PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1366, 1605, 1652         PRINTER'S NO. 1742



No. 1212 Session of 1995

           MARCH 16, 1995

           APRIL 26, 1995

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for voter registration, for a Statewide central
     2     registry and registration commissions and for remedies;
     3     imposing penalties; making appropriations; and making
     4     repeals.

     5                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     6  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     7  Section 101.  Short title.
     8  Section 102.  Definitions.
     9  Section 103.  Applicability.
    10  Section 104.  Construction.
    11  Chapter 3.  Registration System
    12  Section 301.  Registry.
    13  Section 302.  Existing electors.
    14  Section 303.  Commissions.
    15  Section 304.  Commission staff.

     1  Section 305.  Police assistance.
     2  Section 306.  Unexpended balance; source of funds.
     3  Section 307.  Open records and documents.
     4  Chapter 5.  Voter Registration
     5     Subchapter A.  Qualifications
     6  Section 501.  Qualifications to register.
     7  Section 502.  Residence of electors.
     8     Subchapter B.  Procedure
     9  Section 521.  Methods of voter registration.
    10  Section 522.  In-person voter registration.
    11  Section 523.  Application with driver's license application.
    12  Section 524.  Application by mail.
    13  Section 525.  Government agencies.
    14  Section 526.  Time.
    15  Section 527.  Preparation and distribution of applications.
    16  Section 528.  Approval of registration applications.
    17  Section 529.  Challenges.
    18  Section 530.  Appeals.
    19  Chapter 7.  Records
    20  Section 701.  General register.
    21  Section 702.  District registers.
    22  Section 703.  Street lists.
    23  Section 704.  Public information lists.
    24  Section 705.  Retention of records.
    25  Section 706.  Reports.
    26  Chapter 9.  Changes in Records
    27  Section 901.  Removal notices.
    28  Section 902.  Transfer of registration.
    29  Section 903.  Change of enrollment of political party.
    30  Section 904.  Physical disability.
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     1  Section 905.  Department of Health.
     2  Section 906.  Residence monitoring.
     3  Section 907.  Removal of voters.
     4  Section 908.  Procedure for voting following failure to return
     5                 notification card.
     6  Section 909.  Incorrect records.
     7  Section 910.  Files.
     8  Section 911.  Errors in cancellation or suspension.
     9  Chapter 11.  Commission Proceedings
    10  Section 1101.  Subpoenas and witness fees.
    11  Chapter 13.  Judicial Review
    12  Section 1301.  Court of common pleas.
    13  Section 1302.  Commission duties.
    14  Chapter 15.  Penalties
    15  Section 1501.  Lawful orders.
    16  Section 1502.  Registration.
    17  Section 1503.  Application.
    18  Section 1504.  Altering registration.
    19  Section 1505.  Votes.
    20  Section 1506.  Duties under act.
    21  Section 1507.  Official documents.
    22  Section 1508.  Withholding information.
    23  Section 1509.  Law enforcement assistance.
    24  Section 1510.  Interference.
    25  Section 1511.  Preventing registration.
    26  Section 1512.  Approval of registration.
    27  Section 1513.  Crimes Code.
    28  Chapter 17.  Enforcement
    29  Section 1701.  Attorney General.
    30  Section 1702.  District attorneys.
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     1  Chapter 51.  Miscellaneous Provisions
     2  Section 5101.  Standardized forms.
     3  Section 5102.  Application for absentee ballots.
     4  Section 5103.  Severability.                                      <--
     5  Section 5104.  Repeals.
     6  Section 5105.  Applicability.
     7  Section 5106.  Retroactivity.
     8  Section 5107.  Effective date.
    12  SECTION 5106.  REPEALS.
    16     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17  hereby enacts as follows:
    18                             CHAPTER 1
    19                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    20  Section 101.  Short title.
    21     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Pennsylvania
    22  Voter Registration Act.
    23  Section 102.  Definitions.
    24     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    25  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    26  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    27     "Calendar year."  The period commencing January 1 and ending
    28  December 31 next following.
    29     "Commission."  A registration commission established under
    30  section 303.
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     1     "Commissioner."  A member of a registration commission.
     2     "County."  Any county of this Commonwealth. The term includes
     3  a county within which is located a city of the first class or
     4  with which a city of the first class is coextensive.
     5     "County election board."  The Board of Elections of a county.
     6     "Department."  The Department of State of the Commonwealth.
     7     "District."  An election district or precinct of a
     8  municipality.
     9     "District register."  The registration cards or digitized
    10  signature list containing the list of qualified electors:
    11         (1)  arranged, by election district, alphabetically by
    12     last name of the registrant; and
    13         (2)  prepared by the commission under section 702.
    14     "Election."  A general, special, municipal or primary
    15  election.
    16     "General election."  The election which the Constitution of
    17  Pennsylvania requires to be held in even-numbered years.
    18     "In military service."  Serving in the uniformed services as
    19  defined in section 102 of the Career Compensation Act of 1949
    20  (Public Law 81-350, 63 Stat. 801) or serving in the Pennsylvania
    21  National Guard.
    22     "Members of the merchant marine of the United States."  Any
    23  of the following:
    24         (1)  Individuals employed as officers or members of crews
    25     of vessels documented under the law of the United States or
    26     of vessels owned by the United States or of vessels of
    27     foreign-flag registry under charter to or control of the
    28     United States. This paragraph does not include individuals in
    29     military service.
    30         (2)  Individuals enrolled with the United States for
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     1     employment or for training for employment or maintained by
     2     the United States for emergency relief service as officers or
     3     members of crews of vessels referred to in paragraph (1). The
     4     term does not include individuals in military service or
     5     individuals employed or enrolled for employment or for
     6     training for employment or maintained for emergency relief on
     7     the Great Lakes or the inland waterways.
     8     "Military elector."  Any of the following:
     9         (1)  An individual in military service and the
    10     individual's spouse and dependents.
    11         (2)  An individual in the merchant marine and the
    12     individual's spouse and dependents.
    13         (3)  An individual in a religious or welfare group
    14     officially attached to and serving with the armed forces of
    15     the United States and the individual's spouse and dependents.
    16         (4)  An individual who is a civilian employee of the
    17     United States outside the territorial limits of the United
    18     States, whether or not the individual is subject to the civil
    19     service laws and the Classification Act of 1949 (Public Law
    20     81-429, 63 Stat. 954) and whether or not the individual is
    21     paid from funds appropriated by Congress, and the
    22     individual's spouse and dependents.
    23     "Municipal election."  The election which the Constitution of
    24  Pennsylvania requires to be held in odd-numbered years.
    25     "Municipality."  A city, borough, town or township.
    26     "November election."  Either the general or the municipal
    27  election, or both, according to the context.
    28     "Overseas citizen."  An individual who resides outside the
    29  territorial limits of the United States and who, but for such
    30  residence, would be a qualified elector. The term does not
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     1  include a military elector.
     2     "Party."  Any of the following:
     3         (1)  A party or political body, one of whose candidates
     4     at the general election immediately preceding the primary:
     5             (i)  polled, in each of at least ten counties, at
     6         least 2% of the largest entire vote cast in the county
     7         for any elected candidate; and
     8             (ii)  polled a total vote in this Commonwealth equal
     9         to at least 2% of the largest entire vote cast in this
    10         Commonwealth for any elected candidate.
    11         (2)  A party or political body, one of whose candidates
    12     at either the general or municipal election preceding the
    13     primary polled at least 5% of the largest entire vote cast
    14     for any elected candidate in any county.
    15     "Person authorized to administer oaths."  The term includes
    16  an individual who is a commissioned officer in military service
    17  or a member of the merchant marine of the United States
    18  designated for this purpose by the United States Secretary of
    19  Commerce.
    20     "Person in military service."  The term shall mean a
    21  qualified elector who is, by enlistment, enrollment or draft in
    22  actual military service.
    23     "Political body."  A political body not recognized as a
    24  political party which has filed proper nomination papers as
    25  required by law.
    26     "Primary election."  An election for the nomination of
    27  candidates.
    28     "Public office."  Any Federal, State or political
    29  subdivision, office or position of employment requiring the
    30  individual elected or appointed to render public service for a
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     1  fixed fee or compensation. The term does not include the office
     2  of notary public or commissioner of deeds.
     3     "Qualified elector."  An individual who possesses all of the
     4  qualifications for voting prescribed by the Constitution of
     5  Pennsylvania and the laws of this Commonwealth or who, being
     6  otherwise qualified by continued residence in the election
     7  district, obtains such qualifications before the next ensuing
     8  election. The term does not include a military elector.
     9     "Registration card."  A registration record containing all
    10  information required on the registration application, including
    11  the elector's signature, and suitable space for the insertion by
    12  the appropriate official of the following information:
    13         (1)  The ward and election district of residence.
    14         (2)  The registrant's street address.
    15         (3)  Data required to be given upon removal from the
    16     registrant's residence.
    17         (4)  The date of each election at which the registrant
    18     votes.
    19         (5)  The number and letter of the stub of the ballot
    20     issued to the registrant or the registrant's number in the
    21     order of admission to the voting machines.
    22         (6)  The initials of the election officer who enters the
    23     record of voting in the district register.
    24         (7)  Whether the registrant needs assistance to vote and,
    25     if so, the nature of the disability.
    26     "Registry."  The Statewide central registry of registered
    27  qualified electors established under section 301.
    28     "Secretary."  The Secretary of the Commonwealth.
    29  Section 103.  Applicability.
    30     This act applies to all counties.
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     1  Section 104.  Construction.
     2     No part of any day fixed for the performance of duties by any
     3  person or official under this act shall be deemed a Sunday or a
     4  legal holiday so as to affect the legality of work done for the
     5  purpose of carrying out this act or the right of a person to
     6  compensation provided for rendering any service required by this
     7  act or so as to relieve any person from doing on such day
     8  whatever is necessary for the purpose of carrying out this act.
     9  Such services are declared to be necessary public services.
    10                             CHAPTER 3
    11                        REGISTRATION SYSTEM
    12  Section 301.  Registry.
    13     (a)  Establishment.--The secretary has the authority to
    14  implement and administer all of the provisions set forth by this
    15  act. The secretary's authority includes the ability to establish
    16  a Statewide registry and require the county commissioners to be
    17  linked to the registry. When the secretary develops a registry,
    18  it shall be developed in consultation with the county
    19  commissions. The timetable for implementation of the registry
    20  shall be established by the secretary.
    21     (b)  Regulations.--The secretary shall promulgate regulations
    22  necessary to administer this act. The regulations shall include,
    23  but not be limited to, provisions which do all of the following:
    24         (1)  Provide for applicants to submit their voter
    25     registration application to the commission, the Department of
    26     Transportation and other agencies designated in section 525.
    27         (2)  Allow for the future establishment of and
    28     maintenance of a Statewide central data base for all voter
    29     registration information.
    30         (3)  Provide procedures for entering data into the
    19950H1212B1742                  - 9 -

     1     registry.
     2         (4)  Allow the secretary to access the computerized
     3     driver's license records of the Department of Transportation
     5     SECTION 525 for voter registration purposes only.
     6         (5)  Allow each commission to add, modify and delete
     7     information regarding registered qualified electors from its
     8     county from the system to provide for accurate and up-to-date
     9     records.
    10         (6)  Allow the secretary and commissions to view the
    11     registration records of all commissions in order to ensure
    12     the accuracy of each commission's files and allow the
    13     secretary and commissions to access the registry for review
    14     and search capabilities.
    15         (7)  Provide security and protection of all information
    16     in the registry and ensure that unauthorized entry is not
    17     allowed.
    18         (8)  Prescribe a procedure for phasing in or converting
    19     existing voter registration records to the registry in
    20     consultation with the county commissions.
    21         (9)  Prescribe a procedure for the return of completed
    22     voter registration applications from the Department of
    23     Transportation, the Department of Public Welfare, armed
    24     forces recruitment centers, Offices of the Clerk of Orphan's
    25     Court and all other offices under this act to the secretary
    26     or the appropriate commission.
    27  Section 302.  Existing electors.
    28     All electors registered to vote in this Commonwealth on the
    29  effective date of this act remain registered under this act, AND  <--
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     2  LOCAL ELECTIONS. Information required in accordance with section
     3  527 shall be entered into the registry as set forth in section
     4  301.
     5  Section 303.  Commissions.
     6     (a)  Establishment.--A registration commission is established
     7  in each county. The commission has jurisdiction over the
     8  registration of electors of the county under this act.
     9     (b)  Membership.--
    10         (1)  Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), the
    11     county commissioners of each county shall act as a
    12     registration commission for the county.
    13         (2)  In a city of the first class, the commission shall
    14     consist of the three elected commissioners of the city. Each
    15     commissioner shall be elected for a term of four years, in
    16     the year that the mayor is elected.
    17         (3)  In counties which have adopted home rule charters or
    18     optional plans, the commission shall consist of the members
    19     of the county body which performs legislative functions
    20     unless the county charter or optional plan provides for the
    21     appointment of the commission. In either case, there must be
    22     minority representation on the commission. The county body
    23     which performs legislative functions shall, if the commission
    24     does not contain minority representation appoint such
    25     representation, from a list submitted by the county chair of
    26     the minority party.
    27     (c)  Compensation.--Commissioners shall receive no
    28  compensation in addition to their compensation as county or city
    29  commissioners.
    30     (d)  Majority vote required.--Actions of a commission must be
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     1  decided by a majority vote of all members except as otherwise
     2  provided in this act.
     3     (e)  Records.--A commission shall keep a permanent record of
     4  its proceedings.
     5     (f)  Regulations.--A commission may make regulations, not
     6  inconsistent with this act, to do all of the following:
     7         (1)  Govern the public sessions of the commission.
     8         (2)  Perform the duties imposed by this act.
     9         (3)  Carry into effect the provisions of this act and
    10     permit the efficient administration of this act, including
    11     the designation of duties to be performed and functions to be
    12     exercised under this act at its respective offices.
    13     (g)  Enforcement.--A commission may enforce regulations,
    14  orders and subpoenas as provided in section 1101 and, if
    15  necessary, shall have the assistance of the appropriate court of
    16  common pleas and of all public officers subservient to the
    17  court, in enforcing the regulations, orders and subpoenas.
    18     (h)  Errors.--A commission has the power to correct an error
    19  or irregularity in registration and to cancel the registration
    20  of an individual whom it finds to be improperly registered,
    21  subject only to this act. Written notice must be mailed or
    22  delivered to each individual whose registration is canceled.
    26     (i)  Investigation.--A commission or a commissioner has the
    27  power to do any of the following:
    28         (1)  Summon and interrogate any person concerning the
    29     registration of electors or any matter related thereto.
    30         (2)  Investigate irregularities in registration.
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     1         (3)  Summon and examine witnesses.
     2         (4)  Require the production of relevant documents.
     3     (j)  Oaths and affirmations.--Each commissioner has the power
     4  to administer oaths and affirmations. Each individual testifying
     5  before a commission or commissioner must be sworn or affirmed.
     6     (k)  Correction of errors.--
     7         (1)  A commission has the power to correct its records
     8     without requiring action of a registered elector in any of
     9     the following cases:
    10             (i)  If the mailing address of the registered elector
    11         has been changed by the renaming of a street, the
    12         renumbering of a house or the changing of a post office.
    13             (ii)  If the election district of the registered
    14         elector has been changed through a change in the
    15         boundaries of an election district.
    16         (2)  Notice of action under paragraph (1) shall be mailed
    17     promptly to the affected registered elector.
    18  Section 304.  Commission staff.
    19     (a)  Counties of the first class.--
    20         (1)  A commissioner may act as registrar or inspector of
    21     registration.
    22         (2)  The commission has the power to assign assistants,
    23     employees or clerks to act as registrars or inspectors of
    24     registration. Individuals assigned under this paragraph shall
    25     not receive additional compensation for service as registrars
    26     or inspectors.
    27         (3)  Appointments shall be as follows:
    28             (i)  The commission shall annually appoint at least
    29         two registrars for each registration place. Not more than
    30         one-half of the number of registrars appointed annually
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     1         for each registration place may be members of the same
     2         political party.
     3             (ii)  Registrars appointed must be qualified electors
     4         of the election district or ward for which they have been
     5         appointed, must be of good moral character, must not have
     6         been convicted of a crime, and must be familiar with the
     7         qualifications of electors and the duties of the
     8         registrars. No individual who holds or is a candidate for
     9         public office or party office may be appointed to or hold
    10         any office or employment under any commission, except as
    11         otherwise provided by this act.
    12             (iii)  Appointments shall be as follows:
    13                 (A)  The commission shall provide 15 days' notice
    14             for submission of candidates.
    15                 (B)  The city chairs of the party having polled
    16             the highest and the second highest vote in this
    17             Commonwealth at the last preceding gubernatorial
    18             election may file with the commission a written list
    19             of names of members of the party whom the chair
    20             recommends for appointment as registrars. Lists must
    21             contain the name, address, qualifications and
    22             occupation of each individual recommended and shall
    23             be open to public inspection in the office of the
    24             commission.
    25                 (C)  The commission shall appoint individuals
    26             from the list as registrars representing the parties.
    27             If more candidates are recommended by a chair than
    28             the party is entitled to have appointed, the
    29             commission shall appoint those candidates from the
    30             list whom the commission finds to be qualified under
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     1             this section. If there are not sufficient candidates
     2             qualified to serve recommended by a chair, the
     3             commission may appoint other individuals whom the
     4             commission believes qualified.
     5                 (D)  If a vacancy occurs in the office of
     6             registrar, the commission shall fill the vacancy by
     7             appointing an elector of the district or ward, as the
     8             case may be, who is qualified under subparagraph (ii)
     9             and who is a registered and enrolled member of the
    10             same political party as the registrar whose office
    11             was vacated. The vacancy appointment shall be made in
    12             the same manner as the initial appointment.
    13             (iv)  Registrars appointed have the power to register
    14         the qualified electors of the election district or ward
    15         and, in so doing, to administer oaths and affirmations.
    16         Registrars appointed shall perform all other duties
    17         imposed on registrars by this act and by the commission.
    18             (v)  Nothing in this subsection shall prevent a
    19         registrar from serving as a registrar in a ward or
    20         division of the city, or prevent the commission from
    21         assigning a registrar to register voters in a ward or
    22         division of the city.
    23             (vi)  Except as provided in paragraph (1), each
    24         registrar shall receive compensation set by the
    25         commission for each day during which the registrar is
    26         engaged in the active performance of duties as registrar.
    27             (vii)  The commission shall designate the duties to
    28         be performed by appointed registrars.
    29         (4)  Any insertion or removal of names or other
    30     information in registers or an amendment of records done by
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     1     any employee, registrar or inspector by order of the
     2     commission shall be construed to be an action of the
     3     commission. It is the duty of the commission to correct any
     4     error in such action.
     5         (5)  Before exercising a power of office, a registrar or
     6     inspector of registration assigned under paragraph (2) or
     7     appointed under paragraph (3) must comply with all of the
     8     following:
     9             (i)  Take an oath or affirmation of office, as
    10         prescribed by the commission.
    11             (ii)  Receive from the commission a certificate of
    12         appointment, setting forth name and address, date of
    13         appointment and the length of appointment.
    14         (6)  The commission may annually designate registration
    15     places in the wards.
    16         (7)  The commission may appoint employees necessary to
    17     perform the functions of the office and to register the
    18     voters of the city. Employees shall be paid compensation as
    19     set by the commission.
    20         (8)  Removal shall be as follows:
    21             (i)  The commission has the power to remove any
    22         employee, inspector, registrar or other officer appointed
    23         or employed by it. No registrar appointed under paragraph
    24         (3) may be removed except for cause.
    25             (ii)  A qualified elector of the city may appear
    26         before the commission and show that a registrar assigned
    27         under paragraph (2) or appointed under paragraph (3) does
    28         not possess the qualifications requisite for the
    29         performance of duties of office or has violated this act.
    30         If, after public hearing, the commission finds the
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     1         charges brought to be true, the commission shall remove
     2         the registrar.
     3         (9)  An inspector of registration has the authority to
     4     investigate all matters regarding voter registration and to
     5     make recommendations to the commission.
     6         (10)  The commission may employ counsel. Counsel shall
     7     advise the commission regarding its powers and duties, the
     8     rights of electors and the best methods of legal procedure
     9     for carrying out this act and shall appear for and represent
    10     the commission on all appeals under Chapter 13. The amount of
    11     compensation for counsel shall be set by the city
    12     commissioners.
    13         (11)  Employees and clerks of the commission shall be
    14     privileged from arrest while acting as registrars.
    15     Commissioners and inspectors of registration shall be
    16     privileged from arrest while performing their duties, except
    17     upon warrant of a court of record for a felony, for wanton
    18     breach of the peace or for a criminal violation of this act.
    19     (b)  Counties of the second through eighth classes.--
    20         (1)  The registration commission shall appoint a chief
    21     clerk, who may be the chief clerk of the county
    22     commissioners. The chief clerk has authority to administer
    23     oaths and to sign vouchers.
    24         (2)  Registrars and inspectors of registration must be
    25     qualified electors of the county. Registrars and inspectors
    26     of registration shall receive compensation, either on a per
    27     diem basis for time actually employed or on the basis of work
    28     actually done, as fixed by the salary board of the county. No
    29     registrar or inspector of registration may exercise any power
    30     of office until taking an oath or affirmation of office
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     1     prescribed by the commission and receiving from the
     2     commission a certificate of appointment, setting forth name
     3     and address, date of appointment and length of appointment.
     4         (3)  Other staff shall be as follows:
     5             (i)  A commission may appoint assistants and
     6         employees as necessary to carry out this act and may
     7         remove them. The number and compensation of assistants
     8         and employees shall be fixed by the salary board of the
     9         county. A commission may appoint employees of the county
    10         to act for the commission without additional
    11         compensation.
    12             (ii)  The employees to be appointed by a commission
    13         include:
    14                 (A)  Registrars or clerks who are empowered to
    15             register the qualified electors of the county and, in
    16             so doing, to administer oaths and affirmations.
    17                 (B)  Inspectors of registration who have
    18             authority to investigate all matters regarding voter
    19             registration and to make recommendations to the
    20             commission.
    21         (4)  The county solicitor shall be counsel for the
    22     commission and shall receive no compensation in addition to
    23     compensation as county solicitor. Counsel shall advise the
    24     commission regarding its powers and duties and the rights of
    25     electors and concerning the best methods of legal procedure
    26     for carrying out this act and shall appear for and represent
    27     the commission on appeals taken from its decisions or orders.
    28         (5)  Any insertion or removal of names or other
    29     information in registers and the amendment of records done by
    30     any employee of a commission or by order of a commission
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     1     shall be construed to have been done by the commission. The
     2     commission shall be responsible for the correction of errors.
     3         (6)  No individual who holds or is a candidate for public
     4     or party office may be appointed to or hold any office or
     5     employment under any commission, except as otherwise provided
     6     by this act.
     7         (7)  Commissioners, registrars and inspectors of
     8     registration shall be privileged from arrest while performing
     9     their duties except upon warrant of a court of record, for a
    10     felony, for wanton breach of the peace or for a criminal
    11     violation of this act.
    12         (8)  A commissioner or the chief clerk may act as
    13     registrar or inspector of registration. When acting under
    14     this subsection, the commissioner or chief clerk has the
    15     powers and duties conferred by law upon registrars and
    16     inspectors of registration.
    17  Section 305.  Police assistance.
    18     A commission may call on police officers of the appropriate
    19  municipality to maintain the peace at a place of registration.
    20  Section 306.  Unexpended balance; source of funds.
    21     (a)  Unexpended balance.--Unexpended balances of
    22  appropriations made by the county commissioners prior to the
    23  effective date of this act for the purpose of carrying out the
    24  act of March 30, 1937 (P.L.115, No.40), known as The First Class
    25  City Permanent Registration Act, and the act of April 29, 1937
    26  (P.L.487, No.115), known as The Permanent Registration Act for
    27  Cities of the Second Class, Cities of the Second Class A, Cities
    28  of the Third Class, Boroughs, Towns, and Townships, are
    29  transferred to and made available for commissions under this
    30  act.
    19950H1212B1742                 - 19 -

     1     (b)  Source of funds.--A commission may accept and use in the
     2  performance of its duties funds received from the Federal
     3  Government, the Commonwealth or any other source.
     4  Section 307.  Open records and documents.
     5     (a)  Scope.--The following documents under this act are open
     6  to public inspection except as otherwise provided in this
     7  section:
     8         (1)  Records of a registration commission and of district
     9     registers.
    10         (2)  Street lists.
    11         (3)  Official voter registration applications.
    12         (4)  Petitions and appeals.
    13         (5)  Witness lists.
    14         (6)  Accounts and contracts.
    15         (7)  Reports.
    16     (b)  Exception.--The Statewide central registry is not an
    17  open record or document under this section or any other act.
    18     (c)  Use.--Open material under subsection (a) may be
    19  inspected during ordinary business hours subject to the
    20  efficient operation of the commission. Public inspection shall
    21  only be in the presence of a commissioner or authorized
    22  commission employee and shall be subject to proper regulation
    23  for safekeeping of the material and subject to this act. Upon
    24  request, a photocopy of the record or computer-generated data
    25  record shall be provided at cost. The material may not be used
    26  for commercial or improper purposes.
    27                             CHAPTER 5
    28                         VOTER REGISTRATION
    29                            SUBCHAPTER A
    30                           QUALIFICATIONS
    19950H1212B1742                 - 20 -

     1  Section 501.  Qualifications to register.
     2     (a)  Eligibility.--A qualified elector who will be at least
     3  18 years of age on the day of the next election, who has been a
     4  citizen of the United States for at least one month and who has
     5  resided in this Commonwealth and the election district where the
     6  qualified elector offers to vote for at least 30 days prior to
     7  the next ensuing election shall be entitled to be registered as
     8  provided in this chapter. If an individual is qualified to vote
     9  in an election district prior to removal of residence, the
    10  individual may, if a resident of this Commonwealth, vote in the
    11  election district from which residence was removed within the 30
    12  days preceding the election.
    13     (b)  Effect.--No individual shall be permitted to vote at any
    14  election unless the individual is registered under this
    15  subsection, except as provided by law or by order of a court of
    16  common pleas. No registered elector shall be required to
    17  register again for any election while the elector continues to
    18  reside at the same address.
    19  Section 502.  Residence of electors.
    20     (a)  General rule.--
    21         (1)  For the purpose of registration and voting, no
    22     individual shall be deemed to have gained a residence by
    23     reason of presence or lost a residence by reason of absence
    24     in any of the following circumstances:
    25             (i)  Being employed in the service, either civil or
    26         military, of this Commonwealth or of the United States.
    27             (ii)  Being engaged in the navigation of the waters
    28         of this Commonwealth or of the United States or on the
    29         high seas.
    30             (iii)  Being in an institution at public expense.
    19950H1212B1742                 - 21 -

     1         This subparagraph does not apply to a veteran who resides
     2         in a home for disabled and indigent soldiers and sailors
     3         maintained by the Commonwealth. Such a veteran may elect
     4         to utilize that residence for registration and voting or
     5         elect to vote as an absentee elector by the use of an
     6         absentee ballot.
     7         (2)  Nothing in paragraph (1) shall preclude any elector
     8     eligible under section 501 from establishing the district of
     9     residence as the election district of residence pursuant to
    10     subsection (b).
    11         (3)  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, no
    12     individual who is confined in a penal institution shall be
    13     deemed a resident of the election district where the
    14     institution is located. The individual shall be deemed to
    15     reside where the individual was last registered before being
    16     confined in the penal institution; or, if there was no
    17     registration prior to confinement, the individual shall be
    18     deemed to reside at the last known address before
    19     confinement.
    20         (4)  An individual who resides at an institution for the
    21     mentally ill or the mentally retarded, if otherwise qualified
    22     under section 501, shall be deemed, at the individual's
    23     option, a resident in one of the following:
    24             (i)  The district where the institution is located.
    25             (ii)  The district where the individual was last
    26         registered to vote before entering the institution. For
    27         purposes of this subparagraph, if the individual was not
    28         registered before entering the institution, the
    29         individual shall be deemed to reside at the last known
    30         address before entering the institution.
    19950H1212B1742                 - 22 -

     1     (b)  Rules for determination.--The following apply:
     2         (1)  That the place shall be considered the residence of
     3     an individual in which habitation is fixed and to which,
     4     whenever the individual is absent, the individual has the
     5     intention of returning.
     6         (2)  An individual shall not be considered to have lost
     7     residence if the individual leaves home and goes into another
     8     state or another election district for temporary purposes
     9     only, with the intention of returning.
    10         (3)  An individual shall not be considered to have gained
    11     a residence in an election district if the individual comes
    12     into that district for temporary purposes only, without the
    13     intention of making that election district a permanent place
    14     of abode.
    15         (4)  If an individual removes to another state with the
    16     intention of making that state the permanent residence, the
    17     individual shall be considered to have lost residence in this
    18     Commonwealth.
    19         (5)  If an individual removes to another state with the
    20     intention of remaining there an indefinite time and making
    21     that state the place of residence, the individual shall be
    22     considered to have lost residence in this Commonwealth,
    23     notwithstanding an intention to return at some indefinite
    24     future period.
    25         (6)  If an individual goes into another state and, while
    26     there, votes in an election held by that state, the
    27     individual shall be considered to have lost residence in this
    28     Commonwealth.
    29         (7)  An individual employed in the service of the Federal
    30     Government or of the Commonwealth and required thereby to be
    19950H1212B1742                 - 23 -

     1     absent from the municipality where the individual resided
     2     when entering that employment, and the spouse of the
     3     individual, may remain registered in the district where the
     4     individual resided immediately prior to entering that
     5     employment; and the individual and the spouse shall be
     6     enrolled in the political party designated by the individual
     7     or spouse without declaring a residence by street and number.
     8             (i)  An individual who registers under this paragraph
     9         for Commonwealth employment must produce a certificate
    10         from the head of the State agency, under the seal of
    11         office, setting forth that the individual or the
    12         individual's spouse is actually employed in the service
    13         of the Commonwealth and setting forth the nature of the
    14         employment and the time when the employee first entered
    15         the employment. The commission shall retain certificates
    16         under this subparagraph.
    17             (ii)  The commission shall note on the registration
    18         card of each individual registered under this paragraph
    19         the fact of Federal or State employment.
    20             (iii)  At least once every two years the commission
    21         shall verify the employment of the individuals registered
    22         under this paragraph at the proper Federal or State
    23         office. If an individual is found to be no longer a
    24         Federal or State employee, the individual's registration
    25         shall be canceled under Chapter 9.
    26                            SUBCHAPTER B
    27                             PROCEDURE
    28  Section 521.  Methods of voter registration.
    29     An individual qualified to register to vote under section
    30  501(a) may apply to register as follows:
    19950H1212B1742                 - 24 -

     1         (1)  In person under section 522.
     2         (2)  In conjunction with an application for a motor
     3     vehicle driver's license under section 523.
     4         (3)  By mail application under section 524.
     5         (4)  In conjunction with certain government agency
     6     services under section 525.
     7  Section 522.  In-person voter registration.
     8     (a)  General rule.--Applications may be submitted to register
     9  to vote or change party enrollment or name or address on current
    10  registration record in person before the registration commission
    11  or a commissioner, a registrar or a clerk at the office of the
    12  commission or at a place designated by the commission. The
    13  applicant shall be advised that any intentional false statement
    14  on the application constitutes perjury and will be punishable as
    15  such. The applicant shall provide the information required on
    16  the registration application and sign the registration
    17  declaration. The commission shall prepare and provide voter
    18  registration applications for the purpose of registering
    19  qualified electors in accordance with this section.
    20  Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, the commission
    21  may use a mail registration application for in-person
    22  registration. THE COMMISSION SHALL MAIL THE VOTER'S               <--
    24     (b)  Notice.--The commission shall, within a reasonable time,
    25  publicly announce the address of each place of registration, the
    26  address of each office of the commission established for the
    27  registration of electors other than its main office and the days
    28  and hours when the place or office is open for the registration
    29  of electors. The announcement shall be made by posting notice at
    30  the place or office and at the commission's main office and by
    19950H1212B1742                 - 25 -

     1  other means as the commission deems advisable.
     2     (c)  Polls.--The election board of each county shall cause
     3  any polling place to be open, in proper order for use, as a
     4  place of registration, on each day when the polling place is
     5  desired by the commission or required by the provisions of this
     6  act for use as a place of registration. The appropriating
     7  authority of the county shall provide for the payment of rentals
     8  for such polling places and other places of registration.
     9     (d)  Schools.--The board of public education or the board of
    10  school directors shall furnish suitable space in any public
    11  school building under its jurisdiction or control and shall
    12  cause the space to be open and in proper order for use as a
    13  place of registration on each day when the space is desired by
    14  the commission for use as a place of registration in accordance
    15  with the provisions of this act. Use under this subsection may
    16  not interfere with school instruction.
    17     (e)  Municipal buildings.--The proper authority in the county
    18  or municipality shall furnish suitable space in a building under
    19  its jurisdiction or control and shall cause the space to be open
    20  and in proper order for use as a place of registration on each
    21  day when the space is desired by the commission for use as a
    22  place of registration. Use under this subsection may not
    23  interfere with the use for which the space is primarily
    24  designed.
    25  Section 523.  Application with driver's license application.
    26     (a)  General rule.--
    27         (1)  The Department of Transportation shall provide for
    28     simultaneous application for voter registration in
    29     conjunction with the process under 75 Pa.C.S. § 1510
    30     (relating to issuance and content of driver's license). An
    19950H1212B1742                 - 26 -

     1     application under this subsection shall serve as an
     2     application to register to vote unless the applicant fails to
     3     sign the voter registration application. The secretary has
     4     the primary responsibility for implementing and enforcing the
     5     driver's license voter registration system created under this
     6     section. The secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of
     7     Transportation, may promulgate regulations for implementing
     8     this section.
     9         (2)  An application for voter registration submitted to
    10     the Department of Transportation under this subsection shall
    11     be considered as updating any previous voter registration
    12     information by the applicant.
    13         (3)  Any change of address submitted under 75 Pa.C.S. §
    14     1515 (relating to notice of change of name or address) shall
    15     serve as notification of change of address for voter
    16     registration for the registrant involved unless the
    17     registrant indicates that the change of address is not for
    18     voter registration purposes.
    19     (b)  Process.--
    20         (1)  The Department of Transportation shall provide for
    21     an application for voter registration as part of a driver's
    22     license application.
    23         (2)  The format of the driver's license/voter
    24     registration application shall be determined and prescribed
    25     by the secretary and the Secretary of Transportation.
    26         (3)  The voter registration application portion of the
    27     application shall contain all the requirements of an official
    28     voter registration application specified in section 527. The
    29     voter registration portion of the application:
    30             (i)  may not require any information that duplicates
    19950H1212B1742                 - 27 -

     1         information required in the driver's license portion of
     2         the form, other than a second signature; and
     3             (ii)  may require only the minimum amount of
     4         information necessary to prevent duplicate voter
     5         registration, to enable the registration commission to
     6         assess the eligibility of the applicant and to administer
     7         voter registration and other parts of the election
     8         process.
     9     (c)  Transmission.--
    10         (1)  The Department of Transportation shall forward
    11     completed applications or contents of the completed voter
    12     registration applications in machine-readable format to the
    13     department.
    14         (2)  The department shall transmit the material to the
    15     appropriate commission within ten days after the date of its
    16     receipt by the Department of Transportation. If a voter
    17     registration application is received by the Department of
    18     Transportation within five days before the last day to
    19     register before an election, the application shall be
    20     transmitted to the appropriate commission not later than five
    21     days after the date of its receipt by the Department of
    22     Transportation.
    23         (3)  Upon receipt of the completed voter registration
    24     information from the department, the commission shall make a
    25     record of the date of the receipt of the application and
    26     process the application. No applicant shall be deemed
    27     eligible to vote until the commission has received and
    28     approved the application.
    29         (4)  Changes of address shall comply with the following:
    30             (i)  The Department of Transportation shall notify
    19950H1212B1742                 - 28 -

     1         the secretary of changes of address received under
     2         subsection (a)(3). The secretary shall notify the
     3         commission of the county of the registrant's prior
     4         residence. Except as provided in subparagraph (ii), if
     5         the registrant has moved outside of the county, the
     6         commission shall forward the registrant's registration
     7         card to the commission of the registrant's new county of
     8         residence. Except as provided in subparagraph (ii), if
     9         the registrant has moved to an address within the
    10         commission's jurisdiction, the commission shall update
    11         the registration record of the registrant.
    12             (ii)  In the case of changes of address received by
    13         the Department of Transportation which do not contain a
    14         signature of the registrant, the commission receiving the
    15         change of address notification shall mail a notice to the
    16         registrant at the new residence address requesting
    17         verification of the address change. The verification
    18         notice shall be in substantially the following form:
    19         Date................
    20               Office of the Registration Commission
    21                  .......... County, Pennsylvania
    22           ........ (Address and Telephone No. of County)
    23         We have been notified by the Department of Transportation
    24         that you recently moved from ................. (old
    25         residence address) to ............... (new residence
    26         address) and that this change of address is to serve as a
    27         change of address for voter registration purposes. Unless
    28         you notify this office within ten days from the date of
    29         this notice that this information is not correct, your
    30         voter registration will be transferred to ...........
    19950H1212B1742                 - 29 -

     1         County. You may notify this office by calling the
     2         telephone number appearing on this form or by mailing
     3         this notice to this office. You need not notify this
     4         office if this information is correct.
     5                                 ............................
     6                                                Chief Clerk
     7         If the address change is within the commission's
     8         jurisdiction the county shall notify the registrant what
     9         precinct the new address is in using the following form:
    10         Date...............
    11               Office of the Registration Commission
    12                 ............ County, Pennsylvania
    13          .......... (Address and Telephone No. of County)
    14         We have been notified by the Department of Transportation
    15         that you recently moved from ................. (old
    16         residence address) to (new residence address) and that
    17         this change of address is to serve as a change of address
    18         for voter registration purposes. Unless you notify this
    19         office within ten days from the date of this notice that
    20         this information is not correct, your voter registration
    21         will be transferred to ................ (new precinct) in
    22         this county. You may notify this office by calling the
    23         telephone number appearing on this form or by mailing
    24         this notice to this office. You need not notify this
    25         office if this information is correct.
    26                                 ............................
    27                                                Chief Clerk
    28         Such notices must be sent by first class nonforwardable
    29         mail, return postage guaranteed, and must be in a form
    30         approved by the secretary and designed in such a manner
    19950H1212B1742                 - 30 -

     1         to allow the registrant to indicate that the address
     2         change is incorrect, the reason why such discrepancy
     3         exists and for return to the county commission. Such
     4         notice must be signed by the registrant and dated.
     5             (iii)  If the registrant does not return the notice
     6         under subparagraph (ii) within the ten-day period, the
     7         commission shall process the change of address according
     8         to subparagraph (i). If the registrant notifies the
     9         commission that the information is incorrect and the
    10         commission is satisfied with the registrant's explanation
    11         of the discrepancy, the address of the registrant's
    12         registration shall remain unchanged. If the verification
    13         notification is returned by the post office, the
    14         commission shall direct a confirmation notice to the
    15         registrant's address of former residence in accordance
    16         with section 907(d)(2).
    17     (d)  Prohibition.--An individual who is not a qualified
    18  elector is ineligible to register to vote under this section.
    19     (e)  Effect.--Failure to properly complete a voter
    20  registration application shall not affect the validity of an
    21  application for a driver's license, a renewal application or an
    22  identification card application.
    23     (f)  Use of information.--No information regarding a
    24  declination to register to vote in connection with an
    25  application made under this section may be used for any purpose
    26  other than voter registration.
    27     (g)  Staff.--Agents and employees working on behalf of the
    28  Department of Transportation assisting in the completion of
    29  voter registration applications shall conduct themselves in a
    30  manner consistent with the following principles:
    19950H1212B1742                 - 31 -

     1         (1)  They shall not seek to influence an applicant's
     2     political preference or party registration or display
     3     political preference or party allegiance.
     4         (2)  They shall not make a statement to an applicant or
     5     take an action the purpose or effect of which is to
     6     discourage the applicant from registering to vote.
     7         (3)  Applicants wishing to register to vote under this
     8     section shall be given the same degree of assistance with the
     9     voter registration application as with all other Department
    10     of Transportation forms.
    11  Agency employees who violate this subsection shall be removed
    12  from employment, provided that the agency at its discretion may
    13  impose a penalty of suspension without pay for at least 30 days,
    14  but not more than 120 days, if it finds that the violation does
    15  not warrant termination.
    16     (h)  Reimbursement.--The department shall reimburse the
    17  Department of Transportation costs incurred in operating the
    18  voter registration program, as determined in a memorandum of
    19  understanding between the Department of Transportation and the
    20  department.
    21  Section 524.  Application by mail.
    22     (a)  General rule.--An application to register to vote or to
    23  change party enrollment or name or address on a current
    24  registration may be submitted by voter registration mail
    25  application in the manner set forth in this section. An
    26  application may be submitted by mail or by representative to the
    27  registration commission on an official mail registration
    28  application, the form of which shall be determined and
    29  prescribed by the secretary or the Federal Election Commission
    30  pursuant to the National Voter Registration Act (Public Law 103-
    19950H1212B1742                 - 32 -

     1  31, 42 U.S.C. § 1973gg et seq.). The applicant must complete the
     2  information required on the registration application and sign
     3  the registration declaration.
     4     (b)  Time.--Registration under this section may be made at
     5  any time. If a registration application is received by a
     6  commission beyond the deadline for registration provided in
     7  section 527, the application shall be retained by the commission
     8  until the beginning of the next period during which registration
     9  can be made.
    10     (c)  Military electors.--
    11         (1)  A military elector may apply at any time for
    12     registration on an official registration application or any
    13     form prescribed by the Federal Government for such purpose.
    14         (2)  The status of a military elector to register under
    15     this section with respect to residence shall remain as the
    16     same home residence status from which the elector is
    17     qualified to register. If, at the time of leaving that home
    18     address, the elector had not resided in this Commonwealth or
    19     in a particular election district for a sufficient time to
    20     have been entitled to be registered but, by continued
    21     residence, would have become entitled to be registered, the
    22     elector shall be entitled to be registered at the time the
    23     elector would have been entitled to register had the elector
    24     not left that home address but continued to reside there.
    25         (3)  The commission is authorized to consider a request
    26     for an absentee ballot as a request for an official
    27     registration application and to forward to the requester all
    28     of the following:
    29             (i)  An absentee ballot and balloting material.
    30             (ii)  An official registration application.
    19950H1212B1742                 - 33 -

     1         (4)  The military elector must complete and file these
     2     documents in accordance with the applicable provisions of the
     3     act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the
     4     Pennsylvania Election Code.
     5  Section 525.  Government agencies.
     6     (a)  General rule.--The secretary shall administer a system
     7  whereby all offices in this Commonwealth that provide public
     8  assistance, each county clerk of Orphan's Court, including each
     9  Marriage License Bureau, all offices in this Commonwealth that
    10  provide State-funded programs primarily engaged in providing
    11  services to persons with disabilities and all armed forces
    12  recruitment centers do all of the following:
    13         (1)  Distribute voter registration applications with each
    14     application; reapplication; and application for
    15     recertification, renewal or change of address.
    16         (2)  Assist applicants with completion of the
    17     registration application unless assistance is refused.
    18         (3)  Accept completed registration applications.
    19         (4)  Transmit completed applications to the appropriate
    20     registration commission.
    21     (b)  Forms.--An agency designated in subsection (a) shall
    22  provide a form for office visits or, if the agency provides
    23  services to persons with disabilities, for home visits which
    24  contains all of the following:
    25         (1)  The question, "If you are not registered to vote
    26     where you live now, would you like to apply to register to
    27     vote today?"
    28         (2)  If the agency provides public assistance, the
    29     statement, "Applying to register or declining to register to
    30     vote will not affect the amount of assistance that you will
    19950H1212B1742                 - 34 -

     1     be provided by this agency."
     2         (3)  Boxes for the applicant to check to indicate whether
     3     the applicant would like to register or decline to register
     4     to vote. In close proximity to the boxes the following words
     5     shall appear in prominent type: "IF YOU DO NOT CHECK EITHER
     7     TO VOTE AT THIS TIME."
    14         (4) (5)  The statement, "If you would like help in         <--
    15     filling out the voter registration application form, we will
    16     help you. The decision whether to seek help is yours. You may
    17     fill out the form in private."
    20         (5) (7)  The statement, "If you believe that someone has   <--
    21     interfered with your right to register or to decline to
    22     register to vote, your right to privacy in deciding whether
    23     to register or in applying to register to vote, or your right
    24     to choose your own political party or other political
    25     preference, you may file a complaint with the Secretary of
    26     the Commonwealth, Pennsylvania Department of State,
    27     Harrisburg, PA 17120." The secretary shall establish and
    28     publish a toll-free telephone number for the purpose of
    29     receiving complaints.
    30     (c)  Effect.--Failure to check either box under subsection
    19950H1212B1742                 - 35 -

     1  (b)(3) shall be considered a declination to register to vote.
     2     (d)  Staff.--Agency employees assisting in the completion of
     3  voter registration applications shall conduct themselves in a
     4  manner consistent with the following principles:
     5         (1)  They shall not seek to influence an applicant's
     6     political preference or party registration or display
     7     political preference or party allegiance.
     8         (2)  They shall not make any statement to an applicant or
     9     take any action the purpose of or effect of which is to
    10     discourage the applicant from registering to vote.
    11         (3)  They shall not make any statement to an applicant or
    12     take any action the purpose or effect of which is to lead the
    13     applicant to believe that a decision to register or not to
    14     register has any bearing on the availability of services or
    15     benefits.
    16  Agency employees who violate this subsection shall be removed
    17  from employment, provided that the agency at its discretion may
    18  impose a penalty of suspension without pay for at least 30 days,
    19  but not more than 120 days, if it finds that the violation does
    20  not warrant termination.
    21     (e)  Encouraging registration.--An agency designated in
    22  subsection (a) shall provide reasonable space for nonpartisan
    23  signs or posters encouraging voter registration. The signs and
    24  posters shall be provided by the secretary.
    25     (f)  Transmission.--An agency designated in subsection (a)
    26  shall forward all completed registration applications to the
    27  appropriate registration commission within ten days after the
    28  date of receipt. If a voter registration application is received
    29  within five days before the last day to register before an
    30  election, the application shall be transmitted to the
    19950H1212B1742                 - 36 -

     1  appropriate commission not later than five days after the date
     2  of its receipt by the agency.
     3     (g)  Confidentiality.--The identity of the voter registration
     4  agency through which any particular voter is registered in
     5  accordance with this section shall not be disclosed to the
     6  public.
     7     (h)  Use of information.--No information relating to a
     8  declination to register to vote in connection with an
     9  application made at an office described in this section may be
    10  used for any purpose other than voter registration.
    11     (i)  Assistance.--Each agency shall provide to each applicant
    12  who chooses to register to vote the same degree of assistance
    13  with regard to the completion of the registration application
    14  form as is provided by the office with regard to the completion
    15  of its own forms, unless the applicant refuses such assistance.
    16     (j)  Regulation.--The secretary shall promulgate regulations
    17  regarding the maintenance and destruction of forms used pursuant
    18  to this section.
    19  Section 526.  Time.
    20     (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection (b),
    21  each registration commission, commissioners and registrars or
    22  clerks appointed by the commission shall receive, during
    23  ordinary business hours and during additional hours as the
    24  commission prescribes, at the office of the commission and at
    25  additional places as the commission designates, applications
    26  from individuals who appear and claim that they are entitled to
    27  be registered as electors of a municipality.
    28     (b)  Deadlines.--In the administration of voter registration,
    29  each commission shall ensure that any eligible applicant is
    30  registered to vote in an election when the applicant has met any
    19950H1212B1742                 - 37 -

     1  of the following conditions:
     2         (1)  In the case of voter registration with a motor
     3     vehicle driver's license application under section 523, if
     4     the valid voter registration application is submitted to the
     5     appropriate Department of Transportation office not later
     6     than 30 days before the date of the election.
     7         (2)  In the case of registration by mail under section
     8     524, if the valid voter registration mail application is
     9     postmarked not later than the deadline to register for the
    10     ensuing election or, in the case of an illegible or missing
    11     postmark, it is received not later than five days after the
    12     deadline to register for the ensuing election.
    13         (3)  In the case of voter registration at a voter
    14     registration agency under section 525, if the valid voter
    15     registration application is accepted at the voter
    16     registration agency not later than 30 days before the date of
    17     the election.
    18         (4)  In any other case, if the valid voter registration
    19     application of the applicant is received by the appropriate
    20     commission not later than 30 days before the election.
    21     (c)  Special rules.--
    22         (1)  In the case of a special election within a
    23     congressional, senatorial or representative district held on
    24     a day other than the day of a primary, general or municipal
    25     election, the registration application forms shall not be
    26     processed in the wards and election districts comprising the
    27     district for the 30 days prior to the special election for
    28     such election.
    29         (2)  No applications shall be received as follows:
    30             (i)  On Sundays.
    19950H1212B1742                 - 38 -

     1             (ii)  On holidays.
     2             (iii)  On the day of the election.
     3             (iv)  During the 30 days next preceding each
     4         general, municipal and primary election, except as
     5         provided in subsection (b).
     6  Section 527.  Preparation and distribution of applications.
     7     (a)  Form.--
     8         (1)  The secretary shall prescribe the form of official
     9     voter registration application. The official voter
    10     registration application shall provide space for the
    11     following information about the applicant:
    12             (i)  Full name.
    13             (ii)  Address of residence. If the residence is a
    14         portion only of the house, the location or number of the
    15         room, apartment or floor which is occupied.
    16             (iii)  Mailing address if different than address of
    17         residence.
    18             (iv)  Name and residence address on previous
    19         registration and the year of that registration.
    20             (v)  Designation of political party, for the purpose
    21         of voting at a primary election.
    22             (vi)  Date of birth.
    23             (vii)  Telephone number. An application shall not be
    24         rejected because of noncompliance with this subparagraph.
    25             (viii)  Race. An application shall not be rejected
    26         because of noncompliance with this subparagraph.
    27         (2)  Data required on the voter registration application
    28     shall not be more nor less than the minimum data elements
    29     permissible for Federal voter registration.
    30         (3)  Any person who assists in the completion of the
    19950H1212B1742                 - 39 -

     1     registration application shall sign the application and
     2     indicate the person's address. In the case of those
     3     registering under sections 523 and 525, the person providing
     4     assistance shall insert the person's initials or employee or
     5     agent identification number on a separate or detachable
     6     portion of the application or computer data file.
     7         (4)  A voter registration application shall be printed on
     8     stock of good quality and shall be of suitable uniform size.
     9     Nothing in this act shall prohibit the design and use of an
    10     electronic voter registration application which includes the
    11     applicant's digitized signature. The registration application
    12     shall contain the following information; however, the
    13     information may be provided on a separate form for voter
    14     registration made under section 523 or 525:
    15             (i)  Notice that an individual currently registered
    16         does not need to re-register unless the individual has
    17         moved.
    18             (ii)  Instructions on how to fill out and submit the
    19         application and notification of when the application must
    20         be submitted to a voter registration office in order to
    21         be registered for the ensuing election.
    22             (iii)  Notice that the registrant must be a citizen
    23         of the United States for at least one month and a
    24         resident of this Commonwealth and the election district
    25         for at least 30 days and must be at least 18 years of age
    26         by the day of the next ensuing election. The notice
    27         required in this subparagraph shall be in print identical
    28         to the declaration under subsection (b).
    29             (iv)  Notice that political party enrollment is
    30         mandatory to vote in a primary election of a political
    19950H1212B1742                 - 40 -

     1         party.
     2             (v)  Notice that the commission will mail by
     3         nonforwardable mail to the applicant a voter's
     4         identification card upon acceptance of the application
     5         and that the registrant should contact the commission if
     6         the identification card is not received within 14 days
     7         from the date the application is sent to the registration
     8         office.
     9             (vi)  Notice that registration is not complete until
    10         the application is processed and accepted by the
    11         commission.
    12             (vii)  A warning to the registrant that making a
    13         false registration or furnishing false information is
    14         perjury. The notice required in this subparagraph shall
    15         be in print identical to the declaration under subsection
    16         (b).
    17             (viii)  Instructions to Federal or State employees
    18         who wish to retain voting residence in county of last
    19         residence to so indicate on the application.
    20             (ix)  Notice that if an applicant declines to
    21         register to vote, the fact that the applicant has
    22         declined to register will remain confidential and will be
    23         used only for voter registration purposes. The notice
    24         required in this subparagraph shall be in print identical
    25         to the declaration under subsection (b).
    26             (x)  Notice that, if an applicant does register to
    27         vote, the office at which the applicant submits a voter
    28         registration application will remain confidential and
    29         will be used for voter registration purposes only. The
    30         notices required in this subparagraph shall be in print
    19950H1212B1742                 - 41 -

     1         identical to the declaration in subsection (b).
     2         (5)  The official voter registration application may be
     3     designed in a manner to be inserted in the district register
     4     or for transfer to a registration card to be placed in the
     5     district register.
     6         (6)  In jurisdictions where there is a single language
     7     minority, the secretary may print a bilingual application.
     8         (7)  In jurisdictions where a single language minority
     9     exceeds 5% of the population, the secretary shall:
    10             (i)  print a bilingual application; and
    11             (ii)  conduct a public educational program among that
    12         language group alerting both organizations and
    13         individuals of that group of the availability of the
    14         bilingual application and encouraging unregistered voters
    15         to register.
    16         (8)  To implement section 524, the secretary shall print
    17     an official voter registration mail application designed to
    18     preserve the confidentiality of the information required to
    19     be submitted. The application shall contain information
    20     required by this section and shall include the name of each
    21     county seat, its post office mailing address and zip code and
    22     its telephone number. Voter registration mail applications
    23     shall contain information indicating whether the application
    24     is a new registration, change of party enrollment, change of
    25     address or change of name.
    26         (9)  Nothing in this act shall prohibit a private
    27     organization or individual from printing blank voter
    28     registration applications or shall prohibit the use of such
    29     applications by any other individual. Provided that the form,
    30     content and paper quality of such voter registration
    19950H1212B1742                 - 42 -

     1     application complies with department regulations for the
     2     forms or has received prior approval from the secretary.
     3     (b)  Registration declaration.--
     4         (1)  The official voter registration application shall
     5     contain a registration declaration. On the declaration, the
     6     applicant shall state all of the following:
     7             (i)  The applicant has been a citizen of the United
     8         States for at least one month.
     9             (ii)  On the day of the next ensuing election, the
    10         applicant shall be at least 18 years of age.
    11             (iii)  On the day of the next ensuing election, the
    12         applicant shall have resided in this Commonwealth and in
    13         the election district for at least 30 days.
    14             (iv)  The applicant is legally qualified to vote.
    15         (2)  The applicant shall affirm all of the following:
    16             (i)  The information provided in the registration
    17         declaration is true.
    18             (ii)  The applicant understands that:
    19                 (A)  the registration declaration will be
    20             accepted for all purposes as the equivalent of an
    21             affidavit; and
    22                 (B)  if the registration contains a material
    23             false statement, the applicant shall be subject to
    24             penalties for perjury.
    25         (3)  The registration declaration shall contain the
    26     printed name and signature of the applicant and the date of
    27     signing. An applicant unable to sign the voter registration
    28     application shall make a mark before a person of the
    29     applicant's choice other than the applicant's employer or an
    30     agent of the applicant's union. Such person shall insert the
    19950H1212B1742                 - 43 -

     1     person's name, address and telephone number. If such person
     2     is an employee or agent of the Department of Transportation
     3     or another agency, as provided under section 525, and is
     4     assisting the applicant in an official capacity, such
     5     employee or agent shall insert the initials and
     6     identification number of the employee or agent. In the case
     7     of applicants registering under section 523 or 525, the
     8     person providing assistance shall insert initials or employee
     9     or agent identification number on a separate or detachable
    10     portion of the application or computer data file.
    11         (4)  The official registration application shall contain
    12     a notice entitled "PENALTY FOR FALSIFYING DECLARATION." The
    13     notice shall advise the applicant that, if a person signs an
    14     official registration application knowing a statement
    15     declared in the application to be false, the person commits
    16     perjury. The notice shall specify the penalty for perjury.
    17     (c)  Distribution.--
    18         (1)  The secretary shall supply official registration
    19     applications to commissions.
    20         (2)  The secretary shall administer a program whereby
    21     public libraries, public schools, State-related institutions
    22     of higher education, offices operated by the Department of
    23     Revenue, offices operated by the Department of Aging, area
    24     agencies on aging, all offices in the Commonwealth that
    25     provide unemployment compensation, offices operated by the
    26     Pennsylvania Game Commission or any of its authorized
    27     license-issuing agents, offices operated by the Pennsylvania
    28     Fish and Boat Commission or any of its issuing agents, and
    29     offices that provide unemployment compensation do all of the
    30     following:
    19950H1212B1742                 - 44 -

     1             (i)  Ensure that official voter registration mail
     2         applications are available on the premises and displayed
     3         prominently in a conspicuous location during normal
     4         business hours.
     5             (ii)  Provide an official voter registration mail
     6         application to any individual requesting one.
     7             (iii)  Provide reasonable space for nonpartisan signs
     8         or posters indicating the availability of official voter
     9         registration mail applications on the premises.
    10         (3)  The secretary may provide technical assistance to
    11     commissions upon request.
    12         (4)  The secretary shall print and distribute mail
    13     registration applications which are not postage paid and
    14     which shall not be specific to any county registration
    15     office. Along with the distribution of such applications, the
    16     secretary shall also include instructions to inform the
    17     applicant where the application is to be sent. Such an
    18     application shall contain a notice that an application is
    19     available from the commission.
    20         (5)  The secretary and commissions shall supply
    21         applications to all of the following:
    22             (i)  Persons and organizations who request
    23         applications.
    24             (ii)  Federal, State and political subdivision
    25         offices.
    26             (iii)  Political parties and political bodies.
    27             (iv)  Candidates.
    28     (d)  Staff.--Agency employees assisting in the distribution
    29  of voter registration applications under subsection (c) shall
    30  conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the following
    19950H1212B1742                 - 45 -

     1  principles:
     2         (1)  They shall not seek to influence an applicant's
     3     political preference or party registration or display
     4     political preference or party allegiance.
     5         (2)  They shall not make any statement to an applicant or
     6     take any action the purpose of or effect of which is to
     7     discourage the applicant from registering to vote.
     8         (3)  They shall not make any statement to an applicant or
     9     take any action the purpose or effect of which is to lead the
    10     applicant to believe that a decision to register or not to
    11     register has any bearing on the availability of services or
    12     benefits.
    13  Agency employees who violate this subsection shall be removed
    14  from employment, provided that the agency at its discretion may
    15  impose a penalty of suspension without pay for at least 30 days,
    16  but not more than 120 days, if it finds that the violation does
    17  not warrant termination.
    18  Section 528.  Approval of registration applications.
    19     (a)  Examination.--
    20         (1)  Official registration applications submitted to a
    21     registration commission shall be examined by the commissioner
    22     or a clerk or registrar upon receipt.
    23         (2)  If the official voter registration application
    24     submission is in person, the application shall be attested
    25     and dated by the commissioner, clerk or registrar.
    26         (3)  Upon receipt of any other voter registration
    27     application, the commission shall make an entry of the date
    28     received on the application. If the applicant does not reside
    29     within the commission's county, but resides elsewhere in this
    30     Commonwealth, the commission shall forward the application
    19950H1212B1742                 - 46 -

     1     card to the proper commission and make a record of the
     2     forwarding.
     3     (b)  Decision.--
     4         (1)  If the commission finds the official registration
     5     application not properly completed, the application shall be
     6     rejected. The commission should make reasonable efforts to
     7     complete the registration before rejecting it for omissions
     8     and inconsistencies. If the commission rejects an application
     9     under this paragraph, it shall indicate "REJECTED" on the
    10     application and state there the reason for rejection and
    11     notify the applicant by first class nonforwardable mail,
    12     return postage guaranteed.
    13         (2)  If the official registration application contains
    14     the required information indicating that the applicant is
    15     legally qualified to register as stated in the application,
    16     the commission shall mail to the applicant a voter's
    17     identification card in accordance with subsection (d)(1).
    18         (3)  For an application for a transfer of registration or
    19     a change in address or name, if the application contains the
    20     required information and the applicant is legally qualified
    21     to transfer registration or change name or address as stated
    22     in the application, the commission shall make the transfer or
    23     change. If the commission suspects that the applicant is not
    24     entitled to transfer registration or to change name or
    25     address, the commission may investigate. If the commission
    26     finds that the applicant is not entitled to the transfer or
    27     change, the application shall be rejected. The applicant
    28     shall be notified of the rejection and the reason for it.
    29     Rejection shall be made no later than ten days before the
    30     election succeeding the filing of the application.
    19950H1212B1742                 - 47 -

     1     (c)  Result.--If an application is designed to serve as a
     2  registration card, the accepted application of an elector may
     3  serve as the elector's official registration card, if it was so
     4  designed, and shall be filed in the office of the commission in
     5  accordance with Chapter 7. If the application is not designed to
     6  serve as a registration card, the information contained on the
     7  application, including the elector's signature, shall be
     8  transferred to the registration card. If a commission utilizes a
     9  signature digitization list, it shall transfer all information
    10  contained on the application, including the signature, to the
    11  registry or, until the registry is established, to a computer
    12  file. The right of an individual to be registered shall not be    <--
    13  subject to challenge for any reason other than failure to have
    14  furnished the commission a properly completed registration
    15  application. Applicants for registration shall be challenged
    16  under section 529.
    17     (d)  Disposition.--
    18         (1)  When the registration of an elector has been finally
    19     processed under subsection (b)(2), the commission shall
    20     transmit to the applicant by first-class nonforwardable mail
    21     a wallet-sized voter's identification card, which shall serve
    22     as notice to the applicant of the disposition of the
    23     application. The card shall contain all of the following:
    24             (i)  Name and address of the elector.
    25             (ii)  Name of municipality.
    26             (iii)  Identification of elector's ward and district.
    27             (iv)  Effective date of registration.
    28             (v)  Designation of party enrollment and date of
    29         enrollment.
    30             (vi)  A space for the elector's signature or mark.
    19950H1212B1742                 - 48 -

     1             (vii)  A statement that the card relates only to the
     2         time of issuance of the card and is not of itself
     3         evidence or proof of the qualifications of the elector to
     4         vote at an election or proof of identification for
     5         purposes of applying for or receiving general assistance
     6         and that it is not necessary to present the card when
     7         voting. The statements required by this subparagraph
     8         shall be placed on the reverse side of the card from
     9         where all of the other information required by this
    10         paragraph is placed.
    11         (2)  The carrier envelope in which the identification
    12     card is enclosed shall contain on the outside a request to
    13     the postmaster to return it within five days if it cannot be
    14     delivered to the addressee at the address given.
    15         (3)  No registration application shall be deemed to be
    16     accepted until ten days after the voter's identification card
    17     has been mailed. Upon return by the post office of an
    18     identification card under paragraph (2) which the post office
    19     is unable to deliver at the given address, the commission
    20     shall investigate. If the commission finds that the applicant
    21     is not qualified to register from such address, the
    22     commission shall reject the application of the applicant and
    23     shall notify the applicant by first class forwardable mail of
    24     this action.
    25         (4)  If the applicant discloses that the elector's last
    26     residence address upon registration was a location within
    27     another county, the commission shall direct a cancellation
    28     notice to the commission of that county. This cancellation
    29     notice shall be in a form approved by the secretary in
    30     substantially the following form:
    19950H1212B1742                 - 49 -

     1         Date .........................
     2               Office of the Registration Commission
     3               ................ County, Pennsylvania
     4         Cancellation of Previous Registration
     5         Name .................................., whose date of
     6         birth is ..........................., has now registered
     7         as an elector in........................ County,
     8         Pennsylvania. Our records indicate that this registrant
     9         was previously registered in the County of
    10         ............................., Pennsylvania, at the
    11         following address ...............................
    12                                 ............................
    13                                                Chief Clerk
    14  Section 529.  Challenges.
    15     (a)  Standing.--An individual claiming the right to register   <--
    16  BE REGISTERED may be challenged by a commissioner, registrar or   <--
    17  clerk or by a qualified elector of the municipality.
    18     (b)  Complaint.--To make a challenge, a complainant must file
    19  a challenge affidavit in a form prescribed by the secretary
    20  containing the following information:
    21         (1)  Name of challenged applicant INDIVIDUAL.              <--
    22         (2)  Address of challenged applicant INDIVIDUAL.           <--
    23         (3)  Name of complainant.
    24         (4)  Address of complainant.
    25         (5)  Date of affidavit.
    26         (6)  Reason for challenge.
    27     (c)  Response.--An individual who is challenged must respond
    28  to the challenge affidavit as set forth in subsection (b) in a
    29  written statement sworn or affirmed by the individual. The
    30  challenged applicant INDIVIDUAL must produce such other evidence  <--
    19950H1212B1742                 - 50 -

     1  as may be required to satisfy the registrar or commissioner as
     2  to the applicant's INDIVIDUAL'S qualifications as an elector.     <--
     3     (d)  Resolution.--If the challenged applicant INDIVIDUAL       <--
     4  establishes, to the satisfaction of the commission, the right to
     5  be registered as required by this act, the challenged applicant   <--
     6  INDIVIDUAL shall be registered.                                   <--
     7  Section 530.  Appeals.
     8     (a)  Right.--An applicant INDIVIDUAL whose application to be   <--
     9  registered has been denied may file with the registration
    10  commission a petition to be registered, setting forth the
    11  grounds of the petition under oath or affirmation. The petition
    12  must be filed by the 15th day prior to an election.
    13     (b)  Hearing.--
    14         (1)  The commission shall fix a time for a public hearing
    15     at its office not later than the tenth day prior to the
    16     election.
    17         (2)  The commission shall give the person responsible for
    18     the rejection 48 hours' notice of the hearing.
    19         (3)  At the hearing, a clerk, inspector of registration
    20     or qualified elector of the county may offer evidence as to
    21     why the petitioner should not be registered.
    22         (4)  The commission, if satisfied that the petitioner is
    23     entitled to be registered, shall direct registration.
    24                             CHAPTER 7
    25                              RECORDS
    26  Section 701.  General register.
    27     (a)  Original registration cards.--If a commission uses the
    28  original registration cards for registered electors in the
    29  county as the district register, the duplicate registration
    30  cards or photocopies of the original registration cards shall be
    19950H1212B1742                 - 51 -

     1  placed in exact alphabetical order by last name of the
     2  registrant, shall be indexed and shall be kept at the office of
     3  the registration commission in a manner as to be properly
     4  safeguarded. These cards constitute the general register of the
     5  county. They may not be removed from the office of the
     6  commission except upon order of a court of record. Nothing in
     7  this act shall preclude the use of duplicate registration cards
     8  from applications provided under the act of March 30, 1937
     9  (P.L.115, No.40), known as The First Class City Permanent
    10  Registration Act, or the act of April 29, 1937 (P.L.487,
    11  No.115), known as The Permanent Registration Act for Cities of
    12  the Second Class, Cities of the Second Class A, Cities of the
    13  Third Class, Boroughs, Towns, and Townships.
    14     (b)  Digitized signature lists.--If a commission uses
    15  digitized signature lists as the district register, the original
    16  registration cards shall be placed in exact alphabetical order
    17  by last name of the registrant, indexed and kept at the office
    18  of the commission in a manner as to be properly safeguarded.
    19  These original cards constitute the general register of the
    20  county. They may not be removed from the office of the
    21  commission except upon order of a court of record. The
    22  commission shall safely retain all registration cards used in
    23  the registration of electors or in conducting an election. If a
    24  commission has the capability to accept an electronic
    25  application, the secretary may require the commission to produce
    26  a computer-generated card to file in the general register. If
    27  the commission finds a record for a registrant on the computer
    28  data base which is not contained in the general register, it
    29  shall replace the original card with a computer-generated
    30  duplicate card upon written permission from the registrant or
    19950H1212B1742                 - 52 -

     1  upon order of a court of record.
     2     (c)  Duplicate files.--If the commission deems a duplicate
     3  file of registration cards necessary for administrative
     4  purposes, the commission may prepare a reproduction in
     5  compliance with the following:
     6         (1)  The registration form shall be photographed,
     7     microphotographed or reproduced in a manner approved for
     8     permanent records by the secretary.
     9         (2)  The device used to reproduce the card is one which
    10     accurately reproduces the original in all details.
    11         (3)  The photographs, microphotographs or other
    12     reproductions are open to public inspection and provision is
    13     made for preserving, examining and using them.
    14  Section 702.  District registers.
    15     (a)  Registration card file.--
    16         (1)  Except as provided in subsection (b) and in section
    17     701(b), the original registration cards shall be filed by
    18     election districts in exact alphabetical order by last name
    19     of the registrant and shall be indexed.
    20         (2)  The cards constitute the district register.
    21         (3)  The commission shall provide binders, which are
    22     capable of being locked, for filing and indexing the
    23     registration cards. The keys to the binders shall at all
    24     times be retained by the commission.
    25         (4)  The district register shall be kept at the office of
    26     the commission, except as provided in subsection (b), and
    27     shall be open to public inspection, subject to reasonable
    28     safeguards and regulations.
    29     (b)  Computer lists.--
    30         (1)  Prior to full implementation of the Statewide
    19950H1212B1742                 - 53 -

     1     central registry under section 301, instead of using
     2     registration cards as the district register as provided in
     3     subsection (a), a commission may use a computer list or
     4     computer-generated cards containing the registered electors
     5     arranged by election district, alphabetically by last name of
     6     the registrant.
     7         (2)  After the full implementation of the Statewide
     8     central registry under section 301, instead of using original
     9     registration cards as the district register as provided in
    10     subsection (a), a commission shall use a computer list or
    11     computer-generated cards in a format as prescribed by the
    12     secretary by regulation.
    13         (3)  The computer list or computer-generated cards must
    14     be in a form prescribed by the secretary and must contain
    15     necessary information that would otherwise be available on
    16     the registration cards, including a legible digitized
    17     signature of the registrant copied from the signature on the
    18     registration card. The district election officials shall have
    19     computer printouts at the polling places containing the
    20     necessary information needed to verify the identity of the
    21     elector. The digitized signature list shall be open to public
    22     inspection, subject to reasonable safeguards, rules and
    23     regulations.
    24         (4)  A commission may, during systems conversion periods
    25     or emergency conditions, provide for a district register
    26     containing the original registration cards. The following
    27     apply:
    28             (i)  The original registration cards shall be filed
    29         by election district, in one of the following orders, as
    30         determined by the commission:
    19950H1212B1742                 - 54 -

     1                 (A)  Exact alphabetical order by last name of
     2             registrant.
     3                 (B)  Order in which registrants' residences
     4             appear upon the streets of the election district, in
     5             exact alphabetical order by last name of registrant
     6             for each residence.
     7             (ii)  The district register containing registration
     8         cards shall be kept at the office of the commission and
     9         shall be open for public inspection, subject to
    10         reasonable safeguards and regulations and to the
    11         provisions of this act.
    12     (c)  Currency.--It is the duty of the commission to compare
    13  and correct the general register and district registers to
    14  ensure their accuracy. By noon of the third day preceding an
    15  election, the commission shall have the district register for
    16  each election district and the registry accurately corrected to
    17  date.
    18     (d)  Delivery.--The commission shall deliver, in the manner
    19  required by law for delivery of election materials, the district
    20  register to the election officers for use on election day.
    21     (e)  Form.--District registers shall be enclosed within a
    22  case or container and shall be locked and sealed by the
    23  commission before delivery. The district register shall have
    24  printed or written thereon the words "District Register of
    25  Voters" and the district and ward, if any.
    26     (f)  Examination.--Immediately following each election, the
    27  commission shall cause each district register to be examined.
    28  The commission specifically shall compare the signature of each
    29  elector on each voter's certificate with his signature in the
    30  district register and shall report in writing to the district
    19950H1212B1742                 - 55 -

     1  attorney any evidence or indication of probable fraud,
     2  impersonation or forgery which may appear to the commission by
     3  reason of the comparison. In the case of any elector whom the
     4  election officers shall have recorded as removed, deceased, or
     5  challenged and prevented from voting, the commission shall
     6  ascertain the facts and shall correct the general and district
     7  registers in accordance with Chapter 9.
     8  Section 703.  Street lists.
     9     (a)  Preparation.--Commencing not later than the 15th day
    10  prior to each election, the registration commission shall
    11  prepare for each election district a list of the names and
    12  addresses of all registered electors as of that date resident in
    13  the district. The list may not include the digitized signature
    14  of a registered voter. The list shall be arranged in one of the
    15  following manners:
    16         (1)  By streets and house numbers.
    17         (2)  Alphabetically by last name of registrant.
    18         (3)  In a manner whereby the location of the elector's
    19     residence can be identified.
    20     (b)  Copies.--The commission shall retain two copies of the
    21  list under subsection (a) on file at its office. These copies
    22  shall be available for public inspection during business hours,
    23  subject to reasonable safeguards and regulations.
    24     (c)  Distribution.--The commission shall distribute the list
    25  under subsection (a) upon request as follows:
    26         (1)  To officials concerned with the conduct of
    27     elections.
    28         (2)  To political parties and political bodies.
    29         (3)  To candidates.
    30     (d)  Organizations.--The commission may, for a reasonable fee
    19950H1212B1742                 - 56 -

     1  approved by the secretary, distribute the list under subsection
     2  (a), to organized bodies of citizens.
     3  Section 704.  Public information lists.
     4     (a)  Establishment.--
     5         (1)  The registration commission may and, once a registry
     6     is established, shall provide for computer inquiries
     7     concerning individual registered voters. With respect to each
     8     voter who is the subject of an inquiry, the information
     9     provided shall contain the name, address, year DATE of birth   <--
    10     and voting history. Upon request, the commission shall supply
    11     a printed record for each such voter subject to the
    12     provisions of this act. In addition, the commission may make
    13     available for inspection a printed or computerized public
    14     information list containing the name, address, year DATE of    <--
    15     birth and voting history of each registered voter in the
    16     county.
    17         (2)  The list may also include information on voting
    18     districts.
    19         (3)  The list may not contain the digitized signature of
    20     the elector.
    21     (b)  Access.--
    22         (1)  The secretary may promulgate reasonable regulations
    23     governing access to the list.
    24         (2)  No individual inspecting the list may tamper with or
    25     alter it.
    26         (3)  No individual who inspects the list or who acquires
    27     names of registered voters from the list may use information
    28     contained in the list for purposes unrelated to elections,
    29     political activities or law enforcement. Before inspecting
    30     the list or obtaining names of voters or other information
    19950H1212B1742                 - 57 -

     1     from the list, the individual must provide identification to
     2     the public official having custody of the public information
     3     list and must state in writing that any information obtained
     4     from the list will not be used for purposes unrelated to
     5     elections, political activities or law enforcement.
     6     (c)  Copies.--
     7         (1)  The commission shall provide paper copies of the
     8     public information lists and may provide copies in some other
     9     form to any voter registered in this Commonwealth within ten
    10     days of receiving a written request accompanied by payment of
    11     the cost of reproduction and postage. The cost of the copies
    12     shall be determined by the office providing copies.
    13         (2)  An individual who inspects or acquires a copy of a
    14     public information list may not use any information contained
    15     in it for purposes unrelated to elections, political
    16     activities or law enforcement.
    17  Section 705.  Retention of records.
    18     (a)  Computer lists.--Each commission shall preserve computer
    19  lists used as district registers for five years.
    20     (b)  Records.--
    21         (1)  The department and each commission shall preserve
    22     for two years and shall make available for public inspection
    23     and, where available, photocopying at a reasonable cost, all
    24     records concerning the implementation of programs and
    25     activities conducted for the purposes of ensuring the
    26     accuracy and currency of official lists of eligible voters,
    27     except to the extent that the records relate to a declination
    28     to register to vote or to the identity of a voter
    29     registration agency through which any particular voter is
    30     registered.
    19950H1212B1742                 - 58 -

     1         (2)  The records preserved under paragraph (1) shall
     2     include lists of the names and addresses of all individuals
     3     to whom notices described in section 901 are sent, and
     4     information concerning whether or not the individual has
     5     responded to the notice as of the date that inspection of the
     6     record is made.
     7  Section 706.  Reports.
     8     (a)  Commission.--By March 1, the commission shall submit to
     9  the secretary an annual report setting forth the number of
    10  electors registered under sections 522, 523, 524 and 525. The
    11  report shall specify the number of electors whose registration
    12  has been canceled under Chapter 9 and any other information
    13  required by the secretary.
    14     (b)  Secretary.--The secretary shall submit an annual report
    15  to the General Assembly by June 30 assessing the impact of this
    16  act on the administration of elections during the preceding year
    17  and including recommendations for improvements to procedures,
    18  forms and other matters affected by this act.
    19                             CHAPTER 9
    20                         CHANGES IN RECORDS
    21  Section 901.  Removal notices.
    22     (a)  Form.--
    23         (1)  The commission shall make removal notices available
    24     to electors who are registered in the county.
    25         (2)  The notice shall be printed upon cards suitable for
    26     mailing, addressed to the office of the commission. The
    27     notice shall provide the following information:
    28             (i)  The address of present residence, including
    29         municipality.
    30             (ii)  The address of last registration, including
    19950H1212B1742                 - 59 -

     1         municipality.
     2             (iii)  Date of removal to present residence.
     3             (iv)  Signature.
     4         (3)  The notice shall contain a statement that the
     5     elector may, by filling out properly and signing a removal
     6     notice and returning it to the office of the commission,
     7     secure the transfer of registration, effective as to
     8     elections at least 30 days after the date of removal into the
     9     new district.
    10         (4)  The notice shall contain a warning to the elector
    11     that the notice will not be accepted as an application for
    12     transfer of the elector's registration unless the signature
    13     thereon can be identified by the commission as the elector's
    14     signature as it appears on file with the commission.
    15         (5)  The notice shall contain a warning to the elector
    16     that the notice must be received by the commission not later
    17     than 30 days before the election. If mailed, the notice must
    18     be postmarked not later than the deadline for registration
    19     or, in the case of an illegible or missing postmark, received
    20     within five days of the close of registration.
    21     (b)  Use.--An elector who removes residence from one place to
    22  another within the same county must notify the commission by
    23  filing a removal notice under subsection (a), or a signed
    24  request for renewal that contains the information required in
    25  subsection (a), with the commission not later than the
    26  registration deadline before the election. If mailed, the notice
    27  or request must be postmarked not later than the deadline for
    28  registration or, in the case of an illegible or missing
    29  postmark, received within five days of the close of
    30  registration. The following apply:
    19950H1212B1742                 - 60 -

     1         (1)  An official registration application of an elector
     2     who has registered by mail qualifies as a removal notice.
     3         (2)  An elector who removes residence from one place to
     4     another within the same county and who has not yet filed a
     5     removal notice with the commission shall be permitted to vote
     6     at the election next following removal if, at the time of
     7     signing voter's certificate, the elector files with the judge
     8     of election a signed removal notice properly filled out.
     9     Removal notices under this paragraph shall be returned to the
    10     commission with the voting check list, and the commission
    11     shall proceed to transfer the registration of the electors
    12     under section 902.
    13  Section 902.  Transfer of registration.
    14     (a)  General rule.--Upon timely receipt of notification of
    15  removal under section 901(b), the registration commission shall
    16  proceed as follows:
    17         (1)  The signature on the notification document shall be
    18     compared with the signature of the elector as it appears on
    19     file with the commission.
    20         (2)  If the signature appears authentic, the commission
    21     shall enter the change of residence on the registration card
    22     of the elector in the general register and district register
    23     and shall transfer the registration card of the elector from
    24     the district register of the election district of previous
    25     residence to the district register of the election district
    26     of new residence.
    27         (3)  If a request for transfer which is determined to be
    28     authentic under paragraph (2) shows a removal within the
    29     period of 30 days preceding an election, the commission,
    30     after such election, shall enter the change of residence on
    19950H1212B1742                 - 61 -

     1     the registration card of the elector in the general register
     2     and district register and shall transfer the registration
     3     card of the elector from the district register of the
     4     election district of previous residence. The commission shall
     5     advise the elector promptly in writing of its action.
     6     (b)  Electors unable to write.--An elector who is unable to
     7  sign the notification document may affix a mark to the
     8  notification document. The mark must be affixed in the presence
     9  of a witness, who must sign the notification document.
    10  Section 903.  Change of enrollment of political party.
    11     By the deadline for registration, a registered voter who
    12  desires to change the enrollment of political designation or
    13  who, although registered, has not previously enrolled as a
    14  member of a party may appear before a commissioner, registrar or
    15  clerk or may submit an application by mail under section 524 and
    16  state in a signed writing the political party in which the voter
    17  desires to be enrolled. If the signature of the elector is
    18  verified by comparison with the elector's signature as it
    19  appears on file with the commission, the commissioner, registrar
    20  or clerk shall make the change in the general register and
    21  district register. If supported by other evidence of identity, a
    22  mark may be made in lieu of a signature by an elector who is
    23  unable to write. The mark must be made in the presence of a
    24  witness, who must sign the registration application.
    25  Section 904.  Physical disability.
    26     (a)  Eligibility.--If an elector is unable to see or mark the
    27  ballot or operate the voting machine or to enter the voting
    28  compartment or voting machine booth without assistance, the
    29  following apply:
    30         (1)  The elector may, at least ten days prior to the next
    19950H1212B1742                 - 62 -

     1     election, personally make application to the commission or a
     2     registrar or a clerk.
     3         (2)  The application must request the entry of the exact
     4     nature of the disability on the elector's registration card.
     5         (3)  The commission shall make the entry as appropriate.
     6         (4)  If the disability is not entered on the registration
     7     card, the elector may receive assistance if the elector
     8     completes a declaration in the polling place under section
     9     1218 of the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as
    10     the Pennsylvania Election Code.
    11     (b)  Termination.--If the commission ascertains that an
    12  elector who has declared need for assistance is no longer in
    13  need of assistance, it shall cancel on the registration card the
    14  entry relating to illiteracy or physical disability which
    15  authorized assistance. The commission shall notify the elector
    16  by mail of its action.
    17  Section 905.  Department of Health.
    18     The registration commission shall cancel the registration of
    19  a registered elector reported dead by the Department of Health.
    20  The Department of Health shall, within 60 days of receiving
    21  notice of the death of an individual 18 years of age or older,
    22  send the name and address of residence of that individual to the
    23  commission on a form prescribed by the department. An individual
    24  incorrectly reported deceased by the Department of Health may
    25  appear in person before a commissioner, registrar clerk, at the
    26  office of the commission, and prove identity. The commission,
    27  upon such proof, shall correct its records.
    28  Section 906.  Residence monitoring.
    29     (a)  Municipalities.--Subject to the provisions of this act,
    30  municipal officers and agencies and public utility corporations
    19950H1212B1742                 - 63 -

     1  furnishing electricity, gas, water or steam to householders in a
     2  municipality shall report in writing to the registration
     3  commission, upon the request of the commission and upon forms
     4  supplied by the commission, all cases of discontinuance of
     5  service to residences. The report shall include, if known, the
     6  name of the person who contracted for service and the addresses
     7  to which that person has removed.
     8     (b)  Real estate brokers and rental agents.--Subject to the
     9  provisions of this act, real estate brokers and rental agents
    10  shall report in writing to the commission, upon the request of
    11  the commission, all cases of residence property managed by them
    12  which have been vacated by the tenant. The report shall include,
    13  if known, the name of the tenant and the address to which the
    14  tenant has removed.
    15     (c)  Commission.--For each registered elector identified from
    16  a report under subsection (a) or (b), the commission shall take
    17  action under section 907.
    18  Section 907.  Removal of voters.
    19     (a)  Removal of elector's registration record.--Commissions
    20  shall institute a program to protect the integrity of the
    21  electoral process and to ensure the maintenance of accurate and
    22  current voter registration records. The program shall be
    23  uniform, nondiscriminatory and in compliance with the Voting
    24  Rights Act of 1965 (Public Law 89 110, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 1973, et
    25  seq.) An elector's registration shall not be canceled except as
    26  follows:
    27         (1)  At the request of the elector.
    28         (2)  Upon the death of the elector under section 905.
    29         (3)  Upon confirmation that the elector has moved to a
    30     residence outside the county.
    19950H1212B1742                 - 64 -

     1         (4)  Under a voter removal program as provided for under
     2     subsection (b).
     3     (b)  Voter removal program.--
     4         (1)  The commission shall establish a program to identify
     5     electors whose address may have changed by establishing one
     6     of the following programs:
     7             (i)  National change of address. The secretary shall
     8         establish by regulation a program whereby information
     9         supplied by the United States Postal Service through its
    10         licensees is used on a periodic basis, but not less than
    11         once every calendar year, to identify electors who may
    12         have changed addresses. The information shall be
    13         incorporated in the administration of the Statewide
    14         central registry and shall be forwarded to the
    15         commissions in a manner determined by the secretary by
    16         regulation.
    17                 (A)  If it appears from the information provided
    18             through the United States Postal Service that an
    19             elector has moved to a different residence address
    20             within the same county as the elector is currently
    21             registered, the commission shall change the
    22             registration records to show the new address and
    23             shall send the elector to the address recorded on the
    24             elector's registration a notice of the change of
    25             address by forwardable mail and a postage prepaid
    26             preaddressed return form by which the elector may
    27             verify or correct the address information.
    28                 (B)  If it appears from the information provided
    29             through the United States Postal Service that an
    30             elector has moved to a different residence address
    19950H1212B1742                 - 65 -

     1             outside the county, the commission shall use the
     2             notice procedure described in clause (A).
     3             (ii)  Confirmation mailing:
     4                 (A)  A commission may establish a program by
     5             sending a direct, nonforwardable first class "return
     6             if undeliverable - address correction requested"
     7             mailing to all registered electors in the county.
     8                 (B)  If this program is established, the
     9             commission shall use the notice procedure described
    10             in subparagraph (i)(A) for any elector whose mailing
    11             is returned undeliverable.
    12         (2)  In conjunction with, and not as an alternative to, a
    13     program established under paragraph (1), a canvass may be
    14     used as follows:
    15             (i)  The registration commission may, by
    16         commissioners or by inspectors of registration, verify
    17         the registration in an election district by visiting the
    18         building from which an elector is registered and other
    19         buildings as the commission deems necessary.
    20             (ii)  The commission shall make a record of the name
    21         and address of each registered elector who is found not
    22         to reside at the registered address or who, for any other
    23         reason, appears to be not qualified to vote in the
    24         registered election district.
    25             (iii)  The commission shall leave at the address of
    26         each person referred to in subparagraph (ii) a notice
    27         requiring him to communicate with the commission on or
    28         before a date which the commission shall designate, and
    29         which shall be not less than seven days and not more than
    30         15 days from the date of the notice and in any case not
    19950H1212B1742                 - 66 -

     1         later than the 15th day preceding the election next
     2         ensuing, and satisfy the commission of his qualifications
     3         as an elector. The commission shall cause a confirmation
     4         of each such notice to be sent by mail promptly to such
     5         person at the address from which he is registered. The
     6         envelope containing such information is to be plainly
     7         marked that it is not to be forwarded. At the expiration
     8         of the time specified in the notice, the commission shall
     9         cancel the registration of such person who has not
    10         communicated with the commission and proved his
    11         qualifications as an elector.
    12             (iv)  To facilitate the canvass under this section,
    13         the commission may, when necessary, appoint special
    14         inspectors of registration, in number not exceeding
    15         double the number of election districts being canvassed.
    16             (v)  Special inspectors must be qualified electors of
    17         the county. They shall be appointed without reference to
    18         residence in election districts or to political
    19         affiliations or beliefs. The commission shall instruct
    20         special inspectors in their duties. Special inspectors
    21         have the powers conferred by this act upon inspectors of
    22         registration.
    23         (3)  In conjunction with, and not as an alternative to, a
    24     program established under paragraph (1), the commission shall
    25     send a notice pursuant to subsection (d) to any elector who
    26     has not voted nor appeared to vote during the period
    27     beginning five years before the date of the notice and ending
    28     on the date of the notice and for whom the board of elections
    29     did not during that period in any other way receive any
    30     information that the voter still resides in the registered
    19950H1212B1742                 - 67 -

     1     election district.
     2         (4)  Commissions shall complete, not later than 90 days
     3     before each primary, at least once per year the voter removal
     4     programs under this section. This paragraph shall not be
     5     construed to preclude any of the following:
     6             (i)  Cancellation of an elector's registration as
     7         provided for under subsection (a)(1) or (2).
     8             (ii)  Correction of registration records in
     9         accordance with this act.
    10     (c)  Identification of inactive voters.--A commission shall
    11  mark an "I" on the registration card of each elector who has
    12  been mailed a form under subsection (b)(1) or (3) and has failed
    13  to respond, which shall be included with all other registration
    14  cards for that polling site and located at the individual's
    15  polling site on the day of the election.
    16     (d)  Cancellation of registration.--
    17         (1)  A commission shall not cancel the registration of an
    18     elector on the ground that the elector has changed residence
    19     unless any of the following apply:
    20             (i)  The elector confirms in writing that the elector
    21         has changed residence to a location outside the county in
    22         which the elector is registered.
    23             (ii)  The elector:
    24                 (A)  has failed to respond to a notice described
    25             in paragraph (2); and
    26                 (B)  has not voted nor appeared to vote and, if
    27             necessary, corrected the commission's record of the
    28             elector's address, in an election during the period
    29             beginning on the date of the notice and ending on the
    30             day after the date of the second general election for
    19950H1212B1742                 - 68 -

     1             Federal office that occurs after the date of the
     2             notice.
     3         (2)  A notice, as required in paragraph (1)(ii), is
     4     acceptable if it is a postage prepaid and preaddressed return
     5     card, sent by forwardable mail, on which the elector may
     6     state the elector's current address, if it contains a notice
     7     as follows:
     8             (i)  The notice must state all of the following:
     9                 (A)  If the elector did not change residence or
    10             changed residence but still resides in the county,
    11             the elector must return the card not later than 30
    12             days prior to the next election. If the card is not
    13             returned, affirmation or confirmation of the
    14             elector's address may be required before the elector
    15             is permitted to vote in an election during the period
    16             beginning on the date of the notice and ending on the
    17             day after the date of the second general election for
    18             Federal office that occurs after the date of the
    19             notice. If the elector does not vote in an election
    20             during that period, the elector's registration shall
    21             be canceled.
    22                 (B)  If the elector has changed residence to a
    23             place outside the county in which the elector is
    24             registered, information shall be provided concerning
    25             how the elector can register in the new county of
    26             residence.
    27             (ii)  The notice must state the date of the notice,
    28         the date of the next election and the date of the second
    29         general election for Federal office occurring after the
    30         date of the notice.
    19950H1212B1742                 - 69 -

     1         (3)  The commission shall correct registration records in
     2     accordance with change of residence information obtained in
     3     conformance with this subsection.
     4  Section 908.  Procedure for voting following failure to return
     5                 notification card.
     6     (a)  Same county.--
     7         (1)  An elector who has moved from an address in the
     8     county covered by a polling place to an address covered by
     9     the same polling place shall, notwithstanding failure to
    10     notify the commission prior to the date of an election, be
    11     permitted to vote in that polling place upon written
    12     affirmation by the elector of the change of address before an
    13     election official at that polling place.
    14         (2)  An elector who has moved from one address in the
    15     county to another address in the same county and who has
    16     failed to notify the commission of the change of address
    17     prior to the date of an election shall be permitted to
    18     correct the voting records and vote at the elector's former
    19     polling place upon written affirmation by the elector of the
    20     new address before an election official at the former polling
    21     place.
    22     (b)  Different county.--An elector who has moved from one
    23  county to another county and who has failed to notify the
    24  commission of the change of address prior to the date of the
    25  election shall be permitted to correct the voting records and
    26  vote at the elector's former polling place upon written
    27  affirmation by the elector of the new address before an election
    28  official at the former polling place.
    29  Section 909.  Incorrect records.
    30     If registration records incorrectly indicate that an elector
    19950H1212B1742                 - 70 -

     1  has moved from an address in the area covered by a polling
     2  place, the elector shall, upon written affirmation before an
     3  election official at that polling place, be permitted to vote at
     4  that polling place.
     5  Section 910.  Files.
     6     (a)  Cancellation.--If the registration of an elector is
     7  canceled, the registration commission shall mark on the
     8  registration cards of the elector the word "canceled" and the
     9  date and cause of cancellation. The commission shall remove the
    10  card from the general register and the district register.
    11  Removed cards shall be retained for five years.
    12     (b)  Nonessential records.--Records which are not essential
    13  for maintaining the current status of a qualified elector may be
    14  destroyed by the commission three years from the date the
    15  commission marks them as nonessential.
    16  Section 911.  Errors in cancellation or suspension.               <--
    17     (a)  Petition.--If the registration of an elector has been
    18  canceled or suspended through error, the elector may petition     <--
    19  the registration commission for reinstatement.
    20     (b)  Time.--The petition must be filed by the tenth day
    21  preceding an election.
    22     (c)  Action.--
    23         (1)  The commission shall hold a hearing on the petition.
    24         (2)  If the commission finds that there was an error, the
    25     commission shall reinstate the registration.
    26                             CHAPTER 11
    27                       COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS
    28  Section 1101.  Subpoenas and witness fees.
    29     (a)  Authorization.--The commission may issue a subpoena.
    30     (b)  Form and effect.--A subpoena under subsection (a) shall
    19950H1212B1742                 - 71 -

     1  be in substantially the same form and have the same force and
     2  effect as a subpoena issued by a court of common pleas. The
     3  commission shall have the benefit of the process of the
     4  appropriate court of common pleas if necessary to enforce a
     5  subpoena.
     6     (c)  Benefit.--A subpoena may be issued as follows:
     7         (1)  Upon the motion of the commission.
     8         (2)  Upon motion of a party before the commission. A
     9     subpoena under this paragraph is only valid for one day. It
    10     must be renewed by 4 p.m. for the next day.
    11     (d)  Fees.--
    12         (1)  Witnesses subpoenaed under this section shall be
    13     compensated under 42 Pa.C.S. § 5903 (relating to compensation
    14     and expenses of witnesses).
    15         (2)  Witnesses subpoenaed under subsection (c)(1) shall
    16     be paid by commission funds.
    17         (3)  Witnesses subpoenaed under subsection (c)(2) shall
    18     be paid by the party. No subpoena shall be issued under
    19     subsection (c)(2) until the party pays the commission a fee
    20     of 25¢ for issuing the same and deposits with the commission
    21     one day's witness fees for each witness to be summoned.
    22         (4)  As soon as convenient after a hearing is concluded
    23     or continued, the commission shall pay witnesses under
    24     paragraphs (2) and (3). Unearned fees deposited under
    25     paragraph (3) shall be refunded to the depositing party.
    26         (5)  If the petition of the elector is sustained, the
    27     commission shall pay to the elector all costs paid on the
    28     elector's behalf.
    29     (e)  Commission funds.--The commission shall pay over to the
    30  county treasurer fees received under subsection (d)(3). The
    19950H1212B1742                 - 72 -

     1  accounts of the commission respecting payments under subsection
     2  (d)(2) shall be subject to audit by the county controller.
     3                             CHAPTER 13
     4                          JUDICIAL REVIEW
     5  Section 1301.  Court of common pleas.
     6     (a)  Standing.--The following have standing to appeal an
     7  action of a registration commission to the appropriate court of
     8  common pleas:
     9         (1)  An individual whose claim for registration has been
    10     denied.
    11         (2)  An individual whose registration has been canceled
    12     or suspended by the commission.                                <--
    13         (3)  A qualified elector of a municipality whose rights
    14     are impaired by any general order made by the commission.
    15     (b)  Time.--An appeal under subsection (a) must be made by
    16  the seventh day preceding an election.
    17     (c)  Grounds.--The appeal must request relief and set forth
    18  the grounds for relief.
    19     (d)  Hearing.--Upon timely receipt of an appeal under this
    20  section, the court shall conduct a hearing.
    21     (e)  Order.--If the court finds that an injustice has been
    22  done, it shall reverse or modify the ruling of the commission
    23  and issue appropriate injunctive relief.
    24     (f)  Costs.--
    25         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), the court may
    26     award costs for the appeal to the prevailing party.
    27         (2)  Costs may not be assessed against a commission or a
    28     county.
    29  Section 1302.  Commission duties.
    30     In an appeal under section 1301, the registration commission
    19950H1212B1742                 - 73 -

     1  shall produce any petition, register or other record in its
     2  custody relevant to the issue involved.
     3                             CHAPTER 15
     4                             PENALTIES
     5  Section 1501.  Lawful orders.
     6     A person who intentionally disobeys a lawful order of a
     7  registration commission or a commissioner commits a misdemeanor
     8  of the third degree and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to
     9  pay a fine of not more than $2,500.
    10  Section 1502.  Registration.
    11     (a)  Improper.--A registrar, commissioner or clerk who
    12  knowingly registers or permits the registration of an individual
    13  not lawfully entitled to be registered commits a misdemeanor of
    14  the first degree and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay
    15  a fine of not more than $10,000 or to imprisonment for not more
    16  than five years, or both.
    17     (b)  Denial.--A registrar, commissioner or clerk who, without
    18  reasonable cause, refuses to register an individual lawfully
    19  entitled to be registered commits a misdemeanor of the first
    20  degree and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of
    21  not more than $10,000 or to imprisonment for not more than five
    22  years, or both.
    23  Section 1503.  Application.
    24     (a)  Prohibition.--An individual may not do any of the
    25  following:
    26         (1)  Apply for registration with knowledge or reason to
    27     know that the individual is not entitled to registration.
    28         (2)  Apply for a change of residence with knowledge or
    29     reason to know that the individual is not entitled to the
    30     change.
    19950H1212B1742                 - 74 -

     1         (3)  Declare as residence a place or address which the
     2     individual knows is not the individual's legal residence.
     3         (4)  Intentionally impersonate another in an application
     4     for registration.
     5     (b)  Penalty.--A person who violates subsection (a) commits a
     6  misdemeanor of the first degree and shall, upon conviction, be
     7  sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $10,000 or to
     8  imprisonment for not more than five years, or both, and to
     9  forfeit the right of suffrage for ten years.
    10  Section 1504.  Altering registration.
    11     (a)  Prohibition.--No registrar, commissioner, clerk or
    12  assistant or commission employee may do any of the following:
    13         (1)  Intentionally insert or permit to be inserted an
    14     entry in a registration card without a proper application
    15     under this act or without requiring the proper evidence of
    16     the right of the applicant to be registered.
    17         (2)  Intentionally materially alter a registration card
    18     after the entries have been made. This paragraph does not
    19     apply to an alteration pursuant to an order of a court of
    20     common pleas or of the commission.
    21     (b)  Penalty.--A person who violates subsection (a) commits a
    22  misdemeanor of the first degree and shall, upon conviction, be
    23  sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $10,000 or to
    24  imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.
    25  Section 1505.  Votes.
    26     (a)  Prohibition.--An election officer may not do any of the
    27  following:
    28         (1)  Knowingly refuse the vote of a registered and
    29     qualified elector.
    30         (2)  Knowingly accept the vote of a person not registered
    19950H1212B1742                 - 75 -

     1     under this act. This paragraph does not apply to a person in
     2     actual military service or a person having an order of court.
     3         (3)  Knowingly receive a vote from a person falsely
     4     claiming to be a registered voter.
     5     (b)  Penalty.--A person who violates subsection (a) commits a
     6  misdemeanor of the first degree and shall, upon conviction, be
     7  sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $10,000 or to
     8  imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.
     9  Section 1506.  Duties under act.
    10     Any commissioner, registrar, clerk, inspector of
    11  registration, commission officer, commission assistant,
    12  commission employee, individual, partnership or corporation that
    13  intentionally delays, neglects or refuses to perform a duty
    14  imposed by this act commits a misdemeanor of the second degree
    15  and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not
    16  more than $5,000 or to imprisonment for not more than two years,
    17  or both.
    18  Section 1507.  Official documents.
    19     (a)  Prohibition.--A person may not do any of the following:
    20         (1)  Intentionally insert or permit to be inserted a
    21     material entry in any registration card, street list,
    22     affidavit, petition, subpoena, certificate, report or other
    23     record, authorized or required by this act to be made or
    24     prepared for a purpose set forth in this act, which entry is
    25     not in accordance with this act.
    26         (2)  Intentionally materially alter or intentionally
    27     destroy an entry which has been made in any registration
    28     card, street list, affidavit, petition, subpoena,
    29     certificate, report or other record, authorized or required
    30     by this act to be made or prepared for a purpose set forth in
    19950H1212B1742                 - 76 -

     1     this act, which alteration or destruction is not in
     2     accordance with this act.
     3         (3)  Remove a record from lawful custody with the intent
     4     to prevent the record from being used, inspected or copied.
     5     (b)  Penalty.--A person who violates subsection (a) commits a
     6  misdemeanor of the first degree and shall, upon conviction, be
     7  sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $6,000 or to
     8  imprisonment for not more than three years, or both.
     9  Section 1508.  Withholding information.
    10     A person who intentionally refuses to furnish to a
    11  commissioner or an inspector of registration information or
    12  documents which the commissioner or inspector is authorized to
    13  have under this act commits a misdemeanor of the second degree
    14  and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not
    15  more than $5,000 or to imprisonment for not more than two years,
    16  or both.
    17  Section 1509.  Law enforcement assistance.
    18     A law enforcement officer who, upon demand of any
    19  commissioner or inspector of registration, fails to render
    20  demanded assistance in the maintenance of peace and in the
    21  making of arrests without warrant as provided in this act or who
    22  intentionally hinders or attempts to hinder any commissioner or
    23  inspector of registration in the performance of a duty commits a
    24  misdemeanor of the second degree and shall, upon conviction, be
    25  sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $5,000 or to
    26  imprisonment for not more than two years, or both.
    27  Section 1510.  Interference.
    28     A person who intentionally interferes with any other person
    29  in the performance of any act or duty authorized or imposed by
    30  this act commits a misdemeanor of the second degree and shall,
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     1  upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than
     2  $5,000 or to imprisonment for not more than two years, or both.
     3  Section 1511.  Preventing registration.
     4     (a)  Prohibition.--No person may do any of the following:
     5         (1)  Knowingly and intentionally prevent an individual
     6     from being registered.
     7         (2)  By coercion, threats of bodily injury or
     8     intimidation, intentionally prevent or attempt to prevent an
     9     individual from being registered or from changing political
    10     enrollment in accordance with the provisions of this act.
    11         (3)  Intentionally give or promise or offer to give money
    12     or goods to an individual as an inducement for the individual
    13     to enroll in a particular party or to change political
    14     enrollment.
    15         (4)  Prevent a record from being used, inspected or
    16     copied.
    17     (b)  Penalty.--A person who violates subsection (a) commits a
    18  misdemeanor of the first degree and shall, upon conviction, be
    19  sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $10,000 or to
    20  imprisonment for not more than five years, or both.
    21  Section 1512.  Approval of registration.
    22     (a)  Prohibition.--A person may not do any of the following:
    23         (1)  Intentionally alter a party designation on a
    24     registration card under section 528(c).
    25         (2)  Intentionally fail to make a transmission under
    26     section 528(d).
    27     (b)  Penalty.--A person who violates subsection (a) commits a
    28  misdemeanor of the third degree and shall, upon conviction, be
    29  sentenced to pay a fine of $2,500 or to imprisonment for not
    30  more than one year, or both.
    19950H1212B1742                 - 78 -

     1  Section 1513.  Crimes Code.
     2     The provisions of 18 Pa.C.S. §§ 4902 (relating to perjury),
     3  4903 (relating to false swearing) and 4904 (relating to unsworn
     4  falsification to authorities) apply to violations of this act.
     5                             CHAPTER 17
     6                            ENFORCEMENT
     7  Section 1701.  Attorney General.
     8     (a)  Investigation.--The secretary shall investigate alleged
     9  violations of sections 523 and 525 and report apparent
    10  violations to the Attorney General.
    11     (b)  Prosecution.--Under section 205(a)(6) of the act of
    12  October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the Commonwealth
    13  Attorneys Act, the Attorney General shall have prosecutorial
    14  jurisdiction over violations reported under subsection (a).
    15  Section 1702.  District attorneys.
    16     (a)  Investigation.--Except as provided in section 1701, each
    17  commission shall investigate alleged violations of this act
    18  within its county and report apparent violations to the district
    19  attorney of the county.
    20     (b)  Prosecution.--Subject to section 205(a)(3) through (5)
    21  of the act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the
    22  Commonwealth Attorneys Act, the district attorney shall have
    23  prosecutorial jurisdiction over violations reported under
    24  subsection (a).
    25                             CHAPTER 51
    26                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    27  Section 5101.  Standardized forms.
    28     (a)  General rule.--Whenever possible, the secretary shall
    29  prescribe by regulation standardized registration or application
    30  forms which may be used, with prior approval by the secretary,
    19950H1212B1742                 - 79 -

     1  by political bodies, candidates and organized bodies of citizens
     2  in compliance with both the provisions of this act and the act
     3  of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania
     4  Election Code.
     5     (b)  Prior approval.--The secretary shall develop a system
     6  whereby political bodies, candidates and organized bodies of
     7  citizens may receive prior approval of standardized forms
     8  developed pursuant to subsection (a).
     9  Section 5102.  Application for absentee ballots.
    10     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding the provisions of this
    11  act or the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the
    12  Pennsylvania Election Code, the following persons may make
    13  application for an absentee ballot by sending a letter or other
    14  signed document to the county board of elections in the county
    15  in which the person's voting address is located:
    16         (1)  Any qualified elector who is unable to attend his
    17     polling place on the day of any primary or election because
    18     of illness or physical disability.
    19         (2)  Any qualified elector who expects to be absent from
    20     this Commonwealth or the county of residence because duties,
    21     occupation or business require him to be elsewhere the day of
    22     any primary or election.
    23         (3)  A county employee who cannot vote due to duties
    24     relating to the conduct of elections.
    25         (4)  A person who will not attend a polling place because
    26     of an observance of a religious holiday.
    27     (b)  Contents of letter or document.--The letter or document
    28  under subsection (a) shall provide the same information as is
    29  provided on forms prescribed by the secretary.
    30     (c)  Review and processing.--The letter or document shall be
    19950H1212B1742                 - 80 -

     1  subject to the same schedule as other applications for absentee
     2  ballots and upon receipt by the county board of elections shall
     3  be reviewed and processed in the same fashion as other
     4  applications for absentee ballots.
     5     (d)  Application prepared by political party.--An absentee
     6  ballot application form containing the same information as that
     7  contained on the form prescribed by the secretary, which was
     8  prepared or distributed by a political party and signed by a
     9  qualified elector, shall be deemed for all purposes as valid,
    10  and shall be reviewed and processed by the county board of
    11  elections in the same manner as applications on forms prescribed
    12  by the secretary and supplied by the county board of elections.
    21  SECTION 1302.3(A) OF THE ACT OF JUNE 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, NO.320),
    19950H1212B1742                 - 81 -

     7     (A)  DEPARTMENT OF STATE.--THE SUM OF $500,000, OR AS MUCH
    21  Section 5103 5105.  Severability.                                 <--
    22     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
    23  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
    24  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
    25  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
    26  the invalid provision or application.
    27  Section 5104 5106.  Repeals.                                      <--
    28     (a)  Substantive provisions.--The following acts and parts of
    29  acts are repealed:
    30     Act of March 30, 1937 (P.L.115, No.40), known as The First
    19950H1212B1742                 - 82 -

     1  Class City Permanent Registration Act.
     2     Act of April 29, 1937 (P.L.487, No.115), known as The
     3  Permanent Registration Act for Cities of the Second Class,
     4  Cities of the Second Class A, Cities of the Third Class,
     5  Boroughs, Towns, and Townships.
    11  1994.
    15     (b) (C)  General repeal.--All other acts and parts of acts     <--
    16  are repealed insofar as they are inconsistent with this act.
    17  Section 5105 5107.  Applicability.                                <--
    18     (a)  Registration application.--Voter registration
    19  applications prepared prior to the effective date of this act
    20  may be used to apply for registration under this act.
    21     (b)  Notice.--In the event that the five-year period for
    22  notice to electors provided for under section 907(b)(3) has been
    23  declared invalid or rejected by a court of competent
    24  jurisdiction or by the United States Department of Justice,
    25  after all appeals have been exhausted and upon certification to
    26  the Secretary of the Commonwealth and publication in the
    27  Pennsylvania Bulletin, notice shall be given in accordance with
    28  section 907(b)(3) after a period of ten years. In the event that
    29  a ten-year period has been certified to the Secretary of the
    30  Commonwealth as invalid and upon publication in the Pennsylvania
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     1  Bulletin, notice shall be given in accordance with section
     2  907(b)(3) after a period of 20 years.
     3  Section 5106 5108.  Retroactivity.                                <--
     4     Sections 5101 and 5102(b) shall apply retroactively to July
     5  1, 1994.
     6  Section 5107 5109.  Effective date.                               <--
     7     This act shall take effect immediately.

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