See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1357



No. 1201 Session of 1999

           RUBLEY, APRIL 12, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing for causes for
     6     suspension, for the order of suspension and for reinstatement
     7     of professional employees; and making editorial changes.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 1124 of the act of March 10, 1949
    11  (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949,
    12  amended August 8, 1963 (P.L.564, No.299), is amended to read:
    13     Section 1124.  Causes for Suspension.--(a)  Any board of
    14  school directors may suspend the necessary number of
    15  professional employes, for any of the causes hereinafter
    16  enumerated:
    17     (1)  Substantial decrease in pupil enrollment in the school
    18  district;
    19     (2)  Curtailment or alteration of the educational program on
    20  recommendation of the superintendent, concurred in by the board

     1  of school directors, approved by the Department of [Public
     2  Instruction] Education, as a result of substantial decline in
     3  class or course enrollments or to conform with standards of
     4  organization or educational activities required by law or
     5  recommended by the Department of [Public Instruction] Education;
     6     (3)  Consolidation of schools, whether within a single
     7  district, through a merger of districts, or as a result of joint
     8  board agreements, when such consolidation makes it unnecessary
     9  to retain the full staff of professional employes.
    10     (4)  When new school districts are established as the result
    11  of reorganization of school districts pursuant to Article II.,
    12  subdivision (i) of this act, and when such reorganization makes
    13  it unnecessary to retain the full staff of professional
    14  employes.
    15     (5)  Beginning with school year 1997-1998 and each school
    16  year thereafter, whenever economic reasons cause a school
    17  district to experience a five (5) per centum or greater loss in
    18  total local tax revenue for the support of the public schools in
    19  the district for one school year, compared with the total local
    20  tax revenue collections of the previous year:  Provided, That
    21     (i)  the school district's equalized mills as computed by the
    22  State Tax Equalization Board are at or above the Statewide
    23  average equalized mills; and
    24     (ii)  the school district does not receive State funding in
    25  the form of temporary aid to school districts suffering loss of
    26  tax revenue due to bankruptcy of businesses in the school
    27  district under section 2502.16 or temporary special aid to
    28  school districts due to real property assessments under section
    29  2502.10 which offsets the loss in total local tax revenue.
    30     (6)  Beginning with school year 1996-1997 and each school
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     1  year thereafter, whenever a school district experiences a ten
     2  (10) per centum or greater loss in combined State and local tax
     3  revenue for the support of public schools in any one school
     4  year, compared to the combined State and local tax revenue
     5  received in the previous school year:  Provided, That
     6     (i)  the conditions established in clause (5) relating to the
     7  loss of revenue from local taxes are met; and
     8     (ii)  the loss in revenue from the State is not due to a
     9  decrease in pupil enrollment in the district.
    10     (b)  As used in this section, "economic reasons" shall mean
    11  circumstances as certified by the Secretary of Education
    12  including, but not be limited to, the following:
    13     (1)  A loss of local tax revenue from real estate taxes due
    14  to the reassessment of one or more properties within the
    15  boundaries of the school district on the condition that the
    16  school district tax rates which were in effect at the time of
    17  the reassessment are not reduced.
    18     (2)  A loss of local revenue from real estate taxes during
    19  the school year or the preceding school year due to the
    20  nonpayment of the taxes within sixty (60) days of the due date
    21  by any businesses owning real estate within the boundaries of
    22  the school district, by reason of bankruptcy proceedings under
    23  Chapter 7, 11 or 13 of 11 U.S.C. (relating to bankruptcy).
    24     (3)  A loss of local revenue due to the closure or relocation
    25  of any business employing a substantial number of district
    26  residents.
    27     (4)  A substantial increase in the unemployment rate in the
    28  school district, as certified by the Secretary of Labor and
    29  Industry.
    30     (5)  Other economic reasons approved by the Secretary of
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     1  Education.
     2     Section 2.  Section 1125.1 of the act, amended or added
     3  November 20, 1979 (P.L.465, No.97) and July 10, 1986 (P.L.1270,
     4  No.117), is amended to read:
     5     Section 1125.1.  Persons to be Suspended.--(a)  Professional
     6  employes shall be suspended under section 1124 [(relating to
     7  causes for suspension)] based upon performance as measured under
     8  section 1123 and upon qualification to teach a particular
     9  subject or grade level or to hold a particular position. In
    10  determining qualification to teach a particular subject or grade
    11  level or to hold a particular position, the number of years of
    12  teaching the subject or grade level or of holding the position
    13  as well as the number of years that have elapsed since the
    14  professional employe last taught the subject or grade level or
    15  last held the position shall be considered, in addition to
    16  whether the professional employe is properly certificated. In
    17  cases in which performance and qualification to teach a
    18  particular subject or grade level or to hold a particular
    19  position are comparable among or between professional employes
    20  considered for suspension, the employes shall be suspended in
    21  inverse order of seniority within the school entity of current
    22  employment. Approved leaves of absence shall not constitute a
    23  break in service for purposes of computing seniority for
    24  suspension purposes. Seniority shall continue to accrue during
    25  suspension and all approved leaves of absence.
    26     (b)  Where there is or has been a consolidation of schools,
    27  departments or programs, all professional employes shall retain
    28  the seniority rights they had prior to the reorganization or
    29  consolidation.
    30     [(c)  A school entity shall realign its professional staff so
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     1  as to insure that more senior employes are provided with the
     2  opportunity to fill positions for which they are certificated
     3  and which are being filled by less senior employes.]
     4     (d)(1)  No suspended employe shall be prevented from engaging
     5  in another occupation during the period of suspension.
     6     (2)  Suspended professional employes or professional employes
     7  demoted for the reasons set forth in section 1124 shall be
     8  reinstated on the basis of their seniority regarding
     9  qualification to teach a particular subject or grade level or to
    10  hold a particular position, followed next by their seniority
    11  within the school entity. No new appointment shall be made while
    12  there is such a suspended or demoted professional employe
    13  available who is properly certificated to fill such vacancy. For
    14  the purpose of this subsection, positions from which
    15  professional employes are on approved leaves of absence shall
    16  also be considered temporary vacancies.
    17     (3)  To be considered available a suspended professional
    18  employe must annually report to the governing board in writing
    19  his current address and his intent to accept the same or similar
    20  position when offered.
    21     (4)  A suspended employe enrolled in a college program during
    22  a period of suspension and who is recalled shall be given the
    23  option of delaying his return to service until the end of the
    24  current semester.
    25     (e)  Nothing contained in section 1125.1(a) through (d) shall
    26  be construed to supersede or preempt any provisions of a
    27  collective bargaining agreement negotiated by a school entity
    28  and an exclusive representative of the employes in accordance
    29  with the act of July 23, 1970 (P.L.563, No.195), known as the
    30  "Public Employe Relations Act"; however, no agreement shall
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     1  prohibit the right of a professional employe who is not a member
     2  of a bargaining unit from retaining seniority rights under the
     3  provisions of this act.
     4     (f)  A decision to suspend in accordance with this section
     5  shall be considered an adjudication within the meaning of the
     6  "Local Agency Law."
     7     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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