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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1373



No. 1195 Session of 1989

           ADOLPH, APRIL 17, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 24, 1931 (P.L.1206, No.331), entitled
     2     "An act concerning townships of the first class; amending,
     3     revising, consolidating, and changing the law relating
     4     thereto," further providing for the time for holding
     5     organizational meetings.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Section 701 of the act of June 24, 1931
     9  (P.L.1206, No.331), known as The First Class Township Code,
    10  reenacted and amended May 27, 1949 (P.L.1955, No.569) and
    11  amended May 29, 1968 (P.L.131, No.69), is amended to read:
    12     Section 701.  Organization; Failure to Organize.--The
    13  township commissioners shall organize on the first Monday of
    14  January of each even-numbered year. If the first Monday is a
    15  legal holiday the meeting shall be held the first day following.
    16  They shall assemble for such purpose at their place of meeting
    17  at [seven-thirty o'clock] a time convenient to the governing
    18  body, post meridian. Until otherwise designated by ordinance,
    19  the place of meeting shall be the oldest polling place in the

     1  township.
     2     The board shall organize by the election of one of their
     3  number as president and one as a vice-president, who, as long as
     4  they continue to be commissioners, shall hold office until their
     5  successors are elected and qualified. The president, or, in his
     6  absence, the vice-president, shall preside at all meetings of
     7  the board, and perform such other duties as are specified in
     8  this act or which may be prescribed by ordinance.
     9     If a majority of the commissioners shall not attend at the
    10  organization meeting, those present may adjourn the meeting from
    11  day to day until a majority attend.
    12     If the township commissioners of any township shall fail to
    13  organize within ten days from the time prescribed by this
    14  section, the court of quarter sessions, upon the petition of ten
    15  registered electors, verified by the affidavit of one of the
    16  petitioners, shall issue a rule upon the delinquent
    17  commissioners to show cause why their seats should not be
    18  declared vacant. The rule shall be returnable not less than five
    19  days from the time of its issue, and after hearing, the court
    20  may declare the seats of any delinquent vacant, and appoint
    21  others in their stead to hold office for the respective
    22  unexpired terms.
    23     The meeting under this section may be considered as a regular
    24  monthly meeting for the transaction of such business as comes
    25  before it. The first order of business at this meeting shall be
    26  organization of the board. Any action taken or business
    27  transacted other than organization of the commissioners as a
    28  board at any organization meeting held prior to the effective
    29  date of this amending act, which is invalid for the reason that
    30  the action was taken or business transacted at an organization
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     1  meeting, is hereby validated and confirmed.
     2     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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