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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1211



No. 1036 Session of 2003

           BEBKO-JONES AND BROWNE, APRIL 2, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), entitled
     2     "An act providing for and reorganizing the conduct of the
     3     executive and administrative work of the Commonwealth by the
     4     Executive Department thereof and the administrative
     5     departments, boards, commissions, and officers thereof,
     6     including the boards of trustees of State Normal Schools, or
     7     Teachers Colleges; abolishing, creating, reorganizing or
     8     authorizing the reorganization of certain administrative
     9     departments, boards, and commissions; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Governor and other executive and administrative
    11     officers, and of the several administrative departments,
    12     boards, commissions, and officers; fixing the salaries of the
    13     Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and certain other executive
    14     and administrative officers; providing for the appointment of
    15     certain administrative officers, and of all deputies and
    16     other assistants and employes in certain departments, boards,
    17     and commissions; and prescribing the manner in which the
    18     number and compensation of the deputies and all other
    19     assistants and employes of certain departments, boards and
    20     commissions shall be determined," establishing the Office of
    21     Consumer Advocate for Insurance as an independent office
    22     within the Office of Attorney General and prescribing its
    23     powers and duties.

    24     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    25  hereby enacts as follows:
    26     Section 1.  The act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known

     1  as The Administrative Code of 1929, is amended by adding an
     2  article to read:
     3                            ARTICLE IX-C
     5     Section 901-C.  Definitions.--As used in this article:
     6     "Consumer" means any person who is a named insured, insured
     7  or beneficiary of a policy of insurance or any other person who
     8  may be affected in any way by the Insurance Department's
     9  exercise of or the failure to exercise its authority.
    10     "Department" means the Insurance Department of the
    11  Commonwealth and includes the Insurance Commissioner.
    12     "Fund" means the Consumer Advocate for Insurance Fund
    13  established pursuant to section 906-C.
    14     "Insurer" means any "company," "association" or "exchange" as
    15  such terms are defined in section 101 of the act of May 17, 1921
    16  (P.L.789, No.285), known as "The Insurance Department Act of
    17  1921."
    18     Section 902-C.  Office of Consumer Advocate for Insurance.--
    19  (a)  There is hereby established as an independent office within
    20  the Office of Attorney General an Office of Consumer Advocate
    21  for Insurance appointed by the Governor to represent the
    22  interest of consumers before the department.
    23     (b)  The Office of Consumer Advocate for Insurance shall be
    24  headed by the Consumer Advocate for Insurance appointed by the
    25  Governor who is an attorney, and by reason of training,
    26  experience and attainment is qualified to represent the interest
    27  of consumers. Compensation shall be set by the Executive Board.
    28     (c)  No individual who serves as a Consumer Advocate for
    29  Insurance shall, while serving in the position, engage in any
    30  business, vocation or other employment, or have other interests,
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     1  inconsistent with the official responsibilities, nor shall the
     2  individual seek or accept employment nor render beneficial
     3  services for compensation with any insurer subject to the
     4  authority of the office during the tenure of the appointment and
     5  for a period of two years immediately after the appointment is
     6  served or terminated.
     7     (d)  Any individual who is appointed to the position of
     8  Consumer Advocate for Insurance shall not seek election nor
     9  accept appointment to any political office during the tenure as
    10  Consumer Advocate for Insurance and for a period of two years
    11  after the appointment is served or terminated.
    12     Section 903-C.  Assistant Consumer Advocates for Insurance;
    13  Employes.--The Consumer Advocate for Insurance shall appoint
    14  attorneys as assistant consumer advocates for insurance and
    15  additional clerical, technical and professional staff as may be
    16  appropriate, and may contract for additional services as shall
    17  be necessary for the performance of the duties imposed by this
    18  article. The compensation of assistant consumer advocates for
    19  insurance and clerical, technical and professional staff shall
    20  be set by the Executive Board. No assistant consumer advocate
    21  for insurance or other staff employe shall, while serving in the
    22  position, engage in any business, vocation or other employment,
    23  or have other interests, inconsistent with official
    24  responsibilities.
    25     Section 904-C.  Powers and Duties of the Consumer Advocate
    26  for Insurance.--(a)  In addition to any other authority
    27  conferred by this article, the Consumer Advocate for Insurance
    28  is authorized to and shall, in carrying out the responsibilities
    29  under this article, represent the interest of consumers as a
    30  party, or otherwise participate for the purpose of representing
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     1  an interest of consumers, before the department in any matter
     2  properly before the department, and before any court or agency,
     3  initiating proceedings if, in the judgment of the Consumer
     4  Advocate for Insurance, the representation may be necessary, in
     5  connection with any matter involving regulation by the
     6  department or the corresponding regulatory agency of the Federal
     7  Government, whether on appeal or otherwise initiated.
     8     (b)  The Consumer Advocate for Insurance may exercise
     9  discretion in determining the interests of consumers which will
    10  be advocated in any particular proceeding and in determining
    11  whether or not to participate in or initiate any particular
    12  proceeding and, in so determining, shall consider the public
    13  interest, the resources available and the substantiality of the
    14  effect of the proceeding on the interest of consumers. The
    15  Consumer Advocate for Insurance may refrain from intervening
    16  when, in the judgment of the Consumer Advocate for Insurance,
    17  intervention is not necessary to represent adequately the
    18  interest of consumers.
    19     (c)  In addition to any other authority conferred by this
    20  article, the Consumer Advocate for Insurance is authorized to
    21  represent an interest of consumers which is presented for
    22  consideration, upon petition in writing, by a substantial number
    23  of persons who are consumers of an insurer subject to regulation
    24  by the department. The Consumer Advocate for Insurance shall
    25  notify the principal sponsors of the petition within a
    26  reasonable time after receipt of the petition of the action
    27  taken or intended to be taken with respect to the interest of
    28  consumers presented in that petition. If the Consumer Advocate
    29  for Insurance declines or is unable to represent the interest,
    30  written notification and the reasons for the action shall be
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     1  given to the sponsors.
     2     (d)  Any action brought by the Consumer Advocate for
     3  Insurance before a court or an agency of this Commonwealth shall
     4  be brought in the name of the Consumer Advocate for Insurance:
     5  Provided, That the Consumer Advocate for Insurance may name a
     6  consumer or group of consumers in whose name the action may be
     7  brought or may join with a consumer or group of consumers in
     8  bringing the action.
     9     (e)  At a time as the Consumer Advocate for Insurance
    10  determines, in accordance with applicable time limitations, to
    11  initiate, intervene or otherwise participate in any department,
    12  agency or court proceeding, the Consumer Advocate for Insurance
    13  shall issue publicly a written statement, a copy of which shall
    14  be filed in the proceeding in addition to any required entry of
    15  appearance, stating concisely the specific interest of consumers
    16  to be protected.
    17     (f)  The Consumer Advocate for Insurance shall be served with
    18  copies of all filings, correspondence or other documents filed
    19  by insurers with the department unless the Consumer Advocate for
    20  Insurance informs the insurer that specific types of classes of
    21  documents need not be so served. The department shall not accept
    22  a document as timely filed if the document is also required to
    23  be served on the Consumer Advocate for Insurance and the insurer
    24  has not indicated that service has or is being made on the
    25  Consumer Advocate for Insurance. Insurers shall provide any
    26  other nonprivileged information or data requested by the
    27  Consumer Advocate for Insurance to the extent that the request
    28  is reasonably related to the performance of his duties under
    29  this article.
    30     Section 905-C.  Duties of the Department.--In dealing with
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     1  any proposed action which may substantially affect the interest
     2  of consumers, including, but not limited to, a proposed change
     3  of rates and the adoption of rules, regulations, guidelines,
     4  orders, standards or final policy decisions, the department
     5  shall:
     6     (1)  Notify the Consumer Advocate for Insurance and provide,
     7  free of charge, copies of all related documents when notice of
     8  the proposed action is given to the public or at a time fixed by
     9  agreement between the Consumer Advocate for Insurance and the
    10  department in a manner to assure the Consumer Advocate for
    11  Insurance reasonable notice and adequate time to determine
    12  whether to intervene in the matter.
    13     (2)  Consistent with its other statutory responsibilities,
    14  take action with due consideration to the interest of consumers.
    15     Section 906-C.  Consumer Advocate for Insurance Fund.--(a)
    16  There is hereby established a separate account in the State
    17  Treasury to be known as the Consumer Advocate for Insurance
    18  Fund. This fund shall be administered by the State Treasurer.
    19     (b)  All moneys deposited into the fund shall be held in
    20  trust and shall not be considered general revenue of the
    21  Commonwealth but shall be used only to effectuate the purposes
    22  of this article. The fund shall be subject to audit by the
    23  Auditor General.
    24     (c)  Prior to the first day of April following the effective
    25  date of this article and prior to the first day of April of each
    26  year thereafter so long as this article shall remain in effect,
    27  each insurer who writes coverages for fire and casualty,
    28  accident and health, credit accident and health under
    29  life/annuity/accident, health and life including annuities in
    30  this Commonwealth, as a condition of its authorization to
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     1  transact business in this Commonwealth, shall pay into the fund
     2  in trust an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying 
     3  five million dollars ($5,000,000) by a fraction, the numerator
     4  of which is the direct premium collected for all coverages by
     5  that insurer in this Commonwealth during the preceding calendar
     6  year and the denominator of which is the direct premium written
     7  on such coverages in this Commonwealth by all insurers in the
     8  same period. Any insurer who fails to pay the required
     9  assessment under this section shall be prohibited from writing
    10  any insurance within this Commonwealth.
    11     (d)  In succeeding years the General Assembly may vary the
    12  base amount of five million dollars ($5,000,000) based upon the
    13  actual funding experience and requirements of the Office of
    14  Consumer Advocate for Insurance.
    15     (e)  Assessments made under this section shall not be
    16  considered burdens and prohibitions under section 212 of the act
    17  of May 17, 1921 (P.L.789, No.285), known as "The Insurance
    18  Department Act of 1921."
    19     (f)  In the event that the trust fund is dissolved or the
    20  Office of Consumer Advocate for Insurance is terminated by
    21  operation of law, any balance remaining in the fund, after
    22  deducting administrative costs for liquidation, shall be
    23  returned to insurers in proportion to their financial
    24  contributions to the fund in the preceding calendar year.
    25     Section 907-C.  Reports.--The Consumer Advocate for Insurance
    26  shall annually transmit to the Governor and to the General
    27  Assembly, and shall make available to the public, an annual
    28  report on the conduct of the Office of Consumer Advocate for
    29  Insurance. The Consumer Advocate for Insurance shall make
    30  recommendations as may, from time to time, be necessary or
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     1  desirable to protect the interest of consumers.
     2     Section 908-C.  Savings Provision; Construction.--(a)
     3  Nothing contained in this article shall in any way limit the
     4  right of any consumer to bring a proceeding before either the
     5  department or a court.
     6     (b)  Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to
     7  impair the statutory authority or responsibility of the
     8  department to regulate insurers in the public interest.
     9     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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