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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1168



No. 1046 Session of 1997

           MIHALICH AND RAMOS, MARCH 25, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, further providing for rates.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5     Section 1.  Section 102 of Title 66 of the Pennsylvania
     6  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a definition to read:
     7  § 102.  Definitions.
     8     Subject to additional definitions contained in subsequent
     9  provisions of this part which are applicable to specific
    10  provisions of this part, the following words and phrases when
    11  used in this part shall have, unless the context clearly
    12  indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section:
    13     "Affordable."  Relating to the ability of customers to pay
    14  their utility bills while maintaining an acceptable standard of
    15  living, taking into consideration the financial circumstances of
    16  customers and the community as indicated by factors such as

     1  household income, age, family size, climate and other factors
     2  bearing upon the cost of living in that particular community.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 2.  Sections 315(a) and (c), 508, 523(a), 529(i),
     5  1103(a), 1301, 1307(f)(3), 1308(c), 1309(a), 1318 heading and
     6  (a), (b) and (d), 1324(c), 1325(a), 1327(b), 1703(c), 2107,
     7  2904(a), 2906(b), 2914, 3004(a), 3005(d) and 3007 of Title 66
     8  are amended to read:
     9  § 315.  Burden of proof.
    10     (a)  Reasonableness of rates.--In any proceeding upon the
    11  motion of the commission, involving any proposed or existing
    12  rate of any public utility, or in any proceedings upon complaint
    13  involving any proposed increase in rates, the burden of proof to
    14  show that the rate involved is just, affordable and reasonable
    15  shall be upon the public utility. The commission shall give to
    16  the hearing and decision of any such proceeding preference over
    17  all other proceedings, and decide the same as speedily as
    18  possible.
    19     * * *
    20     (c)  Adequacy of services and facilities.--In any proceeding
    21  upon the motion of the commission, involving the service or
    22  facilities of any public utility, the burden of proof to show
    23  that the service and facilities involved are adequate,
    24  efficient, safe, affordable and reasonable shall be upon the
    25  public utility.
    26     * * *
    27  § 508.  Power of commission to vary, reform and revise
    28             contracts.
    29     The commission shall have power and authority to vary,
    30  reform, or revise, upon a fair, reasonable, and equitable basis,
    19970H1046B1168                  - 2 -

     1  any obligations, terms, or conditions of any contract heretofore
     2  or hereafter entered into between any public utility and any
     3  person, corporation, or municipal corporation, which embrace or
     4  concern a public right, benefit, privilege, duty, or franchise,
     5  or the grant thereof, or are otherwise affected or concerned
     6  with the public interest and the general well-being of this
     7  Commonwealth. Whenever the commission shall determine, after
     8  reasonable notice and hearing, upon its own motion or upon
     9  complaint, that any such obligations, terms, or conditions are
    10  unjust, unreasonable, inequitable, unaffordable or otherwise
    11  contrary or adverse to the public interest and the general well-
    12  being of this Commonwealth, the commission shall determine and
    13  prescribe, by findings and order, the just, reasonable, and
    14  equitable, affordable obligations, terms, and conditions of such
    15  contract. Such contract, as modified by the order of the
    16  commission, shall become effective 30 days after service of such
    17  order upon the parties to such contract.
    18  § 523.  Performance factor consideration.
    19     (a)  Considerations.--The commission shall consider, in
    20  addition to all other relevant evidence of record, the
    21  efficiency, effectiveness and adequacy of service of each
    22  utility when determining just, affordable and reasonable rates
    23  under this title. On the basis of the commission's consideration
    24  of such evidence, it shall give effect to this section by making
    25  such adjustments to specific components of the utility's claimed
    26  cost of service as it may determine to be proper and
    27  appropriate. Any adjustment made under this section shall be
    28  made on the basis of specific findings upon evidence of record,
    29  which findings shall be set forth explicitly, together with
    30  their underlying rationale, in the final order of the
    19970H1046B1168                  - 3 -

     1  commission.
     2     * * *
     3  § 529.  Power of commission to order acquisition of small water
     4             and sewer utilities.
     5     * * *
     6     (i)  Burden of proof.--The Law Bureau shall have the burden
     7  of establishing a prima facie case that the acquisition of the
     8  small water or sewer utility would be in the public interest and
     9  in compliance with the provisions of this section. Once the
    10  commission determines that a prima facie case has been
    11  established:
    12         (1)  the small water or sewer utility shall have the
    13     burden of proving its ability to render adequate, efficient,
    14     safe and reasonable service at just, affordable and
    15     reasonable rates; and
    16         (2)  a proximate public utility providing the same type
    17     of service as the small water or sewer utility shall have the
    18     opportunity and burden of proving its financial, managerial
    19     or technical inability to acquire and operate the small water
    20     or sewer utility.
    21     * * *
    22  § 1103.  Procedure to obtain certificates of public convenience.
    23     (a)  General rule.--Every application for a certificate of
    24  public convenience shall be made to the commission in writing,
    25  be verified by oath or affirmation, and be in such form, and
    26  contain such information, as the commission may require by its
    27  regulations. A certificate of public convenience shall be
    28  granted by order of the commission, only if the commission shall
    29  find or determine that the granting of such certificate is
    30  necessary or proper for the service, accommodation, convenience,
    19970H1046B1168                  - 4 -

     1  or safety of the public. The commission, in granting such
     2  certificate, may impose such conditions as it may deem to be
     3  just, affordable and reasonable. In every case, the commission
     4  shall make a finding or determination in writing, stating
     5  whether or not its approval is granted. Any holder of a
     6  certificate of public convenience, exercising the authority
     7  conferred by such certificate, shall be deemed to have waived
     8  any and all objections to the terms and conditions of such
     9  certificate.
    10     * * *
    11  § 1301.  Rates to be just, affordable and reasonable.
    12     (a)  General rule.--Every rate made, demanded, or received by
    13  any public utility, or by any two or more public utilities
    14  jointly, shall be just, affordable and reasonable, and in
    15  conformity with regulations or orders of the commission.
    16     (b)  Municipal corporations.--Only public utility service
    17  being furnished or rendered by a municipal corporation, or by
    18  the operating agencies of any municipal corporation, beyond its
    19  corporate limits, shall be subject to regulation and control by
    20  the commission as to rates, with the same force, and in like
    21  manner, as if such service were rendered by a public utility.
    22  § 1307.  Sliding scale of rates; adjustments.
    23     * * *
    24     (f)  Recovery of natural gas costs.--
    25         * * *
    26         (3)  Within 60 days following the end of such 12-month
    27     period as the commission shall designate, each public utility
    28     subject to this subsection shall file with the commission a
    29     statement which specifies for such period:
    30             (i)  The total revenues received pursuant to this
    19970H1046B1168                  - 5 -

     1         section.
     2             (ii)  The total gas expense incurred.
     3             (iii)  The difference between the amounts specified
     4         by subparagraphs (i) and (ii).
     5             (iv)  Evidence explaining how actual costs incurred
     6         differ from the costs allowed under paragraph (2) and why
     7         such differences occurred.
     8             (v)  How these costs are consistent with a least cost
     9         procurement policy as required by section 1318 (relating
    10         to determination of just, affordable and reasonable
    11         natural gas rates).
    12     Such report shall be a matter of public record and copies
    13  thereof shall be made available by the gas distributor to any
    14  person upon request. Copies of the reports shall be filed with
    15  the Office of Consumer Advocate at the same time as they are
    16  filed with the commission.
    17         * * *
    18  § 1308.  Voluntary changes in rates.
    19     * * *
    20     (c)  Determination.--If, after such hearing, the commission
    21  finds any such rate to be unjust, unaffordable or unreasonable,
    22  or in anywise in violation of law, the commission shall
    23  determine the just and reasonable rate to be charged or applied
    24  by the public utility for the service in question, and shall fix
    25  the same by order to be served upon the public utility and such
    26  rate shall thereafter be observed until changed as provided by
    27  this part.
    28     * * *
    29  § 1309.  Rates fixed on complaint; investigation of costs of
    30             production.
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     1     (a)  General rule.--Whenever the commission, after reasonable
     2  notice and hearing, upon its own motion or upon complaint, finds
     3  that the existing rates of any public utility for any service
     4  are unjust, unaffordable, unreasonable, or in anywise in
     5  violation of any provision of law, the commission shall
     6  determine the just and reasonable rates, including maximum or
     7  minimum rates, to be thereafter observed and in force, and shall
     8  fix the same by order to be served upon the public utility, and
     9  such rates shall constitute the legal rates of the public
    10  utility until changed as provided in this part. Whenever a
    11  public utility does not itself produce or generate that which it
    12  distributes, transmits, or furnishes to the public for
    13  compensation, but obtains the same from another source, the
    14  commission shall have the power and authority to investigate the
    15  cost of such production or generation in any investigation of
    16  the reasonableness of the rates of such public utility.
    17     * * *
    18  § 1318.  Determination of just, affordable and reasonable
    19             natural gas rates.
    20     (a)  General rule.--In establishing just, affordable and
    21  reasonable rates for those natural gas distribution utilities
    22  with gross intrastate operating revenues in excess of
    23  $40,000,000 under section 1307(f) (relating to sliding scale of
    24  rates; adjustments) or 1308(d) (relating to voluntary changes in
    25  rates) or any other rate proceeding, the commission shall
    26  consider the materials provided by the utilities pursuant to
    27  section 1317 (relating to regulation of natural gas costs). No
    28  rates for a natural gas distribution utility shall be deemed
    29  just, affordable and reasonable unless the commission finds that
    30  the utility is pursuing a least cost fuel procurement policy,
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     1  consistent with the utility's obligation to provide safe,
     2  adequate and reliable service to its customers. In making such a
     3  determination, the commission shall be required to make specific
     4  findings which shall include, but need not be limited to,
     5  findings that:
     6         (1)  The utility has fully and vigorously represented the
     7     interests of its ratepayers in proceedings before the Federal
     8     Energy Regulatory Commission.
     9         (2)  The utility has taken all prudent steps necessary to
    10     negotiate favorable gas supply contracts and to relieve the
    11     utility from terms in existing contracts with its gas
    12     suppliers which are or may be adverse to the interests of the
    13     utility's ratepayers.
    14         (3)  The utility has taken all prudent steps necessary to
    15     obtain lower cost gas supplies on both short-term and long-
    16     term bases both within and outside the Commonwealth,
    17     including the use of gas transportation arrangements with
    18     pipelines and other distribution companies.
    19         (4)  The utility has not withheld from the market or
    20     caused to be withheld from the market any gas supplies which
    21     should have been utilized as part of a least cost fuel
    22     procurement policy.
    23     (b)  Limitation on gas purchased from affiliates.--In any
    24  instance in which a gas distribution utility purchases all or
    25  part of its gas supplies from an affiliated interest, as that
    26  term is defined in section 2101 (relating to definition of
    27  affiliated interest), the commission, in addition to the
    28  determinations and findings set forth in subsection (a), shall
    29  be required to make specific findings with regard to the
    30  justness, affordability and reasonableness of all such
    19970H1046B1168                  - 8 -

     1  purchases. Such findings shall include, but not be limited to
     2  findings:
     3         (1)  That the utility has fully and vigorously attempted
     4     to obtain less costly gas supplies on both short-term and
     5     long-term bases from nonaffiliated interests.
     6         (2)  That each contract for the purchase of gas from its
     7     affiliated interest is consistent with a least cost fuel
     8     procurement policy.
     9         (3)  That neither the utility nor its affiliated interest
    10     has withheld from the market any gas supplies which should
    11     have been utilized as part of a least cost fuel procurement
    12     policy.
    13     * * *
    14     (d)  Other regulatory approvals.--The fact that a contract or
    15  rate has been approved by a Federal regulatory agency for
    16  interstate ratemaking purposes shall not, in and of itself, be
    17  adequate to satisfy the utility's burden of proof that gas
    18  prices and volumes associated with such contract or rate are
    19  just, affordable and reasonable for purposes of this section.
    20     * * *
    21  § 1324.  Residential telephone service rates based on duration
    22             or distance of call.
    23     * * *
    24     (c)  Rate relationship.--In addition to any other
    25  requirements imposed by this title, the rates for services
    26  required or permitted pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) shall
    27  be maintained at just, affordable and reasonable levels in
    28  comparison to one another.
    29     * * *
    30  § 1325.  Local exchange service increases; limitation.
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     1     (a)  General rule.--In any rate proceeding pursuant to
     2  section 1308 (relating to voluntary changes in rates), no public
     3  utility shall be granted a percentage increase in local exchange
     4  service unless that percentage increase is just, affordable and
     5  reasonable. In no event shall the public utility be granted an
     6  increase in local exchange rates which is greater than the
     7  overall average percentage increase in total intrastate revenues
     8  authorized by the commission unless the utility proves by record
     9  evidence that a greater percentage increase for local exchange
    10  service is justified based upon the cost of providing that
    11  service.
    12     * * *
    13  § 1327.  Acquisition of water and sewer utilities.
    14     * * *
    15     (b)  Procedure.--The commission, upon application by a public
    16  utility, person or corporation which has agreed to acquire
    17  property from another public utility, municipal corporation or
    18  person, may approve an inclusion in rate base in accordance with
    19  subsection (a) prior to the acquisition and prior to a
    20  proceeding under this chapter to determine just, affordable and
    21  reasonable rates if:
    22         (1)  the applicant has provided notice of the proposed
    23     acquisition and any proposed increase in rates to the
    24     customers served by the property to be acquired, in such form
    25     and manner as the commission, by regulation, shall require;
    26         (2)  the applicant has provided notice to its customers,
    27     in such form and manner as the commission, by regulation,
    28     shall require, if the proposed acquisition would increase
    29     rates to the acquiring public utility's customers by an
    30     amount in excess of 1% of the acquiring public utility's base
    19970H1046B1168                 - 10 -

     1     annual revenue;
     2         (3)  the applicant has provided notice of the application
     3     to the Director of Trial Staff and the Consumer Advocate; and
     4         (4)  in addition to any other information required by the
     5     commission, the application includes a full description of
     6     the proposed acquisition and a plan for reasonable and
     7     prudent investments to assure that the customers served by
     8     the property to be acquired will receive adequate, efficient,
     9     safe and reasonable service.
    10     * * *
    11  § 1703.  Depreciation accounts; reports.
    12     * * *
    13     (c)  Use of estimates.--The commission shall not be bound in
    14  rate proceedings to accept, as just, affordable and reasonable
    15  for rate-making purposes, estimates of annual depreciation
    16  established under the provisions of this section, but in such
    17  rate proceedings it shall give consideration to statements
    18  submitted under this section, in addition to such other factors
    19  as may be relevant.
    20  § 2107.  Federal regulatory agencies.
    21     The provisions of this chapter shall not be applicable to the
    22  rates and related terms and conditions for the interstate
    23  transmission of electricity, natural gas, liquified natural gas,
    24  substitute natural gas, liquified propane gas or naphtha which
    25  have been submitted to and approved by a Federal regulatory
    26  agency having jurisdiction thereof, except that the commission
    27  may regulate the volume of such purchases. This section shall
    28  not apply to any proceeding under section 1317 (relating to
    29  regulation of natural gas costs) or 1318 (relating to
    30  determination of just, affordable and reasonable natural gas
    19970H1046B1168                 - 11 -

     1  rates).
     2  § 2904.  Joint use of telephone and telegraph facilities.
     3     (a)  Through lines for continuous service.--The commission
     4  may, upon complaint or upon its own motion, after reasonable
     5  notice and hearing, by order, require any two or more public
     6  utilities, whose lines or wires form a continuous line of
     7  communication, or could be made to do so by the construction and
     8  maintenance of suitable connections or the joint use of
     9  facilities, or the transfer of messages at common points,
    10  between different localities which cannot be communicated with,
    11  or reached by, the lines of either public utility alone, where
    12  such service is not already established or provided, to
    13  establish and maintain through lines within this Commonwealth
    14  between two or more such localities. The rate for such service
    15  shall be just, affordable and reasonable and the commission
    16  shall have power to establish the same, and declare the portion
    17  thereof to which each company affected thereby is entitled and
    18  the manner in which the same must be secured and paid. All
    19  facilities necessary to establish such service shall be
    20  constructed and maintained in such manner and under such rules,
    21  with such division of expense and labor, as may be required by
    22  the commission.
    23     * * *
    24  § 2906.  Dissemination of telephone numbers and other
    25             identifying information.
    26     * * *
    27     (b)  Charge prohibited.--There shall be no charge to the
    28  caller who requests that the caller's telephone number and other
    29  identifying information be withheld on a per-call basis. The
    30  commission may approve a charge to the caller who requests that
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     1  the caller's telephone number and other identifying information
     2  be withheld on a per-line basis if the commission finds, after
     3  notice to all customers and an opportunity for hearing, that the
     4  charge is just, affordable and reasonable and that the charge
     5  should be imposed on the caller. Tariff rates shall not apply to
     6  victims of domestic violence receiving services from a domestic
     7  violence program or protected by a court order nor to social
     8  welfare agencies, such as women's shelters, health and
     9  counseling centers, public service hotlines and their staffs. In
    10  addition, the commission shall direct that the tariff rates
    11  shall not apply to customers who order the per-line blocking
    12  service within 60 days of its introduction or within 60 days of
    13  any request for new telephone service or transfer of existing
    14  telephone service. The commission shall also direct that, as
    15  soon as practicable, any public utility or any other person,
    16  partnership, association or corporation that makes use of the
    17  facilities of a public utility which provides this service shall
    18  also provide to the calling party only the ability to
    19  selectively unblock at no charge on a per-call basis a blocked
    20  line using a means which differs from the means to activate per-
    21  call blocking. The commission, in the interest of balancing
    22  respective privacy interests, shall also permit a tariffed
    23  service that automatically prevents the completion of telephone
    24  calls to customers who do not wish to receive calls from callers
    25  that withhold their telephone number or other identifying
    26  information; the terms and conditions of such a tariff shall be
    27  subject to commission approval.
    28     * * *
    29  § 2914.  Establishment of just, affordable and reasonable rates.
    30     The commission shall ensure that all public and semipublic
    19970H1046B1168                 - 13 -

     1  coin telephone service rates for local and intrastate calls are
     2  just, affordable and reasonable.
     3  § 3004.  Commission review and approval of petition and plan.
     4     (a)  Authorization.--In determining just, affordable and
     5  reasonable rates in accordance with section 1301 (relating to
     6  rates to be just, affordable and reasonable), the commission may
     7  authorize a local exchange telecommunications company to set
     8  rates based on an alternative form of regulation pursuant to a
     9  plan approved by the commission under this chapter.
    10     * * *
    11  § 3005.  Competitive services.
    12     * * *
    13     (d)  Reclassification.--The commission shall have the
    14  authority to reclassify a telecommunications service or other
    15  service or business activity that it has previously found to be
    16  competitive if, after notice and hearing, it determines, upon
    17  application of the criteria set forth in this chapter, that
    18  sufficient competition is no longer present, that the local
    19  exchange company has engaged in unfair competition with respect
    20  to the service or that the local exchange company has failed to
    21  provide nondiscriminatory access in the provision of the
    22  service. If the commission finds that a reclassification is
    23  necessary, the commission must determine whether the rate for
    24  the telecommunications service or other service or business
    25  activity is just, affordable and reasonable in accordance with
    26  section 1301 (relating to rates to be just, affordable and
    27  reasonable). If the telecommunications service or other service
    28  or business activity subsequently becomes competitive, the local
    29  exchange telecommunications company shall petition the
    30  commission to make a determination of competitiveness for the
    19970H1046B1168                 - 14 -

     1  service under the provisions of this chapter.
     2     * * *
     3  § 3007.  Determination of access charges.
     4     Local exchange telecommunications companies serving more than
     5  250,000 access lines in this Commonwealth as of the effective
     6  date of this chapter shall comply with the following provisions:
     7         (1)  Local exchange telecommunications companies shall
     8     have an effective per-minute switched-access service price
     9     that shall not exceed 12¢ for the first five years from the
    10     implementation date of the petition and plan, unless the
    11     company can justify a higher rate based on the total cost of
    12     switched-access services. The per-minute switched-access
    13     service price includes both originating and terminating rates
    14     and excludes nonrecurring rates. A local exchange
    15     telecommunications company with an effective per-minute
    16     switched-access service price greater than 12¢ on the
    17     implementation date of the petition and plan shall provide
    18     for a revenue-neutral phasedown to not more than 12¢ in not
    19     more than three equal annual increments commencing with the
    20     implementation of the petition and plan. Upon the sixth year
    21     from the implementation date of the plan, the commission
    22     shall review the per-minute switched-access service price
    23     and, after notice and hearing, determine a just, affordable
    24     and reasonable per-minute switched-access service price.
    25         (2)  Local exchange telecommunications companies with an
    26     effective per-minute switched-access service price at or
    27     below 12¢, including both originating and terminating rates
    28     and excluding nonrecurring rates, may not increase switched-
    29     access prices either in conjunction with the filing or
    30     consideration of a petition and plan or for four years from
    19970H1046B1168                 - 15 -

     1     the approval date of a petition, not to extend beyond
     2     December 31, 1999, unless the company can show that, absent
     3     an increase, total switched-access revenues would be below
     4     total switched-access cost. Revenue-neutral access tariff
     5     rate changes and restructures may be proposed subject to
     6     commission approval.
     7         (3)  Upon the commission's evaluation of the consistency
     8     of tariff rates and structures with the interstate access
     9     service tariff, revenue-neutral tariff rate changes and
    10     restructures may be proposed by local exchange
    11     telecommunications companies in order to implement the
    12     results of the commission evaluation. No rate change or
    13     restructure shall be approved if it constitutes or promotes
    14     unfair competition. Rate changes and restructures for access
    15     services submitted in accordance with this paragraph are
    16     subject to commission approval, after notice and hearing.
    17         (4)  Any existing limits, by tariff or otherwise, on the
    18     amount of revenue that a local exchange telecommunications
    19     company may recover from the carrier common line rate shall
    20     continue at the effective date of this chapter. At the
    21     conclusion of any phasedown period provided in paragraph (1),
    22     the annual revenues to be derived from carrier common line
    23     rates shall be no more than the total carrier common line
    24     revenues applicable to the final 12 months of any phasedown
    25     period.
    26     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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