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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1645



No. 1403 Session of 1999

           AND WILLIAMS, APRIL 28, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing for suspension and
     6     expulsion of students.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Section 1318 of the act of March 10, 1949
    10  (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949,
    11  amended February 8, 1980 (P.L.3, No.2), is amended to read:
    12     Section 1318.  Suspension and Expulsion of [Pupils.--]
    13  Students.--(a)  Every principal or teacher in charge of a public
    14  school may temporarily suspend any [pupil] student on account of
    15  disobedience or misconduct, [and any] if such disobedience or
    16  misconduct is in violation of a school policy. Any principal or
    17  teacher suspending any [pupil] student shall promptly notify the
    18  district superintendent or secretary of the board of school
    19  directors. The board may, after a proper hearing, suspend such

     1  [child] student for such time as it may determine, or may
     2  permanently expel him. Such hearings, suspension, or expulsion
     3  may be delegated to a duly authorized committee of the board, or
     4  to a duly qualified hearing examiner, who need not be a member
     5  of the board, but whose adjudication must be approved by the
     6  board.
     7     (b)  (1)  A formal hearing is required in all expulsion
     8  actions. This hearing may be held before the board of school
     9  directors or an authorized committee of the board, or a
    10  qualified hearing examiner appointed by the board. Where the
    11  hearing is conducted by a committee of the board of a hearing
    12  examiner, a majority vote of the entire school board shall be
    13  required to expel a student. The following due process
    14  requirements shall be observed with regard to the formal
    15  hearing:
    16     (i)  Notification of the charges shall be sent to the
    17  student's parent or guardian by certified mail.
    18     (ii)  Sufficient notice of the time and place of the hearing
    19  shall be given.
    20     (iii)  The hearing shall be held in private unless the
    21  student or the student's parent or guardian requests a public
    22  hearing.
    23     (iv)  The student has the right to be represented by counsel.
    24     (v)  The student has the right to be presented with the names
    25  of witnesses against the student and copies of the statements
    26  and affidavits of those witnesses.
    27     (vi)  The student has the right to request that any witnesses
    28  appear in person and answer questions or be cross-examined.
    29     (vii)  The student has the right to testify and present
    30  witnesses on his own behalf.
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     1     (viii)  A record shall be kept of the hearing, either by a
     2  stenographer or by tape recorder. The student shall be entitled,
     3  at the student's expense, to a copy of the transcript.
     4     (ix)  The proceeding shall be held with all reasonable speed.
     5     (2)  Where the student disagrees with the results of the
     6  hearing, recourse shall be available in the appropriate court of
     7  the Commonwealth. If it is alleged that a constitutional issue
     8  is involved, the student may file a claim for relief in the
     9  appropriate Federal district court.
    10     (3)  When a suspension exceeds three school days, the student
    11  and the student's parent or guardian shall be given the
    12  opportunity for an informal hearing. The purpose of the informal
    13  hearing shall be to enable the student and parent or guardian to
    14  meet with the appropriate school official to explain the
    15  circumstances surrounding the event for which the student is
    16  being suspended or to show why the student should not be
    17  suspended. The informal hearing shall encourage the student's
    18  parent or guardian to meet with the principal to discuss ways by
    19  which future offenses can be avoided. The following due process
    20  requirements shall be observed in regard to the informal
    21  hearing:
    22     (i)  Notification of the reasons for the suspension shall be
    23  given in writing to the parent or guardian and to the student.
    24     (ii)  Sufficient notice of the time and place of the informal
    25  hearing shall be given.
    26     (iii)  A student has the right to question any witnesses
    27  present at the hearing.
    28     (iv)  A student has the right to speak and produce witnesses
    29  on his own behalf.
    30     (v)  The district shall offer to hold the informal hearing
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     1  within the first five days of the suspension.
     2     (4)  A student and the student's parent or guardian shall be
     3  advised in writing of the due process requirements of this
     4  subsection.
     5     (c)  (1)  Each board of school directors shall establish and
     6  maintain an alternative education program for students expelled
     7  from school. Students participating in the alternative education
     8  program shall be provided the opportunity:
     9     (i)  To graduate from high school with a diploma, as opposed
    10  to a certificate of high school equivalency.
    11     (ii)  To earn the number of credit hours required at the
    12  student's present grade level.
    13     (2)  Any counseling required in connection with an expulsion
    14  shall be paid for by the school district and shall be provided
    15  by a professional qualified in the area in which the student
    16  manifests problems.
    17     (3)  A school official responsible for making an expulsion
    18  determination shall communicate directly with and solicit the
    19  advice and opinions of any professional providing counseling or
    20  instruction to the expelled student regarding the student's
    21  condition.
    22     (4)  The parent or guardian of an expelled student shall be
    23  advised in writing of available options for the student's
    24  continued participation in an education program.
    25     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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