See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1540



No. 1332 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating the fiduciary affairs of local government employee
     2     retirement systems by providing for persons defined to be
     3     fiduciaries, fiduciary activities subject to regulation,
     4     general standards of fiduciary conduct, specific,
     5     supplemental fiduciary standards, liability for fiduciary
     6     breaches including breaches by other fiduciaries, delegation
     7     and allocation of fiduciary activities, fiduciary insurance
     8     and bonding; providing for penalties; and making repeals.

     9                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
    10  Chapter 1.  General Provisions
    11  Section 101.  Short title.
    12  Section 102.  Findings of fact.
    13  Section 103.  Declaration of purpose.
    14  Section 104.  Definitions.
    15  Chapter 2.  Substantive Provisions
    16  Subchapter A.  Designation of Affected Fiduciaries and
    17                 Activities
    18  Section 201.  Fiduciary positions and functions.
    19  Section 202.  Engaging in fiduciary activity.

     1  Section 203.  Named fiduciaries.
     2  Section 204.  Persons excluded from definition of fiduciary.
     3  Section 205.  Persons prohibited from being fiduciaries.
     4  Subchapter B.  General Standards of Fiduciary Conduct
     5  Section 211.  To whom fiduciary duty is owed.
     6  Section 212.  Fiduciary standards.
     7  Section 213.  Sole interest and exclusive purpose.
     8  Section 214.  Expert and nonexpert fiduciaries.
     9  Subchapter C.  Specific, Supplemental Standards of Fiduciary
    10                 Conduct
    11  Section 221.  Retirement system trust.
    12  Section 222.  Title to retirement system assets.
    13  Section 223.  Diversifying investments.
    14  Section 224.  Prohibited transactions by retirement systems.
    15  Section 225.  Prohibited activities by fiduciary.
    16  Section 226.  Certain transactions and activities permitted.
    17  Section 227.  Certain interfund transactions.
    18  Section 228.  Statement of financial interest.
    19  Section 229.  Prohibitions in procuring bonds and insurance.
    20  Subchapter D.  Nonexpert Fiduciaries Investments
    21  Section 231.  Authorized investments by nonexpert fiduciaries
    22                 in general.
    23  Section 232.  Liquidity.
    24  Section 233.  United States Government obligations.
    25  Section 234.  Other government obligations.
    26  Section 235.  Corporate obligations.
    27  Section 236.  Certificates of deposit.
    28  Section 237.  Savings accounts.
    29  Section 238.  Insurance products.
    30  Section 239.  Shares of an investment company.
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     1  Subchapter E.  Delegation and Allocation of Fiduciary
     2                 Activities
     3  Section 241.  Cofiduciary responsibility in general.
     4  Section 242.  Liability for breach of fiduciary duty by
     5                 another fiduciary.
     6  Section 243.  Limitation on responsibility and liability for
     7                 fiduciary breach of another fiduciary.
     8  Section 244.  Allocation of fiduciary activities.
     9  Section 245.  Delegation of fiduciary activities.
    10  Subchapter F.  Fiduciary Bonding and Fiduciary Insurance
    11  Section 251.  General prohibition of indemnification.
    12  Section 252.  Indemnified fiduciaries.
    13  Section 253.  Required indemnification.
    14  Section 254.  Bonding and alternative security arrangements.
    15  Section 255.  Insurance.
    16  Subchapter G.  Special Asset Rules
    17  Section 261.  Investment company security.
    18  Section 262.  Insurance contract or policy.
    19  Section 263.  Indirect investment in local government
    20                 securities.
    21  Section 264.  Investments that become unauthorized.
    22  Chapter 3.  Administrative Provisions
    23  Section 301.  Open meetings.
    24  Section 302.  Inspection and copying of records.
    25  Section 303.  Plan document.
    26  Section 304.  Contracting for investment advice permitted.
    27  Section 305.  Contracting for investment management permitted.
    28  Section 306.  Contracting for retirement system administration
    29                 permitted.
    30  Section 307.  Disclosure of business placed or commissions
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     1                 allocated.
     2  Section 308.  Administrative remedies.
     3  Chapter 4.  Penalties
     4  Section 401.  Compensatory damages.
     5  Section 402.  Other equitable or remedial relief.
     6  Section 403.  Criminal penalties.
     7  Section 404.  No limitation on other penalties.
     8  Chapter 5.  Savings Clause; Repeals; Effective Date
     9  Section 501.  Savings clause.
    10  Section 502.  Repeals.
    11  Section 503.  Effective date.
    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14                             CHAPTER 1
    15                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    16  Section 101.  Short title.
    17     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Local
    18  Government Employee Retirement System Fiduciary Act.
    19  Section 102.  Findings of fact.
    20     The various statutory provisions that govern the wide variety
    21  of local government employee retirement systems in Pennsylvania
    22  do not adequately provide for fiduciary responsibility and
    23  fiduciary liability.
    24  Section 103.  Declaration of purpose.
    25     (a)  Policy.--To protect the interest of members and
    26  beneficiaries in local government employee retirement systems
    27  and the interests of the Commonwealth and local governments and
    28  the general public in the operation of these retirement systems
    29  and to minimize the possible adverse impact of the operations of
    30  these retirement systems on government revenues and
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     1  expenditures, it is hereby declared to be a public policy of
     2  this Commonwealth that the assets of a local government employee
     3  retirement system are pension trust funds and shall be held for
     4  the exclusive purposes of providing benefits to members in the
     5  retirement system and their beneficiaries and defraying
     6  reasonable expenses of administering the retirement system.
     7     (b)  Legislative intent.--It is the intent of the General
     8  Assembly to:
     9         (1)  provide a statute comprehensively regulating the
    10     fiduciary affairs of all local government employee retirement
    11     systems;
    12         (2)  encourage valuable service on management boards and
    13     advisory committees by qualified individuals who receive no
    14     compensation or minimum compensation for their services;
    15         (3)  enable retirement systems to obtain the best
    16     possible investment, management and other professional
    17     expertise; and
    18         (4)  enable retirement systems to obtain bonds and
    19     fiduciary insurance at reasonable costs.
    20  Section 104.  Definitions.
    21     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    22  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    23  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    24     "Active member."  A local government employee or officer, or
    25  a local government employee on leave without pay:
    26         (1)  for whom at any time during the retirement system
    27     year benefits are accrued under the pension plan on the
    28     individual's behalf;
    29         (2)  for whom contributions are being made to a
    30     retirement system;
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     1         (3)  for whom the local government is obligated to
     2     contribute to the retirement system or under the pension plan
     3     on the individual's behalf; or
     4         (4)  whom the local government would have been obligated
     5     to contribute to the retirement system or under the pension
     6     plan on the individual's behalf if any contributions were
     7     made to the retirement system or under the pension plan.
     8     "Adequate consideration."
     9         (1)  In the case of a security for which there is
    10     generally recognized market, either:
    11             (i)  the price of the security prevailing on a
    12         national securities exchange that is registered under
    13         section 6 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (48
    14         Stat. 881, 15 U.S.C. § 78f); or
    15             (ii)  if the security is not traded on a national
    16         securities exchange that is registered under section 6 of
    17         the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, a price not less
    18         favorable to the retirement system that the offering
    19         price for the security as established by the current bid
    20         and asked prices quoted by persons independent of the
    21         issuer and of any party in interest.
    22         (2)  In the case of an asset other than a security for
    23     which there is a generally recognized market, the fair market
    24     value of the asset as determined in good faith by the
    25     managing board or named fiduciary under the terms of the
    26     pension plan.
    27     "Assets."  Probable future economic benefits obtained or
    28  controlled by a particular entity, such as a retirement system
    29  or a local government, as a result of past transactions or
    30  events. The term includes, but is not limited to, current assets
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     1  such as cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments,
     2  receivables, inventories and prepaid expenses; investment and
     3  funds such as long-term investments in securities, advances to
     4  other funds, long-term savings deposits, cash surrender value of
     5  life insurance policies, and long-term investments in tangible
     6  assets that are not used in current operations; tangible
     7  operational assets such as land, buildings, improvements other
     8  than buildings, machinery and equipment, and construction work
     9  in progress; intangible operational assets such as patents,
    10  copyrights, franchises and trademarks; other assets such as
    11  long-term receivables from employees and idle operational
    12  assets; and deferred charges such as machinery rearrangement
    13  costs, deferred income taxes, pension costs paid in advance,
    14  long-term prepaid insurance and prepaid leasehold costs.
    15     "Bank."  A bank, banking and trust company, savings bank,
    16  trust company or private bank, as defined in the act of November
    17  30, 1965 (P.L.847, No.356), known as the Banking Code of 1965,
    18  or any savings and loan association, as defined in the act of
    19  December 14, 1967 (P.L.746, No.345), known as the Savings
    20  Association Code of 1967, or any successor statutes to these
    21  statutes, or any banking institution, trust company or savings
    22  and loan association organized under the laws of the United
    23  States or of any state, or a receiver, conservator or other
    24  liquidating agent of any of the foregoing.
    25     "Beneficiary."  A person designated by a member, or by the
    26  terms of a pension plan, who is or may become entitled to a
    27  benefit under the pension plan, or the estate or person who, as
    28  the result of the death of a member, qualifies for or is
    29  receiving some right or benefit under a pension plan.
    30     "Business entity."  An association, business trust,
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     1  corporation, group or two or more persons having a joint or
     2  common interest, partnership, trust or other legal or commercial
     3  enterprise.
     4     "Chief administrative officer."  The individual who has the
     5  primary responsibility for the execution of the administrative
     6  or management affairs of a local government in the case of a
     7  local government, or of the retirement system in the case of a
     8  retirement system, or the designee of that person.
     9     "Discretionary activity."  A retirement system activity not
    10  required by law or pension plan or undertaken without the
    11  direction of a person in a superior position or of a superior
    12  rank or, if required or directed, the time, manner or extent of
    13  execution of which is left to the person's prudence and
    14  judgment.
    15     "Employee organization."  An organization of any kind, or any
    16  agency or employee representation committee or plan in which
    17  membership includes public employees, and that exists for the
    18  purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with employers
    19  concerning grievances, employee-employer disputes, wages, rates
    20  of pay, hours of employment, or conditions of work; that has
    21  been certified as an exclusive bargaining representative of a
    22  bargaining unit of public employees under the act of June 24,
    23  1968 (P.L.237, No.111), referred to as the Policemen and Firemen
    24  Collective Bargaining Act, or the act of July 23, 1970 (P.L.563,
    25  No.195), known as the Public Employe Relations Act, or both; and
    26  that does not practice discrimination in membership because of
    27  race, color, creed, national origin, political affiliation or
    28  sex.
    29     "Exercise of discretion."  Acting or failing to act in
    30  accordance with the dictates of the person's own judgment or
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     1  conscience uncontrolled by the judgment or conscience of another
     2  person in a superior position.
     3     "Fiduciary."  A person described in Subchapter A of Chapter
     4  2.
     5     "Function."  When used in connection with a fiduciary, any
     6  duty, obligation, power, authority, responsibility, right,
     7  privilege, activity or program.
     8     "General-scope fiduciary activity."  A retirement system
     9  activity that reflects broad or original policymaking powers and
    10  duties and that requires broad exercise of discretion by a
    11  fiduciary.
    12     "Governing body."  The body or board of a local government
    13  designated to exercise the chief policymaking or legislative
    14  powers of the local government.
    15     "Inactive member."  A local government employee or officer,
    16  or former local government employee or officer, who is a former
    17  active member and for whom no contributions are being made but
    18  who has accumulated contributions standing to that individual's
    19  credit in the retirement system and who is not eligible to
    20  become or has not elected to become vestee or has not filed an
    21  application for a retirement benefit.
    22     "Investment adviser."  A person registered as an investment
    23  adviser with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the
    24  Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 847, 15 U.S.C. § 80b-1
    25  et seq.) or a person registered as an investment adviser with
    26  the Pennsylvania Securities Commission under the act of December
    27  5, 1972 (P.L.1280, No.284), known as the Pennsylvania Securities
    28  Act of 1972, who has acknowledged in writing that the person is
    29  a fiduciary of the retirement system.
    30     "Investment manager."  A fiduciary (other than a member of a
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     1  governing body, a member of a managing board or a named
     2  fiduciary):
     3         (1)  who has the power to manage, acquire or dispose of
     4     any asset of a retirement system; or
     5         (2)  who is an investment adviser, a bank, or an
     6     insurance company qualified to perform services described in
     7     paragraph (1) under the laws of a state; and
     8         (3)  has acknowledged in writing that the person is a
     9     fiduciary of the retirement system.
    10     "Local government."  A local authority; a municipality,
    11  however constituted, whether operating under a legislative
    12  charter, municipal code, optional charter, home rule charter,
    13  optional plan or other arrangement; an association of these
    14  local authorities, or these municipalities, or both cooperating
    15  under the act of July 12, 1972 (P.L.762, No.180), referred to as
    16  the Intergovernmental Cooperation Law; or a Commonwealth-created
    17  authority or governmental entity whose employees are not members
    18  of the State Employes' Retirement System or the Public SChool
    19  Employes' Retirement System.
    20     "Local government employee retirement system."  An entity,
    21  whether a separate entity or part of a local government entity,
    22  that collects retirement and other employee benefit
    23  contributions from local government employees and local
    24  governments; holds and manages the resulting assets as reserves
    25  for present and future retirement benefit payments; and makes
    26  provision for these payments to qualified retirees and
    27  beneficiaries. The term does not include a plan, program or
    28  arrangement that is financed solely with local government
    29  employee earnings or compensation reported as local government
    30  employee earnings or compensation to the Internal Revenue
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     1  Service, United States Department of the Treasury, on Form W-2,
     2  Wage and Tax Statement, or established under sections 8.1
     3  through 8.3 of the act of March 30, 1811 (P.L.145, 5 Sm.L. 228),
     4  or established under section 408 of the Internal Revenue Code of
     5  1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 408 et seq.).
     6     "Managing board."  Body or board of a retirement system that
     7  is appointed or assigned, or undertakes to jointly exercise the
     8  chief policymaking powers and management duties of the
     9  retirement system or, if this body or board does not exist, the
    10  governing body of the retirement system.
    11     "Member."  An active member, inactive member, retiree or
    12  vestee.
    13     "Ministerial activity."  A retirement system activity
    14  required by law or pension plan or undertaken at the direction
    15  of a person in a superior position or of a superior rank the
    16  execution of which is prescribed without regard to or the
    17  exercise of the person's own judgment upon the propriety of the
    18  act being done.
    19     "Particular-scope fiduciary activity."  A retirement system
    20  activity that reflects limited or derivative policymaking powers
    21  and duties and that requires a narrow exercise of discretion by
    22  a fiduciary.
    23     "Party in interest."
    24         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), the term
    25     includes:
    26             (i)  a fiduciary, counsel or employee of a retirement
    27         system;
    28             (ii)  a person providing services to a retirement
    29         system;
    30             (iii)  a local government any of whose employees or
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     1         officers are covered by the retirement system;
     2             (iv)  an employee organization any of whose members
     3         are covered by the retirement system;
     4             (v)  a relative of any individual described in
     5         subparagraphs (i) or (ii); or
     6             (vi)  an employee, officer, director (or an
     7         individual having powers or responsibilities similar to
     8         those of officers or directors), or a 10% or more
     9         shareholder directly or indirectly, of:
    10                 (A)  a person described in subparagraphs (ii),
    11             (iii) or (iv); or
    12                 (B)  the retirement system.
    13         (2)  If any assets of a retirement system are invested in
    14     securities issued by an investment company registered under
    15     the Investment Company Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 789, 15 U.S.C. §
    16     80a-1 et seq.) the investment shall not by itself cause the
    17     investment company or the investment company's investment
    18     adviser or principal underwriter to be a party in interest
    19     except insofar as the investment company or its investment
    20     adviser or principal underwriter acts in connection with a
    21     retirement system covering employees of the investment
    22     company, the investment adviser or its principal underwriter.
    23     Nothing contained in this definition shall limit the duties
    24     imposed on an investment company, investment adviser or
    25     principal underwriter by any other law.
    26     "Pension plan."  All aspects of an arrangement between a
    27  public employer and its employees concerning the retirement
    28  benefit coverage provided to the employees. The term does not
    29  include a plan, program or arrangement that is financed solely
    30  with local government employee earnings or compensation reported
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     1  as local government employee earnings or compensation to the
     2  Internal Revenue Service, United States Department of the
     3  Treasury, on Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, or established
     4  under sections 8.1 through 8.3 of the act of March 30, 1811
     5  (P.L.145, 5 Sm.L.228), or established under section 408 of the
     6  Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. §
     7  408).
     8     "Pension trust fund."  A fiscal and accounting entity with a
     9  self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other
    10  financial resources, together with all related liabilities, and
    11  residual equities or balances, and changes therein, that is
    12  segregated for the purpose of accounting for assets held by a
    13  governmental unit in a trustee capacity for the members and
    14  beneficiaries of a public employee retirement system.
    15     "Plan document."  The written document the managing board is
    16  required to compile and file under section 303.
    17     "Relative."  A spouse, brother, sister, spouse of a brother
    18  or sister, ancestor, lineal descendant or spouse of a lineal
    19  descendant.
    20     "Retiree."  A former local government employee or officer who
    21  is a former active member with vested rights in a retirement
    22  system on or after the effective date of retirement until that
    23  individual's retirement benefit is terminated.
    24     "Retirement benefit."  Annuity, pension, pension benefit,
    25  retirement pay, disability benefit, or other employee benefit
    26  payment from a retirement system.
    27     "Retirement system."  A local government employee retirement
    28  system.
    29     "Security."
    30         (1)  The term includes any note; stock; treasury stock;
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     1     bond; debenture; evidence of indebtedness; share of a
     2     beneficial interest in a business trust; certificate of
     3     interest or participation in any profit-sharing agreement;
     4     collateral trust certificate; preorganization certificate of
     5     subscription; transferable share; investment contract; voting
     6     trust certificate; certificate of deposit for a security;
     7     limited partnership interest; certificate of interest or
     8     participation in an oil, gas or mining title or lease or in
     9     payments out of production under such a title or lease, or
    10     other mineral rights; or, in general, any interest or
    11     instrument commonly known as or having the incidents of a
    12     "security," including a "security" as defined in section 2(1)
    13     of the Securities Act of 1933 (48 Stat 74, 15 U.S.C. § 77a et
    14     seq.), or as defined in section 102(t) of the act of December
    15     5, 1972 (P.L.1280, No.284), known as the Pennsylvania
    16     Securities Act of 1972;, or any certificate of interest or
    17     participation in, temporary or interim certificate for,
    18     receipt for, guarantee of, or warrant or right to subscribe
    19     to or purchase any of the foregoing. All of the foregoing are
    20     securities whether or not evidenced by written document.
    21         (2)  The term does not include:
    22             (i)  Any beneficial interest in any voluntary inter
    23         vivos trust that is not created for the purpose of
    24         carrying on any business.
    25             (ii)  Any beneficial interest in any testamentary
    26         trust.
    27             (iii)  Any insurance or endowment policy or annuity
    28         contract under which an insurance company admitted in
    29         this Commonwealth promises to pay a sum of money (whether
    30         or not based upon the investment performance of a
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     1         segregated fund) either in a lump sum or periodically for
     2         life or some other specified period.
     3             (iv)  Any certificate issued under section 809 of the
     4         act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The
     5         Insurance Company Law of 1921.
     6     "Separate account."  An account established or maintained by
     7  an insurance company under which income, gains and losses,
     8  whether or not realized, from assets allocated to such account,
     9  are, in accordance with the applicable contract, credited to or
    10  charged against such accounts without regard to other income,
    11  gains or losses of the insurance company.
    12     "Vestee."  A former local government employee or officer who
    13  is a former active member with vested rights in a retirement
    14  system and who has terminated local government service and has
    15  elected to leave that individual's accumulated contributions in
    16  the retirement system and to defer receipt of a retirement
    17  benefit.
    18                             CHAPTER 2
    19                       SUBSTANTIVE PROVISIONS
    20                            SUBCHAPTER A
    22  Section 201.  Fiduciary positions and functions.
    23     (a)  Fiduciary.--A person is a fiduciary of a retirement
    24  system:
    25         (1)  if the individual serves in one or more of the
    26     following positions:
    27             (i)  a member of the governing body when that
    28         governing body is exercising its authority, if any, to
    29         approve modifications in the pension plan of the
    30         retirement system;
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     1             (ii)  a member of the managing board; or
     2             (iii)  the chief administrative officer of a
     3         retirement system or a person who has actual or apparent
     4         authority to act on behalf of the chief administrative
     5         officer;
     6         (2)  if the individual is an employee of a retirement
     7     system whose employment position includes the power to spend
     8     system assets, approve the expenditure of assets, or approve
     9     the incurring of a liability;
    10         (3)  if the individual is designated a fiduciary under
    11     Subchapter E of this chapter; or
    12         (4)  except as otherwise provided in subsections (b) and
    13     (c), if:
    14             (i)  the person exercises any discretionary authority
    15         or discretionary control with respect to management of a
    16         retirement system or exercises any authority or control
    17         with respect to its assets;
    18             (ii)  the person renders investment advice for a fee
    19         or other compensation, direct or indirect, with respect
    20         to any assets of a retirement system or has any authority
    21         or responsibility to do so; or
    22             (iii)  the person has any discretionary authority or
    23         discretionary responsibility in the administration of a
    24         retirement system.
    25     (b)  Certain investment companies not fiduciaries.--If any
    26  asset of a retirement system is invested in securities issued by
    27  an investment company registered under the Investment Company
    28  Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 789, 15 U.S.C. § 80a-1 et seq.), that
    29  investment shall not by itself cause the investment company or
    30  the investment company's investment adviser or principal
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     1  underwriter to be deemed to be a fiduciary except insofar as the
     2  investment company or its investment adviser or principal
     3  underwriter acts in connection with a retirement system covering
     4  employees of the investment company, the investment adviser or
     5  its principal underwriter. Nothing contained in this subsection
     6  shall limit the duties imposed on the investment company,
     7  investment adviser or principal underwriter by any other law.
     8     (c)  Certain corporate personnel not fiduciaries.--If the
     9  corporation assumes responsibility and liability for the actions
    10  taken or responsibilities assumed by its director, officer or
    11  employee, no director, officer or employee of a corporation that
    12  is itself a fiduciary shall be a fiduciary solely by reason of
    13  actions taken or responsibilities assumed in the course of that
    14  individual's employment or office with the corporation.
    15  Section 202.  Engaging in fiduciary activity.
    16     A person engages in a fiduciary activity if that activity is:
    17         (1)  assigned to the person by law or pension plan;
    18         (2)  undertaken by the person, even if the person by so
    19     doing is exceeding the person's actual or apparent authority;
    20     or
    21         (3)  an undertaking the person could reasonably be
    22     expected to undertake as a fiduciary.
    23  Section 203.  Named fiduciaries.
    24     Except when a statute of this Commonwealth designates a
    25  fiduciary for a retirement system, the governing body shall
    26  provide for the designation of one or more named fiduciaries, in
    27  a pension plan instrument or under a procedure specified in a
    28  pension plan instrument, who shall have authority to control and
    29  manage the operation and administration of the retirement
    30  system. This named fiduciary may be the governing body or the
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     1  managing board.
     2  Section 204.  Persons excluded from definition of fiduciary.
     3     (a)  General rule.--Persons who have no power to make any
     4  decisions as to retirement system policy, interpretations,
     5  practices or procedures, who do not have discretionary authority
     6  or discretionary control respecting management of a retirement
     7  system, who do not exercise any authority or control respecting
     8  management or disposition of the assets of a retirement system,
     9  and who do not render investment advice with respect to any
    10  asset of the retirement system and have no authority or
    11  responsibility to do so, but who perform the following purely
    12  ministerial activities for a retirement system within a
    13  framework of policies, interpretations, rules, practices and
    14  procedures made by other persons are not fiduciaries but may be
    15  subject to the bonding requirements under section 254:
    16         (1)  Application of rules to determine eligibility for
    17     membership or benefits.
    18         (2)  Calculation of service and compensation for benefit
    19     purposes.
    20         (3)  Preparation of employee communications material.
    21         (4)  Maintenance of members' service and employment
    22     records.
    23         (5)  Preparation of reports required by government
    24     agencies.
    25         (6)  Calculation of benefit.
    26         (7)  Orientation of new members and advising members of
    27     their rights and options under the pension plan.
    28         (8)  Collection of contributions and application of
    29     contributions as provided in the pension plan.
    30         (9)  Preparation of reports concerning members' benefits.
    19890H1332B1540                 - 18 -

     1         (10)  Processing of claims.
     2         (11)  Making recommendations to others for decisions with
     3     respect to retirement system administration.
     4     (b)  Applicability.--This statute applies to all persons
     5  except a person who is a fiduciary of a private retirement
     6  system that provides retirement benefit coverage to a local
     7  government employee and which is subject to fiduciary regulation
     8  under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
     9  (Public Law 93-406, 88 Stat. 829, 29 U.S.C. Ch. 18).
    10  Section 205.  Persons prohibited from being fiduciaries.
    11     (a)  Individuals.--A person may not be a fiduciary of a
    12  retirement system, engage in a fiduciary activity or accept a
    13  position that is connected with a retirement system, including
    14  that of employee, consultant, manager or advisor if that person:
    15         (1)  has been removed from a fiduciary position for
    16     violating a provision of this statute for five years
    17     beginning on the day following removal from fiduciary
    18     position;
    19         (2)  has been removed from office under the act of August
    20     14, 1963 (P.L.1048, No.452), entitled "An act providing for
    21     the forfeiture of office of public officers convicted of
    22     certain crimes," for five years beginning on the day
    23     following removal from office; or
    24         (3)  has been convicted of one of the following criminal
    25     offenses for five years beginning on the day following
    26     conviction or, if the person convicted is then incarcerated,
    27     for five years beginning on the day following release from
    28     incarceration:
    29             (i)  a violation of Pennsylvania law that is murder
    30         of the first or second degree, a felony of the first,
    19890H1332B1540                 - 19 -

     1         second or third degree, or a misdemeanor of the first or
     2         second degree;
     3             (ii)  a violation of Federal law specified in section
     4         411 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
     5         1974 (Public Law 93-406, 88 Stat. 829, 29 U.S.C. § 1111);
     6         or
     7             (iii)  a violation of the law of another state,
     8         United States possession, federally recognized Indian
     9         tribal government, 10 U.S.C. Ch. 47 (relating to Uniform
    10         Code of Military Justice), law in effect in a foreign
    11         nation, or international law that would be a criminal
    12         offense listed in subparagraph (i).
    13     (b)  Business entities.--No business entity of which more
    14  than 5% of the equity or ownership interest is held by an
    15  individual who is prohibited from being a fiduciary under
    16  subsection (a) may provide consulting, management or advisory
    17  service to a retirement system unless the business entity is a
    18  publicly held corporation.
    19                            SUBCHAPTER B
    21  Section 211.  To whom fiduciary duty is owed.
    22     A fiduciary, in performing a fiduciary activity or serving in
    23  a fiduciary position, owes a fiduciary duty to:
    24         (1)  the members and beneficiaries;
    25         (2)  the government that established the retirement
    26     system and its revenue payers; and
    27         (3)  the Commonwealth and its revenue payers:
    28             (i)  if intergovernmental revenue from the
    29         Commonwealth is provided to a local government for its
    30         retirement system under the General Municipal Pension
    19890H1332B1540                 - 20 -

     1         System State Aid Program or the Supplemental State
     2         Assistance Program, or both, provided for in the act of
     3         December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the
     4         Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act;
     5         or
     6             (ii)  if the retirement system is required to file an
     7         actuarial valuation report with the Public Employee
     8         Retirement Study Commission under either the act of
     9         December 6, 1972 (P.L.1383, No.293), entitled "An act
    10         requiring municipal pension systems to have an actuarial
    11         investigation of the fund made by an actuary who shall
    12         report his findings to the Department of Community
    13         Affairs," or the Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard
    14         and Recovery Act.
    15  Section 212.  Fiduciary standards.
    16     (a)  Nonexpert (prudent person) standard.--A fiduciary who
    17  does not have, professes not to have or cannot reasonably be
    18  expected to have special expertise in the fiduciary activity in
    19  which the fiduciary is engaged shall exercise that degree of
    20  judgment and care, under the circumstances then prevailing, that
    21  persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence would exercise
    22  in the management of their own affairs and, if the fiduciary
    23  activity involves the investment of retirement system assets, as
    24  they would act for the purpose of investment, not in regard to
    25  speculation, but in regard to the permanent disposition of their
    26  funds, considering the probable revenue to be derived from the
    27  assets as well as the probable safety of their capital.
    28     (b)  Expert (prudent expert) standard.--A fiduciary who has,
    29  professes to have or can reasonably be expected to have special
    30  expertise in the fiduciary activity in which the fiduciary is
    19890H1332B1540                 - 21 -

     1  engaged shall act in good faith and shall exercise that degree
     2  of judgment, prudence, skill, diligence and care, under the
     3  circumstances then prevailing, that persons of prudence,
     4  discretion and intelligence acting in a similar capacity and
     5  familiar with that activity would exercise in the conduct of an
     6  enterprise of a similar character and with similar aims.
     7  Section 213.  Sole interest and exclusive purpose.
     8     To protect the interest of members and beneficiaries in a
     9  retirement system and the interests of the Commonwealth, or
    10  local government, or both, and the general public in the
    11  operation of the retirement system and to minimize the possible
    12  adverse impact of the operation of the retirement system on
    13  government revenues and expenditures, a fiduciary shall
    14  discharge that fiduciary's duties with respect to a retirement
    15  system in accordance with the pension plan, the plan document,
    16  and law solely in the interest of the members and beneficiaries
    17  and for the exclusive purposes of:
    18         (1)  providing benefits to members and beneficiaries; and
    19         (2)  defraying reasonable expenses of administering the
    20     retirement system.
    21  Section 214.  Expert and nonexpert fiduciaries.
    22     (a)  Expert or nonexpert.--A governing body and its members,
    23  managing board and its members, chief administrative officer,
    24  local government employee, or retirement system employee making
    25  investments in accordance with investment advice from an
    26  investment adviser, making and managing investments in
    27  accordance with investment advice from, and investment
    28  management by, an investment manager, or administering a
    29  retirement system through a retirement system administrator with
    30  whom the local government or the retirement system has
    19890H1332B1540                 - 22 -

     1  contracted under Subchapter E and section 304, 305, or 306 is an
     2  expert under section 212(b) only for investing and is otherwise
     3  a nonexpert under section 212(a).
     4     (b)  Expert--An investment adviser with whom the local
     5  government or retirement system has contracted under section
     6  304, an investment manager with whom the local government or
     7  retirement system has contracted under section 305, or a
     8  retirement system administrator with whom the local government
     9  or retirement system has contracted under section 306 is an
    10  expert under section 212(b).
    11     (c)  Nonexpert.--Except as provided in subsection (a), a
    12  governing body member, managing board member or chief
    13  administrative officer, as such, is a nonexpert under section
    14  212(a), even if the individual is an accountant, actuary,
    15  attorney at law, banker, broker-dealer in securities, insurance
    16  agent, insurance broker, investment adviser, investment manager,
    17  retirement system administrator, etc. for another retirement
    18  system.
    19                            SUBCHAPTER C
    21  Section 221.  Retirement system trust.
    22     Unless the pension plan is contained entirely within law, the
    23  governing body of the local government of which the retirement
    24  system is a part, or the managing board, shall establish a trust
    25  to be managed and controlled by the governing body, the managing
    26  board or a separate board established for that purpose.
    27  Section 222.  Title to retirement system assets.
    28     (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection (b), all
    29  assets of a retirement system shall be held in trust for all
    30  persons with beneficial interests in these assets by the
    19890H1332B1540                 - 23 -

     1  trustee. The trustee shall hold legal title to all assets of the
     2  retirement system, however constituted, in the name of the
     3  retirement system, the local government of which the retirement
     4  system is a part, or a nominee. The trustee shall be named in
     5  the trust instrument described in section 221, named in the plan
     6  document described in section 303, or appointed by a person who
     7  is a named fiduciary, and, upon acceptance of being named or
     8  appointed, the trustee shall have exclusive authority and
     9  discretion to manage and control the assets of the retirement
    10  system, except to the extent that:
    11         (1)  the pension plan expressly provides that the trustee
    12     is subject to the direction of a named fiduciary who is not a
    13     trustee, in which case the trustee shall be subject to proper
    14     directions of the named fiduciary that are made in accordance
    15     with the terms of the pension plan and that are not contrary
    16     to this statute; or
    17         (2)  the authority to manage, acquire or dispose of
    18     assets of the plan is delegated to an investment manager
    19     under section 305 or a retirement system administrator under
    20     section 306.
    21     (b)  Exception.--The requirements of subsection (a) do not
    22  apply to the assets of:
    23         (1)  a retirement system that consists of insurance
    24     contracts or policies issued by an insurance company
    25     qualified to do business in the Commonwealth; or
    26         (2)  an insurance company or any assets of a retirement
    27     system that are held by an insurance company.
    28  Section 223.  Diversifying investments.
    29     Fiduciaries shall diversify the investments of the retirement
    30  system so as to minimize the risk of large losses and to
    19890H1332B1540                 - 24 -

     1  maximize the rate of return, unless under the circumstances it
     2  is clearly prudent not to do so.
     3  Section 224.  Prohibited transactions by retirement systems.
     4     A fiduciary shall not cause a retirement system to engage in
     5  a transaction if the fiduciary knows or should know that the
     6  transaction constitutes a direct or indirect:
     7         (1)  sale, or exchange, or leasing of any asset from the
     8     retirement system to a party in interest for less than
     9     adequate consideration, or from a party in interest to a
    10     retirement system for more than adequate consideration;
    11         (2)  lending of money or other extension of credit from
    12     the retirement system to a party in interest without the
    13     receipt of adequate security and a rate of interest that is
    14     consistent with the requirements relating to fiduciary
    15     functions under sections 211, 212 and 213, or from a party in
    16     interest to a retirement system with the provision of
    17     excessive security or a rate of interest that is inconsistent
    18     with the requirements relating to fiduciary functions under
    19     sections 211, 212 and 213;
    20         (3)  furnishing of goods, services or facilities from the
    21     retirement system to a party in interest for less than
    22     adequate consideration, or from a party in interest to a
    23     retirement system for more than adequate consideration;
    24         (4)  transfer to, or use by or for the benefit of, a
    25     party in interest of any assets of the retirement system for
    26     less than adequate consideration; or
    27         (5)  except as provided in sections 227 and 263,
    28     acquisition, on behalf of the retirement system, of any
    29     security, real property or loan of the local government of
    30     which the retirement system is a part or any of whose
    19890H1332B1540                 - 25 -

     1     employees or officers are covered by the retirement system.
     2  Section 225.  Prohibited activities by fiduciary.
     3     A fiduciary shall not:
     4         (1)  deal with the assets of the retirement system in
     5     that fiduciary's own interest or for that fiduciary's own
     6     account;
     7         (2)  in that fiduciary's individual or in another
     8     capacity, act in a transaction involving the retirement
     9     system on behalf of a party, or represent a party, whose
    10     interests are adverse to the interests of the retirement
    11     system or the interests of its members and beneficiaries; or
    12         (3)  receive consideration for that fiduciary's personal
    13     account from a party dealing with the retirement system in
    14     connection with a transaction involving the assets of the
    15     retirement system.
    16  Section 226.  Certain transactions and activities permitted.
    17     Nothing in section 224 or 225 shall be construed to prohibit:
    18         (1)  Contracting or making reasonable arrangements with a
    19     party in interest for office space, or for accounting,
    20     actuarial, legal or other services necessary for the
    21     establishment or operation of the retirement system, if no
    22     more than reasonable compensation is paid therefor.
    23         (2)  The investment of all or part of a retirement
    24     system's assets in deposits that bear an interest rate that
    25     is consistent with the fiduciary duties under sections 211,
    26     212 and 213, in a bank or similar institution supervised by
    27     the United States or a state, if the bank or other
    28     institution is a fiduciary of the retirement system and if
    29     the investment is expressly authorized by a provision of the
    30     pension plan or by a fiduciary, other than the bank or other
    19890H1332B1540                 - 26 -

     1     institution or an affiliate thereof, who is expressly
     2     empowered by the pension plan to authorize the investment.
     3         (3)  The providing of any ancillary service by a bank or
     4     similar financial institution supervised by the United States
     5     or a state, if the bank or other institution is a fiduciary
     6     of the retirement system, and if:
     7             (i)  the bank or other institution has adopted
     8         adequate internal safeguards that assure that the
     9         providing of the ancillary service is consistent with
    10         sound banking and financial practice, as determined by
    11         Federal or State supervisory authority; and
    12             (ii)  the extent to which the ancillary service is
    13         provided is subject to specific guidelines issued by the
    14         bank or similar financial institution, as approved by
    15         Federal or State supervisory authority, and adherence to
    16         these guidelines would reasonably preclude the bank or
    17         other institution from providing the ancillary services:
    18                 (A)  in an excessive or unreasonable manner; and
    19                 (B)  in a manner that would be inconsistent with
    20             the best interests of members and beneficiaries of
    21             the retirement system.
    22     These ancillary services shall not be provided at more than
    23     reasonable compensation.
    24         (4)  Any transaction between a retirement system and a
    25     common or collective trust fund or pooled investment fund
    26     maintained by a party in interest that is a bank supervised
    27     by a Federal or State agency or a pooled investment fund of
    28     an insurance company qualified to do business in this
    29     Commonwealth, if:
    30             (i)  the transaction is a sale or purchase of an
    19890H1332B1540                 - 27 -

     1         interest in the fund;
     2             (ii)  the bank or insurance company receives not more
     3         than reasonable compensation; and
     4             (iii)  the transaction is expressly permitted by the
     5         pension plan under which the retirement system is
     6         maintained, or by a fiduciary, other than the bank or
     7         insurance company, or an affiliate thereof, who has
     8         authority to manage and control the assets of the
     9         retirement system.
    10         (5)  A fiduciary or party in interest from receiving any
    11     benefit to which the fiduciary or party in interest may be
    12     entitled as a member or beneficiary of the retirement system,
    13     or paying any benefit to any member or beneficiary, so long
    14     as the benefit is computed and paid on the basis that is
    15     consistent with the terms of the pension plan as generally
    16     applied to all members and beneficiaries.
    17         (6)  A fiduciary or party in interest from receiving any
    18     reasonable compensation for services rendered, or for the
    19     reimbursement of expenses properly and actually incurred, in
    20     the performance of the functions of the fiduciary or party in
    21     interest with respect to the retirement system, except that
    22     no individual so serving who already receives full-time pay
    23     from a local government whose officers or employees are
    24     members in the retirement system or an employee organization
    25     whose members are members in the retirement system shall
    26     receive compensation from the retirement system, except for
    27     reimbursements of expenses properly and actually incurred.
    28         (7)  A fiduciary from serving as a fiduciary in addition
    29     to being an officer, employee, agent or other representative
    30     of a party in interest.
    19890H1332B1540                 - 28 -

     1         (8)  A merger of retirement systems or the aggregation of
     2     public employee pension trust funds under section 607(b) of
     3     the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the
     4     Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act.
     5         (9)  A return of a contribution that was made by a
     6     mistake of fact or law within one year after the chief
     7     administrative officer determines that the contribution was
     8     made by such a mistake.
     9  Section 227.  Certain interfund transactions.
    10     (a)  Interfund receivables and advances to other funds.--A
    11  fiduciary shall not cause a public employee pension trust fund
    12  to engage in a transaction if the fiduciary knows or should know
    13  that the transaction constitutes a direct or indirect loan of
    14  the retirement system assets to another fund of the local
    15  government.
    16     (b)  Due from and due to other funds.--Nothing in subsection
    17  (a) shall prevent a public employee pension trust fund from
    18  purchasing goods or services in a quasi-external transaction
    19  from another fund of the local government for adequate
    20  consideration, or another fund of the local government making
    21  routine employer contributions to the public employee pension
    22  trust fund in a quasi-external transaction, provided that the
    23  amount due from or to the public employee pension trust fund for
    24  the goods, services or contributions is paid on the normal
    25  fiscal cycle payment date for such transactions (at the end of
    26  the week, month, quarter, etc.) or sooner, and provided that the
    27  amount due is paid within one year.
    28     (c)  Interfund reimbursements.--Nothing in subsection (a)
    29  shall prevent a public employee pension trust from reimbursing
    30  another fund of the local government or another fund of the
    19890H1332B1540                 - 29 -

     1  local government from reimbursing the public employee pension
     2  trust fund for expenditures or expenses that are initially made
     3  from the one fund but that properly apply to the other fund or
     4  clearing-account payments made for expediency in a controlled
     5  environment, provided that the reimbursement from or to the
     6  public employee pension trust fund is made on the normal fiscal
     7  cycle payment date for such transactions (at the end of the
     8  week, month, quarter, etc.) or sooner, and provided that the
     9  reimbursement is made within one year.
    10  Section 228.  Statement of financing interest.
    11     A fiduciary shall file a statement of financial interest as
    12  though the fiduciary were a public employee or public official
    13  required to file a statement of financial interest under the act
    14  of October 4, 1978 (P.L.883, No.170), referred to as the Public
    15  Official and Employee Ethics Law. A fiduciary who has filed this
    16  statement of financial interest as a public employee or public
    17  official of the retirement system does not have to file another
    18  statement.
    19  Section 229.  Prohibitions in procuring bonds and insurance.
    20     A person shall not procure any bond required by section
    21  254(a) or any insurance permitted by section 255 from any
    22  surety, insurance company or other company or through any agent
    23  or broker in whose business operations the retirement system or
    24  any party in interest in the retirement system has any control
    25  or significant financial interest, directly or indirectly.
    26                            SUBCHAPTER D
    28  Section 231.  Authorized investments by nonexpert fiduciaries in
    29                 general.
    30     A fiduciary who does not have, professes not to have or
    19890H1332B1540                 - 30 -

     1  cannot reasonably be expected to have special expertise in the
     2  fiduciary activity in which the fiduciary is engaged, subject
     3  only to the provisions of the pension plan and plan document, if
     4  any, may accept, hold, invest in and retain the investments
     5  authorized by this subchapter and shall not be liable for loss
     6  on these investments so long as the fiduciary exercises the due
     7  care and prudence required by this statute in the performance of
     8  that fiduciary's duties in regard to them. "Legal investment" or
     9  "authorized investment" or words of similar import used in the
    10  pension plan or the plan document shall be construed to mean an
    11  investment authorized by this subchapter.
    12  Section 232.  Liquidity.
    13     A fiduciary investing under section 231 shall invest that
    14  portion of the assets of the retirement system that equals the
    15  total potential benefit amounts payable in the succeeding year
    16  in authorized short-term debt obligations that can be
    17  immediately liquidated without incurring any substantial,
    18  determinable penalty or that have an average maturity of no more
    19  than 30 days.
    20  Section 233.  United States Government obligations.
    21     Bills, notes, bonds, mortgages and other fixed obligations
    22  issued and guaranteed by the United States, its agencies or its
    23  instrumentalities shall be authorized investments.
    24  Section 234.  Other government obligations.
    25     Except for the obligations of the local government that
    26  created the retirement system or of which the retirement system
    27  is a part, bonds, notes, bills, mortgages and other fixed
    28  obligations issued by a state municipality, special district,
    29  state agency or state instrumentality shall be authorized
    30  investments, if the investment is made at the taxable-equivalent
    19890H1332B1540                 - 31 -

     1  yields available in the marketplace at the time the investment
     2  is made, and:
     3         (1)  if the obligation is backed by the full faith and
     4     credit of the state of applicable taxing jurisdiction;
     5         (2)  if the obligation is other than a revenue bond and
     6     if the issuer has not been in default in the payment of
     7     principal and interest within the past ten years; or
     8         (3)  if the obligation is a revenue debt security and if
     9     the obligor has been completely self-supporting for the
    10     immediately prior five-year period.
    11  Section 235.  Corporate obligations.
    12     Bonds, notes, debentures or other evidences of indebtedness
    13  issued by a corporation organized under the laws of the United
    14  States or of any state, if the obligations has been rated among
    15  the top two quality categories by a nationally recognized rating
    16  agency, shall be authorized investments.
    17  Section 236.  Certificates of deposit.
    18     Certificates of deposit issued by a bank, if rated in the
    19  highest quality category by a nationally recognized rating
    20  agency or if they meet the minimum collateral requirements
    21  applicable to banks authorized for the deposit of Commonwealth
    22  funds, shall be authorized investments.
    23  Section 237.  Savings accounts.
    24     Savings accounts in a bank, if fully insured by the Federal
    25  Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan
    26  Insurance Corporation, shall be authorized investments.
    27  Section 238.  Insurance products.
    28     (a)  Contracts.--Contracts that provide a guarantee of
    29  principal and a fixed rate of return issued by an insurance
    30  company that has qualified and is authorized by the Insurance
    19890H1332B1540                 - 32 -

     1  Department of the Commonwealth to transact business in the
     2  Commonwealth shall be authorized investments.
     3     (b)  Separate accounts.--Separate accounts of an insurance
     4  company that has qualified and is authorized by the Insurance
     5  Department of the Commonwealth to transact business in the
     6  Commonwealth shall be authorized investments, provided that the
     7  only investments of these separate accounts are in the
     8  authorized investments for retirement systems listed in sections
     9  233 through 237. This subsection shall not limit the authority
    10  of nonexpert fiduciaries to provide for the investment of
    11  retirement system assets in other separate accounts of insurance
    12  companies using the advice of an investment advisor or
    13  investment manager under section 304 or 305.
    14  Section 239.  Shares of an investment company.
    15     Shares of an investment company registered under the
    16  Investment Company Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 789, 15 U.S.C. § 80a-1
    17  et seq.), whose shares are registered under the Securities Act
    18  of 1933 (48 Stat. 74, 15 U.S.C. § 77a et seq.), shall be
    19  authorized investments provided that the only investments of
    20  that company are in the authorized investments for retirement
    21  systems listed in sections 233 through 237.
    22                            SUBCHAPTER E
    24  Section 241.  Cofiduciary responsibility in general.
    25     A fiduciary has a general responsibility to oversee the
    26  fiduciary activities of all other fiduciaries unless the
    27  activity has been allocated in accordance with section 244 or
    28  delegated in accordance with section 245. A fiduciary also has a
    29  general responsibility to correct or remedy fiduciary breach of
    30  which the fiduciary has knowledge.
    19890H1332B1540                 - 33 -

     1  Section 242.  Liability for breach of fiduciary duty by another
     2                 fiduciary.
     3     A fiduciary is liable for a fiduciary breach committed by
     4  another fiduciary when the fiduciary has a responsibility to
     5  oversee the other fiduciary or to correct or alleviate a breach
     6  by the other fiduciary. In the following circumstances, in
     7  addition to the liability that the fiduciary may have under
     8  another provision of this statute, a fiduciary is jointly and
     9  severally liable for a breach of fiduciary duty by another
    10  fiduciary of the same retirement system, but the fiduciary has
    11  the right to recover the compensatory damages the fiduciary paid
    12  from the responsible fiduciary:
    13         (1)  if the fiduciary allocates a fiduciary activity
    14     contrary to section 244;
    15         (2)  if the fiduciary delegates a fiduciary activity
    16     contrary to section 245;
    17         (3)  if, by the fiduciary's failure to comply with this
    18     statute, the fiduciary enables the other fiduciary to commit
    19     a breach;
    20         (4)  if the fiduciary knowingly participates in or
    21     knowingly undertakes to conceal an act or omission by the
    22     other fiduciary knowing that act or omission is a breach; or
    23         (5)  if the fiduciary has knowledge of a breach by the
    24     other fiduciary, unless the fiduciary makes reasonable
    25     efforts under the circumstances to remedy the breach.
    26  Section 243.  Limitation on responsibility and liability for
    27                 fiduciary breach by another fiduciary.
    28     (a)  General rule.--A fiduciary may limit that fiduciary's
    29  responsibility and liability for a fiduciary breach committed by
    30  another fiduciary through the allocation or delegation of
    19890H1332B1540                 - 34 -

     1  fiduciary activities if:
     2         (1)  the allocation or delegation:
     3             (i)  follows appropriate procedures;
     4             (ii)  is made to an appropriate person or persons;
     5         and
     6             (iii)  is subject to continued monitoring of
     7         performance; and
     8         (2)  the fiduciary does not violate section 242.
     9     (b)  Particular-scope fiduciary activities.--Particular-scope
    10  fiduciary activities may be allocated.
    11     (c)  General-scope fiduciary activities.--General-scope
    12  fiduciary activities may not be allocated.
    13     (d)  Ministerial activities.--Ministerial activities may be
    14  delegated.
    15     (e)  Discretionary activities.--Discretionary activities may
    16  be delegated.
    17  Section 244.  Allocation of fiduciary activities.
    18     Fiduciaries of similar rank and responsibility may allocate a
    19  particular-scope fiduciary activity:
    20         (1)  in writing, by action of the managing board, the
    21     governing body of the government of which the retirement
    22     system is a part, or the appropriate fiduciaries with
    23     notification to and approval by the managing board;
    24         (2)  with the agreement of the affected fiduciaries; and
    25         (3)  in conformance with any additional procedural
    26     requirements specified by the managing board.
    27  Section 245.  Delegation of fiduciary activities.
    28     (a)  Ministerial activity.--A fiduciary may delegate a
    29  ministerial activity, but not fiduciary liability for that
    30  ministerial activity, to another fiduciary of lesser rank or
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     1  responsibility or to a person who, but for the delegation, would
     2  not be a fiduciary. The fiduciary shall make this delegation in
     3  accordance with procedures established by the managing board.
     4     (b)  Discretionary activity.--A fiduciary may delegate a
     5  discretionary activity and, except in the circumstances listed
     6  in section 242, fiduciary liability for that discretionary
     7  activity to another person:
     8         (1)  if the extent of the delegation and the conditions
     9     or limitations on the delegation are clearly specified;
    10         (2)  with the agreement of the person to whom the
    11     activity is delegated;
    12         (3)  for a specified time that may not exceed the term or
    13     the remaining period of fiduciary status of the person making
    14     the delegation;
    15         (4)  subject to termination in the event of a material
    16     change in the circumstances applicable to the delegation;
    17         (5)  with the filing of a written summary of the
    18     delegation with the managing board; and
    19         (6)  in conformance with the additional procedural
    20     requirements specified by the managing board.
    21                            SUBCHAPTER F
    23  Section 251.  General prohibition of indemnification.
    24     A fiduciary shall be exculpated, indemnified or otherwise
    25  relieved of liability for a fiduciary breach only by a bond,
    26  fiduciary insurance, or as provided either in section 252 or
    27  under 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 85 Subch. C (relating to actions against
    28  local parties). An arrangement or plan document provision
    29  providing other exculpation, indemnification or relief from
    30  liability for a fiduciary breach is prohibited as a practice
    19890H1332B1540                 - 36 -

     1  contrary to public policy.
     2  Section 252.  Indemnified fiduciaries.
     3     The governing body or managing board may indemnify from
     4  liability for an unintentional fiduciary breach a fiduciary who
     5  receives no compensation or compensation of not more than $600 a
     6  year for that fiduciary's services.
     7  Section 253.  Required indemnification.
     8     An indemnified fiduciary of a retirement system shall be held
     9  harmless from reasonable costs or expenses incurred as a result
    10  of actual or threatened litigation or other proceedings arising
    11  from the good faith performance of fiduciary duties, except for
    12  litigation or other proceedings brought by the local government
    13  of which the retirement system is a part or by the retirement
    14  system arising from the failure of the fiduciary to act in
    15  accordance with this statute.
    16  Section 254.  Bonding and alternative security arrangements.
    17     (a)  Bonding.--
    18         (1)  Every fiduciary and every person who handles assets
    19     of a retirement system (hereinafter in this section referred
    20     to as a system official) shall be bonded as provided in this
    21     subsection, except as provided in subsection (b).
    22         (2)  The amount of the bond shall be fixed by the
    23     governing body or managing board at the beginning of each
    24     retirement system year. The minimum amount of this bond shall
    25     be the greater of 10% of the assets handled or $2,000. The
    26     maximum amount of this bond need not exceed $500,000. The
    27     governing body or managing board may require the minimum
    28     amount, or the maximum amount, or both, of the bond to be a
    29     larger amount.
    30         (3)  For purposes of fixing the amount of the bond, the
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     1     amount of assets handled shall be determined by the assets
     2     handled by the person, group or class to be covered by the
     3     bond and by their predecessor or predecessors, if any, during
     4     the preceding retirement system year, or, if the retirement
     5     system has no preceding year, the amount of assets
     6     anticipated to be handled during the current retirement
     7     system year by this person, group or class.
     8         (4)  The bond shall provide protection to the retirement
     9     system against loss by reason of acts of fraud or dishonesty
    10     on the party of the system official, directly or through
    11     connivance with others.
    12     (b)  Alternative arrangements in lieu of bonding.--The
    13  following alternative arrangements are acceptable in lieu of the
    14  bond required by subsection (a):
    15         (1)  A public official who is covered by a bond in that
    16     official's capacity as a public official and whose fiduciary
    17     function is within that official capacity under the terms of
    18     that bond.
    19         (2)  An officer, director or employee of a corporation,
    20     or a corporation, that:
    21             (i)  is organized and doing business under the laws
    22         of a state or the United States;
    23             (ii)  is authorized by the applicable law to exercise
    24         trust powers or to conduct an insurance business;
    25             (iii)  is subject to applicable supervision or
    26         examination by a Federal or a state governmental agency;
    27         and
    28             (iv)  has, on an ongoing basis, a combination of
    29         contributed capital and retained earnings of at least
    30         $1,000,000; or
    19890H1332B1540                 - 38 -

     1         (3)  If the retirement system is one under which the only
     2     assets from which benefits are paid are the general assets of
     3     an employee organization.
     4     (c)  Purchase of bonds authorized.--A governing body or
     5  managing board is authorized to spend the amount necessary to
     6  purchase the bond required by subsection (a).
     7  Section 255.  Insurance.
     8     (a)  Retirement system insurance.--A governing body or
     9  managing board may purchase insurance for its retirement system
    10  to cover the liability or loss resulting from a fiduciary act or
    11  omission. This insurance must be obtained from an insurance
    12  company authorized to do business in this Commonwealth or, if
    13  established and functioning, a government-established fiduciary
    14  insurance pool or similar mechanism. This insurance must permit
    15  recourse by the insurer against the fiduciary in the case of an
    16  intentional breach of a fiduciary obligation by the fiduciary.
    17     (b)  Individual fiduciary insurance.--
    18         (1)  A governing body or managing board may buy insurance
    19     for its fiduciary who receives no compensation or
    20     compensation of not more than $600 a year for that
    21     fiduciary's services to cover liability or loss incurred
    22     individually by the fiduciary by reason of fiduciary acts or
    23     omissions. This insurance must permit recourse by the insurer
    24     against a fiduciary who is responsible for an intentional
    25     fiduciary breach.
    26         (2)  A fiduciary or an employee organization may buy
    27     fiduciary insurance to cover liability or loss incurred
    28     individually by a fiduciary by reason of a fiduciary act or
    29     omission.
    30         (3)  The governing body, managing board, fiduciary or
    19890H1332B1540                 - 39 -

     1     employee organization buying insurance under this subsection
     2     shall but it from an insurance company authorized to do
     3     business in this Commonwealth.
     4     (c)  Expenditure authorized.--A governing body or managing
     5  board is authorized to spend the amount necessary to buy
     6  reasonable amounts of fiduciary insurance under subsections (a)
     7  and (b).
     8                            SUBCHAPTER G
     9                        SPECIAL ASSET RULES
    10  Section 261.  Investment company security.
    11     When a retirement system invests in a security issued by an
    12  investment company registered under the Investment Company Act
    13  of 1940 (54 Stat. 789, 15 U.S.C. § 80a-1 et seq.), the assets of
    14  the retirement system include the security but do not, solely by
    15  reason of the investment, include any assets of the investment
    16  company.
    17  Section 262.  Insurance contract or policy.
    18     When a retirement system is financed in whole or in part by a
    19  contract or policy of insurance issued by an insurance company
    20  that is qualified and is authorized by the Insurance Department
    21  to transact business in the Commonwealth, the assets of the
    22  retirement system include the contract or policy but do not,
    23  solely by reason of the issuance of the contract or policy,
    24  include the assets of the insurance company issuing the contract
    25  or policy except to the extent that the assets are maintained by
    26  the insurance company in a separate account and do not
    27  constitute surplus in the account.
    28  Section 263.  Indirect investment in local government
    29                 securities.
    30     A prudent expert fiduciary may invest retirement system
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     1  assets in a pooled investment fund of a bank, a pooled separate
     2  account of an insurance company, or the securities of an
     3  investment company registered under the Investment Company Act
     4  of 1940 (54 Stat. 789, 15 U.S.C. § 80a-1 et seq.), whose shares
     5  are registered under the Securities Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 74, 15
     6  U.S.C. § 77a et seq.), provided that not more than 5% of the
     7  fair market value of the assets of the pooled investment fund,
     8  pooled separate account or investment company are invested in
     9  the debt securities of the local government that created the
    10  retirement system or of which the retirement system is a part.
    11  Section 264.  Investments that become unauthorized.
    12     A fiduciary may retain without liability for resulting loss
    13  any investment that was authorized when received or made
    14  although that investment no longer qualifies as an authorized
    15  investment, provided that the fiduciary exercises the due care
    16  and prudence required by this statute in the disposition or
    17  retention of that nonlegal investment. A retirement system shall
    18  dispose of an investment that was authorized when received or
    19  made but that no longer qualifies as an authorized investment
    20  within five years of the investment ceasing to qualify as an
    21  authorized investment at the disposition rate of not less than
    22  20% of the unauthorized investment a year.
    23                             CHAPTER 3
    24                     ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS
    25  Section 301.  Open meetings.
    26     A managing board is an agency under the act of July 3, 1986
    27  (P.L.388, No.84), known as the Sunshine Act.
    28  Section 302.  Inspection and copying of records.
    29     A retirement system is an agency under the act of June 21,
    30  1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know Law.
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     1  Section 303.  Plan document.
     2     (a)  Compilation and filing.--Unless the pension plan of the
     3  retirement system is contained wholly in law, the managing board
     4  shall compile one written plan document and file it with the
     5  chief administrative officer of the retirement system. The
     6  managing board shall include in this plan document all
     7  applicable, relevant provisions of the pension plan, including
     8  eligibility requirements and entitlement provisions constituting
     9  the benefit coverage of the retirement system. The managing
    10  board shall compile this plan document from whatever documents
    11  in which it is contained, including, but not limited to, the
    12  articles of incorporation, bylaws, governing body rules and
    13  policies, local government charter provisions, local government
    14  ordinance or resolution provisions, general or special
    15  Commonwealth law, and collective bargaining agreements. The
    16  managing board shall revise this plan document whenever there is
    17  a material change in the pension plan.
    18     (b)  Public record.--This plan document is a public record
    19  under the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as
    20  the Right-to-Know Law.
    21  Section 304.  Contracting for investment advice permitted.
    22     The managing board may contract with an investment adviser
    23  that agrees to conduct itself as a fiduciary in accordance with
    24  this statute to be designated as an investment adviser of the
    25  retirement system. Under Subchapter E of Chapter 2, in the
    26  contract, the investment adviser may limit its fiduciary
    27  liability to the portfolio of assets under its control and over
    28  which it has assumed fiduciary responsibility.
    29  Section 305.  Contracting for investment management permitted.
    30     The managing board may contract with an investment manager
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     1  that agrees to conduct itself as a fiduciary in accordance with
     2  this statute to be designated as an investment manager of the
     3  retirement system. The contract shall require the investment
     4  manager annually to disclose to the retirement system all
     5  expenses of managing the investments of the retirement system.
     6  Under Subchapter E of Chapter 2, in the contract, the investment
     7  manager may limit its fiduciary liability to the portfolio of
     8  assets under its control and over which it has assumed fiduciary
     9  responsibility.
    10  Section 306.  Contracting for retirement system administration
    11                 permitted.
    12     The managing board may contract with an insurance company
    13  that has qualified and is authorized by the Insurance Department
    14  to transact business in the Commonwealth, or with any bank
    15  approved by the Department of Banking, or with any investment
    16  adviser registered under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (54
    17  Stat. 847, 15 U.S.C. § 80b-1 et seq.), that is registered as an
    18  investment adviser by the Pennsylvania Securities Commission, or
    19  with the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System to be
    20  designated as the retirement system administrator. Under
    21  Subchapter E of Chapter 2, the managing board may delegate the
    22  power to administer the retirement system in its entirety,
    23  including the power to receive and invest all moneys deposited
    24  into the pension trust fund and such other delegable powers as
    25  are vested in the managing board. The contract shall require the
    26  retirement system administrator annually to disclose to the
    27  retirement system all expenses of operating and administering
    28  the retirement system.
    29  Section 307.  Disclosure of business placed or commissions
    30                 allocated.
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     1     The managing board annually shall issue a public document in
     2  which is discloses the recipients of any business placed or
     3  commissions allocated among any commercial banks, investment
     4  bankers, insurance companies or brokerage organizations used by
     5  that retirement system.
     6  Section 308.  Administrative remedies.
     7     Unless the pension plan of the retirement system is contained
     8  wholly in law, the managing board shall provide in the plan
     9  document for an appeals procedure for benefit determinations
    10  that are adverse to the interests of a member or beneficiary.
    11  This appeals procedure shall be under 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to
    12  administrative law and procedure). An aggrieved person can only
    13  appeal to the courts in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 Subch. B
    14  (relating to judicial review of local agency action) after
    15  exhausting the administrative remedies required by this section
    16  under 2 Pa.C.S. Ch.5 Subch. B (relating to practice and
    17  procedure of local agencies).
    18                             CHAPTER 4
    19                             PENALTIES
    20  Section 401.  Compensatory damages.
    21     A fiduciary who violates a provision of this statute is
    22  personally liable to pay an amount equal to the loss, or the
    23  profits made using the assets, or both, to the retirement
    24  system, member, beneficiary, or some combination of these,
    25  whichever suffered the loss or was entitled to the assets.
    26  Section 402.  Other equitable or remedial relief.
    27     (a)  Negligence beyond simple negligence or inadvertence.--A
    28  fiduciary whose violation of a provision of this statute is the
    29  result of negligence beyond simple negligence or inadvertence
    30  but less severe than gross negligence is subject to other
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     1  equitable or remedial relief as the court may deem appropriate,
     2  including:
     3         (1)  an injunction requiring the fiduciary to perform or
     4     refrain from performing an act or acts; and
     5         (2)  a writ of mandamus requiring the fiduciary to
     6     perform a fiduciary act or duty.
     7     (b)  Gross negligence or willful or malicious acts.--A
     8  fiduciary whose violation of a provision of this statute is the
     9  result of gross negligence or is willful or malicious shall be
    10  removed from that fiduciary's fiduciary position and is subject
    11  to other equitable or remedial relief as the court may deem
    12  appropriate.
    13  Section 403.  Criminal penalties.
    14     A fiduciary who participates in the investment or management
    15  of retirement system assets, the disbursement of money from a
    16  retirement system, or the formulation or approval of a contract
    17  on behalf of the retirement system and who is not covered by the
    18  bond or alternative security arrangement specified in section
    19  254 is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    20  Section 404.  No limitation on other penalties.
    21     The penalties prescribed in this statute do not limit:
    22         (1)  the power of the Commonwealth, a Commonwealth
    23     retirement system, a local government or a local government
    24     retirement system to discipline its officials or employees;
    25         (2)  the power of the State Ethics Commission under the
    26     act of October 4, 1978 (P.L.883, No.170), referred to as the
    27     Public Official and Employee Ethics Law;
    28         (3)  the power of the court under the act of August 14,
    29     1963 (P.L.1048, No.452), entitled "An act providing for the
    30     forfeiture of office of public officers convicted of certain
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     1     crimes,";
     2         (4)  the power of either House of the General Assembly to
     3     discipline its own members or impeach a public official; or
     4         (5)  the power of removal under section 7 of Article VI
     5     of the Constitution of Pennsylvania.
     6                             CHAPTER 5
     8  Section 501.  Savings clause.
     9     The provisions of this act shall not affect an act done,
    10  liability incurred, or right accrued or vested, or affect a suit
    11  or prosecution pending or be instituted to enforce a right or
    12  penalty or punish an offense under the authority of an act or
    13  part thereof repealed by this act.
    14  Section 502.  Repeals.
    15     All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as they are
    16  inconsistent with this act.
    17  Section 503.  Effective date.
    18     This act shall take effect on the first day of January that
    19  occurs 60 days after the date of final enactment of this act.

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