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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1567



No. 1348 Session of 1999

           APRIL 20, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," repealing certain provisions imposing sales and
    11     use tax on lawn care services.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Section 201(k), (o) and (jj) of the act of March
    15  4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971,
    16  amended or added August 4, 1991 (P.L.97, No.22), May 7, 1997
    17  (P.L.85, No.7) and April 23, 1998 (P.L.239, No.45), are amended
    18  to read:
    19     Section 201.  Definitions.--The following words, terms and

     1  phrases when used in this Article II shall have the meaning
     2  ascribed to them in this section, except where the context
     3  clearly indicates a different meaning:
     4     * * *
     5     (k)  "Sale at retail."
     6     (1)  Any transfer, for a consideration, of the ownership,
     7  custody or possession of tangible personal property, including
     8  the grant of a license to use or consume whether such transfer
     9  be absolute or conditional and by whatsoever means the same
    10  shall have been effected.
    11     (2)  The rendition of the service of printing or imprinting
    12  of tangible personal property for a consideration for persons
    13  who furnish, either directly or indirectly the materials used in
    14  the printing or imprinting.
    15     (3)  The rendition for a consideration of the service of--
    16     (i)  Washing, cleaning, waxing, polishing or lubricating of
    17  motor vehicles of another, whether or not any tangible personal
    18  property is transferred in conjunction therewith; and
    19     (ii)  Inspecting motor vehicles pursuant to the mandatory
    20  requirements of "The Vehicle Code."
    21     (4)  The rendition for a consideration of the service of
    22  repairing, altering, mending, pressing, fitting, dyeing,
    23  laundering, drycleaning or cleaning tangible personal property
    24  other than wearing apparel or shoes, or applying or installing
    25  tangible personal property as a repair or replacement part of
    26  other tangible personal property except wearing apparel or shoes
    27  for a consideration, whether or not the services are performed
    28  directly or by any means other than by coin-operated self-
    29  service laundry equipment for wearing apparel or household goods
    30  and whether or not any tangible personal property is transferred
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     1  in conjunction therewith, except such services as are rendered
     2  in the construction, reconstruction, remodeling, repair or
     3  maintenance of real estate: Provided, however, That this
     4  subclause shall not be deemed to impose tax upon such services
     5  in the preparation for sale of new items which are excluded from
     6  the tax under clause (26) of section 204, or upon diaper
     7  service.
     8     (8)  Any retention of possession, custody or a license to use
     9  or consume tangible personal property or any further obtaining
    10  of services described in subclauses (2), (3) and (4) of this
    11  clause pursuant to a rental or service contract or other
    12  arrangement (other than as security).
    13     The term "sale at retail" shall not include (i) any such
    14  transfer of tangible personal property or rendition of services
    15  for the purpose of resale, or (ii) such rendition of services or
    16  the transfer of tangible personal property including, but not
    17  limited to, machinery and equipment and parts therefor and
    18  supplies to be used or consumed by the purchaser directly in the
    19  operations of--
    20     (A)  The manufacture of tangible personal property.
    21     (B)  Farming, dairying, agriculture, horticulture or
    22  floriculture when engaged in as a business enterprise. The term
    23  "farming" shall include the propagation and raising of ranch
    24  raised fur-bearing animals and the propagation of game birds for
    25  commercial purposes by holders of propagation permits issued
    26  under 34 Pa.C.S. (relating to game) and the propagation and
    27  raising of horses to be used exclusively for commercial racing
    28  activities.
    29     (C)  The producing, delivering or rendering of a public
    30  utility service, or in constructing, reconstructing, remodeling,
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     1  repairing or maintaining the facilities which are directly used
     2  in producing, delivering or rendering such service.
     3     (D)  Processing as defined in clause (d) of this section.
     4     The exclusions provided in paragraphs (A), (B), (C) and (D)
     5  shall not apply to any vehicle required to be registered under
     6  The Vehicle Code, except those vehicles used directly by a
     7  public utility engaged in business as a common carrier; to
     8  maintenance facilities; or to materials, supplies or equipment
     9  to be used or consumed in the construction, reconstruction,
    10  remodeling, repair or maintenance of real estate other than
    11  directly used machinery, equipment, parts or foundations
    12  therefor that may be affixed to such real estate.
    13     The exclusions provided in paragraphs (A), (B), (C) and (D)
    14  shall not apply to tangible personal property or services to be
    15  used or consumed in managerial sales or other nonoperational
    16  activities, nor to the purchase or use of tangible personal
    17  property or services by any person other than the person
    18  directly using the same in the operations described in
    19  paragraphs (A), (B), (C) and (D) herein.
    20     The exclusion provided in paragraph (C) shall not apply to
    21  (i) construction materials, supplies or equipment used to
    22  construct, reconstruct, remodel, repair or maintain facilities
    23  not used directly by the purchaser in the production, delivering
    24  or rendition of public utility service, (ii) construction
    25  materials, supplies or equipment used to construct, reconstruct,
    26  remodel, repair or maintain a building, road or similar
    27  structure, or (iii) tools and equipment used but not installed
    28  in the maintenance of facilities used directly in the
    29  production, delivering or rendition of a public utility service.
    30     The exclusions provided in paragraphs (A), (B), (C) and (D)
    19990H1348B1567                  - 4 -

     1  shall not apply to the services enumerated in clauses (k)(11)
     2  through (18) and (w) through (kk), except that the exclusion
     3  provided in this subclause for farming, dairying and agriculture
     4  shall apply to the service enumerated in clause (z).
     5     (9)  Where tangible personal property or services are
     6  utilized for purposes constituting a "sale at retail" and for
     7  purposes excluded from the definition of "sale at retail," it
     8  shall be presumed that such tangible personal property or
     9  services are utilized for purposes constituting a "sale at
    10  retail" and subject to tax unless the user thereof proves to the
    11  department that the predominant purposes for which such tangible
    12  personal property or services are utilized do not constitute a
    13  "sale at retail."
    14     (10)  The term "sale at retail" with respect to "liquor" and
    15  "malt or brewed beverages" shall include the sale of "liquor" by
    16  any "Pennsylvania liquor store" to any person for any purpose,
    17  and the sale of "malt or brewed beverages" by a "manufacturer of
    18  malt or brewed beverages," "distributor" or "importing
    19  distributor" to any person for any purpose, except sales by a
    20  "manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages" to a "distributor" or
    21  "importing distributor" or sales by an "importing distributor"
    22  to a "distributor" within the meaning of the "Liquor Code." The
    23  term "sale at retail" shall not include any sale of "malt or
    24  brewed beverages" by a "retail dispenser" or any sale of
    25  "liquor" or "malt or brewed beverages" by a person holding a
    26  "retail liquor license" within the meaning of and pursuant to
    27  the provisions of the "Liquor Code," but shall include any sale
    28  of "liquor" or "malt or brewed beverages" other than pursuant to
    29  the provisions of the "Liquor Code."
    30     (11)  The rendition for a consideration of lobbying services.
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     1     (12)  The rendition for a consideration of adjustment
     2  services, collection services or credit reporting services.
     3     (13)  The rendition for a consideration of secretarial or
     4  editing services.
     5     (14)  The rendition for a consideration of disinfecting or
     6  pest control services, building maintenance or cleaning
     7  services.
     8     (15)  The rendition for a consideration of employment agency
     9  services or help supply services.
    10     [(17)  The rendition for a consideration of lawn care
    11  service.]
    12     (18)  The rendition for a consideration of self-storage
    13  service.
    14     * * *
    15     (o)  "Use."
    16     (1)  The exercise of any right or power incidental to the
    17  ownership, custody or possession of tangible personal property
    18  and shall include, but not be limited to transportation, storage
    19  or consumption.
    20     (2)  The obtaining by a purchaser of the service of printing
    21  or imprinting of tangible personal property when such purchaser
    22  furnishes, either directly or indirectly, the articles used in
    23  the printing or imprinting.
    24     (3)  The obtaining by a purchaser of the services of (i)
    25  washing, cleaning, waxing, polishing or lubricating of motor
    26  vehicles whether or not any tangible personal property is
    27  transferred to the purchaser in conjunction with such services,
    28  and (ii) inspecting motor vehicles pursuant to the mandatory
    29  requirements of "The Vehicle Code."
    30     (4)  The obtaining by a purchaser of the service of
    19990H1348B1567                  - 6 -

     1  repairing, altering, mending, pressing, fitting, dyeing,
     2  laundering, drycleaning or cleaning tangible personal property
     3  other than wearing apparel or shoes or applying or installing
     4  tangible personal property as a repair or replacement part of
     5  other tangible personal property other than wearing apparel or
     6  shoes, whether or not the services are performed directly or by
     7  any means other than by means of coin-operated self-service
     8  laundry equipment for wearing apparel or household goods, and
     9  whether or not any tangible personal property is transferred to
    10  the purchaser in conjunction therewith, except such services as
    11  are obtained in the construction, reconstruction, remodeling,
    12  repair or maintenance of real estate: Provided, however, That
    13  this subclause shall not be deemed to impose tax upon such
    14  services in the preparation for sale of new items which are
    15  excluded from the tax under clause (26) of section 204, or upon
    16  diaper service: And provided further, That the term "use" shall
    17  not include--
    18     (A)  Any tangible personal property acquired and kept,
    19  retained or over which power is exercised within this
    20  Commonwealth on which the taxing of the storage, use or other
    21  consumption thereof is expressly prohibited by the Constitution
    22  of the United States or which is excluded from tax under other
    23  provisions of this article.
    24     (B)  The use or consumption of tangible personal property,
    25  including but not limited to machinery and equipment and parts
    26  therefor, and supplies or the obtaining of the services
    27  described in subclauses (2), (3) and (4) of this clause directly
    28  in the operations of--
    29     (i)  The manufacture of tangible personal property.
    30     (ii)  Farming, dairying, agriculture, horticulture or
    19990H1348B1567                  - 7 -

     1  floriculture when engaged in as a business enterprise. The term
     2  "farming" shall include the propagation and raising of ranch-
     3  raised furbearing animals and the propagation of game birds for
     4  commercial purposes by holders of propagation permits issued
     5  under 34 Pa.C.S. (relating to game) and the propagation and
     6  raising of horses to be used exclusively for commercial racing
     7  activities.
     8     (iii)  The producing, delivering or rendering of a public
     9  utility service, or in constructing, reconstructing, remodeling,
    10  repairing or maintaining the facilities which are directly used
    11  in producing, delivering or rendering such service.
    12     (iv)  Processing as defined in subclause (d) of this section.
    13     The exclusions provided in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and
    14  (iv) shall not apply to any vehicle required to be registered
    15  under The Vehicle Code except those vehicles directly used by a
    16  public utility engaged in the business as a common carrier; to
    17  maintenance facilities; or to materials, supplies or equipment
    18  to be used or consumed in the construction, reconstruction,
    19  remodeling, repair or maintenance of real estate other than
    20  directly used machinery, equipment, parts or foundations
    21  therefor that may be affixed to such real estate. The exclusions
    22  provided in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) shall not
    23  apply to tangible personal property or services to be used or
    24  consumed in managerial sales or other nonoperational activities,
    25  nor to the purchase or use of tangible personal property or
    26  services by any person other than the person directly using the
    27  same in the operations described in subparagraphs (i), (ii),
    28  (iii) and (iv).
    29     The exclusion provided in subparagraph (iii) shall not apply
    30  to (A) construction materials, supplies or equipment used to
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     1  construct, reconstruct, remodel, repair or maintain facilities
     2  not used directly by the purchaser in the production, delivering
     3  or rendition of public utility service or (B) tools and
     4  equipment used but not installed in the maintenance of
     5  facilities used directly in the production, delivering or
     6  rendition of a public utility service.
     7     The exclusion provided in subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii) and
     8  (iv) shall not apply to the services enumerated in clauses
     9  (o)(9) through (16) and (w) through (kk), except that the
    10  exclusion provided in subparagraph (ii) for farming, dairying
    11  and agriculture shall apply to the service enumerated in clause
    12  (z).
    13     (5)  Where tangible personal property or services are
    14  utilized for purposes constituting a "use," as herein defined,
    15  and for purposes excluded from the definition of "use," it shall
    16  be presumed that such property or services are utilized for
    17  purposes constituting a "sale at retail" and subject to tax
    18  unless the user thereof proves to the department that the
    19  predominant purposes for which such property or services are
    20  utilized do not constitute a "sale at retail."
    21     (6)  The term "use" with respect to "liquor" and "malt or
    22  brewed beverages" shall include the purchase of "liquor" from
    23  any "Pennsylvania liquor store" by any person for any purpose
    24  and the purchase of "malt or brewed beverages" from a
    25  "manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages," "distributor" or
    26  "importing distributor" by any person for any purpose, except
    27  purchases from a "manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages" by a
    28  "distributor" or "importing distributor," or purchases from an
    29  "importing distributor" by a "distributor" within the meaning of
    30  the "Liquor Code." The term "use" shall not include any purchase
    19990H1348B1567                  - 9 -

     1  of "malt or brewed beverages" from a "retail dispenser" or any
     2  purchase of "liquor" or "malt or brewed beverages" from a person
     3  holding a "retail liquor license" within the meaning of and
     4  pursuant to the provisions of the "Liquor Code," but shall
     5  include the exercise of any right or power incidental to the
     6  ownership, custody or possession of "liquor" or "malt or brewed
     7  beverages" obtained by the person exercising such right or power
     8  in any manner other than pursuant to the provisions of the
     9  "Liquor Code."
    10     (7)  The use of tangible personal property purchased at
    11  retail upon which the services described in subclauses (2), (3)
    12  and (4) of this clause have been performed shall be deemed to be
    13  a use of said services by the person using said property.
    14     (8)  The term "use" shall not include the providing of a
    15  motor vehicle to a nonprofit private or public school to be used
    16  by such a school for the sole purpose of driver education.
    17     (9)  The obtaining by the purchaser of lobbying services.
    18     (10)  The obtaining by the purchaser of adjustment services,
    19  collection services or credit reporting services.
    20     (11)  The obtaining by the purchaser of secretarial or
    21  editing services.
    22     (12)  The obtaining by the purchaser of disinfecting or pest
    23  control services, building maintenance or cleaning services.
    24     (13)  The obtaining by the purchaser of employment agency
    25  services or help supply services.
    26     [(15)  The obtaining by the purchaser of lawn care service.]
    27     (16)  The obtaining by the purchaser of self-storage service.
    28     (17)  The obtaining by a construction contractor of tangible
    29  personal property or services provided to tangible personal
    30  property which will be used pursuant to a construction contract
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     1  whether or not the tangible personal property or services are
     2  transferred.
     3     * * *
     4     [(jj)  "Lawn care service."  Providing services for lawn
     5  upkeep, including, but not limited to, fertilizing, lawn mowing,
     6  shrubbery trimming or other lawn treatment services.]
     7     * * *
     8     Section 2.  The amendment of section 201(k), (o) and (jj) of
     9  the act shall be retroactive to October 1, 1991.
    10     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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