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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1621



No. 1316 Session of 2007

           CALTAGIRONE, MAY 18, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," further providing, in sales and use tax, for
    11     exclusions from tax.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Section 204 of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6,
    15  No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, is amended by
    16  adding a clause to read:
    17     Section 204.  Exclusions from Tax.--The tax imposed by
    18  section 202 shall not be imposed upon any of the following:
    19     * * *
    20     (67)  The sale at retail or use of an eligible measure by an

     1  individual purchaser for nonbusiness use of a solar energy
     2  system or any of the products for which a building energy
     3  efficiency measure is enumerated in this clause, provided that
     4  the product has been certified as in compliance with and
     5  qualifies as an Energy Star product pursuant to the
     6  Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy,
     7  Energy Star Program and bears the Energy Star label. The
     8  exclusion of this clause does not include the leasing, rental,
     9  repair or servicing of such system or product. For the purposes
    10  of this clause, "solar energy system" means the equipment and
    11  requisite hardware that provide and are used for collecting,
    12  transferring, converting, storing or using incidental solar
    13  energy for water heating, space heating and cooling, generating
    14  electricity or other applications that would otherwise require
    15  the use of a conventional source of energy such as coal,
    16  petroleum products, natural gas, manufactured gas or
    17  electricity. Eligible solar water heating equipment must be
    18  certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation and
    19  solar photovoltaic systems must bear a certification by the
    20  Florida Solar Energy Center. For the purposes of this clause,
    21  "building energy efficiency measure" includes all of the
    22  following products:
    23     (i)  "window or skylight" being an entire glazed unit
    24  designed for installation in an external wall of a residential
    25  building to allow for views and natural daylighting and that is
    26  Energy Star rated, regardless of whether it is fixed or
    27  operable;
    28     (ii)  "door" being a residential entry or patio door system,
    29  including the door leaf and frame, where applicable, and that is
    30  Energy Star rated;
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     1     (iii)  "programmable clock thermostat" being a device that
     2  enables the user to set one or more time periods each day when a
     3  comfort setpoint temperature is maintained, one or more time
     4  periods each day when an energy-saving setpoint temperature is
     5  maintained and that may be capable of controlling one or more
     6  zones of a conditioned space;
     7     (iv)  "insulation" being a material or substance whose
     8  primary purpose is for insulating, including floor, ceiling,
     9  wall or duct insulation used to retrofit an existing residential
    10  building;
    11     (v)  "reflective white roof coating" being a white, acrylic
    12  elastometric roof coating applied to the roof of a residential
    13  building and used to deflect solar radiation and aiding in
    14  reducing indoor air temperature;
    15     (vi)  "air-source heat pump" being an air-source unitary heat
    16  pump model consisting of one or more factory-made assemblies
    17  which include an indoor conditioning coil, compressor and
    18  outdoor coil, including a means to provide a heating function,
    19  that provides the function of air heating with controlled
    20  temperature, that may include the functions of air cooling, air
    21  circulation, air cleaning, dehumidifying or humidifying, that
    22  may be a single packaged system, where there is only one
    23  assembly, or a split system, where there are two and that at a
    24  minimum contains an Energy Star rating of: Heating Seasonal
    25  Performance Factor (HSPF) 7.6, Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER)
    26  10.5, and a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) 12 or higher
    27  and for a split system, may be rated at a Heating Seasonal
    28  Performance Factor (HSPF) 8;
    29     (vii)  "geo-thermal heat pump" being equipment that uses the
    30  thermal energy of the ground or groundwater as the heat source
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     1  and heat sink for residential space heating or cooling, or both,
     2  that may provide both space heating and cooling, cooling only or
     3  heating only functions, that consists of one or more factory-
     4  made assemblies that normally include an indoor conditioning
     5  coil with air moving means, compressor and refrigerant to fluid
     6  a heat exchanger, that provides a partial or all of the domestic
     7  water heating through the use of a desuperheater, integrated
     8  demand water heater or a separately installed compressor that
     9  provides demand water heating, that includes all the equipment
    10  and connections from the point at which the ground heat
    11  exchanger enters the house, except for indoor equipment that was
    12  installed by someone not representing the manufacturer or
    13  manufacturer's representative, such as the ground heat exchanger
    14  installer and that must, at a minimum, contain an Energy Star
    15  rating of: Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) 14.1, Coefficient of
    16  Performance (COP) 3.3 for Closed Loop Systems, Energy Efficiency
    17  Ratio (EER) 16.2 Coefficient of Performance (COP) 3.6 for Open
    18  Loop Systems and Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) 15 Coefficient of
    19  Performance (COP) 3.5 for Direct Expansion Systems;
    20     (viii)  "boiler" being a self-contained fuel burning
    21  appliance of less than 300,000 BTUs per hour energy input, for
    22  supplying low pressure steam or hot water for space heating
    23  applications, that provides hot water for domestic use and that
    24  has an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency factor (AFUE) of 85 or
    25  higher;
    26     (ix)  "furnace" a heating unit whose function is the
    27  combustion of fossil fuel for space heating with forced hot air,
    28  that includes a burner, heat exchanger, blower and connection to
    29  a heating duct, that provides hot water for domestic use and
    30  that, at a minimum, contains an Annual Fuel Utilization
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     1  Efficiency (AFUE) 90 or higher.
     2  This clause shall apply to the fiscal year beginning July 1,
     3  2006, and each fiscal year thereafter until the expiration of
     4  this clause. This clause shall expire on June 30, 2009, unless
     5  otherwise extended by an act of the General Assembly. The
     6  Department of Revenue in conjunction with the Department of
     7  Environmental Protection shall offer a review by December 31,
     8  2008, of this clause showing the fiscal impact and offering an
     9  evaluation of the program to the General Assembly.
    10     Section 2.  The Department of Revenue shall promulgate
    11  regulations it deems necessary to implement the provisions of
    12  this act and shall cooperate with the Department of
    13  Environmental Protection in ensuring adherence to any energy and
    14  environmental standards or criteria associated with this act.
    15     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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