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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1242



No. 1083 Session of 2001


           MARCH 20, 2001

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 1, 1959 (P.L.1647, No.606),
     2     entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of Business
     3     Development Credit Corporations to assist, promote,
     4     encourage, develop and advance the business prosperity and
     5     economic welfare of the Commonwealth; defining the powers,
     6     restrictions, limitations, purposes and functions of such
     7     corporations; conferring powers on certain corporations and
     8     financial institutions in connection therewith, and
     9     conferring certain powers on the Department of Banking,"
    10     further providing for loans by financial institutions.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 6(2) of the act of December 1, 1959
    14  (P.L.1647, No.606), known as the Business Development Credit
    15  Corporation Law, amended July 2, 1965 (P.L.171, No.108), is
    16  amended to read:
    17     Section 6.  Loans by Financial Institutions.--
    18     * * *
    19     (2)  The financial institution, which is a party to a lending
    20  agreement, shall lend funds to a corporation as and when called
    21  upon by it to do so, but, except as hereinafter provided in

     1  subsection (3) of this section 6, the total amount on loan by
     2  any such financial institution to a corporation at any one time
     3  shall not exceed the following limit to be determined as of the
     4  effective date of the lending agreement. Moreover, such amount
     5  shall thereafter be readjusted, annually, in the event of any
     6  change in the base of the loan limit of such financial
     7  institution, which is as follows:
     8     (a)  National banking association, State-chartered bank, bank
     9  and trust company, savings bank, private bank or credit union,
    10  four per centum of capital and surplus, and the aggregate amount
    11  on loan to all such corporations shall not exceed twelve per
    12  centum of capital and surplus.
    13     (b)  Federal savings and loan association or building and
    14  loan association, four per centum of its undivided profits and
    15  general reserve funds, and the aggregate amount on loan to all
    16  such corporations shall not exceed twelve per centum of its
    17  undivided profits and general reserve funds.
    18     (c)  Stock insurance company, four per centum of capital and
    19  surplus, and the aggregate amount on loan to all such
    20  corporations shall not exceed twelve per centum of capital and
    21  surplus.
    22     (d)  Surety and casualty company, four per centum of capital
    23  and surplus, and the aggregate amount on loan to all such
    24  corporations shall not exceed twelve per centum of capital and
    25  surplus.
    26     (e)  Mutual insurance company, four per centum of guaranty
    27  funds or of surplus, whichever is applicable, and the aggregate
    28  amount on loan to all such corporations shall not exceed twelve
    29  per centum of such guaranty funds or surplus, and
    30     (f)  Comparable limits for other financial institutions as
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     1  established by the board of directors of a corporation, subject
     2  to the approval of the Department of Banking. The total amount
     3  on loan to a corporation by any financial institution which is a
     4  party to a lending agreement shall not exceed, at any one time,
     5  [one million one hundred thousand dollars ($1,100,000)] five
     6  million dollars ($5,000,000). All loan limits shall be
     7  established at the thousand dollars nearest to the amount
     8  computed on an actual basis. All calls of funds which such
     9  financial institutions are committed to lend to a corporation
    10  shall be prorated by a corporation among the financial
    11  institutions which are parties to its lending agreement in the
    12  same proportion that the lending agreement commitment of each
    13  bears to the aggregate lending agreement commitments of all
    14  financial institutions of a corporation. Upon six months prior
    15  written notice to the board of directors of a corporation, any
    16  financial institution may withdraw from and terminate the
    17  lending agreement effective at the end of such six month period
    18  and after the effective date of withdrawal such financial
    19  institution shall be free of obligation hereunder, except those
    20  accrued or committed by the corporation prior to the effective
    21  date of withdrawal.
    22     (g)  At no time shall the total obligations of any such
    23  corporation exceed twenty times the amount of its paid-in
    24  capital and surplus.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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