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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1690



No. 1436 Session of 1999

           HORSEY, MAHER, COY AND MYERS, MAY 4, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 23 (Domestic Relations) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, establishing a system to create and
     3     maintain confidentiality of the addresses of victims of
     4     domestic violence; providing for the powers and duties of the
     5     Secretary of the Commonwealth; and prescribing penalties.

     6     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     7         (1)  Victims of domestic violence and others in physical
     8     danger frequently need to adopt a confidential address in
     9     order to prevent actual or possible assailants from finding
    10     them.
    11         (2)  This act is intended to assist those victims by
    12     establishing a system to create and maintain confidentiality
    13     of addresses and by requiring State and local agencies to
    14     accept those victims' use of substitute mailing addresses.

     1         (3)  This system will enable State and local agencies to
     2     respond to requests for public records without disclosing the
     3     location of those victims.
     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Title 23 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     7  Statutes is amended by adding a chapter to read:
     8                             CHAPTER 65
    10  Sec.
    11  6501.  Short title of chapter.
    12  6502.  Definitions.
    13  6503.  Address confidentiality program.
    14  6504.  Application and certification process.
    15  6505.  Persons eligible to become program participants.
    16  6506.  Cancellation and voluntary withdrawal.
    17  6507.  Agency use of designated address.
    18  6508.  Disclosure of confidential address.
    19  6509.  Waiver process by secretary.
    20  6510.  Emergency disclosure.
    21  6511.  Penalties.
    22  6512.  Rules and regulations.
    23  § 6501.  Short title of chapter.
    24     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Domestic
    25  Violence Victim Address Confidentiality Act.
    26  § 6502.  Definitions.
    27     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    28  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    29  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    30     "Actual address."  A residential street address, school
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     1  address or work address of an individual.
     2     "Criminal justice agency."  The term shall have the same
     3  meaning given to it under 18 Pa.C.S. § 9102 (relating to
     4  definitions).
     5     "Department."  The Department of State of the Commonwealth.
     6     "Program participant."  A person certified by the Secretary
     7  of the Commonwealth as eligible to participate in the address
     8  confidentiality program established by this chapter.
     9     "Secretary."  The Secretary of the Commonwealth and the
    10  division within the Department of State responsible for the
    11  address confidentiality program established under this chapter.
    12     "Substitute address."  The official address of the secretary
    13  or an address designated by the secretary.
    14     "Victim of domestic violence."  A person who is a victim as
    15  defined by section 6102 (relating to definitions).
    16  § 6503.  Address confidentiality program.
    17     (a)  Establishment.--The department shall establish a program
    18  to be known as the address confidentiality program. Upon
    19  application, persons eligible under section 6505 (relating to
    20  persons eligible to become program participants) shall receive a
    21  substitute address.
    22     (b)  Administration.--The secretary shall forward at no
    23  additional expense all first class mail to a program
    24  participant. The secretary may arrange to receive and forward
    25  other classes or kinds of mail at the program participant's
    26  expense.
    27  § 6504.  Application and certification process.
    28     (a)  General rule.--An applicant must file an application
    29  with the secretary on a form prescribed by the secretary. The
    30  secretary shall certify all eligible applicants as program
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     1  participants. Certification shall be valid for three years
     2  following the date of certification unless the certification is
     3  withdrawn or canceled before that date.
     4     (b)  Requirements for certification.--The secretary shall
     5  certify applications for a substitute address if:
     6         (1)  The applicant meets the eligibility requirements
     7     under section 6505 (relating to persons eligible to become
     8     program participants).
     9         (2)  The applicant designates the secretary as an agent
    10     for the purpose of receiving service of process.
    11         (3)  The application contains the actual address and
    12     telephone number where the applicant can be contacted.
    13         (4)  The application contains a statement that the
    14     information provided by the applicant is true to the best of
    15     the applicant's knowledge, which the applicant shall attest
    16     to by signing.
    17         (5)  The application contains the date, the applicant's
    18     signature and the signature of any person who assisted in the
    19     preparation of the application.
    20  § 6505.  Persons eligible to become program participants.
    21     The following persons shall qualify as program participants:
    22         (1)  Victims of domestic violence who:
    23             (i)  have filed a protection from abuse order
    24         pursuant to Chapter 61 (relating to protection from
    25         abuse);
    26             (ii)  are eligible to file for a protection from
    27         abuse order pursuant to Chapter 61 and file an affidavit
    28         stating their belief that the affiant fears further
    29         violent acts by the affiant's assailant; or
    30             (iii)  have obtained a protection order issued by a
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     1         court of another state and have registered it in this
     2         State pursuant to section 6118 (relating to full faith
     3         and credit).
     4         (2)  A person who is a member of the same household as a
     5     qualified program participant under paragraph (1).
     6         (3)  Minor children who:
     7             (i)  qualify under paragraph (1) and have a parent or
     8         legal guardian acting on their behalf; or
     9             (ii)  are children of a qualified program participant
    10         under paragraph (1) or (2).
    11         (4)  Program participants who notify the secretary of the
    12     intent to continue in the program.
    13  § 6506.  Cancellation and voluntary withdrawal.
    14     (a)  Basis for cancellation.--The secretary may cancel
    15  certification of a program participant if:
    16         (1)  the applicant willingly provides false information
    17     on any portion of the application;
    18         (2)  the program participant fails to notify the
    19     department within 14 days of a name change or address change;
    20     or
    21         (3)  if the program participant's mail is returned to the
    22     department as nondeliverable.
    23     (b)  Procedure for withdrawal or termination.--
    24         (1)  A program participant may withdraw at any time by
    25     notifying the secretary in writing.
    26         (2)  If cancellation or expiration is pending, the
    27     secretary shall provide written notification to the
    28     participant's last known address of the intended termination
    29     to the program participant 30 days prior to termination.
    30         (3)  Upon notification, a program participant shall have
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     1     ten days to appeal the termination under procedures developed
     2     by the secretary.
     3  § 6507.  Agency use of designated address.
     4     State and local government agencies shall accept the address
     5  designated by the secretary as the program participant's
     6  substitute address, except as follows:
     7         (1)  A local or government agency has been granted a
     8     waiver pursuant to section 6509 (relating to waiver process
     9     by secretary).
    10         (2)  If the program participants are any of the
    11     following:
    12             (i)  released offenders complying with parole
    13         provisions pursuant to 37 Pa. Code Ch. 63 (relating to
    14         conditions governing parole);
    15             (ii)  convicted sexual offenders who have fulfilled
    16         their sentence but must register their community
    17         residence as required under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9795(a)
    18         (relating to registration of offenders); or
    19             (iii)  convicted offenders subject to home detention.
    20  § 6508.  Disclosure of confidential address.
    21     (a)  General rule.--The secretary may not disclose the
    22  address of a program participant except under one of the
    23  following circumstances:
    24         (1)  To an agency that has been granted a waiver by the
    25     secretary pursuant to section 6509 (relating to waiver
    26     process by secretary).
    27         (2)  Upon order of the court, to the person identified in
    28     that order.
    29         (3)  To providers of medical care, social services
    30     personnel or others similarly situated, when emergency
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     1     disclosure is necessary pursuant to section 6510 (relating to
     2     emergency disclosure).
     3     (b)  Notice to program participant.--
     4         (1)  Except when disclosure is made to criminal justice
     5     agencies, or takes place in one of the instances listed in
     6     subsection (a)(1) or (2), the secretary shall provide written
     7     notification of disclosure to the program participant five
     8     business days prior to disclosure. When disclosure takes
     9     place under subsection (a)(3), the secretary shall
    10     simultaneously notify a program participant of disclosure.
    11         (2)  When disclosure is denied, the secretary shall
    12     provide written notification to the program participant not
    13     more than five business days after the disclosure is denied.
    14  § 6509.  Waiver process by secretary.
    15     (a)  Information required for request.--An agency that
    16  requests disclosure under section 6508 (relating to disclosure
    17  of confidential address) shall provide in writing to the
    18  secretary:
    19         (1)  Identification of the law or administrative rule or
    20     procedure that demonstrates the agency's bona fide
    21     requirement and authority for the use of the actual address
    22     of the program participant.
    23         (2)  Identification of the specific program participant's
    24     record for which the waiver is requested.
    25         (3)  Identification of the persons who will have access
    26     to the record.
    27         (4)  Explanation of how the agency's acceptance of a
    28     substitute address will prevent the agency from meeting its
    29     obligations under the law.
    30         (5)  An explanation of why the agency cannot meet its
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     1     statutory or administrative obligations by a change in its
     2     internal procedures.
     3     (b)  Review by secretary.--
     4         (1)  The secretary shall file and review an agency's
     5     waiver request. During the review, evaluation and appeal of
     6     an agency's request, the agency shall accept the use of a
     7     program participant's substitute address.
     8         (2)  The secretary's determination to grant or withhold a
     9     requested waiver shall be based on, but not limited to, an
    10     evaluation of the information provided under subsection (a).
    11     (c)  Criteria for granting waiver.--
    12         (1)  If the secretary determines that an agency has a
    13     bona fide statutory or administrative need for the actual
    14     address and that the information will be used only for that
    15     purpose, the secretary may issue the actual address to the
    16     agency.
    17         (2)  When granting a waiver, the secretary shall notify
    18     and require the agency to:
    19             (i)  Maintain the confidentiality of a program
    20         participant's actual address.
    21             (ii)  Limit the use and access of that address.
    22             (iii)  Designate an address disposition date after
    23         which the agency may no longer maintain the record of the
    24         address.
    25             (iv)  Adopt any other provisions and qualifications
    26         determined appropriate by the secretary.
    27     (d)  Denial.--The secretary's denial of an agency's waiver
    28  request shall be made in writing and include a statement of
    29  specific reasons for denial.
    30     (e)  Appeal.--An agency may appeal the denial of its request
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     1  pursuant to 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5, Subch. A (relating to practice and
     2  procedure of Commonwealth agencies).
     3  § 6510.  Emergency disclosure.
     4     (a)  General rule.--The secretary shall establish a system to
     5  handle emergencies that will provide, on a 24-hour basis, access
     6  to the actual address of a program participant.
     7     (b)  Criteria.--The secretary may provide disclosure where:
     8         (1)  failure to disclose a participant's actual address
     9     may result in physical harm to a program participant or the
    10     participant's family member if immediate disclosure is not
    11     made; or
    12         (2)  for law enforcement purposes, where the agency is
    13     carrying out its normal functions and circumstances warrant
    14     immediate disclosure.
    15     (c)  Procedure.--The secretary, when disclosing the program
    16  participant's actual address under this section shall:
    17         (1)  Verify the requesting party's identity and an
    18     immediate need to receive the information.
    19         (2)  Upon a finding that the agency satisfies the
    20     criteria under subsection (b), provide the agency with the
    21     actual address.
    22     (d)  Limited liability.--In no event shall the secretary or
    23  department be liable for good faith disclosure of a program
    24  participant's actual address, nor shall the secretary or the
    25  department be liable for failure to disclose a program
    26  participant's actual address under this section.
    27  § 6511.  Penalties.
    28     (a)  False information.--Any person who knowingly provides
    29  false information in regard to a material fact in an application
    30  under section 6504 (relating to application and certification
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     1  process) or 6505 (relating to persons eligible to become program
     2  participants) shall be subject to termination from the program
     3  and criminal penalties under 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904(a) (relating to
     4  unsworn falsification to authorities).
     5     (b)  Access by fraud.--Any person who attempts to gain access
     6  to a program participant's actual address through fraud commits
     7  a misdemeanor of the first degree.
     8  § 6512.  Rules and regulations.
     9     The secretary may adopt rules and regulations to administer
    10  this chapter.
    11     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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