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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1314



No. 1161 Session of 1999

           APRIL 7, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 20, 1967 (P.L.869, No.385),
     2     entitled "An act establishing a uniform and mandatory system
     3     governing the requirement of bonds to be furnished by
     4     contractors in the prosecution of any public building, or
     5     other public work or public improvement, including road work;
     6     the rights and remedies of persons furnishing labor or
     7     material in the prosecution of such public building, public
     8     work or public improvement, including road work; procedure in
     9     connection with suits on payment bonds; rights of persons
    10     furnishing labor or materials to a copy of bond; prescribing
    11     penalties; and repealing other prior acts or provisions
    12     thereof inconsistent herewith," further providing for
    13     enforcement of claims and for financial security to be
    14     provided by contractors and bidders.

    15     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    16  hereby enacts as follows:
    17     Section 1.  Sections 4, 6 and 8 of the act of December 20,
    18  1967 (P.L.869, No.385), known as the Public Works Contractors'
    19  Bond Law of 1967, are amended to read:
    20     Section 4.  (a)--Subject to the provisions of subsection (b)
    21  hereof, any claimant who has performed labor or furnished
    22  material in the prosecution of the work provided for in any
    23  contract for which a payment bond has been given, pursuant to

     1  the provisions of subsection (a) of section 3 of this act or for
     2  which other financial security has been given pursuant to
     3  subsection (a) of section 3.1 of this act, and who has not been
     4  paid in full therefor before the expiration of ninety days after
     5  the day on which such claimant performed the last of such labor
     6  or furnished the last of such materials for which he claims
     7  payments, may bring an action on such payment bond or other
     8  financial security in his own name, in assumpsit, to recover any
     9  amount due him for such labor or material, and may prosecute
    10  such action to final judgment and have execution on the
    11  judgment.
    12     (b)  Any claimant who has a direct contractual relationship
    13  with any subcontractor of the prime contractor who gave such
    14  payment bond or other financial security but has no contractual
    15  relationship, express or implied, with such prime contractor may
    16  bring an action on the payment bond or other financial security
    17  only if he has given written notice to such contractor within
    18  ninety days from the date on which the claimant performed the
    19  last of the labor or furnished the last of the materials for
    20  which he claims payment, stating with substantial accuracy the
    21  amount claimed and the name of the person for whom the work was
    22  performed or to whom the material was furnished.
    23     Notice shall be served by registered or certified mail,
    24  postage prepaid, in an envelope addressed to such contractor at
    25  any place where his office is regularly maintained for the
    26  transaction of business or served in any manner in which legal
    27  process may be served in the manner now or hereafter provided by
    28  law for the service of a summons, except that such service need
    29  not be made by a public officer.
    30     Section 6.  (a)--The contracting body shall furnish a
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     1  certified copy of any payment bond or other financial security
     2  and the contract for which such bond or security was given to
     3  any person who makes an application for such copy and who
     4  submits an affidavit stating that:
     5     (1)  He has furnished material or performed labor, for the
     6  completion of the work provided for in the contract, and that he
     7  has not been fully paid for such labor or material; or
     8     (2)  He is a defendant in an action brought on a payment bond
     9  or other financial security; or
    10     (3)  He is the surety in a payment bond on which an action
    11  has been brought or is the representative of a lending
    12  institution that has issued or is maintaining financial security
    13  on which an action has been brought.
    14     (b)  Every such applicant shall pay for each certified copy a
    15  fee fixed by the contracting body to cover the actual cost of
    16  the preparation of such copy.
    17     (c)  A certified copy of any payment bond or other financial
    18  security and of the contract for which such bond or security was
    19  given shall constitute prima facie evidence of the contents,
    20  execution and delivery of the original of such bond and
    21  contract.
    22     Section 8.  (a)--It is unlawful for any representative of a
    23  contracting body, in issuing an invitation for bids, to require
    24  that any bond specified in section 3 of this act or authorized
    25  under section 3.1 of this act be furnished by a particular
    26  surety company or through a particular agent or broker.
    27     (b)  Any person who violates the provisions of this section
    28  is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be
    29  sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars
    30  ($5,000), or undergo imprisonment for a term not exceeding five
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     1  years, or both.
     2     Section 2.  The amendment of sections 4, 6 and 8 of the act
     3  shall be retroactive to February 15, 1991.
     4     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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