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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1633



No. 1358 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the remediation of blighted properties in certain
     2     municipalities.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Blight
     7  Remediation Act.
     8  Section 2.  Legislative intent.
     9     The purpose of this act is to establish a blight remediation
    10  program that would provide affordable housing, improve the
    11  quality of life in urban neighborhoods and increase annual
    12  recurring revenue for municipalities without the commitment of
    13  future State tax dollars.
    14  Section 3.  Definitions.
    15     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    16  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    17  context clearly indicates otherwise:

     1     "Blighted property."  Includes any of the following:
     2         (1)  Any premises which, because of physical condition or
     3     use, is regarded as a public nuisance at common law or has
     4     been declared a public nuisance in accordance with the local
     5     housing, building, plumbing, fire and related codes.
     6         (2)  Any dwelling which, because it is dilapidated,
     7     unsanitary, unsafe, vermin-infested or lacking in the
     8     facilities and equipment required by the housing code of the
     9     municipality, has been designated by the local agency
    10     responsible for enforcement of the code as unfit for human
    11     habitation.
    12         (3)  Any structure which is a fire hazard or is otherwise
    13     dangerous to the safety of persons or property.
    14         (4)  Any structure from which the utilities, plumbing,
    15     heating, sewerage or other facilities have been disconnected,
    16     destroyed, removed or rendered ineffective so that the
    17     property is unfit for its intended use.
    18         (5)  Any vacant or unimproved lot or parcel of ground in
    19     a predominantly built-up neighborhood which by reason of
    20     neglect or lack of maintenance has become a place for
    21     accumulation of trash and debris or a haven for rodents or
    22     other vermin.
    23         (6)  Any property which has been tax delinquent for a
    24     period of two years.
    25         (7)  Any vacant property or unimproved lot or parcel of
    26     ground in a redevelopment area certified pursuant to the act
    27     of May 24, 1945 (P.L.991, No.385), known as the Urban
    28     Redevelopment Law.
    29     "Boards."  The Philadelphia Blight Remediation Board, the
    30  Pittsburgh Blight Remediation Board and the Urban Blight
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     1  Remediation Board as established by this act.
     2     "Continuation fund."  The Blight Remediation Continuation
     3  Fund established by this act.
     4     "Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
     5  Development of the Commonwealth.
     6     "Fund."  The Blight Remediation Fund established by this act.
     7     "Municipality."  A city, borough or township of the first
     8  class or second class.
     9     "Nonprofit developers."  Community development corporations
    10  registered under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
    11  of 1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3)).
    12     "Program."  The Blight Remediation Program established by
    13  this act.
    14  Section 4.  Program.
    15     (a)  Establishment.--The Blight Remediation Program is hereby
    16  established within the department. The program shall be
    17  comprised of:
    18         (1)  Blight remediation grants.
    19         (2)  Blight remediation matching fund grants, which shall
    20     require a recipient to use funds from sources in an amount
    21     equal to or greater than the grant from the fund.
    22     (b)  Transfer of capital budget moneys.--Following deposit of
    23  capital budget moneys into the fund pursuant to section 8, an
    24  aggregate amount of not more than $75,000,000 of the moneys
    25  shall be transferred to the city of the first class, an
    26  aggregate amount of not more than $35,000,000 of the moneys
    27  shall be transferred to the city of the second class for
    28  expenditure pursuant to the purposes set forth in subsection (c)
    29  and an aggregate amount of not more than $50,000,000 shall be
    30  transferred to the Urban Blight Remediation Board.
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     1  Municipalities shall apply to the department for transfer of the
     2  moneys. The department shall develop outreach, application and
     3  program requirements to ensure that applying, receiving and
     4  utilizing funds from the Urban Blight Remediation Board will not
     5  be burdensome on municipalities with small or part-time staff.
     6     (c)  Use of transferred moneys.--A city of the first class in
     7  cooperation with the Philadelphia Blight Remediation Board, a
     8  city of the second class in cooperation with the Pittsburgh
     9  Blight Remediation and the Urban Blight Remediation Board shall
    10  utilize the moneys transferred to each municipality from the
    11  fund to purchase blighted property within their respective
    12  jurisdictions. Prior to the purchase of each blighted property,
    13  the municipality, in cooperation with its respective board,
    14  shall determine whether the blighted property purchase and
    15  related use of moneys from the fund shall be completed using a
    16  blight remediation grant or a blight remediation matching fund
    17  grant. Upon determination of the grant type, purchase may be
    18  effected by outright purchase, eminent domain, purchase at tax
    19  sale or by any other means available. Moneys may be utilized to
    20  defray all costs and expenses associated with obtaining good
    21  marketable title to the blighted properties, including, but not
    22  limited to, the satisfaction of liens and other claims, attorney
    23  fees and all other costs incurred to acquire such properties.
    24     (d)  Determination of eligibility for site preparation
    25  grants.--Within nine months of purchase made pursuant to this
    26  act, each municipality shall each submit a list of properties
    27  acquired pursuant to subsection (c) to the appropriate board.
    28  Such list shall also include information specifying the amount
    29  expended to purchase and clear title to each property, the exact
    30  location of each property and such other information deemed
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     1  warranted by the board. Following board review of these lists
     2  and the accompanying information, the board shall determine
     3  which properties are eligible for site preparation grants
     4  pursuant to subsection (e).
     5     (e)  Development of conveyed property.--Following deposit of
     6  capital budget moneys into the fund pursuant to section 8
     7  (relating to funds), an aggregate amount of not more than
     8  $25,000,000 with respect to the city of the first class and an
     9  aggregate amount of not more than $15,000,000 with respect to
    10  the city of the second class shall be utilized by the
    11  municipality in cooperation with the board in site preparation
    12  of the eligible properties. These moneys may be used to cover
    13  costs in razing and clearing dilapidated buildings and in the
    14  installation of necessary infrastructure, including sewer, water
    15  and other utilities.
    16  Section 5.  Board.
    17     (a)  Establishment.--The boards are hereby established with
    18  the department and shall administer the program.
    19     (b)  Composition.--Each board shall be composed of five
    20  members, one appointed by each of the following:
    21         (1)  The Governor.
    22         (2)  The President pro tempore of the Senate.
    23         (3)  The Minority Leader of the Senate.
    24         (4)  The Speaker of the House of Representatives.
    25         (5)  The Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.
    26     (c)  Election of chair of the board.--The members of each
    27  board shall elect a chair of that board.
    28     (d)  Term; vacancies.--The term of a board member shall begin
    29  on the date of appointment. A member's term shall be coterminous
    30  with that of the appointing authority, provided that the
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     1  member's term shall continue until a replacement is appointed.
     2  Board members shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing
     3  authority. Whenever a vacancy occurs on the board, whether prior
     4  to or on the expiration of a term, the appointing authority
     5  shall appoint a successor member within 30 days of the vacancy.
     6  A member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the
     7  expiration of a term shall serve the unexpired term.
     8     (e)  Meetings.--The boards shall meet as frequently as they
     9  deem appropriate but at least once during each quarter of the
    10  fiscal year. In addition, a meeting of a board shall be called
    11  by the chairperson if a request for a meeting is submitted to
    12  the chairperson by at least a majority of the members of a
    13  board. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the
    14  purpose of conducting the business of the board and for all
    15  other purposes. All actions of the board shall be taken by a
    16  majority of the board. The provisions of 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7
    17  (relating to open meetings) shall apply to the board.
    18     (f)  Expenses.--A member shall not receive compensation or
    19  remuneration, but shall be entitled to reimbursement for all
    20  reasonable and necessary actual expenses by the department.
    21     (g)  Public officials and party officers.--Members of the
    22  board shall not seek or hold a position as any other public
    23  official within this Commonwealth or as a party officer while in
    24  service. Members of the board shall not seek election as public
    25  officials or party officers for one year after their service on
    26  the board. Members of the board may serve as appointive public
    27  officials any time after their periods of service on the board.
    28  Section 6.  Powers and duties.
    29     (a)  Agreement.--At the time of selection of properties for
    30  blight remediation and subsequent site development, each
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     1  municipality and its respective board shall execute a separate
     2  agreement that sets forth the responsibilities and duties of
     3  each party under the program. In such agreements, the
     4  municipality in cooperation with the board shall obligate itself
     5  to undertake site demolition and clearing work and the
     6  installation of necessary infrastructure and to ultimately
     7  convey the property to other entities, including private
     8  developers, for development, but nonprofit developers shall have
     9  the first opportunity.
    10         (1)  The grant agreement between the municipality and its
    11     respective board for each blighted property purchased using a
    12     blight remediation grant shall include a directive that upon
    13     completion of the blight remediation project, each
    14     municipality, county and school district shall agree to
    15     contribute an amount equal to 50% of the amount of municipal,
    16     county and school district taxes levied on the property or
    17     the occupants of the property. Contributed funds shall be
    18     deposited in the Blight Remediation Continuation Fund for the
    19     purpose of providing ongoing funds for blight remediation in
    20     a municipality. The tax contribution specified in the grant
    21     agreement shall not exceed a period of 28 years.
    22         (2)  The grant agreement between the municipality and its
    23     respective board for each blighted property purchased using a
    24     blight remediation matching fund grant shall specify the
    25     amount and source of other funds to be provided by the
    26     municipality and the board. Projects funded through a blight
    27     remediation matching fund grant shall not require
    28     contributions to the continuation fund by the municipality,
    29     county or school district upon project completion.
    30     (b)  Request for proposals.--Simultaneously with undertaking
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     1  of preliminary site preparation called for in section 4(e)
     2  (relating to program), the municipalities in cooperation with
     3  their respective boards shall advertise for development
     4  proposals from public and private development entities,
     5  including, but not limited to, redevelopment authorities,
     6  housing authorities, private developers and nonprofit
     7  developers. Proof of financial credibility, for all bidding
     8  organizations, shall be included with development proposals. The
     9  department shall promulgate regulations regarding the criteria
    10  to be used in reviewing the proposals received. The promulgation
    11  of these regulations shall not be subject to the provisions of
    12  the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as the
    13  Regulatory Review Act.
    14     (c)  Selection of developers.--Upon review of the proposals
    15  received pursuant to subsection (b), the municipalities in
    16  cooperation with their respective boards may convey a property
    17  or groups of properties to a given developer for development.
    18  The conveyances shall occur for the consideration of $1 per
    19  property. Simultaneously with the conveyance, a separate
    20  agreement shall be executed in which the developer agrees to
    21  develop the property within a given period of time and pursuant
    22  to the specific development standards, all of which shall be
    23  detailed in regulations promulgated by the department.
    24  Promulgation of the regulations shall not be subject to the
    25  provisions of the Regulatory Review Act. Among other things, the
    26  regulations shall provide for reversion of title to the
    27  municipality and its respective board in the event the contract
    28  terms are breached by the developer. Proposals which preserve or
    29  expand green space shall be given priority in the review
    30  process.
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     1  Section 7.  Repayment not required.
     2     Notwithstanding the provisions of the act of May 20, 1949
     3  (P.L.1633, No.493), known as the Housing and Redevelopment
     4  Assistance Law, and Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1966, grant
     5  agreements executed between the municipality and its respective
     6  board shall not require repayment of grant funds when the grant
     7  is directed to a blight remediation grant project for a
     8  municipality as authorized by a capital budget act.
     9  Section 8.  Funds.
    10     (a)  Establishment.--
    11         (1)  The Blight Remediation Fund is hereby established in
    12     the State Treasury. All money in the fund is hereby
    13     appropriated to the department on a continuing basis to carry
    14     out the provisions of this act.
    15         (2)  The Blight Remediation Continuation Fund is hereby
    16     established in the State Treasury. All money in the fund is
    17     hereby appropriated to the department on a continuing basis
    18     for the program authorized by this act. Moneys in the
    19     continuation fund are to be utilized for blight remediation
    20     projects once moneys in the fund are no longer sufficient to
    21     fund the programs authorized by this act.
    22     (b)  Administration.--Each asset of the fund shall be
    23  preserved, invested and expended solely pursuant to and for the
    24  purposes set forth in this act.
    25  Section 9.  Funding.
    26     Up to $200,000,000 of the net proceeds of the sale of
    27  obligations authorized in a capital budget act for the purposes
    28  of redevelopment assistance is hereby appropriated to the
    29  Department of Community and Economic Development for deposit
    30  into the fund established and to be used to implement the
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     1  provisions of this act.
     2  Section 10.  Effective date.
     3     This act shall take effect immediately.

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