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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1147



No. 1028 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 28, 1988 (P.L.556, No.101), entitled
     2     "An act providing for planning for the processing and
     3     disposal of municipal waste; requiring counties to submit
     4     plans for municipal waste management systems within their
     5     boundaries; authorizing grants to counties and municipalities
     6     for planning, resource recovery and recycling; imposing and
     7     collecting fees; establishing certain rights for host
     8     municipalities; requiring municipalities to implement
     9     recycling programs; requiring Commonwealth agencies to
    10     procure recycled materials; imposing duties; granting powers
    11     to counties and municipalities; authorizing the Environmental
    12     Quality Board to adopt regulations; authorizing the
    13     Department of Environmental Resources to implement this act;
    14     providing remedies; prescribing penalties; establishing a
    15     fund; and making repeals," providing for an annual economic
    16     benefit for certain municipalities; and making editorial
    17     changes.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  The title of the act of July 28, 1988 (P.L.556,
    21  No.101), known as the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and
    22  Waste Reduction Act, is amended to read:
    23                               AN ACT
    24  Providing for planning for the processing and disposal of
    25     municipal waste; requiring counties to submit plans for

     1     municipal waste management systems within their boundaries;
     2     authorizing grants to counties and municipalities for
     3     planning, resource recovery and recycling; imposing and
     4     collecting fees; establishing certain rights for host
     5     municipalities; requiring municipalities to implement
     6     recycling programs; requiring Commonwealth agencies to
     7     procure recycled materials; imposing duties; granting powers
     8     to counties and municipalities; authorizing the Environmental
     9     Quality Board to adopt regulations; authorizing the
    10     Department of Environmental [Resources] Protection to
    11     implement this act; providing remedies; prescribing
    12     penalties; establishing a fund; and making repeals.
    13     Section 2.  The definitions of "department" and "secretary"
    14  in section 103 of the act are amended to read:
    15  Section 103.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     * * *
    20     "Department."  The Department of Environmental [Resources]
    21  Protection of the Commonwealth and its authorized
    22  representatives.
    23     * * *
    24     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Environmental [Resources]
    25  Protection of the Commonwealth.
    26     * * *
    27     Section 3.  Section 1510(f) of the act is amended to read:
    28  Section 1510.  Lead acid batteries.
    29     * * *
    30     (f)  Enforcement.--The Department of Environmental
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     1  [Resources] Protection shall enforce this section.
     2     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     3  Section 1716.  Annual economic benefit for impacted
     4                 municipalities.
     5     (a)  General rule.--Any impacted municipality shall be
     6  entitled to an annual economic benefit to be agreed upon by the
     7  governing body of the impacted municipality and the person
     8  holding the franchise for the municipal waste processing and
     9  disposal facility or the contracting unit, or both, as the case
    10  may be. The governing body of the impacted municipality and the
    11  person holding the franchise for the facility or the contracting
    12  unit, or both, as the case may be, shall consider the level of
    13  truck traffic in the impacted municipality, the proximity of the
    14  facility to inhabited areas of the impacted municipality and the
    15  type of land use in the impacted municipality surrounding the
    16  facility in negotiating the annual economic benefit.
    17     (b)  Determination by secretary for failed negotiations.--If
    18  the governing body of the impacted municipality and the person
    19  holding the franchise for the municipal waste processing and
    20  disposal facility or the contracting unit, or both, as the case
    21  may be, fail to agree upon an annual economic benefit as
    22  provided in subsection (a), any party to the failed negotiations
    23  may request the department to determine an appropriate benefit,
    24  in which case the secretary shall make that determination and
    25  the terms and conditions of any annual economic benefit so
    26  determined shall remain subject to the continuing jurisdiction
    27  of the department. In making the determination of the annual
    28  economic benefit, the secretary shall consider the level of
    29  truck traffic in the impacted municipality, the proximity of the
    30  facility to inhabited areas of the impacted municipality and the
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     1  type of land use in the impacted municipality surrounding the
     2  facility.
     3     (c)  Multiple impacted municipalities.--If more than one
     4  impacted municipality is entitled to receive an annual economic
     5  benefit as provided in subsection (a), the person holding the
     6  franchise for the municipal waste processing and disposal
     7  facility shall provide each impacted municipality with the
     8  annual statement of tonnage accepted at the facility and shall
     9  pay to the chief fiscal officer of each impacted municipality
    10  the amount due as provided in subsection (a).
    11     (d)  As used in this section, "impacted municipality" shall
    12  mean a municipality that borders another municipality wherein a
    13  municipal waste processing and disposal facility is located or a
    14  municipality whose municipal boundary is within two miles of and
    15  located along an approach route to the facility.
    16     Section 5.  Section 1901 of the act is amended to read:
    17  Section 1901.  Report to General Assembly.
    18     The Secretary of Environmental [Resources] Protection shall
    19  prepare a report to the General Assembly concerning the
    20  implementation of this act and the success of county and
    21  municipal recycling programs. This report shall be transmitted
    22  to the General Assembly no later than April 1, 1991, and shall
    23  be revised, and modified if necessary, at least once every three
    24  years thereafter.
    25     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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