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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1512



No. 1309 Session of 1989

           APRIL 25, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 14, 1961 (P.L.324, No.188), entitled
     2     "An act relating to the establishment, operation and
     3     maintenance of the State Library and public libraries in the
     4     Commonwealth; amending, revising, consolidating and changing
     5     the laws relating thereto; imposing duties upon public
     6     officers; providing for State and local cooperation and
     7     assistance in the establishment and maintenance of libraries;
     8     prescribing penalties; and repealing existing laws," further
     9     regulating equalization aid to libraries.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Section 303(b)(6) of the act of June 14, 1961
    13  (P.L.324, No.188), known as The Library Code, amended July 10,
    14  1985 (P.L.195, No.50), is amended to read:
    15     Section 303.  State-aid.--* * *
    16     (b)  Subject to the limitations in subsection (a), State-aid
    17  shall be paid when a library achieves the applicable standards
    18  determined by counselling with the State Librarian pursuant to
    19  the advice and recommendations of the Advisory Council on
    20  Library Development, or submits plans as set forth in section
    21  304 of this act leading to the achievement of such standards,

     1  and makes a minimum financial effort as follows, except that no
     2  library receiving State-aid prior to and at time of the approval
     3  of this act shall receive less State-aid as a result of the
     4  provisions hereof notwithstanding that such library has not
     5  accepted the provisions of this act:
     6     * * *
     7     (6)  Equalization Aid.  Beginning in the 1985-1986 fiscal
     8  year, in each year that the Commonwealth's total annual
     9  appropriation for the system of State-aid established by section
    10  301 equals or exceeds seventeen million five hundred thousand
    11  dollars ($17,500,000), two and three-quarters percent (2.75%) of
    12  said appropriation shall first be allocated as equalization aid.
    13     Any local library or library system which achieves or exceeds
    14  applicable basic standards, maintains or exceeds its financial
    15  effort of the preceding year and is supported by a municipality
    16  that is economically distressed by any one or more of the
    17  following criteria shall qualify for equalization aid. For
    18  purposes of determining eligibility for equalization aid, an
    19  economically distressed municipality shall be: (i) a city,
    20  borough, town or township having a market value per capita below
    21  the fifth percentile of all such cities, boroughs, towns and
    22  townships, as certified annually by the State Tax Equalization
    23  Board; (ii) located in a county having a personal income per
    24  capita below the fifteenth percentile of all counties, as
    25  certified annually by the Department of Revenue; or (iii)
    26  located in a county having an annual average unemployment rate
    27  above the seventieth percentile of all counties, as determined
    28  annually by the Department of Labor and Industry. Population
    29  data to be used for determining market value per capita and
    30  personal income per capita, as provided for in this clause,
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     1  shall be the latest available data from the Federal Bureau of
     2  Census for the direct service area of the local library or
     3  library system.
     4     In the case of a library or library system that is supported
     5  by an economically distressed municipality but that fails to
     6  maintain or exceed its financial effort of the preceding year,
     7  the library may still qualify for equalization aid if the State
     8  Librarian accepts evidence that the library or municipality did
     9  not attempt to substitute State funds for local effort.
    10     Beginning in the 1985-1986 fiscal year, twenty percent (20%)
    11  of the annual allocation for equalization aid shall first be
    12  distributed in equal amounts to all local libraries and members
    13  of library systems which qualify for such aid, as determined in
    14  accordance with the provisions of this clause. The remainder of
    15  the annual allocation shall be distributed on a per capita basis
    16  to each local library and library system which qualifies for
    17  such aid, as determined in accordance with the provisions of
    18  this clause, by dividing the number of persons residing in the
    19  direct service area of each such local library or library system
    20  by the total number of such persons residing in the direct
    21  service areas of all qualifying local libraries or library
    22  systems, and multiplying the result by the amount of the
    23  allocation to be distributed on a per capita basis.
    24     No local library or library system shall, as a result of the
    25  provisions of this clause, receive in any year more than one-
    26  third of the total annual appropriation for equalization aid.
    27  During the 1985-1986 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter
    28  that the Commonwealth's total annual appropriation for the
    29  system of State-aid established by section 301 exceeds seventeen
    30  million five hundred thousand dollars ($17,500,000), no local
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     1  library or library system shall receive less equalization aid as
     2  a result of the provisions of this clause than such local
     3  library or library system received for equalization aid during
     4  the 1984-1985 fiscal year.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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