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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1619



No. 1378 Session of 1997

           LUCYK, APRIL 29, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Special Independent Prosecutor's Panel and
     2     providing for its powers and duties; and providing for
     3     special investigative counsel and for independent counsel.

     4                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     5  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     6  Section 101.  Short title.
     7  Section 102.  Definitions.
     8  Chapter 3.  General Provisions
     9  Section 301.  Organization of panel.
    10  Section 302.  Preliminary investigation.
    11  Section 303.  Conduct of preliminary investigation.
    12  Section 304.  Determination that further investigation not
    13                 warranted.
    14  Section 305.  Determination that further investigation is

     1                 warranted.
     2  Section 306.  Contents of application.
     3  Section 307.  Disclosure of information.
     4  Section 308.  Limitation on judicial review.
     5  Section 309.  Duties of panel.
     6  Chapter 5.  Authority and Duties of Independent Counsel
     7  Section 501.  Authorities.
     8  Section 502.  Compensation and travel expenses.
     9  Section 503.  Additional personnel.
    10  Section 504.  Assistance of Pennsylvania State Police.
    11  Section 505.  Referral of other matters to independent counsel.
    12  Section 506.  Dismissal of matters.
    13  Section 507.  Reports by independent counsel.
    14  Section 508.  Independence from Office of Attorney General.
    15  Section 509.  Standards of conduct applicable to independent
    16                 counsel, persons serving in office of independent
    17                 counsel and their law firms.
    18  Section 510.  Custody of records of independent counsel.
    19  Section 511.  Cost controls and administrative support.
    20  Section 512.  Legislative oversight.
    21  Section 513.  Removal of independent counsel and termination of
    22                 office.
    23  Section 514.  Audits.
    24  Section 515.  Relationship with Office of Attorney General.
    25  Section 516.  Venue.
    26  Chapter 11.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    27  Section 1101.  Severability.
    28  Section 1102.  Expiration.
    29  Section 1103.  Effective date.
    30     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
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     1  hereby enacts as follows:
     2                             CHAPTER 1
     3                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
     4  Section 101.  Short title.
     5     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Independent
     6  Counsel Authorization Act.
     7  Section 102.  Definitions.
     8     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     9  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    10  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    11     "General Counsel."  The General Counsel of the Commonwealth.
    12     "Grounds to investigate."  Information which would lead a
    13  reasonable person to suspect that a crime is being, or has been
    14  committed.
    15     "Independent counsel."  A person appointed by the Special
    16  Independent Prosecutor's Panel upon the request of a special
    17  investigative counsel.
    18     "Panel."  The Special Independent Prosecutor's Panel
    19  established under Chapter 3.
    20     "Special investigative counsel."  A person appointed by the
    21  General Counsel to conduct a preliminary investigation under
    22  this act.
    23                             CHAPTER 3
    24                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    25  Section 301.  Organization of panel.
    26     (a)  Composition and selection.--The Special Independent
    27  Prosecutor's Panel shall be composed of one judge of the
    28  Commonwealth Court and two judges, including senior judges, of
    29  the courts of common pleas of the Commonwealth. The members of
    30  the panel shall be chosen by lot. The procedure shall be
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     1  determined by and supervised by the Court Administrator of
     2  Pennsylvania in the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania
     3  Courts. The Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts shall
     4  disclose to the public the membership of the panel.
     5     (b)  Term of members.--Each member of the panel shall hold
     6  office for a term of three years. Judges who are members of the
     7  panel and are required to retire under section 16 of Article V
     8  of the Constitution of Pennsylvania shall also vacate their
     9  positions on the panel, unless assigned under Chapter 7 of the
    10  Rules of Judicial Administration. A judge who is otherwise
    11  removed from office shall automatically forfeit the position
    12  held by that judge on the panel.
    13     (c)  Vacancies.--Any vacancy in the panel shall be filled
    14  only for the remainder of the three-year period in which the
    15  vacancy occurs and in the same manner as initial assignments to
    16  the panel were made.
    17     (d)  Decisions by majority vote.--All decisions of the panel
    18  shall be by majority vote of the members.
    19     (e)  Clerk.--The Prothonotary of Commonwealth Court shall
    20  serve as the clerk of the panel and shall provide such services
    21  as are needed by the panel.
    22     (f)  Restriction.--No member of the panel who participated in
    23  a function conferred on the panel under this act involving an
    24  independent counsel shall be eligible to participate in any
    25  judicial proceeding concerning a matter which involves the
    26  independent counsel and which involves the exercise of the
    27  independent counsel's official duties, regardless of whether the
    28  independent counsel is still serving in that office.
    29  Section 302.  Preliminary investigation.
    30     (a)  Preliminary investigation with respect to certain
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     1  covered persons.--The General Counsel shall appoint a special
     2  investigative counsel to conduct a preliminary investigation in
     3  accordance with this chapter whenever the General Counsel
     4  receives information sufficient to constitute grounds to
     5  investigate whether any person described in subsection (c) may
     6  have committed any of the following:
     7         (1)  An offense which is classified higher than a
     8     misdemeanor of the second degree.
     9         (2)  An offense which is classified higher than a summary
    10     offense and which involves a breach of the public trust. This
    11     paragraph includes a violation of the act of June 3, 1937
    12     (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code
    13     or the act of October 4, 1978 (P.L.883, No.170), referred to
    14     as the Public Official and Employee Ethics Law.
    15     (b)  Preliminary investigation with respect to persons not
    16  listed in subsection (c).--The Attorney General shall request
    17  the General Counsel to appoint a special investigative counsel
    18  to conduct a preliminary investigation under the jurisdiction
    19  established or conferred under section 205(b) of the act of
    20  October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the Commonwealth
    21  Attorneys Act, and where the Attorney General determines that an
    22  investigation or prosecution of the person, with respect to the
    23  information received, by the Attorney General or other officer
    24  of the Attorney General's office may result in a personal,
    25  financial or political conflict of interest. In addition, the
    26  Attorney General may request the General Counsel to appoint a
    27  special investigative counsel to conduct a preliminary
    28  investigation where the Attorney General determines that an
    29  investigation or prosecution of the person, with respect to the
    30  information received, by the Attorney General or other officer
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     1  of the Attorney General's office may result in a personal,
     2  financial or political conflict of interest.
     3     (c)  Persons to whom subsection (a) applies.--The persons
     4  referred to in subsection (a) are as follows:
     5         (1)  The Attorney General, any Deputy Attorney General or
     6     any individual working in the Attorney General's office who
     7     is defined as a "public employee" under the Public Official
     8     and Employee Ethics Law.
     9         (2)  Any individual who leaves any office or position
    10     described in paragraph (1) during the incumbency of the
    11     Attorney General with or under whom such individual served in
    12     the office or position plus one year after such incumbency,
    13     but in no event longer than a period of three years after the
    14     individual leaves the office or position.
    15         (3)  Any individual who held an office or position
    16     described in paragraph (1) during the incumbency of one
    17     Attorney General and who continued to hold the office or
    18     position for not more than 90 days into the term of the next
    19     Attorney General, during the one-year period after the
    20     individual leaves the office or position.
    21         (4)  The chairman and treasurer of the principal campaign
    22     committee seeking the election or reelection of the Attorney
    23     General, and any officer of that committee exercising
    24     authority at the State level, during the incumbency of the
    25     elected Attorney General.
    26     (d)  Examination of information to determine need for
    27  preliminary investigation.--
    28         (1)  In determining under subsection (a) whether grounds
    29     to investigate exist, the General Counsel shall consider only
    30     the following:
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     1             (i)  The specificity of the information received.
     2             (ii)  The credibility of the source of the
     3         information.
     4         (2)  The General Counsel shall determine whether grounds
     5     to investigate exist no later than 30 days after the
     6     information is first received. If within that 30-day period
     7     the General Counsel determines that the information is not
     8     specific or is not from a credible source, then the General
     9     Counsel shall close the matter. If within that 30-day period
    10     the General Counsel determines that the information is
    11     specific and from a credible source, the General Counsel
    12     shall, upon making that determination, appoint a special
    13     investigative counsel to commence a preliminary investigation
    14     with respect to that information. If the General Counsel is
    15     unable to determine, within that 30-day period, whether the
    16     information is specific and from a credible source, the
    17     General Counsel shall, at the end of that 30-day period,
    18     appoint a special investigative counsel to commence a
    19     preliminary investigation with respect to that information.
    20     If a special investigative counsel is appointed, the special
    21     investigative counsel may only accept the appointment when
    22     such appointment would not conflict with the rules governing
    23     professional conduct.
    24  Section 303.  Conduct of preliminary investigation.
    25     (a)  In general.--A preliminary investigation conducted under
    26  this act shall be of matters as the special investigative
    27  counsel considers appropriate in order to make a determination
    28  under section 304 or 305 of whether further investigation is
    29  warranted with respect to each potential violation or allegation
    30  of a violation of criminal law. The special investigative
    19970H1378B1619                  - 7 -

     1  counsel shall make the determination no later than 90 days after
     2  the preliminary investigation is commenced. The special
     3  investigative counsel shall promptly notify the panel of the
     4  date of the commencement of the preliminary investigation.
     5     (b)  Limited authority of special investigative counsel.--
     6         (1)  In conducting preliminary investigations under this
     7     act, the special investigative counsel shall have no
     8     authority to convene grand juries, plea bargain, grant
     9     immunity or issue subpoenas.
    10         (2)  The special investigative counsel shall not base a
    11     determination under this act that information with respect to
    12     a violation of criminal law by a person is not specific and
    13     from a credible source upon a determination that the person
    14     lacked the state of mind required for the violation of
    15     criminal law. The special investigative counsel shall not
    16     base a determination under this act that there are no
    17     reasonable grounds to believe that further investigation is
    18     warranted upon a determination that the person lacked the
    19     state of mind required for the violation of criminal law
    20     involved unless there is clear and convincing evidence that
    21     the person lacked the required state of mind.
    22     (c)  Extension of time for preliminary investigation.--The
    23  special investigative counsel may apply to the panel for a
    24  single extension, for a period of no more than 60 days, of the
    25  90-day period referred to in subsection (a). The panel may, upon
    26  a showing of good cause, grant the extension.
    27  Section 304.  Determination that further investigation not
    28                 warranted.
    29     (a)  Notification of panel.--If the special investigative
    30  counsel upon completion of a preliminary investigation under
    19970H1378B1619                  - 8 -

     1  this act determines that there are no reasonable grounds to
     2  believe that further investigation is warranted, the special
     3  investigative counsel shall promptly so notify the panel, and
     4  the panel shall have no power to appoint an independent counsel
     5  with respect to the matters involved.
     6     (b)  Form of notification.--The notification shall contain a
     7  summary of the information received and a summary of the results
     8  of the preliminary investigation. The summary shall be
     9  confidential and not subject to public disclosure, except that
    10  the person who was the subject of the investigation may request
    11  a copy of the summary from the panel.
    12  Section 305.  Determination that further investigation is
    13                 warranted.
    14     (a)  Application for appointment of independent counsel.--The
    15  special investigative counsel shall apply to the panel for the
    16  appointment of an independent counsel if:
    17         (1)  the special investigative counsel, upon completion
    18     of a preliminary investigation under this act, determines
    19     that there are reasonable grounds to believe that further
    20     investigation is warranted; or
    21         (2)  the 90-day period referred to in section 303(a) and
    22     any extension granted under section 303(c) have elapsed and
    23     the special investigative counsel has not filed a
    24     notification with the panel under section 304(a).
    25     (b)  Receipt of additional information.--If after submitting
    26  a notification under section 304(a) the special investigative
    27  counsel receives additional information sufficient to constitute
    28  grounds to investigate the matters to which the notification
    29  related, the special investigative counsel shall:
    30         (1)  Conduct an additional preliminary investigation as
    19970H1378B1619                  - 9 -

     1     the special investigative counsel considers appropriate for a
     2     period of no more than 90 days after the date on which the
     3     additional information is received.
     4         (2)  Otherwise comply with the provisions of this chapter
     5     with respect to the additional preliminary investigation to
     6     the same extent as any other preliminary investigation under
     7     this chapter.
     8  Section 306.  Contents of application.
     9     Any application for the appointment of an independent counsel
    10  under this act shall contain sufficient information to assist
    11  the panel in selecting an independent counsel and in defining
    12  that independent counsel's prosecutorial jurisdiction so that
    13  the independent counsel has adequate authority to fully
    14  investigate and prosecute the subject matter and all matters
    15  related to that subject matter.
    16  Section 307.  Disclosure of information.
    17     Except as otherwise provided in this act, no officer or
    18  employee of the office of special investigative counsel or the
    19  office of independent counsel may, without leave of the panel,
    20  disclose to any individual outside the office of special
    21  investigative counsel or office of independent counsel any
    22  notification, application or any other document, material or
    23  memorandum supplied to the panel under this act. Nothing in this
    24  act shall be construed as authorizing the withholding of
    25  information from the General Assembly.
    26  Section 308.  Limitation on judicial review.
    27     The determination of the special investigative counsel under
    28  this act to apply to the panel for the appointment of an
    29  independent counsel shall not be reviewable in any court.
    30  Section 309.  Duties of panel.
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     1     (a)  Appointment and jurisdiction of independent counsel.--
     2         (1)  Upon receipt of an application under Chapter 3, the
     3     panel shall appoint an appropriate independent counsel and
     4     shall define that independent counsel's prosecutorial
     5     jurisdiction. The appointment shall occur no later than 30
     6     days after the receipt of the application.
     7         (2)  The panel shall appoint as independent counsel an
     8     individual who has appropriate experience and who will
     9     conduct the investigation and any prosecution in a prompt,
    10     responsible and cost-effective manner. The panel shall seek
    11     to appoint as independent counsel an individual who will
    12     serve to the extent necessary to complete the investigation
    13     and any prosecution without undue delay. The panel may not
    14     appoint as an independent counsel any person who holds any
    15     office of profit or trust with the Commonwealth. No person
    16     who is serving as a special investigative counsel may be
    17     appointed or serve as an independent counsel in the matter
    18     for which they had been appointed to investigate as special
    19     investigative counsel. If an independent counsel is
    20     appointed, the independent counsel may only accept the
    21     appointment when such appointment would not conflict with the
    22     rules governing professional conduct.
    23         (3)  In defining the independent counsel's prosecutorial
    24     jurisdiction, the panel shall assure that the independent
    25     counsel has adequate authority to fully investigate and
    26     prosecute the subject matter with respect to which the
    27     special investigative counsel has requested the appointment
    28     of the independent counsel and all matters related to that
    29     subject matter. Jurisdiction shall also include the authority
    30     to investigate and prosecute the following offenses which may
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     1     arise out of the investigation with respect to which the
     2     special investigative counsel's request was made:
     3             (i)  An offense classified higher than a misdemeanor
     4         of the second degree.
     5             (ii)  An offense which is classified higher than a
     6         summary offense and which involves a breach of the public
     7         trust. This paragraph includes a violation of the act of
     8         June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the
     9         Pennsylvania Election Code, or the act of October 4, 1978
    10         (P.L.883, No.170), referred to as the Public Official and
    11         Employee Ethics Law.
    12         (4)  The panel shall disclose the identity of the
    13     independent counsel upon appointment.
    14     (b)  Expansion of jurisdiction.--
    15         (1)  The panel upon the request of the General Counsel
    16     may expand the prosecutorial jurisdiction of an independent
    17     counsel. The expansion may be in lieu of the appointment of
    18     another independent counsel.
    19         (2)  If the independent counsel discovers or receives
    20     information about possible violations of criminal law by
    21     persons as provided in section 302 which are not covered by
    22     the prosecutorial jurisdiction of the independent counsel,
    23     the independent counsel may submit the information to the
    24     General Counsel. The General Counsel shall then appoint a
    25     special investigative counsel to conduct a preliminary
    26     investigation of the information in accordance with the
    27     provisions of Chapter 3, except that the preliminary
    28     investigation shall not exceed 30 days from the date the
    29     information is received. In making the determinations
    30     required by Chapter 3, the special investigative counsel
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     1     shall give great weight to any recommendations of the
     2     independent counsel.
     3         (3)  If the special investigative counsel determines,
     4     after according great weight to the recommendations of the
     5     independent counsel, that there are no reasonable grounds to
     6     believe that further investigation is warranted, the special
     7     investigative counsel shall promptly so notify the panel, and
     8     the panel shall have no power to expand the jurisdiction of
     9     the independent counsel or to appoint another independent
    10     counsel with respect to the matters involved.
    11         (4)  The panel shall expand the jurisdiction of the
    12     appropriate independent counsel to include the matters
    13     involved or shall appoint another independent counsel to
    14     investigate the matters if:
    15             (i)  the special investigative counsel determines
    16         that there are reasonable grounds to believe that further
    17         investigation is warranted; or
    18             (ii)  the 30-day period referred to in paragraph (2)
    19         elapses without a notification to the panel that no
    20         further investigation is warranted.
    21         (5)  If the independent counsel discovers or receives
    22     information about possible violations of criminal law by
    23     persons other than those provided for in section 302 and
    24     which are not covered by the prosecutorial jurisdiction of
    25     the independent counsel, and a request for expansion under
    26     this subsection has not been made by the General Counsel or
    27     the request for expansion under this subsection has been
    28     denied by the panel, the independent counsel shall submit the
    29     information to the appropriate law enforcement authority.
    30     (c)  Return for further explanation.--Upon receipt of a
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     1  notification under Chapter 3 or subsection (b)(3) from the
     2  special investigative counsel that there are no reasonable
     3  grounds to believe that further investigation is warranted with
     4  respect to information received under this act, the panel shall
     5  have no authority to overrule this determination but may return
     6  the matter to the special investigative counsel for further
     7  explanation of the reasons for the determination.
     8     (d)  Vacancies.--If a vacancy in office arises by reason of
     9  the resignation, death or removal of an independent counsel, the
    10  panel shall appoint an independent counsel to complete the work
    11  of the independent counsel whose resignation, death or removal
    12  caused the vacancy, except that, in the case of a vacancy
    13  arising by reason of the removal of an independent counsel, the
    14  panel may appoint an acting independent counsel to serve until
    15  any judicial review of the removal is completed.
    16                             CHAPTER 5
    18  Section 501.  Authorities.
    19     Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an independent
    20  counsel appointed under this act shall have, with respect to all
    21  matters in the independent counsel's prosecutorial jurisdiction
    22  established under this act, full power and independent authority
    23  to exercise all investigative and prosecutorial functions and
    24  powers of the Office of Attorney General, the Attorney General
    25  and any other officer or employee of the Office of Attorney
    26  General. Investigative and prosecutorial functions and powers
    27  shall include, but are not limited to:
    28         (1)  Conducting proceedings before grand juries and other
    29     investigations.
    30         (2)  Participating in court proceedings and engaging in
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     1     any litigation, including civil and criminal matters, that
     2     the independent counsel considers necessary.
     3         (3)  Appealing any decision of a court in any case or
     4     proceeding in which the independent counsel participates in
     5     an official capacity.
     6         (4)  Reviewing all documentary evidence available from
     7     any source.
     8         (5)  Determining whether to contest the assertion of any
     9     testimonial privilege.
    10         (6)  Receiving appropriate security clearances and, if
    11     necessary, contesting in court, including, where appropriate,
    12     participating in an in-camera proceeding, any claim of
    13     privilege or attempt to withhold evidence on grounds of
    14     security.
    15         (7)  Making applications to any State court for a grant
    16     of immunity to any witness, consistent with applicable
    17     statutory requirements, or for warrants, subpoenas or other
    18     court orders, and exercising the authority vested in the
    19     Attorney General or a district attorney.
    20         (8)  Inspecting, obtaining or using the original or a
    21     copy of any tax return in accordance with applicable statutes
    22     and regulations.
    23         (9)  Initiating and conducting prosecutions in any court
    24     of competent jurisdiction, framing and signing indictments,
    25     filing information and handling all aspects of any case in
    26     the name of the Commonwealth.
    27         (10)  Consulting with the district attorney for the
    28     county in which any violation of law with respect to which
    29     the independent counsel is appointed was alleged to have
    30     occurred.
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     1  Section 502.  Compensation and travel expenses.
     2     An independent counsel appointed under this act shall receive
     3  compensation at the per diem rate equal to the annual rate of
     4  basic pay payable to the Attorney General. An independent
     5  counsel and persons appointed under section 503 shall be
     6  entitled to the payment of travel expenses.
     7  Section 503.  Additional personnel.
     8     For the purposes of carrying out the duties of the office of
     9  independent counsel, the independent counsel may appoint, fix
    10  the compensation and assign the duties of the employees the
    11  independent counsel considers necessary, including, but not
    12  limited to, investigators, attorneys and part-time consultants.
    13  The positions of these employees are exempted from the
    14  competitive service. Employees shall be compensated at levels
    15  not to exceed those payable for comparable positions in the
    16  Office of Attorney General.
    17  Section 504.  Assistance of Pennsylvania State Police.
    18     (a)  Carrying out functions.--An independent counsel may
    19  request assistance from the Pennsylvania State Police in
    20  carrying out the functions of the independent counsel, and the
    21  Pennsylvania State Police shall provide that assistance, which
    22  may include the use of the resources and personnel necessary to
    23  perform the independent counsel's duties.
    24     (b)  Payment of and reports on expenditures of independent
    25  counsel.--Upon the request of the Governor, the General Assembly
    26  shall appropriate the necessary funds to the State Treasurer for
    27  the use and operation in executing the duties and
    28  responsibilities of the position of independent counsel. The
    29  State Treasurer shall submit to the General Assembly, no later
    30  than 30 days after the end of each fiscal year, a report on
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     1  amounts paid during that fiscal year for expenses of
     2  investigations and prosecutions by independent counsel. Each
     3  report shall include a statement of all payments made for
     4  activities of independent counsel.
     5  Section 505.  Referral of other matters to independent counsel.
     6     An independent counsel may ask the panel to refer to the
     7  independent counsel matters related to the independent counsel's
     8  prosecutorial jurisdiction, and the panel may refer these
     9  matters. If the Attorney General refers a matter to an
    10  independent counsel on the Attorney General's own initiative,
    11  the independent counsel may accept the referral if the matter
    12  relates to the independent counsel's prosecutorial jurisdiction.
    13  Section 506.  Dismissal of matters.
    14     The independent counsel shall have full authority to dismiss
    15  matters within the independent counsel's prosecutorial
    16  jurisdiction without conducting an investigation or at any
    17  subsequent time before prosecution.
    18  Section 507.  Reports by independent counsel.
    19     (a)  Required reports.--An independent counsel shall:
    20         (1)  File with the panel, with respect to the six-month
    21     period beginning on the date of his appointment, and with
    22     respect to each six-month period thereafter until the office
    23     of that independent counsel terminates, a report which
    24     identifies and explains major expenses, summarizes all other
    25     expenses incurred by that office during the six-month period
    26     with respect to which the report is filed and estimates
    27     future expenses of that office.
    28         (2)  Before the termination of the independent counsel's
    29     office under section 513(b), file a final report with the
    30     panel, setting forth fully and completely a description of
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     1     all prosecutions. All other information shall be confidential
     2     and not subject to public disclosure.
     3     (b)  Disclosure of information in reports.--The panel may
     4  release to the General Assembly, the public or any appropriate
     5  person the portions of a report made under this section as the
     6  panel considers appropriate. The panel shall make any orders as
     7  are appropriate to protect the rights of any individual named in
     8  the report and to prevent undue interference with any pending
     9  prosecution. The panel may make any portion of a final report
    10  filed under subsection (a)(2) available to any individual named
    11  in the report for the purposes of receiving within a time limit
    12  set by the panel any comments or factual information that the
    13  individual may submit. The comments and factual information, in
    14  whole or in part, may in the discretion of the panel be included
    15  as an appendix to the final report.
    16  Section 508.  Independence from Office of Attorney General.
    17     Each independent counsel appointed under this act and the
    18  persons appointed by that independent counsel under section 503
    19  are separate from and independent of the Office of Attorney
    20  General.
    21  Section 509.  Standards of conduct applicable to independent
    22                 counsel, persons serving in office of independent
    23                 counsel and their law firms.
    24     (a)  Restrictions on employment while independent counsel and
    25  appointees are serving.--During the period in which an
    26  independent counsel is serving under this act, the independent
    27  counsel and any person associated with a firm with which the
    28  independent counsel is associated may not represent in any
    29  matter any person involved in any investigation or prosecution
    30  under this act. During the period in which any person appointed
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     1  by an independent counsel under section 503 is serving in the
     2  office of independent counsel, the person may not represent in
     3  any matter any person involved in any investigation or
     4  prosecution under this act.
     5     (b)  Post-employment restrictions on independent counsel and
     6  appointees.--
     7         (1)  Each independent counsel and each person appointed
     8     by that independent counsel under section 503 may not for
     9     three years following the termination of service under this
    10     act of that independent counsel or appointed person, as the
    11     case may be, represent any person in any matter if that
    12     individual was the subject of an investigation or prosecution
    13     conducted by that independent counsel under this act.
    14         (2)  Each independent counsel and each person appointed
    15     by that independent counsel under section 503 may not for one
    16     year following the termination of service under this act of
    17     that independent counsel or appointed person, as the case may
    18     be, represent any person in any matter involving any
    19     investigation or prosecution under this act.
    20     (c)  One-year ban on representation by members of firms of
    21  independent counsel.--Any person who is associated with a firm
    22  with which an independent counsel is associated or becomes
    23  associated after termination of service of that independent
    24  counsel under this act may not for one year following the
    25  termination represent any person in any matter involving any
    26  investigation or prosecution under this act.
    27     (d)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
    28  words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this
    29  subsection:
    30     "Associated with a firm."  A person who is an officer,
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     1  director, partner or other member or employee of a law firm.
     2     "Firm."  A law firm, whether organized as a partnership or
     3  corporation.
     4  Section 510.  Custody of records of independent counsel.
     5     (a)  Transfer of records.--Upon termination of the office of
     6  independent counsel, that independent counsel shall transfer to
     7  the Bureau of Archives and History of the Pennsylvania
     8  Historical and Museum Commission all records which have been
     9  created or received by that office. Before this transfer, the
    10  independent counsel shall clearly identify which of these
    11  records are subject to the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal
    12  Procedure as grand jury materials.
    13     (b)  Maintenance, use and disposal of records.--Records
    14  transferred to the Bureau of Archives and History under this
    15  section shall be maintained, used and disposed of as provided by
    16  law.
    17  Section 511.  Cost controls and administrative support.
    18     (a)  Cost controls.--An independent counsel shall:
    19         (1)  Conduct all activities with due regard for expense.
    20         (2)  Authorize only reasonable and lawful expenditures.
    21         (3)  Promptly upon taking office assign to a specific
    22     employee the duty of certifying that expenditures of the
    23     independent counsel are reasonable and made in accordance
    24     with law.
    25     (b)  Office of Administration policies.--An independent
    26  counsel shall comply with the established policies of the Office
    27  of Administration of the Governor respecting expenditures of
    28  funds, except to the extent that compliance would be
    29  inconsistent with the purposes of this act.
    30  Section 512.  Legislative oversight.
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     1     (a)  Oversight of conduct of independent counsel.--An
     2  independent counsel appointed under this act shall submit to the
     3  General Assembly a report detailing all moneys expended as
     4  required under section 507(a)(1). In addition, the independent
     5  counsel shall submit annually a report on the activities of the
     6  independent counsel, including a description of the progress of
     7  any investigation or prosecution conducted by the independent
     8  counsel. The report may omit any matter that in the judgment of
     9  the independent counsel should be kept confidential, but shall
    10  provide information adequate to justify the expenditures that
    11  the office of the independent counsel has made.
    12     (b)  Information relating to impeachment.--An independent
    13  counsel shall advise the House of Representatives of any
    14  substantial and credible information which the independent
    15  counsel receives in carrying out the independent counsel's
    16  responsibilities under this act that may constitute grounds for
    17  an impeachment. Nothing in this act shall prevent the General
    18  Assembly or either house thereof from obtaining information in
    19  the course of an impeachment proceeding.
    20  Section 513.  Removal of independent counsel and termination of
    21                 office.
    22     (a)  Removal, report on removal and termination.--
    23         (1)  An independent counsel appointed under this act may
    24     be removed from office only by the personal action of the
    25     General Counsel and only for good cause, physical disability,
    26     mental incapacity or any other condition that substantially
    27     impairs the performance of the independent counsel's duties.
    28     For purposes of this paragraph, the term "good cause"
    29     includes, but is not limited to, violations of canons of
    30     ethics governing the independent counsel and district
    19970H1378B1619                 - 21 -

     1     attorneys.
     2         (2)  If an independent counsel is removed from office,
     3     the General Counsel shall promptly submit to the panel, the
     4     Judiciary Committee of the Senate and the Judiciary Committee
     5     of the House of Representatives a report specifying the facts
     6     found and the ultimate grounds for the removal. The
     7     committees may make available to the public the report,
     8     except that each committee may, if necessary to protect the
     9     rights of any individual named in the report or to prevent
    10     undue interference with any pending prosecution, postpone or
    11     refrain from publishing any or all of the report. The panel
    12     may release any or all of the report in accordance with
    13     section 507(b).
    14         (3)  An independent counsel removed from office may
    15     obtain judicial review of the removal in a civil action
    16     commenced in the Commonwealth Court. The independent counsel
    17     may be reinstated or granted other appropriate relief by
    18     order of the Commonwealth Court. A member of the panel may
    19     not hear or determine any such civil action or any appeal of
    20     a decision in any such civil action.
    21     (b)  Termination of office.--
    22         (1)  An office of independent counsel shall terminate
    23     when the independent counsel:
    24             (i)  notifies the panel that the investigation of all
    25         matters within the prosecutorial jurisdiction of the
    26         independent counsel or accepted by the independent
    27         counsel, and any resulting prosecutions, have been
    28         completed; and
    29             (ii)  files a final report in compliance with section
    30         507.
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     1         (2)  The panel shall determine on its own motion whether
     2     termination is appropriate under this subsection no later
     3     than two years after the appointment of an independent
     4     counsel or the reported expenditures of the independent
     5     counsel have reached $2,000,000, whichever occurs first, and
     6     at the end of each succeeding one-year period.
     7  Section 514.  Audits.
     8     By December 31 of each year, an independent counsel shall
     9  prepare a statement of expenditures for the fiscal year that
    10  ended on the immediately preceding June 30. An independent
    11  counsel whose office is terminated prior to the end of the
    12  fiscal year shall prepare a statement of expenditures within 90
    13  days of the date on which the office is terminated. The Auditor
    14  General shall audit each statement and report the results of
    15  each audit to the appropriate committees of the General Assembly
    16  no later than March 31 of the year following the submission of
    17  the statement.
    18  Section 515.  Relationship with Office of Attorney General.
    19     Whenever a matter is in the prosecutorial jurisdiction of an
    20  independent counsel or has been accepted by an independent
    21  counsel under section 505, the Office of Attorney General, the
    22  Attorney General, all other officers and employees of the Office
    23  of Attorney General and any district attorney shall suspend all
    24  investigations and proceedings regarding that matter and shall
    25  turn over to the independent counsel all materials, files and
    26  other data relating to that matter.
    27  Section 516.  Venue.
    28     The proper venue for all prosecutions conducted by the
    29  independent counsel shall be determined in accordance with the
    30  Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure. For the purposes of
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     1  convenience and fairness, the panel may, however, set the venue
     2  in any other county on its own motion or at the request of the
     3  independent counsel or on petition of the defendant.
     4                             CHAPTER 11
     5                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
     6  Section 1101.  Severability.
     7     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
     8  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
     9  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
    10  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
    11  the invalid provision or application.
    12  Section 1102.  Expiration.
    13     This act shall expire five years after the date of the
    14  enactment of this act, except with respect to any matters
    15  pending before an independent counsel that in the judgment of
    16  the independent counsel require continuation. Matters shall be
    17  continued until the independent counsel determines the matters
    18  are completed.
    19  Section 1103.  Effective date.
    20     This act shall take effect in 30 days.

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