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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1422



No. 1231 Session of 2001

           AND YUDICHAK, MARCH 29, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for Commonwealth support for a Specialty Teacher Loan
     2     Forgiveness Program for Pennsylvania residents who graduate
     3     from institutions of higher education and who apply their
     4     degrees to teaching certain subjects in urban and rural
     5     public schools in this Commonwealth and for Commonwealth
     6     support for a Professional Personnel Recruitment Initiative
     7     Program to provide grants to certain institutions of higher
     8     education; and making an appropriation.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11                             CHAPTER 1
    12                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    13  Section 101.  Short title.
    14     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Teach for
    15  Pennsylvania Program Act.
    16  Section 102.  Findings and declaration of intent.
    17     The General Assembly finds and declares that:
    18         (1)  The number of college students planning to enter the

     1     teaching profession in urban and rural areas appears to be
     2     inadequate to meet the need for specialty teachers in those
     3     public schools.
     4         (2)  Demand from industry and other opportunities attract
     5     existing and potential teachers away from specialty teaching
     6     positions in urban and rural public school districts of this
     7     Commonwealth.
     8         (3)  The pool of qualified specialty teachers, especially
     9     math, reading, computer science, science and special
    10     education, and principals has diminished.
    11         (4)  Economically hard-pressed urban and rural school
    12     districts find it difficult to attract qualified specialty
    13     teachers or principals from the diminished pool.
    14         (5)  Payment of a portion of student loans for certified
    15     specialty teachers serves the important public purpose of
    16     encouraging new teachers to teach in rural and urban areas of
    17     this Commonwealth.
    18  Section 103.  Definitions.
    19     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    20  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    21  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    22     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance
    23  Agency.
    24     "Designated specialty teacher certification category."  Any
    25  specialty category or subject area that a teacher is certified
    26  to teach in this Commonwealth and that is determined by the
    27  Secretary of Education under this act as a category or subject
    28  area with an insufficient number of teachers to meet the
    29  education needs of a designated urban or rural public school
    30  district. The secretary's determination of the specialty teacher
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     1  certification categories for each eligible urban or rural public
     2  school district shall be based on recommendations from the
     3  school district's superintendent regarding recruitment or
     4  personnel needs for specialty teachers or information from the
     5  Department of Education, organized by school district, which
     6  demonstrates any distribution of emergency, special temporary or
     7  special permanent teacher certificates for specialty category or
     8  subject areas.
     9     "Designated urban or rural public school district."  An
    10  eligible urban or rural public school district which the
    11  Secretary of Education has certified as having a need for
    12  teacher loan forgiveness assistance or teacher or principal
    13  recruitment because of difficulty in attracting specialty
    14  teachers or principals who are qualified.
    15     "Eligible rural public school district."  A public school
    16  district that has a population of less than 300 per square mile
    17  and either:
    18         (1)  more than 8% of the pupils in average daily
    19     membership are low-income pupils as defined in section
    20     2502.11 of the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
    21     as the Public School Code of 1949; or
    22         (2)  the market value/income aid ratio as defined in
    23     section 2501 of the Public School Code of 1949 is greater
    24     than .7.
    25  The term shall also apply to an intermediate unit or area
    26  vocational-technical school if the composite data for all
    27  participating school districts meet the criteria specified in
    28  Chapter 3.
    29     "Eligible urban public school district."  A public school
    30  district that has a population greater than 850 per square mile
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     1  and either:
     2         (1)  more than 8% of the pupils in average daily
     3     membership are low-income pupils as defined in section
     4     2502.11 of the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
     5     as the Public School Code of 1949; or
     6         (2)  the market value/income aid ratio, as defined in
     7     section 2501 of the Public School Code of 1949, is greater
     8     than .7.
     9  The term shall also apply to an intermediate unit or area
    10  vocational-technical school if the composite data for all
    11  participating school districts meet the criteria specified in
    12  Chapter 3.
    13     "Program."  The Specialty Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program
    14  created by Chapter 3.
    15     "Qualified applicant."  A person who meets all of the
    16  following criteria:
    17         (1)  Has graduated from an undergraduate or graduate
    18     college and completed a teacher education curriculum or
    19     program.
    20         (2)  Has achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in
    21     the applicant's major area of study.
    22         (3)  Has completed the National Teaching Exam as
    23     administered by the Educational Testing Service and achieved
    24     a minimum score, as determined by the Secretary of Education,
    25     in the Core Battery Exams that relate to general knowledge,
    26     communications and professional knowledge and in any
    27     designated specialty teacher certification category or any
    28     combination of those categories.
    29         (4)  Holds a form of teacher certification to teach in
    30     the public schools of this Commonwealth, valid for the
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     1     subjects or grades in which the teacher is giving
     2     instruction.
     3         (5)  Is within the first five years of full-time teaching
     4     and:
     5             (i)  has achieved consecutive better-than-average
     6         teacher evaluation performance ratings; or
     7             (ii)  in the case of a teacher having worked more
     8         than five months but less than one year, has obtained a
     9         better-than-average new-hire probationary review.
    10         (6)  Is teaching in a designated specialty teacher
    11     certification category at a designated urban or rural public
    12     school district or at a nonprofit public school in such
    13     district at which students may fulfill compulsory attendance
    14     requirements.
    15         (7)  Has borrowed through the agency-administered Federal
    16     Stafford Loan Program.
    17         (8)  Commits to residing in the urban or rural public
    18     school district in which the applicant is teaching for a
    19     minimum period of five years.
    20                             CHAPTER 3
    22  Section 301.  Specialty Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program.
    23     (a)  General rule.--Qualified applicants who are selected for
    24  the Specialty Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program in accordance
    25  with this chapter shall be eligible for payment by the agency of
    26  a portion of the debt incurred by the applicant through the
    27  agency-administered Federal Stafford Loan Program for the
    28  education necessary to be certified to teach in this
    29  Commonwealth. Subject to subsection (b), for each academic year
    30  that the qualified applicant is a full-time teacher in a
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     1  designated urban or rural public school district, the agency may
     2  forgive a part of the applicant's loan as follows:
     3         (1)  Year one, 5%.
     4         (2)  Year two, 10%.
     5         (3)  Year three, 20%.
     6         (4)  Year four, 25%.
     7         (5)  Year five, 40%.
     8     (b)  Amounts to be forgiven.--
     9         (1)  Where a qualified applicant has achieved a 3.51 to
    10     4.0 grade point average on a scale of 4.0 or the equivalent
    11     for teaching certification in a designated specialty teacher
    12     certification category, no more than $5,000 shall be forgiven
    13     in any year, and no more than $25,000 shall be forgiven for
    14     the qualified applicant who satisfies the requirements of
    15     this chapter.
    16         (2)  Where a qualified applicant has achieved a 3.0 to
    17     3.5 grade point average or a scale of 4.0 or the equivalent
    18     for teaching certification in a designated specialty teacher
    19     certification category, no more than $2,500 shall be forgiven
    20     in any year, and no more than $12,500 shall be forgiven for
    21     the qualified applicant who satisfies the requirements of
    22     this chapter.
    23     (c)  Designations.--The Secretary of Education shall
    24  designate specialty teacher certification categories and
    25  eligible urban and rural public school districts no later than
    26  January 1 of the year preceding the beginning of an academic
    27  year during which qualified applicants are eligible for loan
    28  forgiveness.
    29  Section 302.  Loan forgiveness awards.
    30     A recipient for loan forgiveness shall be required to submit
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     1  such documentation of continued eligibility as the agency may
     2  require. A recipient who fails to maintain eligibility shall be
     3  removed from the program and shall repay, with interest, any
     4  loan forgiveness award made by the agency to the recipient
     5  during any period of ineligibility.
     6  Section 303.  Funding.
     7     Loan forgiveness awards may be made to the extent that funds
     8  are appropriated by the General Assembly and are sufficient to
     9  cover the administration of the program. In the event that
    10  funding is insufficient to fully fund administration and all
    11  eligible applicants, the agency shall utilize a random lottery
    12  system for determining which applicants receive loan forgiveness
    13  awards.
    14  Section 304.  Responsibility of agency.
    15     It shall be the responsibility of the agency to administer
    16  the Specialty Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program established by
    17  this chapter and to adopt such regulations, policies, procedures
    18  and forms as are necessary and consistent with the provisions of
    19  this chapter.
    20                             CHAPTER 5
    22  Section 501.  Program authorization.
    23     The Secretary of Education shall make awards to eligible
    24  applicants, on a competitive basis, for efforts that result in
    25  the recruitment of highly qualified teachers and principals.
    26  Recruitment efforts regarding highly qualified teachers shall be
    27  limited to individuals who will teach in a designated specialty
    28  teacher certification category. All recruitment efforts paid for
    29  by these funds shall be directed to providing teachers and
    30  principals who agree to both work and live in designated urban
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     1  or rural public school districts. Awards to eligible applicants
     2  shall be made for a five-year period and shall be subject to
     3  renewal without limit.
     4  Section 502.  Eligible applicant.
     5     An eligible applicant shall be a Pennsylvania-based
     6  institution of higher education with an approved teacher
     7  education program and/or an approved certification program for
     8  elementary and secondary principals.
     9  Section 503.  Grant requirements.
    10     To be eligible for a grant, an eligible applicant must submit
    11  a proposal containing the following:
    12         (1)  A narrative statement explaining how the proposal
    13     will result in meeting the goals of the program as described
    14     in section 501.
    15         (2)  A demonstration that the application was developed
    16     in association with participating designated urban or rural
    17     public school districts, teacher professional organizations
    18     and administrator professional organizations.
    19         (3)  An assessment of the need for teachers in a
    20     designated specialty teacher certification category or for
    21     principals to demonstrate that the participating designated
    22     urban or rural public school districts are underserved in
    23     either one or both categories of professional personnel.
    24         (4)  A plan demonstrating how potential teachers and
    25     principals will be recruited for participation in a program.
    26     The plan must assure that recruitment efforts will result in
    27     an increase in candidates above the average numbers prepared
    28     by the eligible applicant for the past five years. The plan
    29     must show what types of support will be given to candidates
    30     in areas such as, but not limited to, scholarships, academic
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     1     support and placement efforts. The plan must include a
     2     multiyear program of professional support for newly hired
     3     teachers and principals.
     4  Section 504.  Requirements for program participants.
     5     (a)  Teacher participants.--Program participants who are
     6  teachers must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
     7  Such participants must complete the National Teaching Exam as
     8  administered by the Educational Testing Service and achieve a
     9  minimum score, as determined by the Secretary of Education, in
    10  the Core Battery Exams that relate to general knowledge,
    11  communications and professional knowledge and in any designated
    12  specialty teacher certification category or any combination of
    13  those categories. Such participants must agree to both teach in
    14  and reside in a participating designated urban or rural public
    15  school district for at least five years or repay all financial
    16  assistance. Participants must maintain a satisfactory job
    17  performance rating.
    18     (b)  Principal participants.--Program participants who are
    19  principals must meet all requirements of the Department of
    20  Education for certification as an elementary and/or secondary
    21  principal. Such participants must agree to both serve in and
    22  reside in a participating designated urban or rural public
    23  school district for at least five years or repay all financial
    24  assistance.
    25  Section 505.  Appropriation.
    26     The sum of $500,000, or as much thereof as may be necessary,
    27  is hereby appropriated to the Department of Education for the
    28  fiscal year July 1, 2001, to June 30, 2002, for the support of
    29  the Professional Personnel Recruitment Initiative Program under
    30  Chapter 5. In subsequent fiscal years the Secretary of Education
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     1  shall request such sums as are deemed necessary to provide
     2  grants for the support of both continuing and new programs under
     3  Chapter 5.
     4                             CHAPTER 11
     5                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
     6  Section 1101.  Effective date.
     7     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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