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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1470



No. 1243 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for protection from identity theft, for security
     2     alerts and freezes, for procedures for access after
     3     imposition and removal of security freezes and for
     4     confidentiality of Social Security numbers.

     5                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     6  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     7  Section 101.  Short title.
     8  Section 102.  Definitions.
     9  Chapter 3.  Security Alerts and Freezes
    10  Section 301.  Security alert.
    11  Section 302.  Security freeze.
    12  Section 303.  Credit reporting agency.
    13  Section 304.  Personal identification.
    14  Section 305.  Notification of freeze.
    15  Section 306.  Effect of freeze.
    16  Section 307.  Temporary freeze.
    17  Section 308.  Fees.

     1  Chapter 5.  Procedures
     2  Section 501.  Distribution of information.
     3  Section 502.  Dispute procedure.
     4  Chapter 7.  Confidentiality of Social Security Numbers
     5  Section 701.  Prohibitions.
     6  Section 702.  Limitations of use of Social Security numbers by
     7                 governmental entities.
     8  Chapter 11.  Miscellaneous Provisions
     9  Section 1101.  Damages.
    10  Section 1102.  Effective date.
    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13                             CHAPTER 1
    14                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
    15  Section 101.  Short title.
    16     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Consumer
    17  Protection and Credit Reporting Act.
    18  Section 102.  Definitions.
    19     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    20  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    21  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    22     "Clear and proper identification."  Information generally
    23  deemed sufficient to identify a person. For purposes of this
    24  definition, only if a consumer is unable to reasonably identify
    25  himself with information under this definition may a consumer
    26  credit reporting agency require additional information
    27  concerning the consumer's employment and personal or family
    28  history in order to verify the consumer's identity.
    29     "Consumer."  A natural person who resides in this
    30  Commonwealth.
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     1     "Consumer file."  A credit report.
     2     "Consumer report."  A credit report.
     3     "Credit report."  Any written, oral or other communication of
     4  any credit information by a credit reporting agency, as defined
     5  in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (Public Law 91-508, 15 U.S.C. §
     6  1681 et seq.), which operates or maintains a database of
     7  consumer credit information bearing on a consumer's
     8  creditworthiness, credit standing or credit capacity.
     9     "Credit reporting agency."  Any person who, for monetary
    10  fees, dues or on a cooperative nonprofit basis, regularly
    11  engages in whole or in part in the practice of assembling or
    12  evaluating consumer credit information or other information on
    13  consumers for the purpose of furnishing consumer reports to
    14  third parties and who uses any means or facility of interstate
    15  commerce for the purpose of preparing or furnishing consumer
    16  reports. The term does not include:
    17         (1)  A check acceptance service which provides check
    18     approval and guarantees services to merchants.
    19         (2)  Any governmental agency whose records are maintained
    20     primarily for traffic safety, law enforcement or licensing
    21     purposes.
    22     "Publicly post" or "publicly display."  To intentionally
    23  communicate or otherwise make available to the general public.
    24     "Security alert."  A notice placed on a consumer file or in a
    25  consumer's report, at the request of the consumer, that is sent
    26  to a recipient of a consumer report or file involving that
    27  consumer file, signifying the fact that the consumer's identity
    28  may have been used without the consumer's consent to
    29  fraudulently obtain goods or services in the consumer's name.
    30     "Security freeze."  A notice placed on a consumer file, at
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     1  the request of the consumer and subject to certain exceptions,
     2  that prohibits a credit reporting agency from releasing the
     3  consumer's credit report or credit score without the express
     4  authorization of the consumer.
     5                             CHAPTER 3
     6                    SECURITY ALERTS AND FREEZES
     7  Section 301.  Security alert.
     8     (a)  General rule.--A consumer may elect to place a security
     9  alert in the credit report of the consumer by making a request
    10  in writing or by telephone and with clear and proper
    11  identification provided by the consumer to a consumer credit
    12  reporting agency.
    13     (b)  Disclosures to consumers.--A written disclosure to a
    14  consumer by a consumer reporting agency must include a written
    15  statement that explains in clear and simple language the
    16  consumer's rights under this section and includes:
    17         (1)  The process for receiving a consumer report or
    18     consumer file.
    19         (2)  The process for requesting or removing a security
    20     alert.
    21         (3)  The toll-free telephone number for requesting a
    22     security alert.
    23         (4)  Applicable fees.
    24         (5)  Dispute procedures.
    25         (6)  The process for correcting a consumer file or
    26     report.
    27         (7)  Information on a consumer's right to bring an action
    28     in court or arbitrate a dispute.
    29     (c)  Notification.--A consumer credit reporting agency shall
    30  notify each person requesting consumer credit information with
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     1  respect to a consumer of the existence of a security alert in
     2  the credit report of that consumer, regardless of whether a full
     3  credit report, credit score or summary report is requested.
     4     (d)  Toll-free telephone number.--Each consumer credit
     5  reporting agency shall maintain a toll-free telephone number to
     6  accept security alert requests from consumers 24 hours a day,
     7  seven days a week. The toll-free telephone number shall be
     8  included in any written disclosure by a consumer credit
     9  reporting agency to any consumer and shall be printed in a clear
    10  and conspicuous manner. In the event an automated answering
    11  system is utilized, calls shall be returned to the consumer no
    12  later than two hours after the time the call was received.
    13     (e)  Security alert request.--A consumer credit reporting
    14  agency shall place a security alert on a consumer's credit
    15  report no later than 24 hours after receiving a request from the
    16  consumer.
    17     (f)  Placement and renewal.--The security alert shall remain
    18  in place for at least one year, and a consumer shall have the
    19  right to request an unlimited number of renewals of the security
    20  alert. When a one-year alert has elapsed, on request in writing
    21  or by telephone and with proper identification provided by the
    22  consumer, the agency shall provide the consumer with a free copy
    23  of the consumer's file. A consumer may include with the security
    24  alert request a telephone number to be used by persons to verify
    25  the consumer's identity before entering into a transaction with
    26  the consumer.
    27     (g)  Approval.--Any person who uses a consumer credit report
    28  in connection with the approval of credit based on an
    29  application for an extension of credit, or with the purchase,
    30  lease or rental of goods or noncredit-related services and who
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     1  receives notification of a security alert pursuant to subsection
     2  (a) may not lend money, extend credit or complete the purchase,
     3  lease or rental of goods or noncredit-related services without
     4  taking reasonable steps to verify the consumer's identity, in
     5  order to ensure that the application for an extension of credit
     6  or for the purchase, lease or rental of goods or noncredit-
     7  related services is not the result of identity theft. If the
     8  consumer has placed a statement with the security alert in the
     9  consumer's file requesting that identity be verified by calling
    10  a specified telephone number, any person who receives that
    11  statement with the security alert in a consumer's file pursuant
    12  to subsection (a) shall take reasonable steps to verify the
    13  identity of the consumer by contacting the consumer using the
    14  specified telephone number prior to lending money, extending
    15  credit or completing the purchase, lease or rental of goods or
    16  noncredit-related services. If a person uses a consumer credit
    17  report to facilitate the extension of credit or for another
    18  permissible purpose on behalf of a subsidiary, affiliate, agent,
    19  assignee or prospective assignee, that person may verify a
    20  consumer's identity under this section in lieu of the
    21  subsidiary, affiliate, agent, assignee or prospective assignee.
    22     (h)  Extension of credit.--For purposes of this section,
    23  "extension of credit" does not include an increase in the dollar
    24  limit of an existing open-end credit plan, as defined in
    25  Regulation Z issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal
    26  Reserve System of 12 CFR 226.2 (relating to definitions and
    27  rules of construction), or any change to or review of an
    28  existing credit account.
    29     (i)  Verification of identity.--If reasonable steps are taken
    30  to verify the identity of the consumer, those steps constitute
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     1  compliance with the requirements of this section, except that if
     2  a consumer has placed a statement including a telephone number
     3  with the security alert in the consumer's file, the consumer's
     4  identity shall be verified by contacting the consumer using that
     5  telephone number as specified pursuant to subsection (g).
     6     (j)  Notice of expiration date.--A consumer credit reporting
     7  agency shall provide notification of the expiration date of a
     8  security alert to each consumer who has requested that a
     9  security alert be placed on the consumer's credit report.
    10  Section 302.  Security freeze.
    11     (a)  Request for freeze.--A consumer may elect to place a
    12  security freeze on the consumer's credit report by written
    13  request, sent by certified mail, that includes clear and proper
    14  identification, to a credit reporting agency. A credit reporting
    15  agency shall place a security freeze on a consumer's credit
    16  report no later than five business days after receiving a
    17  written request for the security freeze from the consumer.
    18     (b)  Disclosures to consumers.--Any written disclosure to a
    19  consumer by a credit reporting agency must include a written
    20  statement that explains in clear and simple language the
    21  consumer's rights under this section and includes:
    22         (1)  The process for receiving a credit report.
    23         (2)  The process for requesting or removing a security
    24     freeze.
    25         (3)  The toll-free telephone number for requesting a
    26     security alert.
    27         (4)  Applicable fees.
    28         (5)  Dispute procedures.
    29         (6)  The process for correcting a credit report.
    30         (7)  Information on a consumer's right to bring an action
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     1     in court or arbitrate a dispute.
     2     (c)  Effect of security freeze.--When a security freeze is in
     3  place, information from a consumer's credit report shall not be
     4  released to a third party without prior express authorization
     5  from the consumer. This subsection shall not prevent a credit
     6  reporting agency from advising a third party that a security
     7  freeze is in effect with respect to the consumer's credit
     8  report.
     9     (d)  Third-party request.--If a third party requests access
    10  to a consumer credit report on which a security freeze is in
    11  effect, and this request is in connection with an application
    12  for credit or any other use, and the consumer does not allow the
    13  consumer's credit report to be accessed for that specific party
    14  or period of time, the third party may treat the application as
    15  incomplete.
    16  Section 303.  Credit reporting agency.
    17     The credit reporting agency shall, no later than ten business
    18  days after the date the agency receives the request for a
    19  security freeze, send the consumer a written confirmation that
    20  provides the consumer with a unique personal identification
    21  number or password to be used by the consumer when providing
    22  authorization for the access to the consumer's credit file for a
    23  specific period of time. In addition, the credit reporting
    24  agency shall simultaneously provide to the consumer in writing
    25  notification of the process of placing and temporarily lifting a
    26  security freeze and the process for allowing access to
    27  information from the consumer's credit file for a specific party
    28  or for a specific period while the security freeze is in effect.
    29  Section 304.  Personal identification.
    30     A consumer may request in writing a replacement personal
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     1  identification number or password. The request must comply with
     2  the requirements for requesting a security freeze under section
     3  302 (relating to security freeze). The credit reporting agency
     4  shall, no later than seven business days after the date the
     5  agency receives the request for a replacement personal
     6  identification number or password, provide the consumer with a
     7  new, unique personal identification number or password to be
     8  used by the consumer instead of the number or password that was
     9  provided under section 303 (relating to credit reporting
    10  agency).
    11  Section 305.  Notification of freeze.
    12     A credit reporting agency shall notify a person who requests
    13  a consumer report or score if a security alert or freeze is in
    14  effect for the consumer file involved in that report or score.
    15  Section 306.  Effect of freeze.
    16     If a third party requests access to a consumer credit report
    17  on which a security freeze is in effect and this request is in
    18  connection with an application for credit or any other use and
    19  the consumer does not allow the consumer's credit report to be
    20  accessed for that specific period of time, the third party must
    21  treat the application as incomplete.
    22  Section 307.  Temporary freeze.
    23     (a)  Request.--If the consumer wishes to allow the consumer's
    24  credit report or score to be accessed for a specific period of
    25  time while a freeze is in place, the consumer shall contact the
    26  credit reporting agency and request that the freeze be
    27  temporarily lifted and provide the following:
    28         (1)  Clear and proper identification.
    29         (2)  The unique personal identification number or
    30     password provided by the credit reporting agency pursuant to
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     1     section 303 (relating to credit reporting agency).
     2         (3)  The proper information regarding the time period for
     3     which the report shall be available to users of the credit
     4     report.
     5         (4)  The proper information regarding the third party who
     6     is to receive the credit report or the time period for which
     7     the report shall be available to users of the credit report.
     8     (b)  Agency requirement.--A credit reporting agency that
     9  receives a request from a consumer to temporarily lift a freeze
    10  on a credit report pursuant to subsection (a) shall comply with
    11  the request no later than three business days after receiving
    12  the request. A credit reporting agency may develop procedures
    13  involving the use of the telephone, facsimile, Internet or other
    14  electronic media to receive and process a request from a
    15  consumer to temporarily lift a freeze on a credit report or
    16  score pursuant to subsection (a) in an expedited manner.
    17     (c)  Removal of temporary freeze.--A credit reporting agency
    18  shall remove or temporarily lift a freeze placed on a consumer's
    19  credit report only in the following cases:
    20         (1)  Upon consumer request as provided in this section.
    21         (2)  If the consumer's credit report was frozen due to a
    22     material misrepresentation of fact by the consumer. If a
    23     credit reporting agency intends to remove a freeze upon a
    24     consumer's credit report pursuant to this paragraph, the
    25     credit reporting agency shall notify the consumer in writing
    26     prior to removing the freeze on the consumer's credit report.
    27     (d)  Duration of freeze.--A security freeze shall remain in
    28  place until the consumer requests that the security freeze be
    29  removed. A credit reporting agency shall remove a security
    30  freeze within three business days of receiving a request for
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     1  removal from the consumer who provides both of the following:
     2         (1)  Clear and proper identification.
     3         (2)  The unique personal identification number or
     4     password provided by the credit reporting agency.
     5     (e)  Applicability of freeze.--A security freeze does not
     6  apply to a consumer report provided to:
     7         (1)  A Federal, State or local government entity,
     8     including a law enforcement agency or court, or their agents
     9     or assigns.
    10         (2)  A private collection agency for the sole purpose of
    11     assisting in the collection of an existing debt of the
    12     consumer who is the subject of the credit report requested.
    13         (3)  A person or entity or a subsidiary, affiliate or
    14     agent of that person or entity, or an assignee of a financial
    15     obligation owing by the consumer to that person or entity, or
    16     a prospective assignee of a financial obligation owing by the
    17     consumer to that person or entity in conjunction with the
    18     proposed purchase of the financial obligation, with which the
    19     consumer has or had prior to assignment an account or
    20     contract, including a demand deposit account, or to whom the
    21     consumer issued a negotiable instrument, for the purposes of
    22     reviewing the account or collecting the financial obligation
    23     owing for the account, contract or negotiable instrument. For
    24     purposes of this paragraph, "reviewing the account" includes
    25     activities related to account maintenance, monitoring, credit
    26     line increases and account upgrades and enhancements.
    27         (4)  A subsidiary, affiliate, agent, assignee or
    28     prospective assignee of a person to whom access has been
    29     granted under this section for the purposes of facilitating
    30     the extension of credit.
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     1         (5)  A person, for the purposes of prescreening as
     2     provided by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (Public Law 91-508,
     3     15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.).
     4         (6)  A credit reporting agency for the purposes of
     5     providing a consumer with a copy of the consumer's report at
     6     the request of the consumer.
     7         (7)  A child support enforcement agency.
     8         (8)  A credit reporting agency that acts only as a
     9     reseller of credit information by assembling and merging
    10     information contained in the database of another credit
    11     reporting agency or multiple credit reporting agencies and
    12     does not maintain a permanent database of credit information
    13     from which new credit reports are produced. However, a credit
    14     reporting agency acting as a reseller shall honor any
    15     security freeze placed on a credit report by another credit
    16     reporting agency.
    17         (9)  A check services company or fraud prevention
    18     services company which issues reports on incidents of fraud
    19     or authorizations for the purpose of approving or processing
    20     negotiable instruments, electronic funds transfers or similar
    21     methods of payments.
    22         (10)  A deposit account information service company which
    23     issues reports regarding account closures due to fraud,
    24     substantial overdrafts, ATM abuse or similar negative
    25     information regarding a consumer to inquiring banks or other
    26     financial institutions for use only in reviewing a consumer's
    27     request for a deposit account at the inquiring bank or
    28     financial institution.
    29     (f)  Certain fees prohibited.--A consumer reporting agency
    30  may not charge a fee for a request under subsection (a) or (c).
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     1  Section 308.  Fees.
     2     (a)  General rule.--A credit reporting agency shall not
     3  impose a fee for the first copy of a consumer report provided to
     4  a consumer each calendar year.
     5     (b)  Fee limited.--A credit reporting agency may impose a
     6  reasonable charge on a consumer for initially placing a security
     7  freeze on a consumer file. The amount of the charge may not
     8  exceed $10. On January 1 of each year, a consumer reporting
     9  agency may increase the charge for disclosure to a consumer or
    10  for placing a security freeze. The increase, if any, must be
    11  based proportionally on changes to the Consumer Price Index for
    12  all Urban Consumers as determined by the United States
    13  Department of Labor with fractional changes rounded to the
    14  nearest 50¢. At no time shall the consumer be charged for
    15  revoking the freeze. An exception shall be allowed whereby the
    16  consumer will be charged $0 by the consumer reporting agency
    17  placing the security freeze if any of the following apply:
    18         (1)  If the consumer is a victim of identity theft and,
    19     upon the request of the consumer reporting agency, provides
    20     the credit reporting agency with a police report.
    21         (2)  If the consumer is 62 years of age or older.
    22     (c)  Confirmation required.--If a security freeze is in
    23  place, a credit reporting agency shall not change any of the
    24  following official information in a consumer credit report
    25  without sending a written confirmation of the change to the
    26  consumer within 30 days of the change being posted to the
    27  consumer's file:
    28         (1)  Name.
    29         (2)  Date of birth.
    30         (3)  Social Security number.
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     1         (4)  Address.
     2  Written confirmation is not required for technical modifications
     3  of a consumer's official information, including name and street
     4  abbreviations, complete spellings or transposition of numbers or
     5  letters. In the case of an address change, the written
     6  confirmation shall be sent to both the new address and to the
     7  former address.
     8                             CHAPTER 5
     9                             PROCEDURES
    10  Section 501.  Distribution of information.
    11     A consumer credit reporting agency, upon written request and
    12  the furnishing of sufficient identification to identify the
    13  consumer and the subject file, shall create reasonable
    14  procedures to prevent a consumer credit report or information
    15  from a consumer's file from being provided to any third party
    16  for marketing purposes or for any offer of credit not requested
    17  by the consumer. The section does not apply to the use of
    18  information by a credit grantor for purposes related to an
    19  existing credit relationship.
    20  Section 502.  Dispute procedure.
    21     If the completeness or accuracy of information contained in a
    22  consumer's file is disputed by the consumer and the consumer
    23  notifies the consumer reporting agency of the dispute, the
    24  agency shall reinvestigate the disputed information free of
    25  charge and record the current status of the disputed information
    26  no later than the 30th business day after the date on which the
    27  agency receives the notice. The consumer reporting agency shall
    28  provide the consumer with the option of notifying the agency of
    29  a dispute concerning the consumer's file by speaking directly to
    30  a representative of the agency.
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     1                             CHAPTER 7
     3  Section 701.  Prohibitions.
     4     (a)  General rule.--A person or entity, not including a State
     5  or local agency, may not do any of the following:
     6         (1)  Publicly post or publicly display in any manner an
     7     individual's Social Security number.
     8         (2)  Print an individual's Social Security number on any
     9     card required for the individual to access products or
    10     services provided by the person or entity.
    11         (3)  Require an individual to transmit the individual's
    12     Social Security number over the Internet website unless the
    13     connection is secure or the Social Security number is
    14     encrypted.
    15         (4)  Require an individual to use the individual's Social
    16     Security number to access an Internet website unless a
    17     password or unique personal identification number or other
    18     authentication device is also required to access the Internet
    19     website.
    20         (5) (i)  Print an individual's Social Security number on
    21         any materials that are mailed to the individual unless
    22         Federal or State law requires the Social Security number
    23         to be on the document to be mailed.
    24             (ii)  Notwithstanding subparagraph (i), applications
    25         and forms sent by mail may include Social Security
    26         numbers.
    27     (b)  Applicability.--Except as provided in subsection (c),
    28  subsection (a) applies to the use of Social Security numbers on
    29  or after July 1, 2005.
    30     (c)  Use prior to effective date.--Except as provided in
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     1  subsection (e), a person or entity, not including a State or
     2  local entity, that has used, prior to July 1, 2005, an
     3  individual's Social Security number in a manner inconsistent
     4  with subsection (a) may continue using that individual's Social
     5  Security number in that manner on or after July 1, 2005, if all
     6  of the following conditions are met:
     7         (1)  The use of the Social Security number is continuous.
     8     If the use is discontinued for any reason, subsection (a)
     9     shall apply.
    10         (2)  The individual is provided an annual disclosure,
    11     commencing in the year 2005, informing the individual that
    12     the individual has the right to discontinue use of the
    13     individual's Social Security number in a manner prohibited by
    14     subsection (a).
    15         (3)  If a written request by an individual to discontinue
    16     the use of the individual's Social Security number in a
    17     manner prohibited by subsection (a) is received, the person
    18     or entity shall implement the request within 30 days of the
    19     receipt of the request. The person or entity may not impose a
    20     fee or charge for implementing the request.
    21         (4)  The person or entity, not including a State or local
    22     agency, does not deny services to the individual because the
    23     individual makes a written request pursuant to this
    24     subsection.
    25     (d)  Construction.--This section shall not be construed to
    26  prohibit the collection, use or release of a Social Security
    27  number as required by Federal or State law or the use of a
    28  Social Security number for internal verification or
    29  administrative purposes by a person or entity.
    30     (e)  Exceptions.--In the case of a health care service plan,
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     1  a provider of health care, an insurer or pharmacy benefits
     2  manager or an agent of any of these, this section shall become
     3  operative as follows:
     4         (1)  On or before January 1, 2006, a health care service
     5     plan, a provider of health care, an insurer or pharmacy
     6     benefits manager or an agent of any of these shall comply
     7     with subsection (a)(1), (3), (4) and (5) as these
     8     requirements pertain to existing individual policyholders.
     9         (2)  On or before January 1, 2006, a health care service
    10     plan, a provider of health care, an insurer or pharmacy
    11     benefits manager or an agent of any of these shall comply
    12     with subsection (a) as these requirements pertain to new
    13     individual policyholders and new employer groups for policies
    14     issued on or after January 1, 2006.
    15     (f)  Cooperation.--A health care service plan, a provider of
    16  health care, an insurer or pharmacy benefits manager or an agent
    17  of any of these entities shall make reasonable efforts to
    18  cooperate, through systems testing and other means, to ensure
    19  the requirements of this chapter are implemented on or before
    20  the dates specified in this chapter.
    21  Section 702.  Limitations of use of Social Security numbers by
    22                 governmental entities.
    23     Prior to posting or requiring the posting of a document in a
    24  place of general public circulation, an agency, board,
    25  department, commission, committee, branch, instrumentality or
    26  authority of the Commonwealth or an agency, board, committee,
    27  department, branch, instrumentality, commission or authority of
    28  any political subdivision of the Commonwealth shall take all
    29  reasonable steps to redact any Social Security numbers from the
    30  documents.
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     1                             CHAPTER 11
     2                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
     3  Section 1101.  Damages.
     4     Any consumer damaged by an intentional, reckless or negligent
     5  violation of this act may bring an action for and shall be
     6  entitled to recovery of actual damages, plus reasonable attorney
     7  fees, court costs and other reasonable costs of prosecution of
     8  the suit.
     9  Section 1102.  Effective date.
    10     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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