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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1297



No. 1137 Session of 1989

           E. Z. TAYLOR AND NOYE, APRIL 11, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for
     3     anatomical gifts.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Sections 8603, 8604(b) and (c) and 8608(c) of
     7  Title 20 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended
     8  to read:
     9  § 8603.  Persons who may become donees; purposes for which
    10             anatomical gifts may be made.
    11     The following persons may become donees of gifts of bodies or
    12  parts thereof for the purposes stated:
    13         (1)  any hospital[, surgeon, or physician,] for medical
    14     or dental education, research, advancement of medical or
    15     dental science, therapy, or transplantation; or
    16         (2)  any accredited medical or dental school, college or
    17     university for education, research, advancement of medical or
    18     dental science, or therapy; or

     1         (3)  any bank or storage facility, for medical or dental
     2     education, research, advancement of medical or dental
     3     science, therapy, or transplantation; or
     4         (4)  any specified individual for therapy or
     5     transplantation needed by him; or
     6         (5)  the board[.]; or
     7         (6)  an organ procurement agency or tissue bank.
     8  § 8604.  Manner of executing anatomical gifts.
     9     * * *
    10     (b)  Gifts by other documents.--A gift of all or part of the
    11  body under section 8602(a) may also be made by document other
    12  than a will. The gift becomes effective upon the death of the
    13  donor. The document, which may be a card designed to be carried
    14  on the person, must be signed by the donor [in the presence of
    15  two witnesses who must sign the document in his presence]. If
    16  the donor is mentally competent to signify his desire to sign
    17  the document but is physically unable to do so, the document may
    18  be signed for him by another at his direction and in his
    19  presence [in the presence of two witnesses who must sign the
    20  document in his presence]. Delivery of the document of gift
    21  during the donor's lifetime is not necessary to make the gift
    22  valid.
    23     (c)  Specified and unspecified donees.--The gift may be made
    24  to a specified donee or without specifying a donee. If the
    25  latter, the gift may be accepted by [the attending physician] a
    26  hospital as donee upon or following death. If the gift is made
    27  to a specified donee who is not available at the time and place
    28  of death, [the attending physician] a hospital, upon or
    29  following death, in the absence of any expressed indication that
    30  the donor desired otherwise, may accept the gift as donee. [The
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     1  physician who becomes a donee under this subsection shall not
     2  participate in the procedures for removing or transplanting a
     3  part.]
     4     * * *
     5  § 8608.  Requests for anatomical gifts.
     6     * * *
     7     (c)  Donor card.--Notwithstanding any provision of law to the
     8  contrary, the intent of a decedent to participate in an organ
     9  donor program as evidenced by the possession of a validly
    10  executed donor card shall not be revoked by any member of any of
    11  the classes specified in section 8602(b) or by any other person.
    12     * * *
    13     Section 2.  Title 20 is amended by adding sections to read:
    14  § 8609.  Sales and purchases prohibited.
    15     It is unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale or
    16  purchase any anatomical part.
    17  § 8610.  Coordination programs.
    18     All hospitals shall establish and participate in local and
    19  regional programs which coordinate the procurement and
    20  utilization of anatomical parts.
    21  § 8611.  Accreditation of personnel.
    22     The Department of Health shall, in cooperation with organ
    23  procurement agencies and tissue banks, assist in the
    24  establishment of a Statewide program for the education and
    25  accreditation of personnel involved in the recovery of tissue
    26  for transplant.
    27     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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