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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1566



No. 1347 Session of 1999

           GODSHALL, APRIL 20, 1999

           PREPAREDNESS, APRIL 20, 1999

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for certain emergency services reimbursements.

     2     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     3  hereby enacts as follows:
     4  Section 1.  Short title.
     5     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Emergency
     6  Services Responder Reimbursement Act.
     7  Section 2.  Legislative findings and declaration.
     8     (a)  Findings enumerated.--The General Assembly finds as
     9  follows:
    10         (1)  Emergency services providers in this Commonwealth,
    11     especially volunteers, have and are experiencing ever-
    12     increasing financial burdens.
    13         (2)  The increasing financial burdens and costs are
    14     having an adverse and serious negative impact upon

     1     maintaining, sustaining and providing emergency services.
     2         (3)  Volunteer emergency service organizations can no
     3     longer realistically afford or be expected to exist and
     4     provide services at a financial loss.
     5     (b)  Declaration.--The General Assembly declares as follows:
     6         (1)  It is vital to establish for our emergency services
     7     providers a mechanism and process whereby they can be
     8     reimbursed financially for real and reasonable expenses
     9     related to responding to emergency situations, incidents and
    10     events or to intentional false alarms.
    11         (2)  Such a process and mechanism should be self-
    12     supporting.
    13  Section 3.  Definitions.
    14     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    15  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    16  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    17     "Emergency communication center."  An officially recognized
    18  and approved Federal, State, county or municipal operation whose
    19  purpose is to receive emergency calls; to determine the
    20  appropriate agency, equipment and/or vehicles required to
    21  respond to these calls; and then to dispatch the appropriate
    22  agency, equipment and/or emergency vehicle or vehicles to the
    23  location of the emergency situation, incident or event.
    24     "Emergency service."  A municipal, public, private or
    25  nonprofit service whose purpose is to respond to emergency
    26  situations, incidents and events and provide emergency or
    27  nonemergency assistance and service to the public. These
    28  emergency services shall include, but are not limited to,
    29  hazardous materials response units, fire services, ambulances,
    30  heavy and light rescue squad units, quick response units and
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     1  other related vehicles used in the normal operation of an
     2  emergency service.
     3     "Emergency situation, incident or event."  A disaster;
     4  hazardous materials incident; fire; industrial or private
     5  security or fire alarm systems; industrial accidents; auto
     6  accidents; medical emergencies; nonemergency calls for medical
     7  assistance; or to any other situation, incident or event that
     8  does or may present a potential danger and or threat to the
     9  health and safety of members of the public.
    10     "False alarm."  A willfully fraudulent and intentional
    11  transmission or request for a response by a volunteer emergency
    12  services organization where the person making the transmission
    13  or request knows there is no need for the transmission or
    14  request. A person transmitting or requesting a response by a
    15  volunteer emergency services organization who perceives or feels
    16  there could be or may be a need for the transmission or request
    17  shall not be considered to have transmitted or requested a
    18  willfully fraudulent and intentional false alarm.
    19     "Municipal emergency services department."  A fire
    20  department, ambulance service or rescue squad established,
    21  operated and funded by the municipality.
    22     "Officially recognized dispatch."  The dispatch of a
    23  volunteer emergency services organization by an officially
    24  recognized and approved emergency communication center or
    25  response to a special call or request from the Pennsylvania
    26  State Police or local police whether it comes through an
    27  emergency communication center or not. A volunteer emergency
    28  services organization that responds to a special call or request
    29  from the Pennsylvania State Police or local police that has not
    30  come through an officially recognized and approved emergency
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     1  communication center must be approved by an officially
     2  recognized emergency communication center prior to responding to
     3  the special call or request. Upon notification by a volunteer
     4  emergency services organization of a request for dispatch, the
     5  emergency communication center shall approve the response and
     6  assign a dispatch number to the volunteer emergency services
     7  organization and then contact the municipal emergency services
     8  department, organization or person making the request to confirm
     9  the request.
    10     "Person."  Includes a corporation, partnership, business
    11  trust, other association, governmental entity other than the
    12  Commonwealth, estate, trust, foundation or natural person.
    13     "Volunteer ambulance service."  A nonprofit chartered
    14  corporation, association or organization located in this
    15  Commonwealth which is regularly engaged in the service of
    16  providing emergency medical care and transportation of patients.
    17     "Volunteer emergency service organization."  An organization
    18  which is a volunteer fire company, volunteer ambulance service,
    19  volunteer rescue squad or volunteer hazardous material response
    20  team.
    21     "Volunteer fire company."  A nonprofit chartered
    22  organization, association or organization located in this
    23  Commonwealth which provides fire protection services, including
    24  fire police services, and other volunteer emergency service
    25  within this Commonwealth. Volunteer emergency service provided
    26  by a volunteer fire company may include volunteer ambulance and
    27  volunteer rescue service.
    28     "Volunteer hazardous material response team."  A nonprofit
    29  chartered corporation, association or organization located in
    30  this Commonwealth whose members are specially trained to respond
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     1  to accidents or situations where hazardous or toxic material are
     2  released into the environment.
     3     "Volunteer rescue squad."  A nonprofit chartered corporation,
     4  association or organization located in this Commonwealth which
     5  provides rescue service in this Commonwealth.
     6  Section 4.  Requirement to pay for response to emergencies.
     7     (a)  Party liable for volunteer emergency services
     8  organization responses.--A person involved in an emergency
     9  situation, incident or event that necessitates a response from a
    10  volunteer emergency services organization shall be liable for
    11  the real and reasonable costs incurred by the volunteer
    12  emergency services organization.
    13     (b)  Party liable for fire department responses.--A person
    14  involved in an emergency situation, incident or event that
    15  necessitates a response from a municipal fire department,
    16  ambulance service or rescue squad shall be liable for the real
    17  and reasonable costs incurred by the paid fire department unless
    18  the person is a resident of or taxpayer in the municipality
    19  where the incident occurs.
    20     (c)  Party responsible for false alarms.--A person who makes
    21  or transmits a false alarm which results in a response by a
    22  volunteer emergency services organization shall be liable for
    23  real and reasonable costs incurred by the volunteer emergency
    24  services organization in responding to the false alarm. These
    25  costs would be in addition to any fines or penalties imposed by
    26  the State or municipality for false alarms.
    27  Section 5.  County office of emergency services reimbursement.
    28     (a)  Establishment.--Each county shall establish and maintain
    29  an office of emergency services reimbursement.
    30     (b)  Powers, duties and procedures.--
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     1         (1)  The county offices of emergency services
     2     reimbursement shall process and file reimbursement claims for
     3     the volunteer emergency services organizations and municipal
     4     emergency services department in their respective county, in
     5     accordance with regulations promulgated for the
     6     administration of the act and utilize a standard form for the
     7     volunteer emergency services organizations and municipal
     8     emergency services departments in its county when applying
     9     for reimbursement.
    10         (2)  Volunteer emergency services organizations and
    11     municipal emergency services departments may apply for real
    12     and reasonable reimbursement for costs related to responding
    13     to calls dispatched by an officially recognized and approved
    14     emergency communication center as authorized in section 4.
    15         (3)  A volunteer emergency services organization or
    16     municipal emergency services department wishing reimbursement
    17     for costs related to an officially recognized dispatch shall
    18     apply to the county office of emergency services
    19     reimbursement where the emergency situation, incident, event
    20     or false alarm occurred. A volunteer emergency service or
    21     municipal emergency services organization involved in mutual
    22     aid may be considered for reimbursement, in accordance with
    23     regulations promulgated for the administration of this act.
    24         (4)  In those instances where a volunteer emergency
    25     services organization or municipal emergency services
    26     department from one county responds into another county, the
    27     request for reimbursement shall be forwarded to the county
    28     office where the emergency situation, incident, event or
    29     false alarm occurred.
    30         (5)  Upon receipt of requests for reimbursement
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     1     compensation, the county office of emergency services
     2     reimbursement shall determine real and reasonable costs, in
     3     accordance with regulations promulgated for the
     4     administration of this act, and then forward a bill for
     5     reimbursement directly to the person responsible for causing
     6     the situation, incident, event or false alarm.
     7         (6)  When a person receives a bill for reimbursement from
     8     a county office of emergency services reimbursements, the
     9     person shall be responsible for payment. If the person is
    10     forwarding the bill for reimbursement to an insurance
    11     company, the person must notify the county office of
    12     emergency services reimbursement from which the bill for
    13     reimbursement was received. Forwarding the bill for
    14     reimbursement to an insurance company does not relieve the
    15     person from financial responsibility for payment.
    16         (7)  Upon receipt of payment of claims, the county office
    17     for emergency services reimbursement shall reimburse,
    18     according to services rendered and need to respond, those
    19     volunteer emergency services organizations or municipal
    20     emergency services departments who applied for reimbursement
    21     in accordance with regulations promulgated for the
    22     administration of this act.
    23  Section 6.  Funding.
    24     Each county office of emergency services reimbursement shall
    25  be funded by the retaining of an amount up to 10% of each claim
    26  settled. This amount shall be used by the county office of
    27  emergency services reimbursement for operating and
    28  administrative costs. Remaining funds shall be disbursed in
    29  accordance with section 5.
    30  Section 7.  Rules and regulations.
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     1     The rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of
     2  this act shall be established as follows:
     3         (1)  The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, in
     4     consultation with volunteer emergency services organizations,
     5     shall promulgate rules and regulations pertaining to
     6     reimbursing volunteer fire companies, volunteer hazardous
     7     material response teams and municipal fire departments.
     8         (2)  The Department of Health in consultation with
     9     volunteer emergency services organizations shall promulgate
    10     rules and regulations under this act pertaining to
    11     reimbursing volunteer ambulance services and municipal
    12     ambulance departments.
    13  Section 8.  Penalties.
    14     Volunteer emergency services organizations filing false
    15  requests for reimbursement commit a summary offense and, upon
    16  conviction, shall be fined up to $100 for each false request.
    17  Section 9.  Repeals.
    18     All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as they are
    19  inconsistent with this act.
    20  Section 10.  Effective date.
    21     This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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