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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1284



No. 1093 Session of 2003



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, extensively revising provisions on
     3     adoption.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  The definitions of "agency," "intermediary,"
     7  "medical history information" and "parent" in section 2102 of
     8  Title 23 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended
     9  and the section is amended by adding definitions to read:
    10  § 2102.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this part shall
    12  have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    13  meanings given to them in this section:
    14     * * *
    15     "Adoption-related counseling services."  Services offered by
    16  an agency approved by the Department of Public Welfare, which,
    17  at a minimum, provide a birth parent with assistance in

     1  understanding the adoption process; the birth parents' rights
     2  and obligations; the consequences of a decision to relinquish
     3  parental rights or to consent to an adoption; and the
     4  alternatives to a relinquishment, consent or adoption.
     5     "Agency."  [Any incorporated or unincorporated] An agency
     6  operated by a public or private organization, corporation,
     7  society, institution or [other] entity, [public or voluntary,]
     8  which [may receive or provide for the care of children,
     9  supervised by the Department of Public Welfare and providing]
    10  provides adoption services in accordance with standards
    11  established by the [department.] Department of Public Welfare.
    12  The term includes a county agency.
    13     "Birth sibling."  A biological sibling or the half-sibling of
    14  the adoptee.
    15     "Child."  An individual under 18 years of age.
    16     * * *
    17     "County agency."  The county children and youth social
    18  service agency established pursuant to section 405 of the act of
    19  June 24, 1937 (P.L.2017, No.396), known as the County
    20  Institution District Law, or its successor, and supervised by
    21  the Department of Public Welfare under Article IX of the act of
    22  June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code.
    23     * * *
    24     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
    25  Commonwealth.
    26     "Family profile."  An agency's formal assessment of the
    27  capacity and readiness of a prospective adopting parent to adopt
    28  a child. The term includes the agency's written preplacement and
    29  postplacement reports and recommendations, conducted in
    30  accordance with the provisions of this part.
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     1     "Intermediary."  Any person [or persons] or agency acting
     2  between the [parent or] parents and the proposed adoptive
     3  [parent or] parents in arranging an adoption placement.
     4     "Medical history information."  Medical records and other
     5  information concerning an adoptee or an adoptee's [natural]
     6  birth family which is relevant to the adoptee's present or
     7  future health care or medical treatment. The term includes:
     8         (1)  otherwise confidential or privileged information
     9     provided that identifying contents have been removed pursuant
    10     to section 2909 (relating to medical history information);
    11     and
    12         (2)  information about the [natural] birth parents which
    13     may be relevant to a potential hereditary or congenital
    14     medical problem.
    15     * * *
    16     "Parent."  [Includes adoptive parent.] The birth parent or
    17  adoptive parent of the adoptee.
    18     "Presumptive father."  The husband of the birth mother, or an
    19  individual who was her husband at any time within one year of
    20  the birth of the adoptee, who is not necessarily the birth
    21  father of the adoptee.
    22     "Putative father."  The alleged birth father of a child
    23  conceived or born out of wedlock.
    24     "Stepparent."  The husband or wife of a parent, who is not
    25  the birth or adoptive parent of the adoptee.
    26     Section 2.  Sections 2302(1), 2313(a) and (b) and 2501(a) of
    27  Title 23 are amended to read:
    28  § 2302.  Venue.
    29     Proceedings for voluntary relinquishment, involuntary
    30  termination and adoption may be brought in the court of the
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     1  county:
     2         (1)  Where the parent [or parents or], the adoptee or the
     3     person [or persons] who [have] has filed a report of
     4     intention to adopt required by section 2531 (relating to
     5     report of intention to adopt) [reside] resides.
     6         * * *
     7  § 2313.  Representation.
     8     (a)  Child.--The court shall appoint [counsel] a guardian ad
     9  litem who is an attorney at law to represent the child in an
    10  involuntary termination proceeding when the proceeding is being
    11  contested by one or both of the parents. The court may appoint
    12  [counsel or] a guardian ad litem who is an attorney at law to
    13  represent any child who has not reached the age of 18 years and
    14  is subject to any other proceeding under this part whenever it
    15  is in the best interests of the child. No attorney or law firm
    16  shall represent both the child and the adopting parent [or
    17  parents].
    18     * * *
    19     (b)  Payment of costs.--[The]
    20         (1)  In a contested involuntary termination proceeding,
    21     the court, in its discretion, may order [all or part] that
    22     the adopting parent pay up to 50% of the costs [attendant to
    23     a proceeding under this part to be paid by the county wherein
    24     the case is heard, the adopting parents or apportioned to
    25     both, provided that if the adopting parents shall be ordered
    26     to bear all or a portion of the costs of this part that:
    27         (1)  the] of the appointment of a guardian ad litem,
    28     commensurate with the ability to pay without causing
    29     financial hardship. The court may direct that the payment of
    30     the fees [or a portion thereof] may be paid [by] according to
    20030H1093B1284                  - 4 -     

     1     a court ordered schedule of payments extending beyond the
     2     date of the involuntary termination hearing[; and].
     3         (2)  [the fee shall not exceed $150.] The remaining fees
     4     and cost for a proceeding under this part shall be paid by
     5     the county where the action is heard.
     6  § 2501.  Relinquishment to agency.
     7     (a)  Petition.--When any child under the age of 18 years has
     8  been in the care of an agency for a minimum period of three days
     9  or, whether or not the agency has the physical care of the
    10  child, the agency has received a written notice of the present
    11  intent to transfer to it custody of the child, executed by the
    12  birth parent, the birth parent [or parents] of the child may
    13  petition the court for permission to relinquish forever all
    14  parental rights and duties with respect to their child. The
    15  petition must include an acknowledgment in writing by the birth
    16  parent of all of the following:
    17         (1)  Adoption-related counseling services have been
    18     offered to the birth parent.
    19         (2)  If the birth parent requested adoption-related
    20     counseling services, whether the adoption-related counseling
    21     services have been provided.
    22         (3)  If adoption-related counseling services were
    23     provided, the name and address of the agency which provided
    24     them.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 3.  Section 2502(a) of Title 23 is amended and the
    27  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    28  § 2502.  Relinquishment to adult intending to adopt child.
    29     (a)  Petition.--When any child under the age of 18 years has
    30  been for a minimum period of [30] three days in the exclusive
    20030H1093B1284                  - 5 -     

     1  care of an adult or adults who have filed a report of intention
     2  to adopt required by section 2531 (relating to report of
     3  intention to adopt), the parent [or parents] of the child may
     4  petition the court for permission to relinquish forever all
     5  parental rights to [their] the child. The petition must include
     6  an acknowledgment in writing by the birth parent of all of the
     7  following:
     8         (1)  Adoption-related counseling services have been
     9     offered to the birth parent.
    10         (2)  If the birth parent requested adoption-related
    11     counseling services, whether the adoption-related counseling
    12     services have been provided.
    13         (3)  If adoption-related counseling services were
    14     provided, the name and address of the agency which provided
    15     them.
    16     * * *
    17     (c)  Written authorization.--If a parent or guardian has
    18  relinquished a child under this section, the parent or guardian
    19  shall furnish to the prospective adoptive parent a signed
    20  writing stating that the relinquishment is for the purpose of
    21  adoption and authorizes the prospective adoptive parent to
    22  provide support and medical and other care for the child until
    23  the adoption is finalized.
    24     Section 4.  Title 23 is amended by adding a section to read:
    25  § 2502.1.  Placement of abandoned child.
    26     (a)  Designation of adoptive parent.--Within 30 days after an
    27  agency obtains custody of a child found under such circumstances
    28  that the identities or whereabouts of the birth parents are
    29  unknown, the agency shall make all reasonable efforts to
    30  identify and designate an adoptive parent.
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     1     (b)  Diligent search.--The agency shall commence a search for
     2  the birth parents of the abandoned child under section
     3  2511(a)(4) (relating to grounds for involuntary termination).
     4  The search shall be completed within 75 days after the agency
     5  obtains custody of the child.
     6     (c)  Termination petition.--If the requirements of this
     7  section and section 2511(a)(4) are met, the agency shall file a
     8  petition for termination of parental rights within 120 days
     9  after the date on which the child was found.
    10     (d)  Hearing.--A hearing on a petition under this section
    11  shall be conducted by the court on an expedited basis.
    12     (e)  Report of intention to adopt.--The agency shall assist
    13  the prospective adoptive parent with the filing of the report
    14  under section 2531 (relating to report of intention to adopt).
    15     Section 5.  Section 2503 heading and (b)(3), (c), (d) and (e)
    16  of Title 23 are amended and the section is amended by adding a
    17  subsection to read:
    18  § 2503.  [Hearing] Voluntary relinquishment hearing.
    19     * * *
    20     (a.1)  Custody of child.--During the pendency of a proceeding
    21  under this section, unless the court directs otherwise, custody
    22  of the child shall remain with the individual or agency that had
    23  custody at the time the petition was filed.
    24     (b)  Notice.--
    25         * * *
    26         (3)  The [copy of the notice which is given to the]
    27     putative father shall [state that his rights may also be
    28     subject to termination pursuant to subsection (d) if he fails
    29     to file either an acknowledgment of paternity or claim of
    30     paternity pursuant to section 5103 (relating to
    20030H1093B1284                  - 7 -     

     1     acknowledgment and claim of paternity) and fails to either
     2     appear at the hearing for the purpose of objecting to the
     3     termination of his rights or file a written objection to such
     4     termination with the court prior to the hearing.] receive
     5     notice in the form provided in section 2513(b) (relating to
     6     hearing). Notice under this paragraph shall state that his
     7     rights may also be terminated under subsection (d) if he
     8     fails to file with the court prior to the hearing a written
     9     objection to the termination or fails to appear at the
    10     hearing for the purpose of objecting to the termination of
    11     his rights. If the identity or whereabouts of the putative
    12     father is unknown, notice shall be given pursuant to section
    13     2514(b) (relating to notice if putative father or his
    14     whereabouts unknown).
    15     (c)  Decree.--
    16         (1)  After hearing, which shall be private, the court may
    17     enter a decree of termination of parental rights [in the case
    18     of their relinquishment to an adult or a decree of
    19     termination of parental rights and duties, including the
    20     obligation of support, in the case of their relinquishment to
    21     an agency].
    22         (2)  Subject to paragraph (3), a decree of termination of
    23     parental rights terminates forever all the subject parent's
    24     parental rights and duties with respect to the child,
    25     including the obligation of support.
    26         (3)  A decree of termination of parental rights does not
    27     extinguish the duty of a parent to pay arrearages for child
    28     support.
    29     (d)  [Putative father.--] Termination of putative father's
    30  parental rights.--If a putative father [will not file a petition
    20030H1093B1284                  - 8 -     

     1  to voluntarily relinquish his parental rights pursuant to
     2  section 2501 (relating to relinquishment to agency) or 2502
     3  (relating to relinquishment to adult intending to adopt child),]
     4  has been given notice of the hearing being held pursuant to this
     5  section [and], the court may enter a decree terminating his
     6  parental rights, whether or not the putative father has filed an
     7  acknowledgment of paternity or claim of paternity under section
     8  5103, if any of the following paragraphs apply:
     9         (1)  The putative father fails to [either]:
    10             (i)  file a written objection to the termination with
    11         the court prior to the hearing; or
    12             (ii)  appear at that hearing for the purpose of
    13         objecting to termination of his parental rights [or file
    14         a written objection to such termination with the court
    15         prior to the hearing and has not filed an acknowledgment
    16         of paternity or claim of paternity pursuant to section
    17         5103, the court may enter a decree terminating the
    18         parental rights of the putative father pursuant to
    19         subsection (c)].
    20         (2)  The court determines, after a hearing, that the
    21     putative father has failed to:
    22             (i)  provide substantial financial support for the
    23         child; or
    24             (ii)  make substantial and ongoing provision for the
    25         child's care.
    26     (e)  Right to file personal and medical history
    27  information.--At the time the decree of termination is
    28  transmitted to the parent whose rights are terminated, the court
    29  shall advise that parent, in writing, of his or her continuing
    30  right to place and update personal and medical history
    20030H1093B1284                  - 9 -     

     1  information, whether or not the medical condition is in
     2  existence or discoverable at the time of adoption, on file with
     3  the court, with the Department of Health and with the
     4  [Department of Public Welfare] department pursuant to section
     5  2905(d) (relating to impounding of proceedings and access to
     6  records).
     7     Section 6.  Sections 2504, 2504.1 and 2505 of Title 23 are
     8  amended to read:
     9  [§ 2504.  Alternative procedure for relinquishment.
    10     (a)  Petition to confirm consent to adoption.--If the parent
    11  or parents of the child have executed consents to an adoption as
    12  required by section 2711 (relating to consents necessary to
    13  adoption) but have failed for a period of 40 days after
    14  executing the consent to file or proceed with the petition for
    15  voluntary relinquishment of parental rights provided for in this
    16  subchapter, the intermediary may petition the court to hold a
    17  hearing for the purpose of confirming the intention of the
    18  parent or parents to voluntarily relinquish their rights and
    19  duties as evidenced by the consent or consents to the adoption,
    20  the original of which shall be attached to the petition. In the
    21  case where there is no intermediary, the adoptive parent or
    22  parents may file the petition.
    23     (b)  Hearing.--Upon presentation of a petition filed pursuant
    24  to this section, the court shall fix a time for a hearing which
    25  shall not be less than ten days after filing of the petition.
    26  Notice of the hearing shall be by personal service or by
    27  registered mail or by such other means as the court may require
    28  upon the consenter and shall be in the form provided in section
    29  2513(b) (relating to hearing). Notice of the hearing shall be
    30  given to the other parent or parents, to the putative father
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     1  whose parental rights could be terminated pursuant to subsection
     2  (c) and to the parents or guardian of a consenting parent who
     3  has not reached 18 years of age. The notice shall state that the
     4  consenting parent's or putative father's rights may be
     5  terminated as a result of the hearing. After hearing, which
     6  shall be private, the court may enter a decree of termination of
     7  parental rights in the case of a relinquishment to an adult or a
     8  decree of termination of parental rights and duties, including
     9  the obligation of support, in the case of a relinquishment to an
    10  agency.
    11     (c)  Putative father.--If a putative father will not execute
    12  a consent to an adoption as required by section 2711, has been
    13  given notice of the hearing being held pursuant to this section
    14  and fails to either appear at that hearing for the purpose of
    15  objecting to termination of his parental rights or file a
    16  written objection to such termination with the court prior to
    17  the hearing and has not filed an acknowledgment of paternity or
    18  claim of paternity pursuant to section 5103 (relating to
    19  acknowledgment and claim of paternity), the court may enter a
    20  decree terminating the parental rights of the putative father
    21  pursuant to subsection (b).
    22     (d)  Right to file personal and medical history
    23  information.--At the time the decree of termination is
    24  transmitted to the parent, the court shall also advise, in
    25  writing, the parent whose rights have been terminated of his or
    26  her continuing right to place and update personal and medical
    27  history information, whether or not the medical condition is in
    28  existence or discoverable at the time of adoption, on file with
    29  the court and with the Department of Public Welfare pursuant to
    30  section 2905(d) (relating to impounding of proceedings and
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     1  access to records).]
     2  § 2504.1.  Confidentiality.
     3     The court shall take such steps as are reasonably necessary
     4  to assure that the identity of the adoptive parent [or parents]
     5  is not disclosed without [their] that parent's consent in any
     6  proceeding under this subchapter or Subchapter B (relating to
     7  involuntary termination). The Supreme Court may prescribe
     8  uniform rules under this section relating to such
     9  confidentiality.
    10  § 2505.  [Counseling] Adoption-related counseling services.
    11     (a)  [List of counselors] Information.--Any hospital or other
    12  facility providing maternity care shall provide a list of
    13  [available counselors and] agencies approved to provide
    14  adoption-related counseling services compiled pursuant to
    15  subsection (b) to its maternity patients who are known to be
    16  considering relinquishment or termination of parental rights or
    17  consent to adoption pursuant to this part[.] and information
    18  about the counseling fund and how to access it for patients who
    19  are unable to pay for counseling. The patient shall sign an
    20  acknowledgment of receipt of such list prior to discharge, a
    21  copy of which receipt shall be provided to the patient.
    22     (b)  Compilation of list.--The [court] department shall
    23  compile a list, on a county-by-county basis, of [qualified
    24  counselors and] agencies approved by the department to provide
    25  adoption-related counseling services [(including all adoption
    26  agencies)] which are available to [counsel natural] birth
    27  parents [within the county] who are contemplating relinquishment
    28  or termination of parental rights or consent to adoption, who
    29  have filed a petition to relinquish parental rights or who have
    30  executed a consent to an adoption, pursuant to this part. Such
    20030H1093B1284                 - 12 -     

     1  list shall be distributed to every court of common pleas,
     2  agency, hospital or [other] facility providing maternity care
     3  within the county [and]. The department shall [be made] make the
     4  list available upon request to any [intermediary or licensed
     5  health care professional] person.
     6     (c)  Court determination and referral.--Prior to entering a
     7  decree of termination of parental rights pursuant to section
     8  2503 (relating to voluntary relinquishment hearing) or [2504]
     9  2711.1 (relating to [alternative procedure for relinquishment),
    10  if the parent whose rights are to be terminated is present in
    11  court,] termination of parental rights pursuant to consent), the
    12  court shall [inquire] determine whether [he or she] the birth
    13  parent has [received] been offered adoption-related counseling
    14  [concerning the termination and the alternatives thereto from an
    15  agency or from a qualified counselor listed by a court pursuant
    16  to subsection (b)] services. If the birth parent has not
    17  [received such] been offered adoption-related counseling
    18  services, the court [may, with the parent's consent, refer]
    19  shall provide the birth parent [to an agency or qualified
    20  counselor listed by a court] with the list compiled pursuant to
    21  subsection (b) [for the purpose of receiving such counseling].
    22  In no event shall the court delay the completion of any hearing
    23  pursuant to section 2503 or [2504] 2711.1 for more than 15 days
    24  in order [to provide] for the birth parent to obtain such
    25  counseling.
    26     (d)  Application for counseling.--[Any parent who has filed]
    27  Any of the following may apply to a county agency for referral
    28  to an agency listed under subsection (b) for the purpose of
    29  receiving adoption-related counseling services, paid from funds
    30  under subsection (e):
    20030H1093B1284                 - 13 -     

     1         (1)  A birth parent, or an intermediary acting on behalf
     2     of the birth parent, who is contemplating:
     3             (i)  relinquishment of parental rights; or
     4             (ii)  execution of a consent to adoption.
     5         (2)  A birth parent, or an intermediary acting on behalf
     6     of the birth parent, who has not been offered adoption-
     7     related counseling services and has:
     8             (i)  filed a petition to relinquish [his or her]
     9         parental rights[,]; or [has]
    10             (ii)  executed a consent to adoption.[, and is in
    11         need of counseling concerning the relinquishment or
    12         consent, and the alternatives thereto, may apply to the
    13         court for referral to an agency or qualified counselor
    14         listed by a court pursuant to subsection (b) for the
    15         purpose of receiving such counseling. The court, in its
    16         discretion, may make such a referral where it is
    17         satisfied that this counseling would be of benefit to the
    18         parent.]
    19     (d.1)  County agency.--
    20         (1)  Within three business days of receiving the
    21     application under subsection (d), the county agency must
    22     notify the applicant of approval or disapproval of the
    23     application. Disapproval must be in writing and include the
    24     reason. Failure to comply with this paragraph shall be deemed
    25     approval of the application.
    26         (2)  The county agency shall advise an approved applicant
    27     of procedures to obtain adoption-related counseling services.
    28         (3)  The frequency of adoption-related counseling
    29     services shall be determined by the county in accordance with
    30     regulations, which take into account the needs of the parent,
    20030H1093B1284                 - 14 -     

     1     promulgated by the department.
     2     (e)  [Counseling fund] Funds.--
     3         (1)  Except as [hereinafter] provided in paragraph (2),
     4     each report of intention to adopt filed pursuant to section
     5     2531 (relating to report of intention to adopt) shall be
     6     accompanied by a filing fee in the amount of $75 which shall
     7     be [paid into a segregated fund established by] transferred
     8     to the county[. The county may also make supplemental
     9     appropriations to the fund] agency to pay for adoption-
    10     related counseling services. All costs of adoption-related
    11     counseling services provided pursuant to subsection (c) or
    12     (d) to individuals who are unable to pay for such counseling
    13     shall be paid from the fund. Costs related to adoption-
    14     related counseling services for a birth parent whose child is
    15     adjudicated dependent shall be considered a reimbursable
    16     expenditure of the county agency as an adoption service, with
    17     reimbursement to the county agency by the department of the
    18     reasonable costs, under section 704.1(a)(6) of the act of
    19     June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare
    20     Code.
    21         (2)  No filing fee may be exacted under this subsection
    22     with respect to the adoption of a special needs child who
    23     would be eligible for adoption assistance pursuant to
    24     regulations promulgated by the [Department of Public Welfare]
    25     department. In addition, the court may reduce or waive the
    26     fee in cases of demonstrated financial hardship.
    27         (3)  On an annual basis, the county agency shall report
    28     to the department all of the following:
    29             (i)  The amount of money made available to the county
    30         agency through filing fees established in paragraph (1)
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     1         and other sources of funding for adoption-related
     2         counseling services.
     3             (ii)  The number of requests to the county agency for
     4         referral to adoption-related counseling services.
     5             (iii)  The amount paid by the county agency for
     6         adoption-related counseling services.
     7             (iv)  The estimated per-parent cost of adoption-
     8         related counseling services.
     9     Section 7.  Section 2511(a)(3) and (6), (b) and (c) of Title
    10  23 are amended and subsection (a) is amended by adding
    11  paragraphs to read:
    12  § 2511.  Grounds for involuntary termination.
    13     (a)  General rule.--The rights of a parent in regard to a
    14  child may be terminated after a petition filed on any of the
    15  following grounds:
    16         * * *
    17         (3)  The parent is the presumptive but not the [natural]
    18     birth father of the child.
    19         * * *
    20         (6)  In the case of a newborn child, the parent knows or
    21     has reason to know of the child's birth, does not reside with
    22     the child, [has not married the child's other parent,] has
    23     failed for a period of four months immediately preceding the
    24     filing of the petition to make reasonable efforts to maintain
    25     substantial and continuing contact with the child and has
    26     failed during the same four-month period to provide
    27     substantial financial support for the child.
    28         * * *
    29         (9)  The identity or whereabouts of the putative father
    30     of the child is unknown and notice has been provided under
    20030H1093B1284                 - 16 -     

     1     section 2514 (relating to notice if putative father or his
     2     whereabouts unknown).
     3         (10)  The parent has engaged in repeated and continued
     4     abuse or neglect of the child, the child's sibling or another
     5     child residing in the child's household.
     6         (11)  It is established by clear and convincing evidence
     7     that the child, the child's sibling or another child residing
     8     in the child's household has been the victim of any of the
     9     following by the parent whose rights are to be involuntarily
    10     terminated:
    11             (i)  Serious bodily injury, as defined in section
    12         6303(a) (relating to definitions).
    13             (ii)  An offense under 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 25 (relating to
    14         criminal homicide).
    15             (iii)  Indecent contact, as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. §
    16         3101 (relating to definitions).
    17             (iv)  An offense under any of the following
    18         provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. (relating to crimes and
    19         offenses):
    20                 Section 3121(a) (relating to rape).
    21                 Section 3122.1 (relating to statutory sexual
    22             assault).
    23                 Section 3123 (relating to involuntary deviate
    24             sexual intercourse).
    25                 Section 3124.1 (relating to sexual assault).
    26                 Section 3125 (relating to aggravated indecent
    27             assault).
    28                 Section 3126 (relating to indecent assault).
    29                 Section 4302 (relating to incest).
    30                 Section 6312 (relating to sexual abuse of
    20030H1093B1284                 - 17 -     

     1             children).
     2                 Section 6320 (relating to sexual exploitation of
     3             children).
     4             (v)  An offense in another jurisdiction similar to an
     5         offense listed in this paragraph.
     6     (b)  Other considerations.--The court in terminating the
     7  rights of a parent shall give primary consideration to the
     8  developmental, physical and emotional needs and welfare of the
     9  child. The rights of a parent shall not be terminated solely on
    10  the basis of environmental factors such as inadequate housing,
    11  furnishings, income, clothing and medical care if found to be
    12  beyond the control of the parent. With respect to any petition
    13  filed pursuant to subsection (a)(1), (2), (5), (6) or (8), the
    14  court shall not consider any efforts by the parent to remedy the
    15  conditions described therein which are first initiated
    16  subsequent to the giving of notice of the filing of the
    17  petition.
    18     (c)  Right to file personal and medical history
    19  information.--At the time the decree of termination is
    20  transmitted to the parent whose rights have been terminated, the
    21  court shall advise the parent, in writing, of his or her
    22  continuing right to place and update personal and medical
    23  history information, whether or not the medical condition is in
    24  existence or discoverable at the time of adoption, on file with
    25  the court, the Department of Health and [with] the [Department
    26  of Public Welfare] department pursuant to section 2905(d)
    27  (relating to impounding of proceedings and access to records).
    28     Section 8.  Section 2512(a)(1) and (c) of Title 23 are
    29  amended to read:
    30  § 2512.  Petition for involuntary termination.
    20030H1093B1284                 - 18 -     

     1     (a)  Who may file.--A petition to terminate parental rights
     2  with respect to a child under the age of 18 years may be filed
     3  by any of the following:
     4         (1)  [Either] If an adoption by a stepparent is
     5     contemplated, either parent when termination is sought with
     6     respect to the other parent.
     7         * * *
     8     [(c)  Father not identified.--If the petition does not
     9  identify the father of the child, it shall state whether a claim
    10  of paternity has been filed under section 8303 (relating to
    11  claim of paternity).]
    12     Section 9.  Section 2513(b), (c) and (d) of Title 23 are
    13  amended and the section is amended by adding a subsection to
    14  read:
    15  § 2513.  Hearing.
    16     * * *
    17     (a.1)  Custody of child.--During the pendency of a proceeding
    18  under this section, unless the court directs otherwise, custody
    19  of the child shall remain with the individual or agency that had
    20  custody at the time the petition was filed.
    21     (b)  Notice.--At least ten days' notice shall be given to the
    22  parent [or parents], putative father, or parent of a minor
    23  parent whose rights are to be terminated, by personal service or
    24  by registered mail to his or their last known address or by such
    25  other means as the court may require. A copy of the notice shall
    26  be given in the same manner to the other parent, putative father
    27  or parent or guardian of a minor parent whose rights are to be
    28  terminated. A putative father shall include one who has filed a
    29  claim of paternity as provided in section 5103 (relating to
    30  acknowledgment and claim of paternity) prior to the institution
    20030H1093B1284                 - 19 -     

     1  of proceedings. The notice shall state the following:
     2         "A petition has been filed asking the court to put an end
     3     to all rights you have to your child (insert name of child).
     4     The court has set a hearing to consider ending your rights to
     5     your child. That hearing will be held in (insert place,
     6     giving reference to exact room and building number or
     7     designation) on (insert date) at (insert time). You are
     8     warned that even if you fail to appear at the scheduled
     9     hearing, the hearing will go on without you and your rights
    10     to your child may be ended by the court without [your] you
    11     being present. You have a right to be represented at the
    12     hearing by a lawyer. You should take this paper to your
    13     lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford
    14     one, go to or telephone the office set forth below to find
    15     out where you can get legal help.
    16                                 (Name)...................
    17                                 (Address)................
    18                                 .........................
    19                                 (Telephone number)......."
    20     (c)  Mother competent witness on paternity issue.--The
    21  [natural] birth mother shall be a competent witness as to
    22  whether the presumptive or putative father is the [natural]
    23  birth father of the child.
    24     (d)  Decree.--
    25         (1)  After hearing, which may be private, the court shall
    26     make a finding relative to the pertinent provisions of
    27     section 2511 (relating to grounds for involuntary
    28     termination) and upon such finding may enter a decree of
    29     termination of parental rights.
    30         (2)  Subject to paragraph (3), a decree of termination of
    20030H1093B1284                 - 20 -     

     1     parental rights terminates forever all the subject parent's
     2     parental rights and duties with respect to the child,
     3     including the obligation of support.
     4         (3)  A decree of termination of parental rights does not
     5     extinguish the duty of a parent to pay arrearages for child
     6     support.
     7     Section 10.  Title 23 is amended by adding a section to read:
     8  § 2514.  Notice if putative father or his whereabouts unknown.
     9     (a)  Reasonable efforts.--
    10         (1)  A petitioner under sections 2501 (relating to
    11     relinquishment to agency), 2502 (relating to relinquishment
    12     to adult intending to adopt child), 2512 (relating to
    13     petition for involuntary termination) and 2711.1 (relating to
    14     termination of parental rights pursuant to consent) must
    15     establish that reasonable efforts were made to identify or
    16     locate a putative father for the purpose of providing notice
    17     in a proceeding under this part.
    18         (2)  In determining whether the petitioner's efforts to
    19     provide notice were sufficient under this part, the court
    20     shall consider all of the following:
    21             (i)  The extent to which inquiries were made as to
    22         whether:
    23                 (A)  The birth mother was married or cohabitating
    24             with a man at the probable time of conception of the
    25             child.
    26                 (B)  The birth mother has received payments or
    27             promises of support, other than from a governmental
    28             agency, with respect to the child or because of her
    29             pregnancy.
    30                 (C)  The birth mother has named any individual as
    20030H1093B1284                 - 21 -     

     1             the father on the birth certificate of the child or
     2             in connection with applying for or receiving public
     3             assistance.
     4                 (D)  An individual has formally or informally
     5             acknowledged or claimed paternity of the child in a
     6             jurisdiction in which the birth mother resided during
     7             or since her pregnancy or in which the child has
     8             resided or resides at the time of the inquiry.
     9             (ii)  Documentation that notice has been sent
    10         unsuccessfully to the identified putative father at his
    11         last known address.
    12             (iii)  Documentation that inquiry regarding the last
    13         known address or residence of the putative father was
    14         made to the following entities if applicable:
    15                 (A)  Local post office.
    16                 (B)  State agency with jurisdiction over drivers'
    17             licenses.
    18                 (C)  State agency with jurisdiction over public
    19             assistance.
    20                 (D)  State or local voter registration agency.
    21                 (E)  State and local probation and parole
    22             offices.
    23     (b)  Notice by publication.--If the petitioner can establish
    24  that reasonable but unsuccessful efforts were made to identify
    25  or locate a putative father, notice of the proceeding may be
    26  given to the putative father by publication one time in both a
    27  newspaper of general circulation and in the county legal journal
    28  at least ten days before the date of the hearing. Proof of
    29  publication of the notice provided under this subsection must be
    30  submitted to the court.
    20030H1093B1284                 - 22 -     

     1     (c)  Affidavit of service.--At the hearing on a petition to
     2  terminate the parental rights of a putative father whose
     3  identity or whereabouts are unknown, the petitioner must submit
     4  to the court an affidavit of the reasonable efforts made to
     5  identify or locate a putative father for the purpose of
     6  providing notice of the proceedings.
     7     (d)  Determination by the court.--A specific finding must be
     8  made by the court that reasonable efforts were made by the
     9  petitioner under paragraph (1), including publication of notice
    10  required under subsection (b), and that the putative father is
    11  unknown or cannot be located for the purpose of providing
    12  notice.
    13     Section 11.  Sections 2530 and 2531(b) of Title 23 are
    14  amended to read:
    15  § 2530.  [Home study and preplacement report] Family profile.
    16     (a)  General rule.--No [intermediary shall place a] child may
    17  be placed in the physical care or custody of a prospective
    18  adoptive parent [or parents] unless a [home study] family
    19  profile containing a favorable recommendation for placement of a
    20  child with the prospective parent [or parents] has been
    21  completed within three years prior thereto and which has been
    22  supplemented within one year prior thereto. The [home study]
    23  family profile shall be conducted by a [local public child-care
    24  agency,] county agency or an adoption agency [or a licensed
    25  social worker designated by the court to perform such study].
    26  The family profile is not required if a parent or guardian
    27  places a child directly with a relative of the child, as
    28  identified in section 2531(c) (relating to report of intention
    29  to adopt) for purposes of adoption.
    30     (b)  [Preplacement report.--A preplacement report shall be
    20030H1093B1284                 - 23 -     

     1  prepared by the agency or person conducting the home study.]
     2  Contents.--
     3         (1)  The [preplacement report] family profile shall set
     4     forth all pertinent information relating to the parental
     5     fitness of the adopting [parents as parents] parent.
     6         (2)  The [preplacement report] family profile shall be
     7     based upon a study which shall include an investigation of
     8     the home environment, family life, parenting skills, age,
     9     physical and mental health, social, cultural and religious
    10     background, facilities and resources of the adoptive
    11     [parents] parent and [their] that parent's ability to manage
    12     [their] resources. The [preplacement report] family profile
    13     shall also include the information required by section
    14     6344(b) (relating to information relating to prospective
    15     child-care personnel), as well as a report of Federal
    16     criminal history record information.
    17         (3)  The [preplacement report] family profile shall
    18     include a determination regarding the parental fitness of the
    19     adopting [parents as parents] parent.
    20         (4)  The [preplacement report] family profile shall be
    21     dated and verified.
    22         (5)  The family profile shall be based on a personal
    23     interview with the petitioner in the petitioner's residence.
    24     (c)  Interim placement.--Where a [home study] family profile
    25  required under this section is in process, but not yet
    26  completed, [an intermediary may place] a child may be placed in
    27  the physical care or custody of a prospective adoptive parent
    28  [or parents] if all of the following conditions are met:
    29         (1)  The [intermediary] agency preparing the family
    30     profile has no reason to believe that the prospective
    20030H1093B1284                 - 24 -     

     1     adoptive parent [or parents] would not receive a favorable
     2     recommendation for placement as a result of the [home study]
     3     family profile.
     4         (2)  The [individual or] agency [conducting] preparing
     5     the [home study] family profile assents to the interim
     6     placement.
     7         (3)  The [intermediary] agency immediately notifies the
     8     court of the interim placement and [the identity of the
     9     individual or agency conducting the home study] that it is
    10     preparing the family profile. If at any time prior to the
    11     completion of the [home study] family profile, the court is
    12     notified by the [individual or] agency [conducting] preparing
    13     the [home study] family profile that it withdraws its assent
    14     to the interim placement, the court may order the placement
    15     of the child in temporary foster care with an agency until a
    16     favorable recommendation for placement is received.
    17  § 2531.  Report of intention to adopt.
    18     * * *
    19     (b)  Contents.--The report shall set forth:
    20         (1)  The circumstances surrounding the persons receiving
    21     or retaining custody or physical care of the child, including
    22     the date upon which a [preplacement investigation] family
    23     profile was concluded.
    24         (2)  The name, sex, racial background, age, date and
    25     place of birth and religious affiliation of the child.
    26         (3)  The name and address of the intermediary.
    27         (4)  An itemized accounting of moneys and consideration
    28     paid or to be paid to the intermediary.
    29         (5)  Whether the parent [or parents] whose parental
    30     rights are to be terminated [have received] has received
    20030H1093B1284                 - 25 -     

     1     adoption-related counseling with respect to the termination
     2     and the alternatives thereto. If so, the report shall state
     3     the dates on which the counseling was provided and the name
     4     and address of the [counselor or] agency which provided the
     5     counseling.
     6         (6)  The name, address and signature of the person or
     7     persons making the report. Immediately above the signature of
     8     the person or persons intending to adopt the child shall
     9     appear the following statement:
    10             I acknowledge that I have been advised or know and
    11         understand that the [natural] birth parent may revoke the
    12         consent to the adoption of this child [until a court has
    13         entered a decree terminating the parental rights and,
    14         unless a decree terminating parental rights has been
    15         entered, the natural parent may revoke] within 30 days of
    16         signing the consent [until a court enters the final
    17         adoption decree].
    18         (7)  A copy of the [preplacement report prepared pursuant
    19     to section 2530 (relating to home study and preplacement
    20     report).] family profile. The copy of the family profile must
    21     be provided to the court within 30 days of filing the report.
    22         (8)  Either:
    23             (i)  a copy of the medical and personal history of
    24         the birth parents; or
    25             (ii)  the reason that the copy under subparagraph (i)
    26         has not been obtained.
    27  When a person receives or retains custody or physical care of a
    28  child from an agency, the report shall set forth only the name
    29  and address of the agency, the circumstances surrounding such
    30  person receiving or retaining custody or physical care of the
    20030H1093B1284                 - 26 -     

     1  child and a copy of the [preplacement report] family profile
     2  prepared pursuant to section 2530 (relating to family profile).
     3     * * *
     4     Section 12.  Title 23 is amended by adding a section to read:
     5  § 2531.1.  Criminal and child abuse background checks for
     6             stepparent or relative adoptions.
     7     The criminal and child abuse history record information
     8  required under section 2530(b)(2) (relating to family profile)
     9  must be obtained for any prospective adoptive parent who is a
    10  stepparent or other relative of the adoptee. This information
    11  must be attached to the petition for adoption.
    12     Section 13.  Section 2533(a), (b)(3) and (12) and (d)
    13  introductory paragraph, (1) and (3) of Title 23 are amended and
    14  subsections (b) and (d) are amended by adding paragraphs to
    15  read:
    16  § 2533.  Report of intermediary.
    17     (a)  General rule.--Within six months after filing the report
    18  of intention to adopt, the intermediary who or which arranged
    19  the adoption placement of any child under the age of 18 years
    20  shall make a written report under oath to the court in which the
    21  petition for adoption will be filed and shall thereupon
    22  forthwith notify in writing the adopting parent [or parents] of
    23  the fact that the report has been filed and the date thereof.
    24     (b)  Contents.--The report shall set forth:
    25         * * *
    26         (3)  The date of the placement of the child with the
    27     adopting parent [or parents].
    28         * * *
    29         (12)  A statement:
    30             (i)  that personal and medical history information
    20030H1093B1284                 - 27 -     

     1         was obtained [and if not obtained, a statement]; or
     2             (ii)  of the reason [therefor.] that the information
     3         under subparagraph (i) was not obtained.
     4         (13)  A list of the dates of supervision of the adoptive
     5     placement by the supervising agency.
     6     * * *
     7     (d)  Permissible reimbursement of expenses.--Payments made by
     8  the adoptive [parents] parent to an intermediary or a third
     9  party for reimbursement of the following expenses, calculated
    10  without regard to the income of the adoptive [parents] parent,
    11  are permissible and are not in violation of 18 Pa.C.S. § 4305
    12  (relating to dealing in infant children):
    13         (1)  Medical [and], hospital, nursing, pharmaceutical,
    14     travel or other similar expenses incurred by the [natural
    15     mother for prenatal care and those medical and hospital
    16     expenses incurred by the natural] birth mother [and] or her
    17     child incident to birth or any illness of the child.
    18         * * *
    19         (3)  Reasonable expenses incurred by the agency or a
    20     third party for adjustment counseling and training services
    21     provided to the adoptive parents [and for home studies], for
    22     family profiles or investigations.
    23         * * *
    24         (5)  Expenses for adoption-related counseling services
    25     for a birth parent and for counseling services for the child
    26     for a reasonable time before and after the child's placement
    27     for adoption.
    28         (6)  Living expenses of a birth mother, which are limited
    29     to food, clothing and shelter, for a reasonable time before
    30     the birth of her child and for no more than six weeks after
    20030H1093B1284                 - 28 -     

     1     the birth.
     2         (7)  Foster care expenses for a child who is not in the
     3     custody of a county agency.
     4         (8)  Expenses for legal services performed for a birth
     5     parent who consents to the adoption of a child or
     6     relinquishes the child to an agency.
     7         (9)  Expenses for any other service the court finds to be
     8     reasonably necessary.
     9     Section 14.  Section 2534 of Title 23 is amended by adding
    10  paragraphs to read:
    11  § 2534.  Exhibits.
    12     The report of the intermediary shall have attached to it the
    13  following exhibits:
    14         * * *
    15         (4)  A copy of the supervisory reports prepared by the
    16     supervising agency.
    17         (5)  If obtained, a copy of the medical and personal
    18     history information of the birth parents.
    19     Section 15.  Section 2535(a) of Title 23 is amended to read:
    20  § 2535.  Investigation.
    21     (a)  General rule.--When a report required by section 2531
    22  (relating to report of intention to adopt) has been filed, the
    23  court shall cause an investigation to be made and a report to be
    24  filed by a [local public child care] county agency[, a voluntary
    25  child care] or an adoption agency with its consent [or an
    26  appropriate person designated by the court]. In lieu of the
    27  investigation, the court may accept an investigation made by the
    28  agency which placed the child and the report of investigation in
    29  such cases may be incorporated into the report of the
    30  intermediary required by section 2533 (relating to report of
    20030H1093B1284                 - 29 -     

     1  intermediary).
     2     * * *
     3     Section 16.  Title 23 is amended by adding a section to read:
     4  § 2536.  Postplacement supervision.
     5     An agency supervising an adoption shall conduct postplacement
     6  supervision, consisting of a minimum of three visits to the
     7  adoptive home.
     8     Section 17.  Sections 2551, 2552, 2553, 2554, 2555, 2556 and
     9  2558(2) of Title 23 are amended to read:
    10  § 2551.  Definitions.
    11     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    12  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    13  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    14     ["Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
    15  Commonwealth.]
    16     "[PACE] PAR."  The Pennsylvania Adoption [Cooperative
    17  Exchange] Registry established in section 2552 (relating to
    18  Pennsylvania Adoption Registry).
    19  § 2552.  Pennsylvania Adoption [Cooperative Exchange] Registry.
    20     There shall be a Pennsylvania Adoption [Cooperative Exchange]
    21  Registry in the Office of Children, Youth and Families of the
    22  [Department of Public Welfare] department.
    23  § 2553.  Registration of children.
    24     (a)  Mandatory registration.--[PACE] PAR shall register and
    25  be responsible for the review and referral of children for whom
    26  parental rights have been terminated for [90] 30 days and for
    27  whom no report of intention to adopt has been filed in the court
    28  of common pleas.
    29     (b)  Optional registration.--[PACE may also]
    30         (1)  PAR may register children [where] if:
    20030H1093B1284                 - 30 -     

     1             (i)  restoration to the biological family is neither
     2         possible nor appropriate[,];
     3             (ii)  a petition to terminate parental rights has
     4         been filed; and
     5             (iii)  adoption is planned pending identification of
     6         an adoptive parent [or parents. However, information].
     7         (2)  PAR may register children with a court-approved goal
     8     of adoption if:
     9             (i)  the court-approved goal of adoption has not been
    10         appealed within 30 days; and
    11             (ii)  a petition to terminate parental rights has not
    12         been filed.
    13         (3)  Information about these children shall not be
    14     publicized without prior approval by the department, which
    15     shall ensure the anonymity of these children until such time
    16     as parental rights are terminated.
    17     (c)  Children excluded from registration.--A child for whom
    18  termination of parental rights is being appealed in a court
    19  shall not be registered with [PACE] PAR as available for
    20  adoption. Identifying information of such children shall be
    21  forwarded to [PACE] PAR by the agency, with reference to the
    22  specific reason for which the child is not to be placed on the
    23  listing service.
    24  § 2554.  Responsibilities of [PACE] PAR.
    25     [PACE] PAR shall be responsible for the following:
    26         (1)  Registration of adoptive parent applicants who have
    27     been approved by agencies.
    28         (2)  Accumulation and dissemination of statistical
    29     information regarding all children registered with [PACE]
    30     PAR.
    20030H1093B1284                 - 31 -     

     1         (3)  Creation and administration of a public information
     2     program designed to inform potential adoptive parents of the
     3     need for adoptive homes for children registered with [PACE]
     4     PAR.
     5         (4)  Preparation and distribution of a photographic
     6     listing service on children registered with [PACE] PAR.
     7         (5)  Preparation of annual [reports] report concerning
     8     functions of [PACE] PAR regarding the children and the
     9     prospective parents listed with [PACE] it. The [reports]
    10     report shall be submitted annually by May 1 to the [Health
    11     and Welfare and Judiciary Committees] Governor and the
    12     appropriate standing committees of the Senate and of the
    13     House of Representatives[, to the Public Health and Welfare
    14     and Judiciary Committees of the Senate and to the Governor].
    15     The report shall include program and fiscal information
    16     regarding additional Commonwealth and local initiatives
    17     involving the recruitment of families interested in adopting
    18     a child with special needs. As used in this paragraph, the
    19     term "child with special needs" means an "eligible child," as
    20     defined in section 772 of the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31,
    21     No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code.
    22         (6)  Coordination of its functions with other state,
    23     regional and national adoption exchanges.
    24  § 2555.  Responsibilities of [public and private] agencies.
    25     [All public and licensed private child service agencies] An
    26  agency shall register with PAR all children [with PACE] for whom
    27  parental rights have been terminated for [90] 30 days and for
    28  whom no report of intention to adopt has been filed in the court
    29  of common pleas. [A public or licensed private] An agency may
    30  register other children as set forth in section 2553(b)
    20030H1093B1284                 - 32 -     

     1  (relating to registration of children). An agency shall advise
     2  prospective adopting parents of the existence of PAR.
     3  § 2556.  Related activities of agencies unaffected.
     4     This subchapter shall not be construed to limit or delay
     5  actions by agencies [or institutions] to arrange for adoptions
     6  or other related matters on their own initiative and shall not
     7  alter or restrict the duties, authority and confidentiality of
     8  the agencies [and institutions] in those matters.
     9  § 2558.  Retroactive application of subchapter.
    10     This subchapter shall apply retroactively to all children for
    11  whom:
    12         * * *
    13         (2)  Restoration to the [biological] birth family is
    14     neither possible nor appropriate, a petition to terminate
    15     parental rights has been filed and adoption is planned
    16     pending identification of an adoptive parent [or parents].
    17     Section 18.  Section 2701(1), (2) and (4) of Title 23 are
    18  amended and the section is amended by adding paragraphs to read:
    19  § 2701.  Contents of petition for adoption.
    20     A petition for adoption shall set forth:
    21         (1)  The full name, residence, marital status, age,
    22     occupation, religious affiliation and racial background of
    23     the adopting parent [or parents] and [their] the
    24     relationship, if any, to the adoptee.
    25         (2)  That the reports under sections 2530 (relating to
    26     [home study and preplacement report] family profile), 2531
    27     (relating to report of intention to adopt) and 2533 (relating
    28     to report of intermediary) have been filed, if required.
    29         (2.1)  That the criminal and child abuse history record
    30     information required by sections 2530(b)(2) and 2531.1
    20030H1093B1284                 - 33 -     

     1     (relating to criminal and child abuse background checks for
     2     stepparent or relative adoptions), has been filed with the
     3     court.
     4         * * *
     5         (4)  The full name of the adoptee and the fact and length
     6     of time of the residence of the adoptee with the adopting
     7     parent [or parents].
     8         * * *
     9         (10)  That an investigation required under section 2535
    10     (relating to investigation) has been completed.
    11         (11)  Either:
    12             (i)  that the medical and personal history of the
    13         birth parents has been obtained; or
    14             (ii)  the reason that the information under
    15         subparagraph (i) has not been obtained.
    16         (12)  The dates of the supervision of the adoptive
    17     placement.
    18     Section 19.  Section 2702 of Title 23 is amended by adding
    19  paragraphs to read:
    20  § 2702.  Exhibits.
    21     The petition shall have attached to it the following
    22  exhibits:
    23         * * *
    24         (3)  Any report of investigation required under section
    25     2535 (relating to investigation).
    26         (4)  If obtained, the personal and medical history of the
    27     birth parents.
    28         (5)  A copy of the postplacement supervisory reports.
    29     Section 20.  Section 2711(b), (c) and (d) of Title 23 are
    30  amended and the section is amended by adding subsections to
    20030H1093B1284                 - 34 -     

     1  read:
     2  § 2711.  Consents necessary to adoption.
     3     * * *
     4     (b)  Husband of [natural] birth mother.--The consent of the
     5  [husband of the mother] presumptive father shall not be
     6  necessary if, after notice to [the husband, it is proved to the
     7  satisfaction of] him, the court finds, by clear and convincing
     8  evidence, including testimony of the [natural] birth mother,
     9  that the [husband of the natural mother] presumptive father is
    10  not the [natural] birth father of the child. [Absent such proof,
    11  the consent of a former husband of the natural mother shall be
    12  required if he was the husband of the natural mother at any time
    13  within one year prior to the birth of the adoptee.]
    14     (c)  Validity of consent.--[No] The consent of the birth
    15  mother shall not be valid if it was executed prior to [or
    16  within] 72 hours after the birth of the child. A presumptive or
    17  putative father may execute a consent at any time after
    18  receiving notice of the expected or actual birth of the child.
    19  [Any consent given outside this Commonwealth shall be valid for
    20  purpose of this section if it was given in accordance with the
    21  laws of the jurisdiction where it was executed.] A consent to an
    22  adoption [may only be revoked prior to the earlier of either the
    23  entry of a decree of termination of parental rights or the entry
    24  of a decree of adoption] is irrevocable 30 days after signing.
    25     (c.1)  Revocation of consent.--The revocation of a consent
    26  shall be in writing and shall be [served upon] delivered, within
    27  30 days after the consent is signed, to the agency or adult to
    28  whom the child was relinquished.
    29     (c.2)  Consent from another jurisdiction.--The validity and
    30  revocability of a consent to adoption or a similar document
    20030H1093B1284                 - 35 -     

     1  executed outside this Commonwealth shall be determined by the
     2  law of the jurisdiction in which the document was executed.
     3     (d)  Contents of consent.--
     4         (1)  The consent of a parent of an adoptee under 18 years
     5     of age shall set forth the name, age and marital status of
     6     the parent, the relationship of the consenter to the child,
     7     the name of the other parent [or parents] of the child and
     8     the following:
     9             I hereby voluntarily and unconditionally consent to
    10         the adoption of the above named child.
    11             I understand that by signing this consent I indicate
    12         my intent to permanently give up all rights to this
    13         child.
    14             I understand such child will be placed for adoption.
    15             I understand that I have a right to consult an
    16         attorney who is not the attorney for the adopting
    17         parents. I understand that if I am less than 18 years of
    18         age, I must be represented by an attorney.
    19             I have been informed of the meaning and consequences
    20         of adoption.
    21             I have been offered adoption-related counseling
    22         services.
    23             I understand the consequences of misidentifying the
    24         other birth parent of the child.
    25             I understand that I have the right to place personal
    26         and medical history information on file with the court,
    27         the Department of Health and the Department of Public
    28         Welfare under section 2905(d) (relating to impounding of
    29         proceedings and access to records).
    30             I understand I may revoke this consent to permanently
    20030H1093B1284                 - 36 -     

     1         give up all rights to this child by placing the
     2         revocation in writing and [serving] delivering it [upon]
     3         to the agency or adult to whom the child was
     4         relinquished, within 30 days after signing.
     5             I understand I may not revoke this consent after [a
     6         court has entered a decree confirming this consent or
     7         otherwise terminating my parental rights to this child.
     8         Even if a decree has not been entered terminating my
     9         parental rights I may not revoke this consent after a
    10         decree of adoption of this child is entered] 30 days.
    11             I have read and understand the above and I am signing
    12         it as a free and voluntary act.
    13         (2)  The consent shall include the date and place of its
    14     execution and names and addresses and signatures of at least
    15     two persons who witnessed its execution and their
    16     relationship to the consenter.
    17         (3)  A consent to a proposed adoption may identify the
    18     adopting parent.
    19         (4)  If a parent executing the consent is a minor, the
    20     consent must state that the parent has been:
    21             (i)  represented by an attorney who is not
    22         representing an adoptive parent; and
    23             (ii)  advised of the parent's legal rights.
    24         (5)  The consent must state that the parent has been
    25     informed of the right to have an attorney who is not
    26     representing an adoptive parent.
    27         (6)  The consent shall not be valid unless the parent
    28     provides a written acknowledgment that adoption-related
    29     counseling services have been offered. If counseling services
    30     have been provided, the name and address of the agency which
    20030H1093B1284                 - 37 -     

     1     provided the counseling must be set forth in the consent.
     2     (e)  Information.--Before executing a consent, a parent must
     3  be informed of the meaning and consequences of adoption, the
     4  consequences of misidentifying the other birth parent, and the
     5  right to place personal and medical history information on file
     6  with the court, the Department of Health and the department
     7  under section 2905(d).
     8     Section 21.  Title 23 is amended by adding a section to read:
     9  § 2711.1.  Termination of parental rights pursuant to consent.
    10     (a)  Petition.--
    11         (1)  If the parent of the child executes a consent to
    12     adoption under section 2711 (relating to consents necessary
    13     to adoption) and 30 days have passed since the execution of
    14     the consent, the intermediary may petition the court to hold
    15     a hearing for the purpose of determining whether the
    16     irrevocable consent is valid under section 2711, and to
    17     terminate parental rights pursuant to the consent. In the
    18     case where there is no intermediary, the adopting parent may
    19     file the petition.
    20         (2)  The original consent, and any other documentation
    21     which demonstrates the validity of the consent, must be
    22     attached to the petition.
    23     (b)  Hearing.--
    24         (1)  Upon presentation of a petition under subsection
    25     (a), the court shall fix a time for a hearing not less than
    26     ten days after filing of the petition.
    27         (2)  Notice of the hearing must be by personal service or
    28     by registered mail to the last known address or by such other
    29     means as the court may require upon the individual who
    30     executed the consent and must be in the following form:
    20030H1093B1284                 - 38 -     

     1             A petition has been filed asking the court to
     2         determine the validity of the consent to adoption that
     3         you signed regarding your child (name of child). If the
     4         court determines that your consent to the adoption of
     5         your child is valid, your rights as a parent to your
     6         child shall be terminated. The hearing will be held in
     7         (insert place, giving reference to exact room and
     8         building number or designation) on (insert date) at
     9         (insert time). You are not required to attend the
    10         hearing. You should take this paper to your lawyer at
    11         once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one,
    12         go to or telephone the office set forth below to find out
    13         where you can get legal help.
    14                                 (Name)...................
    15                                 (Address)................
    16                                 .........................
    17                                 (Telephone number).......
    18         (3)  Notice of the hearing must be given to the other
    19     parent, to the putative father and to the parent or guardian
    20     of a consenting parent who has not reached 18 years of age.
    21         (4)  The notice which is given to the putative father
    22     must state that his rights may also be subject to termination
    23     under subsection (d) if he fails to file a written objection
    24     to the termination with the court prior to the hearing or
    25     fails to appear at the hearing for the purpose of objecting
    26     to the termination of his rights. If the identity or
    27     whereabouts of the putative father are unknown, notice must
    28     be given under section 2514 (relating to notice if putative
    29     father or his whereabouts unknown).
    30     (c)  Custody of child.--During the pendency of a proceeding
    20030H1093B1284                 - 39 -     

     1  under this section, unless the court directs otherwise, custody
     2  of the child shall remain with the individual or agency that had
     3  custody at the time the petition was filed.
     4     (d)  Termination of parental rights of putative father.--If a
     5  putative father has been given notice of the hearing being held
     6  under this section, the court may enter a decree terminating his
     7  parental rights whether or not he has filed an acknowledgment of
     8  paternity or claim of paternity under section 5103 (relating to
     9  acknowledgment and claim of paternity), if any of the following
    10  paragraphs apply:
    11         (1)  The putative father fails to:
    12             (i)  file a written objection to the termination of
    13         his parental rights with the court prior to the hearing;
    14         or
    15             (ii)  appear at the hearing for the purpose of
    16         objecting to such termination.
    17         (2)  The court determines, after a hearing, that the
    18     putative father has failed to:
    19             (i)  provide substantial financial support for the
    20         child; or
    21             (ii)  make substantial and ongoing provision for the
    22         child's care.
    23     (e)  Right to file personal and medical history
    24  information.--At the time the decree of termination is
    25  transmitted to the parent, the court shall, in writing, advise
    26  the parent whose rights have been terminated of the parent's
    27  continuing right to place and update personal and medical
    28  history information, on file with the court, the Department of
    29  Health and the department under section 2905(d) (relating to
    30  impounding of proceedings and access to records).
    20030H1093B1284                 - 40 -     

     1     Section 22.  Section 2712 of Title 23 is amended to read:
     2  [§ 2712.  Consents not naming adopting parents.
     3     A consent to a proposed adoption meeting all the requirements
     4  of this part but which does not name or otherwise identify the
     5  adopting parent or parents shall be valid if it contains a
     6  statement that it is voluntarily executed without disclosure of
     7  the name or other identification of the adopting parent or
     8  parents.]
     9     Section 23.  Title 23 is amended by adding a section to read:
    10  § 2715.  Judicial set-aside.
    11     A consent which is otherwise irrevocable under section 2711
    12  (relating to consents necessary to adoption) or a decree
    13  terminating parental rights under section 2711.1 (relating to
    14  termination of parental rights pursuant to consent) shall be set
    15  aside by the court, before a decree of adoption is entered,
    16  under any of the following circumstances:
    17         (1)  It is proven by clear and convincing evidence that
    18     the consent was obtained by fraud or duress.
    19         (2)  The parental rights of the other birth parent have
    20     not been terminated, except for an adoption by a stepparent.
    21         (3)  A prospective adoptive parent named in the consent
    22     fails to file a petition for adoption.
    23         (4)  The petition for adoption filed by a prospective
    24     parent named in the consent is denied or withdrawn.
    25     Section 24.  Sections 2721, 2722, 2723, 2724(b), 2725, 2901,
    26  2902, 2904 and 2905 of Title 23 are amended to read:
    27  § 2721.  Notice of adoption hearing.
    28     The court shall fix a time and place for the adoption
    29  hearing. Notice of the hearing shall be given to all persons
    30  whose consents are required and to such other persons as the
    20030H1093B1284                 - 41 -     

     1  court shall direct. Notice to the parent [or parents] of the
     2  adoptee, if required, may be given by the intermediary or
     3  someone acting on his behalf. Notice shall be by personal
     4  service or by registered mail to the last known address of the
     5  person to be notified or in such other manner as the court shall
     6  direct.
     7  § 2722.  Place of adoption hearing.
     8     The adoption hearing shall be private or in open court as the
     9  court deems appropriate.
    10  § 2723.  Attendance at adoption hearing.
    11     The adopting parent [or parents] and the adoptee must appear
    12  at and, if required, testify at the adoption hearing under oath
    13  unless the court determines their presence is unnecessary. In
    14  addition, the court may require the appearance and testimony of
    15  all persons whose consents are required by this part and
    16  representatives of agencies or individuals who have acted as an
    17  intermediary if their appearance or testimony would be necessary
    18  or helpful to the court.
    19  § 2724.  Testimony and investigation.
    20     * * *
    21     (b)  Investigation.--The court may request that an
    22  investigation be made by a [person or public] county agency or,
    23  with its consent, [a voluntary] an adoption agency,
    24  [specifically] designated by the court to verify the statements
    25  of the petition and such other facts that will give the court
    26  full knowledge of the desirability of the proposed adoption, [or
    27  the court may rely in whole or in part upon a report] unless an
    28  earlier investigation has been made under section 2535 (relating
    29  to investigation). In any case, the age, sex, health, social and
    30  economic status or racial, ethnic or religious background of the
    20030H1093B1284                 - 42 -     

     1  child or adopting [parents] parent shall not preclude an
     2  adoption but the court shall decide its desirability on the
     3  basis of the physical, mental and emotional needs and welfare of
     4  the child.
     5     * * *
     6  § 2725.  Religious belief.
     7     The intermediary may honor the preference of the [natural]
     8  birth parents as to the religious faith in which the adoptive
     9  parents intend to rear the adopted child. No person shall be
    10  denied the benefits of this part because of a religious belief
    11  in the use of spiritual means or prayer for healing.
    12  § 2901.  Time of entry of decree of adoption.
    13     Unless the court for cause shown determines otherwise, no
    14  decree of adoption shall be entered unless the [natural parent
    15  or] parents' rights have been terminated, the investigation
    16  required by section 2535 (relating to investigation) or 2724(b)
    17  (relating to testimony and investigation) has been completed,
    18  the report of the intermediary has been filed pursuant to
    19  section 2533 (relating to report of intermediary) and all other
    20  legal requirements have been met. If all legal requirements have
    21  been met, the court may enter a decree of adoption at any time.
    22  § 2902.  Requirements and form of decree of adoption.
    23     (a)  General rule.--If satisfied that the statements made in
    24  the adoption petition are true, that the needs and welfare of
    25  the person proposed to be adopted will be promoted by the
    26  adoption and that all requirements of this part have been met,
    27  the court shall enter a decree so finding and directing that the
    28  person proposed to be adopted shall have all the rights of a
    29  child and heir of the adopting parent [or parents] and shall be
    30  subject to the duties of a child to [him or them] the adopting
    20030H1093B1284                 - 43 -     

     1  parent.
     2     (b)  Withdrawal or dismissal of petition.--In any case in
     3  which the adoption petition is withdrawn or dismissed, the court
     4  shall enter an appropriate order in regard to the custody of the
     5  child.
     6     (c)  Finality.--
     7         (1)  A decree or order issued under this part may not be
     8     set aside, vacated, annulled or reversed upon application of
     9     a person who waived notice or who was properly served with
    10     notice under this part and failed to respond or appear or to
    11     file an answer within the time allowed.
    12         (2)  A decree of adoption or other order issued under
    13     this part is not subject to a challenge filed more than 60
    14     days after the decree or order is issued.
    15  § 2904.  Name of adoptee.
    16     If requested by the petitioners, the decree may provide that
    17  the adoptee shall assume the name of the adopting parent [or
    18  parents] and any given first or middle names that may be chosen.
    19  § 2905.  Impounding of proceedings and access to records.
    20     (a)  General rule.--All petitions, exhibits, reports, notes
    21  of testimony, decrees, and other papers pertaining to any
    22  proceeding under this part or former statutes relating to
    23  adoption shall be kept in the files of the court as a permanent
    24  record thereof and withheld from inspection [except on an order
    25  of court granted upon cause shown or] except as [otherwise]
    26  provided in this section. Only the court in the county in which
    27  an adoption was finalized, the agency which handled the adoption
    28  or a successor agency authorized by the court may access records
    29  relating to the adoption for purposes of releasing
    30  nonidentifying or identifying information pursuant to this
    20030H1093B1284                 - 44 -     

     1  section. Any report required to be filed under sections 2530
     2  (relating to [home study and preplacement report] family
     3  profile), 2531 (relating to report of intention to adopt) [and],
     4  2535 (relating to investigation) and 2724(b) (relating to
     5  testimony and investigation) shall be made available to parties
     6  to an adoption proceeding only after all identifying names and
     7  addresses in the report have been extirpated by the court.
     8     (b)  Petition to court or request to agency for [limited]
     9  nonidentifying information.--[Upon petition by any adoptee at
    10  least 18 years of age or, if less than 18, his adoptive parent
    11  or legal guardian to the court in the judicial district in which
    12  the permanent records relating to the adoption have been
    13  impounded, the court shall furnish to the adoptee as much
    14  information concerning the adoptee's natural parents as will not
    15  endanger the anonymity of the natural parents. The information
    16  shall first be reviewed, in camera, by the court to insure that
    17  no information is revealed which would endanger the anonymity of
    18  the natural parents. The court shall, upon motion of the
    19  adoptee, examine the entire record to determine if any
    20  additional information can safely be revealed without
    21  endangering the anonymity of the natural parents.] If the court
    22  or agency receives a petition or request for nonidentifying
    23  information from an adoptee who is at least 18 years of age or
    24  from an adoptive parent or legal guardian of an adoptee who is
    25  under 18 years of age, it shall notify the petitioner or
    26  requester within 30 days whether it has in its possession any
    27  records relating to the adoptee. If records are located, the
    28  court or agency shall, within 90 days, review the records and
    29  furnish to the petitioner or requester information concerning
    30  the adoption which will not compromise the confidentiality of
    20030H1093B1284                 - 45 -     

     1  the biological relationship between the adoptee and the
     2  adoptee's birth parent. Unless the court or agency determines,
     3  due to unusual circumstances, that disclosure of one or more of
     4  these items may facilitate the identification of the birth
     5  parents or their extended family, nonidentifying information
     6  about the birth parents shall include, to the extent available,
     7  the following:
     8         (1)  Race/ethnic background.
     9         (2)  Religion.
    10         (3)  Approximate ages at time of adoptee's birth.
    11         (4)  Marital status.
    12         (5)  Occupation.
    13         (6)  Physical description. This paragraph includes
    14     height, weight, complexion, eye and hair color.
    15         (7)  Education.
    16         (8)  Hobbies.
    17         (9)  Medical information of birth parents and adoptee.
    18         (10)  Other children at time of adoptee's birth,
    19     including age and sex.
    20         (11)  Circumstances leading to adoption.
    21     (c)  [Access to identity of natural parents] Petition to
    22  court or request to agency for identifying information or
    23  contact.--
    24         [(1)  Upon petition of an adoptee at least 18 years of
    25     age or, if less than 18, his adoptive parent or legal
    26     guardian, the court may also, through its designated agent,
    27     attempt to contact the natural parents, if known, to obtain
    28     their consent to release their identity and present place of
    29     residence to the adoptee. The petition may state the reasons
    30     why the adoptee desires to contact his natural parents, which
    20030H1093B1284                 - 46 -     

     1     reasons shall be disclosed to the natural parents if
     2     contacted. However, the court and its agents shall take care
     3     that none but the natural parents themselves are informed of
     4     the adoptee's existence and relationship to them. The court
     5     may refuse to contact the natural parents if it believes
     6     that, under the circumstances, there would be a substantial
     7     risk that persons other than the natural parents would learn
     8     of the adoptee's existence and relationship to the natural
     9     parents. The court shall appoint either the county children
    10     and youth agency, or a private agency which provides adoption
    11     services in accordance with standards established by the
    12     Department of Public Welfare, to contact the natural parents
    13     as its designated agent.
    14         (2)  In addition to petitioning the court to contact the
    15     natural parents, an adoptee at least 18 years of age or, if
    16     less than 18, his adoptive parent or legal guardian may
    17     request the agency that placed the adoptee to contact his
    18     natural parents. If the agency agrees to attempt to contact
    19     the natural parents, it shall do so pursuant to the same
    20     safeguards provided for court inquiries in paragraph (1).
    21         (3)  If the court or an agency contacts the natural
    22     parents of an adoptee pursuant to a petition or request made
    23     under paragraph (1) or (2), except as hereinafter provided,
    24     information relating to both natural parents shall only be
    25     disclosed to the adoptee if both natural parents agree to the
    26     disclosure. If both of the natural parents are deceased,
    27     their identities may be disclosed. If one parent is deceased,
    28     his or her identity may be disclosed. If only one parent
    29     agrees to the disclosure, then only the information relating
    30     to the agreeing parent shall be disclosed.
    20030H1093B1284                 - 47 -     

     1         (4)  The Department of Public Welfare may, by regulation,
     2     prescribe procedures related to contact of natural parents by
     3     designated agents of the court.]
     4         (1)  A petition or request for identifying information or
     5     contact may be made by the following individuals:
     6             (i)  An adoptee 18 years of age or older.
     7             (ii)  The adoptive parent or legal guardian of an
     8         adoptee under 18 years of age.
     9             (iii)  The birth parent of an adoptee 21 years of age
    10         or older.
    11             (iv)  The parents of a birth parent of an adoptee 21
    12         years of age or older if the birth parent is deceased or
    13         has been legally adjudicated incapacitated.
    14             (v)  A birth sibling of an adoptee, if:
    15                 (A)  the birth sibling and the adoptee are 21
    16             years of age or older;
    17                 (B)  the birth sibling remained in the custody of
    18             the birth parent; and
    19                 (C)  the birth parent:
    20                     (I)  consents;
    21                     (II)  is deceased; or
    22                     (III)  has been legally adjudicated
    23                 incapacitated.
    24             (vi)  A birth sibling of an adoptee if both the birth
    25         sibling and adoptee are at least 21 years of age and:
    26                 (A)  both the birth sibling and the adoptee were
    27             adopted out of the same birth family; or
    28                 (B)  the birth sibling remained in foster care.
    29         (2)  The following individuals may be the subject of a
    30     search:
    20030H1093B1284                 - 48 -     

     1             (i)  An adoptee 21 years of age or older.
     2             (ii)  A birth parent.
     3             (iii)  A parent of a birth parent of an adoptee 21
     4         years of age or older if the birth parent is deceased or
     5         has been legally adjudicated incapacitated.
     6             (iv)  A birth sibling of an adoptee if both the
     7         adoptee and the birth sibling are at least 21 years of
     8         age and:
     9                 (A)  both the birth sibling and the adoptee were
    10             adopted out of the same birth family; or
    11                 (B)  the birth sibling remained in foster care.
    12         (3)  If the court or agency receives a petition or
    13     request for identifying information or contact, within 60
    14     days it shall do all of the following:
    15             (i)  Determine whether it has in its possession any
    16         records relating to the adoptee.
    17             (ii)  Notify any other court or agency listed in its
    18         records of the existence of a petition or request.
    19             (iii)  Notify the individual filing the petition or
    20         request of its findings pursuant to this subsection.
    21         (4)  If records are located, a good faith search for
    22     identifying information shall be commenced within 90 days.
    23     The search shall only be conducted by the court in which the
    24     adoption was finalized; by the agency which handled the
    25     adoption; by a successor, by merger or acquisition, of the
    26     agency which handled the adoption; or, if neither the agency
    27     nor a successor exists, by an agency authorized by the court.
    28     The court or agency shall appoint an authorized
    29     representative to conduct a search. The following apply:
    30             (i)  The representative shall review the court and
    20030H1093B1284                 - 49 -     

     1         agency records for identifying information regarding the
     2         birth or adoptive family.
     3             (ii)  The representative shall use reasonable efforts
     4         to locate the subject of a search.
     5             (iii)  If the subject of a search is located, the
     6         representative shall obtain written authorization from
     7         the subject before identifying information can be
     8         released or contact between the parties is made.
     9             (iv)  If the petitioner is an adoptee seeking the
    10         identity of a birth parent, the identity of a deceased
    11         parent may be disclosed. If the petitioner is an adoptee
    12         seeking the identity of both birth parents and only one
    13         birth parent agrees to the disclosure, only the
    14         information relating to the agreeing birth parent shall
    15         be disclosed.
    16         (5)  The department shall make available to authorized
    17     representatives a standardized training program on conducting
    18     searches under this part.
    19     (c.1)  Limitations of search.--No representative of the court
    20  or agency conducting the search shall be required to make
    21  inquiries which the representative believes may compromise the
    22  confidentiality of the biological relationship between the
    23  adoptee and the adoptee's birth parent.
    24     (c.2)  Refusal to search.--Notwithstanding subsection (c),
    25  the following apply:
    26         (1)  An agency receiving a request for identifying
    27     information or contact may decline to perform a search if it
    28     is satisfied that the request could cause physical or
    29     emotional harm to the petitioner or others. The declining
    30     agency shall refer the request to the court which handled the
    20030H1093B1284                 - 50 -     

     1     adoption and inform the court of its reasons for declining
     2     the petitioner's request. The agency shall notify the
     3     petitioner of the referral and identify the court to which
     4     the referral was made.
     5         (2)  A court receiving a petition for identifying
     6     information or contact may decline to perform a search if it
     7     is satisfied that the request could cause physical or
     8     emotional harm to the petitioner or others.
     9     (d)  Disclosure of information.--
    10         (1)  No disclosure of information shall be made by the
    11     court, an agency, the Department of Health or any other
    12     Commonwealth agency regarding the adopted person's original
    13     certificate of birth or regarding the documents of proof on
    14     which the amended certificate of birth is based or relating
    15     in any way to the [natural] birth parents unless the
    16     disclosure is made pursuant to the provisions of this
    17     section.
    18         (2)  Notwithstanding any other provision in this section
    19     to the contrary, the [natural] birth parents may, at the time
    20     of the termination of their parental rights pursuant to
    21     Chapter 25 (relating to proceedings prior to petition to
    22     adopt) or at any time thereafter, place on file, with the
    23     court and with the Department of Health, a consent form
    24     granting permission for the court or the department to
    25     disclose the information contained in the adoptee's original
    26     certificate of birth, or any other identifying or
    27     nonidentifying information pertaining to the [natural] birth
    28     parents, at any time after the adoptee attains the age of 18
    29     or, if less than 18, to his adoptive parent or legal
    30     guardian. If both parents give their consent, the information
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     1     on the birth certificate may be disclosed. If only one parent
     2     gives consent, only the identity of the consenting parent
     3     shall be disclosed. The [natural parents] birth parent shall
     4     be entitled to update those records, as necessary, to reflect
     5     the [natural] birth parent's current address or any other
     6     information pertaining to the [natural parents] birth parent.
     7     The [information may only be disclosed upon the request of
     8     the adoptee or his adoptive parent or legal guardian, and
     9     the] consent of the [natural] birth parents may be withdrawn
    10     at any time by filing a withdrawal of consent form with the
    11     court and the department. The department shall prescribe by
    12     regulation the procedure and forms to be utilized for the
    13     giving, updating and withdrawal of the consent.
    14         (3)  An adoptee at least 18 years of age or, if less than
    15     18 years of age, the parent or legal guardian of the adoptee
    16     shall have access to any original or updated medical history
    17     information on file with the court which entered the decree
    18     of termination or the [Department of Public Welfare]
    19     department. No medical history information shall be released
    20     which would [endanger the anonymity of the natural parents.]
    21     compromise the confidentiality of the biological relationship
    22     between the adoptee and the adoptee's birth parents.
    23     (e)  Immunity from liability.--Any person or agency,
    24  including the Commonwealth or its political subdivision, that in
    25  good faith acted or failed to act concerning any requirement of
    26  this section shall be immune from civil or criminal liability
    27  due to providing or refusing to provide services under this
    28  section. In any proceeding, the good faith of a person or agency
    29  acting under this section shall be presumed.
    30     (f)  Costs and fees.--A court or agency providing services
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     1  under subsection (b) or (c) may establish a schedule of fees for
     2  services. The fees shall be reasonably related to the direct and
     3  indirect costs associated with providing services.
     4     Section 25.  Title 23 is amended by adding a section to read:
     5  § 2905.1.  Mutual consent registry.
     6     The department shall do all of the following:
     7         (1)  Establish a Statewide confidential registry for
     8     receiving, filing and retaining documents requesting,
     9     authorizing or prohibiting the release of identifying
    10     information or contact.
    11         (2)  Prescribe and distribute forms or documents on which
    12     an individual may request, authorize or refuse to authorize
    13     the release of identifying information or contact.
    14         (3)  Devise a procedure for releasing identifying
    15     information in the possession of the court or agency which
    16     handled the adoption, upon receipt of an appropriate written
    17     request and authorization.
    18         (4)  Cooperate with registries in other states to
    19     facilitate the matching of documents under this chapter by
    20     individuals in different states.
    21         (5)  Announce and publicize to the general public the
    22     existence of the registry and the procedure for the
    23     consensual release of identifying information or contact.
    24     Section 26.  Sections 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909 and 2910 of
    25  Title 23 are amended to read:
    26  § 2906.  Docket entries.
    27     Upon the filing of any decree under this part, the clerk
    28  shall enter on the docket an entry showing the date of the
    29  decree. Information identifying the [natural] birth parents
    30  shall not be entered on the docket.
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     1  § 2907.  Certificate of adoption.
     2     The clerk shall issue to the adopting parent [or parents] a
     3  certificate reciting that the court has granted the adoption.
     4  The certificate shall not disclose the name of any [natural]
     5  birth parent or the original name of the person adopted. The
     6  certificate shall be accepted in any legal proceedings in this
     7  Commonwealth as evidence of the fact that the adoption has been
     8  granted.
     9  § 2908.  Foreign decree of adoption.
    10     When a decree of adoption of a minor is made or entered in
    11  conformity with the laws of another state or a foreign country
    12  whereby a child is adopted by a resident of this Commonwealth, a
    13  copy of the final decree, properly authenticated, may be filed
    14  with the clerk in the county of residence of the adopting
    15  [parents] parent. The decree and such other documents as may be
    16  filed therewith shall be kept in the files of the court as a
    17  permanent record thereof and shall be withheld from inspection
    18  except on order of court granted upon cause shown. Upon the
    19  filing of a foreign decree of adoption, the clerk shall enter
    20  upon the docket an entry showing the foreign court,
    21  identification of the proceedings therein and the date of the
    22  decree. Information identifying the [natural] birth parents
    23  shall not be required.
    24  § 2909.  Medical history information.
    25     (a)  Delivery of information.--Prior to the finalization of
    26  an adoption, medical history information shall, where
    27  practicable, be delivered by the attending physician or other
    28  designated person to the intermediary who shall deliver such
    29  information to the adopting [parents] parent or [their] parent's
    30  physician. In cases where there is no intermediary, medical
    20030H1093B1284                 - 54 -     

     1  history information shall be delivered directly to the adopting
     2  [parents] parent or [their] parent's physician.
     3     (b)  Editing of information.--Except as provided in section
     4  2905 (relating to impounding of proceedings and access to
     5  records), medical history information shall be edited before
     6  delivery or release by the [Department of Public Welfare]
     7  department so as to remove any contents which would identify the
     8  adoptee's [natural] birth family.
     9     (c)  Availability of information forms.--The [Department of
    10  Public Welfare] department shall[, upon request, make available]
    11  distribute to courts[,] and adoption agencies [and], and make
    12  available upon request to individuals, medical history
    13  information forms that enable parents whose rights have been
    14  terminated to register and update medical history information
    15  with the [Department of Public Welfare] department and with the
    16  court which entered the decree of termination.
    17     (c.1)  Filing medical history information.--A birth parent
    18  may update medical history information at any time with the
    19  court that entered the decree of termination or with the
    20  department by utilizing the forms made available under
    21  subsection (c).
    22     (c.2)  Release of updated information.--At the request of an
    23  adoptee who is 18 years of age or older, an adoptive parent of
    24  an adoptee who is under 18 years of age or a guardian of an
    25  adoptee who is under 18 years of age or incapacitated, the
    26  department or the court that entered the decree of termination
    27  may provide such information, as edited under section (b), to
    28  the requestor. Nothing in this part shall make the court or the
    29  department liable for the accuracy of any updated medical
    30  history information provided by a birth parent.
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     1     (d)  Regulations.--The [Department of Public Welfare]
     2  department shall, in consultation with the Department of Health,
     3  prescribe by regulation the procedure to be utilized and to
     4  develop the content of medical history information forms.
     5  § 2910.  Penalty for unauthorized disclosure.
     6     Any officer or employee of the court, other than a judge
     7  thereof, the Department of Health, the [Department of Public
     8  Welfare] department or any agency who willfully discloses
     9  impounded or otherwise confidential information relating to an
    10  adoption, other than as expressly authorized and provided in
    11  this chapter, commits a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    12     Section 27.  The amendment or addition of the following
    13  provisions of Title 23 shall apply to actions initiated on or
    14  after the effective date of this act:
    15         (1)  Section 2102.
    16         (2)  Section 2313.
    17         (3)  Section 2501(a).
    18         (4)  Section 2502(a) and (c).
    19         (5)  Section 2503(b)(3), (c) and (d).
    20         (6)  Section 2504.
    21         (7)  Section 2505(c) and (d.1).
    22         (8)  Section 2511(a)(3) and (9) through (11).
    23         (9)  Section 2512(a)(1) and (c).
    24         (10)  Section 2513(c) and (d).
    25         (11)  Section 2514.
    26         (12)  Section 2531(b).
    27         (13)  Section 2535(a).
    28         (14)  Section 2701(2), (2.1) and (10).
    29         (15)  Section 2702(3).
    30         (16)  Section 2711(b), (c), (c.2), (d) and (e).
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     1         (17)  Section 2711.1.
     2         (18)  Section 2712.
     3         (19)  Section 2715.
     4         (20)  Section 2724(b).
     5         (21)  Section 2901.
     6         (22)  Section 2902(c).
     7         (23)  Section 2905(b), (c) and (c.2).
     8     Section 28.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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