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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 1330                      PRINTER'S NO. 2678



No. 1128 Session of 2003

           YOUNGBLOOD, APRIL 9, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 14, 1961 (P.L.637, No.329), entitled
     2     "An act relating to the payment of wages or compensation for
     3     labor or services; providing for regular pay days; conferring
     4     powers and duties upon the Department of Labor and Industry,
     5     including powers and duties with respect to the civil
     6     collection of wages; providing civil and criminal penalties
     7     for violations of the act; providing for their collection and
     8     disposition and providing for additional civil damages,"
     9     further providing for the definition of "employer" and for
    10     remedies and penalties.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  The definition of "employer" in section 2.1 of
    14  the act of July 14, 1961 (P.L.637, No.329), known as the Wage
    15  Payment and Collection Law, added July 14, 1977 (P.L.82, No.30),
    16  is amended to read:
    17     Section 2.1.  Definitions.--The following words and phrases
    18  when used in this act shall have, unless the context clearly
    19  indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section:
    20     * * *
    21     "Employer." Includes every person, firm, partnership,

     1  association, corporation, municipal corporation, Commonwealth     <--
     4  AUTHORITY AND INSTRUMENTALITY; ANY receiver or other officer of
     5  a court of this Commonwealth; and any agent or officer of any of  <--
     6  the [above-mentioned] classes MENTIONED IN THIS DEFINITION        <--
     7  employing any person in this Commonwealth.
     8     * * *
     9     Section 2.  Section 9.1 of the act, added July 14, 1977
    10  (P.L.82, No.30) and repealed in part October 5, 1980 (P.L.693,
    11  No.142), is amended to read:
    12     Section 9.1.  Civil Remedies and Penalties.--(a)  Any employe
    13  or group of employes, labor organization or party to whom any
    14  type of wages is payable may institute actions provided under
    15  this act.
    16     (b)  Actions by an employe, labor organization, or party to
    17  whom any type of wages is payable to recover unpaid wages and
    18  liquidated damages may be maintained in any court of competent
    19  jurisdiction, by such labor organization, party to whom any type
    20  of wages is payable or any one or more employes for and in
    21  behalf of himself or themselves and other employes similarly
    22  situated, or such employe or employes may designate an agent or
    23  representative to maintain such action or on behalf of all
    24  employes similarly situated. Any such employe, labor
    25  organization, party, or his representative shall have the power
    26  to settle or adjust his claim for unpaid wages.
    27     (c)  The employe or group of employes, labor organization or
    28  party to whom any type of wages is payable may, in the
    29  alternative, inform the secretary of the wage claim against an
    30  employer or former employer, and the secretary shall, unless the
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     1  claim appears to be frivolous, immediately notify the employer
     2  or former employer of such claim by certified mail. If the
     3  employer or former employer fails to pay the claim or make
     4  satisfactory explanation to the secretary of his failure to do
     5  so within ten days after receipt of such certified notification,
     6  thereafter, the employer or former employer shall be liable for
     7  a penalty of ten percent (10%) of that portion of the claim
     8  found to be justly due. A good faith dispute or contest as to
     9  the amount of wages due or the good faith assertion of a right
    10  of set-off or counter-claim shall be deemed a satisfactory
    11  explanation for nonpayment of such amount in dispute or claimed
    12  as a set-off or counter-claim. The secretary shall have a cause
    13  of action against the employer or former employer for recovery
    14  of such penalty and the same may be included in any subsequent
    15  action by the secretary on said wage claim or may be exercised
    16  separately after adjustment of such wage claim without court
    17  action.
    18     (d)  In any civil action brought under the provisions of this
    19  act, the [Secretary of Labor and Industry] court may require the
    20  employer to post bond or security to secure payment of the
    21  entire claim of the employe with credit in the amount of any
    22  good faith assertion of a right of set-off or counter-claim.
    23  Such bond or security shall be posted in the court where the
    24  civil action is brought. The [request] requirement for bond or
    25  security shall be signed by the [secretary] court and shall
    26  provide that such bond or security in the amount stated shall be
    27  posted within 30 days of service thereof on the employer. If
    28  such bond or security is not posted within the 30-day period,
    29  the employer will be deemed to have admitted his liability,
    30  judgment may be entered based on this deemed admission and
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     1  execution may immediately ensue. Before ordering bond or
     2  security under this subsection, the court shall afford all
     3  parties the opportunity to be heard, and shall consider the
     4  exigency of the need for bond or security, the likelihood of
     5  success on the merits and the employer's ability to satisfy the
     6  judgment requested by the employe.
     7     (e)  If the secretary determines that wages due have not been
     8  paid and that such unpaid wages constitute an enforceable claim,
     9  the secretary shall, upon the request of the employe, labor
    10  organization or party to whom any type of wages is payable, take
    11  an assignment in trust, from the requesting party of such claim
    12  for wages without being bound by any of the technical rules
    13  respecting the validity of any such assignments and may bring
    14  any legal action necessary to collect such claim, subject to the
    15  right by the employer to set-off or counter-claim against the
    16  assigning party. Upon any such assignment, the secretary shall
    17  have the power to settle and adjust any such claim to the same
    18  extent as might the assigning party. If venue lies in a city of
    19  the first class, the secretary may bring a legal action under
    20  this section in a municipal court established pursuant to
    21  section 6(c) of Article V of the Constitution of the
    22  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania if the sum demanded does not exceed
    23  the jurisdictional limit established by statute for that court.
    24     (f)  The court in any action brought under this section
    25  shall, in addition to any judgment awarded to the plaintiff or
    26  plaintiffs, allow costs for reasonable attorneys' fees of any
    27  nature to be paid by the defendant.
    28     (g)  No administrative proceedings or legal action shall be
    29  instituted under the provisions of this act for the collection
    30  of unpaid wages or liquidated damages more than three years
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     1  after the day on which such wages were due and payable as
     2  provided in sections 3 and 5.
     3     (h)  The secretary may enter into a reciprocal agreement with
     4  the department or corresponding authority of another state or
     5  territory for the collection of claims and judgments for wages
     6  in that state or territory based upon claims assigned to the
     7  secretary.
     8     (i)  If the secretary enters into a reciprocal agreement with
     9  another state or territory in accordance with subsection (h),
    10  the secretary may commence actions in the courts of the state or
    11  territory or assign actions to the corresponding authority of
    12  the state or territory, for the collection of claims and
    13  judgments assigned to the secretary under this section.
    14     (j)  If the secretary enters into a reciprocal agreement with
    15  another state or territory in accordance with subsection (h) or
    16  if a state or territory permits the secretary to commence
    17  actions in its courts by statute, the secretary may commence an
    18  action in a court of this Commonwealth for the collection of
    19  claims assigned from the department or corresponding authority
    20  of the state or territory to the extent authorized by this act
    21  for claims arising in this Commonwealth.
    22     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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