate vicinity of a permanent employee.
    26  § 6345.  Audits by Attorney General.
    27     The Attorney General shall conduct a mandated audit done
    28  randomly but at least once during each year on an unannounced
    29  basis to ensure that the expungement requirements of this
    30  chapter are being fully and properly conducted.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 140 -

     1  § 6346.  Cooperation of other agencies.
     2     The secretary may request and shall receive from Commonwealth
     3  agencies, political subdivisions, an authorized agency or any
     4  other agency providing services under the local child protective
     5  services plan any assistance and data that will enable the
     6  department and the child protective services to fulfill their
     7  responsibilities properly, including law enforcement personnel
     8  when assistance is needed in conducting an investigation of
     9  alleged child abuse. School districts shall cooperate with the
    10  department and the agency by providing them upon request with
    11  such information as is consistent with law.
    12  § 6347.  Annual reports to Governor and General Assembly.
    13     No later than April 15 of every year, the secretary shall
    14  prepare and transmit to the Governor and the General Assembly a
    15  report on the operations of the central register of child abuse
    16  and the various child protective services. The report shall
    17  include a full statistical analysis of the reports of suspected
    18  child abuse made to the department together with a report on the
    19  implementation of this chapter and its total cost to the
    20  Commonwealth, the evaluation of the secretary of services
    21  offered under this chapter and recommendations for repeal or for
    22  additional legislation to fulfill the purposes of this chapter.
    23  All such recommendations should contain an estimate of increased
    24  or decreased costs resulting therefrom. The report shall also
    25  include an explanation of services provided to children who were
    26  the subjects of founded or indicated reports of child abuse
    27  while receiving child-care services. The department shall also
    28  describe its actions in respect to the perpetrators of the
    29  abuse.
    30  § 6348.  Regulations.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 141 -

     1     The department shall adopt regulations necessary to implement
     2  this chapter.
     3  § 6349.  Penalties.
     4     (a)  Failure to amend or expunge information.--
     5         (1)  A person or official authorized to keep the records
     6     mentioned in section 6337 (relating to disposition of
     7     unfounded reports) or 6338 (relating to disposition of
     8     founded and indicated reports) who willfully fails to expunge
     9     the information when required commits a summary offense for
    10     the first violation and a misdemeanor of the third degree for
    11     a second or subsequent violation.
    12         (2)  A person who willfully fails to obey a final order
    13     of the secretary or designated agent of the secretary to
    14     amend or expunge the summary of the report in the Statewide
    15     central register or the contents of any report filed pursuant
    16     to section 6313 (relating to reporting procedure) commits a
    17     summary offense.
    18     (b)  Unauthorized release of information.--A person who
    19  willfully releases or permits the release of any data and
    20  information contained in the pending complaint file, the
    21  Statewide central register or the child welfare records required
    22  by this chapter, including records maintained by any county
    23  children and youth social service agency and any child
    24  protective service, to persons or agencies not permitted by this
    25  chapter commits a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    26     (c)  Noncompliance with child-care personnel regulations.--An
    27  administrator, or other person responsible for employment
    28  decisions in a child-care facility or program, who willfully
    29  fails to comply with the provisions of section 6344 (relating to
    30  information relating to prospective child-care personnel)
    19890H1023B3110                 - 142 -

     1  commits a violation of this chapter and shall be subject to a
     2  civil penalty as provided in this subsection. The department
     3  shall have jurisdiction to determine violations of section 6344
     4  and may, following a hearing, assess a civil penalty not to
     5  exceed $2,500. The civil penalty shall be payable to the
     6  Commonwealth.
     7                            SUBCHAPTER D
     9                      CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICE
    10  Sec.
    11  6361.  Organization of child protective service.
    12  6362.  Responsibilities of child protective service.
    13  6363.  Local plan for child protective services.
    14  6364.  Purchasing services of other agencies.
    15  6365.  Services for prevention and treatment of child abuse.
    16  6366.  Continuous availability to receive reports.
    17  6367.  Reports to department and coroner.
    18  6368.  Investigation of reports.
    19  6369.  Taking child into protective custody.
    20  6370.  Services for protection of child at home or in custody.
    21  6371.  Rehabilitative services for child and family.
    22  6372.  Protecting well-being of children detained MAINTAINED      <--
    23             outside home.
    24  § 6361.  Organization of child protective service.
    25     (a)  Establishment.--Unless the department finds it is
    26  unfeasible, every county children and youth social service
    27  agency shall establish a "Child Protective Service" within the
    28  agency. The department may waive the requirement that a county
    29  establish a separate child protective service upon a showing by
    30  the county that:
    19890H1023B3110                 - 143 -

     1         (1)  A separate child protective service:
     2             (i)  would not be conducive to the best interests of
     3         all children within the county who need public child
     4         welfare services; and
     5             (ii)  would not be feasible or economical.
     6         (2)  The goals and objectives of this chapter will
     7     continue to be met if a waiver is granted.
     8  If the department grants a waiver under this subsection, the
     9  county shall be bound by all other provisions of this chapter,
    10  including requirements concerning the maintenance and disclosure
    11  of confidential information and records.
    12     (b)  Staff and organization.--The child protective service
    13  shall have a sufficient staff of sufficient qualifications to
    14  fulfill the purposes of this chapter and be organized in such a
    15  way as to maximize the continuity of responsibility, care and
    16  services of individual workers toward individual children and
    17  families.
    18     (c)  Functions authorized.--The child protective service
    19  shall perform those functions assigned by this chapter to it and
    20  only such others that would further the purposes of this
    21  chapter.
    22  § 6362.  Responsibilities of child protective service.
    23     (a)  General rule.--The child protective service shall be the
    24  sole civil agency responsible for receiving and investigating
    25  all reports of child abuse made pursuant to this chapter
    26  specifically including, but not limited to, reports of child
    27  abuse in facilities operated by the department and other public
    28  agencies, for the purpose of providing protective services to
    29  prevent further abuses to children and to provide or arrange for
    30  and monitor the provision of those services necessary to
    19890H1023B3110                 - 144 -

     1  safeguard and ensure the well-being and development of the child
     2  and to preserve and stabilize family life wherever appropriate.
     3     (b)  Assumption of responsibility by department.--When the
     4  suspected abuse has been committed by the county children and
     5  youth social service agency or any of its agents or employees,
     6  the department shall assume the role of the agency with regard
     7  to the investigation and directly refer the child for services.
     8     (c)  Action by agencies for abuse by agents or employees.--
     9  Where suspected child abuse has occurred and an employee or
    10  agent of the department or the county children and youth social
    11  service agency or a private or public institution is a subject
    12  of the report, the department, agency or institution shall be
    13  informed of the investigation so that it may take appropriate
    14  action.
    15  § 6363.  Local plan for child protective services.
    16     (a)  General rule.--No later than once each year as required
    17  by the department each county agency child protective service
    18  shall prepare and submit a local plan for the provision of child
    19  protective services. The local plan may be a component of a
    20  county human service plan or a children and youth plan which may
    21  be required by the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known
    22  as the Public Welfare Code.
    23     (b)  Certification by department.--The department shall
    24  certify whether or not the local plan fulfills the purposes of
    25  and meets the requirements set forth in this chapter. If the
    26  department certifies that the local plan does not do so, the
    27  department shall state the reasons therefor and may withhold
    28  reimbursement for all or part of the activities of the agency.
    29  If the department finds that a proposed local plan does not meet
    30  the requirements set forth in this chapter, the child protective
    19890H1023B3110                 - 145 -

     1  service shall revise the local plan in accordance with the
     2  reasons of the department for disapproval.
     3  § 6364.  Purchasing services of other agencies.
     4     Any other provision of law notwithstanding but consistent
     5  with sections 6361 (relating to organization of child protective
     6  service) and 6362 (relating to responsibilities of child
     7  protective service), the county children and youth social
     8  service agency, based upon the local plan of services as
     9  provided in section 6363 (relating to local plan for child
    10  protective services), may purchase and utilize the services of
    11  any appropriate public or private agency.
    12  § 6365.  Services for prevention and treatment of child abuse.
    13     Each child protective service shall make available among its
    14  services for the prevention and treatment of child abuse
    15  multidisciplinary teams, instruction and education for
    16  parenthood, protective and preventive social counseling,
    17  emergency caretaker services, emergency shelter care, emergency
    18  medical services and the establishment of groups organized by
    19  former abusing parents to encourage self-reporting and self-
    20  treatment of present abusers.
    21  § 6366.  Continuous availability to receive reports.
    22     Each child protective service shall receive 24 hours a day,
    23  seven days a week, all reports, both oral and written, of
    24  suspected child abuse in accordance with this chapter, the local
    25  plan for the provision of child protective services and the
    26  regulations of the department.
    27  § 6367.  Reports to department and coroner.
    28     (a)  Reports to department.--Upon the receipt of each report
    29  of suspected child abuse made pursuant to this chapter, the
    30  child protective service shall immediately transmit a child
    19890H1023B3110                 - 146 -

     1  abuse report summary as provided in section 6313 (relating to
     2  reporting procedure) to the department. Supplemental reports
     3  shall be made at regular intervals thereafter in a manner and
     4  form the department prescribes by regulation to the end that the
     5  department is kept fully informed and up-to-date concerning the
     6  status of reports of child abuse.
     7     (b)  Reports to coroner.--The child protective service shall
     8  give telephone notice and forward immediately a copy of reports
     9  made pursuant to this chapter which involve the death of a child
    10  to the appropriate coroner pursuant to section 6317 (relating to
    11  reporting and postmortem investigation of deaths).
    12  § 6368.  Investigation of reports.
    13     (a)  General rule.--Upon receipt of each report of suspected
    14  child abuse, the child protective service shall commence within
    15  24 hours an appropriate investigation which shall include a
    16  determination of the risk to the child or children if they
    17  continue to remain in the existing home environment as well as a
    18  determination of the nature, extent and cause of any condition
    19  enumerated in the report and, after seeing to the safety of the
    20  child or children, immediately notify the subjects of the report
    21  in writing of the existence of the report and their rights
    22  pursuant to this chapter in regard to amendment or expungement.
    23     (b)  Conditions outside home environment.--The investigation
    24  shall determine whether the child is being harmed by factors
    25  beyond the control of the parent or other person responsible for
    26  the welfare of the child, and, if so determined, the child
    27  protective service shall promptly take all available steps to
    28  remedy and correct these conditions including but not limited to
    29  the coordination of social services for the child and the
    30  family.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 147 -

     1     (c)  Limitation of actions.--The investigation shall be
     2  completed within 30 days. The child protective service shall
     3  determine, within 30 days, whether the report is "founded,"
     4  "indicated" or "unfounded."
     5  § 6369.  Taking child into protective custody.
     6     Pursuant to the provisions of section 6315 (relating to
     7  taking child into protective custody) and after court order, the
     8  child protective service shall take a child into protective
     9  custody for protection from further abuse. No child protective
    10  service worker may enter the home of any individual for this
    11  purpose without judicial authorization.
    12  § 6370.  Services for protection of child at home or in custody.
    13     (a)  General rule.--Based on the investigation and evaluation
    14  conducted pursuant to this chapter, the child protective service
    15  shall provide or contract with private or public agencies for
    16  the protection of the child at home whenever possible and those
    17  services necessary for adequate care of the child when placed in
    18  protective custody. Prior to offering these services to a
    19  family, the agency shall explain that it has no legal authority
    20  to compel the family to receive the services but may inform the
    21  family of the obligations and authority of the child protective
    22  service to initiate appropriate court proceedings.
    23     (b)  Initiation of court proceedings.--In those cases in
    24  which an appropriate offer of service is refused and the child
    25  protective service determines, or if the service for any other
    26  appropriate reason determines, that the best interests of the
    27  child require court action, the child protective service shall
    28  initiate the appropriate court proceeding. The child protective
    29  service shall assist the court during all stages of the court
    30  proceeding in accordance with the purposes of this chapter.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 148 -

     1  § 6371.  Rehabilitative services for child and family.
     2     The child protective service shall provide or arrange for and
     3  monitor rehabilitative services for children and their families
     4  on a voluntary basis or under a final or intermediate order of
     5  the court.
     6  § 6372.  Protecting well-being of children detained MAINTAINED    <--
     7             outside home.
     8     The child protective service shall be as equally vigilant of
     9  the status, well-being and conditions under which a child is
    10  living and being maintained in a facility other than that of a
    11  parent, custodian or guardian from which the child has been
    12  removed as the service is of the conditions in the dwelling of
    13  the parent, custodian or guardian. Where the child protective
    14  service finds that the placement for any temporary or permanent
    15  custody, care or treatment is for any reason inappropriate or
    16  harmful IN ANY WAY to the physical or mental well-being of the    <--
    17  child, it shall take immediate steps to remedy these conditions
    18  including petitioning the court.
    19                            SUBCHAPTER E
    20                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    21  Sec.
    22  6381.  Evidence in court proceedings.
    23  6382.  Guardian ad litem for child in court proceedings.
    24  6383.  Education and training.
    25  6384.  Legislative oversight.
    26  § 6381.  Evidence in court proceedings.
    27     (a)  General rule.--In addition to the rules of evidence
    28  provided under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63 (relating to juvenile matters),
    29  the rules of evidence in this section shall govern in child
    30  abuse proceedings in court.
    19890H1023B3110                 - 149 -

     1     (b)  Reports of unavailable persons.--Whenever a person
     2  required to report under this chapter is unavailable due to
     3  death or removal from the jurisdiction of the court, the written
     4  report of that person shall be admissible in evidence in any
     5  proceedings arising out of child abuse other than proceedings
     6  under Title 18 (relating to crimes and offenses). Any hearsay
     7  contained in the reports shall be given such weight, if any, as
     8  the court determines to be appropriate under all of the
     9  circumstances. However, any hearsay contained in a written
    10  report shall not of itself be sufficient to support an
    11  adjudication based on abuse.
    12     (c)  Privileged communications.--Except for privileged
    13  communications between a lawyer and a client and between a
    14  minister and a penitent, a privilege of confidential
    15  communication between husband and wife or between any
    16  professional person, including, but not limited to, physicians,
    17  psychologists, counselors, employees of hospitals, clinics, day-
    18  care centers and schools and their patients or clients, shall
    19  not constitute grounds for excluding evidence at any proceeding
    20  regarding child abuse or the cause of child abuse.
    21     (d)  Prima facie evidence of abuse.--Evidence that a child
    22  has suffered serious physical injury, sexual abuse or serious
    23  physical neglect of such a nature as would ordinarily not be
    24  sustained or exist except by reason of the acts or omissions of
    25  the parent or other person responsible for the welfare of the
    26  child shall be prima facie evidence of child abuse by the parent
    27  or other person responsible for the welfare of the child.
    28  § 6382.  Guardian ad litem for child in court proceedings.
    29     (a)  Appointment.--When a proceeding has been initiated
    30  alleging child abuse, the court shall appoint a guardian ad
    19890H1023B3110                 - 150 -

     1  litem for the child. The guardian ad litem shall be an attorney
     2  at law.
     3     (b)  Powers and duties.--The guardian ad litem shall be given
     4  access to all reports relevant to the case and to any reports of
     5  examination of the parents or other custodian of the child
     6  pursuant to this chapter. The guardian ad litem shall be charged
     7  with the representation of the best interests of the child at
     8  every stage of the proceeding and shall make such further
     9  investigation necessary to ascertain the facts, interview
    10  witnesses, examine and cross-examine witnesses, make
    11  recommendations to the court and participate further in the
    12  proceedings to the degree appropriate for adequately
    13  representing the child.
    14     (c)  Duty of court.--The court shall, upon consideration of
    15  the petition of any attorney for the child, order a local child
    16  protective service or other agency to establish and implement,
    17  fully and promptly, appropriate services, treatment and plans
    18  for a child found in need of them. The court shall also, upon
    19  consideration of the petition of an attorney for the child,
    20  terminate or alter the conditions of any temporary or permanent
    21  placement of a child.
    22  § 6383.  Education and training.
    23     The department and each child protective service, both
    24  jointly and individually, shall conduct a continuing publicity
    25  and education program for the citizens of this Commonwealth
    26  aimed at the prevention of child abuse, the identification of
    27  abused children and the provision of necessary ameliorative
    28  services to abused children and their families. In addition, the
    29  department and each child protective service shall conduct an
    30  ongoing training and education program for local staff, persons
    19890H1023B3110                 - 151 -

     1  required to make reports and other appropriate persons in order
     2  to familiarize those persons with the reporting and
     3  investigative procedures for cases of suspected child abuse and
     4  the rehabilitative services that are available to children and
     5  families.
     6  § 6384.  Legislative oversight.
     7     A committee of the Senate designated by the President pro
     8  tempore of the Senate and a committee of the House of
     9  Representatives designated by the Speaker of the House of
    10  Representatives, either jointly or separately, shall review the
    11  manner in which this chapter has been administered at the State
    12  and local level for the following purposes:
    13         (1)  Providing information that will aid the General
    14     Assembly in its oversight responsibilities.
    15         (2)  Enabling the General Assembly to determine whether
    16     the programs and services mandated by this chapter are
    17     effectively meeting the goals of this chapter.
    18         (3)  Assisting the General Assembly in measuring the
    19     costs and benefits of this program and the effects and side-
    20     effects of mandated program services.
    21         (4)  Permitting the General Assembly to determine whether
    22     the confidentiality of records mandated by this chapter is
    23     being maintained at the State and local level.
    24         (5)  Providing information that will permit State and
    25     local program administrators to be held accountable for the
    26     administration of the programs mandated by this chapter.
    27     Section 3.  Amendments to Title 18.--Section 2711(d) of Title
    28  18 is amended to read:
    29  § 2711.  Probable cause arrests in domestic violence cases.
    30     * * *
    19890H1023B3110                 - 152 -

     1     (d)  Notice of rights.--
     2         Upon responding to a domestic violence case, the police
     3     officer shall, orally or in writing, notify the victim of the
     4     availability of a shelter, including its telephone number, or
     5     other services in the community. Said notice shall include
     6     the following statement: "If you are the victim of domestic
     7     violence, you have the right to go to court and file a
     8     petition requesting an order for protection from domestic
     9     abuse pursuant to [the act of October 7, 1976 (P.L.1090,
    10     No.218), known as the Protection From Abuse Act,] 23 Pa.C.S.
    11     Ch. 61 (relating to protection from abuse) which could
    12     include the following:
    13             (1)  An order restraining the abuser from further
    14         acts of abuse.
    15             (2)  An order directing the abuser to leave your
    16         household.
    17             (3)  An order preventing the abuser from entering
    18         your residence, school, business or place of employment.
    19             (4)  An order awarding you or the other parent
    20         temporary custody of or temporary visitation with your
    21         child or children.
    22             (5)  An order directing the abuser to pay support to
    23         you and the minor children if the abuser has a legal
    24         obligation to do so."
    25     Section 4.  Amendments to Title 42.--Sections 1725.1(c),
    26  4136, 5924, 5945, 7541(c) and 8127 of Title 42 are amended and
    27  the title is amended by adding a section to read:
    28  § 1725.1.  Costs.
    29     * * *
    30     (c)  Unclassified costs or charges.--The costs to be charged
    19890H1023B3110                 - 153 -

     1  by the minor judiciary in the following instances not readily
     2  classifiable shall be as follows:
     3         (1)  Entering transcript of judgment from another member
     4     of the minor judiciary................................ $ 3.00
     5         (2)  Marrying each couple, making record thereof, and
     6     certificate to the parties............................ $10.00
     7         (3)  Granting emergency relief pursuant to [the act of
     8     October 7, 1976 (P.L.1090, No.218), known as the "Protection
     9     From Abuse Act"] 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 (relating to protection
    10     from abuse)........................................... $10.00
    11         (4)  Issuing a search warrant (except as provided in
    12     subsection (d))....................................... $10.00
    13         (5)  Any other issuance not otherwise provided for in
    14     this subsection....................................... $10.00
    15     * * *
    16  § 4136.  Rights of persons charged with certain indirect
    17             criminal contempts.
    18     (a)  General rule.--A person charged with indirect criminal
    19  contempt for violation of a restraining order or injunction
    20  issued by a court shall enjoy:
    21         (1)  The rights to bail that are accorded to persons
    22     accused of crime.
    23         (2)  The right to be notified of the accusation and a
    24     reasonable time to make a defense, if the alleged contempt is
    25     not committed in the immediate view or presence of the court.
    26         (3) (i)  Upon demand, the right to a speedy and public
    27         trial by an impartial jury of the judicial district
    28         wherein the contempt is alleged to have been committed.
    29             (ii)  The requirement of subparagraph (i) shall not
    30         be construed to apply to contempts:
    19890H1023B3110                 - 154 -

     1                 (A)  [committed] Committed in the presence of the
     2             court or so near thereto as to interfere directly
     3             with the administration of justice, or to apply to
     4             the misbehavior, misconduct, or disobedience of any
     5             officer of the court in respect to the writs, orders,
     6             or process of the court[; or].
     7                 (B)  Subject to 23 Pa.C.S. § 6110 (relating to
     8             contempt for violation of order or agreement).
     9                 [(B)  subject] (C)  Subject to 75 Pa.C.S. §
    10             4108(c) (relating to nonjury criminal contempt
    11             proceedings).
    12         (4)  The right to file with the court a demand for the
    13     withdrawal of the judge sitting in the proceeding, if the
    14     alleged contempt arises from an attack upon the character or
    15     conduct of such judge, and if the attack occurred otherwise
    16     than in open court. Upon the filing of any such demand, the
    17     judge shall thereupon proceed no further but another judge
    18     shall be designated by the court. The demand shall be filed
    19     prior to the hearing in the contempt proceeding.
    20     (b)  Punishment.--Except as otherwise provided in this title
    21  or by statute hereafter enacted, punishment for a contempt
    22  specified in subsection (a) may be by fine not exceeding $100 or
    23  by imprisonment not exceeding 15 days in the jail of the county
    24  where the court is sitting, or both, in the discretion of the
    25  court. Where a person is committed to jail for the nonpayment of
    26  such a fine, he shall be discharged at the expiration of 15
    27  days, but where he is also committed for a definite time, the 15
    28  days shall be computed from the expiration of the definite time.
    29  § 5924.  Spouses as witnesses against each other.
    30     (a)  General rule.--In a civil matter neither husband nor
    19890H1023B3110                 - 155 -

     1  wife shall be competent or permitted to testify against each
     2  other.
     3     (b)  Exception.--Subsection (a) shall not apply in an action
     4  or proceeding:
     5         (1)  For divorce, including ancillary proceedings for the
     6     partition or division of property.
     7         (2)  For support or relating to the protection or
     8     recovery of marital or separate property.
     9         (3)  For custody or care of children, including actions
    10     or proceedings relating to visitation rights and similar
    11     matters.
    12         (4)  Arising under [the act of October 7, 1976 (P.L.1090,
    13     No.218), known as the "Protection From Abuse Act."] 23
    14     Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 (relating to protection from abuse).
    15         (5)  When a statute heretofore or hereafter enacted
    16     applicable to the action or proceeding provides either
    17     expressly or by necessary implication that spouses may
    18     testify therein against each other.
    19  § 5945.  Confidential communications to school personnel.
    20     (a)  General rule.--No guidance counselor, school nurse,
    21  school psychologist, or home and school visitor in the public
    22  schools or in private or parochial schools or other educational
    23  institutions providing elementary or secondary education,
    24  including any clerical worker of such schools and institutions,
    25  who, while in the course of his professional or clerical duties
    26  for a guidance counselor, home and school visitor, school nurse
    27  or school psychologist, has acquired information from a student
    28  in confidence shall be compelled or allowed:
    29         (1)  without the consent of the student, if the student
    30     is 18 years of age or over; or
    19890H1023B3110                 - 156 -

     1         (2)  without the consent of his parent or guardian, if
     2     the student is under the age of 18 years;
     3  to disclose such information in any legal proceeding, trial, or
     4  investigation before any government unit.
     5     (b)  Exemption.--Notwithstanding subsection (a), no such
     6  person shall be excused or prevented from complying with [the
     7  act of November 26, 1975 (P.L.438, No.124), known as the "Child
     8  Protective Services Law."] 23 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63 (relating to child
     9  protective services).
    10  § 5948.  Confidential communications to qualified professionals.
    11     Communications of a confidential character made by a spouse
    12  to a qualified professional as defined in 23 Pa.C.S. § 3103
    13  (relating to definitions) shall be privileged and inadmissible
    14  in evidence in any matter under 23 Pa.C.S. Pt. IV (relating to
    15  divorce) or VI (relating to children and minors) unless the
    16  party concerned waives this privilege.
    17  § 7541.  Construction of subchapter.
    18     * * *
    19     (c)  Exceptions.--Relief shall not be available under this
    20  subchapter with respect to any:
    21         (1)  Action wherein a divorce or annulment of marriage is
    22     sought except as provided by 23 Pa.C.S. § 3306 (relating to
    23     proceedings to determine marital status).
    24         (2)  Proceeding within the exclusive jurisdiction of a
    25     tribunal other than a court.
    26         (3)  Proceeding involving an appeal from an order of a
    27     tribunal.
    28  § 8127.  Personal earnings exempt from process.
    29     The wages, salaries and commissions of individuals shall
    30  while in the hands of the employer be exempt from any
    19890H1023B3110                 - 157 -

     1  attachment, execution or other process except upon an action or
     2  proceeding:
     3         (1)  Under 23 Pa.C.S. Pt. IV (relating to divorce).
     4         [(1)] (2)  For support.
     5         [(2)] (3)  For board for four weeks or less.
     6         [(3)] (4)  Under the act of August 7, 1963 (P.L.549,
     7     No.290), referred to as the Pennsylvania Higher Education
     8     Assistance Agency Act.
     9     Section 5.  Construction of Divorce Code.--The provisions of
    10  23 Pa.C.S. Pt. IV (relating to divorce) shall apply to all
    11  cases, whether the cause for divorce or annulment arose prior or
    12  subsequent to the enactment of this act. The provisions of 23
    13  Pa.C.S. Pt. IV shall not affect any suit or action pending on
    14  the effective date of the Divorce Code of 1980, but the suit or
    15  action may be proceeded with and concluded either under the laws
    16  in existence when the suit or action was instituted,
    17  notwithstanding the repeal of such laws, or, upon application
    18  granted, under the provisions of 23 Pa.C.S. Pt. IV. The
    19  provisions of 23 Pa.C.S. Pt. IV shall not apply to any case in
    20  which a decree has been rendered prior to the effective date of
    21  the Divorce Code of 1980. The provisions of 23 Pa.C.S. Pt. IV
    22  shall not affect any marital agreement executed prior to the
    23  effective date of the Divorce Code of 1980 or any amendment or
    24  modification thereto.
    25     Section 6.  Repeals.--(a)  The following acts and parts of
    26  acts are repealed:
    27     Act of March 13, 1815 (P.L.150, No.109), entitled "An act
    28  concerning divorces."
    29     Act of April 11, 1848 (P.L.536, No.372), entitled "A
    30  supplement to an act, entitled 'An Act relative to the Le
    19890H1023B3110                 - 158 -

     1  Raysville Phalanx,' passed March, Anno Domini one thousand eight
     2  hundred and forty-seven, and relative to obligors and obligees,
     3  to secure the right of married women, in relation to
     4  defalcation, and to extend the boundaries of the borough of
     5  Ligonier."
     6     Act of April 15, 1851 (P.L.669, No.358), entitled "An act to
     7  incorporate a company to erect a bridge over the river
     8  Schuylkill at Spring Mill, in Montgomery county, relative to the
     9  nineteenth section of 'An act regulating certain election
    10  districts, &c,' approved March twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred
    11  and fifty-one, to school directors in Philadelphia county, to
    12  actions for damages sustained by injuries done to the person by
    13  negligence or default, relative to the accounts of John Humes,
    14  deceased, to authorize the trustees of the Seventh Presbyterian
    15  church of Philadelphia to convey certain real estate, to
    16  security for moneys loaned by wives to husbands, to unpaid
    17  school taxes in Bradford county, and relative to service or
    18  process on agents of joint stock companies."
    19     Act of May 14, 1857 (P.L.507, No.567), entitled "An act to
    20  Legitimate Children Born out of Lawful Wedlock."
    21     Act of April 21, 1858 (P.L.413, No.444), entitled "An act
    22  relating to Illegitimate Children."
    23     Act of March 22, 1865 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled, as amended,
    24  "An act to authorize minor husbands and wives, seventeen years
    25  of age and older, to join in conveyances of their adult spouses'
    26  real estate, and to validate such conveyances heretofore made."
    27     Act of April 6, 1868 (P.L.67, No.31), entitled "An act to
    28  validate certain marriages and legitimatize the issue thereof."
    29     Act of June 2, 1871 (P.L.283, No.263), entitled "An act to
    30  authorize married women owning capital stock of any railroad
    19890H1023B3110                 - 159 -

     1  company to sell and transfer the same."
     2     Act of April 3, 1872 (P.L.35, No.24), entitled "An act
     3  securing to married women their separate earnings."
     4     Act of April 1, 1874 (P.L.49, No.9), entitled "An act to
     5  authorize married women owning loans of this commonwealth, or of
     6  the city of Philadelphia, or capital stock of any corporation of
     7  this commonwealth, to sell and transfer the same."
     8     Act of May 15, 1874 (P.L.179, No.110), entitled "An act to
     9  prevent traffic in children."
    10     Act of June 26, 1895 (P.L.316, No.232), entitled "An act
    11  relating to husband and wife who are the parents of minor
    12  children, enlarging and extending the power, control and
    13  authority of the mother over their minor children, under certain
    14  circumstances."
    15     Act of June 11, 1913 (P.L.468, No.313), entitled "An act to
    16  provide for the execution of orders of the court of quarter
    17  sessions, or other court of competent jurisdiction, for support
    18  and maintenance of a wife or children, or both, and for the
    19  execution of judgment entered upon contracts for such support
    20  and maintenance, by subjecting estates owned by the husband and
    21  wife by entireties, and the rents, issues and profits thereof,
    22  to such executions; defining the title of the purchaser at the
    23  sheriff's sale on such executions; and providing for the
    24  application of the proceeds of such sales."
    25     Act of April 18, 1919 (P.L.67, No.52), entitled "An act to
    26  give to women, married and single, the same right as men to be
    27  corporators, and, in furtherance of their interests as
    28  stockholders, to serve as directors and officers of corporations
    29  for profit."
    30     Act of May 24, 1923 (P.L.446, No.238), entitled "An act
    19890H1023B3110                 - 160 -

     1  authorizing the sale of real estate held by entireties by
     2  husband and wife when an order of support has been secured
     3  against the husband who has neglected to comply with the same,
     4  or whose whereabouts is unknown, or who has absented himself
     5  from this Commonwealth; prescribing the procedure to be
     6  followed; permitting husband and wife to testify; providing for
     7  the disposition of the proceeds of such sale; and granting a
     8  divorced woman the same rights under this act as a wife.
     9     Act of April 11, 1927 (P.L.181, No.151), entitled "An act
    10  authorizing a married woman, granted a divorce from bed and
    11  board, to convey and encumber her real estate, without the
    12  joinder of her husband."
    13     Act of May 10, 1927 (P.L.884, No.451), entitled, as amended,
    14  "An act modifying the common-law rule relating to property
    15  hereafter acquired by husband and wife as tenants by entireties,
    16  where such husband and wife are subsequently divorced; creating
    17  a tenancy in common in such cases; providing for the sale of
    18  property held by husband and wife as tenants by entireties where
    19  they have been divorced; and directing the distribution of the
    20  proceeds of such sale."
    21     Act of June 22, 1935 (P.L.450, No.189), entitled "An act to
    22  promote public morals; abolishing civil causes of action for
    23  alienation of affections, except in certain cases, and breach of
    24  promise to marry; making it unlawful to file, cause to be filed,
    25  threaten to file, or threaten to cause to be filed any such
    26  action; fixing a time for the commencement of such causes of
    27  action heretofore accrued; declaring void all future contracts
    28  in settlement of such actions; making it unlawful to induce the
    29  execution of such a contract or payment thereunder or
    30  institution of suit thereon; and providing penalties."
    19890H1023B3110                 - 161 -

     1     Act of May 13, 1949 (P.L.1319, No.390), entitled "An act
     2  authorizing the conveyance of the interest of either former
     3  spouse after a divorce to the other without the joinder of the
     4  other, of such former spouse's interest in real estate which is
     5  held by them as tenants by the entireties, and validating such
     6  conveyances formerly made."
     7     Act of August 22, 1953 (P.L.1344, No.383), known as The
     8  Marriage Law.
     9     Act of December 17, 1959 (P.L.1916, No.695), entitled "An act
    10  relating to the legitimacy of children born of void or voidable
    11  marriages."
    12     Act of August 7, 1961 (P.L.961, No.426), entitled "An act
    13  authorizing minor spouses to join their adult spouse in the
    14  conveyance or mortgaging of their real estate and to execute
    15  bonds or other obligations in connection therewith and
    16  validating such action taken."
    17     Act of July 27, 1967 (P.L.186, No.58), entitled "An act
    18  imposing liability upon parents for personal injury, or theft,
    19  destruction, or loss of property caused by the wilful, tortious
    20  acts of children under eighteen years of age, setting forth
    21  limitations, and providing procedure for recovery."
    22     Act of June 16, 1972 (P.L.472, No.151), entitled "An act
    23  authorizing persons eighteen years of age and older to enter
    24  into contracts."
    25     Act of December 6, 1972 (P.L.1404, No.300), entitled "An act
    26  making a person eighteen and older an adult for the purpose of
    27  suing and being sued."
    28     Act of November 26, 1975 (P.L.438, No.124), known as the
    29  Child Protective Services Law.
    30     Act of October 7, 1976 (P.L.1090, No.218), known as the
    19890H1023B3110                 - 162 -

     1  Protection From Abuse Act.
     2     Act of April 2, 1980 (P.L.63, No.26), known as the Divorce
     3  Code.
     4     Act of May 24, 1984 (P.L.326, No.64), known as the
     5  Pennsylvania Adoption Cooperative Exchange Act.
     6     42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 53, Subch. C (relating to child custody
     7  jurisdiction).
     8     42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61, Subch. C (relating to blood tests to
     9  determine paternity).
    10     (b)  Nothing in this act shall repeal, modify or supplant
    11  section 7 of the act of February 12, 1988 (P.L.66, No.13),
    12  entitled "An act amending the act of April 2, 1980 (P.L.63,
    13  No.26), entitled 'An act consolidating, revising and amending
    14  the divorce and annulment laws of the Commonwealth and making
    15  certain repeals,' further providing for grounds for divorce,
    16  enforcement of foreign decrees, procedure, jurisdiction, marital
    17  property, relief and alimony; providing for agreements between
    18  parties; making editorial changes; and making a repeal."
    19     (c)  All other acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as
    20  they are inconsistent with this act.
    21     Section 7.  Effective date.--This act shall take effect in 90
    22  days.

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