See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1659



No. 1371 Session of 2005


           APRIL 14, 2005

                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing a bill of rights for individuals with mental
     2     retardation; and conferring powers and duties on the
     3     Department of Public Welfare.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Mental
     8  Retardation Bill of Rights Act.
     9  Section 2.  Findings.
    10     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    11         (1)  Disability is a natural part of the human
    12     experience, which does not diminish the right of individuals
    13     with mental retardation to:

     1             (i)  enjoy the opportunity to live, to the extent
     2         possible, independently;
     3             (ii)  make choices;
     4             (iii)  contribute to society; and
     5             (iv)  experience full integration and inclusion, to
     6         the extent possible, in the economic, political, social,
     7         cultural and educational mainstream of society in this
     8         Commonwealth.
     9         (2)  Individuals with mental retardation continually
    10     encounter various forms of discrimination in critical areas.
    11         (3)  There is a lack of public awareness of the
    12     capabilities and competencies of individuals with mental
    13     retardation.
    14         (4)  A substantial portion of individuals with mental
    15     retardation and their families or legal guardians does not
    16     have access to appropriate support and services from generic
    17     and specialized service systems and remains unserved or
    18     underserved.
    19         (5)  Communities can be enriched by the full and active
    20     participation and the contributions by individuals with
    21     mental retardation and their families; and there is a need to
    22     ensure that, within this Commonwealth, there is the
    23     availability and equitable provision of necessary services
    24     for individuals with mental retardation, regardless of
    25     religion, race, color, national origin, economic or social
    26     status.
    27         (6)  The long-time commitment of the General Assembly to
    28     secure for individuals with mental retardation in partnership
    29     with their families or legal guardians the opportunity to
    30     choose where they live is affirmed. Consistent with this
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     1     commitment, the existence of a complete spectrum of options,
     2     including community living arrangements and intermediate care
     3     facilities is supported. The choice of service options must
     4     be supported by State policy, whether the choice is an
     5     intermediate care facility or community living arrangement.
     6     The choice of service options is to be ensured to individuals
     7     with mental retardation, allowing to the maximum extent
     8     possible that they not have to leave their home or community.
     9         (7)  The respective roles that both intermediate care
    10     facilities and community living arrangements play in
    11     providing options and resources for people with mental
    12     retardation and their families or legal guardians who need
    13     services is supported.
    14         (8)  Services must ensure accountability, credibility,
    15     responsiveness and quality assurance, whether the funding is
    16     Federal, State, local or community.
    17         (9)  There are approximately 21,056 individuals in this
    18     Commonwealth with mental retardation who are waiting for
    19     services and programs. There are more than 10,465 people with
    20     emergency and critical needs. The waiting list for these
    21     persons is expected to grow substantially into the
    22     foreseeable future.
    23         (10)  The Department of Public Welfare needs to develop
    24     an adequate plan to address the needs and services for the
    25     individuals on the waiting list.
    26         (11)  For true choice to exist, individuals with mental
    27     retardation and their families or legal guardians must be
    28     provided with information about their options for services.
    29         (12)  The goals of the Commonwealth properly include the
    30     goal of providing individuals with mental retardation and
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     1     their families or legal guardians with the opportunities and
     2     support to:
     3             (i)  Make informed choices and decisions.
     4             (ii)  Pursue meaningful and, to the extent possible,
     5         productive lives.
     6             (iii)  Live in homes, communities, residences or
     7         intermediate care facilities in which such individuals
     8         can exercise their full rights and responsibilities as
     9         citizens.
    10             (iv)  To the fullest extent possible, as decided by
    11         the individual with mental retardation and the family or
    12         legal guardian, achieve full integration and inclusion in
    13         society, in an individualized manner, consistent with the
    14         unique strengths, resources, priorities, concerns,
    15         abilities and capabilities of the individual.
    16         (13)  The purpose of this act is to reflect the United
    17     States Supreme Court decision of Olmstead v. L.C. (No.98-536
    18     U.S. 1999); and the Commonwealth desires to assure
    19     individuals with mental retardation and their families or
    20     legal guardians participation in the design of and access to
    21     services, supports and other assistance and opportunities
    22     which promote independence, productivity and choice of living
    23     arrangement, be it family living, community living or
    24     intermediate care facilities.
    25         (14)  It is the policy of the Commonwealth that all
    26     programs, projects and activities operating in this
    27     Commonwealth shall be carried out in a manner consistent with
    28     the following principles:
    29             (i)  Most individuals with developmental disabilities
    30         are capable of achieving independence, productivity and
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     1         integration and inclusion into the community and often
     2         require the provision of services, supports and other
     3         assistance to achieve independence, productivity and
     4         integration and inclusion.
     5             (ii)  Individuals with mental retardation and their
     6         families or legal guardians have competencies,
     7         capabilities and personal goals which shall be
     8         recognized, supported and encouraged; and any assistance
     9         to such individuals shall be provided in an
    10         individualized manner, consistent with the unique
    11         strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities and
    12         capabilities of the individuals.
    13             (iii)  Individuals with mental retardation and their
    14         families or legal guardians are the primary decision
    15         makers regarding the services and supports such
    16         individuals and their families receive and play
    17         significant decision-making roles in policies and
    18         programs which affect the lives of such individuals and
    19         their families.
    20             (iv)  Individuals with mental retardation and their
    21         families or legal guardians have varying goals and needs,
    22         and, therefore, this act should not support one specific
    23         service system or setting over another.
    24             (v)  The Commonwealth shall, within budgetary
    25         accountability, provide services, supports and other
    26         assistance which demonstrate respect for individual
    27         dignity, personal preference and cultural difference.
    28  Section 3.  Definitions.
    29     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    30  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
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     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
     3  Commonwealth.
     4     "Intermediate care facility."  A State-operated or non-State-
     5  operated facility, licensed by the Department of Public Welfare
     6  in accordance with 55 Pa. Code Ch. 6600 (relating to
     7  intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded), which
     8  provides a level of care specially designed to meet the needs of
     9  persons who are mentally retarded, or persons with related
    10  conditions, who require specialized health and rehabilitative
    11  services that are active treatment.
    12  Section 4.  Choice.
    13     (a)  Community-based treatment.--The Commonwealth is required
    14  to provide community-based treatment for an individual with
    15  mental retardation if all of the following apply:
    16         (1)  The Commonwealth's treatment professionals determine
    17     that such placement is appropriate.
    18         (2)  The affected individual does not oppose such
    19     treatment.
    20         (3)  The placement can be reasonably accommodated, taking
    21     into account the resources available to the Commonwealth and
    22     the needs of others with mental disabilities.
    23     (b)  Vacancies.--Subject to subsection (c), if there is a
    24  vacancy in an intermediate care facility, the department shall
    25  allow admittance to the intermediate care facility to an adult
    26  or adolescent with mental retardation on a case-by-case basis if
    27  the individual's assessed needs require the funded level of
    28  resources which are provided by the intermediate care facility.
    29     (c)  Community living arrangement.--The department shall not
    30  offer an individual admittance to an intermediate care facility
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     1  under subsection (b) unless the department also offers the
     2  individual a choice of community living arrangements and
     3  appropriate community support services.
     4     (d)  Family.--Unless an individual determines otherwise,
     5  family members and legal guardians shall be involved in meetings
     6  regarding placement of an individual into an intermediate care
     7  facility, a community living arrangement, family living or a
     8  personal care home.
     9     (e)  Contact.--Nothing shall prohibit an individual with
    10  mental retardation from maintaining contact with family and
    11  friends at an intermediate care facility, a community living
    12  arrangement or a day program.
    13     (f)  Complaints.--An individual, a family member or a legal
    14  guardian who believes that the needs as detailed in the
    15  individualized program plan are not being met may provide the
    16  county a letter expressing concerns. The county shall, within 30
    17  days, address the concerns and, if necessary, take corrective
    18  action or offer additional choices, which shall include an
    19  intermediate transfer to a different community living
    20  arrangement or an intermediate care facility.
    21  Section 5.  Waiting list program.
    22     (a)  Outreach.--Within 180 days of the effective date of this
    23  section, the department shall develop an outreach program to
    24  ensure that eligible individuals with mental retardation who are
    25  receiving services in homes, the community or intermediate care
    26  facilities and who are on a waiting list will be made aware of
    27  these services.
    28     (b)  Waiting list plan.--Within 180 days of the effective
    29  date of this section, the department shall develop and submit to
    30  the Governor, the General Assembly and the county mental
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     1  retardation program administrators, a plan to eliminate by the
     2  year 2009 the current and future waiting list for individuals
     3  with mental retardation, who are in need of existing residential
     4  programs, including skilled nursing homes, intermediate care
     5  facilities, domiciliary care homes, adult foster care homes,
     6  community living arrangements for the mentally retarded and
     7  group homes for the mentally ill.
     8     (c)  Contents of plan.--The plan required by subsection (b)
     9  shall include:
    10         (1)  Statistical information on the current and projected
    11     annual increase in the waiting list on a county basis. The
    12     department shall develop a Statewide standardized form to
    13     collect the information from the counties.
    14         (2)  Identification of the source and amount of the
    15     capital funds necessary to eliminate the current waiting list
    16     in each county by the year 2009 and the projected annual
    17     waiting list in each annual plan update.
    18         (3)  Financial information on the amount of additional
    19     Federal, State or other funds in each county which may be
    20     required annually for the operational costs associated with
    21     the elimination of the waiting list in each county by the
    22     year 2009 and the projected annual waiting list in each
    23     annual plan update.
    24     (d)  Public hearings and comment.--In the development of the
    25  plan required by subsection (b), the department shall conduct
    26  public hearings and obtain public comment from individuals with
    27  mental retardation, their families and guardians and providers
    28  of services to the mental retardation community.
    29     (e)  Annual submission of updated plan.--The department shall
    30  update the statistical and financial data to the plan required
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     1  by subsection (b) annually and submit the updated plan to the
     2  Governor, General Assembly and the county mental retardation
     3  program administrators by December 31, beginning December 31,
     4  2009.
     5  Section 6.  Funding.
     6     It is the intent of the General Assembly that services under
     7  this act shall be made available across this Commonwealth,
     8  taking into account the resources available to the Commonwealth
     9  and the needs of others with mental disabilities.
    10  Section 7.  Effective date.
    11     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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