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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1627



No. 1319 Session of 2003



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 23, 1967 (P.L.251, No.102), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act providing for the incorporation as public
     3     instrumentalities of the Commonwealth and as bodies corporate
     4     and politic of industrial and commercial development
     5     authorities for municipalities, counties and townships;
     6     prescribing the rights, powers and duties of such authorities
     7     hereafter incorporated; authorizing such authorities to
     8     acquire, by gift or purchase, to construct, improve and
     9     maintain industrial, specialized, or commercial development
    10     projects including projects for the elimination or prevention
    11     of blight and the control of air and water pollution, and to
    12     borrow money and issue bonds therefor; providing for the
    13     payment of such bonds and giving security therefor, and
    14     prescribing the rights of the holders of such bonds;
    15     authorizing the lease or sale of industrial, specialized, or
    16     commercial development projects to industrial, specialized,
    17     or commercial enterprises; authorizing any county,
    18     municipality or township to transfer or convey to such
    19     authorities, any facilities or property available for
    20     industrial, specialized, or commercial development projects;
    21     exempting the property and securities of such authorities
    22     from taxation; authorizing such authorities to enter into
    23     contracts with and to accept grants from the Federal
    24     Government or any agency thereof; and providing for approval
    25     by the Secretary of Commerce of the proceedings relating to
    26     industrial, specialized, or commercial development projects
    27     of such authorities," further providing for definitions, for
    28     financing authority indebtedness and financing and for
    29     prohibitions; establishing the Commonwealth Tax Increment
    30     Financing Loan Guarantee Program and the Pennsylvania
    31     Opportunity Fund Oversight Committee; providing for
    32     reporting; making an appropriation; and making editorial
    33     changes.

     1     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     2  hereby enacts as follows:
     3     Section 1.  The definitions of "department" and "secretary"
     4  in section 3 of the act of August 23, 1967 (P.L.251, No.102),
     5  known as the Economic Development Financing Law, amended
     6  December 17, 1993 (P.L.490, No.74), are amended and the section
     7  is amended by adding a definition to read:
     8     Section 3.  Definitions.--As used in this act:
     9     * * *
    10     "Department" means the Department of [Commerce] Community and
    11  Economic Development of the Commonwealth.
    12     * * *
    13     "Oversight committee" means the Pennsylvania Opportunity Fund
    14  Oversight Committee established in section 15.4.
    15     * * *
    16     "Secretary" means the Secretary of [Commerce] Community and
    17  Economic Development of the Commonwealth.
    18     * * *
    19     Section 2.  Sections 6.3(a), 6.4 and 15.2 of the act, amended
    20  or added December 17, 1993 (P.L.490, No.74), are amended to
    21  read:
    22     Section 6.3.  Financing Authority Indebtedness.--(a)  The
    23  financing authority shall have the power and is hereby
    24  authorized to issue its limited obligation revenue bonds and
    25  other types of financing as in the judgment of the financing
    26  authority shall be necessary to provide sufficient funds for any
    27  related or unrelated projects: (i) provided that the issuance by
    28  the financing authority of taxable or tax-exempt bonds on behalf
    29  of projects comprising industrial facilities, commercial
    30  facilities, pollution control facilities, energy conversion
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     1  facilities, energy producing facilities and disaster relief
     2  project facilities, other than projects to be funded by the
     3  oversight committee, shall have been authorized by an industrial
     4  and commercial development authority or a group of industrial
     5  and commercial development authorities or by an industrial
     6  development agency or a group of industrial and development
     7  agencies; (ii) further provided that the financing authority may
     8  issue taxable or tax-exempt bonds on behalf of interagency
     9  projects other than projects to be funded by the oversight
    10  committee only if the applicant has first applied to the
    11  Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority for financing
    12  under the provisions of the act of March 1, 1988 (P.L.82,
    13  No.16), known as the "Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment
    14  Authority Act," and the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment
    15  Authority in writing refers the applicant to the financing
    16  authority to finance all or part of the interagency project in
    17  accordance with this act; and (iii) further provided that the
    18  issuance by the financing authority of taxable or tax-exempt
    19  bonds for a public facility other than projects to be funded by
    20  the oversight committee, interagency projects and projects for
    21  roads and transportation facilities and transportation systems
    22  of every kind shall have been authorized by a municipality,
    23  municipal authority or Commonwealth agency and only if both the
    24  applicant and the financing authority have determined that the
    25  cost of obtaining the financing for the public facility will be
    26  reduced through the issuance of bonds through the financing
    27  authority. For purposes of the determination required in this
    28  subsection, any financing for a public facility that the
    29  financing authority reasonably believes could have received a
    30  rating of "A" or better from either Moody's Investors Service or
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     1  Standard & Poor's Corporation shall be presumed not to be
     2  eligible for financing by the financing authority. The financing
     3  authority is authorized and empowered to use the proceeds of any
     4  bonds issued for the making of loans, purchasing loans,
     5  mortgages, security interests or loan participations and paying
     6  all incidental expenses in connection therewith, paying expenses
     7  of authorizing and issuing the bonds, paying interest on the
     8  bonds until revenues thereof are available in sufficient amounts
     9  and funding the reserves as the financing authority deems
    10  necessary and desirable.
    11     * * *
    12     Section 6.4.  Financing Authority Loans.--(a)  The financing
    13  authority shall ascertain to its satisfaction that:
    14     (1)  Firm commitments satisfactory to the financing authority
    15  have been obtained from responsible financial sources, which may
    16  include a Federal agency, project applicant or the project user,
    17  for the portion of project costs in excess of any loan or other
    18  financing requested from the financing authority.
    19     (2)  [A] Except for projects to be funded by the oversight
    20  committee, a firm commitment satisfactory to the financing
    21  authority from the project applicant or project user has been
    22  obtained to lease or use the project after acquisition is
    23  completed.
    24     (3)  [The] Except for projects to be funded by the oversight
    25  committee, the project user may reasonably be expected to comply
    26  with the terms of such lease or use.
    27     (4)  [The] Except for projects to be funded by the oversight
    28  committee, the project complies with all rules and regulations
    29  of the financing authority, if any.
    30     (b)  In addition to other provisions of this section limiting
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     1  the power of the financing authority to make loans or provide
     2  other financing in respect to a particular project, no funds of
     3  the financing authority shall be used in respect of any project
     4  if the financing authority would be required to operate, service
     5  or maintain the project pursuant to any lease or other agreement
     6  except upon foreclosure or except upon the occurrence of a
     7  default in the payment or terms of any loan made. Nothing shall
     8  prevent the financing authority from transferring such property
     9  to the project applicant, project user or either of their
    10  designees at the end of the term of such financing.
    11     Section 15.2.  Prohibition.--(a)  Except as provided herein,
    12  no Commonwealth agency under the control of the executive branch
    13  shall be a project applicant under this act[. Operating expenses
    14  of any Commonwealth agency under the control of the executive
    15  branch are not an eligible project cost.] except that the
    16  department may be a project applicant for a project funded by
    17  the oversight committee.
    18     (b)  The Department of Public Welfare may be a project
    19  applicant to provide for the conversion of medical assistance
    20  services from a fee-for-service basis to a prepaid managed-care
    21  basis subject to prior approval of this conversion mechanism by
    22  the Health Care Financing Agency of the Federal Department of
    23  Health and Human Services and prior notice of project details
    24  and Federal approval to the chairman and minority chairman of
    25  the Senate Appropriations Committee and the chairman and
    26  minority chairman of the House Appropriations Committee. Maximum
    27  term of the bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness
    28  issued for this project shall be five years.
    29     Section 3.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    30     Section 15.3.  Commonwealth Tax Increment Financing Loan
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     1  Guarantee Program.--The Commonwealth Tax Increment Financing
     2  Loan Guarantee Program shall provide loan guarantees to issuers
     3  of bonds or other indebtedness for tax increment financing in
     4  accordance with the act of July 11, 1990 (P.L.465, No.113),
     5  known as the "Tax Increment Financing Act."
     6     (1)  The oversight committee may establish a loan guarantee
     7  procedure for the purpose of this program.
     8     (2)  The oversight committee may commit up to one hundred
     9  million dollars ($100,000,000) in first round funds to the loan
    10  guarantee procedure for this program.
    11     (3)  Before any project is approved under this clause, the
    12  oversight committee shall develop written guidelines.
    13     Section 15.4.  Oversight Committee.--(a)  There is
    14  established in the financing board the Pennsylvania Opportunity
    15  Fund Oversight Committee. The oversight committee shall consist
    16  of the following:
    17     (1)  The Governor.
    18     (2)  The State Treasurer.
    19     (3)  The Secretary of the Budget.
    20     (4)  The secretary.
    21     (5)  The Secretary of Banking.
    22     (6)  Four members of the General Assembly appointed as
    23  follows:
    24     (i)  One member appointed by the President pro tempore of the
    25  Senate.
    26     (ii)  One member appointed by the Minority Leader of the
    27  Senate.
    28     (iii)  One member appointed by the Speaker of the House of
    29  Representatives.
    30     (iv)  One member appointed by the Minority Leader of the
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     1  House of Representatives.
     2     (7)  Four members appointed by the Governor.
     3     (b)  Terms of members shall be as follows:
     4     (1)  A member under subsection (a)(6) shall serve at the
     5  pleasure of the appointing authority.
     6     (2)  Two members under subsection (a)(7) shall serve terms of
     7  four years from appointment and until a successor is appointed,
     8  and two members under subsection (a) shall serve terms of two
     9  years from appointment and until a successor is appointed.
    10     (c)  Members of the oversight committee shall serve without
    11  compensation but shall be reimbursed for actual and reasonable
    12  expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.
    13     (d)  The Governor shall serve as chairperson of the oversight
    14  committee, or the Governor may designate another member to serve
    15  as chairperson. The members of the oversight committee shall
    16  select one member to serve as secretary.
    17     (e)  A designee designated by a member under subsection (a)
    18  (1) through (6) may vote and otherwise act on behalf of the
    19  member. The designation must be in writing and be delivered to
    20  the oversight committee. The designation shall continue in
    21  effect until revoked or amended in writing.
    22     (f)  A majority of the members of the oversight committee
    23  then serving shall constitute a quorum of the oversight
    24  committee. Only a member or a designee who is physically present
    25  at a meeting or able to participate fully in the deliberations
    26  by appropriate telecommunications means shall count toward a
    27  quorum of the oversight committee.
    28     Section 15.5.  Powers and Duties of Oversight Committee.--(a)
    29  The oversight committee shall have the powers and duties
    30  delegated to it by the financing authority. In addition, the
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     1  oversight committee shall have the following powers and duties:
     2     (1)  To authorize and direct the issuance of bonds by the
     3  financing authority, which, upon authorization by the oversight
     4  committee, shall be deemed for all purposes to have been issued
     5  by resolution of the financing authority.
     6     (2)  To control and manage, invest and reinvest money
     7  received from bond financing, from repayments and redeposits or
     8  from any other source derived and dedicated for use in programs
     9  financed by the oversight committee and for all expenses
    10  associated with the program. Funds may be deposited by the
    11  oversight committee in banks or trust companies in special
    12  accounts for use by the oversight committee as set forth in this
    13  clause, including the use of interest earned on the accounts.
    14  Money in the accounts shall be paid out on order of the
    15  oversight committee. Funds deposited by the oversight committee
    16  in special accounts in banks or trust companies may be prudently
    17  invested in any of the following:
    18     (i)  Obligations of the United States Government, its
    19  agencies and instrumentalities, which have a liquid market with
    20  a readily determinable market value.
    21     (ii)  Certificates of deposit and other evidences of deposit
    22  at financial institutions, bankers' acceptances and commercial
    23  paper rated in the highest tier, for example, A1, P1, F1 or D1
    24  or higher, by a nationally recognized rating agency.
    25     (iii)  Obligations of State and local governments, and of
    26  public authorities which are rated in one of the top three
    27  rating categories by a nationally recognized rating agency.
    28     (iv)  Repurchase agreements underlying purchased securities
    29  of which consist of investments set forth in clause (1), (2) or
    30  (3).
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     1     (v)  Money market funds:
     2     (A)  which are regulated by the Securities Exchange
     3  Commission having aggregate assets of at least fifty thousand
     4  dollars ($50,000) on the date of investment; and
     5     (B)  the portfolio of which consists only of dollar-
     6  denominated securities.
     7     (3)  To hold, purchase, sell, lend, assign, transfer or
     8  dispose of any category of securities and investments, in which
     9  money dedicated for use in programs financed by the oversight
    10  committee has been invested, and the proceeds of such
    11  investments.
    12     (4)  To make equity capital available to early to mid-stage
    13  companies located within this Commonwealth that operate within
    14  targeted growth segments of the economy and to provide for the
    15  repayment of such capital.
    16     (5)  To make loans and other capital available to private
    17  developers, redevelopers or other real estate development
    18  entities engaged in real estate projects for redevelopment or
    19  revitalization of real estate located within this Commonwealth
    20  and to provide for the repayment of such loans and investments.
    21     (6)  To make loans and grants to assist in the acquisition
    22  and preparation of sites for future development. Loans and
    23  grants may be made by providing funds to the department to
    24  administer on behalf of the oversight committee.
    25     (7)  To use funds to guarantee tax increment financing
    26  projects.
    27     (8)  To make loans or to guarantee loans to promote
    28  agriculture and tourism in this Commonwealth.
    29     (b)  Actions taken by the oversight committee shall not be
    30  subject to review by the financing board.
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     1     (c)  In the exercise of its powers and duties, the oversight
     2  committee shall exercise that degree of judgment, skill and care
     3  under the circumstances then prevailing that persons of
     4  prudence, discretion and intelligence, that are familiar with
     5  investment matters, exercise in the management of their own
     6  affairs, not in regard to speculation but in regard to permanent
     7  disposition of the funds, considering the probable income to be
     8  derived from the investments and the probable safety of their
     9  capital.
    10     (d)  The members of the oversight committee and their
    11  professional personnel shall stand in a fiduciary relationship
    12  to the Commonwealth and its citizens regarding the investments
    13  of the money of the fund and shall not profit, either directly
    14  or indirectly, with respect thereto.
    15     Section 15.6.  Annual Report.--By November 30, 2004, and
    16  annually thereafter, the oversight committee shall submit a
    17  report to the Governor and to the chair and minority chair of
    18  the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the chair and
    19  minority chair of the Appropriations Committee of the House of
    20  Representatives. The report shall provide an analysis of the
    21  status of the current investments and transactions made by the
    22  oversight committee or the department over the previous fiscal
    23  year for the program.
    24     Section 15.7.  Reporting of Tax Increment Financing
    25  Projects.--The department is authorized to gather information
    26  relating to the issuance of tax increment financing bonds within
    27  this Commonwealth for projects that are in existence at the time
    28  of the effective date of this section and for projects that come
    29  into existence thereafter. Issuers of tax increment financing
    30  bonds are directed to provide information to the department upon
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     1  request. The department is authorized to take whatever steps are
     2  necessary to obtain the information. The department shall
     3  provide the information it has collected to the oversight
     4  committee for inclusion in the annual report under section 15.6.
     5     Section 4.  The sum of $12,000,000, or as much thereof as may
     6  be necessary, is hereby appropriated to the Pennsylvania
     7  Economic Development Financing Authority and allocated to the
     8  Pennsylvania Opportunity Fund Oversight Committee for the fiscal
     9  year July 1, 2003, to June 30, 2004, to carry out the provisions
    10  of this act and any other act which confers financing authority
    11  upon the committee.
    12     Section 5.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2003, or
    13  immediately, whichever is later.

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