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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1526



No. 1282 Session of 2005

           YOUNGBLOOD, APRIL 6, 2005

           APRIL 6, 2005

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 3, 1985 (P.L.164, No.45), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the prevention and reduction of premature
     3     death and disability in this Commonwealth; providing for
     4     assistance, coordination and support of the development and
     5     maintenance of a comprehensive emergency medical services
     6     system and for qualifications, eligibility and certification
     7     of emergency medical services personnel and licensing
     8     ambulance services; imposing powers and duties on the
     9     Department of Health; and making repeals," amending the title
    10     of the act; creating the Pennsylvania Emergency Medical
    11     Services Agency; and providing for transfer of duties of the
    12     Department of Health under the act to the Pennsylvania
    13     Emergency Medical Services Agency.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  The title of the act of July 3, 1985 (P.L.164,
    17  No.45), known as the Emergency Medical Services Act, is amended
    18  to read:
    19                               AN ACT
    20  Relating to the prevention and reduction of premature death and
    21     disability in this Commonwealth; creating the Pennsylvania

     1     Emergency Medical Services Agency; providing for assistance,
     2     coordination and support of the development and maintenance
     3     of a comprehensive emergency medical services system and for
     4     qualifications, eligibility and certification of emergency
     5     medical services personnel and licensing ambulance services;
     6     imposing powers and duties on the Department of Health and
     7     the Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services Agency; and
     8     making repeals.
     9     Section 2.  Section 2 of the act is amended to read:
    10  Section 2.  Legislative findings and intent.
    11     (a)  Findings.--The General Assembly finds it to be in the
    12  public interest to assure readily available and coordinated
    13  emergency medical services of the highest quality to the people
    14  of Pennsylvania. The purposes of emergency medical services are
    15  to prevent premature death and reduce suffering and disability
    16  that arise from critical illness and injury.
    17     (b)  Intent.--
    18         (1)  It is the intention of the General Assembly and the
    19     purpose of this act to establish and maintain an effective
    20     and efficient emergency medical services system which is
    21     accessible on a uniform basis to all Pennsylvania residents
    22     and to visitors to this Commonwealth.
    23         (2)  The General Assembly further intends that residents
    24     and visitors to this Commonwealth should have prompt and
    25     unimpeded access to basic and advanced life support emergency
    26     medical care throughout this Commonwealth.
    27         (3)  It is the intent of the General Assembly that the
    28     [Secretary of Health] director of the Pennsylvania Emergency
    29     Medical Services Agency, in developing a stratified system of
    30     trauma care, shall, whenever feasible, involve local citizens
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     1     in the decisionmaking process.
     2     Section 3.  Section 3 of the act, amended October 21, 1988
     3  (P.L.1055, No.121) and October 5, 1994 (P.L.557, No.82), is
     4  amended to read:
     5  Section 3.  Definitions.
     6     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     7  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     8  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     9     "Advanced life support."  The advanced prehospital and
    10  interhospital emergency medical care of serious illness or
    11  injury by appropriately trained health professionals and by
    12  certified EMT-paramedics.
    13     "Advanced life support service medical director."  A medical
    14  command physician or a physician meeting equivalent
    15  qualifications, as established by the [Department of Health]
    16  Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services Agency by regulation,
    17  who is employed by, contracts with or volunteers with, either
    18  directly or through an intermediary, an advanced life support
    19  service to provide medical guidance and advice to the ambulance
    20  service and to evaluate the quality of patient care provided by
    21  the emergency medical services personnel utilized by the
    22  ambulance service.
    23     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services
    24  Agency.
    25     "Ambulance."  Any vehicle which is specifically designed,
    26  constructed or modified and equipped, and is used or intended to
    27  be used, and is maintained or operated, for the purpose of
    28  providing emergency medical care to, and transportation of,
    29  patients. The term includes advanced or basic life support
    30  vehicles that may or may not transport patients.
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     1     "Ambulance attendant."  An individual who holds a valid
     2  certificate evidencing the successful completion of a course in
     3  advanced first aid sponsored by the American Red Cross and a
     4  valid certificate evidencing the successful completion of a
     5  course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation sponsored by the
     6  American Heart Association or the American Red Cross, or an
     7  individual who can evidence the successful completion of an
     8  equivalent training program approved by the [department]
     9  Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services Agency.
    10     "Ambulance service."  An entity [which] that meets the
    11  requirements for ambulance service licensure in this
    12  Commonwealth and regularly engages in the [business or service
    13  of providing emergency medical care and transportation of
    14  patients within this Commonwealth. The term includes mobile
    15  advanced life support services that may or may not transport
    16  patients.] provision of emergency medical services or other
    17  medical monitoring or treatment that is rendered or offered
    18  prior to or during the transportation to, from or between an
    19  acute care facility or other health care facility. An ambulance
    20  service may also engage in the transportation of any person
    21  between an acute care, rehabilitation, clinic, physician office
    22  or other health care facility that may require medical
    23  monitoring, observation, treatment or care for an illness,
    24  disease or injury or other disability and transportation by
    25  means other than an ambulance may endanger the patient's health.
    26     "Basic life support services."  The prehospital or
    27  interhospital emergency medical care and management of illness
    28  or injury performed by specially trained and certified or
    29  licensed personnel.
    30     "Commonwealth emergency medical director."  A medical command
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     1  physician or a physician meeting equivalent qualifications, as
     2  established by the [Department of Health] Pennsylvania Emergency
     3  Medical Services Agency by regulation and approved by the
     4  [Department of Health] Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services
     5  Agency to advise, formulate and direct policy on matters
     6  pertaining to emergency medical services.
     7     "Council."  The State Advisory Council, which shall be known
     8  as the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Emergency Health
     9  Services Council.
    10     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
    11     "Director."  The Director of the Pennsylvania Emergency
    12  Medical Services Agency.
    13     "Emergency."  A combination of circumstances resulting in a
    14  need for immediate medical intervention.
    15     "Emergency medical services."  The services utilized in
    16  responding to the needs of an individual for immediate medical
    17  care in order to prevent loss of life or aggravation of
    18  physiological or psychological illness or injury.
    19     "Emergency medical services council."  A nonprofit
    20  incorporated entity or appropriate equivalent whose function is
    21  to plan, develop, maintain, expand and improve emergency medical
    22  services systems within a specific geographical area of this
    23  Commonwealth and which is deemed by the [department]
    24  Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services Agency as being
    25  representative of the health professions and major private and
    26  public and voluntary agencies, organizations and institutions
    27  concerned with providing emergency medical services.
    28     "Emergency medical services training manual."  A manual
    29  adopted by the [Department of Health] Pennsylvania Emergency
    30  Medical Services Agency to aid advanced life support service
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     1  medical directors in determining whether EMT-paramedics and
     2  prehospital registered nurses have demonstrated competency in
     3  the knowledge and skills necessary to be granted or maintain
     4  medical command authorization.
     5     "Emergency medical services system."  The arrangement of
     6  personnel, facilities and equipment for the effective and
     7  coordinated delivery of emergency medical services required in
     8  prevention and management of incidents which occur either as a
     9  result of a medical emergency or of an accident, natural
    10  disaster or similar situation.
    11     "Emergency medical technician."  An individual who is trained
    12  to provide emergency medical services and is certified as such
    13  by the [department] Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services
    14  Agency in accordance with the current national standard
    15  curriculum for basic emergency medical technicians as set forth
    16  in the rules and regulations promulgated by the [department]
    17  Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services Agency.
    18     "Emergency medical technician-paramedic (referred to as EMT-
    19  paramedic)."  An emergency medical technician specifically
    20  trained to provide advanced life support services who is
    21  certified as such by the [department] Pennsylvania Emergency
    22  Medical Services Agency in accordance with the current national
    23  standard curriculum for emergency medical technician-paramedics
    24  as set forth in the rules and regulations promulgated by the
    25  [department] Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services Agency.
    26     "Facility."  A hospital.
    27     "First responder."  An individual who is certified by the
    28  [Department of Health] Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services
    29  Agency as a first responder.
    30     "Foundation."  The Pennsylvania Trauma System Foundation.
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     1     "Health professional."  A licensed physician who has
     2  education and continuing education in advanced life support and
     3  prehospital care or a prehospital registered nurse.
     4     "Hospital."  An institution having an organized medical staff
     5  which is primarily engaged in providing to inpatients, by or
     6  under the supervision of physicians, diagnostic and therapeutic
     7  services or rehabilitation services for the care or
     8  rehabilitation of injured, disabled, pregnant, diseased, sick or
     9  mentally ill persons. The term includes facilities for the
    10  diagnosis and treatment of disorders within the scope of
    11  specific medical specialties, but not facilities caring
    12  exclusively for the mentally ill.
    13     "Invalid coach."  A [vehicle which is primarily maintained,
    14  operated and intended to be used for routine transport of
    15  persons who are convalescent or otherwise nonambulatory and do
    16  not ordinarily require emergency medical treatment while in
    17  transit. Such vehicles shall not be considered ambulance or
    18  emergency medical service vehicles.] paratransit or wheelchair
    19  accessible vehicle that is regulated by the Pennsylvania Public
    20  Utility Commission, is not a licensed ambulance or an advanced
    21  life support squad unit in this Commonwealth and is primarily
    22  maintained, operated and intended to be used for the conveyance
    23  of persons who are not patients and do not require medical
    24  monitoring, observation, treatment or care for an illness,
    25  disease or injury or other disability.
    26     "Medical command."  An order given to a provider of emergency
    27  medical services by an authorized medical command physician who
    28  meets qualifications prescribed by the [department] Pennsylvania
    29  Emergency Medical Services Agency.
    30     "Medical command facility."  The distinct unit within a
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     1  facility that contains the necessary equipment and personnel for
     2  providing medical command and control to an ambulance service.
     3     "Patient."  An individual [who is sick, injured, wounded or
     4  otherwise incapacitated and helpless and who needs immediate
     5  medical attention.] whose condition may require medical
     6  monitoring, observation, treatment or care for an illness,
     7  disease or injury or other disability.
     8     "Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation."  A nonprofit
     9  Pennsylvania corporation whose function is to accredit trauma
    10  centers in this Commonwealth. The board of directors of the
    11  foundation shall consist of the following 19 voting members:
    12  five representatives of State organizations that represent
    13  physicians; five representatives of State organizations that
    14  represent hospitals; two representatives of State organizations
    15  that represent registered professional nurses; two
    16  representatives of other Statewide emergency medical service
    17  organizations with expertise in delivery of trauma services; the
    18  Chairman and Minority Chairman of the House Health and Welfare
    19  Committee, or their designees, from the committee membership;
    20  the Chairman and Minority Chairman of the Senate Public Health
    21  and Welfare Committee, or their designees, from the committee
    22  membership; [and] the Secretary of Health, or his designee[.];
    23  and the Director of the Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services
    24  Agency, or the director's designee. The bylaws of the foundation
    25  shall identify a method to select members to achieve
    26  professional and geographic balance on the board. Terms of
    27  office shall be limited to three years.
    28     "Prehospital registered nurse."  A professional registered
    29  nurse who has the knowledge and skills to provide advanced life
    30  support services and is recognized as such by the [Department of
    20050H1282B1526                  - 8 -     

     1  Health] Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services Agency.
     2     "Providers of emergency medical services."  Any facility,
     3  basic life support service or advanced life support service.
     4     "Rescue vehicle."  A vehicle which is designed or modified
     5  and equipped for rescue operations to release persons from
     6  entrapment and which is not routinely used for emergency medical
     7  care or transport of patients.
     8     "Rural area."  An area outside urbanized areas as defined by
     9  the United States Bureau of the Census.
    10     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Health of the Commonwealth.
    11     "Special care unit."  An appropriately equipped area of the
    12  hospital where provision has been made for a concentration of
    13  physicians, nurses and others who have special skills and
    14  experiences to provide medical care for critically ill patients.
    15     "Trauma center."  A facility accredited in accordance with
    16  section 6.
    17     "Volunteer Ambulance Services Certification (VASC)."  The
    18  program administered by the [department] Pennsylvania Emergency
    19  Medical Services Agency on the effective date of this act for
    20  the purpose of certifying ambulance services.
    21     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    22  Section 3.1.  Creation.
    23     To assure prompt, proper and effective discharge of
    24  Commonwealth responsibilities relating to readily available and
    25  coordinated emergency medical services, there is hereby formally
    26  created the Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services Agency.
    27  Section 3.2.  Organization of Pennsylvania Emergency Medical
    28                 Services Agency.
    29     This agency shall consist of and be organized substantially
    30  as follows:
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     1     (a)  Council.--Primary responsibility for overall policy and
     2  direction of a Statewide emergency medical services program
     3  shall be vested in a body legally known as the Pennsylvania
     4  Emergency Medical Services Council, which shall be composed of
     5  the following or their designee: the Governor, Lieutenant
     6  Governor, Secretary of Health, Attorney General, General
     7  Counsel, Secretary of Public Welfare, Commissioner of the
     8  Pennsylvania State Police, Physician General, State Fire
     9  Commissioner, State EMS Commissioner/Director, Director of the
    10  Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Agency, President of the
    11  Ambulance Association of Pennsylvania, President of the
    12  Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation, President of the
    13  Pennsylvania Chapter American College of Emergency Physicians,
    14  President of the Emergency Nurses Association, President of the
    15  Hospital and Health Systems Association of Pennsylvania,
    16  chairperson of the Patient Safety Authority, President pro
    17  tempore of the Senate, Minority Leader of the Senate, Speaker of
    18  the House of Representatives and Minority Leader of the House of
    19  Representatives. The Governor may authorize up to two emergency
    20  medical services professionals and up to two public members at
    21  large to be nonvoting members of the council. The Governor may
    22  designate a member to serve as chairman. A simple majority of
    23  the members shall constitute a quorum.
    24     (b)  Compensation and expenses.--The members shall serve
    25  without compensation, but may be reimbursed for their actual and
    26  necessary traveling and other expenses incurred in connection
    27  with attendance at meetings.
    28     (c)  Regular meetings.--For the conduct of routine business,
    29  including particularly the consideration of matters of basic
    30  policy, the council shall meet at the call of the chairman and
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     1  at least three times during each calendar year.
     2     (d)  State director.--To supervise the work and activities
     3  comprising the Statewide emergency medical services system, the
     4  Governor shall appoint an individual to act on a full-time basis
     5  as director of the agency. The director shall perform all such
     6  fiscal, planning, administrative, operational and other duties
     7  as may be assigned to the director by the council.
     8     (e)  Staff.--The council shall, within the limitations of
     9  appropriations made to the agency, arrange for the employment of
    10  such professional, technical, administrative and other staff
    11  personnel as may be deemed essential to the development and
    12  maintenance of a Statewide emergency medical services system
    13  prescribed in this act. All such personnel shall be employed and
    14  subject to pertinent provisions of the act of August 5, 1941
    15  (P.L.752, No.286), known as the Civil Service Act.
    16     (f)  Office space, equipment and services.--The agency shall
    17  be furnished necessary and appropriate office space, furniture,
    18  equipment, supplies and services in the same general manner as
    19  are other Commonwealth departments and agencies.
    20     (g)  Administrative provisions.--Except as otherwise provided
    21  in this act, the agency shall be subject to the provisions of
    22  the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The
    23  Administrative Code of 1929.
    24     Section 5.  Section 4 of the act is amended to read:
    25  Section 4.  Emergency medical services system.
    26     The [secretary] director shall plan, guide and coordinate
    27  programs to ensure that the Commonwealth's emergency medical
    28  services system shall:
    29         (1)  Include an adequate number of health professionals
    30     and other health personnel with appropriate training and
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     1     experience.
     2         (2)  Provide continuous training for its personnel,
     3     including clinical training and continuing education programs
     4     which are coordinated with other programs in the system's
     5     service area which provide similar training and education.
     6         (3)  Join personnel, facilities and equipment,
     7     coordinated by a central communication system, so that
     8     requests for emergency medical services will be handled by
     9     communications facilities which:
    10             (i)  utilize emergency medical telecommunications
    11         screening to determine the appropriate emergency service
    12         response;
    13             (ii)  are accessible to the general public through a
    14         common telephone number and, where feasible, the
    15         universal emergency telephone number 911; and
    16             (iii)  will have direct communications with the
    17         personnel, facilities and equipment of this system and
    18         with other appropriate emergency medical services
    19         systems.
    20         (4)  Include an adequate number of ambulances and other
    21     transportation means to meet the individual characteristics
    22     of the system's service area wherein:
    23             (i)  the ambulances and other vehicles meet criteria
    24         relating to location, design, performance and equipment;
    25         and
    26             (ii)  all operators and other personnel staffing the
    27         vehicles meet appropriate training and experience
    28         requirements.
    29         (5)  Include an adequate number of easily accessible
    30     facilities which:
    20050H1282B1526                 - 12 -     

     1             (i)  are collectively capable of providing emergency
     2         medical services on a continuous basis;
     3             (ii)  have appropriate nonduplicative and categorized
     4         capabilities;
     5             (iii)  meet appropriate standards relating to
     6         capacity, location, personnel and equipment; and
     7             (iv)  are coordinated with other health care
     8         facilities of the system.
     9         (6)  Provide access, including appropriate
    10     transportation, to trauma centers in the system's service
    11     area or, if there are no centers or an inadequate number of
    12     centers in the area, provide access to the centers in
    13     neighboring areas if access to those centers is feasible in
    14     terms of time and distance.
    15         (7)  Provide, as necessary, for transfer of patients to
    16     facilities or programs which offer followup care and
    17     rehabilitation as is necessary to effect the maximum recovery
    18     of the patient.
    19         (8)  Provide for the effective utilization of the
    20     appropriate personnel, facilities and equipment of each
    21     entity providing emergency medical services in the system's
    22     service area.
    23         (9)  Be organized in a manner that provides persons who
    24     reside in the system's service area and who have no
    25     professional or financial interest in the provision of health
    26     care with an adequate opportunity to participate in the
    27     making of policy for the system.
    28         (10)  Provide necessary emergency medical services to all
    29     patients requiring the services.
    30         (11)  Provide for a standardized patient data collection
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     1     system which covers all phases of the system.
     2         (12)  Provide programs of public education, information
     3     and prevention in the system's service area, taking into
     4     account the needs of visitors to and residents of that area
     5     to know or easily access the means of obtaining emergency
     6     medical services. These programs shall stress the general
     7     dissemination of information regarding appropriate methods of
     8     first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the
     9     availability of first aid training programs in the area.
    10         (13)  Provide for:
    11             (i)  Periodic, comprehensive review and evaluation of
    12         the extent and quality of the emergency health care
    13         services provided in the system's service area.
    14             (ii)  Submission to the [department] agency of the
    15         reports of each review and evaluation.
    16         (14)  Have a plan to assure that the system will be
    17     capable of providing emergency medical services in the
    18     system's service area during mass casualty situations,
    19     natural disasters or declared states of emergency in
    20     consonance with 35 Pa.C.S. § 7101 et seq. (relating to
    21     emergency management services) and in coordination with the
    22     Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
    23         (15)  Provide for the establishment of appropriate
    24     arrangements with ambulance services serving neighboring
    25     areas for the provision of emergency medical services on a
    26     reciprocal basis where access to such areas would be more
    27     appropriate and effective in terms of the services available,
    28     time and distance.
    29     Section 6.  Section 5 of the act, amended October 21, 1988
    30  (P.L.1055, No.121), is amended to read:
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     1  Section 5.  Duties of [department] Pennsylvania Emergency
     2                 Medical Services Agency.
     3     (a)  Duty.--It shall be the duty of the [secretary] director
     4  to plan, guide, assist and coordinate the development of
     5  areawide emergency medical services systems into a unified
     6  Statewide system and to coordinate the system with similar
     7  systems in neighboring states.
     8     (b)  Authority.--The [department] agency shall be the
     9  Commonwealth lead agency for emergency medical services in this
    10  Commonwealth. The [department] agency shall have authority to:
    11         (1)  Maintain and coordinate a program for planning,
    12     developing, maintaining, expanding, improving and upgrading
    13     emergency medical services systems throughout this
    14     Commonwealth.
    15         (2)  Establish, by regulation, standards and criteria
    16     governing the award and administration of contracts under
    17     this act.
    18         (3)  Require the collection and maintenance of
    19     standardized patient data and information by ambulance
    20     services licensed under section 12. Each ambulance service
    21     shall insure that the responding ambulance personnel will
    22     complete a summary for each ambulance call to which they
    23     respond containing such information as prescribed and on
    24     forms provided by the [department] agency. Such summary
    25     information shall require essential information only and
    26     shall be reasonable in detail. Reports required pursuant to
    27     this section shall be confidential and not open to public
    28     inspection or dissemination. This shall not restrict the
    29     collection and analysis of data by the [department] agency or
    30     by those with whom the [department] agency contracts, subject
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     1     to strict supervision by the [department] agency to insure
     2     that the use of the reports is limited to specific research
     3     and planning purposes.
     4         (4)  Collect, as deemed necessary and appropriate, data
     5     and information regarding patients admitted to a facility
     6     through the emergency department, through a trauma center or
     7     directly to a special care unit, in a manner which protects
     8     and maintains the confidential nature of patient records.
     9     Such data and information shall include essential information
    10     only, shall be reasonable in detail and shall be collected
    11     pursuant to regulations issued by the [department] agency.
    12     Such data and information shall be limited to specific
    13     planning, research and quality assurance purposes and shall
    14     not be duplicative of data and information already available
    15     to the agency or the department.
    16         (5)  Prepare a Commonwealth plan for emergency medical
    17     services development in accordance with the provisions of
    18     section 9.
    19         (6)  Define and approve training programs and accredit
    20     educational institutions for emergency medical services
    21     training of emergency medical services personnel, including,
    22     but not limited to, emergency medical technicians and EMT-
    23     paramedics and other emergency medical services personnel.
    24         (7)  Provide technical assistance to local government,
    25     emergency medical services providers and other entities for
    26     the purpose of assuring effective planning and execution of
    27     programs under this act.
    28         (8)  Administer contracts authorized under this act and
    29     grants pursuant to 23 U.S.C. § 402, pertaining to emergency
    30     medical services and all other Federal laws pertaining to
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     1     emergency medical services.
     2         (9)  Establish minimum standards for, license and inspect
     3     ambulance services in accordance with section 12.
     4         (10)  Maintain a quality assurance program for the
     5     purpose of monitoring the delivery of emergency medical
     6     services.
     7         (11)  Promulgate rules and regulations to establish
     8     standards and criteria for emergency medical services
     9     systems.
    10         (12)  Integrate all trauma centers accredited pursuant to
    11     section 6 into the emergency medical services system.
    12         (13)  Investigate complaints related to the delivery of
    13     services by trauma centers and forward the results of the
    14     investigation to the accrediting entity with a recommendation
    15     for action.
    16         (14)  Compile and maintain statistics on mortality and
    17     morbidity on multisystem trauma victims. This data collection
    18     shall be coordinated and performed in conjunction with other
    19     data collection activities.
    20     (c)  Bypass protocols.--The department shall establish not
    21  later than September 30, 1988, and regional councils shall
    22  implement not later than December 31, 1988, criteria for
    23  evaluation, triage, treatment, transport, transfer and referral,
    24  including bypass protocols, of acutely ill and injured persons
    25  to the most appropriate facility. Regional councils shall not be
    26  eligible for contract funds or State emergency medical services
    27  operating fund disbursements unless criteria and protocols have
    28  been established.
    29     Section 7.  Section 7 of the act is amended to read:
    30  Section 7.  State Advisory Council.
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     1     (a)  Designation and composition.--The State Advisory Council
     2  shall be known as the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania
     3  Emergency Health Services Council which shall be composed of
     4  volunteer, professional and paraprofessional organizations
     5  involved in emergency medical services. The council shall be
     6  geographically representative of the provider organizations
     7  which represent emergency medical technicians, EMT-paramedics,
     8  registered nurses, firefighters, emergency medical services
     9  councils, physicians, hospital administrators and other health
    10  care providers concerned with emergency medical services. The
    11  council may be composed of up to 30 organizations. Each
    12  organization shall have one voting member.
    13     (b)  Duties.--The council shall:
    14         (1)  Elect its own officers.
    15         (2)  Advise the [department] agency on matters relating
    16     to manpower and training, communications, ambulance services,
    17     special care units and the content of rules, regulations,
    18     standards and policies promulgated by the [department] agency
    19     under this act, and such other subjects as may be deemed
    20     appropriate by the [department] agency.
    21         (3)  Serve as the forum for discussion on the content of
    22     the Statewide emergency medical services development plan, or
    23     any proposed revisions thereto, and advise the [department]
    24     agency as to the content of the plan.
    25     (c)  Open meetings.--All meetings of the council shall be
    26  held in accordance with the provisions of the act of July 19,
    27  1974 (P.L.486, No.175), referred to as the Public Agency Open
    28  Meeting Law.
    29     (d)  Terms.--A voting member of the council shall serve a
    30  three-year term. A voting member shall not serve more than two
    20050H1282B1526                 - 18 -     

     1  consecutive terms.
     2     (e)  Quorum.--A simple majority of the voting members of the
     3  council will constitute a quorum for the transaction of
     4  business.
     5     (f)  Compensation.--Members of the council shall serve
     6  without compensation, except the [department] agency may pay
     7  necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by members while
     8  performing official duties.
     9     Section 8.  Section 8 of the act, amended October 21, 1988
    10  (P.L.1055, No.121), is amended to read:
    11  Section 8.  Emergency medical services councils.
    12     (a)  Purpose.--Emergency medical services councils shall
    13  assist the [department] agency in carrying out the provisions of
    14  this act. Every emergency medical services council shall adhere
    15  to policy direction established by the [department] agency.
    16     (b)  Organization.--For purposes of this act, the
    17  organizational structure of an emergency medical services
    18  council shall be one of the following:
    19         (1)  A unit of general local government, with an advisory
    20     council, meeting requirements for representation.
    21         (2)  A representative public entity administering a
    22     compact or other areawide arrangement or consortium.
    23         (3)  Any other public or private nonprofit entity which
    24     meets requirements for representation.
    25     (c)  Duties.--Each emergency medical services council shall:
    26         (1)  Assist the [department] agency in achieving the
    27     emergency medical services system described in section 4.
    28         (2)  Assist the [department] agency in the collection and
    29     maintenance of standardized patient data and information as
    30     provided in section 5.
    20050H1282B1526                 - 19 -     

     1         (3)  Prepare plans for expanding or improving emergency
     2     medical services in the area; the plans shall contain such
     3     information as prescribed by the [secretary] director.
     4         (4)  Carry out, to the extent feasible, the emergency
     5     medical services plans.
     6         (5)  Assure the reasonable availability of training
     7     programs for emergency medical technicians and EMT-paramedics
     8     under section 12(f).
     9         (6)  Provide necessary and reasonable staff services and
    10     appropriate and convenient office facilities that can serve
    11     as an areawide location for the planning, developmental
    12     maintenance, coordinative and evaluative functions of the
    13     council.
    14         (7)  Establish a mechanism to provide for input from
    15     local emergency medical services providers, in decisions
    16     which include, but are not limited to, membership on its
    17     governing body.
    18     Section 9.  Sections 9 and 10 of the act are amended to read:
    19  Section 9.  Comprehensive emergency medical services development
    20                 plan.
    21     (a)  Preparation.--The department, with the assistance of the
    22  council, shall prepare a Statewide emergency medical services
    23  development plan, to be completed not later than one year from
    24  the effective date of this act, and shall make the plan
    25  available to the General Assembly and all concerned agencies,
    26  entities and individuals.
    27     (b)  Content.--At a minimum, the plan shall contain:
    28         (1)  An inventory of emergency services resources
    29     available within this Commonwealth.
    30         (2)  An assessment of the effectiveness of existing
    20050H1282B1526                 - 20 -     

     1     services and a determination of the need for additional
     2     services.
     3         (3)  A statement of goals and specific measurable
     4     objectives for delivery of emergency medical services to all
     5     persons in this Commonwealth.
     6         (4)  Methods to be used in achieving the stated
     7     objectives.
     8         (5)  A schedule for achievement of the stated objectives.
     9         (6)  A method for evaluating the stated objectives.
    10         (7)  Estimated costs for achieving the stated objectives.
    11     (c)  Revisions.--The [department] agency shall collect and
    12  analyze emergency medical services data for the purpose of:
    13         (1)  revising annually the emergency medical services
    14     development plan, including the status of emergency medical
    15     services development, the degree of compliance with the
    16     requirements of this act and the effectiveness of emergency
    17     medical services systems in reducing morbidity and mortality
    18     associated with medical emergencies; and
    19         (2)  planning future program efforts.
    20     (d)  Annual reports.--The [department] agency shall,
    21  annually, publish comprehensive, specific reports of activity
    22  and plan implementation.
    23  Section 10.  Contracts for initiation, maintenance, expansion or
    24                 improvement of emergency medical services
    25                 systems.
    26     (a)  General power.--The [secretary] director may enter into
    27  contracts with emergency medical services councils and other
    28  appropriate entities for the initiation, expansion, maintenance
    29  and improvement of emergency medical services systems which are
    30  in accordance with the Statewide emergency medical services
    20050H1282B1526                 - 21 -     

     1  plan.
     2     (b)  Limitation.--If any contracts are entered into under
     3  this section for organization of an emergency medical services
     4  council, no other contract may be entered into under this
     5  section for any other emergency medical services council for the
     6  same area or for an area which includes, in whole or substantial
     7  part, such area.
     8     (c)  Purposes.--Contracts under subsection (a) may only be
     9  used for:
    10         (1)  Providing programs of public education, information
    11     and prevention regarding emergency medical services.
    12         (2)  Purchasing ambulances, medical equipment and rescue
    13     equipment.
    14         (3)  Costs associated with the conduct of training
    15     programs for prehospital and interhospital emergency medical
    16     services personnel.
    17         (4)  Costs associated with ambulance service inspection
    18     conducted to assist the [department] agency with ambulance
    19     service licensure.
    20         (5)  Purchasing communications, including alerting
    21     equipment, provided that the purchases are in accordance with
    22     the Statewide telecommunications plan.
    23         (6)  Purchasing certain equipment for hospital emergency
    24     departments if the equipment is used or intended to be used
    25     in equipment exchange programs with ambulance services.
    26         (7)  Costs associated with maintenance and operation of
    27     emergency medical services councils. Costs may include, but
    28     shall not be limited to, salaries, wages and benefits of
    29     staff; travel; equipment and supplies; leasing of office
    30     space; and other costs incidental to the conduct of business
    20050H1282B1526                 - 22 -     

     1     which are deemed by the [secretary] director to be necessary
     2     and appropriate for carrying out the purposes of this act.
     3         (8)  Costs associated with collection and analysis of
     4     data necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of emergency
     5     medical services systems in providing emergency medical
     6     services.
     7     (d)  Restriction.--Contract funds may not be used for:
     8         (1)  Acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of
     9     facilities or buildings, except renovation as may be
    10     necessary for the implementation of 911 and emergency medical
    11     services communication systems.
    12         (2)  Purchasing hospital equipment unless such equipment
    13     is used or intended to be used in an equipment exchange
    14     program with ambulance services.
    15         (3)  Maintenance of ambulances, medical equipment or
    16     rescue equipment except as authorized in subsection (c)(2).
    17         (4)  Costs deemed by the [secretary] director as
    18     inappropriate for carrying out the purposes of this act.
    19         (5)  Costs which are normally borne by patients.
    20     (e)  Reports.--The recipient of a contract under this act
    21  shall make reports to the [department] agency as may be required
    22  by the [secretary] director.
    23     (f)  Application prerequisite.--No contract may be made under
    24  this section unless:
    25         (1)  An application has been submitted to the
    26     [department] agency in a form and format prescribed by the
    27     [department] agency.
    28         (2)  The application demonstrates the need for planning,
    29     initiation, maintenance, expansion or improvement of an
    30     emergency medical services system.
    20050H1282B1526                 - 23 -     

     1         (3)  The application contains data and information which
     2     demonstrates the qualifications of the applicant to plan,
     3     initiate, expand or improve an emergency medical services
     4     system and which includes organizational structure and
     5     provision for representation of appropriate entities.
     6         (4)  The application contains an assurance that planning
     7     for an emergency medical services system is conducted in
     8     cooperation with each areawide health systems agency, where
     9     available, whose plan covers, in whole or in part, such area.
    10     (g)  Technical assistance.--The [department] agency shall
    11  provide technical assistance, as appropriate, to emergency
    12  medical services councils and to such other eligible entities as
    13  necessary for the purpose of their carrying out the provisions
    14  of contracts under this section, with special consideration for
    15  contractors representing rural areas.
    16     (h)  Payments.--Payments pursuant to contracts under this
    17  section may be made in advance or by way of reimbursement and in
    18  such installments and on such conditions as the [secretary]
    19  director determines will most effectively carry out the
    20  provisions of this act.
    21     (i)  Other grants considered.--In determining the amount of
    22  any contract under this act, the amount of funds available to
    23  the applicant from nonstate contributions and Federal grant or
    24  contract programs pertaining to emergency medical services shall
    25  be taken into consideration. Nonstate contributions include the
    26  outlay of cash and in-kind services of the contractor or to the
    27  contractor or toward the operation of an emergency medical
    28  services system by private, public or governmental third
    29  parties, including the Federal Government.
    30     (j)  Other contracts.--Except as provided in subsection (c),
    20050H1282B1526                 - 24 -     

     1  the [secretary] director may enter into contracts with
     2  organizations other than emergency medical services councils in
     3  order to assist the [department] agency in complying with the
     4  provisions of this act.
     5     (k)  Public disclosure.--Finalized contracts shall be deemed
     6  public records.
     7     Section 10.  Section 11 of the act, amended October 5, 1994
     8  (P.L.557, No.82), is amended to read:
     9  Section 11.  Emergency medical services personnel.
    10     (a)  Education.--The [department] agency shall assist,
    11  encourage and coordinate the education of first responders,
    12  emergency medical technicians and EMT-paramedics, who shall be
    13  certified by the [department] agency upon successful completion
    14  of courses of instruction recognized by the [department] agency
    15  and written and practical skill examinations administered by the
    16  [department] agency or its designees.
    17         (1)  The [department] agency shall develop standards in
    18     the form of rules and regulations for the accreditation of
    19     appropriate educational institutes and shall be empowered to
    20     recognize such institutes as meeting such standards.
    21         (2)  First responder, emergency medical technician and
    22     EMT-paramedic students enrolled in courses recognized by the
    23     [department] agency shall be subject to the appropriate
    24     liability exemptions listed in this section, as shall
    25     participating institutes, organizations and facilities
    26     pursuant to the provisions of subsection (j)(3).
    27     (a.1)  Certification of first responders.--
    28         (1)  A first responder performs basic life support
    29     activities, as authorized by the [Department of Health]
    30     agency, to stabilize and improve a patient's condition in a
    20050H1282B1526                 - 25 -     

     1     prehospital setting until more highly trained emergency
     2     medical services personnel arrive at the scene.
     3         (2)  The [department] agency shall certify any person as
     4     a first responder who:
     5             (i)  Completes an application on a form prescribed by
     6         the [department] agency.
     7             (ii)  Is at least 16 years of age.
     8             (iii)  Successfully completes a first responder
     9         training course approved by the [department] agency.
    10             (iv)  Has taken and successfully passed a written
    11         examination prescribed by the [department] agency.
    12             (v)  Has taken and successfully passed a practical
    13         test of first responder skills prescribed by the
    14         [department] agency.
    15         (3)  A certification is valid for a period of three
    16     years, subject to disciplinary action pursuant to subsection
    17     (j.1). The [department] agency shall recertify as a first
    18     responder an individual who complies with all of the
    19     following:
    20             (i)  Completes an application on a form prescribed by
    21         the [department] agency.
    22             (ii)  Is or was previously certified as a first
    23         responder.
    24             (iii)  Successfully completes:
    25                 (A)  a first responder practical skills and
    26             written knowledge examination prescribed by the
    27             [department] agency; or
    28                 (B)  a continuing education program for first
    29             responders approved or recognized by the [department]
    30             agency.
    20050H1282B1526                 - 26 -     

     1             (iv)  The [department] agency, in consultation with
     2         the State Advisory Council, shall review and update
     3         continuing education programs not less than biennially.
     4         (4)  A person who has received certification as a first
     5     responder pursuant to the voluntary first responder
     6     certification program conducted by the [department] agency
     7     prior to the effective date of this amendatory act shall be
     8     deemed certified under the act. The certification shall be
     9     valid for three years after issued, and recertification
    10     requirements of paragraph (3) shall then apply.
    11     (b)  Certification of emergency medical technician.--
    12         (1)  The [department] agency shall certify any person as
    13     an emergency medical technician who:
    14             (i)  Has completed a basic training program for
    15         emergency medical technicians approved by the
    16         [department] agency, which program follows in accordance
    17         with the current national standard curriculum for
    18         emergency medical technicians as set forth in the rules
    19         and regulations promulgated by the [department] agency.
    20             (ii)  Has taken and successfully passed a written
    21         examination prescribed by the [department] agency.
    22             (iii)  Has taken and successfully passed a practical
    23         test of emergency medical technician skills prescribed by
    24         the [department] agency.
    25             (iv)  Is at least 16 years of age.
    26         (2)  A person who meets the requirements of this
    27     subsection shall be certified as an emergency medical
    28     technician within this Commonwealth for a period of three
    29     years, subject to disciplinary action pursuant to subsection
    30     (j.1).
    20050H1282B1526                 - 27 -     

     1         (3)  (i)  A person certified as an emergency medical
     2         technician shall be recertified by filing with the
     3         [department] agency proof of successful completion of:
     4                 (A)  [a department-approved] an agency-approved
     5             continuing education and training program; or
     6                 (B)  having passed the [department-approved]
     7             agency-approved written and practical skills
     8             recertification examinations.
     9             (ii)  The [department] agency, in consultation with
    10         the council, shall review and update continuing education
    11         and training programs not less than biennially.
    12         (4)  Notwithstanding the provisions of the act of July
    13     20, 1974 (P.L.551, No.190), known as the Medical Practice Act
    14     of 1974, or the provisions of any act to the contrary, any
    15     person with a valid certification from the [department]
    16     agency as an emergency medical technician may, in the case of
    17     an emergency, perform those duties as deemed appropriate by
    18     the [department] agency in accordance with rules and
    19     regulations promulgated under this act.
    20     (c)  Eligibility.--To be eligible to enroll in a course
    21  leading to certification as an EMT-paramedic, a person shall:
    22         (1)  be at least 18 years of age;
    23         (2)  have a high school diploma or its equivalent; and
    24         (3)  be currently certified by the [department] agency as
    25     an emergency medical technician.
    26     (d)  Certification of EMT-paramedic.--
    27         (1)  The [department] agency shall certify a person as an
    28     EMT-paramedic, provided the person meets the requirements of
    29     subsection (c) and:
    30             (i)  Completes a training course for EMT-paramedics
    20050H1282B1526                 - 28 -     

     1         approved by the [department] agency, which course follows
     2         in accordance with the current national standard
     3         curriculum for emergency medical technician-paramedics as
     4         set forth in the rules and regulations promulgated by the
     5         [department] agency.
     6             (ii)  Is verified as having demonstrated competency
     7         in all required skills.
     8             (iii)  Takes and passes a written examination for
     9         EMT-paramedics prescribed by the [department] agency.
    10         (2)  A person who initially meets the requirements of
    11     paragraph (1) shall be considered permanently certified as an
    12     EMT-paramedic within this Commonwealth, subject to
    13     disciplinary action pursuant to subsection (j.1).
    14             (i)  The advanced life support service medical
    15         director shall have continued authority to grant or deny
    16         medical command authorization to an EMT-paramedic and
    17         shall review, document and advise each EMT-paramedic of
    18         his or her status at least once annually.
    19             (ii)  The advanced life support service medical
    20         director shall base a decision on whether to grant or
    21         deny medical command authorization upon:
    22                 (A)  demonstrated competency in knowledge and
    23             skills by an EMT-paramedic as defined by the
    24             [department] agency through regulation and published
    25             in the emergency medical services training manual;
    26             and
    27                 (B)  completion of continuing education
    28             requirements as adopted by [department] agency
    29             regulations.
    30             Until such time as interim regulations are adopted by
    20050H1282B1526                 - 29 -     

     1             the [department] agency, an EMT-paramedic's receipt
     2             or annual retention of medical command authorization
     3             shall depend upon that person successfully
     4             demonstrating to the advanced life support service
     5             medical director the competence and skills to perform
     6             the functions of an emergency medical technician and
     7             the functions that an EMT-paramedic is authorized to
     8             perform pursuant to medical command authorization as
     9             set forth in [department] agency regulations.
    10             (iii)  The [department] agency, in consultation with
    11         the council, shall review and update continuing education
    12         requirements and the emergency medical services training
    13         manual not less than biennially.
    14             (iv)  An EMT-paramedic denied medical command
    15         authorization shall have the right to appeal the decision
    16         to the regional medical director and then to the
    17         [department] agency.
    18             (v)  Notwithstanding an EMT-paramedic certification
    19         to provide advanced life support services, an EMT-
    20         paramedic may not provide those services unless the EMT-
    21         paramedic has medical command authorization to do so.
    22             (vi)  An EMT-paramedic who does not maintain medical
    23         command authorization and who chooses to function at the
    24         basic life support service level must apply to the
    25         [department] agency for certification as an emergency
    26         medical technician in accordance with [department] agency
    27         regulations. An EMT-paramedic who is certified as an
    28         emergency medical technician under this provision shall
    29         retain paramedic certification and must apply to an
    30         advanced life support service medical director for
    20050H1282B1526                 - 30 -     

     1         medical command authorization prior to returning to
     2         paramedic status. While practicing without medical
     3         command authorization, EMT-paramedics shall not hold
     4         themselves out as paramedics to patients and emergency
     5         medical service personnel and shall function as emergency
     6         medical technicians in all respects.
     7             (vii)  An EMT-paramedic shall register biennially
     8         with the [department] agency.
     9         (3)  Notwithstanding the provisions of the Medical
    10     Practice Act of 1974, or the provisions of any other act to
    11     the contrary, any person with a valid certification from the
    12     [department] agency as an EMT-paramedic may, in the case of
    13     an emergency, perform those duties as deemed appropriate by
    14     the [department] agency in accordance with rules and
    15     regulations promulgated under this act.
    16     (e)  Scope of practice of emergency medical technician and
    17  EMT-paramedic.--The services provided by an emergency medical
    18  technician or EMT-paramedic are limited to the services required
    19  in responding to the perceived needs of an individual for
    20  immediate medical care in order to prevent loss of life or
    21  aggravation of physiological or psychological illness or injury.
    22  Such services shall only be delivered in a prehospital,
    23  interhospital or emergency care setting in a hospital, shall not
    24  include diagnosis and treatment of nonurgent care and shall be
    25  subject to rules and regulations promulgated by the [department]
    26  agency.
    27     (e.1)  Prehospital registered nurses.--
    28         (1)  The [department] agency shall permanently recognize
    29     a registered nurse in good standing in this Commonwealth as a
    30     prehospital registered nurse, subject to disciplinary action
    20050H1282B1526                 - 31 -     

     1     pursuant to subsection (j.1), who:
     2             (i)  Is at least 18 years of age.
     3             (ii)  Holds current acknowledgments evidencing
     4         successful completion of basic and advanced cardiac life
     5         support training programs recognized by the [department]
     6         agency.
     7             (iii)  Demonstrates successful completion of a
     8         prehospital registered nurse program recognized or
     9         approved by the [department] agency or a knowledge and
    10         skills assessment process developed by the [department]
    11         agency upon consideration of the Emergency Nurses
    12         Association National Standard Curriculum Guidelines for
    13         Prehospital Nursing or similar program.
    14             (iv)  Successfully completes an emergency medical
    15         technician practical skills examination approved by the
    16         [department] agency.
    17             (v)  Successfully completes an advanced life support
    18         written examination approved by the [department] agency.
    19     A person who has received recognition as a health
    20     professional registered nurse pursuant to the voluntary
    21     health professional registered nurse recognition program
    22     conducted by the department prior to the effective date of
    23     this amendatory act shall be deemed to have [department]
    24     agency recognition as a prehospital registered nurse under
    25     the act.
    26         (2)  A prehospital registered nurse who is certified as
    27     an emergency medical technician or EMT-paramedic shall retain
    28     certification consistent with other provisions of this act.
    29         (3)  The advanced life support service medical director
    30     shall have continued authority to grant or deny medical
    20050H1282B1526                 - 32 -     

     1     command authorization to a prehospital registered nurse and
     2     shall review, document and advise each prehospital registered
     3     nurse of his or her status at least one time annually. The
     4     advanced life support service medical director shall base a
     5     decision on whether to grant or deny medical command
     6     authorization upon:
     7             (i)  demonstrated competency in knowledge and skills
     8         as defined by the [department] agency through
     9         regulations; and
    10             (ii)  completion of continuing education requirements
    11         as adopted by [department] agency regulations.
    12     Until such time as interim regulations are adopted by the
    13     [department] agency, a prehospital registered nurse's receipt
    14     or annual retention of medical command authorization shall
    15     depend upon that person successfully demonstrating to the
    16     advanced life support service medical director the competence
    17     and skills to perform the functions of an emergency medical
    18     technician and the functions that an EMT-paramedic is
    19     authorized to perform pursuant to medical command
    20     authorization as set forth in [department] agency
    21     regulations.
    22         (4)  A prehospital registered nurse denied medical
    23     command authorization shall have the right to appeal the
    24     decision to the regional medical director and then to the
    25     [department] agency.
    26         (5)  A prehospital registered nurse who does not maintain
    27     medical command authorization and who chooses to function at
    28     the basic life support services level must apply to the
    29     [department] agency for recognition as an emergency medical
    30     technician in accordance with [department] agency
    20050H1282B1526                 - 33 -     

     1     regulations.
     2         (6)  The [department] agency, in consultation with the
     3     council, shall update the current prehospital registered
     4     nurse educational program not less than biennially.
     5         (7)  Consistent with the provisions of this act, a
     6     prehospital registered nurse's practice scope shall be
     7     governed by the provisions of the act of May 22, 1951
     8     (P.L.317, No.69), known as The Professional Nursing Law, and
     9     49 Pa. Code Ch. 21 (relating to State Board of Nursing).
    10         (8)  A prehospital registered nurse shall register
    11     biennially with the [department] agency.
    12     (f)  Physician communication.--Any licensed physician who is
    13  approved for such responsibility by the regional emergency
    14  medical services council, which shall notify the [department]
    15  agency of such approval, may give appropriate medical commands
    16  via radio or other telecommunications device to a first
    17  responder, an emergency medical technician or EMT-paramedic or
    18  health professional consistent with respective levels of skill
    19  and education and regulations promulgated pursuant to this act.
    20     (g)  Drug administration.--Every licensed physician giving a
    21  medical command to an EMT-paramedic or health professional
    22  requiring administration of a drug shall first identify the drug
    23  and then specify the dosage and the manner of administration.
    24     (h)  Standing orders.--When specified in the approved
    25  emergency medical services council transfer and medical
    26  treatment protocols established pursuant to rules and
    27  regulations, a first responder, an emergency medical technician,
    28  EMT-paramedic or health professional may perform specific
    29  emergency skills and treatment prior to the initiation of
    30  medical command.
    20050H1282B1526                 - 34 -     

     1     (i)  Care where communications are disrupted.--If
     2  telecommunications cannot be established between a first
     3  responder, an emergency medical technician or an EMT-paramedic,
     4  or a health professional and a licensed physician, or if
     5  telecommunications once established are interrupted and cannot
     6  be reestablished, a first responder, an emergency medical
     7  technician or an EMT-paramedic or health professional may
     8  initiate and continue emergency medical care in accordance with
     9  the approved emergency medical services council transfer and
    10  medical treatment protocols established pursuant to rules and
    11  regulations.
    12     (j)  Liability.--
    13         (1)  No authorized medical command physician who in good
    14     faith gives instructions to a first responder, an emergency
    15     medical technician or EMT-paramedic or health professional
    16     shall be liable for any civil damages as a result of issuing
    17     the instructions, unless guilty of gross or willful
    18     negligence.
    19         (2)  No first responder, emergency medical technician or
    20     EMT-paramedic or health professional who in good faith
    21     attempts to render or facilitate emergency medical care
    22     authorized by this act shall be liable for civil damages as a
    23     result of any acts or omissions, unless guilty of gross or
    24     willful negligence. This provision shall apply to students
    25     enrolled in approved courses of instruction and supervised
    26     pursuant to rules and regulations.
    27         (3)  No approved emergency medical services training
    28     institute nor any entity participating as part of any
    29     approved educational program offered by such institute as
    30     authorized by this act shall be liable for any civil damages
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     1     as a result of primary and continuing educational practice by
     2     duly enrolled students under proper supervision, unless
     3     guilty of gross or willful negligence.
     4         (4)  No medical command facility recognized by the
     5     [department] agency which in good faith provides medical
     6     commands to a first responder, an emergency medical
     7     technician, EMT-paramedic or health professional in
     8     accordance with this act shall be liable for any civil
     9     damages as a result of issuing instructions, unless guilty of
    10     gross or willful negligence.
    11         (5)  No first responder, emergency medical technician or
    12     EMT-paramedic or health professional who in good faith
    13     attempts to render emergency care authorized by this act at
    14     an emergency scene while enroute to a place of employment
    15     shall receive any form of reprimand or penalty by an employer
    16     as a result of late arrival at the place of employment. An
    17     employer may request written verification from any such first
    18     responder, emergency medical technician, EMT-paramedic or
    19     health professional, who shall obtain the written
    20     verification from either the police officer or ambulance
    21     personnel who is in charge at the emergency scene.
    22         (6)  No advanced life support service medical director or
    23     regional medical director who in good faith gives
    24     instructions to or provides primary and continuing
    25     educational training to a first responder, an emergency
    26     medical technician, EMT-paramedic or health professional
    27     shall be liable for any civil damages for issuing the
    28     instructions, education or training unless guilty of gross or
    29     willful negligence.
    30     (j.1)  Suspension, revocation or refusal of [department]
    20050H1282B1526                 - 36 -     

     1  agency certification or recognition.--
     2         (1)  The [department] agency may suspend, revoke or
     3     refuse to issue or renew the certification or recognition of
     4     emergency medical services personnel upon investigation,
     5     hearing and disposition for the following reasons:
     6             (i)  Demonstrated incompetence to provide adequate
     7         services.
     8             (ii)  Deceptive or fraudulent procurement of
     9         certification credentials.
    10             (iii)  Willful or negligent practice beyond the scope
    11         of certification authorization.
    12             (iv)  Abuse or abandonment of a patient.
    13             (v)  The rendering of services while under the
    14         influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
    15             (vi)  The operation of an emergency vehicle in a
    16         reckless manner or while under the influence of illegal
    17         drugs or alcohol.
    18             (vii)  Disclosure of medical or other information
    19         where prohibited by Federal or State law.
    20             (viii)  Willful preparation or filing of false
    21         medical reports or records or the inducement of others to
    22         do so.
    23             (ix)  Destruction of medical records required to be
    24         maintained.
    25             (x)  Refusal to render emergency medical care because
    26         of a patient's race, sex, creed, national origin, sexual
    27         preference, age, handicap, medical problem or financial
    28         inability to pay.
    29             (xi)  Failure to comply with [department-approved]
    30         agency-approved regional emergency medical service
    20050H1282B1526                 - 37 -     

     1         council treatment and transfer protocols.
     2             (xii)  Failure to comply with ambulance trip
     3         reporting requirements as established by the [department]
     4         agency.
     5             (xiii)  Failure to meet recertification requirements.
     6             (xiv)  Conviction of a felony or crime involving
     7         moral turpitude. Conviction includes a judgment of guilt,
     8         a plea of guilty or a plea of nolo contendere.
     9             (xv)  A willful or consistent pattern of failure to
    10         complete details on a patient's medical record.
    11             (xvi)  Misuse or misappropriation of drugs or
    12         medication.
    13             (xvii)  Having a certification or other authorization
    14         to practice a health care profession or occupation
    15         revoked, suspended or subjected to disciplinary sanction.
    16             (xviii)  Failure to comply with skill maintenance
    17         requirements established by the [department] agency.
    18             (xix)  Violating a duty imposed by this act, a
    19         regulation promulgated under this act or an order of the
    20         department or agency previously entered in a disciplinary
    21         proceeding.
    22             (xx)  Other reasons as determined by the [department]
    23         agency which pose a threat to the health and safety of
    24         the public.
    25         (2)  If the [department] agency is empowered to take
    26     disciplinary or corrective action against an individual under
    27     this section, the [department] agency may do any of the
    28     following:
    29             (i)  Deny the application for certification or
    30         recognition.
    20050H1282B1526                 - 38 -     

     1             (ii)  Administer a written reprimand with or without
     2         probation.
     3             (iii)  Revoke, suspend, limit or otherwise restrict
     4         the certification or recognition.
     5             (iv)  Require the person to take refresher
     6         educational courses.
     7             (v)  Stay enforcement of any suspension and place the
     8         individual on probation with the right to vacate the
     9         probationary order for noncompliance.
    10     (k)  Continuity of care.--Until rules and regulations are
    11  promulgated under this act, certified prehospital personnel
    12  shall comply with the rules and regulations in effect on the
    13  effective date of this act.
    14     Section 11.  Section 12 of the act, amended October 21, 1988
    15  (P.L.1055, No.121) and October 5, 1994 (P.L.557, No.82), is
    16  amended to read:
    17  Section 12.  Minimum standards for ambulance service.
    18     (a)  License required.--Two years after the effective date of
    19  the rules and regulations promulgated under this act, no person,
    20  as an owner, agent or otherwise, shall operate, conduct,
    21  maintain, advertise or otherwise engage in or profess to be
    22  engaged in providing a basic life support ambulance service or
    23  an advanced life support service upon the highways or in any
    24  other public place within this Commonwealth unless that person
    25  holds a currently valid license as a basic life support
    26  ambulance service or advanced life support ambulance service
    27  issued by the [department] agency pursuant to this act or unless
    28  such person is exempted under the provisions of subsection (r).
    29     (b)  Application.--A person desiring to secure a license to
    30  maintain and operate an ambulance service shall submit an
    20050H1282B1526                 - 39 -     

     1  application to the department within one year from the effective
     2  date of rules and regulations promulgated under this act.
     3  Applications for an ambulance service license shall be made on
     4  forms prescribed by the department and shall contain such
     5  information as the department considers necessary to determine
     6  that the ambulance service meets the requirements under this act
     7  and related rules and regulations. Applications for renewal of a
     8  license shall be made on forms prescribed by the [department]
     9  agency in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated
    10  by the [department] agency.
    11     (c)  Fees.--The [department] agency shall levy no fee for
    12  licenses for basic or advanced life support ambulance services.
    13     (d)  Rules and regulations.--Within one year of the effective
    14  date of this act, the secretary shall promulgate rules and
    15  regulations setting forth the minimum essential equipment for
    16  ambulances used to provide basic or advanced life support
    17  services in this Commonwealth and shall prescribe design
    18  criteria for any vehicle used or intended to be used as an
    19  ambulance. Equipment listed shall include the minimum essential
    20  equipment required for effective operation and rendering of
    21  appropriate emergency medical care in accordance with current
    22  national standards.
    23     (e)  Minimum standards for staffing.--Minimum staffing
    24  standards for ambulance services which operate at the basic life
    25  support level of care shall be as follows:
    26         (1)  Upon the effective date of this act, all ambulances
    27     in this Commonwealth, when transporting a patient or
    28     patients, shall be operated with a minimum staffing of two
    29     persons, one of whom shall accompany the patient in the
    30     patient compartment during transport.
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     1         (2)  One year after the effective date of this act, each
     2     ambulance service shall require that an ambulance, when
     3     transporting a patient or patients, except for routine
     4     transfer of convalescent or other nonemergency cases, shall
     5     be staffed by at least two persons. One person shall at least
     6     qualify as an ambulance attendant as defined in this act and
     7     shall accompany the patient in the patient compartment of the
     8     ambulance during transport.
     9         (3)  Two years after the effective date of this act, all
    10     ambulances, when transporting a patient or patients, except
    11     for routine transfer of convalescent or other nonemergency
    12     cases, shall be staffed by at least two persons, who shall,
    13     at least, qualify as ambulance attendants. At least one
    14     attendant shall accompany the patient in the patient
    15     compartment of the ambulance during transport.
    16         (4)  Three years after the effective date of this act,
    17     all ambulances, when transporting a patient or patients,
    18     except for routine transfer of convalescent or other
    19     nonemergency cases, shall be staffed by at least two persons,
    20     one of whom shall be an emergency medical technician, EMT-
    21     paramedic or health professional, and one of whom shall, at
    22     least, qualify as an ambulance attendant. The emergency
    23     medical technician, EMT-paramedic or health professional
    24     shall accompany the patient in the patient compartment. This
    25     paragraph shall not be applicable to any ambulance operated
    26     by a volunteer fire department or by a volunteer ambulance or
    27     rescue service until July 3, 1990, and shall thereafter not
    28     be applicable to any ambulance operated by a volunteer fire
    29     department or by a volunteer ambulance or rescue service if
    30     such department or service has a provisional license to
    20050H1282B1526                 - 41 -     

     1     operate without complying with this subsection.
     2     (f)  Training.--The [department] agency shall assure the
     3  availability of emergency medical technician training for those
     4  individuals who show evidence of sponsorship by a licensed
     5  ambulance service as provided by this act or by a person or
     6  entity having made application to become a licensed ambulance
     7  service. This training shall be available to each county of this
     8  Commonwealth during day and evening hours at reasonable cost in
     9  accordance with policies and guidelines published by the
    10  [department] agency upon advice from the council.
    11     (g)  Staff for advanced life support service.--
    12         (1)  Upon the effective date of this act, each advanced
    13     life support service shall require that at least two persons
    14     shall respond to calls for assistance. This staff shall
    15     consist of one of the following:
    16             (i)  Two health professionals.
    17             (ii)  One health professional and either one
    18         emergency medical technician or one EMT-paramedic.
    19             (iii)  One emergency medical technician and one EMT-
    20         paramedic.
    21             (iv)  Two EMT-paramedics.
    22         (2)  Paragraph (1) shall not apply as follows:
    23             (i)  Temporary licenses may be issued to advanced
    24         life support services which are not generally able to
    25         provide this service 24 hours per day and 7 days per week
    26         in accordance with subsection (n).
    27             (ii)  An advanced life support ambulance service may
    28         be staffed by one EMT-paramedic or one health
    29         professional when responding to calls for assistance,
    30         provided that the minimum advanced life support staffing
    20050H1282B1526                 - 42 -     

     1         requirements set forth in this subsection are met during
     2         emergency medical treatment and transport of the patient.
     3         (3)  An advanced life support service shall have an
     4     advanced life support service medical director.
     5     (h)  Issuance of license.--The [department] agency shall
     6  issue a license to an ambulance service pursuant to this act
     7  when it is satisfied that the following standards have been met:
     8         (1)  The ambulance service is staffed by responsible
     9     persons.
    10         (2)  The ambulance or other vehicle used to provide
    11     emergency medical services is adequately constructed,
    12     equipped, maintained and operated to safely and efficiently
    13     render the services offered.
    14         (3)  The ambulance service meets the required staffing
    15     standards set forth in this act.
    16         (4)  The ambulance service provides safe and efficient
    17     services which are adequate for the emergency medical care,
    18     the treatment and comfort and, when appropriate, the
    19     transportation of patients.
    20         (5)  There is compliance with the rules and regulations
    21     promulgated by the [department] agency under this act.
    22     (i)  Nontransferability of license.--A license to operate a
    23  basic life support ambulance service, or an advanced life
    24  support service, is not transferable and shall remain valid for
    25  a period of three years unless revoked or suspended by the
    26  [department] agency.
    27     (j)  Display.--The license shall at all times be posted in a
    28  conspicuous place on the ambulance or mobile advanced life
    29  support vehicle.
    30     (k)  Inspection.--Each basic life support ambulance service
    20050H1282B1526                 - 43 -     

     1  and advanced life support ambulance service and its vehicles,
     2  equipment and personnel qualifications shall be inspected by the
     3  [department] agency or its representative. The inspections shall
     4  be conducted, from time to time, as deemed appropriate and
     5  necessary, but not less than once every three years.
     6     (l)  Refusal or suspension.--The [department] agency may
     7  refuse to renew a license or may suspend or revoke a license of
     8  an ambulance service for the following reasons:
     9         (1)  A serious violation of the provisions of this act or
    10     of the regulations for minimum ambulance standards
    11     promulgated under this act. For purposes of this paragraph, a
    12     serious violation is one which poses a continued significant
    13     threat to the health of the patient.
    14         (2)  Failure of a licensee to submit a reasonable
    15     timetable to correct deficiencies.
    16         (3)  The existence of a continuing pattern of
    17     deficiencies over a period of three or more years.
    18         (4)  Failure, by the holder of a provisional license, to
    19     correct deficiencies in accordance with a timetable submitted
    20     by the applicant or licensee and agreed upon by the
    21     [department] agency.
    22         (5)  Fraud or deceit in obtaining or attempting to obtain
    23     a license.
    24         (6)  Lending, borrowing or using the license of another,
    25     or in any way knowingly aiding or abetting the improper
    26     granting of a license.
    27         (7)  Incompetence, negligence or misconduct in operating
    28     the ambulance service or in providing emergency medical
    29     services to patients.
    30     (m)  Provisional license.--
    20050H1282B1526                 - 44 -     

     1         (1)  When there are numerous deficiencies or a serious
     2     specific deficiency in compliance with this act or rules or
     3     regulations promulgated thereunder, the [department] agency
     4     may issue a provisional license for a period not to exceed
     5     six months for operation of an ambulance service when the
     6     [department] agency deems it is in the public interest to do
     7     so.
     8         (2)  In accordance with regulations, the [department]
     9     agency may renew a provisional license for a period not to
    10     exceed six months, except that the [department] agency may
    11     renew a provisional license for a period of 12 months in the
    12     case of a volunteer fire department or a volunteer ambulance
    13     or rescue service which does not meet the minimum standards
    14     for staffing at the basic life support level of care.
    15     (n)  Temporary license.--When a new or existing advanced life
    16  support service cannot provide service 24 hours a day, 7 days a
    17  week, the [department] agency may issue a temporary license for
    18  operation of the advanced life support service when the
    19  [department] agency deems it is in the public interest to do so.
    20  The temporary license shall be valid for a period of one year
    21  and may be renewed for the same incremental period not to exceed
    22  two years.
    23     (o)  Violation.--
    24         (1)  Upon determining that a violation of this act or
    25     rules and regulations promulgated thereunder exists, the
    26     [department] agency shall issue a written notice to the
    27     ambulance service specifying the violation or violations that
    28     have been found. The notice shall require the ambulance
    29     service to take action or submit a plan of correction to the
    30     [department] agency that shall bring the ambulance service
    20050H1282B1526                 - 45 -     

     1     into compliance with applicable law or regulations within a
     2     specified period of time. The plan of correction must be
     3     submitted within 30 days of receipt of the written notice.
     4         (2)  If, after such reasonable time for compliance, the
     5     [department] agency determines that the violation persists,
     6     the [department] agency shall afford the holder of the
     7     license an opportunity for an administrative hearing to be
     8     conducted by the [department] agency pursuant to Title 2 of
     9     the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to
    10     administrative law and procedure). If, after the hearing, the
    11     [department] agency rules that the license shall be suspended
    12     or revoked, appeals may be taken as provided by law.
    13     (p)  Cessation of service.--Upon suspension or revocation of
    14  a license, the service shall cease operations and no person
    15  shall permit or cause the service to continue.
    16     (q)  Discontinuance of service.--Holders of licenses to
    17  operate a basic life support ambulance service or an advanced
    18  life support service shall not discontinue service until 90 days
    19  after the holder notifies the [department] agency, in writing,
    20  that the service is to be discontinued. Notice to the
    21  [department] agency shall include a statement that the licensee
    22  has notified the chief executive officer of each political
    23  subdivision in the licensee's ambulance service area of the
    24  intent to discontinue ambulance service and that the intent to
    25  discontinue service has been advertised in a newspaper of
    26  general circulation in the licensee's service area.
    27     (r)  License not required.--For ambulance services owned and
    28  operated by a hospital licensed under Chapter 8 of the act of
    29  July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the Health Care
    30  Facilities Act, a separate ambulance service license pursuant to
    20050H1282B1526                 - 46 -     

     1  this act shall not be required. All such ambulance services
     2  shall, nevertheless, be subject to the standards and criteria
     3  set forth in this act and the rules and regulations promulgated
     4  thereunder.
     5     (s)  VASC services.--Basic life support ambulance services
     6  that are VASC certified upon the effective date of the rules and
     7  regulations for ambulance licensure promulgated under this act
     8  shall be deemed in compliance with this act until the expiration
     9  of their current VASC certification. Prior to the expiration of
    10  VASC certification, an ambulance service shall obtain a license
    11  pursuant to the provisions of this act.
    12     (t)  Exemptions.--The following are exempted from the
    13  licensing provisions of this act:
    14         (1)  Privately owned vehicles not ordinarily used to
    15     transport patients.
    16         (2)  A vehicle rendering temporary service as an
    17     ambulance in an emergency when ambulances based in the
    18     locality of the emergency are insufficient to render services
    19     required.
    20         (3)  Services located or headquartered outside this
    21     Commonwealth which do not routinely transport patients from
    22     locations beyond the limits of this Commonwealth to locations
    23     within this Commonwealth.
    24         (4)  Ambulances and ambulance services owned and operated
    25     by an agency of the Federal Government.
    26         (5)  Invalid coaches.
    27         (6)  Rescue vehicles.
    28     Section 12.  Section 14 of the act, amended October 21, 1988
    29  (P.L.1055, No.121), October 5, 1994 (P.L.557, No.82) and July
    30  15, 2004 (P.L.709, No.78), is amended to read:
    20050H1282B1526                 - 47 -     

     1  Section 14.  Support of emergency medical services.
     2     (a)  Fine.--A $10 fine shall be levied on all traffic
     3  violations exclusive of parking offenses. These fines shall be
     4  in addition to other fines imposed at the discretion of the
     5  court.
     6     (b)  Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition fee.--A fee of
     7  $25 shall be imposed as costs upon persons admitted to programs
     8  for Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition for offenses
     9  enumerated in 75 Pa.C.S. § 3802 (relating to driving under
    10  influence of alcohol or controlled substance).
    11     (c)  Emergency Medical Services Operating Fund.--Money
    12  collected shall be paid to the court imposing the fine, or fee,
    13  which shall forward it to the State Treasurer for deposit into a
    14  special fund to be known as the Emergency Medical Services
    15  Operating Fund. Moneys in the fund shall be appropriated
    16  annually by the General Assembly.
    17     (d)  Purpose of fund.--All money from the Emergency Medical
    18  Services Operating Fund shall be disbursed by the [department]
    19  agency to eligible providers of emergency medical services, as
    20  determined by the [department] agency by regulation, to the
    21  State Advisory Council and to regional emergency medical
    22  services councils for the initiation, expansion, maintenance and
    23  improvement of emergency medical services, including ambulance
    24  and communications equipment and for training, education and
    25  ambulance licensure purposes. These funds shall not be used for
    26  any other purposes.
    27     (e)  Allocation to Catastrophic Medical and Rehabilitation
    28  Fund.--Twenty-five percent of the fund shall be allocated to a
    29  Catastrophic Medical and Rehabilitation Fund for victims of
    30  trauma. The catastrophic fund shall be available to trauma
    20050H1282B1526                 - 48 -     

     1  victims to purchase medical, rehabilitation and attendant care
     2  services when all alternative financial resources have been
     3  exhausted. The [department] agency may, by regulation,
     4  prioritize the distribution of funds by classification of
     5  traumatic injury.
     6     (f)  Audit.--The Auditor General shall review collections and
     7  expenditures made pursuant to the provisions of this section and
     8  report its findings to the General Assembly annually. This audit
     9  shall include a review of the collections and expenditures of
    10  the emergency medical services councils.
    11     Section 13.  Sections 15 and 17 of the act are amended to
    12  read:
    13  Section 15.  Prohibited acts.
    14     (a)  Making false ambulance requests.--It shall be unlawful
    15  for any person to intentionally report a medical emergency and
    16  summon an ambulance when such person does not have good cause to
    17  believe that the services of an ambulance are needed. A person
    18  violating this subsection commits a summary offense.
    19     (b)  Obstruction.--It is unlawful for any person to
    20  intentionally impede or obstruct any ambulance attendant,
    21  emergency medical technician or EMT-paramedic or health
    22  professional in the performance of official duties, provided
    23  that the ambulance attendant, emergency medical technician or
    24  EMT-paramedic displays accepted American Red Cross or
    25  [department] agency insignia or credentials. A person violating
    26  this subsection commits a summary offense.
    27     (c)  Impersonating ambulance personnel.--It is unlawful for
    28  any person who is not an ambulance attendant, emergency medical
    29  technician, EMT-paramedic or health professional to display an
    30  insignia or credentials or act in any manner that would lead
    20050H1282B1526                 - 49 -     

     1  reasonable persons to conclude that the person is an ambulance
     2  attendant, emergency medical technician, EMT-paramedic or health
     3  professional. A person violating this subsection commits a
     4  summary offense.
     5     (d)  Misrepresentation of license.--It shall be unlawful for
     6  any person who does not possess a valid ambulance service
     7  license issued by the [department] agency to advertise, display
     8  vehicle markings or exhibit any other means that would lead a
     9  reasonable person to conclude that such service holds such
    10  license, is a licensed service or provides a level of emergency
    11  care beyond the level of care actually provided. A person
    12  violating this subsection commits a summary offense.
    13  Section 17.  Allocations.
    14     Of all funds available to the [department] agency for the
    15  initiation, expansion, maintenance, evaluation and improvement
    16  of emergency medical services systems, at least 75% shall be
    17  allocated for the direct support of emergency medical services
    18  systems, with at least 10% of these funds to be allocated to
    19  provide additional financial assistance for those emergency
    20  medical services systems serving rural areas.
    21     Section 14.  Section 17.1 of the act, added October 5, 1994
    22  (P.L.557, No.82), is amended to read:
    23  Section 17.1.  Rules and regulations.
    24     The [Department of Health] Pennsylvania Emergency Medical
    25  Services Agency, in consultation with the State Advisory
    26  Council, may promulgate rules and regulations as may be
    27  necessary to carry out the provisions of this act.
    28     Section 15.  All allocations, appropriations, equipment,
    29  files, records and other material that are used, employed or
    30  expended by the Department of Health, in connection with its
    20050H1282B1526                 - 50 -     

     1  powers, duties and functions under the act, are hereby
     2  transferred to the Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services
     3  Agency. Any personnel employed by the Department of Health in
     4  connection with its powers, duties or functions under the act
     5  may be transferred to the Pennsylvania Emergency Medical
     6  Services Agency.
     7     Section 16.  The regulations of the Department of Health for
     8  the administration of the powers, duties and functions under
     9  this act shall remain in effect until such time as new
    10  regulations are promulgated by the Pennsylvania Emergency
    11  Medical Services Agency.
    12     Section 17.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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