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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1436



No. 1239 Session of 2001

           APRIL 2, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 28, 1966 (3rd Sp.Sess., P.L.87, No.3),
     2     entitled "An act providing for the establishment and
     3     operation of the University of Pittsburgh as an
     4     instrumentality of the Commonwealth to serve as a State-
     5     related university in the higher education system of the
     6     Commonwealth; providing for change of name; providing for the
     7     composition of the board of trustees; terms of trustees, and
     8     the power and duties of such trustees; authorizing
     9     appropriations in amounts to be fixed annually by the General
    10     Assembly; providing for the auditing of accounts of
    11     expenditures from said appropriations; providing for public
    12     support and capital improvements; authorizing the issuance of
    13     bonds exempt from taxation within the Commonwealth; requiring
    14     the chancellor to make an annual report of the operations of
    15     the University of Pittsburgh," further providing for the
    16     Board of Trustees of the university; providing for the
    17     appointment of Trustees to the Board of the University of
    18     Pittsburgh Medical Center Health System; and further
    19     providing for use of appropriated funds and for reports.

    20     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    21  hereby enacts as follows:
    22     Section 1.  Section 4 of the act of July 28, 1966 (3rd
    23  Sp.Sess., P.L.87, No.3), known as the University of Pittsburgh--
    24  Commonwealth Act, is amended to read:

     1     Section 4.  Board of Trustees; Composition; Commonwealth
     2  Trustees; Terms.--(a)  The amended charter of the university as
     3  provided by section 3 of this act shall also provide that the
     4  board of trustees of the university shall consist of [thirty-
     5  six] forty voting members, one of whom shall be the Chancellor
     6  of the University of Pittsburgh and the Governor of the State,
     7  the Superintendent of the Department of Public Instruction and
     8  the Mayor of the City of Pittsburgh, all of whom shall be
     9  members of the board of trustees, ex officio.
    10     (b)  [Twelve] Sixteen of the trustees shall be designated
    11  Commonwealth trustees and four shall be appointed by the
    12  Governor, with the advice and consent of two-thirds of all of
    13  the members of the Senate, four by the President Pro Tempore of
    14  the Senate, and four by the Speaker of the House of
    15  Representatives. The remaining Commonwealth trustees shall be
    16  appointed as follows:
    17     (1)  One senator appointed by the President Pro Tempore of
    18  the Senate.
    19     (2)  One senator appointed by the Minority Leader of the
    20  Senate.
    21     (3)  One representative appointed by the Speaker of the
    22  House of Representatives.
    23     (4)  One representative appointed by the Minority Leader of
    24  the House of Representatives.
    25  One appointment shall be made by each of the appointing
    26  authorities for a term of four years, one for a term of three
    27  years, one for a term of two years, and one for a term of one
    28  year commencing with the date when the change in the charter of
    29  the university becomes effective. Annually thereafter, one
    30  appointment shall be made by each of the three Commonwealth
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     1  appointing authorities for a term of four years. The legislative
     2  appointees shall serve for a term concurrent with their term in
     3  office.
     4     (c)  The twenty-four trustees, in addition to the [twelve]
     5  sixteen Commonwealth trustees, shall be elected annually under
     6  such terms and conditions as may be provided by the university
     7  by-laws.
     8     Section 2.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     9     Section 4.1  Appointment of Trustees of the Board of the 
    10  University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health System.--Four
    11  Commonwealth trustees, from among the members of the Senate and
    12  the House of Representatives, shall be appointed to the board of
    13  trustees of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health
    14  System:
    15     (1)  One senator appointed by the President Pro Tempore of
    16  the Senate.
    17     (2)  One senator appointed by the Minority Leader of the
    18  Senate.
    19     (3)  One representative appointed by the Speaker of the House
    20  of Representatives.
    21     (4)  One representative appointed by the Minority Leader of
    22  the House of Representatives.
    23  The legislative appointees shall serve for a term concurrent
    24  with their term in office.
    25     Section 3.  Sections 7 and 10 of the act are amended to read:
    26     Section 7.  Payments of Appropriations, Accountability and
    27  Auditing.--(a)  The sums appropriated by the Commonwealth shall
    28  be paid to the board of trustees only upon presentation by them
    29  of certified payrolls and vouchers showing expenditures in
    30  accordance with the appropriations. The Auditor General shall
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     1  draw a warrant upon the State Treasurer for payment of approved
     2  expenditures. All expenditures made by the board of trustees in
     3  respect to such appropriations shall be subject to a post-audit
     4  by the Auditor General.
     5     (b)  For the purpose of assuring the proper accountability on
     6  the part of the University of Pittsburgh for the expenditure of
     7  the amounts appropriated by the Commonwealth, the University of
     8  Pittsburgh shall establish a Commonwealth Appropriation Account
     9  into which only the amounts appropriated by the Commonwealth
    10  shall be credited when received. The University of Pittsburgh
    11  shall apply the moneys in the Commonwealth Appropriation Account
    12  only for such purposes as are permitted in the act appropriating
    13  the same and shall at all times maintain proper records showing
    14  the application of such moneys. No moneys appropriated by the
    15  Commonwealth shall be used to deter union organizing or
    16  collective bargaining. Not later than ninety days after the
    17  close of the fiscal year to which the specific appropriation
    18  relates, the University of Pittsburgh shall file with the
    19  General Assembly and with the Auditor General of the
    20  Commonwealth, a statement setting forth the amounts and purposes
    21  of all expenditures made from both the Commonwealth
    22  Appropriation Account and other university accounts during the
    23  fiscal year. Such statement of expenditures shall be reviewed by
    24  the Auditor General of the Commonwealth, and he shall have the
    25  right, in respect to the Commonwealth Appropriation Account, to
    26  audit and disallow expenditures made for purposes not permitted
    27  by the appropriation act and to cause such sums to be recovered
    28  and paid by the University of Pittsburgh to the Treasurer of the
    29  Commonwealth. In respect to expenditures made by the university
    30  from accounts other than the Commonwealth Appropriation Account,
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     1  the Auditor General shall have the right to review only and he
     2  shall file annually with the General Assembly such information
     3  concerning such expenditures as the General Assembly or any of
     4  its committee may require.
     5     Section 10.  Reports.--The Chancellor of the university shall
     6  each year, not later than the first day of October, make a
     7  report of all the activities of the university, instructional,
     8  administrative and financial, for the preceding scholastic and
     9  fiscal year, to the board of trustees, who shall transmit the
    10  same to the Governor and to the members of the General Assembly.
    11  Such report shall include the names and addresses of each member
    12  of the board of trustees.
    13     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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