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under the
same topic
                                 SENATE AMENDED
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1311, 2464, 3715         PRINTER'S NO. 3736



No. 1158 Session of 1999

           APRIL 7, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 24, 1931 (P.L.1206, No.331), entitled
     2     "An act concerning townships of the first class; amending,
     3     revising, consolidating, and changing the law relating
     4     thereto," providing for school crossing guards; further
     5     providing for budget forms, for filing copies and for uniform
     6     forms; and making editorial changes.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Section 1416 of the act of June 24, 1931
    10  (P.L.1206, No.331), known as The First Class Township Code,
    11  reenacted and amended May 27, 1949 (P.L.1955, No.569) and
    12  amended December 7, 1965 (P.L.1044, No.392), is amended to read:
    13     Section 1416.  [Special Police] School Crossing Guards.--(a)
    14  The board of township commissioners, by resolution, may appoint
    15  [special police] school crossing guards who shall [have the duty
    16  of controlling and directing traffic at or near schools and
    17  churches, and who shall be in uniform and shall display a badge
    18  or other sign of authority, and who shall be vested with all of
    19  the powers of local police officers.] BE IN UNIFORM AND be        <--

     1  authorized only in the management of traffic and pedestrians.
     2  Such [police] school crossing guards shall serve at the pleasure
     3  of the board of township commissioners, except as provided in
     4  subsection (b), and shall not come within the civil service
     5  provisions of this act, nor shall they be eligible to join any
     6  [police] TOWNSHIP pension fund. [maintained for the township      <--
     7  police.] Their compensation shall be fixed by the board of        <--
     8  township commissioners and they shall be paid by the board of
     9  township commissioners, or jointly by the board of township
    10  commissioners and the board of school directors in a ratio to be
    11  determined by the two boards. If the board of township
    12  commissioners and board of school directors are unable to
    13  determine the ratio of compensation of the [police] school
    14  crossing guards to be paid by each board, each such board shall
    15  pay one-half of the compensation of such [police] school
    16  crossing guards who shall have the duty of controlling and
    17  directing traffic at or near schools.
    18     (b)  The board of township commissioners may approve an
    19  ordinance allowing a board of school directors to assume hiring
    20  and oversight of school crossing guards. Before the board of
    21  township supervisors COMMISSIONERS may approve such an            <--
    22  ordinance, the board of directors of the school district shall
    23  approve a resolution requesting the authority to assume the
    24  hiring and oversight of school crossing guards. The ordinance
    25  shall outline how the police department will provide any
    26  necessary training and assistance of the school crossing guards
    27  while on duty. Such school crossing guards will be authorized
    28  only in the management of traffic and pedestrians in and around
    29  areas identified by the police department and the school
    30  district superintendent or his or her designees. The school
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     1  crossing guards shall not come within the civil service
     2  provision of this act, nor shall they fall under the bargaining
     3  unit of the school district nor as BE CONSIDERED an employe as    <--
     4  defined under section 1101-A of the act of March 10, 1949
     5  (P.L.30, No.14), known as the "Public School Code of 1949," OR A  <--
     7  DEFINITIONS), or under any plans hereafter enacted EFFECTIVE.     <--
     8  Once the ordinance receives approval by the board of township
     9  commissioners, the school district shall assume the cost of
    10  compensation, including fixing such compensation, if any, of the
    11  school crossing guards. Auxiliary policemen, appointed as
    12  prescribed by general law, may be hired by the school district
    13  to serve as school crossing guards. The board of school
    14  directors shall notify the board of township commissioners of
    15  those hired to serve as school crossing guards and request that
    16  the necessary training or assistance be provided as outlined by
    17  the ordinance.
    18     Section 2.  Sections 1701 and 1701.1 of the act, amended or
    19  added August 11, 1967 (P.L.213, No.74) and December 14, 1967
    20  (P.L.819, No.351), are amended to read:
    21     Section 1701.  Fiscal Year; Annual Budget; Regulation of
    22  Appropriations.--(a)  The fiscal year in townships of the first
    23  class shall commence on the first day of January of each year.
    24     (b)  The board of township commissioners shall each year, at
    25  least thirty days prior to the adoption of the annual budget,
    26  begin preparation of a proposed budget for all funds showing an
    27  estimate of the several amounts of money which will be required
    28  for the several specific purposes of township government and
    29  expenses for the ensuing fiscal year, and by ordinance
    30  appropriate, out of the revenues available for the year, the
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     1  specific sums required as shown by the budget as finally
     2  adopted. At the option of the township commissioners, such
     3  budget may be prepared and adopted prior to the first Monday of
     4  January of the fiscal year to which such budget shall apply.
     5  Whenever the township commissioners shall exercise such option,
     6  the first reading of the budget shall take place in November and
     7  the budget shall be finally adopted in the month of December
     8  prior to the fiscal year to which such budget shall apply. Said
     9  budget shall reflect as nearly as possible the estimated
    10  revenues and expenditures of the township for the year for which
    11  the budget is prepared. It shall be unlawful to prepare and
    12  advertise notice of a proposed budget when the same is knowingly
    13  inaccurate. Where, upon any revision of the budget, it appears
    14  that the estimated expenditures in the adopted budget will be
    15  increased more than ten percent in the aggregate, or more than
    16  twenty-five percent in any individual item, over the proposed
    17  budget, it shall be presumed that the tentative budget was
    18  inaccurate, and such budget may not be legally adopted with any
    19  such increases therein unless the same is again advertised once,
    20  as in the case of the proposed budget, and an opportunity
    21  afforded to taxpayers to examine the same and protest such
    22  increases. The tax levied by the township commissioners shall be
    23  fixed at such figure within the limit allowed by law, as with
    24  all other sources of revenue will meet and cover said
    25  appropriations. The total appropriation shall not exceed the
    26  revenues available for the fiscal year. If the funds available
    27  from taxation and other sources shall be estimated to be in
    28  excess of the requirements of the ensuing fiscal year, an
    29  appropriation may be made for the payment of township orders or
    30  indebtedness of the previous years. A budget adopted in the
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     1  December prior to the fiscal year to which the budget applies
     2  may be amended.
     3     [The budget shall be prepared on a uniform form prepared and
     4  furnished as provided in section one thousand seven hundred and
     5  one A of this act.] Final action shall not be taken on the
     6  proposed budget until after at least ten days public notice. The
     7  proposed budget shall be published or otherwise made available
     8  for public inspection at least twenty days prior to the date set
     9  for the adoption of the budget. The township commissioners after
    10  making such revisions and changes therein, as appear advisable,
    11  shall adopt the budget not later than the thirty-first day of
    12  December.
    13     (c)  The township commissioners may at any time by resolution
    14  make supplemental appropriations for any lawful purpose from any
    15  funds on hand or estimated to be received within the fiscal year
    16  and not appropriated to any other purpose, including the
    17  proceeds of any borrowing now or hereafter authorized by law.
    18     (d)  The township commissioners shall have power to authorize
    19  the transfer within the same fund of any unencumbered balance,
    20  or any portion thereof, from one spending agency to another, but
    21  such action shall be taken only during the last nine months of
    22  the fiscal year. However, when a transfer of over five percent
    23  of an appropriation item is made within a fund, or when a
    24  transfer of over five percent of the total appropriation to a
    25  fund is made from said fund to another fund, an affirmative vote
    26  of two-thirds of the township commissioners shall be required.
    27     [(e)  Within fifteen days after the adoption of the budget,
    28  the township commissioners shall file a copy of the same in the
    29  office of the Department of Community Affairs.]
    30     Section 1701.1.  Amending Budget; Notice.--During the month
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     1  of January next, following any municipal election, the
     2  commissioners of any township may amend the budget and levy and
     3  tax rate to conform with its amended budget. A period of ten
     4  days' public inspection at the office of township secretary of
     5  the proposed amended budget after notice by the township
     6  secretary to that effect is published once in a newspaper, as
     7  provided in section 110 of this act, shall intervene between the
     8  proposed amended budget and the adoption thereof. Any amended
     9  budget must be adopted by the township commissioners on or
    10  before the fifteenth day of February.
    11     No such proposed amended budget shall be revised upward in
    12  excess of ten percent in the aggregate thereof, or as, to an
    13  individual item in excess of twenty-five percent of the amount
    14  of such individual item in the proposed amended budget.
    15     [Within fifteen days after the adoption of an amended budget,
    16  the township secretary shall file a copy thereof in the office
    17  of the Department of Community Affairs.]
    18     Section 3.  Section 1701a of the act, amended October 5, 1967
    19  (P.L.345, No.148), is amended to read:
    20     Section 1701a.  Committee to Prepare Uniform Forms.--Uniform
    21  forms for the annual reports of township auditors and
    22  controllers to the Department of Community [Affairs] and
    23  Economic Development, as required in sections 1003 and 1103 of
    24  this act, [and the uniform form for the annual budget, as
    25  required in section 1701,] shall be prepared by a committee
    26  consisting of four representatives from the Pennsylvania State
    27  Association of Township Commissioners and the Secretary of
    28  Community [Affairs] and Economic Development, or his agent who
    29  shall be a person trained in the field of municipal finance.
    30     Such representatives shall be appointed by the president of
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     1  said organization within sixty days after the effective date of
     2  this act. As far as possible, such representatives shall be
     3  chosen to represent townships in the various population groups
     4  within the range of townships of the first class. The president
     5  of said organization shall supply to the Department of Community
     6  [Affairs] and Economic Development the names and addresses of
     7  such representatives immediately upon their appointment.
     8     Said representatives shall serve without compensation, but
     9  they shall be reimbursed by the Commonwealth for all necessary
    10  expenses incurred in attending meetings of the committee. The
    11  committee shall meet at the call of the Secretary of Community
    12  [Affairs] and Economic Development, or his agent, who shall
    13  serve as chairman of the committee.
    14     It shall be the duty of the Secretary of Community [Affairs]
    15  and Economic Development, or his agent, to see to it that the
    16  forms required by this act are prepared in cooperation with said
    17  committee. In the event that said committee should for any
    18  reason fail to furnish such cooperation, the Secretary of
    19  Community [Affairs] and Economic Development, or his agent,
    20  shall complete the preparation of the forms. After their
    21  preparation, he shall issue said forms and distribute them
    22  annually, as needed, to the proper officers of each township.
    23     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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