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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1291



No. 1115 Session of 2001



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), entitled, as
     2     reenacted, "An act relating to alcoholic liquors, alcohol and
     3     malt and brewed beverages; amending, revising, consolidating
     4     and changing the laws relating thereto; regulating and
     5     restricting the manufacture, purchase, sale, possession,
     6     consumption, importation, transportation, furnishing, holding
     7     in bond, holding in storage, traffic in and use of alcoholic
     8     liquors, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages and the
     9     persons engaged or employed therein; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board; providing
    11     for the establishment and operation of State liquor stores,
    12     for the payment of certain license fees to the respective
    13     municipalities and townships, for the abatement of certain
    14     nuisances and, in certain cases, for search and seizure
    15     without warrant; prescribing penalties and forfeitures;
    16     providing for local option, and repealing existing laws,"
    17     providing for direct shipping of wine to residents of this
    18     Commonwealth.

    19     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    20  hereby enacts as follows:
    21     Section 1.  Section 102 of the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90,
    22  No.21), known as the Liquor Code, reenacted and amended June 29,
    23  1987 (P.L.32, No.14), is amended by adding a definition to read:
    24     Section 102.  Definitions.--The following words or phrases,
    25  unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, shall have the

     1  meanings ascribed to them in this section:
     2     * * *
     3     "Direct shipper" shall mean a person outside this
     4  Commonwealth who obtains a license from the board to accept
     5  orders placed for wine from within this Commonwealth by mail,
     6  telephone, Internet or any electronic or other means and who
     7  ships or facilitates in any way shipment of wine by a delivery
     8  agent or common carrier to a Commonwealth location.
     9     * * *
    10     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    11     Section 414.  Direct Shipper; Licenses; Fees; Privileges;
    12  Restrictions.--(a)  Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation
    13  to the contrary, a person licensed by another state as a
    14  producer, supplier, importer, wholesaler, distributor or
    15  retailer of wine who obtains a direct shipper license as
    16  provided for in this section may ship wine directly to any
    17  resident of this Commonwealth who is at least twenty-one years
    18  of age for such resident's personal use and not for resale.
    19     (b)  Prior to shipping wine into this Commonwealth, a direct
    20  shipper must:
    21     (1)  File an original or renewal application with and pay a
    22  license fee of two hundred twenty-five dollars ($225) to the
    23  board and obtain a direct shipper license which shall be valid
    24  for a period of one year.
    25     (2)  Provide a verified copy of the license issued in the
    26  other state.
    27     (c)  A direct shipper with a license issued under this
    28  section shall:
    29     (1)  Ensure that each container of wine shipped directly to a
    30  resident of this Commonwealth is conspicuously labeled with the
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     1  words in at least ten-point type, all capital, bold face
     2  letters:
     4         OLDER FOR DELIVERY.
     5     (2)  Only ship wine through delivery agents or common
     6  carriers that are able to require signature prior to delivery.
     7  The delivery agents or common carriers shipping wine pursuant to
     8  this section shall make a reasonable inspection of a photo
     9  identification or other acceptable form of identification as
    10  prescribed by the board evidencing a person's age and shall
    11  obtain a signature from the person 21 years of age or older
    12  before surrendering the shipment.
    13     (d)  Direct shipper licensees shall file invoices for each
    14  shipment with the board showing the retail price of the wine
    15  being shipped. Such filings shall be monthly and shall arrive at
    16  the board no later than the tenth day of the month following
    17  shipment. Direct shipper licensees shall maintain records for at
    18  least three years which will permit the board to ascertain the
    19  truthfulness of the information filed and will also permit the
    20  board to perform an audit of the direct shipper licensees'
    21  filings upon reasonable request. Direct shipper licensees shall
    22  pay quarterly to the Department of Revenue all taxes due on the
    23  sale of wine to residents of this Commonwealth from the
    24  preceding three months, the amount of such taxes to be
    25  calculated as if the sales were in this Commonwealth at the
    26  location where delivery is made.
    27     (e)  The board shall adopt regulations relating to:
    28     (1)  The application procedures and form for the direct
    29  shipper license as authorized under this section.
    30     (2)  The signature form or other identification procedures to
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     1  be used by direct shippers or delivery agents or common carriers
     2  for direct shippers to ensure that consumers to which wine is
     3  being shipped are over twenty-one years of age.
     4     (3)  Filings required under this section by direct shipper
     5  licensees.
     6     (f)  Any person located outside of this Commonwealth and
     7  licensed by another state as a producer, supplier, importer,
     8  wholesaler, distributor or retailer of wine who ships wine
     9  directly to any resident of this Commonwealth without first
    10  obtaining or renewing a direct shipper license commits a felony
    11  of the second degree. Any holder of a Federal basic permit found
    12  to be in violation of this subsection shall be referred by the
    13  board to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms for action
    14  pursuant to ATF Industry Circular 96-3.
    15     (g)  Any direct shipper licensee, delivery agent or common
    16  carrier that violates the provisions of this section commits a
    17  felony of the third degree and shall have its license
    18  permanently revoked.
    19     Section 3.  Section 491(2) and (3) of the act are amended to
    20  read:
    21     Section 491.  Unlawful Acts Relative to Liquor, Alcohol and
    22  Liquor Licensees.--
    23     It shall be unlawful--
    24     * * *
    25     (2)  Possession or Transportation of Liquor or Alcohol. For
    26  any person, except a manufacturer or the board or the holder of
    27  a sacramental wine license or of an importer's license or the
    28  holder of a direct shipper license or a common carrier or
    29  delivery agent for a direct shipper, to possess or transport any
    30  liquor or alcohol within this Commonwealth which was not
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     1  lawfully acquired prior to January first, one thousand nine
     2  hundred and thirty-four, or has not been purchased from a
     3  Pennsylvania Liquor Store or a licensed limited winery in
     4  Pennsylvania, except miniatures totalling less than one gallon
     5  purchased by a collector of the same in another state or foreign
     6  country, or in accordance with the board's regulations. The
     7  burden shall be upon the person possessing or transporting such
     8  liquor or alcohol to prove that it was so acquired. But nothing
     9  herein contained shall prohibit the manufacture or possession of
    10  wine by any person in his home for consumption of himself, his
    11  family and guests and not for sale, not exceeding, during any
    12  one calendar year, two hundred gallons, any other law to the
    13  contrary notwithstanding. Such wine shall not be manufactured,
    14  possessed, offered for sale or sold on any licensed premises.
    15     None of the provisions herein contained shall prohibit nor
    16  shall it be unlawful for any person to import into Pennsylvania,
    17  transport or have in his possession, an amount of liquor not
    18  exceeding one gallon in volume upon which a State tax has not
    19  been paid, if it can be shown to the satisfaction of the board
    20  that such person purchased the liquor in a foreign country or
    21  United States territory and was allowed to bring it into the
    22  United States. Neither shall the provisions contained herein
    23  prohibit nor make it unlawful for (i) any member of the armed
    24  forces on active duty, or (ii) any retired member of the armed
    25  forces, or (iii) any totally disabled veteran, or (iv) the
    26  spouse of any person included in the foregoing classes of
    27  persons to import into Pennsylvania, transport or have in his
    28  possession an amount of liquor not exceeding one gallon per
    29  month in volume upon which the State tax has not been paid, so
    30  long as such liquor has been lawfully purchased from a package
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     1  store established and maintained under the authority of the
     2  United States and is in containers identified in accordance with
     3  regulations issued by the Department of Defense. Such liquor
     4  shall not be possessed, offered for sale or sold on any licensed
     5  premises.
     6     None of the provisions herein contained shall prohibit nor
     7  shall it be unlawful for any consul general, consul or other
     8  diplomatic officer of a foreign government to import into
     9  Pennsylvania, transport or have in his possession liquor upon
    10  which a State tax has not been paid, if it can be shown to the
    11  satisfaction of the board that such person acquired the liquor
    12  in a foreign country and was allowed to bring it into the United
    13  States. Such liquor shall not be possessed, offered for sale or
    14  sold on any licensed premises.
    15     Any person violating the provisions of this clause for a
    16  first offense involving the possession or transportation in
    17  Pennsylvania of any liquor in a package (bottle or other
    18  receptacle) or wine not purchased from a Pennsylvania Liquor
    19  Store or from a licensed limited winery in Pennsylvania, with
    20  respect to which satisfactory proof is produced that the
    21  required Federal tax has been paid and which was purchased,
    22  procured or acquired legally outside of Pennsylvania shall upon
    23  conviction thereof in a summary proceeding be sentenced to pay a
    24  fine of twenty-five dollars ($25) for each such package, plus
    25  costs of prosecution, or undergo imprisonment for a term not
    26  exceeding ninety (90) days. Each full quart or major fraction
    27  thereof shall be considered a separate package (bottle or other
    28  receptacle) for the purposes of this clause. Such packages of
    29  liquor shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth in the manner
    30  prescribed in Article VI of this act but the vehicle, boat,
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     1  vessel, animal or aircraft used in the illegal transportation of
     2  such packages shall not be subject to forfeiture: Provided,
     3  however, That if it is a second or subsequent offense or if it
     4  is established that the illegal possession or transportation was
     5  in connection with a commercial transaction, then the other
     6  provisions of this act providing for prosecution as a
     7  misdemeanor and for the forfeiture of the vehicle, boat, vessel,
     8  animal or aircraft shall apply.
     9     (3)  Purchase of Liquor or Alcohol. For any person within
    10  this Commonwealth, by himself or by an employe or agent, to
    11  attempt to purchase, or directly or indirectly, or upon any
    12  pretense or device whatsoever, to purchase any liquor or alcohol
    13  from any person or source other than a Pennsylvania Liquor Store
    14  or the holder of a direct shipper license, except in accordance
    15  with the provisions of this act or the regulations of the board.
    16     * * *
    17     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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