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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1454



No. 1261 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of September 23, 1959 (P.L.970, No.400),
     2     entitled "An act providing for the creation, maintenance and
     3     operation of an employes' retirement system in cities of the
     4     second class A, and imposing certain charges on cities of the
     5     second class A and school districts in cities of the second
     6     class A," further providing for administration of the fund,
     7     for member contributions and for appropriations by the city
     8     to the fund.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Sections 3, 4, 5 and 10 of the act of September
    12  23, 1959 (P.L.970, No.400), referred to as the Second Class A
    13  City Employe Pension Law, are amended to read:
    14     Section 3.  Personnel Administrative Expenses.--The board may
    15  appoint [and] an approved actuary, as that term is defined in
    16  section 102 of the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205),
    17  known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and
    18  Recovery Act," and may fix the compensation of [an] that
    19  actuary. The treasurer, or his appointee approved by the board,
    20  shall be the secretary of the board and shall receive such

     1  compensation for his services as may be fixed by the city. The
     2  secretary shall keep a record of all of the proceedings of the
     3  board, which shall be open to inspection by the public. [The]
     4  Except as otherwise provided pursuant to the "Municipal Pension
     5  Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act," the expense of the
     6  administration of this act, exclusive of the payment of
     7  retirement allowances, shall be paid by the city by
     8  appropriations made on the basis of estimates submitted by the
     9  board.
    10     Section 4.  Rules and Regulations; Actuarial Data.--The board
    11  shall, from time to time, establish such rules and regulations
    12  for meetings of the board and for the administration of the city
    13  employes' retirement fund created by this act, and the various
    14  accounts thereof, as may be deemed necessary. It shall keep such
    15  data as shall be necessary for actuarial valuation purposes. The
    16  actuary of the board shall assist the chief administrative
    17  officer of the pension plan and of the city in the preparation
    18  of actuarial valuation reports pursuant to the act of December
    19  18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the "Municipal Pension
    20  Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act." The actuary of the
    21  board shall periodically make an actuarial investigation into
    22  the mortality and service experience of the contributors to, and
    23  beneficiaries of, the fund, and shall [adopt] recommend for
    24  adoption by the board for the retirement system one or more
    25  mortality tables, and [certify to the board annually] shall
    26  assist the chief administrative officer of the pension plan in
    27  determining the amount of appropriation to be made by the city
    28  to the fund to [build up and maintain adequate reserves for the
    29  payment of the city's share of the retirement allowances
    30  provided by this act.] meet the minimum obligation of the
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     1  municipality with respect to the pension plan pursuant to the
     2  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act."
     3     Section 5.  City Employes' Retirement Fund; Transfer of
     4  Member from One Class to Another.--(a)  There is hereby created
     5  in each city of the second class A, in which a retirement system
     6  has been established under this act, a city employes' retirement
     7  fund which shall consist of all moneys arising from
     8  appropriations made by the city and from contributions made by
     9  the members of the city employes' retirement system and all
    10  interest earned by the investments or moneys of the fund created
    11  by this act. The moneys contributed by the city shall be
    12  credited to a city annuity reserve account and those contributed
    13  by the members shall be credited to a member's annuity reserve
    14  account. Upon the granting of a retirement allowance to any
    15  contributor, whether as a superannuation retirement allowance,
    16  an involuntary retirement allowance or a total disability
    17  retirement allowance, as hereinafter provided, the amount of
    18  such contributor's accumulated deductions in the members'
    19  annuity reserve account shall lose their status as accumulated
    20  contributions and shall be transferred to a retired members'
    21  reserve account, and the actuarial equivalent of the city
    22  annuity shall be similarly transferred from the city annuity
    23  reserve account to the retired members' reserve account. The
    24  interest earnings shall be apportioned to the members' annuity
    25  and city annuity and retired members' reserve accounts. [The
    26  actuary shall determine the present value of the liability on
    27  account of all city annuities payable to original members and
    28  the percentage of such liability which shall be contributed by
    29  the city each year over a period of fifteen years from the time
    30  the system is established until the accumulated reserve equals
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     1  the present value of said liability. All such] Any amortization
     2  contributions by the city shall be credited to the city annuity
     3  reserve account. [The actuary shall also determine the amount
     4  which shall be contributed by the city into the fund
     5  periodically for credit to the city annuity reserve account on
     6  account of service of all new and original members subsequent to
     7  the time the retirement system is established.]
     8     [Each] (b)  Except to the extent that subsection (c) of
     9  section 607 of the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205),
    10  known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and
    11  Recovery Act," applies, each member of the retirement system
    12  shall be required to contribute to the fund such per centum of
    13  his salary, as shall be computed by the actuary, to be
    14  sufficient, with regular interest, to procure for him on
    15  superannuation retirement one one-hundred-twentieth of his final
    16  salary for each year of service after December thirty-first
    17  preceding the year the retirement system is established, or
    18  greater proportion of final salary in the event that a class
    19  transfer pursuant to subsection (c) has been authorized, which
    20  contributions shall be paid into the fund through payroll
    21  deductions in such manner as the board may require. All
    22  contributions by members shall be credited to the member's
    23  annuity reserve account.
    24     (c)  The board may, at any time, by rule, authorize members
    25  of the retirement system, whether original or new members, to
    26  transfer from the one one-hundred-twentieth class or from the
    27  one one-hundredth class to the one-eightieth class, and whenever
    28  such transfer shall be authorized, salary deductions applicable
    29  to such transferred members shall be based upon the same age of
    30  the contributor as was used in determining the per centum of
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     1  salary deduction applicable while in the one one-hundred-
     2  twentieth class or the one one-hundredth class, as the case may
     3  be.
     4     Section 10.  City Guarantee; Annual Budgets.--The regular
     5  interest charges payable and the creation and maintenance of the
     6  necessary reserves for the payment of the city and members'
     7  annuities in accordance with this act, are hereby made
     8  obligations of the city. The city shall pay to the retirement
     9  fund annually an amount sufficient to meet the minimum
    10  obligation of the municipality with respect to the pension plan
    11  pursuant to the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205),
    12  known as the "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and
    13  Recovery Act." The board shall prepare and the chief
    14  administrative officer shall submit to the city council, on or
    15  before the first day of [November] October of each year, an
    16  itemized estimate of the amounts necessary to be appropriated by
    17  the city to [complete the payment of the obligations] meet that
    18  minimum obligation of the city during the next fiscal year.
    19     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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