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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1408



No. 1255 Session of 1997

           APRIL 8, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 74 (Transportation) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, authorizing the incurring of
     3     indebtedness, with the approval of the electorate, for loans
     4     to owners of public airports for capital improvements,
     5     facilities and equipment; providing for the creation of the
     6     Pennsylvania Airport Capital Loan Fund; adding provisions
     7     relating to rail freight preservation and improvement;
     8     establishing the Pennsylvania Railroad Authority; providing
     9     for the creation of the Pennsylvania Railway Capital Loan
    10     Fund; creating the Rail Freight Infrastructure Fund; and
    11     making repeals.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  The heading of Subchapter E of Chapter 61 of
    15  Title 74 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes is amended
    16  and the chapter is amended by adding a subchapter to read:
    17                            SUBCHAPTER E
    18                          [BOND ISSUANCE]

     2                               * * *
     3                            SUBCHAPTER F
     5  Sec.
     6  6181.  Referendum.
     7  6182.  Bonds.
     8  6183.  Loans for project funding.
     9  6184.  Department funds.
    10  § 6181.  Referendum.
    11     (a)  General rule.--Pursuant to the provisions of section
    12  7(a)(3) of Article VIII of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the
    13  question of incurring indebtedness of $50,000,000 for loans to
    14  owners of public airports and airport facilities and development
    15  corporations for capital improvements, acquisition of land
    16  contiguous to existing airport property and development of same
    17  for industrial development purposes, construction of facilities
    18  and acquisition of equipment, subject to implementation through
    19  this subchapter, shall be submitted to the electors at the next
    20  primary election following the effective date of this
    21  subchapter.
    22     (b)  Certification.--The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall
    23  forthwith certify the question to the county boards of
    24  elections.
    25     (c)  Form of question.--The question shall be in
    26  substantially the following form:
    27         Do you favor the incurring of indebtedness by the
    28         Commonwealth of $50,000,000 for use as loans to owners of
    29         public airports and airport facilities and development
    30         corporations to improve airports and airport facilities
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     1         and to purchase property and equipment and develop land?
     2  § 6182.  Bonds.
     3     (a)  Issuance of general obligation bonds.--As evidence of
     4  the indebtedness if authorized under section 6181 (relating to
     5  referendum), general obligation bonds of the Commonwealth shall
     6  be issued from time to time to fund or retire notes issued under
     7  section 6181 to carry out the purposes of this subchapter, or
     8  both, for total amounts, in the form, in the denominations and
     9  subject to the terms and conditions of issue, redemption and
    10  maturity, rate of interest and time of payment of interest as
    11  the issuing officials direct, except that the latest stated
    12  maturity date shall not exceed 35 years from the date of the
    13  debt first issued for each series.
    14     (b)  Execution of bonds.--All bonds and notes issued under
    15  the authority of section 6181 shall bear facsimile signatures of
    16  the issuing officials and a facsimile of the Great Seal of the
    17  Commonwealth and shall be countersigned by a duly authorized
    18  loan and transfer agent of the Commonwealth.
    19     (c)  Direct obligation of Commonwealth.--All bonds and notes
    20  issued in accordance with section 6181 shall be direct
    21  obligations of the Commonwealth, and the full faith and credit
    22  of the Commonwealth are hereby pledged for the payment of the
    23  interest thereon as it becomes due and the payment of the
    24  principal at maturity. The principal of and interest on the
    25  bonds and notes shall be payable in lawful money of the United
    26  States.
    27     (d)  Exemption from taxation.--All bonds and notes issued
    28  under the provisions of this section shall be exempt from
    29  taxation for State and local purposes.
    30     (e)  Form of bonds.--The bonds may be issued as coupon bonds
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     1  or registered as to both principal and interest as the issuing
     2  officials may determine. If interest coupons are attached, they
     3  shall contain the facsimile signature of the State Treasurer.
     4     (f)  Bond amortization.--The issuing officials shall provide
     5  for the amortization of the bonds in substantial and regular
     6  amounts over the term of the debt. The first retirement of
     7  principal shall be stated to mature prior to the expiration of a
     8  period of time equal to one-tenth of the time from the date of
     9  the first obligation issued to evidence the debt to the date of
    10  the expiration of the term of the debt. Retirements of principal
    11  shall be regular and substantial if made in annual or semiannual
    12  amounts, whether by stated serial maturities or by mandatory
    13  sinking fund retirements.
    14     (g)  Refunding bonds.--The issuing officials are authorized
    15  to provide for the issuance of refunding bonds for the purpose
    16  of refunding any bonds issued under this section and then
    17  outstanding, either by voluntary exchange with the holders of
    18  the outstanding bonds, or to provide funds to redeem and retire
    19  the outstanding bonds with accrued interest, any premium payable
    20  thereon and the costs of issuance and retirement of bonds, at
    21  maturity or at any call date. The issuance of the refunding
    22  bonds, the maturities and other details thereof, the rights of
    23  the holders thereof and the duties of the issuing officials in
    24  respect to the same shall be governed by the provisions of this
    25  section, insofar as they may be applicable. Refunding bonds may
    26  be issued by the issuing officials to refund bonds originally
    27  issued or to refund bonds previously issued for refunding
    28  purposes.
    29     (h)  Quorum.--Whenever any action is to be taken or decision
    30  made by the Governor, the Auditor General and the State
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     1  Treasurer acting as issuing officials and the three officers are
     2  not able unanimously to agree, the action or decision of the
     3  Governor and either the Auditor General or the State Treasurer
     4  shall be binding and final.
     5     (i)  Public sale.--Whenever bonds are issued, they shall be
     6  offered for sale at not less than 98% of the principal amount
     7  and accrued interest and shall be sold by the issuing officials
     8  to the highest and best bidder or bidders after due public
     9  advertisement on the terms and conditions and upon open
    10  competitive bidding as the issuing officials shall direct. The
    11  manner and character of the advertisement and the time of
    12  advertising shall be prescribed by the issuing officials.
    13     (j)  Private sale.--Any portion of any bond issue so offered
    14  and not sold or subscribed for may be disposed of by private
    15  sale by the issuing officials in the manner and at the prices,
    16  not less than 98% of the principal amount and accrued interest,
    17  as the issuing officials shall direct. No commission shall be
    18  allowed or paid for the sale of any bonds issued under the
    19  authority of this section.
    20     (k)  Bond series.--When bonds are issued from time to time,
    21  the bonds of each issue shall constitute a separate series to be
    22  designated by the issuing officials or may be combined for sale
    23  as one series with other general obligation bonds of the
    24  Commonwealth.
    25     (l)  Temporary bonds.--Until permanent bonds can be prepared,
    26  the issuing officials may in their discretion issue, in lieu of
    27  permanent bonds, temporary bonds in the form and with the
    28  privileges as to registration and exchange for permanent bonds
    29  as may be determined by the issuing officials.
    30     (m)  Disposition and use of proceeds.--The proceeds realized
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     1  from the sale of bonds and notes, except funding bonds,
     2  refunding bonds and renewal notes, under the provisions of this
     3  section are specifically dedicated to the purposes of the
     4  referendum to be implemented by this subchapter and shall be
     5  paid into the Pennsylvania Airport Capital Loan Fund created
     6  under section 6184(a) (relating to department funds) in the
     7  State Treasury in amounts as may be specified by the department.
     8  The proceeds shall be paid by the State Treasurer periodically
     9  to the department to expend them at the times and in the amounts
    10  as may be necessary to satisfy the funding needs of the
    11  department. The proceeds of the sale of funding bonds, refunding
    12  bonds and renewal notes shall be paid to the State Treasurer and
    13  applied to the payment of principal, the accrued interest and
    14  premium, if any, and costs of redemption of the bonds and notes
    15  for which the obligations shall have been issued.
    16     (n)  Investment of funds.--Pending their application to the
    17  purposes authorized, moneys held or deposited by the State
    18  Treasurer may be invested or reinvested as are other funds in
    19  the custody of the State Treasurer in the manner provided by
    20  law. All earnings received from the investment or deposit of
    21  such funds shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit
    22  of the Pennsylvania Airport Capital Loan Fund created by the
    23  department in section 6184(a) in the amounts as may be specified
    24  by the department under that section.
    25     (o)  Registration of bonds.--The Auditor General shall
    26  prepare the necessary registry book to be kept in the office of
    27  the authorized loan and transfer agent of the Commonwealth for
    28  the registration of any bonds, at the request of owners thereof,
    29  according to the terms and conditions of issue directed by the
    30  issuing officials.
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     1     (p)  Expenses of preparation for issue and sale of bonds and
     2  notes.--There is hereby appropriated to the State Treasurer from
     3  the proceeds of the bonds and notes issued as much money as may
     4  be necessary for all costs and expenses in connection with the
     5  issue of and sale and registration of the bonds and notes in
     6  connection with this subchapter.
     7     (q)  Expenses of department.--There is hereby appropriated to
     8  the department from the proceeds of the bonds and notes issued
     9  as much money as may be necessary for all costs and expenses in
    10  connection with the administration of this subchapter.
    11     (r)  Negotiable instrument designation.--Whether or not the
    12  bonds are of a form and character as to be negotiable
    13  instruments under the terms of Title 13 (relating to commercial
    14  code), the bonds are made negotiable instruments within the
    15  meaning of and for the purposes of Title 13, subject only to the
    16  provisions of the bonds for registration.
    17  § 6183.  Loans for project funding.
    18     (a)  General rule.--Loans under this subchapter may be made
    19  for the following purposes:
    20         (1)  For capital improvements and construction or
    21     acquisition of facilities undertaken by public airports.
    22         (2)  For acquisition of equipment by owners of public
    23     airports.
    24     (b)  Limits on loans.--Any loan made under this subchapter
    25  shall be subject to the following:
    26         (1)  Loan funds may be used to finance no more than 85%
    27     of project costs.
    28         (2)  The original principal amount of a loan and the
    29     total of the principal balances of all loans to one borrower
    30     outstanding at any time shall not be more than $10,000,000.
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     1         (3)  The term of a loan may not be more than 20 years
     2     calculated from the time of making the loan.
     3         (4)  Security for a loan may be required by the
     4     department.
     5     (c)  Administration of loans.--Loans made under this
     6  subchapter shall be administered by the Bureau of Aviation
     7  within the department.
     8  § 6184.  Department funds.
     9     (a)  Pennsylvania Airport Capital Loan Fund.--The department
    10  shall create the Pennsylvania Airport Capital Loan Fund in the
    11  State Treasury for the purpose of depositing:
    12         (1)  Proceeds from sale of Commonwealth general
    13     obligation bonds issued under this subchapter.
    14         (2)  Payments from outstanding loans.
    15         (3)  Federal and State appropriations made under this
    16     subchapter.
    17     (b)  Other funds.--The department may also create
    18  nonrevolving funds and accounts as it deems necessary and
    19  convenient to carry out the purposes of this subchapter.
    20     Section 2.  Title 74 is amended by adding a part to read:
    21                               PART V
    22                             RAILROADS
    23  Chapter
    24    95.  Rail Freight Preservation and Improvement
    25    97.  Rail Freight Infrastructure Improvement Fund
    26                             CHAPTER 95
    28  Sec.
    29  9501.  Definitions.
    30  9502.  Rail Freight Advisory Committee.
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     1  9503.  Comprehensive rail freight study.
     2  9504.  Program authority.
     3  9505.  Contracts.
     4  9506.  Cooperation with other governments and private
     5         interests.
     6  9507.  Rules and regulations of department.
     7  9508.  Grants and loans by transportation organizations or
     8         municipalities.
     9  9509.  Rental schedule for occupations of rail property.
    10  9510.  Pennsylvania Railroad Authority.
    11  9511.  Referendum.
    12  9512.  Bonds.
    13  9513.  Limits on loans for project funding.
    14  9514.  Department funds.
    15  9515.  Limitation on decisions, findings and regulations of
    16         secretary.
    17  § 9501.  Definitions.
    18     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    19  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    20  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    21     "Authority."  The Pennsylvania Railroad Authority established
    22  under section 9510 (relating to Pennsylvania Railroad
    23  Authority).
    24     "Board."  The governing body of the Pennsylvania Railroad
    25  Authority.
    26     "Capital project."  Includes any of the following:
    27         (1)  Any building, structure, facility or physical public
    28     betterment or improvement.
    29         (2)  Any land or rights in land.
    30         (3)  Any furnishings, machinery, apparatus or equipment
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     1     for any public betterment or improvement.
     2         (4)  Any undertaking to construct, repair, renovate,
     3     improve, equip, furnish or acquire any of the foregoing if
     4     the project is designated in a capital budget as a capital
     5     project, has an estimated useful life in excess of five years
     6     and an estimated financial cost in excess of the threshold
     7     amount set forth in Article XVI-B of the act of April 9, 1929
     8     (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code. The term shall
     9     exclude maintenance rehabilitation.
    10     "Committee."  The Rail Freight Advisory Committee established
    11  under this chapter.
    12     "Competitive threshold."  The threshold amount established in
    13  section 10 of the act of May 2, 1945 (P.L.382, No.164), known as
    14  the Municipality Authorities Act of 1945.
    15     "Department."  The Department of Transportation of the
    16  Commonwealth.
    17     "Emergency maintenance."  Maintenance necessary to return
    18  rail property to the condition in which it existed prior to an
    19  event which makes a line unsafe or impassable. The term shall
    20  include snow removal, washout repair and repair of damage caused
    21  by derailment or external sources.
    22     "Intermodal facilities."  Facilities where rail freight
    23  carloadings may be transferred from one mode of transportation
    24  to another.
    25     "Issuing officials."  As defined in section 1602-B of the act
    26  of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code.
    27     "Loan."  Except for those funds under section 9504(c)
    28  (relating to program authority), the term refers to the
    29  Department of Transportation loans authorized by this chapter.
    30     "Maintenance/rehabilitation."  The replacing of ties, rail
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     1  plates, turnouts and other track and structural materials and
     2  addition of ballast sufficient functionally to restore, improve
     3  or maintain rail structures or facilities or intermodal
     4  facilities to the level necessary for safe operations or use,
     5  with an estimated useful life in excess of five years, and
     6  excluding materials used to repair or construct a building.
     7     "Municipality."  Any county, city, borough, incorporated
     8  town, township, home rule municipality, optional plan
     9  municipality, optional form municipality or similar general
    10  purpose unit of government, which may hereafter be established
    11  by law and any local development district.
    12     "Optional form municipality."  A city which has adopted an
    13  optional form of government under the act of July 15, 1957
    14  (P.L.901, No.399), known as the Optional Third Class City
    15  Charter Law.
    16     "Optional plan municipality."  A city, borough, incorporated
    17  town or township which has adopted an optional plan of
    18  government under the act of April 13, 1972 (P.L.184, No.62),
    19  known as the Home Rule Charter and Optional Plans Law.
    20     "Rail Freight Assistance Program."  A program administered by
    21  the Department of Transportation to provide financial assistance
    22  for investment in rail infrastructure to:
    23         (1)  Preserve essential rail freight service where
    24     economically viable.
    25         (2)  Stimulate economic growth through generation of new
    26     or expanded rail freight service.
    27     "Rail freight transportation facilities."  Items necessary
    28  for the provision of rail freight transportation services,
    29  including, but not limited to, freight cars, locomotives, wires,
    30  poles and equipment for electrification of rail lines, rails,
    19970H1255B1408                 - 11 -

     1  tracks, railroad beds, elevated structures, bridges, intermodal
     2  facilities, buildings, structures, parking areas and tunnels.
     3     "Rail freight transportation services."  Transportation of
     4  property by rail, for compensation, by any and all persons or
     5  corporations holding out, offering or undertaking, directly or
     6  indirectly, such service.
     7     "Rail freight transportation systems."  Systems necessary to
     8  provide rail freight transportation services, including, but not
     9  limited to, any properties, easements or other rights-of-way,
    10  rail lines and rail corridors.
    11     "Railroad company."  Any person, firm or corporation
    12  rendering common carrier rail freight transportation service in
    13  this Commonwealth, under authorization from the Pennsylvania
    14  Public Utility Commission or the Interstate Commerce Commission,
    15  where authorization is required by law.
    16     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Transportation of the
    17  Commonwealth.
    18     "State Transportation Commission."  The commission under
    19  section 2011 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175),
    20  known as The Administrative Code of 1929, or any successor
    21  organization.
    22     "Transportation organization."  Any municipal authority, mass
    23  transportation, port or other authority, or any combination of
    24  two or more such entities, now existing or hereafter organized
    25  under the laws of this Commonwealth, or under an interstate
    26  compact, empowered to render rail freight transportation service
    27  or assist in rendering rail freight transportation service in
    28  this Commonwealth, even though it may also render rail freight
    29  transportation service in adjacent states.
    30  § 9502.  Rail Freight Advisory Committee.
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     1     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established the Rail
     2  Freight Advisory Committee, which shall consist of 28 members.
     3  The members shall be as follows:
     4         (1)  The Secretary of Transportation, ex officio.
     5         (2)  The Secretary of Commerce, ex officio.
     6         (3)  The Chairman of the Pennsylvania Public Utility
     7     Commission, ex officio.
     8         (4)  The chairman and minority chairman of the
     9     Transportation Committee of the Senate.
    10         (5)  The chairman and minority chairman of the
    11     Transportation Committee of the House of Representatives.
    12         (6)  Twenty-one members of the public representing the
    13     areas of concern specified who shall have extensive
    14     experience and knowledge of rail freight transportation
    15     activities throughout this Commonwealth, to be appointed by
    16     the Governor as follows:
    17             (i)  Three representatives of Class I railroad
    18         companies.
    19             (ii)  Three representatives of regional
    20         railroad/short line operation.
    21             (iii)  Six representative rail shippers, each to
    22         represent one of the following areas:
    23                 (A)  Coal.
    24                 (B)  Steel.
    25                 (C)  Lumber.
    26                 (D)  Intermodal.
    27                 (E)  Chemical.
    28                 (F)  Food products/agriculture.
    29             (iv)  Three representatives of organized labor, each
    30         to represent one of the following areas:
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     1                 (A)  Steel labor.
     2                 (B)  Coal labor.
     3                 (C)  Railway labor.
     4             (v)  One representative from the Pennsylvania Chamber
     5         of Commerce.
     6             (vi)  Two representatives of regional/local economic
     7         development groups.
     8             (vii)  Two representatives of the Metropolitan
     9         Planning Organization (MPO).
    10             (viii)  One representative of rail
    11         contractors/suppliers.
    12  Each member shall designate a representative to serve in his
    13  stead. A member shall notify the chairman in writing of the
    14  designation.
    15     (b)  Terms of appointees.--The term of all members of the
    16  committee appointed by the Governor shall be for three years.
    17  Any member of the committee may be reappointed for an additional
    18  term or terms. An individual appointed to fill a vacancy shall
    19  serve only for the unexpired term.
    20     (c)  Meetings and expenses.--The committee shall meet at
    21  least four times every 12 months, but may hold additional
    22  meetings as are called by the chairman or by petition of at
    23  least seven committee members. A public member, including a
    24  designee, who misses three consecutive meetings without good
    25  cause acceptable to the chairman shall be replaced by the
    26  chairman, who shall have the power to make a temporary
    27  appointment pending approval or replacement by the Governor. The
    28  public members of the committee shall be allowed per diem
    29  expenses to be set by the committee, but not to exceed the
    30  amount deductible from taxable income allowed under the Internal
    19970H1255B1408                 - 14 -

     1  Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 1 et seq.).
     2  The department shall provide appropriate staff support to enable
     3  the committee to properly carry out its functions.
     4     (d)  Powers and duties.--The powers and duties of the
     5  committee shall be to advise and comment on a comprehensive rail
     6  freight study, to advise and comment on all phases of the rail
     7  freight transportation program activities being undertaken or
     8  financially assisted by the department and to propose methods,
     9  strategies or technologies for improving rail freight
    10  transportation services systems or facilities within this
    11  Commonwealth. The committee shall annually submit reports of its
    12  general deliberations and conclusions, as well as any specific
    13  issue report completed at the committee's discretion, to the
    14  Governor, members of the General Assembly and the State
    15  Transportation Commission.
    16     (e)  Officers.--The members of the committee shall annually
    17  elect a chairperson, a vice chairperson and a secretary from
    18  among the public members appointed to the committee.
    19  § 9503.  Comprehensive rail freight study.
    20     (a)  Initiation of study.--The department shall undertake,
    21  either through its own staff or through the use of a consultant
    22  or consultants, or both, a comprehensive study of rail freight
    23  transportation services, systems and facilities within this
    24  Commonwealth and recommendations for their preservation and
    25  improvement. This study shall:
    26         (1)  Include an assessment of this Commonwealth's rail
    27     freight transportation system from an intermodal, multimodal
    28     and economic development perspective.
    29         (2)  Comply with Federal regulations for the requirements
    30     of a State rail plan.
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     1     (b)  Study update.--The comprehensive rail freight study
     2  shall be performed every five years or at intervals as deemed
     3  necessary by the department or committee.
     4     (c)  Utilization of study.--The department shall consider the
     5  conclusions of the comprehensive rail freight study in the
     6  implementation of its programs designed to preserve and improve
     7  the rail freight transportation services, systems and facilities
     8  within this Commonwealth, including the development of new
     9  initiatives, where required.
    10     (d)  Appropriation.--The General Assembly shall annually
    11  appropriate funds to the department for the exclusive purpose of
    12  carrying out the comprehensive rail freight study or updating a
    13  previous rail freight study, including department administrative
    14  expenses.
    15  § 9504.  Program authority.
    16     (a)  Authority.--The department is hereby authorized, within
    17  the limitations provided in this chapter, to:
    18         (1)  Provide operating subsidy grants and loans to
    19     railroad companies, transportation organizations or
    20     municipalities to defray or assist in defraying the net
    21     deficit incurred by these entities in providing essential
    22     rail freight transportation services within this
    23     Commonwealth.
    24         (2)  Provide grants and loans to railroad companies,
    25     transportation organizations or municipalities to defray or
    26     assist in defraying the cost of maintenance/rehabilitation
    27     projects performed on rail lines within this Commonwealth.
    28         (3)  Undertake capital projects and provide capital
    29     project grants and loans to railroad companies,
    30     transportation organizations or municipalities, including
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     1     acquisition of rail lines. The department shall not directly
     2     operate or provide rail freight transportation services on
     3     its own rail lines or on lines owned by others, nor shall a
     4     capital project be undertaken in order to enable the
     5     department to directly provide rail freight transportation
     6     services. Projects may include, but are not limited to,
     7     industrial development at industrial or business parks
     8     adjacent to rail lines.
     9         (4)  Acquire by purchase, lease, eminent domain
    10     proceedings, gift or otherwise all and any property, in such
    11     estate as determined by the secretary, for promoting the
    12     purposes of this chapter, including the property of a public
    13     utility. All municipalities and corporations are hereby
    14     authorized to donate property to the department. Eminent
    15     domain proceedings shall be in accordance with the act of
    16     June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess., P.L.84, No.6), known as the Eminent
    17     Domain Code, and the department is empowered to join with any
    18     municipality or transportation organization in obtaining any
    19     property through the eminent domain proceedings.
    20         (5)  Undertake research, studies, analysis and planning
    21     and make grants and loans to railroad companies,
    22     transportation organizations and municipalities for research,
    23     studies, analysis and planning relating to any phase of rail
    24     freight transportation services, systems and facilities,
    25     including the management, operation, capital requirements and
    26     economic feasibility thereof, and any preparation of
    27     engineering and architectural surveys, plans and
    28     specifications and other similar activities preliminary to
    29     and in preparation for construction, acquisition or improved
    30     operation of rail transportation services, systems and
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     1     facilities within this Commonwealth.
     2         (6)  Undertake demonstration projects and make grants and
     3     loans to railroad companies, transportation organizations and
     4     municipalities for demonstration projects, including the
     5     development, testing and demonstration of new facilities,
     6     equipment, techniques and methods of providing rail
     7     transportation services, systems and facilities within this
     8     Commonwealth.
     9         (7)  Undertake marketing activities and make grants and
    10     loans to railroad companies, transportation organizations and
    11     municipalities for marketing activities designed to foster
    12     the fullest and most efficient utilization of rail freight
    13     transportation services, systems and facilities within this
    14     Commonwealth. Marketing activities may be undertaken by
    15     contract with the department or by subcontract with a grantee
    16     or loan recipient of the department, upon approval of the
    17     subcontract by the secretary.
    18         (8)  Undertake audits of any project being financially
    19     assisted by the department. The department may hire outside
    20     auditors to perform audits or may direct its grantees or loan
    21     recipients to engage auditors and include the expense thereof
    22     as an eligible program cost.
    23         (9)  Provide for strategic management of this
    24     Commonwealth's rail resources and programs of assistance
    25     designed to preserve and enhance rail infrastructure and
    26     services.
    27         (10)  Review and approve applications for financial
    28     assistance from the Pennsylvania Railway Capital Loan Fund as
    29     to conformance with the department's strategic management
    30     plan, contribution toward economic development objectives and
    19970H1255B1408                 - 18 -

     1     enhanced customer service.
     2     (b)  Guidelines for grants and loans.--The following shall
     3  govern all grants and loans made under the authority of
     4  subsection (a):
     5         (1)  A responsible level of local financial
     6     participation, to be determined by the department, shall be
     7     required for each category of project authorized by this
     8     section.
     9         (2)  A grant or loan shall be made only upon application
    10     filed by an applicant and reviewed and approved by the
    11     department. No grant or loan shall exceed the amount
    12     requested by an applicant. An amended grant or loan request
    13     need not be filed by an applicant where a proposed contract
    14     amendment does not exceed the amount previously requested.
    15         (3)  A grant or loan, with department approval, may be
    16     made with reference to any appropriate project regardless of
    17     when it was first commenced or considered and regardless of
    18     whether the costs with respect thereto shall have been
    19     incurred prior to the time the project is undertaken or the
    20     project grant or loan is applied for or made. In the case of
    21     a project involving maintenance/rehabilitation, grants and
    22     loans shall be made by the department only after
    23     documentation to the department's satisfaction of the
    24     condition of the rail facilities involved before and after
    25     the maintenance/rehabilitation. Where the department
    26     contracts for a grant or loan based upon estimated costs,
    27     payments may be made thereunder prior to the time costs are
    28     actually incurred. However, the department shall adjust the
    29     payments under any agreement before closing out the contract
    30     involved, based upon the most recent available actual data.
    19970H1255B1408                 - 19 -

     1         (4)  Any grant made for purposes of
     2     maintenance/rehabilitation projects or capital projects shall
     3     continue for two fiscal years or three calendar years and
     4     shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal year in which that
     5     grant was awarded.
     6         (5)  No agreement shall impair, suspend, contract,
     7     enlarge or extend or affect in any manner the powers of the
     8     Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, the Interstate
     9     Commerce Commission or any other regulatory agency having
    10     jurisdiction over rail freight transportation services,
    11     systems and facilities.
    12         (6)  The use of consultants by a grantee for preparation
    13     of design drawings, specifications and bid packages,
    14     solicitation of bids or proposals, contract management and
    15     project inspection shall be eligible expenses chargeable to
    16     the cost of a project. However, internal administrative costs
    17     of a grantee are not eligible for grant reimbursement.
    18         (7)  Any grant or loan for acquisition of real property
    19     under this chapter shall be based upon an appraisal as
    20     approved by the department.
    21     (c)  Federal funds.--The department is hereby authorized to
    22  make loans of Federal funds to railroad companies,
    23  transportation organizations or municipalities, in accordance
    24  with the requirements of any Federal law establishing a loan
    25  program, for the purchase of real property or easements and for
    26  the rehabilitation and improvement of rail freight
    27  transportation systems and facilities.
    28     (d)  Loans.--Subject to any agreements with the holders of
    29  bonds, the department shall have the power to set terms
    30  applicable to loans in any manner it deems appropriate, subject
    19970H1255B1408                 - 20 -

     1  to the provisions of this subsection. The department may
     2  consider factors it deems relevant, including current market
     3  interest rates, the financial and economic distress of the area
     4  which the project serves and the necessity to maintain the
     5  department funds in a financially sound manner. Loans may be
     6  made based on the ability to repay the loan from future revenue
     7  to be derived from the project, by a mortgage or other property
     8  lien or on any other fiscal matters which the department deems
     9  appropriate. The department shall have the power to defer
    10  principal on loans for up to seven years. In the event of a
    11  default on the repayment of a loan, the department may apply to
    12  the court of common pleas of the county where the project is
    13  located for the appointment of a receiver to assume operation
    14  and supervision of the facility under the supervision of the
    15  court. The rate of interest to be paid on any loan made under
    16  this chapter shall be no more than a rate fixed annually by the
    17  Office of the Budget based upon then-current economic
    18  indicators.
    19  § 9505.  Contracts.
    20     (a)  Contractual authority.--
    21         (1)  The department shall have the power and authority to
    22     enter into contracts and to make joint contracts of purchase
    23     with any railroad company, transportation organization or
    24     municipality in any manner complying with the law applicable
    25     to the entity. The department shall have power and authority
    26     to make contracts for the improvement of any rights-of-way,
    27     roadbeds or rolling stock, electrification systems, other
    28     transportation systems, or any parts thereof, constituting a
    29     project without advertisement for competitive bids, where the
    30     work is to be done at cost by the personnel and with the
    19970H1255B1408                 - 21 -

     1     facilities of the railroad company, local transportation
     2     organization or municipality on whose system the property is
     3     to be used.
     4         (2)  Any other provision of law to the contrary
     5     notwithstanding, the department may sell, transfer, lease or
     6     grant any license to, easement over or any other interest in
     7     all or any part of the rail properties and other property
     8     acquired under the provisions of this chapter or any other
     9     rail-related act to any responsible person, firm,
    10     corporation, municipality or instrumentality thereof,
    11     municipal authority, transportation authority, the Federal
    12     Government or any branch or agency thereof for continued
    13     operation or other use compatible with the operation of a
    14     railroad or any public purpose, when approval for the
    15     continued operation or other public purpose is granted by the
    16     Interstate Commerce Commission, when approval is required.
    17     Competitive procurement may be used when deemed appropriate
    18     in the discretion of the department. For continued rail
    19     operations or other public purpose, competitive procurement
    20     shall be used when unsatisfactory performance by the existing
    21     rail operator exists, other viable parties propose to
    22     purchase the State-owned rail line or lines or other criteria
    23     exists as outlined in the department's disposition policy
    24     document. If during the first five years after the sale,
    25     transfer, lease or grant of a license or easement the
    26     property or property right is used for any purpose other than
    27     that which is compatible with the operation of a railroad or
    28     any public purpose, the property or property right shall
    29     revert to the Commonwealth.
    30         (3)  In the event the department determines that there is
    19970H1255B1408                 - 22 -

     1     no need for continued operation of a railroad on any rail
     2     properties or other properties acquired under the provisions
     3     of this chapter or any other rail-related act and that the
     4     properties are not needed for any other public purpose, the
     5     department may sell, under a system of public competitive
     6     bidding, transfer, lease or grant any license to, easement
     7     over or any other interest in all or any part of the
     8     properties to any responsible person, firm, corporation,
     9     municipality or instrumentality thereof, municipal authority,
    10     transportation authority or to the Federal Government or any
    11     branch or agency thereof for any worthwhile purpose, as
    12     determined by the department. In the event properties which
    13     are located outside the normal right-of-way limits of the
    14     adjacent railroad are not required for continued provision of
    15     rail service and, due to a landlocked state or other factors,
    16     are inaccessible to the general public, the department may,
    17     in its sole discretion, in consultation with the Federal
    18     Railroad Administration where required, offer to sell such
    19     property to the adjoining landowner at its fair market value
    20     as determined by a professional appraisal. If the adjoining
    21     landowner agrees to pay the fair market value price as
    22     determined by such appraisal, public competitive bidding
    23     shall not be required.
    24         (4)  In the event the department, through the exchange of
    25     property acquired under this chapter, can foster or enhance
    26     economic development, the creation of housing, safety,
    27     environmental concerns or other activities consistent with
    28     the betterment of this Commonwealth, the department shall
    29     have, with the concurrence of the Federal Railroad
    30     Administration where required, the power and authority to
    19970H1255B1408                 - 23 -

     1     exchange property acquired under this chapter with any
     2     responsible person, firm, corporation, municipality or
     3     instrumentality thereof, municipal authority, transportation
     4     authority or the Federal Government or any branch or agency
     5     thereof in its sole discretion. Exchanges of property shall
     6     be conducted in a manner so as not to interfere with the
     7     continued provision of rail service. Any property acquired
     8     under any exchange conducted under this paragraph, combined
     9     with any improvements located or constructed thereon, shall
    10     have an appraisal value at least equivalent to the value of
    11     the property conveyed in exchange by the department.
    12         (5)  At least 60 days prior to the sale of any property
    13     as authorized by paragraph (2) or (3), the department shall
    14     provide written notice thereof to the chairman of the
    15     Transportation Committee of the Senate and the chairman of
    16     the Transportation Committee of the House of Representatives.
    17     (b)  Competitive bids.--Except in the purchase of unique
    18  articles or articles which for any other reason cannot be
    19  obtained in the open market and except as otherwise provided,
    20  competitive bids shall be secured before any purchase or sale,
    21  by contract or otherwise, is made or before any contract is
    22  awarded for construction, alterations, supplies, equipment,
    23  repairs or maintenance or for rendering any services to the
    24  department other than professional services. The purchase shall
    25  be made from or the contract shall be awarded to the lowest
    26  responsible bidder or a sale to the highest responsible bidder.
    27  No purchase of any unique article or other articles which cannot
    28  be obtained in the open market shall be made without express
    29  approval of the secretary where the amount involved is in excess
    30  of the competitive threshold amount.
    19970H1255B1408                 - 24 -

     1     (c)  Advertisement.--Except as otherwise provided in this
     2  chapter, all purchases and sales in excess of the competitive
     3  threshold amount shall be awarded after advertising in a
     4  newspaper of general circulation in the area where the property
     5  is to be used not less than two weeks prior to the bid opening.
     6  Bids shall be publicly opened and read aloud at a date, time and
     7  place designated in the invitation to bid. In all cases of
     8  purchases or sales in excess of the competitive threshold amount
     9  authorized under this section to be made without competitive
    10  bidding, except purchases from or sales to a transportation
    11  organization or contracts with a transportation company under
    12  subsection (a), invitations to bid shall be sent not less than
    13  one week prior to the bid opening to at least three potential
    14  bidders who are qualified technically and financially to submit
    15  bids, or in lieu thereof a memorandum shall be kept on file
    16  showing that less than three potential bidders so qualified
    17  exist in the market area within which it is practicable to
    18  obtain bids.
    19     (d)  Negotiation of certain contracts.--Purchases or sales
    20  under the competitive threshold amount may be negotiated with or
    21  without competitive bidding under sound procurement procedures
    22  as promulgated and established by the secretary.
    23     (e)  Waiver of competitive bid requirements.--Competitive
    24  bidding requirements may be waived if it is determined by the
    25  secretary that an emergency directly and immediately affecting
    26  customer service, public health, safety or welfare requires
    27  immediate delivery of supplies, materials or equipment. A record
    28  of circumstances explaining the emergency shall be submitted to
    29  the secretary and kept on file.
    30     (f)  Restriction.--Requirements shall not be split into parts
    19970H1255B1408                 - 25 -

     1  for the purpose of avoiding the provisions of this section.
     2     (g)  Rejection of bids.--The department shall have the right
     3  to reject any or all bids or parts of any or all bids, whenever,
     4  in the opinion of the secretary, the rejection is necessary for
     5  the protection of the interest of the Commonwealth. In every
     6  case, a record shall be made setting forth the reason for the
     7  rejection, which record shall thereafter be kept on file.
     8     (h)  Rules and regulations.--The secretary may adopt rules
     9  and regulations to effectuate the provisions of this section.
    10     (i)  Assignments.--The secretary shall have the power to
    11  accept the assignment from any railroad company, transportation
    12  organization or municipality of all or any interest in any
    13  lawfully made contract for the procurement and purchase of any
    14  asset deemed necessary or desirable by the secretary in
    15  connection with any project.
    16  § 9506.  Cooperation with other governments and private
    17             interests.
    18     (a)  Cooperation.--The department is directed to administer
    19  all projects under this chapter with flexibility to promote and
    20  encourage full cooperation and financial participation of
    21  Federal, State and local governments, agencies and
    22  instrumentalities, as well as private interests, so as to result
    23  in as effective and economical a program as possible. The
    24  department shall respond to the requirements of any Federal rail
    25  freight transportation legislation now existing or enacted into
    26  law in the future, to the extent permitted under the laws of
    27  this Commonwealth, in order to enhance rail freight
    28  transportation services, systems and facilities within this
    29  Commonwealth.
    30     (b)  Agreements.--The department is hereby authorized to
    19970H1255B1408                 - 26 -

     1  enter into agreements providing for mutual cooperation among it
     2  and any Federal agency and any transportation organization, or
     3  transportation company, or one or more of them, in any or all
     4  projects, including joint applications for Federal grants.
     5     (c)  Purpose of chapter.--It is the purpose and intent of
     6  this chapter to authorize the department to do any and all other
     7  things necessary or desirable to secure the financial aid or
     8  cooperation of any Federal agency in any of the department's
     9  projects and to do and perform all things which may be required
    10  by any Federal statute or by the lawful requirements of any
    11  Federal agency authorized to administer any program of Federal
    12  aid to transportation.
    13  § 9507.  Rules and regulations of department.
    14     In order to effectuate and enforce the provisions of this
    15  chapter, the department is authorized to promulgate necessary
    16  rules and regulations and prescribe conditions and procedures in
    17  order to assure compliance in carrying out the purposes for
    18  which grants and loans may be made under this chapter. The rules
    19  and regulations shall also provide for the observance of the
    20  relevant safety standards of any regulatory body having
    21  jurisdiction to promulgate safety standards, but the department
    22  shall not be authorized to do anything or suffer or permit any
    23  action which will violate any agreement with a transportation
    24  organization, transportation company or any Federal agency or
    25  impair, suspend, contract, enlarge or extend or affect in any
    26  manner the powers of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission
    27  or the Interstate Commerce Commission, which by law are
    28  applicable to the railroad company, transportation organization
    29  or municipality involved.
    30  § 9508.  Grants and loans by transportation organizations or
    19970H1255B1408                 - 27 -

     1             municipalities.
     2     Any transportation organization or municipality shall be and
     3  is hereby authorized to make annual grants and loans from
     4  current revenues in order to participate in the rail freight
     5  transportation projects and to enter into long-term agreements
     6  providing for the payment of the same.
     7  § 9509.  Rental schedule for occupations of rail property.
     8     The department shall publish a uniform schedule of rentals
     9  and fees for occupations of property acquired by the department
    10  under this chapter. The schedule shall cover all licenses,
    11  easements, leases or other interests in such property. The fees
    12  and rentals shall be revised and updated from time to time at
    13  the discretion of the department.
    14  § 9510.  Pennsylvania Railroad Authority.
    15     (a)  Authority established.--A body corporate and politic, to
    16  be known as the Pennsylvania Railroad Authority, is hereby
    17  established as a public authority and instrumentality of the
    18  Commonwealth.
    19     (b)  Board.--
    20         (1)  The powers of the authority shall be exercised by
    21     its board, a governing body having full authority to manage
    22     the properties and business of the authority and to
    23     prescribe, amend and repeal bylaws, rules and regulations
    24     governing the manner in which the business of the authority
    25     may be conducted and the powers granted to it may be
    26     exercised. All bylaws, rules and regulations, and amendments
    27     thereto, shall be filed with the secretary of the authority.
    28         (2)  The board shall be composed of seven members who
    29     shall be residents of this Commonwealth, who shall not be
    30     elected public officials and who shall serve at the pleasure
    19970H1255B1408                 - 28 -

     1     of the respective appointing authority as follows:
     2             (i)  The Secretary of Transportation or a designee.
     3             (ii)  The Secretary of Commerce or a designee.
     4             (iii)  One public member appointed by the Governor
     5         for a term of four years.
     6             (iv)  One member appointed by the President pro
     7         tempore of the Senate for a term concurrent with the term
     8         of the appointing authority.
     9             (v)  One member appointed by the Minority Leader of
    10         the Senate for a term concurrent with the term of the
    11         appointing authority.
    12             (vi)  One member appointed by the Speaker of the
    13         House of Representatives for a term concurrent with the
    14         term of the appointing authority.
    15             (vii)  One member appointed by the Minority Leader of
    16         the House of Representatives for a term concurrent with
    17         the term of the appointing authority.
    18         (3)  The term of a member shall begin on the date of
    19     appointment. A member may continue to serve as a member until
    20     a successor has been appointed and may serve more than one
    21     term.
    22         (4)  Within 30 days of the occurrence of a vacancy, the
    23     original appointing authority designated in paragraph (2)
    24     shall appoint a successor member for the remainder of the
    25     unexpired term of the member for which the vacancy exists. A
    26     vacancy shall occur upon the death, resignation,
    27     disqualification or removal of a member.
    28         (5)  The Governor shall set a date, time and place for
    29     the initial organizational meeting of the board. Prior to the
    30     organizational meeting, the Governor shall select one member
    19970H1255B1408                 - 29 -

     1     as a chairman of the board for a term of two years. A
     2     majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the
     3     conduct of business at the organizational meeting of the
     4     board. All action shall be taken at the organizational
     5     meeting by a majority of the board. The members shall elect
     6     from among themselves a vice chairman, secretary, treasurer
     7     and other officers as they may determine.
     8         (6)  The board shall reorganize annually at its first
     9     regular meeting occurring after the expiration of 365 days
    10     immediately following its initial organizational meeting or
    11     prior reorganization, as the case may be, in the manner
    12     provided for its initial organization. Prior to the
    13     reorganizational meeting, the Governor shall select one
    14     member as chairman of the board for a term of two years
    15     whenever the office of chairman is vacant by reason of
    16     expiration of the term of the office of chairman or
    17     otherwise.
    18         (7)  The board shall meet at least bimonthly. A majority
    19     of the board shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of
    20     conducting the business of the board and for all other
    21     purposes. All actions of the board shall be taken by a
    22     majority of the board.
    23         (8)  A member shall not receive compensation or
    24     remuneration, but shall be entitled to actual reimbursement
    25     or the amount deductible from taxable income allowed under
    26     the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26
    27     U.S.C. § 1 et seq.) for all reasonable and necessary actual
    28     expenses.
    29         (9)  A member shall not be liable personally on any
    30     obligation of the authority, and the rights of creditors
    19970H1255B1408                 - 30 -

     1     shall be solely against the authority.
     2         (10)  The board shall fix and determine the number of
     3     officers, agents and employees of the authority and their
     4     respective compensation and duties. The board shall, upon the
     5     approval of a majority, delegate to the executive director
     6     the powers of the board as the board shall deem necessary to
     7     carry out the purposes of the authority, subject in every
     8     case to the supervision and control of the board.
     9         (11)  A member shall be removed from the board for
    10     neglect or refusal to attend three successive regular
    11     meetings of the board, unless detained by a sickness or the
    12     death of a family member.
    13     (c)  General powers.--
    14         (1)  The authority is established for the purpose of
    15     acquiring, operating, maintaining and leasing locomotives and
    16     rolling stock to be used on new or existing:
    17             (i)  Intercity railroad passenger service providers,
    18         including, but not limited to, an intercity railroad
    19         passenger service operated by or on license to the
    20         National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) or its
    21         successor.
    22             (ii)  Rail freight systems in this Commonwealth.
    23         (2)  The authority may fund these acquisitions of
    24     locomotives and rolling stock through any of the following:
    25             (i)  Loans under this chapter.
    26             (ii)  Except for rail freight systems under paragraph
    27         (1)(ii), department-initiated program grants under
    28         Chapter 13 (relating to public transportation
    29         assistance).
    30             (iii)  Appropriations by the General Assembly which
    19970H1255B1408                 - 31 -

     1         shall be nonlapsing.
     2     (d)  Specific powers.--The authority is granted and shall
     3  have and may exercise all powers necessary or convenient for
     4  performing or carrying out the purposes under subsection (c),
     5  including the following rights and powers:
     6         (1)  To have perpetual existence and continuing
     7     succession.
     8         (2)  To sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded,
     9     complain and defend in all courts, to petition the Interstate
    10     Commerce Commission or any other regulatory body, either
    11     Federal or State, and to join in any proceeding before any
    12     court or the Interstate Commerce Commission or other
    13     regulatory body in any matter affecting the operation of the
    14     authority.
    15         (3)  To adopt and use and alter at will a corporate seal.
    16         (4)  To establish a principal office and any other office
    17     or offices as may be necessary for the purpose of performing
    18     its duties and functions.
    19         (5)  To acquire real property.
    20         (6)  To acquire, by gift or otherwise, purchase, hold,
    21     receive, lease, sublease and use any franchise, license,
    22     personal property, tangible or intangible, or any interest
    23     therein, necessary or desirable for carrying out the purposes
    24     of the authority.
    25         (7)  To sell, transfer, convey and dispose of any
    26     personal property, tangible or intangible, or any interest
    27     therein, at any time acquired by the authority.
    28         (8)  To make and, from time to time, amend and repeal
    29     bylaws, rules, regulations and resolutions for the management
    30     and regulation of the affairs of the authority and the
    19970H1255B1408                 - 32 -

     1     performance of the functions and duties of the authority.
     2         (9)  To appoint officers, agents, employees and servants,
     3     and to prescribe their duties and fix their compensation,
     4     provided that the appointment of a full-time executive
     5     director shall be made by a majority vote of the board and
     6     that staff support for the authority shall be furnished by
     7     the department.
     8         (10)  To make and execute contracts and other instruments
     9     necessary or convenient for the conduct of its business and
    10     the exercise of the powers of the authority.
    11         (11)  To apply for and to accept appropriations, grants,
    12     loans and other assistance from, and to enter into contracts,
    13     agreements, leases, subleases, licenses or other transactions
    14     with, the Federal Government, the Commonwealth, political
    15     subdivisions, persons, associations, partnerships or
    16     corporations for any of the purposes of the authority,
    17     provided that these contracts or agreements do not conflict
    18     with any of the provisions of any trust agreement.
    19         (12)  To pledge, hypothecate or otherwise encumber all or
    20     any of the revenues or receipts of the authority as security
    21     for all or any of the obligations of the authority.
    22         (13)  To provide for self-insurance or to procure from
    23     insurers insurance containing coverages which the authority
    24     may determine to be necessary or desirable for its purposes,
    25     including, without limitation, insurance covering the
    26     property or operation of the authority against any risks or
    27     hazards.
    28         (14)  (i)  To enter into contracts of group insurance for
    29         the benefit of its employees.
    30             (ii)  To enroll its employees in the Commonwealth
    19970H1255B1408                 - 33 -

     1         retirement system established under 71 Pa.C.S. Pt. XXV
     2         (relating to retirement for State employees and
     3         officers).
     4         (15)  To establish an executive committee and other
     5     standing and special committees that are deemed necessary in
     6     the furtherance of authority business.
     7         (16)  To fix, alter, charge and collect lease rental
     8     fees.
     9         (17)  To do all acts and things necessary for the
    10     promotion of its business and the general welfare of the
    11     authority to carry out the powers granted to it by this
    12     chapter or any other statute.
    13     (e)  Prohibition.--Notwithstanding any general or specific
    14  powers granted to the authority or the board by this section,
    15  whether express or implied:
    16         (1)  The authority shall have no power, at any time or in
    17     any manner, to pledge the credit or taxing power of the
    18     Commonwealth or any political subdivision.
    19         (2)  The authority shall have no power, at any time or in
    20     any manner, to issue negotiable notes, bonds, refunding bonds
    21     and other evidences of indebtedness or obligations of the
    22     authority.
    23         (3)  No obligations of the authority shall be deemed to
    24     be obligations of the Commonwealth or of any of its political
    25     subdivisions.
    26         (4)  The Commonwealth or any political subdivision
    27     thereof shall not be liable for the payment of principal or
    28     interest on obligations of the authority, excluding payments
    29     for lease agreements regarding the property of the authority.
    30         (5)  The authority shall be deemed an independent agency
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     1     for the purposes of and within the meaning of the act of
     2     October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the Commonwealth
     3     Attorneys Act, and shall not exercise any power or authority
     4     under this chapter which is inconsistent therewith.
     5         (6)  A comptroller shall be appointed in accordance with
     6     the provisions of section 214 of the act of April 9, 1929
     7     (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929.
     8     (f)  Rights and remedies of obligees.--Subject to any
     9  contractual provisions or restrictions, an obligee shall have
    10  the following rights, in addition to any rights and remedies
    11  lawfully granted to such obligee:
    12         (1)  The right, by mandamus, suit, action or proceeding
    13     at law or in equity, to compel the authority and the members,
    14     officers, agents or employees thereof, to perform each and
    15     every term, provision and covenant contained in any contract
    16     of the authority with or for the benefit of the obligee and
    17     to require the carrying out of any or all such covenants and
    18     agreements of the authority and the fulfillment of all duties
    19     imposed upon the authority by this chapter.
    20         (2)  The right, by proceeding in equity, to obtain an
    21     injunction against any acts or things which may be unlawful
    22     or in violation of the rights of the obligee of the
    23     authority.
    24     (g)  Audits and financial reports.--The books, accounts,
    25  records, operations and assets and liabilities of the authority
    26  shall be audited annually in accordance with generally accepted
    27  auditing standards and principles by an independent certified
    28  public accountant. As soon after the end of each fiscal year and
    29  the completion of the audit as may be expedient, the authority
    30  shall file an annual report and financial statement, which shall
    19970H1255B1408                 - 35 -

     1  include a certified copy of the audit report of the independent
     2  certified public accountant, with the department. A condensed
     3  and concise version of the annual financial report shall be
     4  published once in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The Secretary of
     5  the Budget, the Auditor General, the majority and minority
     6  chairmen of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the
     7  majority and minority chairmen of the Appropriations Committee
     8  of the House of Representatives shall have the right to examine,
     9  from time to time and at any time, the books, accounts and
    10  records of the authority, including, but not limited to, its
    11  receipts, disbursements, contracts, leases, sinking funds,
    12  investments and other matters relating to the finances,
    13  operations and affairs of the authority.
    14     (h)  Supplies and materials.--All supplies and materials
    15  costing the competitive threshold amount or more which are to be
    16  acquired directly by the authority shall not be purchased unless
    17  the authority has published notice, at least ten days before the
    18  award of any contract or the making of any purchase, in the
    19  Pennsylvania Bulletin. The authority shall accept the lowest bid
    20  or bids from a responsible bidder, provided that the kind and
    21  quality of materials are equal. The authority shall have the
    22  right to reject any or all bids or select a single item from any
    23  bid. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to the
    24  purchase of any supplies and materials which are unique and
    25  which cannot be obtained in the open market.
    26     (i)  Use and operation of facilities.--The acquisition,
    27  operation, maintenance and lease of locomotives or rolling stock
    28  under subsection (c) shall be subject to the rules and
    29  regulations adopted from time to time by the board, provided
    30  that the authority shall not be authorized to do anything which
    19970H1255B1408                 - 36 -

     1  will violate any contracts, leases or other agreements awarded,
     2  made or entered into by the authority.
     3     (j)  Exemption from taxes and assessments.--The effectuation
     4  of the authorized purposes of the authority established under
     5  this section shall and will be in all respects for the benefit
     6  of the people of this Commonwealth, for the increase of their
     7  commerce and prosperity and for the improvement of their health
     8  and living conditions and, since the authority will be
     9  performing essential government functions in effectuating these
    10  purposes, the authority shall not be required to pay any taxes
    11  or assessments upon any property acquired or used by it for
    12  these purposes, or fees or other charges imposed or authorized
    13  to be imposed by virtue of any law of this Commonwealth, except
    14  vehicle registration fees, liquid fuels taxes, fuel use taxes,
    15  gross receipts taxes imposed as an excise on the use of public
    16  highways and tolls imposed by the Pennsylvania Turnpike
    17  Commission. The authority shall have the power to make payments
    18  in lieu of taxes or special assessments.
    19     (k)  Interest of officers and employees.--
    20         (1)  No person convicted of an infamous crime shall be
    21     employed as a management-level employee by the authority.
    22         (2)  The provisions of the act of July 19, 1957
    23     (P.L.1017, No.451), known as the State Adverse Interest Act,
    24     and the act of October 4, 1978 (P.L.883, No.170), referred to
    25     as the Public Official and Employee Ethics Law, are hereby
    26     made specifically applicable to members and officers and
    27     employees of the authority. For the purposes of application
    28     of these acts, employees of the authority shall be regarded
    29     as public employees of the Commonwealth, and members and
    30     officers of the authority shall be regarded as public
    19970H1255B1408                 - 37 -

     1     officials of the Commonwealth, whether or not they receive
     2     compensation.
     3         (3)  The employment of any person who violates the
     4     provisions of this subsection shall be terminated immediately
     5     by the appropriate person having the power to terminate
     6     employment. A person whose employment has been terminated
     7     under this provision shall be liable to the authority to
     8     reimburse the authority for all compensation received from
     9     the authority while employed in violation of this subsection.
    10         (4)  As used in this subsection, the following words and
    11     phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    12     paragraph:
    13         "Infamous crime."  Any violation and conviction for an
    14     offense which would disqualify an individual from holding
    15     public office pursuant to section 6 of Article II of the
    16     Constitution of Pennsylvania, or any conviction for a
    17     violation of this section or 18 Pa.C.S. § 4113 (relating to
    18     misapplication of entrusted property and property of
    19     government or financial institutions) or Ch. 47 (relating to
    20     bribery and corrupt influence), 49 (relating to falsification
    21     and intimidation), 51 (relating to obstructing governmental
    22     operations) or 53 (relating to abuse of office) or any other
    23     violation of the laws of this Commonwealth for which an
    24     individual has been convicted within the preceding ten years
    25     and which is classified as a felony, and any similar
    26     violations of the laws of the Federal Government or any other
    27     state.
    28         "Management-level employee."  The chairman of the
    29     authority, members, legal counsel employed by the authority,
    30     the executive director of the authority and any authority
    19970H1255B1408                 - 38 -

     1     employee with discretionary powers which may affect the
     2     outcome of a decision of the authority in relation to a
     3     private corporation or business or any employee who by virtue
     4     of job function could influence the outcome of such a
     5     decision.
     6         "Person."  An individual, union, committee, club,
     7     corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, firm,
     8     enterprise, franchise, association, organization, self-
     9     employed individual, holding company, joint-stock company,
    10     receivership, trust or any legal entity organized for profit
    11     or as a not-for-profit corporation or organization, or other
    12     organization or group of persons.
    13     (l)  Nondiscrimination.--The authority shall comply in all
    14  regards with the nondiscrimination and contract compliance plans
    15  used by the Department of General Services to assure that all
    16  persons are accorded equality of opportunity in employment and
    17  contracting by the authority and its contractors,
    18  subcontractors, assignees, lessees, agents, vendors and
    19  suppliers.
    20     (m)  Public meetings and records.--The authority shall be
    21  subject to the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred
    22  to as the Right-to-Know Law, and the act of July 3, 1986
    23  (P.L.388, No.84), known as the Sunshine Act, inasmuch as they
    24  relate to the inspection and copying of public records.
    25     (n)  Sovereign immunity.--It is hereby declared to be the
    26  intent of the General Assembly that the authority established by
    27  this section and its members, officers, officials and employees
    28  shall enjoy sovereign and official immunity, as provided in 1
    29  Pa.C.S. § 2310 (relating to sovereign immunity reaffirmed;
    30  specific waiver), and shall remain immune from suit except as
    19970H1255B1408                 - 39 -

     1  provided by and subject to the provisions of 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 85
     2  Subchs. A (relating to general provisions) and B (relating to
     3  actions against Commonwealth parties). Notwithstanding the
     4  provisions of 42 Pa.C.S. § 8525 (relating to legal assistance),
     5  the authority, through its legal counsel, shall defend actions
     6  brought against the authority or its members, officers,
     7  officials and employees when acting within the scope of their
     8  official duties.
     9  § 9511.  Referendum.
    10     (a)  General rule.--Pursuant to the provisions of section
    11  7(a)(3) of Article VIII of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the
    12  question of incurring indebtedness of $50,000,000 for loans for
    13  the maintenance, acquisition, equipping, furnishing,
    14  constructing, reconstructing, rehabilitating and improving rail
    15  transportation systems and other industrial development
    16  facilities, subject to implementation through this chapter,
    17  shall be submitted to the electors at the next primary election
    18  following the effective date of this chapter.
    19     (b)  Certification.--The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall
    20  forthwith certify the question to the county boards of
    21  elections.
    22     (c)  Form of question.--The question shall be in
    23  substantially the following form:
    24         Do you favor the incurring of indebtedness by the
    25         Commonwealth of $50,000,000 for use as loans to maintain,
    26         acquire, equip, furnish, construct, reconstruct,
    27         rehabilitate and improve railroad transportation systems
    28         and facilities?
    29  § 9512.  Bonds.
    30     (a)  Issuance of general obligation bonds.--As evidence of
    19970H1255B1408                 - 40 -

     1  the indebtedness if authorized under section 9511 (relating to
     2  referendum), general obligation bonds of the Commonwealth shall
     3  be issued from time to time to fund or retire notes issued under
     4  section 9511 to carry out the purposes of this chapter, or both,
     5  for total amounts, in the form, in the denominations and subject
     6  to the terms and conditions of issue, redemption and maturity,
     7  rate of interest and time of payment of interest as the issuing
     8  officials direct, except that the latest stated maturity date
     9  shall not exceed 35 years from the date of the debt first issued
    10  for each series.
    11     (b)  Execution of bonds.--All bonds and notes issued under
    12  the authority of section 9511 shall bear facsimile signatures of
    13  the issuing officials and a facsimile of the Great Seal of the
    14  Commonwealth and shall be countersigned by a duly authorized
    15  loan and transfer agent of the Commonwealth.
    16     (c)  Direct obligation of Commonwealth.--All bonds and notes
    17  issued in accordance with section 9511 shall be direct
    18  obligations of the Commonwealth, and the full faith and credit
    19  of the Commonwealth are hereby pledged for the payment of the
    20  interest thereon as it becomes due and the payment of the
    21  principal at maturity. The principal of and interest on the
    22  bonds and notes shall be payable in lawful money of the United
    23  States.
    24     (d)  Exemption from taxation.--All bonds and notes issued
    25  under the provisions of this section shall be exempt from
    26  taxation for State and local purposes.
    27     (e)  Form of bonds.--The bonds may be issued as coupon bonds
    28  or registered as to both principal and interest as the issuing
    29  officials may determine. If interest coupons are attached, they
    30  shall contain the facsimile signature of the State Treasurer.
    19970H1255B1408                 - 41 -

     1     (f)  Bond amortization.--The issuing officials shall provide
     2  for the amortization of the bonds in substantial and regular
     3  amounts over the term of the debt. The first retirement of
     4  principal shall be stated to mature prior to the expiration of a
     5  period of time equal to one-tenth of the time from the date of
     6  the first obligation issued to evidence the debt to the date of
     7  the expiration of the term of the debt. Retirements of principal
     8  shall be regular and substantial if made in annual or semiannual
     9  amounts, whether by stated serial maturities or by mandatory
    10  sinking fund retirements.
    11     (g)  Refunding bonds.--The issuing officials are authorized
    12  to provide for the issuance of refunding bonds for the purpose
    13  of refunding any bonds issued under this section and then
    14  outstanding, either by voluntary exchange with the holders of
    15  the outstanding bonds, or to provide funds to redeem and retire
    16  the outstanding bonds with accrued interest, any premium payable
    17  thereon and the costs of issuance and retirement of bonds, at
    18  maturity or at any call date. The issuance of the refunding
    19  bonds, the maturities and other details thereof, the rights of
    20  the holders thereof and the duties of the issuing officials in
    21  respect to the same shall be governed by the provisions of this
    22  section, insofar as they may be applicable. Refunding bonds may
    23  be issued by the issuing officials to refund bonds originally
    24  issued or to refund bonds previously issued for refunding
    25  purposes.
    26     (h)  Quorum.--Whenever any action is to be taken or decision
    27  made by the Governor, the Auditor General and the State
    28  Treasurer acting as issuing officials and the three officers are
    29  not able unanimously to agree, the action or decision of the
    30  Governor and either the Auditor General or the State Treasurer
    19970H1255B1408                 - 42 -

     1  shall be binding and final.
     2     (i)  Public sale.--Whenever bonds are issued, they shall be
     3  offered for sale at not less than 98% of the principal amount
     4  and accrued interest and shall be sold by the issuing officials
     5  to the highest and best bidder or bidders after due public
     6  advertisement on the terms and conditions and upon open
     7  competitive bidding as the issuing officials shall direct. The
     8  manner and character of the advertisement and the time of
     9  advertising shall be prescribed by the issuing officials.
    10     (j)  Private sale.--Any portion of any bond issue so offered
    11  and not sold or subscribed for may be disposed of by private
    12  sale by the issuing officials in the manner and at the prices,
    13  not less than 98% of the principal amount and accrued interest,
    14  as the issuing officials shall direct. No commission shall be
    15  allowed or paid for the sale of any bonds issued under the
    16  authority of this section.
    17     (k)  Bond series.--When bonds are issued from time to time,
    18  the bonds of each issue shall constitute a separate series to be
    19  designated by the issuing officials or may be combined for sale
    20  as one series with other general obligation bonds of the
    21  Commonwealth.
    22     (l)  Temporary bonds.--Until permanent bonds can be prepared,
    23  the issuing officials may in their discretion issue, in lieu of
    24  permanent bonds, temporary bonds in the form and with the
    25  privileges as to registration and exchange for permanent bonds
    26  as may be determined by the issuing officials.
    27     (m)  Disposition and use of proceeds.--The proceeds realized
    28  from the sale of bonds and notes, except funding bonds,
    29  refunding bonds and renewal notes, under the provisions of this
    30  section are specifically dedicated to the purposes of the
    19970H1255B1408                 - 43 -

     1  referendum to be implemented by this chapter and shall be paid
     2  into the Pennsylvania Railway Capital Loan Fund created under
     3  section 9514(a) (relating to department funds) in the State
     4  Treasury in amounts as may be specified by the department. The
     5  proceeds shall be paid by the State Treasurer periodically to
     6  the department to expend them at the times and in the amounts as
     7  may be necessary to satisfy the funding needs of the department.
     8  The proceeds of the sale of funding bonds, refunding bonds and
     9  renewal notes shall be paid to the State Treasurer and applied
    10  to the payment of principal, the accrued interest and premium,
    11  if any, and costs of redemption of the bonds and notes for which
    12  the obligations shall have been issued.
    13     (n)  Investment of funds.--Pending their application to the
    14  purposes authorized, moneys held or deposited by the State
    15  Treasurer may be invested or reinvested as are other funds in
    16  the custody of the State Treasurer in the manner provided by
    17  law. All earnings received from the investment or deposit of
    18  such funds shall be paid into the State Treasury to the credit
    19  of the Pennsylvania Railway Capital Loan Fund created by the
    20  department in section 9514(a) in the amounts as may be specified
    21  by the department under that section.
    22     (o)  Registration of bonds.--The Auditor General shall
    23  prepare the necessary registry book to be kept in the office of
    24  the authorized loan and transfer agent of the Commonwealth for
    25  the registration of any bonds, at the request of owners thereof,
    26  according to the terms and conditions of issue directed by the
    27  issuing officials.
    28     (p)  Expenses of preparation for issue and sale of bonds and
    29  notes.--There is hereby appropriated to the State Treasurer from
    30  the proceeds of the bonds and notes issued as much money as may
    19970H1255B1408                 - 44 -

     1  be necessary for all costs and expenses in connection with the
     2  issue of and sale and registration of the bonds and notes in
     3  connection with this chapter.
     4     (q)  Expenses of department.--There is hereby appropriated to
     5  the department from the proceeds of the bonds and notes issued
     6  as much money as may be necessary for all costs and expenses in
     7  connection with the administration of this chapter.
     8     (r)  Negotiable instrument designation.--Whether or not the
     9  bonds are of a form and character as to be negotiable
    10  instruments under the terms of Title 13 (relating to commercial
    11  code), the bonds are made negotiable instruments within the
    12  meaning of and for the purposes of Title 13, subject only to the
    13  provisions of the bonds for registration.
    14  § 9513.  Limits on loans for project funding.
    15     Any loan made under this chapter shall be subject to the
    16  following:
    17         (1)  Loan funds may be used to finance no more than 85%
    18     of project costs.
    19         (2)  The original principal amount of a loan and the
    20     total of the principal balances of all loans to one borrower
    21     outstanding at any time shall not be more than $10,000,000.
    22         (3)  The term of a loan may not be more than 20 years
    23     calculated from the time of making the loan.
    24         (4)  Security for a loan may be required by the
    25     department.
    26         (5)  Not less than $20,000,000 of all loan funds
    27     available under this chapter shall be reserved and used for
    28     the upgrade, improvement, rehabilitation or construction of
    29     infrastructure or improvements to rail infrastructure for
    30     rail freight operations.
    19970H1255B1408                 - 45 -

     1         (6)  Loans for freight infrastructure upgrade,
     2     improvement, rehabilitation or new construction shall be for
     3     a term equivalent to the useful life of project improvements
     4     but no more than 20 years.
     5         (7)  Loans for projects under this chapter may be repaid
     6     pursuant to contracts with various parties which identify
     7     specific incremental rates for retirement of the loans for
     8     such improvements.
     9  § 9514.  Department funds.
    10     (a)  Pennsylvania Railway Capital Loan Fund.--The department
    11  shall create the Pennsylvania Railway Capital Loan Fund in the
    12  State Treasury for the purpose of depositing:
    13         (1)  Proceeds from sale of Commonwealth general
    14     obligation bonds issued under this chapter.
    15         (2)  Proceeds from sale of railroad real property.
    16         (3)  Payments from outstanding loans.
    17         (4)  Federal and State appropriations made under this
    18     chapter.
    19     (b)  Other funds.--The department may also create
    20  nonrevolving funds and accounts as it deems necessary and
    21  convenient to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
    22  § 9515.  Limitation on decisions, findings and regulations of
    23             secretary.
    24     All decisions, findings and regulations made by the secretary
    25  under this chapter shall be for the purpose of this chapter only
    26  and shall not constitute evidence before any regulatory body of
    27  the Commonwealth or any other jurisdiction.
    28                             CHAPTER 97
    29                    RAIL FREIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE
    30                          IMPROVEMENT FUND
    19970H1255B1408                 - 46 -

     1  Sec.
     2  9701.  Definitions.
     3  9702.  Rail Freight Infrastructure Improvement Fund.
     4  9703.  Moneys deposited into fund.
     5  9704.  Allocation of available funds.
     6  9705.  Grant eligibility.
     7  9706.  Term of grant.
     8  9707.  Jurisdiction not affected.
     9  9708.  Exclusion of real property.
    10  9709.  Appropriations.
    11  § 9701.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    13  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    14  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     "Capital stock and franchise tax."  The tax imposed under
    16  Article VI of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as
    17  the Tax Reform Code of 1971.
    18     "Department."  The Department of Transportation of the
    19  Commonwealth.
    20     "Fund."  The Rail Freight Infrastructure Improvement Fund
    21  created in section 9702.
    22     "Railroad company."  Any person, firm, public entity or
    23  corporation rendering common carrier rail freight transportation
    24  service in this Commonwealth, pursuant to authorization of the
    25  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or Surface Transportation
    26  Board of the United States Department of Transportation, where
    27  such authorization is required by law.
    28     "Railroad user."  Any person, firm or corporation which is a
    29  direct user of any rail freight transportation system, facility
    30  or service in this Commonwealth.
    19970H1255B1408                 - 47 -

     1  § 9702.  Rail Freight Infrastructure Improvement Fund.
     2     There is hereby created a special fund in the State Treasury
     3  to be known as the Rail Freight Infrastructure Improvement Fund.
     4  § 9703.  Moneys deposited into fund.
     5     Moneys deposited into the fund and interest which accrues
     6  from those funds shall be used for the purposes delineated in
     7  this chapter. The proceeds resulting from the capital stock and
     8  franchise tax on any railroad company, as determined by the
     9  Secretary of Revenue, shall be transferred into the fund. The
    10  transfers required by this chapter shall be made by June 15 and
    11  December 15 of each calendar year. The transfers required by
    12  this chapter shall apply to tax years beginning in 1997 and each
    13  year thereafter.
    14  § 9704.  Allocation of available funds.
    15     (a)  Marketing efforts.--The department may utilize, on an
    16  annual basis, up to 2% of the moneys anticipated to be available
    17  in the fund in that year for the marketing of rail freight
    18  services as part of the economic development strategy of this
    19  Commonwealth to attract and expand industrial warehousing or
    20  other such businesses in this Commonwealth.
    21     (b)  Use of funds.--All moneys in the fund shall be used
    22  solely for the department's annual rail freight infrastructure
    23  grant program.
    24     (c)  Grant purposes.--The department shall be authorized to
    25  make grants to railroad companies, railroad authorities and
    26  railroad users under this chapter. Grants may be made for
    27  projects to include, but not be limited to:
    28         (1)  Track construction, maintenance or rehabilitation.
    29         (2)  Maintenance, rehabilitation or construction of rail
    30     sidings.
    19970H1255B1408                 - 48 -

     1         (3)  The marketing efforts described in this chapter.
     2  The total of all grants made for construction or improvement of
     3  rail sidings or spurs used to ship or receive freight shall not
     4  exceed 15% of the total fund balance in any given year.
     5     (d)  Administrative costs.--The costs of administering the
     6  grant program under this chapter shall be paid out of the
     7  revenues described in this chapter. The costs of administering
     8  this program shall not exceed 5% of such revenues collected for
     9  that year.
    10  § 9705.  Grant eligibility.
    11     The department shall, in consultation with the Rail Freight
    12  Advisory Committee, establish criteria to be considered in
    13  determining the distribution of funds through grants made to
    14  railroad companies and railroad users under this chapter. The
    15  following shall serve as minimum criteria to be used in this
    16  determination:
    17         (1)  A responsible level of local financial
    18     participation, to be determined by the department, shall be
    19     required for each category of project authorized by this
    20     chapter.
    21         (2)  A grant shall be made only upon application filed by
    22     a railroad company, railroad authority or railroad user in a
    23     form prescribed by and reviewed and approved by the
    24     department. No grant shall exceed the amount requested by an
    25     applicant.
    26         (3)  Railroad companies, railroad authorities and
    27     railroad users shall file applications for funding with the
    28     department and shall include, at a minimum, the following:
    29             (i)  Description of specific improvements to be made
    30         with approximate cost estimates.
    19970H1255B1408                 - 49 -

     1             (ii)  A time line for the improvement project.
     2             (iii)  Statistical data which reflects existing
     3         freight traffic as well as any incremental increased
     4         anticipated as a result of the rail infrastructure
     5         improvements or traffic which would otherwise be at risk.
     6             (iv)  Listing of specific customers served or to be
     7         served who will benefit from the rail infrastructure
     8         improvements.
     9         (4)  No distribution to any grantee for rail
    10     infrastructure improvements shall exceed $2.5 million for any
    11     given fiscal year nor more than $5 million for any single
    12     project.
    13  § 9706.  Term of grant.
    14     Any grant made for the purposes of maintenance projects or
    15  construction projects may be made for a term spanning two fiscal
    16  years or three calendar years.
    17  § 9707.  Jurisdiction not affected.
    18     No agreement shall impair, suspend, contract, enlarge or
    19  extend or affect in any manner the powers of the Pennsylvania
    20  Public Utility Commission, the Surface Transportation Board or
    21  any other regulatory agency having jurisdiction over rail
    22  freight transportation services, systems and facilities.
    23  § 9708.  Exclusion of real property.
    24     No grant for the acquisition of real property will be
    25  approved under this section.
    26  § 9709.  Appropriations.
    27     All moneys in the fund are hereby appropriated to the
    28  department to preserve and improve rail freight service in this
    29  Commonwealth by making infrastructure grants to railroad
    30  companies and railroad users. Any moneys in the fund, including
    19970H1255B1408                 - 50 -

     1  accrued interest, not expended in any fiscal year in which they
     2  are made available shall not lapse and shall be available for
     3  use pursuant to this chapter in the next and succeeding fiscal
     4  years.
     5     Section 3.  Those members currently serving on the Rail
     6  Freight Advisory Committee shall continue to serve until the
     7  expiration of their terms or until successors have been
     8  appointed and qualified, but no longer than six months beyond
     9  the expiration of their terms. This section shall not prohibit
    10  the reappointment of existing members in accordance with 74
    11  Pa.C.S. § 9502(b).
    12     Section 4.  (a)  The act of July 5, 1984 (P.L.587, No.119),
    13  known as the Rail Freight Preservation and Improvement Act, is
    14  repealed.
    15     (b)  All other acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as
    16  they are inconsistent with this act.
    17     Section 5.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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