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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1592



No. 1371 Session of 1989

           WILLIAMS AND WILSON, MAY 1, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of January 8, 1960 (1959 P.L.2119, No.787),
     2     entitled, as amended, "An act to provide for the better
     3     protection of the health, general welfare and property of the
     4     people of the Commonwealth by the control, abatement,
     5     reduction and prevention of the pollution of the air by
     6     smokes, dusts, fumes, gases, odors, mists, vapors, pollens
     7     and similar matter, or any combination thereof; imposing
     8     certain powers and duties on the Department of Environmental
     9     Resources, the Environmental Quality Board and the
    10     Environmental Hearing Board; establishing procedures for the
    11     protection of health and public safety during emergency
    12     conditions; creating a stationary air contamination source
    13     permit system; providing additional remedies for abating air
    14     pollution; reserving powers to local political subdivisions,
    15     and defining the relationship between this act and the
    16     ordinances, resolutions and regulations of counties, cities,
    17     boroughs, towns and townships; imposing penalties for
    18     violation of this act; and providing for the power to enjoin
    19     violations of this act; and conferring upon persons aggrieved
    20     certain rights and remedies," providing for an acid
    21     deposition control program; providing for promotion and use
    22     of coal produced in Pennsylvania; and providing for

     1     additional powers and duties of the Department of
     2     Environmental Resources and the Environmental Quality Board.

     3     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     4         (1)  Acid deposition, commonly referred to as "acid
     5     rain," resulting from emissions of acid deposition precursors
     6     from other than natural sources, is occurring throughout this
     7     Commonwealth.
     8         (2)  Acid deposition has significant and diverse effects
     9     upon the Commonwealth's environment, by degrading natural
    10     ecosystems, including streams, lakes, aquatic life and
    11     wildlife and their habitat; on the economy of this
    12     Commonwealth, by causing declines in revenue from outdoor
    13     activities and tourism; upon human made objects such as
    14     structures and statuary; on public water supplies; and on
    15     public health, welfare and safety. There are substantial
    16     indications that acid deposition may adversely affect
    17     agricultural crops and forests.
    18         (3)  Although major sources of acid deposition precursors
    19     are located within the Midwestern United States and certain
    20     provinces of Canada, emissions from sources within this
    21     Commonwealth contribute significantly to acid deposition
    22     within this Commonwealth. Four-fifths of sulfur dioxide
    23     emissions in this Commonwealth are produced by steam electric
    24     generating facilities within this Commonwealth. Among all
    25     states, our State suffers the greatest amount of damage from
    26     acid deposition.
    27         (4)  Proposed Federal legislation before the Congress of
    28     the United States would require national sulfur dioxide
    29     emissions to be reduced, in the 1990's, to a level that is at
    30     least ten million (10,000,000) tons per year lower than the

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     1     national sulfur dioxide emissions in 1980 and such Federal
     2     legislation would significantly reduce acid deposition in the
     3     Northeastern United States. Pennsylvania's required share of
     4     emissions reductions under this Federal program would be
     5     approximately 846,000 tons of sulfur per year or about 41%
     6     lower than total State emissions in 1980.
     7         (5)  The persistent efforts to enact Federal legislation
     8     have been in response to the serious threat of acid
     9     deposition and indicate widespread support for emissions
    10     control. Federal or regional direction and coordination of
    11     emission control legislation are desirable, because of the
    12     interstate transportation of acid deposition precursors and
    13     adverse interstate economic impact of diverse state laws.
    14     State law may complement an overall Federal law. In the
    15     absence of Federal legislation, an interstate acid deposition
    16     control program is essential and would require out-of-state
    17     emitters to pay their fair, societal cost of doing business
    18     and preserving the environment. In the absence of an
    19     interstate acid deposition control program, State control is
    20     essential to reduce emissions and to establish in-place
    21     requirements.
    22         (6)  Control technology is now available to remove more
    23     than 90% of sulfur dioxide and significant portions of nitric
    24     oxides from emissions. Such control technology can and should
    25     be installed, with the cost thereof shared equitably among
    26     levels of government, utilities and utility users.
    27         (7)  Implementation of a control program will minimize
    28     the impact on, and may enhance the use by, Pennsylvania
    29     generating plants of coal produced in Pennsylvania.
    30     Requirement of control technology will tend to minimize fuel
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     1     switching and preserve and promote our significant reserves
     2     of coal as an alternative source of energy to oil in the
     3     event of reduced availability resulting from international
     4     political disruption.
     5         (8)  Continuing studies of out-of-State and in-State
     6     sources and control of emissions, together with coordination
     7     of public and private pollution control research are
     8     desirable.
     9         (9)  The policy of this Commonwealth shall be to
    10     implement the mandate in section 27 of Article I of the
    11     Constitution of Pennsylvania by protecting the environment
    12     from irreparable damage from air pollution, including the
    13     emission, transmission and deposition of sulfur dioxides and
    14     nitrogen oxides, to the degree necessary for the:
    15             (i)  protection of public health, safety and well
    16         being of its citizens;
    17             (ii)  prevention of injury to aquatic, plant and
    18         wildlife and to property;
    19             (iii)  protection of the recreational resources of
    20         this Commonwealth; and
    21             (iv)  development, attraction and expansion of
    22         industry, commerce, tourism and agriculture by an acid
    23         deposition control program.
    24         (10)  The policy of this Commonwealth shall be to develop
    25     an effective program of clean coal technology and emission
    26     controls to promote and enhance the use of Pennsylvania coal
    27     in the national economy and as a viable potential source of
    28     energy in the event of reduced oil supplies resulting from
    29     international political disruption.
    30         (11)  A Federal or interstate acid deposition control
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     1     program is desirable. In the absence thereof, a State acid
     2     deposition control program is required to safeguard public
     3     health and to protect the environment, economy and
     4     infrastructure from irreparable damage from acid deposition.
     5     The intent of this amendatory act is to establish a State
     6     acid deposition control program that sets forth a procedure
     7     for the control of emissions of acid deposition precursors
     8     from sources within this Commonwealth, while pursuing an
     9     interstate program. A State program would approximate
    10     Pennsylvania's share of the required national reduction under
    11     Federal studies and would demonstrate the willingness of the
    12     Commonwealth to bear its fair share of the burden for acid
    13     deposition control. It is the further intent of the General
    14     Assembly that any reductions in acid deposition made in this
    15     Commonwealth pursuant to this amendatory act should be fully
    16     credited against Pennsylvania's share in any future Federal
    17     acid deposition control program.
    18         (12)  The policy of this Commonwealth shall be that the
    19     cost of administering the State acid deposition control
    20     program shall be borne by all people in this Commonwealth
    21     because acid rain effects everyone.
    22     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    23  hereby enacts as follows:
    24     Section 1.  Section 3(4) of the act of January 8, 1960 (1959
    25  P.L.2119, No.787), known as the Air Pollution Control Act,
    26  amended October 26, 1972 (P.L.989, No.245), is amended and the
    27  section is amended by adding clauses to read:
    28     Section 3.  Definitions.--The following words and phrases,
    29  when used in this act, unless the context clearly indicates
    30  otherwise, shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this
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     1  section:
     2     * * *
     3     (4)  "Air contaminant." Smoke, dust, fume, gas, odor, mist,
     4  vapor, pollen, acid deposition precursor or any combination
     5  thereof.
     6     * * *
     7     (11)  "Acid deposition."  The wet or dry deposition from the
     8  atmosphere of chemical compounds, usually in the form of rain or
     9  snow, having the potential to form an aqueous compound with a pH
    10  level lower than the level considered normal under natural
    11  conditions, or lower than 5.6, whichever is less.
    12     (12)  "Acid deposition precursor."  Sulfur dioxide or oxides
    13  of nitrogen.
    14     (13)  "Best available control technology."  An emission
    15  limitation or equipment standard based on the maximum degree of
    16  reduction which the department determines is achievable on a
    17  case-by-case basis, taking into account energy, economic,
    18  environmental and health impacts and other costs related to the
    19  source.
    20     (14)  "Coal."  Bituminous coal, lignite coal or anthracite.
    21     (15)  "Conversion or modification."  Any construction,
    22  reconstruction, addition to or alteration of any electric
    23  utility unit, boiler unit or major industrial process or other
    24  physical changes to allow burning of coal as a boiler fuel.
    25     (16)  "Emission."  The release of acid deposition precursors
    26  into the atmosphere from any electric utility unit, boiler unit
    27  or major industrial process.
    28     (17)  "Fossil fuel."  Coal, petroleum products and fuel
    29  gases.
    30     (18)  "Major electric utility steam generating units" or
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     1  "electric utility units."  A steam electric generating facility
     2  with a generating capacity of fifty thousand (50,000) kilowatts
     3  or more which burns fossil fuel.
     4     (19)  "Major industrial boiler units" or "boiler units."
     5  Fossil fuel fired steam generating units other than electric
     6  utility units that emit acid deposition precursors in excess of
     7  one hundred (100) tons per year.
     8     (20)  "Major industrial processes."  Any stationary sources
     9  other than major electric utility units and major boiler units
    10  that will emit acid deposition precursors in excess of one
    11  hundred (100) tons per year and is granted a permit pursuant to
    12  section 6.1 of this act.
    13     (21)  "New emission source."  Any new electric utility unit,
    14  boiler unit or major industrial process that will emit acid
    15  deposition precursors in excess of one hundred (100) tons per
    16  year, and is granted a permit pursuant to section 6.1 of this
    17  act.
    18     (22)  "New source performance standard."  A standard
    19  developed by the department which sets limitations for emission
    20  of acid deposition precursors from new electric utility units,
    21  boiler units or major industrial process.
    22     (23)  "Secretary."  The Secretary of Environmental Resources
    23  of the Commonwealth.
    24     Section 2.  Section 4(18) and (19) of the act, amended
    25  October 26, 1972 (P.L.989, No.245), are amended and the section
    26  is amended by adding clauses to read:
    27     Section 4.  Powers and Duties of the Department of
    28  Environmental Resources.--The department shall have power and
    29  its duty shall be to--
    30     * * *
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     1     (18)  Cooperate with the appropriate agencies of the United
     2  States or of other states or any interstate agencies with
     3  respect to the control, prevention, abatement and reduction of
     4  air pollution, and where appropriate formulate interstate air
     5  pollution control compacts or agreements for the submission
     6  thereof to the General Assembly; and prepare and implement
     7  provisions with respect to an interstate acid deposition control
     8  program as set forth in section 7.1 of this act.
     9     (19)  Serve as the agency of the Commonwealth for the receipt
    10  of moneys from the Federal government or other public or private
    11  agencies, and expend such moneys for studies and research with
    12  respect to air contaminants, air pollution and acid deposition
    13  and the control, prevention, abatement and reduction of air
    14  pollution and acid deposition.
    15     * * *
    16     (21)  Take action within the scope of responsibilities
    17  required under this act to reduce the impact upon the State's
    18  power generating and coal industries and utility consumers of
    19  Federal and other State actions adverse to or affecting their
    20  interests, including, but not limited to, competitive energy
    21  costs and power rates; and, where executive action is
    22  insufficient, to promptly recommend to the General Assembly
    23  legislative initiatives required to protect such interests.
    24     (22)  Determine if, at any time during implementation of the
    25  emission control program under this act, any cost differential
    26  between the cost of fuel utilizing compliance technology set
    27  forth in section 7.3 of this act in conjunction with coal
    28  produced in Pennsylvania and the cost of fuel utilizing coal
    29  from outside Pennsylvania. To this end, the secretary shall
    30  promulgate regulations defining the terms set forth herein and
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     1  the procedure for determining the cost differential, with an
     2  opportunity for parties in interest to appear and be heard. The
     3  secretary shall then report, with recommendations, to the
     4  General Assembly:  the nature, amount and basis for
     5  determination of the cost differential; if required, methods of
     6  reducing the cost differential, including but not limited to,
     7  tax credits, rate base adjustment, operating cost subsidies and
     8  other relief; and the impact on emission reduction goals and
     9  schedules. Major considerations in these determinations shall be
    10  to encourage the use of coal produced in Pennsylvania and to
    11  discourage the use of coal produced outside Pennsylvania, and to
    12  recognize coal as an alternative to oil as a source of energy in
    13  the event of reduced availability of oil resulting from
    14  international political disruption.
    15     (23)  Coordinate the research and development of acid
    16  deposition and clean coal technology conducted by public
    17  agencies, private agencies and institutions, and institutions of
    18  higher education that are State-related, State-supported and
    19  State-aided, receiving State funds relating thereto.
    20     (24)  Implement immediately the coal desulfurization research
    21  center project authorized under the act of December 6, 1982
    22  (P.L.771, No.222), entitled "A supplement to the act of July 1,
    23  1981 (P.L.142, No.47), entitled 'An act providing for the
    24  capital budget for the fiscal year 1981-1982.'"
    25     (25)  Conduct studies of nitrogen oxides from electric
    26  utility units and boiler units in the Commonwealth in order to
    27  identify and calculate the total Statewide potential reduction
    28  of emissions of nitrogen oxide economically and technically
    29  achievable by December 31, 1998. A report of the studies and
    30  recommended reduction values shall be submitted to the board for
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     1  adoption no later than three years from the effective date of
     2  this clause.
     3     (26)  Submit a report to the General Assembly, no later than
     4  one year after the effective date of this act, containing the
     5  results of a study conducted by the department to determine the
     6  impact upon the environment and the economy of the Commonwealth
     7  resulting from both the imposition of and the lack of imposition
     8  of emission controls, including risks, benefits and the general
     9  costs to utility and utility users in the long term and the
    10  short term.
    11     (27)  Submit a report annually to the General Assembly
    12  containing the results of a review of the implementation,
    13  operation and effectiveness of the acid deposition control
    14  program with recommendations for revising the program, including
    15  acceleration of goals and schedules, if indicated.
    16     (28)  Submit a report to the General Assembly three and one
    17  half years after the effective date of the sulfur deposition
    18  control program containing the following:
    19     (i)  The results of the study conducted by the department to
    20  determine the reduction achieved pursuant to phase I
    21  requirements under section 7.2 of this act.
    22     (ii)  The feasibility of meeting phase II requirements
    23  specified in section 7.2 of this act.
    24     (iii)  Recommendations to modify or improve the program, if
    25  necessary.
    26     (29)  Submit a report to the General Assembly ten and one
    27  half years after the effective date of the sulfur deposition
    28  control program containing the following:
    29     (i)  The results of a study conducted by the department to
    30  determine the reduction achieved pursuant to phase II
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     1  requirements under section 7.2 of this act.
     2     (ii)  The feasibility of meeting phase II requirements
     3  specified in section 7.2.
     4     (iii)  Recommendations to modify or improve the program if
     5  necessary.
     6     Section 3.  Section 5 of the act is amended by adding clauses
     7  to read:
     8     Section 5.  Environmental Quality Board.--The board shall
     9  have the power and its duty shall be to--
    10     * * *
    11     (7)  Adopt acid deposition control programs for the
    12  prevention, control, reduction and abatement of acid deposition
    13  in the Commonwealth resulting from sulfur dioxide and nitrogen
    14  oxide emissions from major electric utility generating units,
    15  major industrial boiler units and industrial processes; and
    16  adopt rules and regulations which establish the maximum
    17  allowable emission rates of nitrogen oxides for electric utility
    18  units and boiler units in the Commonwealth after the receipt of
    19  the report required by section 4(25) of this act.
    20     (8)  Conduct public hearings to determine the effectiveness
    21  and feasibility of any control technology devices. Any such
    22  public hearings shall comply with the notice provisions and
    23  other procedures set forth in section 7 of this act.
    24     Section 4.  Section 7 of the act is amended by adding a
    25  subsection to read:
    26     Section 7.  Public Hearings.--* * *
    27     (a.1)  Public hearings, in number and at times and places as
    28  determined by the board, shall be held by the board or by the
    29  department, acting on behalf of and at the direction or request
    30  of the board, in areas of the Commonwealth affected before any
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     1  acid deposition control program regarding the control,
     2  abatement, prevention or reduction of acid deposition is
     3  adopted.
     4     * * *
     5     Section 5.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
     6     Section 7.1.  Interstate Acid Deposition Control Program.--
     7  (a)  The secretary shall, upon the enactment of this section,
     8  prepare an interstate acid deposition control program for
     9  presentation to adjacent states, whether contiguous or
    10  noncontiguous, that are substantially affected by emissions
    11  generated from Pennsylvania or which generate emissions that
    12  substantially affect Pennsylvania. The program shall meet the
    13  requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of this section. The
    14  program shall be submitted to the General Assembly for approval.
    15     (b)  The program shall include goals, standards, objectives,
    16  schedules, research and other matters relating to coordination
    17  among the states of control of acid deposition.
    18     (c)  The secretary shall establish within the program a major
    19  objective of achieving relative parity among the states in the
    20  cost of production of energy through the use of coal as a fuel.
    21     (d)  For the purpose of implementing the program, the
    22  secretary shall prepare an interstate compact for presentation
    23  to and execution by the Commonwealth and affected states.
    24     (e)  The provisions of sections 7.2 and 7.3 of this act
    25  continue in effect until such time as the General Assembly
    26  enacts legislation implementing an interstate acid deposition
    27  control program.
    28     Section 7.2.  Acid Deposition Control Program.--(a)  The acid
    29  deposition control program shall consist of a sulfur deposition
    30  control program and a nitrogen deposition control program for
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     1  electric utility units and boiler units and an acid deposition
     2  control program for industrial processes.
     3     (b)  No later than nine (9) months after the effective date
     4  of this section, the department shall:
     5     (1)  Develop a sulfur deposition control program which
     6  establishes emission limitations and compliance schedules for
     7  controlling emissions of sulfur dioxide from all major electric
     8  utility steam generating units and major industrial boiler units
     9  in the Commonwealth. The program shall meet the requirements of
    10  subsections (c), (d), (e) and (f) of this section.
    11     (2)  Submit the program to the board for adoption pursuant to
    12  section 5(7) of this act, after a public hearing on its merits
    13  in compliance with the notice provisions and other procedures
    14  set forth in section 7 of this act.
    15     (c)  The sulfur deposition control program shall require the
    16  department to:
    17     (1)  Identify and publish a list or inventory of all electric
    18  utility units and boiler units in the Commonwealth which emit
    19  sulfur dioxide, including the type, nature and origin of the
    20  fossil fuel used by such units.
    21     (2)  Determine the emission of sulfur dioxide from all
    22  electric utility units and boiler units in the Commonwealth and
    23  periodically update a comprehensive annual inventory on
    24  emissions from these sources.
    25     (3)  Determine the amount of reduction of sulfur dioxide
    26  emission for each electric utility unit and boiler unit needed
    27  to achieve phase I, phase II and phase III requirements of
    28  subsections (d), (e) and (f) of this section. The required
    29  reduction values for each electric utility unit or boiler unit
    30  will be based primarily on the size of the electric utility unit
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     1  or boiler unit and the amount of emission.
     2     (4)  Establish and determine the method of compliance for
     3  each electric utility unit and boiler unit in accordance with
     4  section 7.3 of this act.
     5     (d)  Phase I requirements shall be as follows: No later than
     6  three (3) years after the effective date of the program, the
     7  Statewide emissions of sulfur dioxide (pounds per million Btu of
     8  heat input) from the total of all electric utility units and
     9  boiler units in the Commonwealth shall not exceed an average
    10  quarterly rate of two (2.0) pounds per million Btu heat input.
    11  To achieve this Statewide reduction target, the department shall
    12  determine the amount and schedule of reduction for each electric
    13  utility unit and boiler unit in accordance with subsection
    14  (c)(3) of this section.
    15     (e)  Phase II requirements shall be as follows: No later than
    16  ten (10) years after the effective date of the program, the
    17  Statewide emissions from the total of all electric utility units
    18  and boiler units in the Commonwealth shall not exceed an average
    19  quarterly rate of 1.2 pounds per million Btu heat input of
    20  sulfur dioxide. To achieve this Statewide reduction target, the
    21  department shall determine the amount and schedule of reduction
    22  for each electric utility unit or boiler unit in accordance with
    23  subsection (c)(3) of this section.
    24     (f)  Phase III requirements shall be as follows:  No later
    25  than thirteen (13) years after the effective date of the
    26  program, the Statewide emissions from the total of all electric
    27  utility units and boiler units in the Commonwealth shall not
    28  exceed an average quarterly rate of 0.9 pounds per million Btu
    29  heat input of sulfur dioxide. To achieve this Statewide
    30  reduction target, the department shall determine the amount and
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     1  schedule of reduction for each electric utility unit or boiler
     2  unit in accordance with subsection (c)(3) of this section.
     3     (g)  Phase III requirements of subsection (f) of this section
     4  shall be effective unless the General Assembly, after the
     5  receipt of the report as required by section 4(29) of this act,
     6  enacts legislation providing that such requirements shall not
     7  take effect.
     8     (h)  No later than three and one half (3 1/2) years after the
     9  effective date of the act, the department shall:
    10     (1)  Develop a nitrogen deposition control program which
    11  establishes emission limitations and compliance schedules for
    12  controlling emissions of nitrogen oxides from all major electric
    13  utility steam generating units and major industrial boiler units
    14  in the Commonwealth. The program shall meet the requirements of
    15  subsections (i) and (j) of this section.
    16     (2)  Submit the program to the board for adoption pursuant to
    17  section 5(7) of this act, after a public hearing on its merits
    18  in compliance with the notice provisions and other procedures
    19  set forth in section 7 of this act.
    20     (i)  The nitrogen deposition control program shall require
    21  the department to:
    22     (1)  Identify and publish a list or inventory of all electric
    23  utility units and boiler units in the Commonwealth which emit
    24  nitrogen oxides.
    25     (2)  Determine the emission of nitrogen oxides from all
    26  electric utility units and boiler units in the Commonwealth and
    27  periodically update a comprehensive annual inventory on
    28  emissions from those sources.
    29     (3)  Determine the amount and schedule of reduction of
    30  nitrogen oxides emission for each electric utility unit and
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     1  boiler unit needed to achieve the total Statewide reduction of
     2  nitrogen oxide emissions identified by the department under
     3  section 4(25) of this act. The required reduction values for
     4  each electric utility unit or boiler unit shall be based
     5  primarily on the size of the unit and the amount of emission.
     6     (4)  Establish and determine the methods of compliance for
     7  each electric utility unit and boiler unit in accordance with
     8  section 7.3 of this act.
     9     (j)  No later than ten (10) years after the effective date of
    10  this section, the Statewide emission of nitrogen oxides (pounds
    11  per million Btu heat input) from the total of all electric
    12  utility units and boiler units in the Commonwealth shall not
    13  exceed an average quarterly rate as recommended by the
    14  department under section 4(25) of this act and as adopted by the
    15  board under sections 5(7) of this act. To achieve this Statewide
    16  reduction target, the department shall determine the amount and
    17  schedule of reduction for each electric utility unit or boiler
    18  unit in accordance with subsection (i)(3) of this section.
    19     (k)  No later than two (2) years after the effective date of
    20  the act, the department shall:
    21     (1)  Identify the total Statewide potential reductions in
    22  emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which are
    23  economically and technically achievable by December 31, 1998, by
    24  stationary source industrial process emissions in the
    25  Commonwealth.
    26     (2)  Develop an acid deposition control program which
    27  establishes emissions limitations and compliance schedules for
    28  controlling emissions for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides
    29  from those stationary sources of industrial process, to be
    30  achieved no later than ten (10) years after the effective date
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     1  of this act.
     2     (3)  Submit the program to the board for adoption pursuant to
     3  section 5(7) of this act after a public hearing on the merits of
     4  the program in compliance with the notice provisions and other
     5  procedures set forth in section 7 of this act.
     6     Section 7.3.  Compliance Measures.--(a)  To achieve phase I,
     7  phase II and phase III reduction targets as set forth in section
     8  7.2 of this act, the department shall require the use of one or
     9  more of the following control technology devices or any control
    10  technology with an effectiveness at least comparable to the
    11  devices listed in this section, as determined by the secretary
    12  in accordance with section 5(8) of this act:
    13     (1)  The use of best available control technology at the time
    14  of construction, reconstruction or substantial addition to or
    15  alteration of a electric utility unit, boiler unit or industrial
    16  process.
    17     (2)  The installation of flue gas desulfurization equipment
    18  in an existing electric utility unit.
    19     (3)  The installation of fluidized bed boilers in an existing
    20  electric utility unit, boiler unit or industrial process.
    21     (4)  For persons operating multiple boilers, the coordinated
    22  operation of those boilers in existence on the effective date of
    23  this act to minimize the discharge of sulfur dioxide from the
    24  boilers.
    25     (5)  The precombustion cleaning of coal to lessen the amount
    26  of operation of a facility or stationary source.
    27     Section 7.4.  Emission Offsets and Credits.--For the purposes
    28  of determining the attainment of or compliance with the emission
    29  controls or reductions required by this act, or any rules or
    30  regulations promulgated herein, the department may allow offsets
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     1  or greater emissions of acid deposition precursors from an
     2  electric utility unit, boiler unit or major industrial process
     3  against lower emissions from the same or another electric
     4  utility unit, boiler unit or major industrial process within the
     5  Commonwealth, and may exclude therefrom newly constructed
     6  emission sources required to comply with new source performance
     7  standards.
     8     Section 7.5.  Costs.--(a)  The costs incurred by the
     9  department for administering the acid deposition control program
    10  including the costs of personnel, equipment, consultation and
    11  related expenses shall be paid in part from the general fund and
    12  to the extent funds are available from fees imposed in
    13  accordance with section 7.6 of this act.
    14     (b)  The costs incurred by any qualifying electric utility
    15  unit in the Commonwealth as a result of the installation of
    16  approved control technology devices pursuant to sections 7.2 and
    17  7.3 of this act and, to the extent authorized by the secretary,
    18  costs of operation and maintenance resulting therefrom shall be
    19  paid in part by fees imposed on the use of all sources of
    20  electric energy in compliance with section 7.6. Such fees shall
    21  be held in a trust fund in compliance with section 7.7
    22  established for the purpose of making subsidy payments under
    23  section 7.8 of this act.
    24     Section 7.6.  Fees.--(a)  The secretary shall impose a fee on
    25  the use of all sources of electric energy for the purpose of
    26  offsetting a portion of any electric utility rate increases
    27  attributable to the costs incurred by installation of approved
    28  control technology devices pursuant to sections 7.2 and 7.3 of
    29  this act. After public hearings at times and places determined
    30  by the secretary, such fee shall be established and adjusted
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     1  form time to time at such level as will ensure that funds are
     2  available to make full or partial subsidy payments in amount
     3  authorized under section 7.8 of this act. The secretary shall
     4  make provision to protect low income residential electric
     5  consumers. The fee may be imposed at such time as is deemed
     6  necessary by the secretary to accumulate funds for the purposes
     7  herein and may be imposed prior to the installation of control
     8  devices. If sufficient funds are generated by this fee, the
     9  secretary may also use the funds to offset a portion of any
    10  electric utility rate which is attributable to operation and
    11  maintenance costs.
    12     (b)  No later than one year after the effective date of this
    13  act, the secretary shall promulgate regulations setting forth
    14  the time and manner required for the payment of the fee imposed
    15  under subsection (a) and any information required to be reported
    16  in connection with the payment of such fee.
    17     Section 7.7.  Acid Deposition Control Fund.--(a)  A trust
    18  fund to be known as the Acid Deposition Control Fund shall be
    19  established consisting of fees imposed by the secretary on the
    20  use of all sources of electric energy in compliance with section
    21  7.6 of this act. Amounts in the trust fund shall be available
    22  for making subsidy payments under section 7.8 of this act and
    23  may be available to offset administrative costs under section
    24  7.5 of this act.
    25     (b)  The secretary shall be the trustee of the fund and shall
    26  report to the General Assembly by September 1 of each year on
    27  the financial condition and the results of the operations of
    28  such trust fund during the prior fiscal year and on its expected
    29  condition and operations during the next five (5) fiscal years.
    30     Section 7.8.  Utility Rate Subsidy Program.--(a)  The
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     1  secretary shall promulgate regulations not later than one year
     2  after the effective date of this act establishing a program to
     3  provide for subsidy payments to qualified electric utility units
     4  in order to protect electric utility residential customers from
     5  excessive rate increases due to the installation of approved
     6  control technology devices pursuant to sections 7.2 and 7.3 of
     7  this act. The program established under this section shall meet
     8  the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of this section.
     9     (b)  The payments under this section shall cover the portion
    10  of the rates of electric utility residential customers which is
    11  attributable to the costs incurred in installing approved
    12  control technology devices pursuant to sections 7.2 and 7.3 of
    13  this act, which may be attributable to operation and maintenance
    14  costs, and which exceeds the rates which would have been
    15  applicable in the absence of such control technology
    16  requirements.
    17     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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