See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1720



No. 1466 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  To provide from the General Fund for the expenses of the
     2     Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of the
     3     Commonwealth, the public debt and for the public schools for
     4     the fiscal year July 1, 1989, to June 30, 1990, and for the
     5     payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close
     6     of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1989; to provide
     7     appropriations from the Lottery Fund, the Pennsylvania
     8     Economic Revitalization Fund, the Energy Conservation and
     9     Assistance Fund, the State Stores Fund and the Emergency
    10     Medical Services Operating Fund to the Executive Department;
    11     to provide appropriations from the Judicial Computer System
    12     Augmentation Account to the Judicial Department; to provide
    13     for the appropriation of Federal funds to the Executive and
    14     Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth and for the
    15     establishment of restricted receipts accounts for the fiscal
    16     year July 1, 1989, to June 30, 1990, and for the payment of
    17     bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the
    18     fiscal year ending June 30, 1989.

    19                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
    20                    PART I.  GENERAL PROVISIONS
    21  Section 101.  Short title.
    22  Section 102.  Definitions.
    23  Section 103.  Abbreviations.
    24  Section 104.  State appropriations.
    25  Section 105.  Federal augmentation appropriations.

     1  Section 106.  Job Training Partnership Act appropriations.
     2  Section 107.  Block grants.
     4                           FOR 1989-1990
     5                  SUBPART A.  EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT
     6  Section 201.  Governor.
     7  Section 202.  Executive Offices.
     8  Section 203.  Lieutenant Governor.
     9  Section 204.  Attorney General.
    10  Section 205.  Auditor General.
    11  Section 206.  Treasury Department.
    12  Section 207.  Department of Aging.
    13  Section 208.  Department of Agriculture.
    14  Section 209.  Department of Community Affairs.
    15  Section 210.  Department of Corrections.
    16  Section 211.  Economic Development Partnership.
    17  Section 212.  Department of Education.
    18  Section 213.  Department of Environmental Resources.
    19  Section 214.  Department of General Services.
    20  Section 215.  Department of Health.
    21  Section 216.  Insurance Department.
    22  Section 217.  Department of Labor and Industry.
    23  Section 218.  Department of Military Affairs.
    24  Section 219.  Department of Public Welfare.
    25  Section 220.  Department of Revenue.
    26  Section 221.  Department of State.
    27  Section 222.  Department of Transportation.
    28  Section 223.  Pennsylvania State Police.
    29  Section 224.  State Civil Service Commission.
    30  Section 225.  Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
    19890H1466B1720                  - 2 -

     1  Section 226.  Pennsylvania Fish Commission.
     2  Section 227.  State System of Higher Education.
     3  Section 228.  Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency.
     4  Section 229.  Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.
     5  Section 230.  Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.
     6  Section 231.  Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority.
     7  Section 232.  Environmental Hearing Board.
     8  Section 233.  Milk Marketing Board.
     9  Section 234.  Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole.
    10  Section 235.  Pennsylvania Public Television Network Commission.
    11  Section 236.  Pennsylvania Securities Commission.
    12  Section 237.  State Employees' Retirement System.
    13  Section 238.  State Tax Equalization Board.
    14  Section 239.  Pennsylvania Crime Commission.
    15  Section 240.  State Ethics Commission.
    17  Section 251.  Senate.
    18  Section 252.  House of Representatives.
    19  Section 253.  Legislative Reference Bureau.
    20  Section 254.  Legislative Budget and Finance Committee.
    21  Section 255.  Chief Clerks of Senate and House of
    22                 Representatives.
    23  Section 256.  Legislative Data Processing Committee.
    24  Section 257.  Joint State Government Commission.
    25  Section 258.  Local Government Commission.
    26  Section 259.  Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control
    27                 and Conservation Committee.
    28  Section 260.  Legislative Audit Advisory Commission.
    29  Section 261.  Independent Regulatory Review Commission.
    30  Section 262.  Capitol Preservation Committee.
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     1  Section 263.  Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing.
     2  Section 264.  Health Care Cost Containment Council.
     3  Section 265.  Center for Rural Pennsylvania.
     4                  SUBPART C.  JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT
     5  Section 281.  Supreme Court.
     6  Section 282.  Superior Court.
     7  Section 283.  Commonwealth Court.
     8  Section 284.  Courts of common pleas.
     9  Section 285.  Community courts - district justices.
    10  Section 286.  Philadelphia Traffic Court.
    11  Section 287.  Philadelphia Municipal Court.
    12  Section 288.  Juror cost reimbursement.
    13  Section 289.  County court administration cost reimbursement.
    14                   PART III.  STATE LOTTERY FUND
    15  Section 301.  Executive Offices.
    16  Section 302.  Department of Aging.
    17  Section 303.  Department of Public Welfare.
    19  Section 401.  Department of Agriculture.
    20  Section 402.  Department of Commerce.
    21  Section 403.  Department of Environmental Resources.
    23  Section 501.  Executive Offices.
    24  Section 502.  Department of Community Affairs.
    25  Section 503.  Department of Public Welfare.
    27  Section 601.  Supreme Court.
    29  Section 701.  Department of Health.
    30                   PART VIII.  STATE STORES FUND
    19890H1466B1720                  - 4 -

     1  Section 801.  Pennsylvania State Police.
     3  Section 901.  General provisions.
     4  Section 902.  Executive Offices.
     5  Section 903.  Department of Community Affairs.
     6  Section 904.  Department of Education.
     7  Section 905.  Department of Environmental Resources.
     8  Section 906.  Department of Transportation.
     9  Section 907.  Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
    10  Section 908.  Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.
    12  Section 1001.  General Fund repository for Federal funds.
    13  Section 1002.  Limitation on encumbering or spending Federal
    14                 funds.
    15  Section 1003.  Appropriation of prior unspent Federal funds.
    16  Section 1004.  Subgrants between Federal fund appropriations.
    17  Section 1005.  Utilization of emergency Federal funds.
    19  Section 1101.  Prior laws unaffected.
    20  Section 1102.  Compliance with other law before funds available.
    21  Section 1103.  Contracts prerequisite to encumbering or
    22                 committing funds.
    23  Section 1104.  Minority business set-asides.
    24  Section 1105.  Appropriation of funds from miscellaneous
    25                 sources.
    26  Section 1106.  Lapsing of unused funds.
    27                     PART XII.  EFFECTIVE DATE
    28  Section 1201.  Effective date.
    29     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    30  hereby enacts as follows:
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     1                               PART I
     2                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
     3     Section 101.  Short title.--This act shall be known and may
     4  be cited as the General Appropriation Act of 1989.
     5     Section 102.  Definitions.--The following words and phrases
     6  when used in this act shall have the meanings given to them in
     7  this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
     8     "Employees."  Includes all directors, superintendents, bureau
     9  or division chiefs, assistant directors, assistant
    10  superintendents, assistant chiefs, experts, scientists,
    11  engineers, surveyors, draftsmen, accountants, secretaries,
    12  auditors, inspectors, examiners, analysts, statisticians,
    13  marshals, clerks, stenographers, bookkeepers, messengers and
    14  other assistants in any department, board or commission.
    15     "Expenses" and "maintenance."  Includes all printing, binding
    16  and stationery, food and forage, materials and supplies,
    17  traveling expenses, training, motor vehicle supplies and
    18  repairs, freight, express and cartage, postage, telephones and
    19  telegraph rentals and toll charges, newspaper advertising and
    20  notices, public advertising by or through any medium, fuel,
    21  light, heat, power and water, minor construction and renovation,
    22  repairs or reconstruction of equipment, buildings and
    23  facilities, rent of real estate and equipment, premiums on
    24  workmen's compensation, insurance premiums on policies of
    25  liability insurance, insurance premiums on medical payment
    26  insurance and surety bonds for volunteer workers, premiums on
    27  employee group life insurance and employee and retired employee
    28  group hospital and medical insurance, payment of Commonwealth
    29  share of Social Security taxes and unemployment compensation
    30  costs for State employees, the purchase of replacement or
    19890H1466B1720                  - 6 -

     1  additional equipment and machinery and all other incidental
     2  costs and expenses, including payment to the Department of
     3  General Services of mileage and other charges for the use of
     4  automobiles and rental payments for permanently assigned
     5  automobiles and of expenses or costs of services incurred
     6  through the Purchasing Fund. The term "expenses" also shall
     7  include the medical costs for the treatment of inmates of State
     8  institutions when the inmate must be transferred to an outside
     9  hospital: Provided, That in no case shall the State institution
    10  pay more for patient care than that provided under the State
    11  medical assistance program.
    12     Section 103.  Abbreviations.--The following abbreviations
    13  when used in this act shall have the meanings given to them in
    14  this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
    15     "ADAMHSBG."  Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Mental Health
    16  Services Block Grant.
    17     "ADA."  Anti-Drug Abuse.
    18     "AFDC."  Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
    19     "ARC."  Appalachian Regional Commission.
    20     "BG."  Block grant.
    21     "BVS."  Blind and Visual Services.
    22     "CSBG."  Community Services Block Grant.
    23     "DOE."  Department of Energy.
    24     "ECIA."  Education Consolidation and Improvement Act.
    25     "ECIBG."  Education Consolidation and Improvement Block
    26  Grant.
    27     "EDA."  Economic Development Administration.
    28     "EEOC."  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
    29     "EPA."  Environmental Protection Agency.
    30     "EPCA."  Energy Policy and Conservation Act.
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     1     "ESEA."  Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
     2     "FEMA."  Federal Emergency Management Agency.
     3     "FUTA."  Federal Unemployment Tax Act.
     4     "GED."  General Education Development.
     5     "HUD."  Department of Housing and Urban Development.
     6     "JTPA."  Job Training Partnership Act.
     7     "LIHEABG."  Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Block Grant.
     8     "LSCA."  Library Services Construction Act.
     9     "LWCF."  Land and Water Conservation Fund.
    10     "MCHSBG."  Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant.
    11     "MH/MR."  Mental Health/Mental Retardation Services.
    12     "NCHS."  National Center for Health Statistics.
    13     "NPDES."  National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
    14     "NSF."  National Science Foundation.
    15     "PAFE."  Pennsylvania Agricultural Foods Exposition.
    16     "PEP."  Pennsylvania Employment Program.
    17     "PHHSBG."  Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant.
    18     "PHRC."  Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission.
    19     "SCDBG."  Small Communities Development Block Grant.
    20     "SDA."  Service Delivery Area.
    21     "SSA."  Social Security Act.
    22     "SSBG."  Social Services Block Grant.
    23     "VA."  Veterans' Administration.
    24     "YDC."  Youth Development Center.
    25     Section 104.  State appropriations.--(a)  General Fund.--The
    26  following sums set forth in this act, or as much thereof as may
    27  be necessary, are hereby specifically appropriated from the
    28  General Fund to the several hereinafter named agencies of the
    29  Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of the
    30  Commonwealth for the payment of salaries, wages or other
    19890H1466B1720                  - 8 -

     1  compensation and travel expenses of the duly elected or
     2  appointed officers and employees of the Commonwealth, for the
     3  payment of fees for contractual services rendered, for the
     4  purchase or rental of goods and services, printing, public
     5  advertising by or through any medium, equipment, land and
     6  buildings and for payment of any other expenses, as provided by
     7  law or by this act, necessary for the proper conduct of the
     8  duties, functions and activities and for the purposes
     9  hereinafter set forth for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
    10  1989, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid
    11  at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1989.
    12     (b)  Lottery Fund.--The following sums set forth in this act,
    13  or as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby specifically
    14  appropriated from the Lottery Fund to the several hereinafter
    15  named agencies of the Executive Department of the Commonwealth
    16  for the payment of fees for contractual services rendered, for
    17  the purchase or rental of goods and services and for payment of
    18  any other expenses, as provided by law or by this act, necessary
    19  for the proper conduct of the duties, functions and activities
    20  and for the purposes hereinafter set forth for the fiscal year
    21  beginning July 1, 1989, and for the payment of bills incurred
    22  and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June
    23  30, 1989.
    24     (c)  Pennsylvania Economic Revitalization Fund.--The
    25  following sums set forth in this act, or as much thereof as may
    26  be necessary, are hereby specifically appropriated from the
    27  Pennsylvania Economic Revitalization Fund to the several
    28  hereinafter named agencies of the Executive Department of the
    29  Commonwealth for the payment of fees for contractual services
    30  rendered, for the purchase or rental of goods and services and
    19890H1466B1720                  - 9 -

     1  for the payment of any other expenses, as provided by law or by
     2  this act, necessary for the proper conduct of the duties,
     3  functions and activities and for the purposes hereinafter set
     4  forth for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1989, and for the
     5  payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of
     6  the fiscal year ending June 30, 1989.
     7     (d)  Energy Conservation and Assistance Fund.--The following
     8  sums set forth in this act, or as much thereof as may be
     9  necessary, are hereby specifically appropriated from the Energy
    10  Conservation and Assistance Fund to the several hereinafter
    11  named agencies of the Executive Department of the Commonwealth
    12  for the payment of fees for contractual services rendered, for
    13  the purchase or rental of goods and services and for the payment
    14  of any other expenses, as provided by law or by this act,
    15  necessary for the proper conduct of the duties, functions and
    16  activities and for the purposes hereinafter set forth for the
    17  fiscal year beginning July 1, 1989, and for the payment of bills
    18  incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year
    19  ending June 30, 1989.
    20     (e)  Judicial Computer System Augmentation Account.--The
    21  following sums set forth in this act, or as much thereof as may
    22  be necessary, are hereby specifically appropriated from the
    23  Restricted Receipt Account established within the General Fund
    24  known as the Judicial Computer System Augmentation Account to
    25  the Judicial Department of the Commonwealth for the payment of
    26  fees for contractual services rendered, for the purchase or
    27  rental of goods and services and for the payment of any other
    28  expenses, as provided by law or by this act, necessary for the
    29  proper conduct of the duties, functions and activities and for
    30  the purposes hereinafter set forth for the fiscal year beginning
    19890H1466B1720                 - 10 -

     1  July 1, 1989, and for the payment of bills incurred and
     2  remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30,
     3  1989.
     4     (f)  Emergency Medical Services Operating Fund.--The
     5  following sums set forth in this act, or as much thereof as may
     6  be necessary, are hereby specifically appropriated from the
     7  Emergency Medical Services Operating Fund to the several
     8  hereinafter named agencies of the Executive Department of the
     9  Commonwealth for the payment of fees for contractual services
    10  rendered, for the purchase or rental of goods and services and
    11  for the payment of any other expenses, as provided by law or by
    12  this act, necessary for the proper conduct of the duties,
    13  functions and activities and for the purposes hereinafter set
    14  forth for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1989, and for the
    15  payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of
    16  the fiscal year ending June 30, 1989.
    17     (g)  State Stores Fund.--The following sums set forth in this
    18  act, or as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
    19  specifically appropriated from the State Stores Fund to the
    20  hereinafter named agency of the Executive Department of the
    21  Commonwealth for the payment of fees for contractual services
    22  rendered, for the purchase or rental of goods and services and
    23  for the payment of any other expenses, as provided by law or by
    24  this act, necessary for the proper conduct of the duties,
    25  functions and activities and for the purposes hereinafter set
    26  forth for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1989, and for the
    27  payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of
    28  the fiscal year ending June 30, 1989.
    29     Section 105.  Federal augmentation appropriations.--The
    30  following Federal augmentation appropriations set forth in this
    19890H1466B1720                 - 11 -

     1  act, or as much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby
     2  specifically appropriated from the Federal augmentation funds to
     3  the several hereinafter named agencies of the Executive and
     4  Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth for the payment of the
     5  expenses of implementing and carrying out the programs stated
     6  herein for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1989, and for the
     7  payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of
     8  the fiscal year ending June 30, 1989. Unless otherwise stated,
     9  the appropriations include any carryovers from the prior fiscal
    10  year.
    11     Section 106.  Job Training Partnership Act appropriations.--
    12  The following sums as set forth in this act, or as much thereof
    13  as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated from the Job
    14  Training Partnership Act (JTPA) funds to the several hereinafter
    15  named agencies of the Executive Department of the Commonwealth
    16  for the payment of the expenses of implementing and carrying out
    17  the program stated herein for the fiscal year beginning July 1,
    18  1989.
    19     Section 107.  Block grants.--(a)  Appropriation.--The
    20  following sums set forth in this act, or as much thereof as may
    21  be necessary, are hereby specifically appropriated from the
    22  block grant (BG) funds to the several hereinafter named agencies
    23  of the Executive Department of the Commonwealth for the
    24  purposes, and under the restrictions, for which the funds are
    25  provided for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1989.
    26     (b)  Small Communities Development Block Grant.--The Small
    27  Communities Development Block Grant (SCDBG) is to assist small
    28  cities and communities that have a high concentration of
    29  impoverished citizens and substandard housing to expand their
    30  low and moderate income housing opportunities and to meet
    19890H1466B1720                 - 12 -

     1  community development needs.
     2     (c)  Community Services Block Grant.--The Community Services
     3  Block Grant (CSBG) is to provide a range of services and
     4  activities having a measurable and potentially major impact on
     5  the causes of poverty in the community or those areas of the
     6  community where poverty is a particularly acute problem. In
     7  addition, new focus may be placed on the unemployed, both old
     8  and new. Local agencies may lower their eligibility requirements
     9  for recipients to three months to allow greater flexibility to
    10  assure proper consideration of each recipient.
    11     (d)  Education Consolidation and Improvement Block Grant.--
    12  The Education Consolidation and Improvement Block Grant (ECIBG)
    13  will be used for the administration and provision of education
    14  programs in accordance with the requirements of the Omnibus
    15  Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981.
    16     (e)  Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant.--The
    17  Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant (PHHSBG) is
    18  for the provision of preventive health and other health services
    19  related to emergency medical comprehensive public health,
    20  hypertension, fluoridation, health education, risk reduction,
    21  home health, rape crisis and rodent control.
    22     (f)  Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant.--The
    23  Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant (MCHSBG) is to
    24  assure mothers and children access to quality maternal and child
    25  health services, to reduce infant mortality and the incidence of
    26  preventable disease and handicapping conditions among children,
    27  to provide rehabilitative services for blind and disabled
    28  individuals under the age of 16 receiving Supplemental Security
    29  Income benefits and to provide medical services for children
    30  with crippling conditions.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 13 -

     1     (g)  Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Mental Health Services Block
     2  Grant.--The Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Mental Health Services
     3  Block Grant (ADAMHSBG) will be used for the administration and
     4  provision of drug and alcohol abuse services and community
     5  mental health services in accordance with the requirements of
     6  the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981.
     7     (h)  Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Block Grant.--The Low-
     8  Income Home Energy Assistance Block Grant (LIHEABG) is to help
     9  lessen the impact of the high cost of energy on low-income
    10  families and individuals.
    11     (i)  Social Services Block Grant.--The Social Services Block
    12  Grant (SSBG) is for the provision of social services to eligible
    13  persons.
    14                              PART II
    16                           FOR 1989-1990
    17                             SUBPART A
    18                        EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT
    19     Section 201.  Governor.--The
    20  following amounts are appropriated to
    21  the Governor:                              Federal       State
    22     For the Office of the Governor:
    23  including the maintenance of the
    24  Governor's Home, the expense of
    25  entertainment of official guests and
    26  members of the General Assembly and
    27  the Judiciary, participation in the
    28  Governor's Conference, the expenses of
    29  the Executive Board, and the payment
    30  of traveling expenses of persons other
    19890H1466B1720                 - 14 -

     1  than employees of the Commonwealth
     2  appointed by the Governor to represent
     3  or otherwise serve the Commonwealth.
     4             State appropriation........                 6,201,000
     5     Section 202.  Executive Offices.--
     6  The following amounts are appropriated
     7  to the Executive Offices:                  Federal       State
     8     For the Governor's Action Center.
     9             State appropriation........                   503,000
    10     For the Office of Administration.
    11             State appropriation........                 4,871,000
    12     For the Inspector General.
    13             State appropriation........                 1,873,000
    14     For the Office of the Budget.
    15             State appropriation........                23,783,000
    16     The following JTPA amounts, or as
    17  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    18  hereby specifically appropriated for
    19  general government operations:
    20     (1)  "Job Training Partnership Act
    21  - Program Accountability" - To provide
    22  accounting and auditing services for
    23  program accountability of the job
    24  training partnership.
    25             Federal appropriation......      888,000
    26     For the Integrated Central System.
    27             State appropriation........                 3,902,000
    28     For the Pennsylvania Human
    29  Relations Commission.
    30             State appropriation........                 7,177,000
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     1     The following Federal augmentation
     2  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     3  necessary, are hereby specifically
     4  appropriated to supplement the sum
     5  appropriated from Commonwealth
     6  revenues for administration:
     7     (1)  "EEOC - Special Project Grant"
     8  - To undertake, identify and eliminate
     9  discrimination in employment due to
    10  race, color, religion, sex, ancestry
    11  or national origin in hiring,
    12  recruitment, placement, promotion,
    13  referral, transfer, layoff, discharge
    14  and other employment practices.
    15             Federal appropriation......    1,050,000
    16     (2)  "HUD - Special Project Grant"
    17  - For the development of a complaint-
    18  processing capability sufficient to
    19  enable PHRC to process all housing
    20  discrimination complaints under its
    21  jurisdiction.
    22             Federal appropriation......      100,000
    23     For grants to the arts.
    24             State appropriation........                12,500,000
    25     The following Federal augmentation
    26  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    27  necessary, are hereby specifically
    28  appropriated to supplement the sum
    29  appropriated from Commonwealth
    30  revenues for grants to the arts:
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     1     (1)  "National Endowment for the
     2  Arts - Basic State Grant" - For grants
     3  to the arts.
     4             Federal appropriation......      650,000
     5     For the Council on the Arts.
     6             State appropriation........                   989,000
     7     The following Federal augmentation
     8  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     9  necessary, are hereby specifically
    10  appropriated to supplement the sum
    11  appropriated from Commonwealth
    12  revenues for the Council on the Arts:
    13     (1)  "National Endowment for the
    14  Arts - Basic State Grant" - To provide
    15  administrative funds in order to
    16  assist State arts agencies throughout
    17  the State to improve the operating
    18  efficiency of arts organizations.
    19             Federal appropriation......       50,000
    20     For the Pennsylvania Commission for
    21  Women.
    22             State appropriation........                   295,000
    23     For the Pennsylvania Energy Office.
    24             State appropriation........                 1,873,000
    25     The following Federal augmentation
    26  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    27  necessary, are hereby specifically
    28  appropriated to supplement the sum
    29  appropriated from Commonwealth
    30  revenues for administration:
    19890H1466B1720                 - 17 -

     1     (1)  "DOE - Energy Extension
     2  Services" - For the development of a
     3  system to transfer energy-saving
     4  technology to local governments.
     5             Federal appropriation......      133,000
     6     (2)  "State Energy Conservation
     7  Plan (EPCA)" - For the implementation
     8  of the State Energy Conservation Plan,
     9  including energy audits, conservation
    10  techniques and continued funding of
    11  the Pennsylvania Energy Centers.
    12             Federal appropriation......      327,000
    13     (3)  "Institutional Conservation
    14  Program" - For administrative costs
    15  associated with the Institutional
    16  Conservation Program.
    17             Federal appropriation......      200,000
    18     (4)  "HUD - Energy Conservation and
    19  Solar Bank" - To provide financial
    20  assistance to single-family and
    21  multiunit residential building owners
    22  for installation of cost-effective
    23  energy efficiency and/or passive solar
    24  improvements.
    25             Federal appropriation......       90,000
    26     For the Pennsylvania Energy
    27  Development Authority. Of this amount,
    28  $1,500,000 shall be used for grants,
    29  loans and venture capital on
    30  anthracite and bituminous coal
    19890H1466B1720                 - 18 -

     1  projects and $200,000 shall be used
     2  for noncoal projects.
     3             State appropriation........                 1,700,000
     4     For the Juvenile Court Judges
     5  Commission.
     6             State appropriation........                   550,000
     7     For the Crime Victim's Compensation
     8  Board.
     9             State appropriation........                   631,000
    10     The following Federal augmentation
    11  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    12  necessary, are hereby specifically
    13  appropriated to supplement the sum
    14  appropriated from Commonwealth
    15  revenues for the Crime Victim's
    16  Compensation Board:
    17     (1)  "Crime Victims' Payments" -
    18  For payment of awards by the Crime
    19  Victim's Compensation Board from the
    20  Federal Victims of Crime Act.
    21             Federal appropriation......      701,000
    22     For the State Health Facility
    23  Hearing Board.
    24             State appropriation........                   187,000
    25     For health care arbitration panels.
    26             State appropriation........                   539,000
    27     For the Public Employee Retirement
    28  Study Commission.
    29             State appropriation........                   510,000
    30     For payment of ceremonies in
    19890H1466B1720                 - 19 -

     1  recognition of the Distinguished
     2  Daughters of Pennsylvania.
     3             State appropriation........                     5,000
     4     For the Pennsylvania Commission on
     5  Crime and Delinquency.
     6             State appropriation........                 2,259,000
     7     The following Federal augmentation
     8  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     9  necessary, are hereby specifically
    10  appropriated to supplement the sum
    11  appropriated from Commonwealth
    12  revenues for administration:
    13     (1)  "Plan for Juvenile Justice" -
    14  For development and administration of
    15  a comprehensive Statewide plan for
    16  juvenile justice in accordance with
    17  the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency
    18  Prevention Act of 1974.
    19             Federal appropriation......      150,000
    20     (2)  "Anti-Drug Abuse Law
    21  Enforcement Administration."
    22             Federal appropriation......      245,000
    23     (3)  "Offender-Based Transaction
    24  Statistics" - To produce a computer
    25  record of criminal case disposition in
    26  Pennsylvania for national research
    27  study.
    28             Federal appropriation......        3,000
    29     (4)  "Law Enforcement Management
    30  and Information System."
    19890H1466B1720                 - 20 -

     1             Federal appropriation......       50,000
     2     The following Federal augmentation
     3  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     4  necessary, are hereby specifically
     5  appropriated to the Pennsylvania
     6  Commission on Crime and Delinquency
     7  for Anti-Drug Abuse Law Enforcement:
     8     (1)  "Anti-Drug Abuse - Law
     9  Enforcement."
    10             Federal appropriation......    5,500,000
    11     For the Office of General Counsel.
    12             State appropriation........                 1,642,000
    13     For payments of grants to political
    14  subdivisions to assist in the
    15  improvement of juvenile probation
    16  services.
    17             State appropriation........                 3,239,000
    18     For the Milrite Council.
    19             State appropriation........                   257,000
    20     For Labor-Management Committees.
    21             State appropriation........                   825,000
    22     To the Drug Policy Council for
    23  administration of the Anti-Drug Abuse
    24  Law Enforcement Program.
    25             State appropriation........                   104,000
    26     For a coalition against drug abuse.
    27             State appropriation........                   400,000
    28     Section 203.  Lieutenant
    29  Governor.--The following amounts are
    30  appropriated to the Lieutenant
    19890H1466B1720                 - 21 -

     1  Governor:                                  Federal       State
     2     For the Office of the Lieutenant
     3  Governor, including payment of
     4  expenses of the residence at the
     5  Edward Martin Military Reservation.
     6             State appropriation........                   643,000
     7     For the Board of Pardons.
     8             State appropriation........                   221,000
     9     For a portrait of the former
    10  Lieutenant Governor.
    11             State appropriation........                     3,000
    12     Section 204.  Attorney General.--
    13  The following amounts are appropriated
    14  to the Attorney General:                   Federal       State
    15     For general government operations
    16  of the Office of Attorney General.
    17             State appropriation........                27,311,000
    18     The following Federal augmentation
    19  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    20  necessary, are hereby specifically
    21  appropriated to supplement the sum
    22  appropriated from Commonwealth
    23  revenues for general government
    24  operations:
    25     (1)  "State Medicaid Fraud Control
    26  Units" - For a Medicaid Fraud Control
    27  Program.
    28             Federal appropriation......    2,230,000
    29     For trials resulting from
    30  indictments by multicounty grand
    19890H1466B1720                 - 22 -

     1  juries.
     2             State appropriation........                   110,000
     3     For Drug Law Enforcement.
     4             State appropriation........                12,417,000
     5     The following Federal augmentation
     6  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     7  necessary, are hereby specifically
     8  appropriated to supplement the sum
     9  appropriated from Commonwealth
    10  revenues for Drug Law Enforcement:
    11     (1)  "Mobile Cooperative Task
    12  Force" - To fund a task force
    13  utilizing undercover agents across the
    14  State targeting drug trafficking among
    15  school students and clandestine drug
    16  processing labs.
    17             Federal appropriation......      411,000
    18     (2)  "Technical Assistance" - To
    19  fund an attorney who provides
    20  technical assistance to local
    21  prosecutors.
    22             Federal appropriation......       85,000
    23     (3)  "Financial Asset
    24  Investigation" - To fund a program
    25  that traces assets from criminal drug
    26  activity.
    27             Federal appropriation......      206,000
    28     (4)  "Statewide Drug Prosecution
    29  Program."
    30             Federal appropriation......      413,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 23 -

     1     (5)  "Clandestine Lab Model
     2  Enforcement Program."
     3             Federal appropriation......      248,000
     4     For hazardous waste prosecutions.
     5             State appropriation........                 1,478,000
     6     Section 205.  Auditor General.--The
     7  following amounts are appropriated to
     8  the Auditor General:                       Federal       State
     9     For the Department of the Auditor
    10  General for auditing, annually,
    11  periodically or specially, the affairs
    12  of any department, board or commission
    13  which is supported out of the General
    14  Fund, district justices, other fining
    15  offices, Volunteer Firemen's Relief
    16  Association Funds and the offices of
    17  elected State officials and for the
    18  proper auditing of appropriations for
    19  or relating to public assistance,
    20  including any Federal sums
    21  supplementing such appropriations.
    22             State appropriation........                32,558,000
    23     For the Board of Claims.
    24             State appropriation........                 1,226,000
    25     For transfer to the Supplemental
    26  State Assistance Fund for Municipal
    27  Pension System State Aid.
    28             State appropriation........                17,626,000
    29     Section 206.  Treasury
    30  Department.--The following amounts are
    19890H1466B1720                 - 24 -

     1  appropriated to the Treasury
     2  Department:                                Federal       State
     3     For general government operations
     4  of the Treasury Department.
     5             State appropriation........                14,833,000
     6     For the Board of Finance and
     7  Revenue.
     8             State appropriation........                 1,196,000
     9     For support of the Council of State
    10  Governments to be paid to the order of
    11  the Executive Director of the Council
    12  of State Governments who shall file an
    13  accounting of such expenses with the
    14  Auditor General.
    15             State appropriation........                   128,000
    16     For support of the Great Lakes
    17  Commission and the Great Lakes Council
    18  of Governors to be paid on requisition
    19  of the commissioners and the Executive
    20  Director of the Great Lakes Council of
    21  Governors who shall file an accounting
    22  with the Auditor General.
    23             State appropriation........                    60,000
    24     For support of the National
    25  Conference of State Legislatures to be
    26  paid on requisition of the Executive
    27  Director who shall file an accounting
    28  with the Auditor General.
    29             State appropriation........                   142,000
    30     For the Council of State
    19890H1466B1720                 - 25 -

     1  Governments, Lexington, Kentucky, in
     2  trust for the State and Local Legal
     3  Center, Washington, D.C.
     4             State appropriation........                     8,000
     5     For support of the Education
     6  Commission of the States to be paid to
     7  the order of the Executive Director of
     8  the Education Commission of the States
     9  who shall file an accounting of such
    10  expenses with the Auditor General.
    11             State appropriation........                    71,000
    12     For support of the Governmental
    13  Accounting Standards Board to be paid
    14  on requisition with an accounting to
    15  be filed with the Auditor General.
    16             State appropriation........                    40,000
    17     For support of the Advisory
    18  Commission on Intergovernmental
    19  Relations to be paid on requisition of
    20  the Executive Director who shall file
    21  an accounting of such expenses with
    22  the Auditor General.
    23             State appropriation........                     9,000
    24     For support of the National
    25  Governors' Association to be paid on
    26  requisition of the Executive Director
    27  who shall file an accounting of such
    28  expenses with the Auditor General.
    29             State appropriation........                   121,000
    30     For the Coalition of Northeastern
    19890H1466B1720                 - 26 -

     1  Governors.
     2             State appropriation........                    85,000
     3     For the Northeast-Midwest
     4  Institute.
     5             State appropriation........                    63,000
     6     For payment of the difference
     7  between the interest earned by the
     8  moneys in the Agricultural College
     9  Land Scrip Fund and in the State
    10  College Experimental Farm Fund and the
    11  interest guaranteed by the
    12  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to
    13  Pennsylvania State University.
    14             State appropriation........                    16,000
    15     For publishing statements of the
    16  General Fund and other funds of the
    17  Commonwealth.
    18             State appropriation........                    40,000
    19     For compensation of the
    20  Commonwealth's Loan and Transfer Agent
    21  for services and expenses in
    22  connection with the registration,
    23  transfer and payment of interest on
    24  bonds of the Commonwealth and other
    25  services required to be performed by
    26  the Loan and Transfer Agent.
    27             State appropriation........                   225,000
    28     For payment of legal fees,
    29  publication of advertisements, costs
    30  of engraving and other expenses
    19890H1466B1720                 - 27 -

     1  incurred in issuing of tax
     2  anticipation notes.
     3             State appropriation........                   170,000
     4     For general obligation debt
     5  service.
     6             State appropriation........               424,175,000
     7     For payment of law enforcement
     8  officers' death benefits.
     9             State appropriation........                   350,000
    10     Section 207.  Department of
    11  Aging.--The following amounts are
    12  appropriated to the Department of
    13  Aging:                                     Federal       State
    14     For PennCARE for older
    15  Pennsylvanians.
    16             State appropriation........                 4,559,000
    17     Section 208.  Department of
    18  Agriculture.--The following amounts
    19  are appropriated to the Department of
    20  Agriculture:                               Federal       State
    21     For general government operations
    22  of the Department of Agriculture.
    23             State appropriation........                18,741,000
    24     The following Federal augmentation
    25  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    26  necessary, are hereby specifically
    27  appropriated to supplement the sum
    28  appropriated from Commonwealth
    29  revenues for general government
    30  operations:
    19890H1466B1720                 - 28 -

     1     (1)  "Pennsylvania Plant Pest
     2  Detection System" - To provide timely
     3  plant pest occurrence information to
     4  growers and to protect the consumer
     5  from plant losses.
     6             Federal appropriation......       32,000
     7     (2)  "Poultry Grading Service" -
     8  For voluntary grading of egg products,
     9  poultry and rabbits; mandatory
    10  inspection of egg products; regulatory
    11  surveillance inspection of shell egg
    12  handlers and records.
    13             Federal appropriation......      116,000
    14     (3)  "Diagnostic Laboratory
    15  Services" - For diagnostic tests and
    16  other laboratory services mutually
    17  agreed upon in accordance with the
    18  standards established by the U.S.D.A.
    19             Federal appropriation......       32,000
    20     (4)  "Market News - Ornamental Crop
    21  Reporting" - For development and
    22  support of a marketing information
    23  system.
    24             Federal appropriation......       20,000
    25     (5)  "Medicated Feed Mill
    26  Inspection" - To inspect feed mills to
    27  assure that animal feeds contain the
    28  proper level of medication.
    29             Federal appropriation......       12,000
    30     (6)  "State Administrative Expenses
    19890H1466B1720                 - 29 -

     1  - Donated Foods" - To provide for the
     2  adequate and proper analysis,
     3  evaluation and monitoring of donated
     4  food processing contracts. To provide
     5  funds for justified expenses incurred
     6  by the State food distribution
     7  advisory council.
     8             Federal appropriation......      120,000
     9     (7)  "Household Commodity Program"
    10  - To provide food to needy households.
    11             Federal appropriation......    2,300,000
    12     (8)  "Pseudorabies Pilot Project" -
    13  To test blood samples collected from
    14  market swine for pseudorabies so that
    15  timely quarantines can be placed and
    16  pseudorabies eradication started.
    17             Federal appropriation......      100,000
    18     (9)  "Pesticide Enforcement,
    19  Certification, Training and Control
    20  Program" - For implementation of the
    21  Pennsylvania Pesticide Control Act of
    22  1973, including the training, testing
    23  and certification of pesticide
    24  applications.
    25             Federal appropriation......      235,000
    26     For the administration of the
    27  Agricultural Conservation Easement
    28  Program.
    29             State appropriation........                   100,000
    30     For the diagnosing of diseases of
    19890H1466B1720                 - 30 -

     1  livestock other than poultry.
     2             State appropriation........                   275,000
     3     For a Farmers' Market Food Coupon
     4  Program.
     5             State appropriation........                   100,000
     6     The following Federal augmentation
     7  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     8  necessary, are hereby specifically
     9  appropriated to supplement the sum
    10  appropriated from Commonwealth
    11  revenues for the Farmer's Market Food
    12  Coupon Program:
    13     (1)  "Farmers' Market Food
    14  Coupons."
    15             Federal appropriation......      230,000
    16     For diagnostic contracts with
    17  poultry laboratories.
    18             State appropriation........                   275,000
    19     For a diagnostic and field
    20  investigation program of livestock and
    21  poultry diseases.
    22             State appropriation........                   210,000
    23     For the development of a poultry
    24  disease surveillance program.
    25             State appropriation........                   158,000
    26     For research into methods to
    27  improve and maintain the profitability
    28  and competitiveness of Pennsylvania
    29  agriculture. No funds from this
    30  appropriation shall be used for
    19890H1466B1720                 - 31 -

     1  marketing research or promotional
     2  activities.
     3             State appropriation........                 2,500,000
     4     For research into the causes and
     5  treatment of Johne's Disease.
     6             State appropriation........                   121,000
     7     For agricultural promotion,
     8  excluding urban farm market promotion.
     9             State appropriation........                   590,000
    10     For payment of compensation to
    11  owners of animals destroyed in disease
    12  eradication program.
    13             State appropriation........                   368,000
    14     For payment into the State Farm
    15  Products Show Fund. As a condition for
    16  the use of these funds, no
    17  expenditures may be made from this
    18  appropriation or from the State Farm
    19  Products Show Fund for any activities
    20  associated with the Pennsylvania
    21  Agricultural Foods Exposition (PAFE)
    22  unless such activities take place on
    23  the premises of the Farm Show Complex,
    24  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
    25             State appropriation........                 1,000,000
    26     For payments to county fairs.
    27             State appropriation........                 3,400,000
    28     For development and operation of an
    29  open livestock show, including cattle,
    30  swine, sheep and horses.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 32 -

     1             State appropriation........                   140,000
     2     For planning and staging of an open
     3  dairy show.
     4             State appropriation........                    83,000
     5     For promotion and holding of annual
     6  local, regional and State 4-H Clubs
     7  and Future Farmers of America dairy
     8  shows.
     9             State appropriation........                    33,000
    10     The department may make allocations
    11  of the above three appropriations as
    12  it deems appropriate to an association
    13  whose purposes are in accord with the
    14  purposes and intent of the
    15  appropriations, the funds so allocated
    16  to be used for the development and
    17  operation of livestock, dairy and
    18  Junior Dairy Shows in the Pennsylvania
    19  Farm Show Complex: Provided, That the
    20  funds allocated by the department
    21  shall only be used for the specific
    22  items approved by the department in
    23  advance.
    24     For planning and staging ten annual
    25  4-H Club Horse and Pony Shows and one
    26  Statewide show to be held in the fall
    27  as preliminary to the Keystone
    28  International Livestock Show.
    29             State appropriation........                    38,000
    30     For grants to counties for the
    19890H1466B1720                 - 33 -

     1  purchase of food to be provided to
     2  needy persons in this Commonwealth.
     3     Counties shall submit a completed
     4  application for funds or designate a
     5  regional food bank or county
     6  coordinating agency to complete the
     7  application process. If a county
     8  chooses not to participate in the
     9  program or designate a regional food
    10  bank or county coordinating agency to
    11  participate on its behalf by December
    12  31, 1989, then the county's allocation
    13  shall be granted to the regional food
    14  bank or county coordinating agency
    15  serving that county. On January 1,
    16  1990, the Secretary of Agriculture
    17  shall report to the Chief Clerk of the
    18  House of Representatives and the
    19  Secretary of the Senate on the impact
    20  of the 1988-1989 emergency food
    21  program. This report shall include,
    22  but not be limited to, the number of
    23  recipients by category of eligibles,
    24  including unemployment compensation,
    25  public assistance, no assistance and
    26  low income, quantity of food
    27  distributed by type of food and the
    28  cost per pound of commodities
    29  distributed.
    30             State appropriation........                 9,500,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 34 -

     1     For a comprehensive rabies control
     2  and prevention program.
     3             State appropriation........                   273,000
     4     For local lead agency
     5  administrative costs of the Temporary
     6  Emergency Food Assistance Program.
     7             State appropriation........                   250,000
     8     Section 209.  Department of
     9  Community Affairs.--The following
    10  amounts are appropriated to the
    11  Department of Community Affairs:           Federal       State
    12     For general government operations
    13  of the Department of Community
    14  Affairs.
    15             State appropriation........                 9,964,000
    16     The following Federal augmentation
    17  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    18  necessary, are hereby specifically
    19  appropriated to supplement the sum
    20  appropriated from Commonwealth
    21  revenues for general government
    22  operations:
    23     (1)  "ARC - Planning" - For the
    24  administration expenses incurred in
    25  managing the grant program to eligible
    26  local planning agencies.
    27             Federal appropriation......       25,000
    28     (2)  "Administrative Costs of Land
    29  and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)
    30  Projects" - For the costs of
    19890H1466B1720                 - 35 -

     1  administering and maintaining LWCF
     2  projects in the State.
     3             Federal appropriation......       40,000
     4     (3)  "Folk Arts."
     5             Federal appropriation......       42,000
     6     (4)  "Folklife Resource Survey."
     7             Federal appropriation......      350,000
     8     The following SCDBG amounts, or as
     9  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    10  hereby specifically appropriated for
    11  general government operations:
    12     (1)  To undertake the Small
    13  Communities Development Block Grant
    14  Program as enacted by the General
    15  Assembly.
    16             Federal appropriation......   65,000,000
    17     (2)  For administration of the
    18  SCDBG Program.
    19             Federal appropriation......      963,000
    20     The following CSBG amounts, or as
    21  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    22  hereby specifically appropriated for
    23  general government operations:
    24     (1)  To provide a range of services
    25  and activities having a measurable and
    26  potentially major impact on the causes
    27  of poverty in the community or those
    28  areas of the community where poverty
    29  is a particularly acute problem, and
    30  to provide grants to organizations
    19890H1466B1720                 - 36 -

     1  providing services to migrant and
     2  seasonal farmworkers. In addition, new
     3  focus may be placed on the unemployed,
     4  both old and new. Local agencies may
     5  lower their eligibility requirements
     6  for recipients to three months to
     7  allow greater flexibility to assure
     8  proper consideration of each
     9  recipient.
    10             Federal appropriation......   18,990,000
    11     An amount equal to 90% of this
    12  appropriation shall be used to fund
    13  agencies meeting the requirements of
    14  the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
    15  of 1981. In areas not served by
    16  agencies meeting these requirements,
    17  the department will utilize an
    18  eligible agency to pass funds through
    19  to local service agencies. The
    20  department will continue to phase in a
    21  formula distribution of funds. These
    22  funds will be distributed on the basis
    23  of prior year funding level, number of
    24  persons whose income is at or below
    25  125% of the Federal poverty line and
    26  the number of unemployed persons. No
    27  agency receiving funds under the
    28  formula shall receive less than 90% of
    29  its prior year funding level. If
    30  insufficient funds are available,
    19890H1466B1720                 - 37 -

     1  distribution shall be on a pro rata
     2  basis.
     3     The department may require agencies
     4  to submit work plans to the department
     5  to determine that only eligible
     6  services will be provided with these
     7  funds. All decisions regarding which
     8  of the qualified services shall be
     9  provided shall be made by the local
    10  agency. The department shall not
    11  require nor prohibit the offering of
    12  any specific service or type of
    13  service.
    14     (2)  For administration and State
    15  audit costs of the Community Services
    16  Block Grant.
    17             Federal appropriation......      609,000
    18     For a Circuit Riders Program.
    19             State appropriation........                   250,000
    20     For the Governor's Advisory
    21  Commission on Latino Affairs.
    22             State appropriation........                   200,000
    23     For the payment of grants to local
    24  governments or regional councils of
    25  government to assist in developing and
    26  implementing cooperative agreements to
    27  supply municipal services.
    28             State appropriation........                   250,000
    29     For the payment of grants to
    30  counties, cities, boroughs, townships,
    19890H1466B1720                 - 38 -

     1  towns or regions for planning
     2  assistance.
     3             State appropriation........                   250,000
     4     For grants for floodplain
     5  management.
     6             State appropriation........                    60,000
     7     The following Federal augmentation
     8  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     9  necessary, are hereby specifically
    10  appropriated to supplement the sum
    11  appropriated from Commonwealth
    12  revenues for floodplain management:
    13     (1)  "FEMA - Technical Assistance
    14  on Floodplain Management" - To provide
    15  technical assistance to local
    16  municipalities on floodplain
    17  management matters.
    18             Federal appropriation......      125,000
    19     For planning and implementation of
    20  a Statewide manpower employment
    21  assistance and training program and
    22  for payments of grants to community
    23  action agencies and to political
    24  subdivisions and organizations for
    25  social service programs.
    26             State appropriation........                 2,868,000
    27     For grants for housing and
    28  redevelopment assistance as authorized
    29  by the act of May 20, 1949 (P.L.1633,
    30  No.493), known as the Housing and
    19890H1466B1720                 - 39 -

     1  Redevelopment Assistance Law. No more
     2  than 20% of the amount herein
     3  appropriated shall be allocated or
     4  granted to any one political
     5  subdivision. In addition, any funds
     6  returned to the department from prior
     7  year continuing appropriations for
     8  housing and redevelopment assistance,
     9  including interest and refunds, shall
    10  be credited to the above
    11  appropriation. Of this amount,
    12  $25,000,000 shall be used for economic
    13  development.
    14             State appropriation........                45,000,000
    15     The following Federal augmentation
    16  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    17  necessary, are hereby specifically
    18  appropriated to supplement the sum
    19  appropriated from Commonwealth
    20  revenues for housing and
    21  redevelopment:
    22     (1)  "Temporary Housing - Superfund
    23  Cleanup" - To provide temporary
    24  housing to persons displaced during
    25  toxic waste cleanup operations.
    26             Federal appropriation......      100,000
    27     (2)  "DOE - Weatherization" - For
    28  supplies and personnel to be used in a
    29  program of home weatherization for
    30  low-income households.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 40 -

     1             Federal appropriation......   13,000,000
     2     (3)  "Emergency Shelter for the
     3  Homeless."
     4             Federal appropriation......    1,000,000
     5     (4)  "Permanent Housing for
     6  Disabled Homeless" - For a program of
     7  permanent housing for disabled
     8  homeless.
     9             Federal appropriation......    1,000,000
    10     For grants for housing and
    11  redevelopment assistance as authorized
    12  by the act of May 20, 1949 (P.L.1633,
    13  No.493), known as the Housing and
    14  Redevelopment Assistance Law, in areas
    15  designated as enterprise zones. No
    16  funds from this appropriation shall be
    17  distributed to any organization or
    18  agency other than a municipal
    19  government or a certified
    20  redevelopment authority created by a
    21  municipal government or governments
    22  under the provisions of the act of May
    23  24, 1945 (P.L.991, No.385), known as
    24  the Urban Redevelopment Law, unless
    25  specifically authorized by such
    26  government or redevelopment authority.
    27             State appropriation........                 7,750,000
    28     In addition, any funds refunded to
    29  the department from prior year
    30  continuing appropriations for housing
    19890H1466B1720                 - 41 -

     1  and redevelopment in areas designated
     2  as enterprise zones, including
     3  interest and refunds, shall be added
     4  to the above appropriation.
     5     For a Heritage Parks Program.
     6             State appropriation........                 1,100,000
     7     For assistance to distressed
     8  communities.
     9             State appropriation........                 2,250,000
    10     Section 210.  Department of
    11  Corrections.--The following amounts
    12  are appropriated to the Department of
    13  Corrections:                               Federal       State
    14     For the State correctional
    15  institutions.
    16             State appropriation........               304,404,000
    17     The following Federal augmentation
    18  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    19  necessary, are hereby specifically
    20  appropriated to supplement the sum
    21  appropriated from Commonwealth
    22  revenues for the State correctional
    23  institutions.
    24     (1)  "Maintenance of Federal
    25  Inmates" - For maintenance of Federal
    26  inmates in State correctional
    27  institutions.
    28             Federal appropriation......      125,000
    29     (2)  "Mariel Cuban Inmate
    30  Reimbursement."
    19890H1466B1720                 - 42 -

     1             Federal appropriation......      100,000
     2     (3)  "Veterans Training" - For the
     3  training of veterans employed in State
     4  correctional institutions.
     5             Federal appropriation......       40,000
     6     (4)  "Library Services" - For the
     7  purchase of low-reading-level books.
     8             Federal appropriation......       30,000
     9     Section 211.  Economic Development
    10  Partnership.--The following amounts
    11  are appropriated to the Economic
    12  Development Partnership:                   Federal       State
    13     For the general government
    14  operations of the Economic Development
    15  Partnership.
    16             State appropriation........                 9,079,000
    17     The following Federal augmentation
    18  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    19  necessary, are hereby specifically
    20  appropriated to supplement the sum
    21  appropriated from Commonwealth
    22  revenues for general government
    23  operations:
    24     (1)  "ARC - State Technical
    25  Assistance" - To conduct analysis and
    26  feasibility of ARC projects prior to
    27  their inception.
    28             Federal appropriation......      450,000
    29     (2)  "ARC - Pennsylvania Welfare
    30  Reform Program" - To fund a
    19890H1466B1720                 - 43 -

     1  demonstration program to assist
     2  welfare-prone women to develop self-
     3  employment opportunities.
     4             Federal appropriation......      300,000
     5     (3)  "ARC - Pennsylvania Hardwood
     6  Initiative" - To support efforts to
     7  strengthen hardwood utilization
     8  efforts.
     9             Federal appropriation......      300,000
    10     (4)  "EDA - Planning Assistance" -
    11  To undertake State economic planning
    12  activities.
    13             Federal appropriation......      192,000
    14     (5)  "Self-Employment Alternatives"
    15  - To develop a Self-Employment
    16  Alternatives Program.
    17             Federal appropriation......      300,000
    18     The following JTPA amounts, or as
    19  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    20  hereby specifically appropriated for
    21  general government operations:
    22     (1)  "JTPA - Economic Planning" -
    23  For job training activities relative
    24  to overall economic development
    25  efforts.
    26             Federal appropriation......      130,000
    27     For the purpose of marketing to
    28  attract tourists and businesses to the
    29  Commonwealth.
    30             State appropriation........                11,000,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 44 -

     1     For tourist promotion assistance.
     2             State appropriation........                 7,000,000
     3     For payment of grants to recognized
     4  industrial development agencies to
     5  assist such agencies in the financing
     6  of their operational costs for the
     7  purposes of making studies, surveys
     8  and investigations, the compilation of
     9  data and statistics and in the
    10  carrying out of planning and
    11  promotional programs.
    12             State appropriation........                   500,000
    13     For the Pennsylvania Industrial
    14  Development Authority.
    15             State appropriation........                12,500,000
    16     For site development.
    17             State appropriation........                 1,000,000
    18     For the payment of grants to
    19  Appalachian local development
    20  districts.
    21             State appropriation........                   850,000
    22     For the payment of the
    23  Commonwealth's share of the costs of
    24  the operation of the Appalachian
    25  Regional Commission and the Office of
    26  the Appalachian State's Regional
    27  representative.
    28             State appropriation........                   350,000
    29     For the Community Facilities
    30  Program.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 45 -

     1             State appropriation........                 6,500,000
     2     For the Ben Franklin Partnership
     3  Fund to promote, stimulate and
     4  encourage basic and applied scientific
     5  research and development and
     6  scientific and technological education
     7  in Pennsylvania. Funds from this
     8  appropriation may also be used to
     9  encourage the start-up and continued
    10  operations of small business in the
    11  Commonwealth.
    12             State appropriation........                31,500,000
    13     For site development of the former
    14  Jones and Laughlin property.
    15             State appropriation........                 1,000,000
    16     For Pennports.
    17             State appropriation........                12,100,000
    18     For the Pennsylvania Minority
    19  Business Development Authority.
    20             State appropriation........                 2,000,000
    21     For minority business technical
    22  assistance.
    23             State appropriation........                   250,000
    24     For payment into the Pennsylvania
    25  Economic Revitalization Fund.
    26             State appropriation........                53,100,000
    27     For the National Super Computer
    28  Center in Pittsburgh.
    29             State appropriation........                 1,000,000
    30     For the Pennsylvania Economic
    19890H1466B1720                 - 46 -

     1  Development Financing Authority.
     2             State appropriation........                   250,000
     3     For Federal procurement assistance.
     4             State appropriation........                   400,000
     5     For hardwoods research and
     6  promotion.
     7             State appropriation........                   500,000
     8     For the Steel Valleys Site
     9  Development and Action Program.
    10             State appropriation........                10,000,000
    11     Section 212.  Department of
    12  Education.--The following amounts are
    13  appropriated to the Department of
    14  Education:                                 Federal       State
    15     For general government operations
    16  of the Department of Education,
    17  including the development and
    18  implementation of Statewide testing.
    19             State appropriation........                17,797,000
    20     The following Federal augmentation
    21  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    22  necessary, are hereby specifically
    23  appropriated to supplement the sum
    24  appropriated from Commonwealth
    25  revenues for general government
    26  operations:
    27     (1)  "Adult Basic Education -
    28  Administration" - Administration
    29  portion.
    30             Federal appropriation......      643,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 47 -

     1     (2)  "Education of Exceptional
     2  Children" - Administration of the
     3  initiation, expansion and improvement
     4  of educational programs for
     5  handicapped children.
     6             Federal appropriation......    4,196,000
     7     (3)  "ECIA Chapter (1) Programs -
     8  Administration" - Administration of
     9  ECIA Chapter (1) programs.
    10             Federal appropriation......    1,997,000
    11     (4)  "State Approving Agency (VA)"
    12  - To approve and supervise educational
    13  institutions and training of veterans.
    14             Federal appropriation......      710,000
    15     (5)  "Food and Nutrition Service" -
    16  To administer all food nutrition
    17  programs, provide nutrition education
    18  and assess the need for nutrition
    19  services.
    20             Federal appropriation......    2,676,000
    21     (6)  "Migrant Education -
    22  Administration" - To administer
    23  educational enrichment programs for
    24  migratory children.
    25             Federal appropriation......      290,000
    26     (7)  "Emergency Immigrant Education
    27  Assistance" - To administer the
    28  program which provides school district
    29  funds for educational services to
    30  immigrant children.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 48 -

     1             Federal appropriation......        4,000
     2     (8)  "Civil Rights Technical
     3  Assistance and Training" - To provide
     4  technical assistance to desegregating
     5  school districts in adoption and
     6  implementation of desegregation plans.
     7             Federal appropriation......      820,000
     8     (9)  "Vocational Education" - To
     9  administer the support of vocational
    10  education programs, construction of
    11  vocational education facilities,
    12  guidance counseling and ancillary
    13  services such as teacher training and
    14  program evaluation.
    15             Federal appropriation......    4,647,000
    16     (10)  "Transition Program for
    17  Refugee Children" - To provide special
    18  educational services to eligible
    19  refugee children.
    20             Federal appropriation......        8,000
    21     (11)  "Parental Involvement."
    22             Federal appropriation......      200,000
    23     (12)  "Mathematics and Science
    24  Teacher Training Administration" - To
    25  administer the program which provides
    26  financial assistance to school
    27  districts to improve the skills of
    28  teachers in math, science, foreign
    29  language and computer learning.
    30             Federal appropriation......      656,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 49 -

     1     (13)  For initiation of a program
     2  to identify and recruit previously
     3  unidentified migrant students by
     4  developing procedures to identify such
     5  children, explaining why they have not
     6  previously been identified, and
     7  developing techniques to rectify
     8  shortcomings in current identification
     9  procedures.
    10             Federal appropriation......      100,000
    11     (14)  "Byrd Scholarship
    12  Administration" - To administer the
    13  scholarship program, including the
    14  outreach activities to publicize the
    15  program, the program and the selection
    16  of scholars.
    17             Federal appropriation......       54,000
    18     (15)  "Project Learning Tree" - To
    19  train educators in the use of this
    20  curriculum which concerns
    21  environmental education.
    22             Federal appropriation......        2,000
    23     (16)  "Drug Abuse Education" - To
    24  develop a dissemination process for
    25  substance abuse prevention education
    26  programming.
    27             Federal appropriation......      200,000
    28     (17)  "Christa McAuliffe
    29  Fellowship."
    30             Federal appropriation......        2,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 50 -

     1     (18)  "Homeless Assistance."
     2             Federal appropriation......      304,000
     3     (19)  "Star Schools Program" - To
     4  establish a Star Schools Program.
     5             Federal appropriation......      225,000
     6     (20)  "Aids Demonstration/Training"
     7  - To develop an AIDS demonstration and
     8  training program.
     9             Federal appropriation......      250,000
    10     (21)  "Homeless - Administration."
    11             Federal appropriation......      100,000
    12     (22)  "Dropout Prevention -
    13  Appalachia."
    14             Federal appropriation......      300,000
    15     (23)  "Workplace Literacy."
    16             Federal appropriation......      400,000
    17     The following Federal augmentation
    18  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    19  necessary, are hereby specifically
    20  appropriated to the Department of
    21  Education for anti-drug abuse
    22  activities:
    23     (1)  "Anti-Drug Abuse - Drug Free
    24  Schools and Communities."
    25             Federal appropriation......    7,070,000
    26     (2)  "Anti-Drug Abuse - Special
    27  Program for Drug Free Schools and
    28  Communities."
    29             Federal appropriation......    3,189,000
    30     (3)  "Anti-Drug Abuse Education
    19890H1466B1720                 - 51 -

     1  Administration and other State Level
     2  Activities."
     3             Federal appropriation......      674,000
     4     The following JTPA amounts, or as
     5  much thereof as may be necessary, are
     6  hereby specifically appropriated to
     7  supplement the sum appropriated from
     8  Commonwealth revenues for general
     9  government operations:
    10     (1)  "Job Training Partnership Act
    11  - Linkage" - To conduct related
    12  coordination/linkage activities as
    13  stipulated in JTPA laws and
    14  regulations.
    15             Federal appropriation......    1,089,000
    16     The following ECIBG amounts, or as
    17  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    18  hereby specifically appropriated for
    19  general government operations:
    20     (1)  For distribution to school
    21  districts, based on applications, for
    22  the following program areas: basic
    23  skill development, education
    24  improvement and support services and
    25  special projects.
    26             Federal appropriation......   18,968,000
    27     (2)  For administration and State
    28  audit costs of the Education
    29  Consolidation and Improvement Block
    30  Grant.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 52 -

     1             Federal appropriation......    2,700,000
     2     (3)  For development of programs
     3  and projects identified in ECIA
     4  Chapter 1 Regulation - Basic Skills,
     5  Innovative Programs and/or Special
     6  Programs.
     7             Federal appropriation......    1,868,000
     8     For the State Library, providing
     9  reference services and administering
    10  aid to public libraries.
    11             State appropriation........                 2,988,000
    12     The following Federal augmentation
    13  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    14  necessary, are hereby specifically
    15  appropriated to supplement the sum
    16  appropriated from Commonwealth
    17  revenues for the State Library:
    18     (1)  "Library Services -
    19  Administration LSCA (I)" - To provide
    20  library services and administer aid to
    21  public libraries.
    22             Federal appropriation......      951,000
    23     (2)  "Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    24  Documents Support Program" - To assist
    25  in operating the local public
    26  documents room housing large amounts
    27  of materials related to three nuclear
    28  power facilities in central
    29  Pennsylvania.
    30             Federal appropriation......       13,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 53 -

     1     (3)  "Newspaper Projects" - To
     2  support the development of a State
     3  plan for newspaper bibliographic
     4  control and microfilming.
     5             Federal appropriation......       38,000
     6     For the Scranton State School for
     7  the Deaf.
     8             State appropriation........                 3,981,000
     9     The following Federal augmentation
    10  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    11  necessary, are hereby specifically
    12  appropriated to supplement the sum
    13  appropriated from Commonwealth
    14  revenues for the Scranton State School
    15  for the Deaf:
    16     (1)  "ESEA - Education for the
    17  Handicapped - Scranton" - To modify 13
    18  existing auditory training units.
    19             Federal appropriation......       59,000
    20     (2)  "National School Milk Lunch
    21  Program - Scranton" - To supplement
    22  the costs of providing milk and food
    23  services at the Scranton State School
    24  for the Deaf.
    25             Federal appropriation......       30,000
    26     (3)  "Life-Long Learning -
    27  Scranton" - For Adult Basic Education.
    28             Federal appropriation......       11,000
    29     (4)  "Adult Basic Education -
    30  Disabled Adults" - To provide basic
    19890H1466B1720                 - 54 -

     1  education and life skills for disabled
     2  adults.
     3             Federal appropriation......       10,000
     4     For the Scotland School for
     5  Veterans' Children.
     6             State appropriation........                 8,731,000
     7     The following Federal augmentation
     8  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     9  necessary, are hereby specifically
    10  appropriated to supplement the sum
    11  appropriated from Commonwealth
    12  revenues for the Scotland School for
    13  Veterans' Children:
    14     (1)  "ESEA - Education for the
    15  Disadvantaged - Scotland" - To provide
    16  programs in remedial reading,
    17  developmental and corrective reading,
    18  remedial mathematics, environmental
    19  education, summer school instruction
    20  and home-life counseling.
    21             Federal appropriation......      500,000
    22     (2)  "National School Milk Lunch
    23  Program - Scotland" - To supplement
    24  the costs of providing milk and food
    25  services at the Scotland School for
    26  Veterans' Children.
    27             Federal appropriation......      250,000
    28     For the Thaddeus Stevens State
    29  School of Technology.
    30             State appropriation........                 4,333,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 55 -

     1     The following Federal augmentation
     2  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     3  necessary, are hereby specifically
     4  appropriated to supplement the sum
     5  appropriated from Commonwealth
     6  revenues for the Thaddeus Stevens
     7  State School of Technology:
     8     (1)  "Vocational Education" - To
     9  update and upgrade equipment and
    10  expansion to serve additional clients.
    11             Federal appropriation......       50,000
    12     For a conservatory leadership
    13  school.
    14             State appropriation........                    30,000
    15     For payment of the equalized
    16  subsidy for basic education to school
    17  districts: Provided, That the
    18  Secretary of Education, with the
    19  approval of the Governor, may make
    20  payments from this appropriation in
    21  advance of the due date prescribed by
    22  law to school districts which are
    23  financially handicapped, whenever he
    24  shall deem it necessary to make such
    25  advance payments to enable the school
    26  districts to keep their public schools
    27  open.
    28             State appropriation........             2,644,079,000
    29     For teacher development programs.
    30             State appropriation........                 2,100,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 56 -

     1     For remediation programs. These
     2  funds shall be distributed pursuant to
     3  section 1511.1 of the Public School
     4  Code of 1949.
     5             State appropriation........                14,000,000
     6     To support the School Performance
     7  Incentive Program.
     8             State appropriation........                 7,500,000
     9     For adult literacy programs.
    10             State appropriation........                 7,000,000
    11     For payments on account of annual
    12  rental or sinking fund charges on
    13  school buildings.
    14             State appropriation........               142,800,000
    15     For payments on account of pupil
    16  transportation.
    17             State appropriation........               212,900,000
    18     For payments on account of
    19  nonpublic school transportation.
    20             State appropriation........                12,950,000
    21     For payments on account of special
    22  education of exceptional children in
    23  public schools.
    24             State appropriation........               348,340,000
    25     For the payment of prior year
    26  excess special education expenditures
    27  by school districts.
    28             State appropriation........                12,000,000
    29     For payments for Early Intervention
    30  - Handicapped Children.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 57 -

     1             State appropriation........                 9,588,000
     2     For payments on account of
     3  homebound instruction.
     4             State appropriation........                   475,000
     5     For payment for tuition to school
     6  districts providing education to
     7  nonresident orphaned children placed
     8  in private homes by the court and
     9  nonresident inmates of children's
    10  institutions.
    11             State appropriation........                16,000,000
    12     For payments of annual fixed
    13  charges to school districts in lieu of
    14  taxes for land acquired by the
    15  Commonwealth for water conservation or
    16  flood prevention.
    17             State appropriation........                    80,000
    18     For payment for maintenance of
    19  summer schools for school-age children
    20  of migrant laborers.
    21             State appropriation........                   200,000
    22     To provide grants to school
    23  districts to assist in meeting the
    24  matching requirements of Federal
    25  grants received under Federal programs
    26  for the education of the disadvantaged
    27  where such programs meet criteria
    28  established by the Department of
    29  Education.
    30             State appropriation........                 1,000,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 58 -

     1     For special education - approved
     2  private schools.
     3             State appropriation........                50,100,000
     4     For annual payments, not to exceed
     5  $500 per student, to institutions of
     6  higher learning for defraying the
     7  expenses of deaf or blind students.
     8             State appropriation........                    50,000
     9     For payment of the Commonwealth's
    10  share of the approved operating costs
    11  and lease payments of intermediate
    12  units.
    13             State appropriation........                13,400,000
    14     For grants to school districts to
    15  assist in meeting Federal matching
    16  requirements for grants received under
    17  the Federal Child Nutrition Act and to
    18  aid in providing a food program for
    19  needy children.
    20             State appropriation........                11,738,000
    21     For payment of the Commonwealth's
    22  share of Federal Social Security taxes
    23  for public school employees.
    24             State appropriation........               203,301,000
    25     For payment of required
    26  contribution into the Contingent
    27  Reserve and Supplemental Accounts of
    28  the Public School Employees'
    29  Retirement Fund.
    30             State appropriation........               542,506,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 59 -

     1     For programs of education and
     2  training at youth development centers.
     3             State appropriation........                 4,902,000
     4     For educational and training
     5  programs at the State-owned adult
     6  correctional institutions.
     7             State appropriation........                 6,587,000
     8     The following Federal augmentation
     9  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    10  necessary, are hereby specifically
    11  appropriated to supplement the sum
    12  appropriated from Commonwealth
    13  revenues for education programs at
    14  State-owned correctional institutions:
    15     (1)  "Correctional Education" - To
    16  provide educational needs and related
    17  services for adults and children in
    18  State correctional institutions.
    19             Federal appropriation......    1,245,000
    20     For payments to private residential
    21  rehabilitative institutions.
    22             State appropriation........                   500,000
    23     For education of indigent children
    24  at charitable hospitals.
    25             State appropriation........                   100,000
    26     For payments to school districts to
    27  replace moneys previously paid from
    28  the State Horse Racing and State
    29  Harness Racing Funds.
    30             State appropriation........                 3,500,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 60 -

     1     For dropout prevention programs.
     2             State appropriation........                 1,500,000
     3     For services to nonpublic schools.
     4             State appropriation........                52,172,000
     5     For textbooks for nonpublic
     6  schools.
     7             State appropriation........                 9,357,000
     8     For student supplies for nonpublic
     9  schools.
    10             State appropriation........                 5,516,000
    11     For programs to meet the needs of
    12  pregnant and parenting teenagers.
    13             State appropriation........                   928,000
    14     For a comprehensive reading
    15  program.
    16             State appropriation........                   300,000
    17     For grants to public libraries for
    18  the development and improvement of a
    19  Statewide system of libraries and
    20  library services, including State aid
    21  to local libraries, county libraries,
    22  district library centers and regional
    23  library resource centers.
    24             State appropriation........                22,145,000
    25     To provide aid to the Free Library
    26  of Philadelphia and the Carnegie
    27  Library of Pittsburgh to meet the
    28  costs incurred in serving as regional
    29  libraries in the distribution of
    30  braille reading materials, talking
    19890H1466B1720                 - 61 -

     1  book machines and other reading
     2  materials to persons who are blind or
     3  otherwise handicapped.
     4             State appropriation........                 1,939,000
     5     For library access.
     6             State appropriation........                 4,000,000
     7     For the school library catalog
     8  network.
     9             State appropriation........                   600,000
    10     For grants for educational radio
    11  and television.
    12             State appropriation........                   175,000
    13     For payment of approved operating
    14  and capital expenses of community
    15  colleges and technical institutes.
    16             State appropriation........               107,767,000
    17     An independent audit report for the
    18  preceding fiscal year, which is
    19  consistent with the Higher Education
    20  Finance Manual, shall be submitted by
    21  each community college to the
    22  Department of Education not later than
    23  120 days after the close of the
    24  preceding fiscal year. The Department
    25  of Education may withhold whatever
    26  funds appropriated herein it feels
    27  necessary to ensure that such audit
    28  reports are submitted in the
    29  prescribed fashion.
    30     For Williamsport Community College
    19890H1466B1720                 - 62 -

     1  Debt Service.
     2             State appropriation........                 3,009,000
     3     For higher education equal
     4  opportunity program grants.
     5             State appropriation........                 7,175,000
     6     For grants to public universities
     7  to hold tuition increases to less than
     8  $100 annually for Pennsylvania
     9  resident students. The Auditor General
    10  shall certify that the public
    11  universities applying for these grants
    12  have met all necessary requirements.
    13             State appropriation........                15,830,000
    14     For the Ethnic Heritage Studies.
    15             State appropriation........                   200,000
    16     For payments on account of
    17  vocational education.
    18             State appropriation........                37,221,000
    19     For customized job training.
    20             State appropriation........                15,500,000
    21     For the Governor's Schools for
    22  Excellence.
    23             State appropriation........                   999,000
    24     For a revised State testing
    25  program.
    26             State appropriation........                   800,000
    27     For Job Training Partnership Act
    28  matching funds.
    29             State appropriation........                 5,700,000
    30     The following JTPA amounts, or as
    19890H1466B1720                 - 63 -

     1  much thereof as may be necessary, are
     2  hereby specifically appropriated to
     3  supplement the sum appropriated from
     4  Commonwealth revenues for job training
     5  partnership matching funds:
     6     (1)  "Job Training Partnership Act"
     7  - To provide educational training
     8  opportunities to individuals
     9  designated by service delivery areas
    10  (SDA'S) within JTPA requirements.
    11  Insofar as funds included in this
    12  appropriation are for adult literacy
    13  programs, the Department of Education
    14  shall allow community-based
    15  organizations and other nonprofit
    16  educational and training organizations
    17  to apply for the funds on the same
    18  basis as local educational agencies.
    19             Federal appropriation......    6,457,000
    20     (2)  "Correctional Education."
    21             Federal appropriation......      840,000
    22     For higher education - rural
    23  initiatives.
    24             State appropriation........                   945,000
    25     Section 213.  Department of
    26  Environmental Resources.--The
    27  following amounts are appropriated to
    28  the Department of Environmental
    29  Resources:                                 Federal       State
    30     For general government operations
    19890H1466B1720                 - 64 -

     1  of the Department of Environmental
     2  Resources.
     3             State appropriation........                 8,513,000
     4     The following Federal augmentation
     5  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     6  necessary, are hereby specifically
     7  appropriated to supplement the sum
     8  appropriated from Commonwealth
     9  revenues for general government
    10  operations:
    11     (1)  "Surface Mine Conservation" -
    12  For activities supporting the
    13  objectives of the Federal Surface
    14  Mining Control and Reclamation Act of
    15  1977.
    16             Federal appropriation......    1,045,000
    17     (2)  "EPA Planning Grant" - For the
    18  administration and operation of a
    19  program to implement the requirements
    20  of the Federal Resource Conservation
    21  and Recovery Act.
    22             Federal appropriation......      300,000
    23     (3)  "Construction Management
    24  Assistance Grants - Administration" -
    25  For support costs associated with the
    26  Construction Management Assistance
    27  Grant Program.
    28             Federal appropriation......      375,000
    29     (4)  "Safe Drinking Water Act -
    30  Administration" - For support
    19890H1466B1720                 - 65 -

     1  activities connected with the Safe
     2  Drinking Water Program.
     3             Federal appropriation......       85,000
     4     For electronic data processing
     5  support.
     6             State appropriation........                 3,000,000
     7     For water quality testing
     8  laboratories.
     9             State appropriation........                   409,000
    10     For the Office of Resources
    11  Management.
    12             State appropriation........                19,209,000
    13     The following Federal augmentation
    14  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    15  necessary, are hereby specifically
    16  appropriated to supplement the sum
    17  appropriated from Commonwealth
    18  revenues for the Office of Resources
    19  Management:
    20     (1)  "Coastal Zone Management" -
    21  For support of the coastal zone
    22  management program.
    23             Federal appropriation......    1,606,000
    24     (2)  "Water Resources Planning Act"
    25  - To maintain an effective water
    26  resource program.
    27             Federal appropriation......       10,000
    28     (3)  "Land and Water Conservation
    29  Fund" - To be used for conservation
    30  and outdoor recreation. In addition to
    19890H1466B1720                 - 66 -

     1  these funds, any contingency funds
     2  made available to the Commonwealth
     3  under the Federal Land and Water
     4  Conservation Act are hereby
     5  appropriated.
     6             Federal appropriation......    1,500,000
     7     (4)  "National Water Use Data
     8  System" - For support activities
     9  connected with the Federal Water Use
    10  Report.
    11             Federal appropriation......       10,000
    12     (5)  "Bituminous Demonstration
    13  Project" - For field inspection and
    14  monitoring.
    15             Federal appropriation......       35,000
    16     (6)  "Federal Surface Mining
    17  Control and Reclamation" - To fully
    18  implement the regulatory program,
    19  support and develop an information
    20  systems plan and evaluate the impact
    21  of the Surface Mining Conservation and
    22  Reclamation Act.
    23             Federal appropriation......      272,000
    24     (7)  "Upper Delaware National
    25  Scenic River" - For activities in
    26  support of a management plan for the
    27  Upper Delaware National Scenic River.
    28             Federal appropriation......       10,000
    29     (8)  "Topographic and Geologic
    30  Survey Grants" - For evaluating the
    19890H1466B1720                 - 67 -

     1  impact of various activities on
     2  Pennsylvania's topography.
     3             Federal appropriation......       75,000
     4     (9)  "Bituminous Coal Resources" -
     5  To provide data on Pennsylvania's
     6  bituminous coal resources.
     7             Federal appropriation......       75,000
     8     (10)  "Surface Mine Conservation" -
     9  To support activities under the
    10  Surface Mining Conservation and
    11  Reclamation Act.
    12             Federal appropriation......      195,000
    13     (11)  For reclamation construction
    14  work under the Bond Forfeiture
    15  Program.
    16             Federal appropriation......      600,000
    17     (12)  "Delaware River Estuary
    18  Management Conference."
    19             Federal appropriation......      300,000
    20     For the Chesapeake Bay Pollution
    21  Abatement Program.
    22             State appropriation........                 2,909,000
    23     The following Federal augmentation
    24  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    25  necessary, are hereby specifically
    26  appropriated to supplement the sum
    27  appropriated from Commonwealth
    28  revenues for the Chesapeake Bay
    29  Pollution Abatement Program:
    30     (1)  "Chesapeake Bay Pollution
    19890H1466B1720                 - 68 -

     1  Abatement" - To control agricultural
     2  runoff into the Chesapeake Bay.
     3             Federal appropriation......    3,500,000
     4     For deep mine safety.
     5             State appropriation........                 4,257,000
     6     The following Federal augmentation
     7  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     8  necessary, are hereby specifically
     9  appropriated to supplement the sum
    10  appropriated from Commonwealth
    11  revenues for the deep mine safety
    12  inspections:
    13     (1)  "Training and Education of
    14  Underground Coal Miners" - For the
    15  conduct of a training program for
    16  private coal industry employees in
    17  mine safety and first aid practice.
    18             Federal appropriation......      450,000
    19     (2)  "Office of Surface Mining -
    20  Deep Mine Safety" - For support of
    21  inspection and monitoring activities
    22  associated with the Surface Mine
    23  Control and Reclamation Program.
    24             Federal appropriation......      107,000
    25     For the Office of Protection.
    26             State appropriation........                60,760,000
    27     The following Federal augmentation
    28  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    29  necessary, are hereby specifically
    30  appropriated to supplement the sum
    19890H1466B1720                 - 69 -

     1  appropriated from Commonwealth
     2  revenues for the Office of Protection:
     3     (1)  "EPA - Planning Grant -
     4  Administration" - For the
     5  administration and operation of a
     6  program to implement the requirements
     7  of the Federal Resource Conservation
     8  and Recovery Act.
     9             Federal appropriation......    4,597,000
    10     (2)  "Water Pollution Control
    11  Grants" - For the conduct and
    12  administration of the Statewide water
    13  pollution control program plan.
    14             Federal appropriation......    4,000,000
    15     (3)  "Water Pollution Control" -
    16  For implementation of the NPDES
    17  Program.
    18             Federal appropriation......    2,432,000
    19     (4)  "Air Pollution Control Grants"
    20  - For the conduct and administration
    21  of a Statewide program for the
    22  control, abatement and prevention of
    23  air pollution and achievement of
    24  Federal ambient air quality standards.
    25  No portion of this appropriation shall
    26  be allocated to the Delaware Valley
    27  Citizens' Council for Clean Air.
    28             Federal appropriation......    4,150,000
    29     (5)  "Radiation Regulation and
    30  Monitoring" - For monitoring
    19890H1466B1720                 - 70 -

     1  radioactivity and radiation levels in
     2  and around selected ionizing radiation
     3  production and utilization facilities.
     4             Federal appropriation......       88,000
     5     (6)  "Surface Mine Control and
     6  Reclamation" - For a program to
     7  implement the interim regulations of
     8  the Federal Surface Mining Control and
     9  Reclamation Act.
    10             Federal appropriation......   10,966,000
    11     (7)  "Diagnostic X-ray Equipment -
    12  Testing" - For the conduct of an
    13  inspection program to verify adherence
    14  to performance standards of diagnostic
    15  X-ray equipment.
    16             Federal appropriation......       29,000
    17     (8)  "Surface Mine Control and
    18  Reclamation - Laboratories" - To
    19  provide laboratory support to
    20  implement and enforce the standards
    21  established in the Federal Surface
    22  Mining Control and Reclamation Act.
    23             Federal appropriation......      458,000
    24     (9)  "Rural Clean Water" - To
    25  comprehensively monitor and evaluate
    26  the effects of agricultural best
    27  management practices on surface water
    28  and groundwater.
    29             Federal appropriation......      266,000
    30     (10)  "Water Quality Outreach
    19890H1466B1720                 - 71 -

     1  Operator Training" - To carry out a
     2  program of onsite training at a
     3  selected number of small waste water
     4  treatment plants.
     5             Federal appropriation......      100,000
     6     (11)  "Water Quality Management
     7  Planning Grants" - For support of
     8  watershed planning activities
     9  associated with the water quality
    10  program.
    11             Federal appropriation......    1,800,000
    12     (12)  "Construction Management
    13  Assistance Grants" - To provide
    14  technical assistance and review
    15  associated with Federal wastewater
    16  treatment plant grants.
    17             Federal appropriation......    3,045,000
    18     (13)  "Small Operator's Assistance"
    19  - For a program to assist
    20  Pennsylvania's small coal operators
    21  under the Federal Surface Mining
    22  Control and Reclamation Act.
    23             Federal appropriation......    1,600,000
    24     (14)  "Safe Drinking Water" - For
    25  support of the safe drinking water
    26  program.
    27             Federal appropriation......    1,788,000
    28     (15)  "Underground Storage Tanks."
    29             Federal appropriation......      250,000
    30     (16)  "Lake Wallenpaupack - Phase
    19890H1466B1720                 - 72 -

     1  II" - For assistance to local agencies
     2  in implementing lake restoration
     3  procedures.
     4             Federal appropriation......      300,000
     5     (17)  "Lake Nockamixon - Phase II"
     6  - For assistance to local agencies in
     7  implementing lake restoration
     8  procedures.
     9             Federal appropriation......      300,000
    10     (18)  "Non-Point Source Program."
    11             Federal appropriation......    1,000,000
    12     (19)  "Leaking Storage Tank Trust
    13  Fund."
    14             Federal appropriation......    2,200,000
    15     The following PHHSBG amounts, or as
    16  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    17  hereby specifically appropriated for
    18  rodent control programs:
    19     (1)  For preventive health service
    20  programs for the control of rodents.
    21             Federal appropriation......    1,800,000
    22     (2)  For administration and State
    23  audit costs of the rodent control
    24  program.
    25             Federal appropriation......      180,000
    26     For seasonal farm labor camp
    27  inspection program.
    28             State appropriation........                   296,000
    29     For transfer to the low-level waste
    30  fund.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 73 -

     1             State appropriation........                   759,000
     2     For radon testing.
     3             State appropriation........                 1,422,000
     4     For State forestry operations.
     5             State appropriation........                13,821,000
     6     The following Federal augmentation
     7  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     8  necessary, are hereby specifically
     9  appropriated to supplement the sum
    10  appropriated from Commonwealth
    11  revenues for forestry operations:
    12     (1)  "Forest Fire Protection and
    13  Control" - For prevention of forest
    14  fires in State and private forests in
    15  Pennsylvania and for control of
    16  wildfires anywhere in this
    17  Commonwealth.
    18             Federal appropriation......      315,000
    19     (2)  "Forestry Incentives and
    20  Agricultural Conservation" - For
    21  assistance to landowners applying
    22  federally cost-shared forestry
    23  practices to their woodlands, both for
    24  conservation and timber production.
    25             Federal appropriation......       30,000
    26     (3)  "Watershed Protection and
    27  Flood Prevention - Technical
    28  Assistance" - For rendering technical
    29  assistance in forest land management,
    30  erosion control and watershed
    19890H1466B1720                 - 74 -

     1  protection directed at stabilizing and
     2  regulating water supplies and stream
     3  flows.
     4             Federal appropriation......       10,000
     5     (4)  "Resource Conservation and
     6  Development" - To (i) increase farm
     7  income, (ii) intensify resource
     8  conservation efforts, (iii) reduce
     9  stream pollution and flood hazards,
    10  (iv) promote industrial development,
    11  (v) improve water quality and (vi)
    12  strengthen forest-based industries.
    13             Federal appropriation......        8,000
    14     (5)  "Forest Management and
    15  Processing" - To provide technical
    16  advice on forest management.
    17             Federal appropriation......      215,000
    18     (6)  "Renewable Resources
    19  Evaluation" - For a comprehensive
    20  survey and analysis of present and
    21  prospective conditions for renewable
    22  resources of State and private forest
    23  lands.
    24             Federal appropriation......       25,000
    25     (7)  "Cooperative Forest Insect and
    26  Disease Control" - For insect and
    27  disease control, forest fire
    28  protection and timber management
    29  activities of the Bureau of Forestry.
    30             Federal appropriation......      500,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 75 -

     1     For gypsy moth and other insect and
     2  disease control.
     3             State appropriation........                 3,464,000
     4     The following Federal augmentation
     5  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     6  necessary, are hereby specifically
     7  appropriated to supplement the sum
     8  appropriated from Commonwealth
     9  revenues for gypsy moth and other
    10  insect and disease control:
    11     (1)  "Forest Insect and Disease
    12  Control" - For spraying for gypsy moth
    13  and disease control.
    14             Federal appropriation......    2,100,000
    15     For the black fly control project.
    16             State appropriation........                 2,495,000
    17     For State parks.
    18             State appropriation........                35,445,000
    19     The following Federal augmentation
    20  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    21  necessary, are hereby specifically
    22  appropriated to supplement the sum
    23  appropriated from Commonwealth
    24  revenues for State Parks:
    25     (1)  "Forest insect monitoring" -
    26  To monitor gypsy moth life stages and
    27  to develop a hazard rating for gypsy
    28  moth infestation at the Nolde
    29  Environmental Education Center.
    30             Federal appropriation......        4,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 76 -

     1     For flood control projects.
     2             State appropriation........                 1,000,000
     3     For storm water management grants.
     4             State appropriation........                   750,000
     5     For sewage facilities planning
     6  grants.
     7             State appropriation........                   500,000
     8     For sewage facilities enforcement
     9  grants.
    10             State appropriation........                 1,600,000
    11     For sewage treatment plant
    12  operation grants.
    13             State appropriation........                22,800,000
    14     For transfer to the hazardous sites
    15  cleanup fund.
    16             State appropriation........                15,926,000
    17     The following Federal augmentation
    18  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    19  necessary, are hereby specifically
    20  appropriated to supplement the sum
    21  appropriated from Commonwealth
    22  revenues for the hazardous waste
    23  control program:
    24     (1)  "Superfund Projects" - For a
    25  program of assessment and remedial
    26  action at hazardous waste sites.
    27             Federal appropriation......   10,000,000
    28     For payment of Pennsylvania's share
    29  of the expenses of the River Master
    30  for the Delaware River.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 77 -

     1             State appropriation........                    63,000
     2     For support of the Ohio River Basin
     3  Commission.
     4             State appropriation........                     8,000
     5     For support of the Susquehanna
     6  River Basin Commission.
     7             State appropriation........                   276,000
     8     For support of the Interstate
     9  Commission on the Potomac River Basin.
    10             State appropriation........                    26,000
    11     For conduct of the Delaware River
    12  Basin Commission.
    13             State appropriation........                   880,000
    14     For support of the Ohio River
    15  Valley Water Sanitation Commission.
    16             State appropriation........                   109,000
    17     For support of the Chesapeake Bay
    18  Commission.
    19             State appropriation........                   150,000
    20     For transfer to the Great Lakes
    21  protection fund upon requisition of
    22  the executive director of the Council
    23  of Great Lakes Governors.
    24             State appropriation........                   500,000
    25     For payment to conservation
    26  districts.
    27             State appropriation........                 1,500,000
    28     For payment of Pennsylvania's share
    29  of the costs of the Interstate Mining
    30  Commission.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 78 -

     1             State appropriation........                    10,000
     2     For abandoned surface mine
     3  reclamation.
     4             State appropriation........                 2,000,000
     5     For payment of annual fixed charges
     6  in lieu of taxes to counties and
     7  townships on land acquired for water
     8  conservation and flood control.
     9             State appropriation........                    23,000
    10     For payment of annual fixed charges
    11  in lieu of taxes to political
    12  subdivisions or school districts on
    13  lands acquired by the Commonwealth for
    14  Project 70.
    15             State appropriation........                    17,000
    16     For payment of annual fixed charges
    17  in lieu of taxes to counties, school
    18  districts and townships on forest
    19  lands.
    20             State appropriation........                 1,225,000
    21     To provide grants for vector
    22  control programs.
    23             State appropriation........                   500,000
    24     For the Appalachian States Low-
    25  Level Waste Compact.
    26             State appropriation........                   200,000
    27     Section 214.  Department of General
    28  Services.--The following amounts are
    29  appropriated to the Department of
    30  General Services:                          Federal       State
    19890H1466B1720                 - 79 -

     1     For general government operations
     2  of the Department of General Services.
     3             State appropriation........                46,862,000
     4     For the administration and
     5  operation of the Capitol Police.
     6             State appropriation........                 4,639,000
     7     For the operation of an information
     8  center for identification of minority
     9  contractors for participation in
    10  Pennsylvania State contracts.
    11             State appropriation........                   100,000
    12     For Harristown rental charges.
    13             State appropriation........                 6,489,000
    14     For utility costs, including
    15  implementation of third-party shared
    16  savings programs.
    17             State appropriation........                 9,140,000
    18     For Harristown utility and
    19  municipal charges, including
    20  implementation of third-party shared
    21  savings programs.
    22             State appropriation........                 6,064,000
    23     For fire protection services for
    24  the Capitol Complex in Harrisburg.
    25             State appropriation........                   550,000
    26     For an asbestos response program.
    27             State appropriation........                   800,000
    28     For a Federal surplus property
    29  pilot project in Luzerne County.
    30             State appropriation........                   500,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 80 -

     1     For excess insurance coverage for
     2  Commonwealth-owned property.
     3             State appropriation........                 1,400,000
     4     Section 215.  Department of
     5  Health.--The following amounts are
     6  appropriated to the Department of
     7  Health:                                    Federal       State
     8     For general government operations
     9  of the Department of Health.
    10             State appropriation........                11,600,000
    11     The following Federal augmentation
    12  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    13  necessary, are hereby specifically
    14  appropriated to supplement the sum
    15  appropriated from Commonwealth
    16  revenues for general government
    17  operations:
    18     (1)  "SSA (XVI) - Drug and Alcohol
    19  Referral and Monitoring Program" - To
    20  provide referral and monitoring
    21  services to medically determined drug
    22  addicts or alcoholics.
    23             Federal appropriation......       57,000
    24     (2)  "National Health Service
    25  Corps" - To administer the National
    26  Health Service Corps program in
    27  Pennsylvania.
    28             Federal appropriation......      166,000
    29     (3)  "Anti-Drug Abuse - Substance
    30  Abuse Administration."
    19890H1466B1720                 - 81 -

     1             Federal appropriation......      225,000
     2     The following PHHSBG amounts, or as
     3  much thereof as may be necessary, are
     4  hereby specifically appropriated for
     5  general government operations:
     6     (1)  For the administration and
     7  State audit costs of the various
     8  preventive health services programs.
     9             Federal appropriation......      307,000
    10     The following ADAMHSBG amounts, or
    11  as much thereof as may be necessary,
    12  are hereby specifically appropriated
    13  for general government operations:
    14     (1)  For administration and State
    15  audit costs of the alcohol and drug
    16  abuse programs.
    17             Federal appropriation......    1,411,000
    18     The following MCHSBG amounts, or as
    19  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    20  hereby specifically appropriated for
    21  general government operations:
    22     (1)  For administration and State
    23  audit costs of the Maternal and Child
    24  Health Programs.
    25             Federal appropriation......            2,000,000
    26     For the Governor's Arthritis Task
    27  Force.
    28             State appropriation........                   178,000
    29     For the Diabetes Task Force, which
    30  appropriation shall provide
    19890H1466B1720                 - 82 -

     1  administrative support for the Task
     2  Force, including the compensation of
     3  an executive director and part-time
     4  clerical position, and implement the
     5  Pennsylvania Diabetes Plan.
     6             State appropriation........                   363,000
     7     The following Federal augmentation
     8  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     9  necessary, are hereby specifically
    10  appropriated to supplement the sum
    11  appropriated from Commonwealth
    12  revenues for diabetes control:
    13     (1)  "Diabetes Control" - To
    14  develop and plan for upgrading the
    15  quality of diabetes information and to
    16  refine various health indices to
    17  monitor and evaluate diabetes control
    18  programs.
    19             Federal appropriation......      224,000
    20     The following PHHSBG amounts, or as
    21  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    22  hereby specifically appropriated for
    23  the Diabetes Task Force:
    24     (1)  For the Diabetes Task Force.
    25             Federal appropriation......      218,000
    26     For Three Mile Island health-
    27  related studies.
    28             State appropriation........                   300,000
    29     For the Office of Quality
    30  Assurance.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 83 -

     1             State appropriation........                 4,214,000
     2     The following Federal augmentation
     3  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     4  necessary, are hereby specifically
     5  appropriated to supplement the sum
     6  appropriated from Commonwealth
     7  revenues for the administration of the
     8  Quality Assurance Program:
     9     (1)  "Medicare - Health Services
    10  Agency Certification" - Perform
    11  surveys and inspections to determine
    12  whether hospitals, home health
    13  agencies, laboratories, clinics and
    14  other providers of health services
    15  meet requirements as set forth in
    16  section 1861 of the Social Security
    17  Act and certify those that qualify to
    18  the Secretary of Health and Human
    19  Services.
    20             Federal appropriation......    3,260,000
    21     For the Bureau of Vital Statistics.
    22             State appropriation........                 5,156,000
    23     The following Federal augmentation
    24  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    25  necessary, are hereby specifically
    26  appropriated to supplement the sum
    27  appropriated from Commonwealth
    28  revenues for vital statistics:
    29     (1)  "Cooperative Health
    30  Statistics" - To review and evaluate
    19890H1466B1720                 - 84 -

     1  existing State-level health
     2  statistical systems to define the
     3  extent to which they are responsive to
     4  NCHS requirements and standards and
     5  needs of other data users; and to
     6  plan, organize, test and implement
     7  systems modifications.
     8             Federal appropriation......            616,000
     9     (2)  For the Drake Health Registry.
    10             Federal appropriation......            178,000
    11     For the State Laboratory.
    12             State appropriation........                 3,196,000
    13     The following Federal augmentation
    14  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    15  necessary, are hereby specifically
    16  appropriated to supplement the sum
    17  appropriated from Commonwealth
    18  revenues for the operation of the
    19  State Laboratory:
    20     (1)  "Medicare - Health Services
    21  Agency Certification" - Perform
    22  surveys and inspections to determine
    23  whether hospitals, home health
    24  agencies, laboratories, clinics and
    25  other providers of health services
    26  meet requirements as set forth in
    27  section 1861 of the Social Security
    28  Act and certify those that qualify to
    29  the Secretary of Health and Human
    30  Services.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 85 -

     1             Federal appropriation......      185,000
     2     For the State Health Care Centers,
     3  including the district offices of the
     4  Department of Health.
     5             State appropriation........                14,157,000
     6     The following Federal augmentation
     7  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     8  necessary, are hereby specifically
     9  appropriated to supplement the sum
    10  appropriated from Commonwealth
    11  revenues for State health care
    12  centers:
    13     (1)  "Indo-Chinese Refugee Program"
    14  - To serve the unmet public health
    15  needs associated with, and the general
    16  health needs of, the refugees.
    17             Federal appropriation......       77,000
    18     (2)  "Disease Control Immunization
    19  Program - Project Grants" - To enlist
    20  the aid of practicing physicians,
    21  official health agencies and
    22  volunteers in an immunization program
    23  for all susceptible persons in the
    24  community, particularly children under
    25  five years of age.
    26             Federal appropriation......      641,000
    27     The following PHHSBG amounts, or as
    28  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    29  hereby specifically appropriated for
    30  State health care centers:
    19890H1466B1720                 - 86 -

     1     (1)  For health education and
     2  prevention.
     3             Federal appropriation......      700,000
     4     (2)  For hypertension services.
     5             Federal appropriation......    1,217,000
     6     (3)  For fluoridation.
     7             Federal appropriation......       60,000
     8     For the provision of HIB Vaccine at
     9  State health care centers.
    10             State appropriation........                   290,000
    11     For the Cancer Registry.
    12             State appropriation........                 1,106,000
    13     For cancer control, prevention and
    14  research.
    15             State appropriation........                 4,000,000
    16     For the Vietnam Veterans Health
    17  Initiative Commission.
    18             State appropriation........                   219,000
    19     For reimbursement to school
    20  districts on account of health
    21  services.
    22             State appropriation........                17,749,000
    23     For maintenance of local health
    24  departments.
    25             State appropriation........                18,500,000
    26     For local health departments for
    27  environmental health services.
    28             State appropriation........                 6,577,000
    29     For a State supplement to the
    30  Federal Special Supplemental Food
    19890H1466B1720                 - 87 -

     1  Service Program for Women, Infants and
     2  Children.
     3             State appropriation........                15,000,000
     4     The following Federal augmentation
     5  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     6  necessary, are hereby specifically
     7  appropriated to supplement the sum
     8  appropriated from Commonwealth
     9  revenues for the Supplemental Food
    10  Service Program for Women, Infants and
    11  Children:
    12     (1)  "Special Supplemental Food
    13  Service Program for Women, Infants and
    14  Children" - To provide iron- and
    15  protein-rich food to low-income
    16  pregnant women, lactating mothers, and
    17  infants and children.
    18             Federal appropriation......   82,574,000
    19     In addition to the specific amounts
    20  appropriated herein, all other moneys
    21  received from the Federal Government
    22  for the Special Supplemental Food
    23  Service Program for Women, Infants and
    24  Children are hereby appropriated to
    25  such program.
    26     For maternal and child health
    27  services - high risk.
    28             State appropriation........                 1,733,000
    29     The following Federal augmentation
    30  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    19890H1466B1720                 - 88 -

     1  necessary, are hereby specifically
     2  appropriated to supplement the sum
     3  appropriated from Commonwealth
     4  revenues for maternal and child
     5  health:
     6     (1)  "Genetic Screening and
     7  Education" - To improve access to
     8  genetic counseling for individuals
     9  most frequently underserved in the
    10  medical care system.
    11             Federal appropriation......       24,000
    12     (2)  "Expanding Resources and
    13  Improving Genetic Services" - For a
    14  project to expand and improve regional
    15  clinical genetic resources and
    16  services by utilizing the Mid-Atlantic
    17  Regional Human Genetic Network.
    18             Federal appropriation......            5,000
    19     The following MCHSBG amounts, or as
    20  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    21  hereby specifically appropriated for
    22  maternal and child health:
    23     (1)  For crippled children
    24  programs.
    25             Federal appropriation......    6,600,000
    26     (2)  For maternal and child health
    27  services programs, including genetic
    28  disease and counseling and lead-based
    29  paint poisoning prevention.
    30             Federal appropriation......   13,211,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 89 -

     1     (3)  For Supplemental Security
     2  Income for disabled children services.
     3             Federal appropriation......      950,000
     4     For grants to counties and private
     5  facilities to finance drug and alcohol
     6  abuse treatment and prevention
     7  programs. No less than $500,000 shall
     8  be used for preventive services.
     9             State appropriation........                33,091,000
    10     The following ADAMHSBG amounts, or
    11  as much thereof as may be necessary,
    12  are hereby specifically appropriated
    13  for alcohol and drug grant programs:
    14     (1)  For alcohol grant programs.
    15             Federal appropriation......    11,000,000
    16     (2)  For drug grant programs.
    17             Federal appropriation......    14,500,000
    18     The following Federal augmentation
    19  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    20  necessary, are hereby specifically
    21  appropriated to the Department of
    22  Health for anti-drug abuse activities:
    23     (1)  "Anti-Drug Abuse - Substance
    24  Abuse Treatment."
    25             Federal appropriation......   4,000,000
    26     For renal dialysis services.
    27             State appropriation........                 6,640,000
    28     For spina bifida services.
    29             State appropriation........                 1,055,000
    30     For home ventilators.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 90 -

     1             State appropriation........                   700,000
     2     For coal workers' pneumoconiosis
     3  services.
     4             State appropriation........                   550,000
     5     The following Federal augmentation
     6  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     7  necessary, are hereby specifically
     8  appropriated to supplement the sum
     9  appropriated from Commonwealth
    10  revenues for coal workers'
    11  pneumoconiosis services:
    12     (1)  "Black Lung Clinic Program" -
    13  To expand State effort into the
    14  screening, diagnosis, treatment and
    15  rehabilitation of coal workers with
    16  respiratory diseases.
    17             Federal appropriation......      720,000
    18     For adult cystic fibrosis.
    19             State appropriation........                   217,000
    20     For venereal disease screening and
    21  treatment.
    22             State appropriation........                   741,000
    23     The following Federal augmentation
    24  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    25  necessary, are hereby specifically
    26  appropriated to supplement the sum
    27  appropriated from Commonwealth
    28  revenues for venereal disease
    29  screening and testing:
    30     (1)  "Survey and Follow-Up -
    19890H1466B1720                 - 91 -

     1  Venereal Diseases" - For the carrying
     2  out of case-finding surveys and
     3  serologic follow-up services.
     4             Federal appropriation......      765,000
     5     For diagnosis and treatment for
     6  Cooley's Anemia.
     7             State appropriation........                   205,000
     8     For tuberculosis screening and
     9  treatment.
    10             State appropriation........                   540,000
    11     The following Federal augmentation
    12  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    13  necessary, are hereby specifically
    14  appropriated to supplement the sum
    15  appropriated from Commonwealth
    16  revenues for tuberculosis screening
    17  and treatment:
    18     (1)  "Tuberculosis Control Program"
    19  - To help strengthen and reinforce
    20  tuberculosis control in reducing
    21  reported cases.
    22             Federal appropriation......      143,000
    23     The following PHHSBG amounts, or as
    24  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    25  hereby specifically appropriated for
    26  tuberculosis screening and treatment:
    27     (1)  For tuberculosis programs.
    28             Federal appropriation......            569,000
    29     For hemophilia services.
    30             State appropriation........                 2,600,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 92 -

     1     For sickle-cell anemia services.
     2             State appropriation........                   812,000
     3     For summer camps for children with
     4  sickle-cell anemia.
     5             State appropriation........                    36,000
     6     For Lupus disease - research.
     7             State appropriation........                    85,000
     8     For AIDS Programs - Of this amount,
     9  no more than $400,000 shall be used
    10  for administration by the Department
    11  of Health. The remaining appropriated
    12  funds shall be used for grants to
    13  community based organizations for AIDS
    14  education and prevention activities, a
    15  public media campaign and prevention
    16  training for individuals whose
    17  employment places them at risk.
    18             State appropriation........                 3,000,000
    19     The following Federal augmentation
    20  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    21  necessary, are hereby specifically
    22  appropriated to supplement the sum
    23  appropriated from Commonwealth
    24  revenues for AIDS training:
    25     (1)  "AIDS Health Education."
    26             Federal appropriation......    7,500,000
    27     For operation of the Keystone State
    28  Games.
    29             State appropriation........                   200,000
    30     Section 216.  Insurance
    19890H1466B1720                 - 93 -

     1  Department.--The following amounts are
     2  appropriated to the Insurance
     3  Department:                                Federal       State
     4     For general government operations
     5  of the Insurance Department.
     6             State appropriation........                11,504,000
     7     Section 217.  Department of Labor
     8  and Industry.--The following amounts
     9  are appropriated to the Department of
    10  Labor and Industry:                        Federal       State
    11     For general government operations
    12  of the Department of Labor and
    13  Industry, including the sum of
    14  $200,000 for expenditure for labor
    15  education in the areas of chemical
    16  right-to-know education, health care
    17  cost containment education and labor-
    18  management cooperation education.
    19             State appropriation........                 7,138,000
    20     The following Federal augmentation
    21  amount, or as much thereof as may be
    22  necessary, are hereby specifically
    23  appropriated to supplement the sum
    24  appropriated from Commonwealth
    25  revenues for general government
    26  operation:
    27     (1)  "National Occupational
    28  Information Coordinating Committee" -
    29  To develop and implement an
    30  occupational information system to
    19890H1466B1720                 - 94 -

     1  ensure that needed labor market and
     2  occupational information is available.
     3             Federal appropriation......      285,000
     4     The following JTPA amounts, or as
     5  much thereof as may be necessary, are
     6  hereby specifically appropriated for
     7  general government operations:
     8     (1)  "Job Training Partnership -
     9  Administration" - For operation of the
    10  Bureau of Job Training.
    11             Federal appropriation......    2,184,000
    12     (2)  "Grants to Service Delivery
    13  Areas - JTPA" - For allocation to
    14  service delivery areas (SDA's) based
    15  on unemployment and levels of
    16  economically disadvantaged
    17  individuals.
    18             Federal appropriation......   67,000,000
    19     (3)  "Summer Youth Programs - JTPA"
    20  - For a program to assist individuals
    21  between the ages of 14 and 21 to find
    22  or prepare for employment.
    23             Federal appropriation......   38,000,000
    24     (4)  "Incentive Grants - JTPA" -
    25  For incentive grants to SDA's. Funds
    26  from this appropriation awarded to
    27  SDA's pursuant to section 202(b) of
    28  Public Law 97-300 (October 13, 1982)
    29  shall be used to increase the number
    30  of welfare assistance recipients and
    19890H1466B1720                 - 95 -

     1  high school dropouts receiving job
     2  training and assistance services.
     3             Federal appropriation......   10,000,000
     4     (5)  "Incentive Grants - Technical
     5  Assistance - JTPA" - For technical
     6  assistance to SDA's. Funds not needed
     7  for technical assistance may be used
     8  to provide employment and training
     9  services for hard-to-serve individuals
    10  and dislocated workers.
    11             Federal appropriation......    2,000,000
    12     (6)  "Older Workers - JTPA" - For
    13  grants to provide training and
    14  retraining services to economically
    15  disadvantaged individuals over 55
    16  years of age.
    17             Federal appropriation......    3,500,000
    18     (7)  "JTPA - Veterans' Employment
    19  Programs" - For a Statewide program of
    20  grants that will assist veterans to
    21  obtain employment.
    22             Federal appropriation......    1,187,000
    23     For labor market information.
    24             State appropriation........                   100,000
    25     For Occupational and Industrial
    26  Safety.
    27             State appropriation........                 6,481,000
    28     For the operation of a Worker and
    29  Community Right-To-Know Program
    30  pursuant to the act of October 5, 1984
    19890H1466B1720                 - 96 -

     1  (P.L.734, No.159).
     2             State appropriation........                 1,373,000
     3     For occupational disease payments.
     4             State appropriation........                 6,358,000
     5     For the payment to the Vocational
     6  Rehabilitation Fund for work of the
     7  State Board of Vocational
     8  Rehabilitation.
     9             State appropriation........                17,460,000
    10     The following Federal augmentation
    11  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    12  necessary, are hereby specifically
    13  appropriated to supplement the sum
    14  appropriated from Commonwealth
    15  revenues for transfer to Vocational
    16  Rehabilitation:
    17     (1)  "Disability Determination" -
    18  To determine eligibility of
    19  handicapped Social Security
    20  recipients.
    21             Federal appropriation......   44,096,000
    22     For supported employment.
    23             State appropriation........                   899,000
    24     The following Federal augmentation
    25  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    26  necessary, are hereby specifically
    27  appropriated to supplement the sum
    28  appropriated from Commonwealth
    29  revenues for supported employment:
    30     (1)  For payment to the vocational
    19890H1466B1720                 - 97 -

     1  rehabilitation fund for supported
     2  employment.
     3             Federal appropriation......      500,000
     4     For independent living
     5  rehabilitation, including centers for
     6  independent living.
     7             State appropriation........                   830,000
     8     To carry out the provisions of
     9  section 306(h) of The Pennsylvania
    10  Workmen's Compensation Act.
    11             State appropriation........                   746,000
    12     For needs-based payments for
    13  dislocated workers and other services
    14  authorized by the act of July 13, 1987
    15  (P.L.346, No.66), known as the
    16  Dislocated Worker Training Assistance
    17  Act.
    18             State appropriation........                 1,250,000
    19     For Job Training Partnership Act
    20  matching funds. Any funds in excess of
    21  the amount needed for matching
    22  purposes shall be used for dislocated
    23  worker programs.
    24             State appropriation........                 1,000,000
    25     The following JTPA amounts, or as
    26  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    27  hereby specifically appropriated to
    28  supplement the sum appropriated from
    29  Commonwealth revenues for Job Training
    30  Partnership matching funds:
    19890H1466B1720                 - 98 -

     1     (1)  "Dislocated Workers - JTPA" -
     2  For training and related employment
     3  assistance to dislocated workers.
     4             Federal appropriation......   24,000,000
     5     For Job Centers.
     6             State appropriation........                 5,000,000
     7     For PennSERVE.
     8             State appropriation........                   700,000
     9     For a literacy corps pilot project.
    10             State appropriation........                   500,000
    11     Section 218.  Department of
    12  Military Affairs.--The following sums
    13  are appropriated to the Department of
    14  Military Affairs:                          Federal       State
    15     For general government operations
    16  of the Department of Military Affairs.
    17             State appropriation........                12,052,000
    18     The following Federal augmentation
    19  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    20  necessary, are hereby specifically
    21  appropriated to supplement the sum
    22  appropriated from Commonwealth
    23  revenues for general government
    24  operations:
    25     (1)  "National Guard - Maintenance
    26  Facilities and Training Sites" - To
    27  provide storage of equipment and
    28  utilities and service for support for
    29  National Guard units.
    30             Federal appropriation......      1,100,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 99 -

     1     (2)  "Employee Support - National
     2  Guard" - For the expenses of providing
     3  staff support for the National Guard.
     4             Federal appropriation......      433,000
     5     For maintenance of monuments to
     6  Pennsylvania servicemen who died on
     7  foreign soil.
     8             State appropriation........                     3,000
     9     For armory maintenance and repair.
    10             State appropriation........                   500,000
    11     For the operation and maintenance
    12  of the Erie Soldiers' and Sailors'
    13  Home.
    14             State appropriation........                 4,192,000
    15     The following Federal augmentation
    16  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    17  necessary, are hereby specifically
    18  appropriated to supplement the sum
    19  appropriated from Commonwealth
    20  revenues for the Erie Soldiers' and
    21  Sailors' Home:
    22     (1)  "Operations and Maintenance" -
    23  For provision of domiciliary and
    24  nursing care for discharged, aged and
    25  indigent veterans of the United States
    26  Armed Services.
    27             Federal appropriation......      747,000
    28     (2)  "Medicare Services" - For the
    29  provision of reimbursable Medicare
    30  services.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 100 -

     1             Federal appropriation......       4,000
     2     For the operation and maintenance
     3  of the Hollidaysburg Veterans' Home.
     4             State appropriation........                 9,480,000
     5     The following Federal augmentation
     6  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     7  necessary, are hereby specifically
     8  appropriated to supplement the sum
     9  appropriated from Commonwealth
    10  revenues for the Hollidaysburg
    11  Veterans' Home:
    12     (1)  "Operations and Maintenance" -
    13  For provision of domiciliary and
    14  nursing care for discharged, aged and
    15  indigent veterans of the United States
    16  Armed Services.
    17             Federal appropriation......    1,998,000
    18     (2)  "Medicare Services" - For the
    19  provision of reimbursable Medicare
    20  services.
    21             Federal appropriation......       25,000
    22     For the operation and maintenance
    23  of the Southeastern Veterans' Home.
    24             State appropriation........                 4,575,000
    25     The following Federal augmentation
    26  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    27  necessary, are hereby specifically
    28  appropriated to supplement the sum
    29  appropriated from Commonwealth
    30  revenues for the Southeastern
    19890H1466B1720                 - 101 -

     1  Veterans' Home:
     2     (1)  "Operations and Maintenance" -
     3  For provision of domiciliary and
     4  nursing care for discharged, aged and
     5  indigent veterans of the United States
     6  Armed Services.
     7             Federal appropriation......      315,000
     8     For payment of gratuities for the
     9  education of children of certain
    10  veterans.
    11             State appropriation........                    75,000
    12     For payment of education credits
    13  for members of the National Guard.
    14             State appropriation........                   402,000
    15     For assistance to veterans who are
    16  ill or disabled and without means of
    17  support.
    18             State appropriation........                 2,287,000
    19     For pensions for veterans blinded
    20  through service-connected injuries or
    21  disease.
    22             State appropriation........                   159,000
    23     To provide for pensions for
    24  paralyzed veterans as required by 51
    25  Pa.C.S. § 7702.
    26             State appropriation........                   380,000
    27     For payment of pensions to
    28  dependents of soldiers of the
    29  Pennsylvania National Guard killed in
    30  the line of duty.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 102 -

     1             State appropriation........                    20,000
     2     Section 219.  Department of Public
     3  Welfare.--The following sums are
     4  appropriated to the Department of
     5  Public Welfare:                            Federal       State
     6     For general government operations
     7  of the Department of Public Welfare,
     8  including the monitoring of
     9  residential contracts.
    10             State appropriation........                21,307,000
    11     The following Federal augmentation
    12  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    13  necessary, are hereby specifically
    14  appropriated to supplement the sum
    15  appropriated from Commonwealth
    16  revenues for general government
    17  operations:
    18     (1)  "Child Welfare Services" - For
    19  administrative expenses incurred for
    20  general government operations in
    21  establishing, extending and
    22  strengthening services provided by the
    23  Commonwealth and local public welfare
    24  programs for development services
    25  which will prevent the neglect, abuse,
    26  exploitation or delinquency of
    27  children.
    28             Federal appropriation......    2,240,000
    29     (2)  "Rehabilitation Services and
    30  Facilities - Basic Support
    19890H1466B1720                 - 103 -

     1  Administration" - For administrative
     2  expenses incurred for general
     3  government operations in support of
     4  the provision of vocational
     5  rehabilitation services to persons
     6  with mental and physical handicaps and
     7  to provide small business
     8  opportunities for the blind through
     9  vending stands.
    10             Federal appropriation......      640,000
    11     (3)  "Medical Assistance - Program
    12  Administration" - For administrative
    13  expenses incurred for general
    14  government operations in support of
    15  the provision of medical assistance on
    16  behalf of eligible persons.
    17             Federal appropriation......   13,397,000
    18     (4)  "Maintenance Assistance -
    19  Administration" - For administrative
    20  expenses incurred for general
    21  government operations in support of
    22  the provision of Supplemental Security
    23  Income and cash and emergency
    24  assistance to eligible persons.
    25             Federal appropriation......    10,424,000
    26     (5)  "Food Stamp Program -
    27  Administration" - For administrative
    28  expenses incurred for general
    29  government operations in relation to
    30  the food stamp program.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 104 -

     1             Federal appropriation......    2,733,000
     2     (6)  "Developmental Disabilities -
     3  Basic Support" - To plan, administer,
     4  provide services and contract with
     5  facilities for the developmentally
     6  disabled.
     7             Federal appropriation......    3,723,000
     8     (7)  "Child and Adolescent Services
     9  System Grant."
    10             Federal appropriation......      275,000
    11     (8)  "Refugees and Persons Seeking
    12  Asylum - Social Services" - For
    13  administration of social services to
    14  needy refugees and persons seeking
    15  asylum.
    16             Federal appropriation......      665,000
    17     (9)  "Elementary and Secondary
    18  Education Act - Title I" - For
    19  administration of the program to
    20  extend and improve comprehensive
    21  educational programs for the
    22  handicapped.
    23             Federal appropriation......      394,000
    24     (10)  "Manpower Development Grant -
    25  Mental Health" - To provide more
    26  effective preparation, recruitment,
    27  development, utilization and retention
    28  of mental health service personnel at
    29  the State and local level.
    30             Federal appropriation......      100,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 105 -

     1     (11)  "Adoption Exchange" - To
     2  enhance the adoption of special-needs
     3  children.
     4             Federal appropriation......      165,000
     5     (12)  "Outreach Advocacy and
     6  Training" - For mental health consumer
     7  services.
     8             Federal appropriation......      125,000
     9     (13)  "Mental Health Planning."
    10             Federal appropriation......       85,000
    11     (14)  "Community Support Services -
    12  M.H."
    13             Federal appropriation......      55,000
    14     (15)  "Homeless Mentally Ill -
    15  Administration" - For administration
    16  of the Homeless Mentally Ill Program.
    17             Federal appropriation......      93,000
    18     (16)  "Vocational Improvement
    19  Program" - For a program providing
    20  intensive, supportive vocational
    21  services to young mentally ill
    22  persons.
    23             Federal appropriation......      199,000
    24     (17)  "Handicapped Education -
    25  Early Intervention."
    26             Federal appropriation......      2,678,000
    27     The following ADAMHSBG amounts, or
    28  as much thereof as may be necessary,
    29  are hereby specifically appropriated
    30  for general government operations:
    19890H1466B1720                 - 106 -

     1     (1)  For administration of the
     2  mental health services programs.
     3             Federal appropriation......      134,000
     4     The following SSBG amounts, or as
     5  much thereof as may be necessary, are
     6  hereby specifically appropriated for
     7  general government operations:
     8     (1)  "Social Services - General
     9  Government" - For administrative
    10  expenses incurred for general
    11  government operations in support of
    12  the provision of social service
    13  programs and for State audit costs of
    14  the Social Services Block Grant.
    15             Federal appropriation......    4,913,000
    16     For Information Systems.
    17             State appropriation........                29,720,000
    18     The following Federal augmentation
    19  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    20  necessary, are hereby specifically
    21  appropriated to supplement the sum
    22  appropriated from Commonwealth
    23  revenues for the Office of Information
    24  Systems:
    25     (1)  "Maintenance Assistance" - For
    26  administrative expenses incurred by
    27  the Office of Information Systems in
    28  providing cash and emergency
    29  assistance to eligible families.
    30             Federal appropriation......   7,436,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 107 -

     1     (2)  "Medical Assistance -
     2  Information Systems" - For
     3  administrative expenses incurred by
     4  the Office of Information Systems in
     5  providing for medical assistance on
     6  behalf of eligible persons.
     7             Federal appropriation......   14,082,000
     8     (3)  "Food Stamp Program" - For
     9  expenses incurred by the Office of
    10  Information Systems in providing an
    11  information system in relation to the
    12  food stamp program.
    13             Federal appropriation......    2,913,000
    14     (4)  "Child Support Enforcement" -
    15  For administrative expenses incurred
    16  by the Office of Information Systems
    17  to enforce the support obligations
    18  owed by absent parents to their
    19  children, locate absent parents,
    20  establish paternity and obtain child
    21  support.
    22             Federal appropriation......      1,243,000
    23     For Statewide operations related to
    24  county administration of the public
    25  assistance and medical assistance
    26  programs, provided that not more than
    27  25% of the funds herein appropriated
    28  shall be expended until such time as
    29  the Department of Public Welfare
    30  publishes a 1988 General Assistance
    19890H1466B1720                 - 108 -

     1  Quality Control Report as required by
     2  section 403(2) of the Public Welfare
     3  Code. A copy of the report shall be
     4  sent to the majority and minority
     5  chairmen of the House and Senate
     6  Appropriations Committees.
     7             State appropriation........                29,045,000
     8     The following Federal augmentation
     9  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    10  necessary, are hereby specifically
    11  appropriated to supplement the sum
    12  appropriated from Commonwealth
    13  revenues for Statewide operations
    14  relating to county administration:
    15     (1)  "Maintenance Assistance -
    16  Statewide Operations Related to County
    17  Administration" - For administrative
    18  expenses incurred in the provision of
    19  Federal maintenance assistance
    20  programs.
    21             Federal appropriation......    5,457,000
    22     (2)  "Medical Assistance -
    23  Statewide Operations Related to County
    24  Administration" - For administrative
    25  expenses incurred in relation to the
    26  provision of Federal medical
    27  assistance services.
    28             Federal appropriation......   26,191,000
    29     (3)  "Food Stamp Program -
    30  Statewide Operations Related to County
    19890H1466B1720                 - 109 -

     1  Administration" - For administrative
     2  expenses incurred in relation to the
     3  food stamp program.
     4             Federal appropriation......    4,729,000
     5     For county assistance office
     6  operations related to administration
     7  of the public assistance and medical
     8  assistance programs.
     9             State appropriation........               187,683,000
    10     The following Federal augmentation
    11  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    12  necessary, are hereby specifically
    13  appropriated to supplement the sum
    14  appropriated from Commonwealth
    15  revenues for county assistance
    16  offices:
    17     (1)  "Maintenance Assistance -
    18  County Assistance Offices" - For
    19  administrative expenses incurred in
    20  the provision of Federal maintenance
    21  assistance programs.
    22             Federal appropriation......   56,810,000
    23     (2)  "Medical Assistance - County
    24  Assistance Offices" - For
    25  administrative expenses incurred by
    26  county assistance offices in relation
    27  to the provision of Federal medical
    28  assistance services.
    29             Federal appropriation......   18,937,000
    30     (3)  "Food Stamp Program - County
    19890H1466B1720                 - 110 -

     1  Assistance Offices" - For
     2  administrative expenses incurred by
     3  county assistance offices in relation
     4  to the food stamp program.
     5             Federal appropriation......   42,608,000
     6     The following LIHEABG amounts, or
     7  as much thereof as may be necessary,
     8  are hereby specifically appropriated
     9  for county administration:
    10     (1)  For the administration and
    11  State audit costs of the Federal Low-
    12  Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
    13             Federal appropriation......   12,471,000
    14     (2)  To help lessen the impact of
    15  the high cost of energy on low-income
    16  families and individuals.
    17             Federal appropriation......   81,800,000
    18     The following SSBG amounts, or as
    19  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    20  hereby specifically appropriated for
    21  county assistance offices:
    22     (1)  "Social Services - County
    23  Assistance Offices" - For expenses
    24  incurred in support of social service
    25  programs.
    26             Federal appropriation......   12,563,000
    27     For program accountability.
    28             State appropriation........                 8,034,000
    29     The following Federal augmentation
    30  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    19890H1466B1720                 - 111 -

     1  necessary, are hereby specifically
     2  appropriated to supplement the sum
     3  appropriated from Commonwealth
     4  revenues for program accountability:
     5     (1)  "Medical Assistance - Program
     6  Accountability."
     7             Federal appropriation......      550,000
     8     (2)  "Maintenance Assistance -
     9  Program Accountability."
    10             Federal appropriation......    1,413,000
    11     (3)  "Child Support Enforcement
    12  Program - Program Accountability" -
    13  For costs incurred by program
    14  accountability in support of the Child
    15  Support Enforcement Program.
    16             Federal appropriation......   53,254,000
    17     (4)  "Food Stamp Program - Program
    18  Accountability" - For administrative
    19  expenses incurred by program
    20  accountability in relation to the food
    21  stamp program.
    22             Federal appropriation......    2,524,000
    23     For services for the visually
    24  handicapped.
    25             State appropriation........                 6,367,000
    26     The following Federal augmentation
    27  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    28  necessary, are hereby specifically
    29  appropriated to supplement the sum
    30  appropriated from Commonwealth
    19890H1466B1720                 - 112 -

     1  revenues for services to the visually
     2  handicapped:
     3     (1)  "Rehabilitation Services and
     4  Facilities for the Blind - Basic
     5  Support" - To provide vocational
     6  rehabilitation services to eligible
     7  visually handicapped persons.
     8             Federal appropriation......    6,713,000
     9     (2)  "Vocational Rehabilitation
    10  Services for Social Security
    11  Disability Beneficiaries" - To provide
    12  vocational rehabilitation services to
    13  eligible Social Security disability
    14  beneficiaries.
    15             Federal appropriation......      380,000
    16     (3)  "Rehabilitation Services
    17  Project - Visually Handicapped" - To
    18  provide funding, on a temporary basis,
    19  to assist BVS in establishing a full-
    20  time, deaf-blind specialist position
    21  and for services to the blind.
    22             Federal appropriation......       40,000
    23     For Youth Development Institutions
    24  and Forestry Camps.
    25             State appropriation........                34,231,000
    26     The following Federal augmentation
    27  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    28  necessary, are hereby specifically
    29  appropriated to supplement the sum
    30  appropriated from Commonwealth
    19890H1466B1720                 - 113 -

     1  revenues for youth offender programs:
     2     (1)  "Food Nutrition Service - YDC"
     3  - To provide nutritious and varied
     4  meals to individuals under 21 years of
     5  age at the youth institutions.
     6             Federal appropriation......      525,000
     7     (2)  "Juvenile Justice and
     8  Delinquency Prevention - YDC" - To
     9  provide a sex offender program within
    10  a secure setting with diagnostic and
    11  treatment services.
    12             Federal appropriation......     150,000
    13     The following SSBG amounts, or as
    14  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    15  hereby specifically appropriated for
    16  youth offender programs:
    17     (1)  "Social Services - Basic
    18  Institutional and Other Programs and
    19  Facilities for Youth Offenders" - For
    20  provision of social services related
    21  to basic institutional programs for
    22  youth offenders.
    23             Federal appropriation......      923,000
    24     For the operation, maintenance and
    25  administration of the State medical
    26  and surgical hospitals.
    27             State appropriation........                15,345,000
    28     The following Federal augmentation
    29  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    30  necessary, are hereby specifically
    19890H1466B1720                 - 114 -

     1  appropriated to supplement the sums
     2  appropriated from Commonwealth
     3  revenues for State medical and
     4  surgical hospitals:
     5     (1)  "Medicare Services at State
     6  General Hospitals" - For the provision
     7  of medical services at State general
     8  hospitals that are reimbursable under
     9  Medicare.
    10             Federal appropriation......   23,991,000
    11     (2)  "Medical Assistance - State
    12  General Hospitals" - For the provision
    13  of medical assistance services to
    14  eligible persons at State general
    15  hospitals.
    16             Federal appropriation......    3,977,000
    17     For the State mental hospitals and
    18  restoration center and the care of
    19  patients of such hospitals and center.
    20  This appropriation includes funds for
    21  the costs associated with all
    22  activities related to the closing of
    23  the Philadelphia State Hospital. It is
    24  the intent of the General Assembly
    25  that institutional employees will not
    26  provide services to patients outside
    27  of the institutional setting except on
    28  a short-term demonstration basis in
    29  which case the services must be
    30  coordinated with the respective county
    19890H1466B1720                 - 115 -

     1  mental health agency.
     2             State appropriation........               354,594,000
     3     The following Federal augmentation
     4  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     5  necessary, are hereby specifically
     6  appropriated to supplement the sum
     7  appropriated from Commonwealth
     8  revenues for State mental hospitals
     9  and restoration center:
    10     (1)  "Medical Assistance - State
    11  Mental Hospitals" - For the provision
    12  of medical assistance services to
    13  eligible persons at State mental
    14  hospitals and restoration center.
    15             Federal appropriation......   84,327,000
    16     (2)  "Medicare Services - State
    17  Mental Hospitals" - For provision of
    18  medical services at State mental
    19  hospitals and restoration center that
    20  are reimbursable under Medicare.
    21             Federal appropriation......   22,555,000
    22     (3)  "Food Nutrition Service -
    23  State Mental Hospitals" - For
    24  reimbursement for the cost of meals
    25  and milk provided to low-income
    26  children under 21 years of age in
    27  State institutions.
    28             Federal appropriation......      258,000
    29     The above Federal appropriations
    30  include funds associated with all
    19890H1466B1720                 - 116 -

     1  activities related to the closing of
     2  the Philadelphia State Hospital. It is
     3  the intent of the General Assembly
     4  that institutional employees will not
     5  provide services to patients outside
     6  of the institutional setting except on
     7  a short-term demonstration basis in
     8  which case the services must be
     9  coordinated with the respective county
    10  mental health agency.
    11     For State centers for the mentally
    12  retarded. It is the intent of the
    13  General Assembly that, on a Statewide
    14  basis, the Department of Public
    15  Welfare utilize waivers available
    16  under Title 19 of the Social Security
    17  Act (Section 2176 of the Omnibus
    18  Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981) to
    19  provide services to retarded persons
    20  in community settings.
    21             State appropriation........               102,647,000
    22     The following Federal augmentation
    23  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    24  necessary, are hereby specifically
    25  appropriated to supplement the sum
    26  appropriated from Commonwealth
    27  revenues for the State centers for the
    28  mentally retarded:
    29     (1)  "Medical Assistance - State
    30  Centers" - For the provision of
    19890H1466B1720                 - 117 -

     1  medical assistance services to
     2  eligible persons in State centers for
     3  the mentally retarded.
     4             Federal appropriation......  149,168,000
     5     (2)  "Food Nutrition Service -
     6  State Centers" - For reimbursement for
     7  the cost of meals and milk provided to
     8  low-income children under 21 years of
     9  age in State institutions.
    10             Federal appropriation......      103,000
    11     For cash assistance grants.
    12             State appropriation........               547,949,000
    13     The following Federal augmentation
    14  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    15  necessary, are hereby specifically
    16  appropriated to supplement the sum
    17  appropriated from Commonwealth
    18  revenues for cash assistance:
    19     (1)  "Maintenance Assistance - Cash
    20  Grants" - For provision of cash and
    21  emergency assistance to eligible
    22  families with dependent children,
    23  Indo-Chinese refugees and Cuban
    24  refugees.
    25             Federal appropriation......  444,850,000
    26     For medical assistance payments -
    27  outpatient services, exclusive of
    28  outpatient services provided through
    29  capitation plans.
    30             State appropriation........               350,582,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 118 -

     1     The following Federal augmentation
     2  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     3  necessary, are hereby specifically
     4  appropriated to supplement the sum
     5  appropriated from Commonwealth
     6  revenues for medical assistance -
     7  outpatient:
     8     (1)  "Medical Assistance -
     9  Outpatient" - For provision of
    10  outpatient and emergency services to
    11  eligible persons, exclusive of
    12  services provided through capitation
    13  plans.
    14             Federal appropriation......  327,992,000
    15     For AZT treatment.
    16             State appropriation........                 2,752,000
    17     For medical assistance payments -
    18  inpatient services, exclusive of
    19  services provided through capitation
    20  plans.
    21             State appropriation........               417,217,000
    22     The following Federal augmentation
    23  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    24  necessary, are hereby specifically
    25  appropriated to supplement the sum
    26  appropriated from Commonwealth
    27  revenues for medical assistance -
    28  inpatient services:
    29     (1)  "Medical Assistance -
    30  Inpatient" - For provision of
    19890H1466B1720                 - 119 -

     1  inpatient hospital services, exclusive
     2  of inpatient hospital services
     3  provided through capitation plans.
     4             Federal appropriation......  299,583,000
     5     For medical assistance - capitation
     6  plans - For provision of outpatient
     7  services and inpatient hospital
     8  services to eligible persons enrolled
     9  in an approved capitation plan.
    10             State appropriation........               116,833,000
    11     The following Federal augmentation
    12  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    13  necessary, are hereby specifically
    14  appropriated to supplement the sum
    15  appropriated from Commonwealth
    16  revenues for medical assistance -
    17  capitation plans:
    18     (1)  "Medical Assistance -
    19  Capitation Plans" - For provision of
    20  outpatient and inpatient hospital
    21  services to eligible persons enrolled
    22  in an approved capitation plan.
    23             Federal appropriation......   89,423,000
    24     For medical assistance - long-term
    25  care facilities.
    26             State appropriation........               256,595,000
    27     The following Federal augmentation
    28  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    29  necessary, are hereby specifically
    30  appropriated to supplement the sum
    19890H1466B1720                 - 120 -

     1  appropriated from Commonwealth
     2  revenues for long-term care
     3  facilities:
     4     (1)  "Medical Assistance - Long-
     5  Term Care Facilities" - For provision
     6  of services to patients in long-term
     7  care facilities.
     8             Federal appropriation......  500,136,000
     9     Any rule, regulation or policy for
    10  the State or Federal appropriations
    11  for the cash assistance, outpatient,
    12  inpatient, capitation, long-term care
    13  and Supplemental Grants to the Aged,
    14  Blind and Disabled programs adopted by
    15  the Secretary of Public Welfare during
    16  the fiscal period 1989-1990 which adds
    17  to the cost of any public assistance
    18  program shall be effective only from
    19  and after the date upon which it is
    20  approved as to the availability of
    21  funds by the Governor.
    22     For a long-term care
    23  disproportionate share allowance.
    24             State appropriation........                 1,000,000
    25     The following Federal augmentation
    26  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    27  necessary, are hereby specifically
    28  appropriated to supplement the sum
    29  appropriated from Commonwealth
    30  revenues for long-term care
    19890H1466B1720                 - 121 -

     1  disproportionate share allowance:
     2     (1)  For a long-term care
     3  disproportionate share allowance.
     4             Federal appropriation......    1,130,000
     5     For Supplemental Grants to the
     6  Aged, Blind and Disabled.
     7             State appropriation........                79,412,000
     8     For medical assistance -
     9  transportation.
    10             State appropriation........                15,046,000
    11     The following Federal augmentation
    12  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    13  necessary, are hereby specifically
    14  appropriated to supplement the sum
    15  appropriated from Commonwealth
    16  revenues for medical assistance -
    17  transportation:
    18     (1)  "Medical Assistance -
    19  Transportation" - To provide
    20  transportation to eligible medical
    21  assistance recipients to commute to
    22  appointed locations to receive
    23  required medical treatment.
    24             Federal appropriation......    9,009,000
    25     It is the intent of the General
    26  Assembly that reimbursements for
    27  transportation services shall not
    28  exceed the amount of State and Federal
    29  funds appropriated by the General
    30  Assembly and that these funds shall be
    19890H1466B1720                 - 122 -

     1  utilized as payment of last resort for
     2  transportation services for eligible
     3  recipients.
     4     For preadmission assessment for
     5  senior citizens.
     6             State appropriation........                 3,402,000
     7     The following Federal augmentation
     8  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     9  necessary, are hereby specifically
    10  appropriated to supplement the sum
    11  appropriated for preadmission
    12  assessment:
    13     (1)  "Medical Assistance" - To
    14  screen applicants wishing to enter
    15  nursing facilities and to determine
    16  the appropriate level of care of these
    17  applicants.
    18             Federal appropriation......    5,713,000
    19     For intermediate care
    20  facilities/MR.
    21             State appropriation........                66,367,000
    22     The following Federal augmentation
    23  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    24  necessary, are hereby specifically
    25  appropriated to supplement the sum
    26  appropriated from Commonwealth
    27  revenues for intermediate care
    28  facilities/MR:
    29     (1)  "Medical Assistance -
    30  Intermediate Care Facilities -
    19890H1466B1720                 - 123 -

     1  Mentally Retarded" - For the provision
     2  of medical assistance services to
     3  eligible persons in intermediate care
     4  facilities for the mentally retarded.
     5             Federal appropriation......   88,246,000
     6     For community mental health
     7  services, exclusive of capital
     8  improvements, which shall include
     9  grants to counties and county
    10  institution districts.
    11             State appropriation........               155,782,000
    12     The following Federal augmentation
    13  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    14  necessary, are hereby specifically
    15  appropriated to supplement the sum
    16  appropriated from Commonwealth
    17  revenues for community mental health
    18  services:
    19     (1)  For the homeless mentally ill.
    20             Federal appropriation......      859,000
    21     (2)  For intensive care management.
    22             Federal appropriation......    5,500,000
    23     The following ADAMHSBG amounts, or
    24  as much thereof as may be necessary,
    25  are hereby specifically appropriated
    26  for community mental health:
    27     (1)  For Community Mental Health
    28  Services.
    29             Federal appropriation......   12,763,000
    30     The following SSBG amounts, or as
    19890H1466B1720                 - 124 -

     1  much thereof as may be necessary, are
     2  hereby specifically appropriated for
     3  community mental health:
     4     (1)  "Social Services - Community
     5  Mental Health Services" - For
     6  provision of community mental health
     7  services.
     8             Federal appropriation......   11,709,000
     9     For the Eastern Pennsylvania
    10  Psychiatric Institute.
    11             State appropriation........                 7,851,000
    12     For community-based services for
    13  the mentally retarded, exclusive of
    14  capital improvements, which shall
    15  include grants to counties and county
    16  institution districts for
    17  noninstitutional programs.
    18             State appropriation........                90,283,000
    19     The following Federal augmentation
    20  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    21  necessary, are hereby specifically
    22  appropriated to supplement the sum
    23  appropriated from Commonwealth
    24  revenues for community-based services
    25  for the mentally retarded:
    26     (1)  "Medical Assistance -
    27  Community-Based Services" - For
    28  provision of medical assistance
    29  services in community-based programs
    30  for the mentally retarded.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 125 -

     1             Federal appropriation......   15,146,000
     2     The following SSBG amounts, or as
     3  much thereof as may be necessary, are
     4  hereby specifically appropriated for
     5  community services for the mentally
     6  retarded:
     7     (1)  "Social Services - Community-
     8  Based Services for the Mentally
     9  Retarded" - For provision of community
    10  services, including early intervention
    11  programs.
    12             Federal appropriation......   12,829,000
    13     For MH/MR residential wage and hour
    14  costs resulting from U.S. Department
    15  of Labor ruling in 29 C.F.R. section
    16  785.20 (1988).
    17             State appropriation........                 3,000,000
    18     For early intervention services.
    19             State appropriation........                18,651,000
    20     For community residential services
    21  for the mentally retarded.
    22             State appropriation........               173,568,000
    23     The following Federal augmentation
    24  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    25  necessary, are hereby specifically
    26  appropriated to supplement the sum
    27  appropriated from Commonwealth
    28  revenues for community residential
    29  services for the mentally retarded:
    30     (1)  "Medical Assistance -
    19890H1466B1720                 - 126 -

     1  Community Residential Services" - For
     2  provision of medical assistance
     3  services in community residential
     4  programs for the mentally retarded.
     5             Federal appropriation......   44,040,000
     6     The following SSBG amounts, or as
     7  much thereof as may be necessary, are
     8  hereby specifically appropriated for
     9  community residential services for the
    10  mentally retarded:
    11     (1)  "Social Services - Community
    12  Residential Services."
    13             Federal appropriation......    5,169,000
    14     For payment to counties for
    15  children and youth programs and for
    16  the care of delinquent and dependent
    17  children. Reimbursement for children
    18  and youth services made pursuant to
    19  section 704.1 of the act of June 13,
    20  1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the
    21  Public Welfare Code, shall not exceed
    22  the amount of State funds
    23  appropriated.
    24             State appropriation........               160,638,000
    25     The following Federal augmentation
    26  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    27  necessary, are hereby specifically
    28  appropriated to supplement the sum
    29  appropriated from Commonwealth
    30  revenues for payments to counties for
    19890H1466B1720                 - 127 -

     1  children and youth programs and child
     2  abuse and neglect prevention:
     3     (1)  "Child Welfare Services" - To
     4  establish, extend and strengthen
     5  services provided by local public
     6  welfare programs for development of
     7  services which will prevent the
     8  neglect, abuse, exploitation or
     9  delinquency of children.
    10             Federal appropriation......   10,000,000
    11     (2)  "Maintenance Assistance -
    12  Child Welfare" - For provision of
    13  foster care through child welfare
    14  programs to eligible persons.
    15             Federal appropriation......   61,000,000
    16     The following SSBG amounts, or as
    17  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    18  hereby specifically appropriated for
    19  children and youth services:
    20     (1)  "Social Services - Child
    21  Welfare" - For provision of child
    22  welfare services.
    23             Federal appropriation......    8,745,000
    24     For child abuse prevention.
    25             State appropriation........                 6,100,000
    26     For day-care services provided by
    27  State-approved facilities for
    28  children. This appropriation includes
    29  $1,000,000 for model day-care programs
    30  to be undertaken in cooperation with
    19890H1466B1720                 - 128 -

     1  the Department of Education.
     2             State appropriation........                36,847,000
     3     The following Federal augmentation
     4  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     5  necessary, are hereby specifically
     6  appropriated to supplement the sum
     7  appropriated from Commonwealth
     8  revenues for day-care services:
     9     (1)  "Dependent Care Planning and
    10  Development."
    11             Federal appropriation......      383,000
    12     (2)  "Child Development
    13  Scholarship" - For certification of
    14  child day-care workers.
    15             Federal appropriation......      122,000
    16     The following SSBG amounts, or as
    17  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    18  hereby specifically appropriated for
    19  day care:
    20     (1)  "Social Services - Day Care" -
    21  For provision of social services to
    22  eligible persons in day-care programs.
    23             Federal appropriation......   38,775,000
    24     For new directions.
    25             State appropriation........                19,799,000
    26     The following Federal augmentation
    27  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    28  necessary, are hereby specifically
    29  appropriated to supplement the sum
    30  appropriated from Commonwealth
    19890H1466B1720                 - 129 -

     1  revenues for new directions:
     2     (1)  "Maintenance Assistance - New
     3  Directions."
     4             Federal appropriation......    8,797,000
     5     (2)  "Work Incentive Program - New
     6  Directions." No more than 10% of these
     7  funds may be used for administration,
     8  including registration of
     9  participants.
    10             Federal appropriation......    4,201,000
    11     (3)  "Food Stamp Employment and
    12  Training - New Directions."
    13             Federal appropriation......   12,633,000
    14     For domestic violence programs.
    15             State appropriation........                 4,279,000
    16     The following Federal augmentation
    17  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    18  necessary, are hereby specifically
    19  appropriated to supplement the sum
    20  appropriated from Commonwealth
    21  revenues for domestic violence
    22  programs:
    23     (1)  "Family Violence Prevention
    24  and Services" - This appropriation
    25  shall not be used to reduce SSBG
    26  funding for domestic violence
    27  programs.
    28             Federal appropriation......      319,000
    29     (2)  "Homeless Assistance" - For
    30  the renovation and purchase of shelter
    19890H1466B1720                 - 130 -

     1  facilities and services.
     2             Federal appropriation......      736,000
     3     The following SSBG amounts, or as
     4  much thereof as may be necessary, are
     5  hereby specifically appropriated for
     6  domestic violence programs:
     7     (1)  "Social Services - Domestic
     8  Violence Programs" - To provide
     9  services to victims of domestic
    10  violence.
    11             Federal appropriation......    1,529,000
    12     For rape crisis programs.
    13             State appropriation........                 1,592,000
    14     The following PHHSBG amounts, or as
    15  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    16  hereby specifically appropriated for
    17  rape crisis programs:
    18     (1)  For providing services to rape
    19  victims and rape prevention.
    20             Federal appropriation......      180,000
    21     The following SSBG amounts, or as
    22  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    23  hereby specifically appropriated for
    24  rape crisis programs:
    25     (1)  "Social Services - Rape Crisis
    26  Services" - To provide services to
    27  victims of rape.
    28             Federal appropriation......      803,000
    29     The following SSBG amounts, or as
    30  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    19890H1466B1720                 - 131 -

     1  hereby specifically appropriated for
     2  family planning:
     3     (1)  "Social Services - Family
     4  Planning" - For provision of family
     5  planning services.
     6             Federal appropriation......    4,878,000
     7     For breast cancer screening.
     8             State appropriation........                   556,000
     9     For the provision of legal
    10  services.
    11             State appropriation........                 2,249,000
    12     The following SSBG amounts, or as
    13  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    14  hereby specifically appropriated for
    15  legal services:
    16     (1)   "Social Services - Legal
    17  Services" - For provision of legal
    18  services.
    19             Federal appropriation......    6,499,000
    20     Any award of attorney fees from any
    21  Commonwealth agency or official to a
    22  legal service provider supported, in
    23  whole or in part, directly or by
    24  contract under this appropriation
    25  shall be paid exclusively from this
    26  appropriation.
    27     For direct care workers salary
    28  increases. These funds shall be used
    29  to enhance the wage structure of
    30  direct care workers.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 132 -

     1             State appropriation........                 7,563,000
     2     The following Federal Augmentation
     3  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     4  necessary, are hereby specifically
     5  appropriated to supplement the sum
     6  appropriated from Commonwealth
     7  revenues for direct care workers
     8  salary increases:
     9     (1)  "Medical Assistance - Direct
    10  Care Workers Salary Increases." For
    11  salary increases for MR community
    12  residential direct care workers. These
    13  funds shall be used to enhance the
    14  wage structure of MR community
    15  residential direct care workers.
    16             Federal appropriation......    1,000,000
    17     For the Human Services Development
    18  Fund. The total appropriation shall be
    19  allocated to counties as follows: 50%
    20  shall be allocated by per capita and
    21  50% shall be allocated by poverty.
    22  Poverty shall be defined as the
    23  average number of Aid to Families with
    24  Dependent Children, General Assistance
    25  and State Blind Pension recipients in
    26  fiscal year 1987-1988 as a proportion
    27  of the Statewide average number of Aid
    28  to Families with Dependent Children,
    29  General Assistance and State Blind
    30  Pension recipients in this
    19890H1466B1720                 - 133 -

     1  Commonwealth for fiscal year 1987-
     2  1988. No county shall receive a grant
     3  of less than $50,000 in State and
     4  Federal dollars combined. Under no
     5  circumstances shall any county receive
     6  a grant in an amount which is less
     7  than it received in the immediately
     8  preceding fiscal year.
     9             State appropriation........                14,906,000
    10     The following Federal augmentation
    11  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    12  necessary, are hereby specifically
    13  appropriated to supplement the sum
    14  appropriated from Commonwealth
    15  revenues for the Human Services
    16  Development Fund:
    17     (1)  "Refugees and Persons Seeking
    18  Asylum" - For the provision of social
    19  services to refugees and persons
    20  seeking asylum.
    21             Federal appropriation......    6,200,000
    22     (2)  "Immigration Reform and
    23  Control" - To provide public health
    24  assistance and educational services to
    25  qualified aliens.
    26             Federal appropriation......    3,540,000
    27     The following SSBG amounts, or as
    28  much thereof as may be necessary, are
    29  hereby specifically appropriated for
    30  the Human Services Development Fund:
    19890H1466B1720                 - 134 -

     1     (1)  "Social Services - Human
     2  Services Development Fund." The total
     3  appropriation shall be allocated to
     4  counties as follows: 50% shall be
     5  allocated by per capita and 50% shall
     6  be allocated by poverty. Poverty shall
     7  be defined as the average number of
     8  Aid to Families with Dependent
     9  Children, General Assistance and State
    10  Blind Pension recipients in fiscal
    11  year 1987-1988 as a proportion of the
    12  Statewide average number of Aid to
    13  Families with Dependent Children,
    14  General Assistance and State Blind
    15  Pension recipients in this
    16  Commonwealth for fiscal year 1987-
    17  1988. No county shall receive a grant
    18  of less than $50,000 in State and
    19  Federal dollars combined. Under no
    20  circumstances shall any county receive
    21  a grant in an amount which is less
    22  than it received in the immediately
    23  preceding fiscal year.
    24             Federal appropriation......   13,933,000
    25     For provision of services to the
    26  homeless, such as bridge housing,
    27  single room occupancy, residences for
    28  the mentally ill homeless and housing
    29  assistance.
    30             State appropriation........                13,865,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 135 -

     1     The following SSBG amounts, or as
     2  much thereof as may be necessary, are
     3  hereby specifically appropriated for
     4  services to the homeless:
     5     (1)  "Social Services - Shelter
     6  Care" - For provision of emergency
     7  shelter services for homeless persons.
     8             Federal appropriation......    2,768,000
     9     For services provided to the
    10  developmentally disabled in
    11  conjunction with the Federal Nursing
    12  Home Reform Act (Public Law 100-203).
    13             State appropriation........                   300,000
    14     The following Federal augmentation
    15  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    16  necessary, are hereby specifically
    17  appropriated to supplement the sum
    18  appropriated from Commonwealth
    19  revenues for services to the
    20  developmentally disabled:
    21     (1)  "Medical Assistance - Services
    22  to the Developmentally Disabled." For
    23  services provided to the
    24  developmentally disabled in
    25  conjunction with the Federal Nursing
    26  Home Reform Act (Public Law 100-203).
    27             Federal appropriation......      157,000
    28     For attendant care services for
    29  physically handicapped adults.
    30             State appropriation........                 6,043,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 136 -

     1     The following SSBG amounts, or as
     2  much thereof as may be necessary, are
     3  hereby specifically appropriated for
     4  attendant care services:
     5     (1)  "Social Services - Attendant
     6  Care" - For provision of attendant
     7  care services for physically
     8  handicapped adults.
     9             Federal appropriation......    4,337,000
    10     The above Federal appropriations to
    11  the Department of Public Welfare
    12  include any prior earnings that may be
    13  received during fiscal year 1989-1990.
    14     In addition to the amounts
    15  specifically appropriated herein to
    16  the Department of Public Welfare, all
    17  moneys appropriated from the Federal
    18  Government during any previous fiscal
    19  year which are expected to be received
    20  as reimbursements may be carried
    21  forward until June 30, 1990, to the
    22  extent that contracted obligations are
    23  carried forward. In addition, any
    24  reimbursements actually received to
    25  support such obligations may also be
    26  carried forward.
    27     Section 220.  Department of
    28  Revenue.--The following amounts are
    29  appropriated to the Department of
    30  Revenue:                                   Federal       State
    19890H1466B1720                 - 137 -

     1     For general government operations
     2  of the Department of Revenue.
     3             State appropriation........                78,185,000
     4     For computer acquisition.
     5             State appropriation........                 1,328,000
     6     For the distribution of Public
     7  Utility Realty Tax.
     8             State appropriation........                94,233,000
     9     Section 221.  Department of
    10  State.--The following amounts are
    11  appropriated to the Department of
    12  State:                                     Federal       State
    13     For general government operations
    14  of the Department of State.
    15             State appropriation........                 1,721,000
    16     For the Corporation Bureau.
    17             State appropriation........                 1,634,000
    18     For costs related to absentee
    19  voting by persons in military
    20  services.
    21             State appropriation........                     8,000
    22     For costs incurred from the
    23  operation of the voter registration by
    24  mail program.
    25             State appropriation........                   350,000
    26     Section 222.  Department of
    27  Transportation.--The following amounts
    28  are appropriated to the Department of
    29  Transportation:                            Federal       State
    30     For mass transit operations of the
    19890H1466B1720                 - 138 -

     1  Department of Transportation,
     2  including urban, rural and intercity
     3  mass transportation.
     4             State appropriation........                 1,041,000
     5     The following Federal augmentation
     6  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     7  necessary, are hereby specifically
     8  appropriated to supplement the sum
     9  appropriated from Commonwealth
    10  revenues for Mass Transit Operations:
    11     (1)  "Urban Mass Transportation -
    12  Technical Studies Grants" - For
    13  support of planning and technical
    14  studies directed at development of a
    15  unified or officially coordinated
    16  Urban Transportation System.
    17             Federal appropriation......      595,000
    18     (2)  "Capital Assistance - Elderly
    19  and Handicapped Program -
    20  Administration" - For administration
    21  costs associated with the Capital
    22  Assistance Elderly and Handicapped
    23  Programs.
    24             Federal appropriation......       60,000
    25     (3)  "Surface Transportation
    26  Assistance - Program Operations and
    27  Planning" - For administrative and
    28  planning costs associated with the
    29  Federal program for capital and
    30  operative assistance to public
    19890H1466B1720                 - 139 -

     1  transportation projects.
     2             Federal appropriation......      536,000
     3     (4)  "Mass Transportation Capital
     4  Improvement Grants" - For assistance
     5  to nonprofit corporations for the
     6  acquisition of vehicles, equipment and
     7  facilities for the transportation of
     8  elderly and handicapped persons.
     9             Federal appropriation......    2,000,000
    10     For goods movement operations.
    11             State appropriation........                   500,000
    12     The following Federal Augmentation
    13  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    14  necessary, are hereby specifically
    15  appropriated to supplement the sum
    16  appropriated from Commonwealth
    17  revenues for good movement operations:
    18     (1)  "Title IV Rail Assistance -
    19  Program Operations and Planning" - For
    20  administrative and planning costs
    21  associated with the Title IV Rail
    22  Assistance Program.
    23             Federal appropriation......      100,000
    24     For transfer to the Motor License
    25  Fund for collection of vehicle sales
    26  tax.
    27             State appropriation........                 1,676,000
    28     For the operation of Welcome
    29  Centers.
    30             State appropriation........                 1,006,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 140 -

     1     For urban mass transportation
     2  assistance for grants to local
     3  transportation organizations to be
     4  used only for purchase of service
     5  projects, advertising and promotion
     6  programs. This appropriation includes
     7  sufficient funds to implement section
     8  204(i) of the Pennsylvania Urban Mass
     9  Transportation Law.
    10             State appropriation........               224,366,000
    11     For rural and intercity
    12  transportation: for small urban area
    13  purchase of service grants, and
    14  operating subsidies and demonstration
    15  projects for passenger rail and bus
    16  service.
    17             State appropriation........                 4,564,000
    18     The following Federal augmentation
    19  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    20  necessary, are hereby specifically
    21  appropriated to supplement the sum
    22  appropriated from Commonwealth
    23  revenues for intercity rail and rural
    24  bus transportation:
    25     (1)  "Surface Transportation
    26  Assistance" - To provide matching
    27  grants to be used to support public
    28  transportation projects in rural and
    29  small urban areas for the continuation
    30  and improvement of intercity bus
    19890H1466B1720                 - 141 -

     1  service and administration.
     2             Federal appropriation......    4,035,000
     3     (2)  "Surface Transportation
     4  Assistance - Capital" - To provide
     5  matching grants to be used for capital
     6  improvement projects for public
     7  transportation systems in rural and
     8  small urban areas and for the
     9  acquisition of intercity passenger
    10  rail lines.
    11             Federal appropriation......    6,000,000
    12     For operating subsidies, lease
    13  payments and maintenance projects on
    14  rail freight lines.
    15             State appropriation........                 4,500,000
    16     Section 223.  Pennsylvania State
    17  Police.--The following amounts are
    18  appropriated to the Pennsylvania State
    19  Police:                                    Federal       State
    20     For general government operations
    21  of the Pennsylvania State Police.
    22             State appropriation........                88,383,000
    23     The following Federal augmentation
    24  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    25  necessary, are hereby specifically
    26  appropriated to supplement the sum
    27  appropriated from Commonwealth
    28  revenues for general government
    29  operations:
    30     (1)  Local law enforcement aid.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 142 -

     1             Federal appropriation......       33,000
     2     For the Municipal Police Officers'
     3  Education and Training Commission,
     4  including in-service training.
     5             State appropriation........                 2,874,000
     6     For replacement of patrol vehicles.
     7             State appropriation........                 1,790,000
     8     For an automated fingerprint
     9  identification system (AFIS).
    10             State appropriation........                   860,000
    11     For mobile narcotics teams.
    12             State appropriations.......                 2,016,000
    13     Section 224.  State Civil Service
    14  Commission.--The following amounts are
    15  appropriated to the State Civil
    16  Service Commission:                        Federal       State
    17     For the general government
    18  operations of the Civil Service
    19  Commission, including administration
    20  of the merit system for employees
    21  under provisions of the Civil Service
    22  Act: Provided, That, in addition to
    23  the amount hereby appropriated, any
    24  money collected by the commission by
    25  way of reimbursement under the Civil
    26  Service Act shall be paid into the
    27  General Fund through the Department of
    28  Revenue and shall be credited to this
    29  appropriation.
    30             State appropriation........                     1,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 143 -

     1     Section 225.  Pennsylvania
     2  Emergency Management Agency.--The
     3  following amounts are appropriated to
     4  the Pennsylvania Emergency Management
     5  Agency:                                    Federal       State
     6     For general government operations
     7  of the Pennsylvania Emergency
     8  Management Agency.
     9             State appropriation........                 3,693,000
    10     The following Federal augmentation
    11  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    12  necessary, are hereby specifically
    13  appropriated to supplement the sum
    14  appropriated from Commonwealth
    15  revenues for general government
    16  operations:
    17     (1)  "Civil Preparedness
    18  Reimbursements" - For payment of
    19  salaries, benefits and administrative
    20  expenses and travel of authorized
    21  State and local civil defense
    22  employees and for equipment, supplies
    23  and facilities.
    24             Federal appropriation......    2,200,000
    25     (2)  "Flash Flood Project - Warning
    26  System" - To develop, install and
    27  operate local flash flood warning
    28  systems to help provide advance flood
    29  warnings.
    30             Federal appropriation......      300,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 144 -

     1     For the Office of Fire Safety.
     2             State appropriation........                   936,000
     3     Section 226.  Pennsylvania Fish
     4  Commission.--The following amounts are
     5  appropriated to the Pennsylvania Fish
     6  Commission:                                Federal       State
     7     For the support of the Atlantic
     8  States Marine Fisheries Commission.
     9             State appropriation........                     9,000
    10     Section 227.  State System of
    11  Higher Education.--The following
    12  amounts are appropriated to the State
    13  System of Higher Education:                Federal       State
    14     For the State System of Higher
    15  Education, including the Chancellor's
    16  Office. No funds from this
    17  appropriation shall be used for the
    18  administration, operation or
    19  maintenance of the property known as
    20  Welkinweir.
    21             State appropriation........               333,406,000
    22     To enhance the recruitment and
    23  retention of minority students and
    24  faculty.
    25             State appropriation........                   250,000
    26     The State System of Higher
    27  Education shall report its financial
    28  statements in accordance with
    29  generally accepted accounting
    30  principles as prescribed by the
    19890H1466B1720                 - 145 -

     1  National Association of College and
     2  University Business Officers, the
     3  American Institute of Certified Public
     4  Accountants or any other recognized
     5  authoritative body, as well as
     6  applicable policy and standards
     7  promulgated by the Commonwealth and
     8  the Federal Government.
     9     To enhance the viability of the
    10  university, improve the quality of
    11  education and student life and
    12  increase the opportunity for equal
    13  education at Cheyney University of the
    14  State System of Higher Education.
    15             State appropriation........                   935,000
    16     For deferred maintenance, as a
    17  condition of accepting these funds,
    18  the State System of Higher Education
    19  shall provide matching funds equal to
    20  at least 50% of this appropriation.
    21             State appropriation........                 3,952,000
    22     For the support of the teaching
    23  academy.
    24             State appropriation........                   500,000
    25     For library enhancement.
    26             State appropriation........                   750,000
    27     For an Affirmative Action Program.
    28             State appropriation........                   300,000
    29     Section 228.  Pennsylvania Higher
    30  Education Assistance Agency.--The
    19890H1466B1720                 - 146 -

     1  following amounts are appropriated to
     2  the Pennsylvania Higher Education
     3  Assistance Agency:                         Federal       State
     4     For payment of education assistance
     5  grants.
     6             State appropriation........               127,780,000
     7     For matching payments for student
     8  aid funds.
     9             State appropriation........                 6,350,000
    10     For institutional assistance grants
    11  to be allotted by the Pennsylvania
    12  Higher Education Assistance Agency.
    13             State appropriation........                26,447,000
    14     No college, university or
    15  institution receiving a direct
    16  appropriation from the Commonwealth of
    17  Pennsylvania shall be eligible to
    18  participate in the institutional
    19  assistance grants program.
    20     For equal opportunity professional
    21  education.
    22             State appropriation........                   750,000
    23     For establishing, operating and
    24  maintaining regional computer resource
    25  centers, including teacher computer
    26  training grants.
    27             State appropriation........                 2,880,000
    28     For the purchase of computers and
    29  for the development of hardware and
    30  software necessary to improve student
    19890H1466B1720                 - 147 -

     1  knowledge about and through computers.
     2             State appropriation........                 3,900,000
     3     For the loan forgiveness program
     4  established by the act of December 16,
     5  1988 (P.L.1259, No.155), known as the
     6  Urban and Rural Teacher Loan
     7  Forgiveness Act.
     8             State appropriation........                 2,049,000
     9     Section 229.  Pennsylvania
    10  Historical and Museum Commission.--The
    11  following amounts are appropriated to
    12  the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
    13  Commission:                                Federal       State
    14     To the Pennsylvania Historical and
    15  Museum Commission for general
    16  government operations of the
    17  Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
    18  Commission.
    19             State appropriation........                12,319,000
    20     The following Federal augmentation
    21  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    22  necessary, are hereby specifically
    23  appropriated to supplement the sum
    24  appropriated from Commonwealth
    25  revenues for general government
    26  operations:
    27     (1)  "Division of Historic
    28  Preservation" - For operation of the
    29  Division of Historic Preservation of
    30  the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
    19890H1466B1720                 - 148 -

     1  Commission.
     2             Federal appropriation......      550,000
     3     (2)  Penn Central Railroad records.
     4             Federal appropriation......       50,000
     5     For a Columbus Day celebration.
     6             State appropriation........                   150,000
     7     To undertake major maintenance and
     8  repair needs at historic sites and
     9  museums administered by the
    10  Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
    11  Commission.
    12             State appropriation........                   825,000
    13     For grants to museums - museum
    14  assistance.
    15             State appropriation........                   725,000
    16     Section 230.  Pennsylvania Housing
    17  Finance Agency.--The following amounts
    18  are appropriated to the Pennsylvania
    19  Housing Finance Agency:                    Federal       State
    20     For transfer to the Pennsylvania
    21  Housing Finance Agency for the
    22  Homeowner's Emergency Mortgage
    23  Assistance Program.
    24             State appropriation........                11,500,000
    25     For drug and alcohol treatment
    26  facilities improvements. These funds
    27  shall be used to provide 50% of the
    28  nonfederal match required for this
    29  program.
    30             State appropriation........                   750,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 149 -

     1     Section 231.  Pennsylvania
     2  Infrastructure Investment Authority.--
     3  The following amounts are appropriated
     4  to the Pennsylvania Infrastructure
     5  Investment Authority:                      Federal       State
     6     For transfer to the Pennsylvania
     7  Infrastructure Investment Authority
     8  (PENNVEST).
     9             State appropriation........                12,500,000
    10     The following Federal augmentation
    11  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    12  necessary, are hereby specifically
    13  appropriated to supplement the sum
    14  appropriated from Commonwealth
    15  revenues for the Pennsylvania
    16  Infrastructure Investment Authority:
    17     (1)  "Sewage Projects Revolving
    18  Loan Fund" - For loans to assist
    19  communities finance sewage system
    20  projects.
    21             Federal appropriation......   22,800,000
    22     Section 232.  Environmental Hearing
    23  Board.--The following amounts are
    24  appropriated to the Environmental
    25  Hearing Board:                             Federal       State
    26     For the Environmental Hearing
    27  Board.
    28             State appropriation........                 1,309,000
    29     Section 233.  Milk Marketing
    30  Board.--The following amounts are
    19890H1466B1720                 - 150 -

     1  appropriated to the Milk Marketing
     2  Board:                                     Federal       State
     3     For payment into the Milk Marketing
     4  Fund in the State Treasury for the
     5  purpose for which such fund is
     6  appropriated.
     7             State appropriation........                   950,000
     8     Section 234.  Pennsylvania Board of
     9  Probation and Parole.--The following
    10  amounts are appropriated to the
    11  Pennsylvania Board of Probation and
    12  Parole:                                    Federal       State
    13     For general government operations
    14  of the Board of Probation and Parole.
    15             State appropriation........                25,785,000
    16     For special intensive drug parole
    17  units.
    18             State appropriation........                   550,000
    19     The following Federal augmentation
    20  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    21  necessary, are hereby specifically
    22  appropriated to supplement the sum
    23  appropriated from Commonwealth
    24  revenues for special intensive drug
    25  parole units:
    26     (1)  Statewide urinalysis testing
    27  program.
    28             Federal appropriation......      180,000
    29     (2)  Special intensive supervision
    30  drug program.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 151 -

     1             Federal appropriation......      522,000
     2     For payments for grants-in-aid to
     3  counties for providing improved adult
     4  probation services. For 1989-1990, any
     5  new county probation officers funded
     6  from this appropriation shall
     7  specialize in drug and alcohol
     8  probation cases.
     9             State appropriation........                16,086,000
    10     Section 235.  Pennsylvania Public
    11  Television Network Commission.--The
    12  following amounts are appropriated to
    13  the Pennsylvania Public Television
    14  Network Commission:                        Federal       State
    15     For the general government
    16  operations of the Pennsylvania Public
    17  Television Network Commission.
    18             State appropriation........                 2,842,000
    19     For public television station
    20  grants.
    21             State appropriation........                 7,971,000
    22     Section 236.  Pennsylvania
    23  Securities Commission.--The following
    24  amounts are appropriated to the
    25  Pennsylvania Securities Commission:        Federal       State
    26     For general government operations
    27  of the Pennsylvania Securities
    28  Commission.
    29             State appropriation........                 3,178,000
    30     Section 237.  State Employees'
    19890H1466B1720                 - 152 -

     1  Retirement System.--The following
     2  amounts are appropriated to the State
     3  Employees' Retirement System:              Federal       State
     4     For payment of the employer's
     5  contribution on behalf of members of
     6  the National Guard.
     7             State appropriation........                   679,000
     8     Section 238.  State Tax
     9  Equalization Board.--The following
    10  amounts are appropriated to the State
    11  Tax Equalization Board:                    Federal       State
    12     For general government operations
    13  of the State Tax Equalization Board.
    14             State appropriation........                 1,155,000
    15     Section 239.  Pennsylvania Crime
    16  Commission.--The following amounts are
    17  appropriated to the Pennsylvania Crime
    18  Commission:                                Federal       State
    19     For general government operations
    20  of the Pennsylvania Crime Commission.
    21             State appropriation........                 2,536,000
    22     For a decade report on organized
    23  crime.
    24             State appropriation........                   147,000
    25     Section 240.  State Ethics
    26  Commission.--The following amounts are
    27  appropriated to the State Ethics
    28  Commission:                                Federal       State
    29     For the salaries, wages and all
    30  necessary expenses for the work of the
    19890H1466B1720                 - 153 -

     1  State Ethics Commission.
     2             State appropriation........                   810,000
     3                             SUBPART B
     4                       LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT
     5     Section 251.  Senate.--The
     6  following amounts are appropriated to
     7  the Senate:                                Federal       State
     8     For the salaries, wages and all
     9  necessary expenses for the following
    10  purposes:
    11     Salaries of Senators.
    12             State appropriation........                 3,300,000
    13     Salaries of employees of the
    14  President of the Senate.
    15             State appropriation........                   153,000
    16     Salaries and wages of employees of
    17  the Chief Clerk and all necessary
    18  expenses to be allocated and disbursed
    19  at the direction of the President pro
    20  tempore.
    21             State appropriation........                 2,950,000
    22     Salaries, wages and expenses of
    23  employees of the Senate to be
    24  disbursed at the direction of the
    25  President pro tempore.
    26             State appropriation........                 4,450,000
    27     Incidental expenses for payment of
    28  maintenance and other expenses of the
    29  Senate.
    30             State appropriation........                 1,300,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 154 -

     1     For payment of postage for the
     2  Chief Clerk and Legislative Journal.
     3             State appropriation........                   260,000
     4     The above appropriations for
     5  postage and for incidental expenses
     6  shall be paid prior to the payment of
     7  such expenses on warrant of the State
     8  Treasurer in favor of the Chief Clerk
     9  upon the presentation of requisitions
    10  for the same: Provided, That the total
    11  amount of requisitions for
    12  advancements, less the total amount of
    13  expenditures made as certified by such
    14  officer to the State Treasurer, shall
    15  not exceed the amount of the bond of
    16  the officer having control of the
    17  disbursement from the funds advanced.
    18  Contingent expenses:
    19     President.
    20             State appropriation........                     5,000
    21     President pro tempore.
    22             State appropriation........                    20,000
    23     Floor Leader (R).
    24             State appropriation........                     6,000
    25     Floor Leader (D).
    26             State appropriation........                     6,000
    27     Whip (R).
    28             State appropriation........                     4,000
    29     Whip (D).
    30             State appropriation........                     4,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 155 -

     1     Chairman of the Caucus (R).
     2             State appropriation........                     3,000
     3     Chairman of the Caucus (D).
     4             State appropriation........                     3,000
     5     Secretary of the Caucus (R).
     6             State appropriation........                     3,000
     7     Secretary of the Caucus (D).
     8             State appropriation........                     3,000
     9     Chairman of the Appropriations
    10  Committee (R).
    11             State appropriation........                     6,000
    12     Chairman of the Appropriations
    13  Committee (D).
    14             State appropriation........                     6,000
    15     Chairman of the Policy Committee
    16  (R).
    17             State appropriation........                     2,000
    18     Chairman of the Policy Committee
    19  (D).
    20             State appropriation........                     2,000
    21     Caucus Administrator (R).
    22             State appropriation........                     2,000
    23     Caucus Administrator (D).
    24             State appropriation........                     2,000
    25     Upon presentation of requisitions
    26  for contingent expenses, such shall be
    27  paid on warrant of the State Treasurer
    28  directly to and in favor of the
    29  persons designated in such requisition
    30  as entitled to receive such
    19890H1466B1720                 - 156 -

     1  compensation or expenses.
     2  Miscellaneous expenses:
     3     Mileage and Expenses, Senators: In
     4  addition to annual reimbursement for
     5  expenses authorized by law for each
     6  member of the Senate, each member
     7  shall be entitled to reimbursement for
     8  actual expenses, not exceeding the sum
     9  of $2,500 annually, incurred for
    10  lodging and meals while away from home
    11  on official legislative business,
    12  official postage and all other
    13  expenses incidental to legislative
    14  duties.
    15             State appropriation........                 1,100,000
    16     Legislative printing and expenses,
    17  including furniture, equipment,
    18  renovations and other expenses.
    19             State appropriation........                 6,575,000
    20     Upon presentation of requisitions
    21  by the Chief Clerk against the
    22  appropriations for legislative
    23  printing and expenses for expenses,
    24  such shall be paid on warrant of the
    25  State Treasurer directly to and in
    26  favor of the persons designated in
    27  such requisitions as entitled to
    28  receive such expenses.
    29     For the payment of the expenses of
    30  the Committee on Appropriations (R)
    19890H1466B1720                 - 157 -

     1  for investigating schools, colleges,
     2  universities, correctional
     3  institutions, mental hospitals,
     4  medical and surgical hospitals, homes
     5  and other institutions and agencies
     6  supported, in whole or in part, by
     7  appropriations from the State Treasury
     8  in analyzing reports, expenditures and
     9  the general operation and
    10  administration of the institutions and
    11  agencies, in examining and analyzing
    12  requests of the same and of the
    13  various departments, boards and
    14  commissions of the Commonwealth, and
    15  for the collection of data from other
    16  states, attending seminars and
    17  conferences, and in cooperating and
    18  exchanging information with
    19  legislative budget and financial
    20  committees of other states, and for
    21  the necessary clerical assistance and
    22  other assistance, travel expenses and
    23  all other expenses deemed necessary by
    24  the chairman in compiling data and
    25  information connected with the work of
    26  the Senate in compiling comparative
    27  costs and other fiscal data and
    28  information for the use of the
    29  committee and the Senate during
    30  legislative sessions and during the
    19890H1466B1720                 - 158 -

     1  interim between legislative sessions
     2  to the discharge of such duties. The
     3  committee shall have the authority to
     4  examine and inspect all properties,
     5  equipment, facilities, files, records
     6  and accounts of any State office,
     7  department, institution, board,
     8  committee, commission or agency or any
     9  institution or agency supported, in
    10  whole or in part, by appropriation
    11  from the State Treasury and to
    12  administer oaths. The Committee on
    13  Appropriations may issue subpoenas
    14  under the hand and seal of the
    15  chairman to compel the attendance of
    16  witnesses and the production of any
    17  papers, books, accounts, documents and
    18  testimony touching matters properly
    19  being inquired into by the committee
    20  and to cause the deposition of
    21  witnesses either residing within or
    22  without the State to be taken in the
    23  manner prescribed by law for taking
    24  depositions in civil actions. Upon
    25  presentation of requisitions by the
    26  Chief Clerk for such compensation or
    27  expenses, such shall be paid on
    28  warrant of the State Treasurer
    29  directly to and in favor of the
    30  persons designated in such requisition
    19890H1466B1720                 - 159 -

     1  as entitled to receive such
     2  compensation or expenses.
     3             State appropriation........                 1,028,000
     4     For the payment of the expenses of
     5  the Committee on Appropriations (D),
     6  designated by a majority vote of the
     7  Minority Party Senate Caucus (D), for
     8  investigating schools, colleges,
     9  universities, correctional
    10  institutions, mental hospitals,
    11  medical and surgical hospitals, homes
    12  and other institutions and agencies
    13  supported, in whole or in part, by
    14  appropriations from the State Treasury
    15  in analyzing reports, expenditures,
    16  and the general operation and
    17  administration of the institutions and
    18  agencies, in examining and analyzing
    19  requests of the same and of the
    20  various departments, boards and
    21  commissions of the Commonwealth, and
    22  for the collection of data from other
    23  states, attending seminars and
    24  conferences, and in cooperating and
    25  exchanging information with
    26  legislative budget and financial
    27  committees of other states, and for
    28  the necessary clerical assistance and
    29  other assistance, travel expenses and
    30  all other expenses deemed necessary by
    19890H1466B1720                 - 160 -

     1  the chairman in compiling data and
     2  information connected with the work of
     3  the committee in compiling comparative
     4  cost and other fiscal data and
     5  information for the use of the
     6  committee and the Senate during
     7  legislative sessions and during the
     8  interim between legislative sessions
     9  to the discharge of such duties. Upon
    10  presentation of requisitions by the
    11  Chief Clerk for such compensation or
    12  expenses, such shall be paid on
    13  warrant of the State Treasurer
    14  directly to and in favor of the
    15  persons designated in such requisition
    16  as entitled to receive such
    17  compensation or expenses.
    18             State appropriation........                 1,028,000
    19     For the Leadership Operations
    20  Account (R) for payment of salaries,
    21  wages and all other incidental
    22  expenses incurred in hiring personnel
    23  and staff for services which, in the
    24  opinion of the Floor Leader (R), may
    25  be required or arise during
    26  legislative sessions and during the
    27  interim between legislative sessions
    28  and for the payment of all other
    29  expenses related to the performance of
    30  Senate duties and responsibilities.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 161 -

     1  Upon presentation of requisitions by
     2  the Chief Clerk for such compensation
     3  or expenses, such shall be paid on
     4  warrant of the State Treasurer
     5  directly to and in favor of the
     6  persons designated in such requisition
     7  as entitled to receive such
     8  compensation or expenses.
     9             State appropriation........                 4,650,000
    10     For the Leadership Operations
    11  Account (D) for payment of salaries,
    12  wages and all other incidental
    13  expenses incurred in hiring personnel
    14  and staff for services which, in the
    15  opinion of the Floor Leader (D), may
    16  be required or arise during
    17  legislative sessions and during the
    18  interim between legislative sessions
    19  and for the payment of all other
    20  expenses related to the performance of
    21  Senate duties and responsibilities.
    22  Upon presentation of requisitions by
    23  the Chief Clerk for such compensation
    24  or expenses, such shall be paid on
    25  warrant of the State Treasurer
    26  directly to and in favor of the
    27  persons designated in such requisition
    28  as entitled to receive such
    29  compensation or expenses.
    30             State appropriation........                 4,650,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 162 -

     1     For allocation in such amounts as
     2  may be designated by the Legislative
     3  Management Committee (R) to the
     4  several standing committees (other
     5  than the Committee on Appropriations)
     6  for payment of compensation of
     7  counsel, research assistants and other
     8  staff personnel hired to assist the
     9  members (R) of the Senate or its
    10  standing committees and for other
    11  necessary Senate expenses incurred.
    12  Upon presentation of requisitions by
    13  the Chief Clerk for such compensation
    14  or expenses, such shall be paid on
    15  warrant of the State Treasurer
    16  directly to and in favor of the
    17  persons designated in such requisition
    18  as entitled to receive such
    19  compensation or expenses.
    20             State appropriation........                 3,600,000
    21     For allocation in such amounts as
    22  may be designated by the Legislative
    23  Management Committee (D) to the
    24  several standing committees (other
    25  than the Committee on Appropriations)
    26  for payment of compensation of
    27  counsel, research assistants and other
    28  staff personnel to assist the members
    29  (D) of the Senate or its standing
    30  committees and for other necessary
    19890H1466B1720                 - 163 -

     1  Senate expenses incurred. Upon
     2  presentation of requisitions by the
     3  Chief Clerk for such compensation or
     4  expenses, such shall be paid on
     5  warrant of the State Treasurer
     6  directly to and in favor of the
     7  persons designated in such
     8  requisitions as entitled to receive
     9  such compensation or expenses.
    10             State appropriation........                 3,600,000
    11     All appropriations made in this act
    12  or in any other fiscal year to any
    13  account of the Senate, except for the
    14  Committee on Appropriations (D) or the
    15  Committee on Appropriations (R)
    16  accounts, remaining unexpended and
    17  unencumbered on the effective date of
    18  this part, may be transferred by the
    19  Committee on Management Operations, by
    20  a vote of two-thirds of its members,
    21  in its discretion, to such Senate
    22  accounts as the committee deems
    23  necessary. Such power to transfer
    24  appropriations shall be limited to the
    25  1989-1990 fiscal year.
    26     Section 252.  House of
    27  Representatives.--The following
    28  amounts are appropriated to the House
    29  of Representatives:                        Federal       State
    30     For the salaries, wages and all
    19890H1466B1720                 - 164 -

     1  necessary expenses for the following
     2  purposes:
     3     Salaries of Representatives and
     4  extra compensation to the Speaker of
     5  the House of Representatives.
     6             State appropriation........                13,627,000
     7  Salaries:
     8     House employees (D).
     9             State appropriation........                 6,122,000
    10     House employees (R).
    11             State appropriation........                 6,122,000
    12     For the operation of the Speaker's
    13  Office.
    14             State appropriation........                   640,000
    15     Bipartisan Management Committee;
    16  Chief Clerk and Comptroller.
    17             State appropriation........                 7,168,000
    18  Mileage:
    19     Representatives, Officers and
    20  Employees.
    21             State appropriation........                   554,000
    22  Postage:
    23     Chief Clerk and Legislative
    24  Journal.
    25             State appropriation........                   525,000
    26  Contingent Expenses:
    27     Speaker.
    28             State appropriation........                    20,000
    29     Chief Clerk.
    30             State appropriation........                   390,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 165 -

     1     Floor Leader (D).
     2             State appropriation........                     6,000
     3     Floor Leader (R).
     4             State appropriation........                     6,000
     5     Whip (D).
     6             State appropriation........                     4,000
     7     Whip (R).
     8             State appropriation........                     4,000
     9     Chairman of the Caucus (D).
    10             State appropriation........                     3,000
    11     Chairman of the Caucus (R).
    12             State appropriation........                     3,000
    13     Secretary of the Caucus (D).
    14             State appropriation........                     3,000
    15     Secretary of the Caucus (R).
    16             State appropriation........                     3,000
    17     Chairman of the Appropriations
    18  Committee (D).
    19             State appropriation........                     6,000
    20     Chairman of the Appropriations
    21  Committee (R).
    22             State appropriation........                     6,000
    23     Chairman of the Policy Committee
    24  (D).
    25             State appropriation........                     2,000
    26     Chairman of the Policy Committee
    27  (R).
    28             State appropriation........                     2,000
    29     Caucus Administrator (D).
    30             State appropriation........                     2,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 166 -

     1     Caucus Administrator (R).
     2             State appropriation........                     2,000
     3     Administrator for Staff (D).
     4             State appropriation........                    20,000
     5     Administrator for Staff (R).
     6             State appropriation........                    20,000
     7     The above appropriations for
     8  postage and for contingent expenses
     9  shall be paid prior to the payment of
    10  such expenses on warrant of the State
    11  Treasurer in favor of the officers
    12  above named upon the presentation of
    13  their requisitions for the same:
    14  Provided, That the total amount of
    15  requisitions for advancements, less
    16  the total amount of expenditures made
    17  as certified by such officers to the
    18  State Treasurer, shall not exceed the
    19  amount of the bond of the officer
    20  having control of the disbursement
    21  from the funds advanced.
    22  Miscellaneous Expenses:
    23     Legislative Office for Research
    24  Liaison.
    25             State appropriation........                   410,000
    26     Incidental expenses.
    27             State appropriation........                 6,300,000
    28     Expenses - Representatives: In
    29  addition to annual reimbursement for
    30  expenses heretofore authorized by law
    19890H1466B1720                 - 167 -

     1  for each member of the House of
     2  Representatives, each member shall be
     3  entitled to reimbursement for actual
     4  expenses, not exceeding the sum of
     5  $2,500 annually, incurred for lodging
     6  and meals while away from home on
     7  official legislative business,
     8  official postage, staff and all other
     9  expenses incidental to legislative
    10  duties.
    11             State appropriation........                 2,030,000
    12     Legislative printing and expenses.
    13             State appropriation........                11,000,000
    14     Members' home office expenses.
    15             State appropriation........                 2,030,000
    16     Attending National Legislative
    17  Conference - Expenses.
    18             State appropriation........                   300,000
    19     The above appropriations for
    20  attending National Legislative
    21  Conference meetings and for attending
    22  meetings of the Council of State
    23  Governments shall be paid to the Chief
    24  Clerk of the House in the same manner
    25  and under the same conditions as the
    26  appropriations for postage and
    27  contingent expenses above.
    28     For the payment of the expenses of
    29  the Committee on Appropriations (D) of
    30  the House of Representatives in
    19890H1466B1720                 - 168 -

     1  investigating schools, colleges,
     2  universities, correctional
     3  institutions, mental hospitals,
     4  medical and surgical hospitals, homes
     5  and other institutions and agencies
     6  supported, in whole or in part, by
     7  appropriations from the State Treasury
     8  in analyzing reports, expenditures and
     9  the general operation and
    10  administration of the institutions and
    11  agencies in examining and analyzing
    12  requests of the same and of the
    13  various departments, boards and
    14  commissions of the Commonwealth, and
    15  for the collection of data from other
    16  states, attending seminars and
    17  conferences, and in cooperating and
    18  exchanging information with
    19  legislative budget and financial
    20  committees of other states, and any
    21  office expenses necessary to serve the
    22  committee and its chairman, and for
    23  the necessary clerical assistance and
    24  other assistance, travel expenses and
    25  all other expenses deemed necessary by
    26  the chairman in compiling data and
    27  information connected with the work of
    28  the committee in compiling comparative
    29  cost and other fiscal data and
    30  information for the use of the
    19890H1466B1720                 - 169 -

     1  committee and the House of
     2  Representatives during legislative
     3  sessions and during the interim
     4  between legislative sessions to the
     5  discharge of such duties. The
     6  committee shall have the authority to
     7  examine and inspect all properties,
     8  equipment, facilities, files, records
     9  and accounts of any State office,
    10  department, institution, board,
    11  committee, commission or agency or any
    12  institution or agency supported, in
    13  whole or in part, by appropriation
    14  from the State Treasury and to
    15  administer oaths. The sum appropriated
    16  shall be paid on warrant of the State
    17  Treasurer in favor of the chairman of
    18  the committee on the presentation of
    19  his requisition for the same. The
    20  Chairman of the Committee on
    21  Appropriations (D) shall, not later
    22  than 30 days after the termination of
    23  his term of office or until his
    24  successor is elected and also within
    25  30 days after the adjournment of any
    26  regular or special session, file an
    27  account, together with supporting
    28  documents whenever possible, in the
    29  office of the Committee on
    30  Appropriations, of the committee's
    19890H1466B1720                 - 170 -

     1  expenses since the filing of the prior
     2  account.
     3             State appropriation........                 1,210,000
     4     For the payment of the expenses of
     5  one member of the Committee on
     6  Appropriations (R) of the House of
     7  Representatives, designated by a
     8  majority vote of the House of
     9  Representatives Caucus (R), for
    10  investigating schools, colleges,
    11  universities, correctional
    12  institutions, mental hospitals,
    13  medical and surgical hospitals, homes
    14  and other institutions and agencies
    15  supported, in whole or in part, by
    16  appropriations from the State Treasury
    17  in analyzing reports, expenditures,
    18  and the general operation and
    19  administration of the institutions and
    20  agencies in examining and analyzing
    21  requests of the same and of the
    22  various departments, boards and
    23  commissions of the Commonwealth and
    24  for the collection of data from other
    25  states, attending seminars and
    26  conferences, and in cooperating and
    27  exchanging information with
    28  legislative budget and financial
    29  committees of other states, and any
    30  office expenses necessary to serve the
    19890H1466B1720                 - 171 -

     1  committee and its chairman, and for
     2  the necessary clerical assistance, and
     3  other assistance, travel expenses and
     4  all other expenses deemed necessary by
     5  the chairman in compiling data and
     6  information connected with the work of
     7  the committee in compiling comparative
     8  cost and other fiscal data and
     9  information for the use of the
    10  committee and the House of
    11  Representatives during legislative
    12  sessions and during the interim
    13  between legislative sessions to the
    14  discharge of such duties. The sum
    15  appropriated shall be paid on warrant
    16  of the State Treasurer in favor of the
    17  member so designated by the majority
    18  vote of the House of Representatives
    19  Caucus (R) on the presentation of his
    20  requisition for the same. Such member
    21  so designated shall, not later than 30
    22  days after the termination of his term
    23  of office or until his successor is
    24  elected and also within 30 days after
    25  the adjournment of any regular or
    26  special session, file an account,
    27  together with supporting documents
    28  whenever possible, in the office of
    29  the Committee on Appropriations (R) of
    30  the House of Representatives, of his
    19890H1466B1720                 - 172 -

     1  expenses since the filing of the prior
     2  account.
     3             State appropriation........                 1,210,000
     4     The Committee on Appropriations may
     5  issue subpoenas under the hand and
     6  seal of the Majority Chairman to
     7  compel the attendance of witnesses and
     8  the production of any papers, books,
     9  accounts, documents and testimony
    10  touching matters properly being
    11  inquired into by the committee and to
    12  cause the deposition of witnesses
    13  either residing within or without the
    14  State to be taken in the manner
    15  prescribed by law for taking
    16  depositions in civil actions.
    17     For the payment to the Special
    18  Leadership Account (D) for payment of
    19  salaries, wages and all other
    20  incidental expenses incurred in hiring
    21  personnel and staff or for services,
    22  which, in the opinion of the Majority
    23  Leader, may be required or arise
    24  during legislative sessions and during
    25  the interim between legislative
    26  sessions and for the payment of all
    27  other expenses related to the
    28  performance of his duties and
    29  responsibilities. The sum appropriated
    30  shall be paid on warrant of the State
    19890H1466B1720                 - 173 -

     1  Treasurer in favor of the Majority
     2  Leader on the presentation of his
     3  requisition for the same. The Majority
     4  Leader shall, not later than 30 days
     5  after the termination of his term of
     6  office or until his successor is
     7  elected and also within 30 days after
     8  the adjournment of any regular or
     9  special session, file an account,
    10  together with supporting documents
    11  whenever possible, in the office of
    12  the Majority Leader, of such expenses
    13  since the filing of the prior account.
    14             State appropriation........                 4,504,000
    15     For the payment to the Special
    16  Leadership Account (R) for payment of
    17  salaries, wages and all other
    18  incidental expenses incurred in hiring
    19  personnel and staff or for services
    20  which, in the opinion of the Minority
    21  Leader, may be required or arise
    22  during legislative sessions and during
    23  the interim between legislative
    24  sessions and for the payment of all
    25  other expenses related to the
    26  performance of his duties and
    27  responsibilities. The sum appropriated
    28  shall be paid on warrant of the State
    29  Treasurer in favor of the Minority
    30  Leader on the presentation of his
    19890H1466B1720                 - 174 -

     1  requisition for the same. The Minority
     2  Leader shall, not later than 30 days
     3  after the termination of his term of
     4  office or until his successor is
     5  elected and also within 30 days after
     6  the adjournment of any regular or
     7  special session, file an account,
     8  together with supporting documents
     9  whenever possible, in the office of
    10  the Minority Leader, of such expenses
    11  since the filing of the prior account.
    12             State appropriation........                 4,504,000
    13     For allocation in such amounts as
    14  may be designated by the Legislative
    15  Management Committee (D) to the
    16  several standing committees (other
    17  than the Committee on Appropriations)
    18  of the House for payment of
    19  compensation of counsel, research
    20  assistants and other staff personnel
    21  hired and assigned to work on behalf
    22  of the chairman and the majority
    23  members of such standing committees of
    24  the House and for other necessary
    25  expenses incurred. Upon presentation
    26  of requisitions by the Chief Clerk of
    27  the House for such compensation or
    28  expenses, such shall be paid on
    29  warrant of the State Treasurer
    30  directly to and in favor of the
    19890H1466B1720                 - 175 -

     1  persons designated in such
     2  requisitions as entitled to receive
     3  such compensation or expenses. An
     4  accounting, together with supporting
     5  documents whenever possible, shall be
     6  filed in the office of the Chief Clerk
     7  of such expenses since the filing of
     8  the prior account.
     9             State appropriation........                 7,771,000
    10     For allocation in such amounts as
    11  may be designated by the Legislative
    12  Management Committee (R) to the
    13  several standing committees (other
    14  than the Committee on Appropriations)
    15  of the House for payment of
    16  compensation of counsel, research
    17  assistants and other staff personnel
    18  hired and assigned to work on behalf
    19  of the minority members of such
    20  standing committees of the House and
    21  for other necessary expenses incurred.
    22  Upon presentation of requisitions by
    23  the Chief Clerk of the House for such
    24  compensation or expenses, such shall
    25  be paid on warrant of the State
    26  Treasurer directly to and in favor of
    27  the persons designated in such
    28  requisitions as entitled to receive
    29  such compensation or expenses. An
    30  accounting, together with supporting
    19890H1466B1720                 - 176 -

     1  documents whenever possible, shall be
     2  filed in the office of the Chief Clerk
     3  of such expenses since the filing of
     4  the prior account.
     5             State appropriation........                 7,771,000
     6     All appropriations made in this act
     7  or in any other fiscal year to any
     8  account of the House of
     9  Representatives, except for the
    10  Committee on Appropriations (D) or the
    11  Committee on Appropriations (R)
    12  accounts, remaining unexpended and
    13  unencumbered on the effective date of
    14  this part, may be transferred by the
    15  Bipartisan Management Committee, in
    16  its discretion, to such House accounts
    17  as the committee deems necessary. Such
    18  power to transfer appropriations shall
    19  be limited to the 1989-1990 fiscal
    20  year.
    21     For the Commonwealth Emergency
    22  Medical System.
    23             State appropriation........                    35,000
    24     Section 253.  Legislative Reference
    25  Bureau.--The following amounts are
    26  appropriated to the Legislative
    27  Reference Bureau:                          Federal       State
    28     For the salaries, wages and all
    29  necessary expenses for the work of the
    30  Legislative Reference Bureau,
    19890H1466B1720                 - 177 -

     1  including the Documents Law Section.
     2     Advance copies of statutes and
     3  volumes of the Laws of Pennsylvania
     4  shall be printed under contracts
     5  entered into by the Legislative
     6  Reference Bureau (without the
     7  intervention of any other State agency
     8  or officer and without regard to any
     9  other statute regulating printing
    10  contracts) and distributed (without
    11  regard to any other statute regulating
    12  distribution of laws) as determined by
    13  the bureau, and moneys from sales
    14  shall be paid to the bureau or the
    15  Department of General Services, as the
    16  bureau shall determine, which shall
    17  pay the same into the State Treasury
    18  to the credit of the General Fund.
    19  Such moneys are hereby appropriated
    20  from the General Fund to the
    21  Legislative Reference Bureau for the
    22  editing, printing and distribution of
    23  such laws and related expenses.
    24             State appropriation........                 3,628,000
    25     For contingent expenses connected
    26  with the work of the Legislative
    27  Reference Bureau to be paid on
    28  warrants of the State Treasurer in
    29  favor of the director on the
    30  presentation of his requisitions for
    19890H1466B1720                 - 178 -

     1  the same. The director shall file
     2  accounting of the expenses, together
     3  with supporting documents whenever
     4  possible, in the office of the
     5  Legislative Reference Bureau.
     6             State appropriation........                    15,000
     7     For the printing of Pennsylvania
     8  Bulletin and Pennsylvania Code.
     9             State appropriation........                   389,000
    10     Section 254.  Legislative Budget
    11  and Finance Committee.--The following
    12  amounts are appropriated to the
    13  Legislative Budget and Finance
    14  Committee:                                 Federal       State
    15     For the salaries, wages and all
    16  necessary expenses for the work of the
    17  Legislative Budget and Finance
    18  Committee upon presentation of
    19  requisitions for the same from the
    20  chairman to be paid on warrants of the
    21  State Treasurer directly to and in
    22  favor of the person named in the
    23  requisitions.
    24             State appropriation........                 1,895,000
    25     Section 255.  Chief Clerks of
    26  Senate and House of Representatives.--
    27  The following amounts are appropriated
    28  to the Chief Clerks of the Senate and
    29  House of Representatives:                  Federal       State
    30     For the purchase of Pennsylvania
    19890H1466B1720                 - 179 -

     1  and National flags to be sent to
     2  residents of Pennsylvania.
     3     Chief Clerk Senate.
     4             State appropriation........                    20,000
     5     Chief Clerk House of
     6  Representatives.
     7             State appropriation........                    20,000
     8     Section 256.  Legislative Data
     9  Processing Committee.--The following
    10  amounts are appropriated to the
    11  Legislative Data Processing Committee:
    12                                             Federal       State
    13     For the operation of the
    14  Legislative Data Processing Center
    15  upon presentation of requisitions for
    16  the same from the chairman to be paid
    17  on warrants of the State Treasurer
    18  directly to and in favor of the person
    19  named in the requisitions.
    20             State appropriation........                 3,100,000
    21     Section 257.  Joint State
    22  Government Commission.--The following
    23  amounts are appropriated to the Joint
    24  State Government Commission:               Federal       State
    25     For the salaries, wages and all
    26  necessary expenses for the work of the
    27  Joint State Government Commission upon
    28  presentation of requisitions for the
    29  same from the chairman to be paid on
    30  warrants of the State Treasurer
    19890H1466B1720                 - 180 -

     1  directly to and in favor of the person
     2  named in said requisition. The
     3  chairman shall file an accounting of
     4  the expenses, together with supporting
     5  documents whenever possible, in the
     6  office of the Joint State Government
     7  Commission.
     8             State appropriation........                 1,400,000
     9     Section 258.  Local Government
    10  Commission.--The following amounts are
    11  appropriated to the Local Government
    12  Commission:                                Federal       State
    13     For the salaries, wages and all
    14  expenses necessary for the work of the
    15  Local Government Commission upon
    16  presentation of requisitions for the
    17  same from the chairman to be paid on
    18  warrants of the State Treasurer
    19  directly to and in favor of the person
    20  named in the requisitions.
    21             State appropriation........                   415,000
    22     For the compilation and
    23  distribution of various municipal
    24  codes.
    25             State appropriation........                    49,000
    26     Section 259.  Joint Legislative Air
    27  and Water Pollution Control and
    28  Conservation Committee.--The following
    29  amounts are appropriated to the Joint
    30  Legislative Air and Water Pollution
    19890H1466B1720                 - 181 -

     1  Control and Conservation Committee:        Federal       State
     2     For the salaries and expenses of
     3  the Joint Legislative Air and Water
     4  Pollution Control and Conservation
     5  Committee upon presentation of
     6  requisitions for the same from the
     7  chairman to be paid on warrants of the
     8  State Treasurer directly to and in
     9  favor of the person named in the
    10  requisitions.
    11             State appropriation........                   232,000
    12     Section 260.  Legislative Audit
    13  Advisory Commission.--The following
    14  amounts are appropriated to the
    15  Legislative Audit Advisory Commission:
    16                                             Federal       State
    17     For the salaries, wages and all
    18  expenses necessary for the work of the
    19  Legislative Audit Advisory Commission.
    20             State appropriation........                    20,000
    21     Section 261.  Independent
    22  Regulatory Review Commission.--The
    23  following amounts are appropriated to
    24  the Independent Regulatory Review
    25  Commission:                                Federal       State
    26     For the salaries, wages and all
    27  necessary expenses for the work of the
    28  Independent Regulatory Review
    29  Commission.
    30             State appropriation........                   908,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 182 -

     1     Section 262.  Capitol Preservation
     2  Committee.--The following amounts are
     3  appropriated to the Capitol
     4  Preservation Committee:                    Federal       State
     5     For the operation of the Capitol
     6  Preservation Committee. All
     7  appropriations made in this act or in
     8  any other fiscal year to the Capitol
     9  Preservation Committee for the
    10  restoration of the capital remaining
    11  unexpended and unencumbered on the
    12  effective date of this part may be
    13  expended by the committee for such
    14  restoration, including any
    15  construction, alterations, structural
    16  modifications and relocations of
    17  existing facilities and services as
    18  may be necessary or incidental to
    19  accomplish any such restoration.
    20             State appropriation........                   215,000
    21     For the restoration of the capitol
    22  and its artifacts, including support
    23  facilities and services.
    24             State appropriation........                   100,000
    25     For a colonial history of the
    26  Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
    27             State appropriation........                    60,000
    28     Section 263.  Pennsylvania
    29  Commission on Sentencing.--The
    30  following amounts are appropriated to
    19890H1466B1720                 - 183 -

     1  the Pennsylvania Commission on
     2  Sentencing:                                Federal       State
     3     For the Pennsylvania Commission on
     4  Sentencing.
     5             State appropriation........                   335,000
     6     Section 264.  Health Care Cost
     7  Containment Council.--The following
     8  amounts are appropriated to the Health
     9  Care Cost Containment Council:             Federal       State
    10     For the Health Care Cost
    11  Containment Council.
    12             State appropriation........                 4,709,000
    13     Section 265.  Center for Rural
    14  Pennsylvania.--The following amounts
    15  are appropriated to the Center for
    16  Rural Pennsylvania:                        Federal       State
    17     For the Center for Rural
    18  Pennsylvania.
    19             State appropriation........                   800,000
    20                             SUBPART C
    21                        JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT
    22     Section 281.  Supreme Court.--The
    23  following amounts are appropriated to
    24  the Supreme Court:                         Federal       State
    25     For the Supreme Court: including
    26  the salaries of the Supreme Court
    27  judges, for the office of prothonotary
    28  and for the library in the Eastern
    29  District and Western District, for the
    30  office of prothonotary in the Middle
    19890H1466B1720                 - 184 -

     1  District, for criers, tipstaves,
     2  official stenographers, court officers
     3  and the law secretary of the Chief
     4  Justice in Eastern, Middle and Western
     5  Districts and, except for employees of
     6  the Pennsylvania Board of Law
     7  Examiners, Judicial Inquiry and Review
     8  Board, Civil Procedural Rules
     9  Committee and Criminal Procedural
    10  Rules Committee, Workmen's
    11  Compensation Insurance Premiums for
    12  all other Supreme Court employees, for
    13  the office of State reporters,
    14  including the salaries and
    15  compensation of employees, including
    16  the fees for prothonotaries of the
    17  Supreme Court of the Eastern, Middle
    18  and Western Districts on assignment to
    19  judges to counties other than their
    20  own, and further including assessments
    21  for the National Center of State
    22  Courts. Senior judges working as
    23  active or senior judges a minimum of
    24  75 days in the prior calendar year are
    25  to receive health benefits. No funds
    26  from this appropriation shall be used
    27  for travel or other expenses for
    28  active judges.
    29             State appropriation........                 5,241,000
    30     For home office expenses.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 185 -

     1             State appropriation........                 1,571,000
     2     For expenses for active judges.
     3             State appropriation........                   130,000
     4     For the Civil Procedural Rules
     5  Committee.
     6             State appropriation........                   242,000
     7     For the Criminal Procedural Rules
     8  Committee.
     9             State appropriation........                   242,000
    10     For the Pennsylvania Board of Law
    11  Examiners.
    12             State appropriation........                    80,000
    13     For the Judicial Inquiry and Review
    14  Board.
    15             State appropriation........                   704,000
    16     For the Court Administrator,
    17  including the expenses of the Judicial
    18  Council of Pennsylvania and the
    19  District Justice Administrator. No
    20  funds from this appropriation shall be
    21  used for travel or other expenses for
    22  active judges. Funds from this
    23  appropriation may be used for the
    24  operation of the Pennsylvania Board of
    25  Law Examiners. All funds so spent
    26  shall be repaid in full to the
    27  administrative office of the
    28  Pennsylvania courts without interest
    29  or charges from the augmenting
    30  revenues of the Pennsylvania Board of
    19890H1466B1720                 - 186 -

     1  Law Examiners.
     2             State appropriation........                 3,539,000
     3     For district justices education.
     4             State appropriation........                   393,000
     5     Section 282.  Superior Court.--The
     6  following amounts are appropriated to
     7  the Superior Court:                        Federal       State
     8     For the salaries and expenses of
     9  the Superior Court: including the
    10  salary of the Superior Court judges,
    11  for panelization of judges program,
    12  for criers, tipstaves, official
    13  stenographers, court officers and law
    14  secretary of the president judge and
    15  Workmen's Compensation Insurance
    16  Premiums for all employees of the
    17  Superior Court, for the prothonotary's
    18  office in the Philadelphia District;
    19  including salaries and compensation
    20  for employees, including the expenses
    21  of dockets, stationery, supplies,
    22  books for the library and other costs
    23  of the Superior Court and its offices.
    24  Senior judges working as active or
    25  senior judges a minimum of 75 days in
    26  the prior calendar year are to receive
    27  health benefits. No more than $10,000
    28  from this appropriation shall be used
    29  for travel or other expenses for
    30  active judges.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 187 -

     1             State appropriation........                10,561,000
     2     For home office expenses.
     3             State appropriation........                 3,144,000
     4     For expenses for active judges.
     5             State appropriation........                   184,000
     6     Section 283.  Commonwealth Court.--
     7  The following amounts are appropriated
     8  to the Commonwealth Court:                 Federal       State
     9     For the salaries of judges, and for
    10  the salaries and expenses of
    11  employees. Senior judges working as
    12  active or senior judges a minimum of
    13  75 days in the prior calendar year are
    14  to receive health benefits. No more
    15  than $10,000 from this appropriation
    16  shall be used for travel or other
    17  expenses for active judges.
    18             State appropriation........                 6,047,000
    19     For home office expenses.
    20             State appropriation........                 1,675,000
    21     For expenses for active judges.
    22             State appropriation........                   112,000
    23     Section 284.  Courts of common
    24  pleas.--The following amounts are
    25  appropriated to the courts of common
    26  pleas:                                     Federal       State
    27     For the courts of common pleas:
    28  including the salaries and expenses of
    29  judges; including the expenses of
    30  traveling judges; including the
    19890H1466B1720                 - 188 -

     1  mileage in divided judicial districts;
     2  and the payment of a per diem salary,
     3  mileage and miscellaneous expenses to
     4  active visiting judges for the
     5  performance of their official duties.
     6  No printing, postage, telephone and
     7  supplies may be paid for from this
     8  appropriation. No expenses of any kind
     9  relating to education may be paid from
    10  this appropriation.
    11             State appropriation........                34,635,000
    12     For senior judges of the courts of
    13  common pleas. Senior judges working as
    14  active or senior judges a minimum of
    15  75 days in the prior calendar year are
    16  to receive health benefits. Senior
    17  judges shall not be assigned unless
    18  adequate funds are available in this
    19  appropriation to provide compensation.
    20  Any senior judge assigned in excess of
    21  existing funding shall be compensated
    22  from the appropriation for the Supreme
    23  Court.
    24             State appropriation........                 2,504,000
    25     For common pleas judicial
    26  education.
    27             State appropriation........                   389,000
    28     Section 285.  Community courts -
    29  district justices.--The following
    30  amounts are appropriated to the
    19890H1466B1720                 - 189 -

     1  community courts and district
     2  justices:                                  Federal       State
     3     For the salaries and expenses of
     4  community court judges and district
     5  justices. Senior judges working a
     6  minimum number of days provided by the
     7  Supreme Court are to receive health
     8  benefits. Except for those printing
     9  costs relating to 42 Pa.C.S. § 3532
    10  (relating to expenses), no other
    11  printing, postage, telephone and
    12  supplies may be paid for from this
    13  appropriation. No expenses of any kind
    14  relating to education may be paid from
    15  this appropriation.
    16             State appropriation........                27,778,000
    17     Section 286.  Philadelphia Traffic
    18  Court.--The following amounts are
    19  appropriated to the Philadelphia
    20  Traffic Court:                             Federal       State
    21     For the salaries and expenses of
    22  judges. Senior judges working as
    23  active or senior judges a minimum of
    24  75 days in the prior calendar year are
    25  to receive health benefits.
    26             State appropriation........                   383,000
    27     Section 287.  Philadelphia
    28  Municipal Court.--The following
    29  amounts are appropriated to the
    30  Philadelphia Municipal Court:              Federal       State
    19890H1466B1720                 - 190 -

     1     For the salaries and expenses of
     2  judges. Senior judges working as
     3  active or senior judges a minimum of
     4  75 days in the prior calendar year are
     5  to receive health benefits.
     6             State appropriation........                 2,713,000
     7     For law clerks.
     8             State appropriation........                    40,000
     9     Section 288.  Juror cost
    10  reimbursement.--The following amounts
    11  are appropriated for juror cost
    12  reimbursement:                             Federal       State
    13     For juror cost reimbursement for
    14  expenses prior to January 1, 1990.
    15             State appropriation........                 1,469,000
    16     Section 289.  County court
    17  administration cost reimbursement.--
    18  The following amounts are appropriated
    19  for court costs:                           Federal       State
    20     For payment to counties as
    21  reimbursement for costs incurred by
    22  counties in the administration and
    23  operation of courts of common pleas.
    24  Reimbursement shall be provided on the
    25  following basis. For each common pleas
    26  court judge authorized position,
    27  whether filled or vacant within a
    28  judicial district, $70,000 per
    29  authorized position shall be provided.
    30  Judicial districts comprising more
    19890H1466B1720                 - 191 -

     1  than one county shall be entitled to
     2  receive $70,000 per authorized common
     3  pleas court judge position; the amount
     4  payable to each county shall be
     5  determined by the proportion of the
     6  individual county's population in
     7  relation to the population of the
     8  entire judicial district. No county
     9  shall be reimbursed for costs above
    10  the actual direct costs, excluding
    11  capital outlays, incurred by them for
    12  the operation of the courts of common
    13  pleas. For the purposes of
    14  reimbursement for common pleas court
    15  judge authorized positions, no county
    16  shall receive less than 75% of the
    17  actual reimbursement for court costs
    18  provided to them from funds
    19  appropriated for the fiscal year July
    20  1, 1980, to June 30, 1981.
    21     For the purpose of determining the
    22  actual direct costs incurred by the
    23  counties in the administration and
    24  operation of the courts of common
    25  pleas, the costs as reported to the
    26  Department of Community Affairs in the
    27  county's annual audit and financial
    28  report forms under the heading "(a)
    29  Judicial," but confined to the
    30  subheading "(4184) courts, excluding
    19890H1466B1720                 - 192 -

     1  capital outlay," shall be used. If a
     2  city coterminous with a county does
     3  not report on the Department of
     4  Community Affairs' form, its figures
     5  from the same subheading, set forth in
     6  the department forms, shall be used.
     7     All payments for reimbursement
     8  shall be made to the county treasurer
     9  and, in cities of the first class
    10  coterminous with counties of the first
    11  class, to the city treasurer.
    12     In making allocations and payments
    13  hereunder, the Court Administrator of
    14  Pennsylvania shall exclude all costs
    15  which are not properly reportable
    16  under the heading herein above
    17  specified.
    18             State appropriation........                27,671,000
    19     For grants to counties for costs
    20  incurred by counties in the
    21  administration and operation of the
    22  offices of district justice, judge of
    23  traffic court or judge of municipal
    24  court. Grants shall be provided on the
    25  following basis: for each district
    26  justice, traffic court judge or
    27  municipal court judge authorized
    28  position, whether filled or vacant,
    29  $30,000 per authorized position.
    30     All grants shall be made to the
    19890H1466B1720                 - 193 -

     1  county treasurer and, in cities of the
     2  first class coterminous with counties
     3  of the first class, to the city
     4  treasurer.
     5             State appropriation........                17,010,000
     6                              PART III
     7                         STATE LOTTERY FUND
     8     Section 301.  Executive Offices.--
     9  The following amounts are appropriated
    10  to the executive offices:                  Federal       State
    11     For ridership verification and fare
    12  structure audits by comptroller
    13  operations of transit operations
    14  participating in the Older
    15  Pennsylvanians' Free Ride and Reduced
    16  Fare Programs.
    17             State appropriation........                    66,000
    18     Section 302.  Department of
    19  Aging.--The following amounts are
    20  appropriated to the Department of
    21  Aging:                                     Federal       State
    22     For general government operations
    23  of the Department of Aging.
    24             State appropriation........                 3,084,000
    25     The following Federal augmentation
    26  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
    27  necessary, are hereby specifically
    28  appropriated to supplement the sum
    29  appropriated from Commonwealth
    30  revenues for administration:
    19890H1466B1720                 - 194 -

     1     (1)  "Programs for the Aging -
     2  Title III - Administration" - To
     3  provide administrative and support
     4  systems for the operation of the
     5  Statewide aging programs.
     6             Federal appropriation......    1,653,000
     7     (2)  "Programs for the Aging -
     8  Title V - Administration" - To provide
     9  administration for a program to
    10  provide and promote useful part-time
    11  work opportunities in community
    12  service activities for low-income
    13  persons 55 years of age or older.
    14             Federal appropriation......      140,000
    15     (3)  "Medical Assistance -
    16  Preadmission Assessment
    17  Administration."
    18             Federal appropriation......       87,000
    19     For the payment of grants and for
    20  the purpose of developing, operating
    21  and purchasing services for the aged
    22  and other adults, including, but not
    23  limited to, model projects, homemaking
    24  services, community care services,
    25  audits of area agencies on aging and
    26  counseling services. No funds from
    27  this appropriation shall be used for
    28  costs of administration by the
    29  Department of Aging.
    30             State appropriation........                57,586,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 195 -

     1     The following Federal augmentation
     2  amounts, or as much thereof as may be
     3  necessary, are hereby specifically
     4  appropriated to supplement the sum
     5  appropriated from State Lottery Funds
     6  for programs for the aging:
     7     (1)  "Programs for the Aging -
     8  Title III" - For support of programs
     9  for eligible older persons through
    10  Statewide planning, area planning and
    11  social services.
    12             Federal appropriation......   40,000,000
    13     (2)  "Programs for the Aging -
    14  Nutrition" - To provide older persons
    15  with meals and appropriate supportive
    16  services.
    17             Federal appropriation......    7,500,000
    18     (3)  "Programs for the Aging -
    19  Employment - Title V" - To provide for
    20  employment of eligible older persons
    21  in community service projects.
    22             Federal appropriation......    3,815,000
    23     For transfer from the State Lottery
    24  Fund to the Pharmaceutical Assistance
    25  Fund.
    26             State appropriation........               188,000,000
    27     For payment of grants for
    28  protective services for older
    29  Pennsylvanians.
    30             State appropriation........                 4,000,000
    19890H1466B1720                 - 196 -

     1     For Penncare for older
     2  Pennsylvanians.
     3             State appropriation........                51,448,000
     4     Section 303.  Department of Public
     5  Welfare.--The following amounts are
     6  appropriated to the Department of
     7  Public Welfare:                            Federal       State
     8     For Medical Assistance - long-term
     9  care facilities for older
    10  Pennsylvanians.
    11             State appropriation........               106,000,000
    12                              PART IV
    14     Section 401.  Department of
    15  Agriculture.--The following amounts
    16  are appropriated to the Department of
    17  Agriculture:                               Federal       State
    18     For transfer to the Capital Loan
    19  Fund for the Pennag Program.
    20             State appropriation........                 1,000,000
    21     Section 402.  Department of
    22  Commerce.--The following amounts are
    23  appropriated to the Department of
    24  Commerce:                                  Federal       State
    25     For employee ownership assistance -
    26  technical assistance.
    27             State appropriation........                   500,000
    28     For Beaver Valley revitalization.
    29             State appropriation........                 1,000,000
    30     For Mon Valley revitalization.
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     1             State appropriation........                 2,000,000
     2     For Shenango Valley revitalization.
     3             State appropriation........                 1,000,000
     4     For a community economic recovery
     5  program.
     6             State appropriation........                 1,000,000
     7     For business infrastructure
     8  development.
     9             State appropriation........                23,600,000
    10     For the Capital Loan Fund.
    11             State appropriation........                 4,500,000
    12     For Industrial Resource Centers.
    13             State appropriation........                10,000,000
    14     For Lehigh Mountaintop Campus of
    15  Lehigh University.
    16             State appropriation........                 1,000,000
    17     For a Machinery and Equipment
    18  Revolving Loan Program.
    19             State appropriation........                 3,000,000
    20     Section 403.  Department of
    21  Environmental Resources.--The
    22  following amounts are appropriated to
    23  the Department of Environmental
    24  Resources:                                 Federal       State
    25     For the Pennsylvania Conservation
    26  Corps.
    27             State appropriation........                 6,000,000
    28                               PART V
    30     Section 501.  Executive Offices.--
    19890H1466B1720                 - 198 -

     1  The following amounts are appropriated
     2  to the Pennsylvania Energy Office:         Federal       State
     3     For energy conservation programs
     4  under the provisions of the Energy
     5  Conservation and Assistance Act. At
     6  least 75% of these funds must be used
     7  for those programs listed as
     8  priorities in section 7(b) of the
     9  Energy Conservation and Assistance
    10  Act.
    11             State appropriation........                10,500,000
    12     Section 502.  Department of
    13  Community Affairs.--The following
    14  amounts are appropriated to the
    15  Department of Community Affairs:           Federal       State
    16     For the Pennsylvania Supplemental
    17  Low-Income Weatherization Program
    18  established under the Energy
    19  Conservation and Assistance Act.
    20             State appropriation........                18,500,000
    21     Section 503.  Department of Public
    22  Welfare.--The following amounts are
    23  appropriated to the Department of
    24  Public Welfare:                            Federal       State
    25     For supplemental assistance under
    26  the Energy Conservation and Assistance
    27  Act.
    28             State appropriation........                20,000,000
    29                              PART VI
    19890H1466B1720                 - 199 -

     1     Section 601.  Supreme Court.--The
     2  following amounts are appropriated to
     3  the Supreme Court:                         Federal       State
     4     For the Statewide Judicial Computer
     5  System. The Supreme Court is
     6  prohibited from augmenting this amount
     7  by billings to other appropriations to
     8  the Judicial Branch for the Statewide
     9  Judicial Computer System or for any
    10  other purpose.
    11             State appropriation........                 4,700,000
    12                              PART VII
    14     Section 701.  Department of
    15  Health.--The following amounts are
    16  appropriated to the Department of
    17  Health:                                    Federal       State
    18     For emergency medical services.
    19             State appropriation........                 6,000,000
    20     For Catastrophic Medical and
    21  Rehabilitation Program.
    22             State appropriation........                 2,000,000
    23                             PART VIII
    24                       THE STATE STORES FUND
    25     Section 801.  Pennsylvania State
    26  Police.--The following amounts are
    27  appropriated to the Pennsylvania State
    28  Police:                                    Federal       State
    29     For liquor control enforcement
    30  operational expenses.
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     1             State appropriation........                13,277,000
     2                              PART IX
     3                    RESTRICTED RECEIPT ACCOUNTS
     4     Section 901.  General provisions.--The Secretary of the
     5  Budget may create the restricted receipt accounts set forth in
     6  this part for the purpose of administering Federal grants only
     7  for the purposes herein designated during the fiscal year July
     8  1, 1989, through June 30, 1990.
     9     Section 902.  Executive Offices.--The following restricted
    10  receipt accounts may be established for the Executive Offices:
    11     (1)  "Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency -
    12  Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention."
    13     (2)  "Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency -
    14  Federal Criminal Justice Assistance."
    15     (3)  "Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency -
    16  Federal Crime Victim Assistance."
    17     Section 903.  Department of Community Affairs.--The following
    18  restricted receipt account may be established for the Department
    19  of Community Affairs:
    20     (1)  "ARC Housing Revolving Loan Program" - To provide direct
    21  loans and grants to nonprofit corporations and public
    22  authorities for housing development and rehabilitation.
    23     Section 904.  Department of Education.--The following
    24  restricted receipt accounts may be established for the
    25  Department of Education:
    26     (1)  "Vocational Education Programs" - To support vocational
    27  education programs, construction of area vocational education
    28  school facilities, consumer education and compensation of
    29  students in work study programs at pilot and exemplary projects
    30  in vocational education.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 201 -

     1     (2)  "ECIA Title I - Exceptional and Educationally Deprived
     2  Children" - To provide special educational needs and related
     3  services for children in institutions for neglected and
     4  delinquent children, to provide financial assistance to local
     5  educational agencies in areas with high concentrations of low-
     6  income children, to initiate, expand or improve the educational
     7  programs for the handicapped in approved private schools, State
     8  schools or institutions operated or supported by the
     9  Commonwealth and to provide migrant children with educational
    10  experiences and services related to the educational process.
    11     (3)  "Education of the Handicapped Act - Title VI" - To
    12  establish a family center demonstration program for preschool
    13  handicapped children and disseminate techniques developed, to
    14  develop a comprehensive plan for the education of the preschool
    15  handicapped and to develop and operate resource centers.
    16     (4)  "Adult Basic Education - Federal Grants" - To encourage
    17  and expand basic education programs through 12th grade for
    18  adults 16 years and over.
    19     (5)  "Education of the Handicapped Act" - To initiate, expand
    20  or improve educational programs for handicapped children.
    21     (6)  "Food Nutrition Service" - To initiate, maintain and
    22  expand nonprofit food services programs, including the school
    23  breakfast program for children, through grants-in-aid and the
    24  purchase of equipment.
    25     (7)  "Library Services and Construction Act - Titles I, II
    26  and III - Library Expansion Services" - For matching payments to
    27  local libraries and for expanding library services.
    28     (8)  "Library Services and Construction Act - Jobs Bill" - To
    29  provide funds to carry out renovation and construction projects.
    30     (9)  "Penn State University Federal Aid" - For payment of
    19890H1466B1720                 - 202 -

     1  Federal aid to land-grant colleges.
     2     (10)  "Transition Program for Refugee Children" - To provide
     3  special educational services to eligible refugee children.
     4     (11)  "Emergency Immigration Education Assistance" - To
     5  provide financial assistance for educational services for
     6  immigrant children.
     7     (12)  "Mathematics and Science Teacher Training/Retraining
     8  Program" - To provide a program to improve skills of teachers in
     9  mathematics, science, foreign language and computer learning.
    10     (13)  "Removal of Architectural Barriers" - To fund removal
    11  of architectural barriers to handicapped students.
    12     (14)  "Education of the Handicapped - Part D" - For training
    13  personnel for the education of the handicapped.
    14     (15)  "Byrd Scholarships" - For the Robert C. Byrd Honors
    15  Scholarship program to promote student excellence and
    16  achievement and to recognize exceptionally able students who
    17  show promise of continued excellence.
    18     (16)  "Migrant Education Clearing House."
    19     (17)  "Homeless Adult Assistance Program."
    20     Section 905.  Department of Environmental Resources.--The
    21  following restricted receipt accounts may be established for the
    22  Department of Environmental Resources:
    23     (1)  "Federal Water Resources Planning Act" - To be used for
    24  conservation, development and utilization of water and related
    25  land resources, including, but not limited to, development of a
    26  State Water Plan, increasing State participation in such
    27  planning and participation in river basin commissions.
    28     (2)  "Federal Aid to Volunteer Fire Companies" - For deposit
    29  of Federal funds received in accordance with Title IV of the
    30  Rural Development Act of 1972.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 203 -

     1     (3)  "Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Act" - For
     2  deposit of Federal funds received from the Heritage Conservation
     3  and Recreation Services for outdoor recreation.
     4     (4)  "National Forest Reserve Allotment" - For payment of
     5  funds to those counties in which national forests are located.
     6     (5)  "Flood Control Payments" - To be used to defray county
     7  expenses.
     8     (6)  "Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Act -
     9  Environmental Resources."
    10     (7)  "Soil and Water Conservation Act - Inventory of
    11  Programs" - To provide assistance through the states to local
    12  soil and water conservation districts to develop an inventory of
    13  long-term soil and water resources programs conducted under the
    14  United States Department of Agriculture.
    15     Section 906.  Department of Transportation.--The following
    16  restricted receipt accounts may be established for the
    17  Department of Transportation:
    18     (1)  "Capital Assistance Elderly and Handicapped Programs."
    19     (2)  "Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Assistance."
    20     (3)  "Ridesharing/Van Pool Program - Acquisition."
    21     Section 907.  Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.--The
    22  following restricted receipt accounts may be established for the
    23  Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency:
    24     (1)  "Receipts from Federal Government - Contributions for
    25  Civil Defense Supplies, Equipment and Facilities" - For Federal
    26  reimbursement for equipment, supplies and facilities.
    27     (2)  "Receipts from Federal Government - Contributions for
    28  Civil Defense Personnel and Administrative Expenses" - For
    29  payment of salaries, benefits and administrative expenses and
    30  travel of authorized State and local defense employees.
    19890H1466B1720                 - 204 -

     1     (3)  "Receipts from Federal Government - Civil Defense -
     2  Disaster Relief Assistance to State and Political Subdivision" -
     3  For assistance to State and local governments and to selected
     4  private nonprofit facilities in alleviating emergencies arising
     5  from major disasters.
     6     Section 908.  Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
     7  Commission.--The following restricted receipt accounts may be
     8  established for the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum
     9  Commission:
    10     (1)  "Federal Grant - Historical Preservation Act of 1966" -
    11  For deposit and disbursement of Federal funds per regulations of
    12  the Historical Preservation Act of 1966.
    13                               PART X
    15     Section 1001.  General Fund repository for Federal funds.--
    16  All moneys received from the Federal Government as contributions
    17  or supplements to the departments or agencies of the
    18  Commonwealth or the programs herein provided shall be paid into
    19  the General Fund.
    20     Section 1002.  Limitation on encumbering or spending Federal
    21  funds.--Federal funds shall be encumbered or spent only to the
    22  extent that such funds are estimated as being available during
    23  the fiscal year of the Commonwealth.
    24     Section 1003.  Appropriation of prior unspent Federal
    25  funds.--Any Federal money which has been previously appropriated
    26  by the General Assembly and authorized or allocated by the
    27  Federal Government but remains unspent from prior fiscal years,
    28  and will not be renewed for fiscal year 1989-1990, is hereby
    29  appropriated.
    30     Section 1004.  Subgrants between Federal fund
    19890H1466B1720                 - 205 -

     1  appropriations.--With the exception of Federal money received
     2  under JTPA and SSBG, subgrants may be made between
     3  appropriations without further approval of the General Assembly.
     4  The Secretary of the Budget shall submit a list of subgrants to
     5  the Chairmen of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees
     6  quarterly. No subgrant to a State agency, however, may be made
     7  from a restricted receipt account without a specific
     8  appropriation by the General Assembly.
     9     Section 1005.  Utilization of emergency Federal funds.--(a)
    10  Federal funds available for costs and damages resulting from
    11  natural disasters or civil disobedience may be added to an
    12  appropriation contained in this act or to funds appropriated or
    13  may be used for the purposes prescribed by the Federal
    14  Government.
    15     (b)  In addition to the moneys appropriated by this act, all
    16  moneys received from the Federal Government for the purpose of
    17  disaster assistance or relief shall be paid into the General
    18  Fund and are hereby appropriated out of the General Fund to the
    19  departments, boards, commissions or agencies designated by the
    20  Governor.
    21     (c)  In the event of any emergency situation in which the
    22  General Assembly cannot act in sufficient time, the Governor is
    23  authorized through executive authorization to provide up to
    24  $5,000,000 in Federal funds to alleviate the emergency
    25  situation.  For the purposes of this section, "emergency" is
    26  defined as any situation in which there is a chance of, or which
    27  may result in, substantial human suffering.
    28                              PART XI
    29                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    30     Section 1101.  Prior laws unaffected.--This act is not
    19890H1466B1720                 - 206 -

     1  intended to be inconsistent with or to repeal any provision of
     2  any act enacted at this or any prior session of the General
     3  Assembly regulating the purchase of supplies, the ordering of
     4  printing and binding, the purchase, maintenance and use of
     5  automobiles, the method of making payments from the State
     6  Treasury for any purpose or the functioning of any
     7  administrative department, board or commission.
     8     Section 1102.  Compliance with other law before funds
     9  available.--No appropriation made by this act to any department,
    10  board, commission or agency of the Executive Department shall be
    11  available unless and until the department, board, commission or
    12  agency has complied with sections 615 and 616 of the act of
    13  April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative
    14  Code of 1929.
    15     Section 1103.  Contracts prerequisite to encumbering or
    16  committing funds.--Funds for the purchase of supplies, materials
    17  and equipment shall not be deemed to be committed or encumbered
    18  until contracts covering the purchase have been entered into
    19  with the vendors.
    20     Section 1104.  Minority business set-asides.--(a)  Each
    21  department or other instrumentality of the Commonwealth listed
    22  in Subpart A of Part II, authorized to contract for buildings,
    23  highways, commodities, equipment, supplies or services, shall
    24  report to the General Assembly all information pertinent to
    25  anticipated procurement needs at the beginning of each fiscal
    26  year and each fiscal quarter thereafter.
    27     (b)  As used in this section, the term "minority business"
    28  means a minority business enterprise as defined in the act of
    29  July 22, 1974 (P.L.598, No.206), known as the Pennsylvania
    30  Minority Business Development Authority Act.
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     1     Section 1105.  Appropriation of funds from miscellaneous
     2  sources.--(a)  In addition to the amounts appropriated by this
     3  act, moneys received in payment for food and household supplies
     4  furnished to employees and other persons, except inmates, by an
     5  institution, and moneys received from the proceeds from the sale
     6  of any products of the soil, meats, livestock, timber or other
     7  materials sold by the department shall be paid into the General
     8  Fund and are hereby appropriated out of the General Fund to the
     9  several respective institutions for the operation and
    10  maintenance of the institutions.
    11     (b)  In addition to the amounts appropriated by this act, all
    12  moneys received from any other source, except the Federal
    13  Government, as contributions for the programs provided herein or
    14  as payment for services or materials furnished by one
    15  institution to another, except those collections designated as
    16  revenues, shall be paid into the General Fund and are hereby
    17  appropriated out of the General Fund for the purposes of the
    18  respective appropriations.
    19     (c)  In addition to any funds specifically appropriated by
    20  this act, all moneys received by a department or agency of the
    21  Commonwealth from any other sources, except the Federal
    22  Government, as contributions or supplements to the department or
    23  agency for a program or administration of an act included in
    24  this act shall be paid into the General Fund and credited to the
    25  appropriation for that program or administration of the act.
    26     Section 1106.  Lapsing of unused funds.--(a)  Except as
    27  otherwise provided by law or in subsections (b), (c), (d), (e),
    28  (f), (g), (h) and (i), that part of all appropriations in Parts
    29  II, III, IV, V, VI and VII unexpended, uncommitted or
    30  unencumbered as of June 30, 1990, shall automatically lapse as
    19890H1466B1720                 - 208 -

     1  of that date.
     2     (b)  (1)  The appropriation in Part II to the Department of
     3  Community Affairs for housing and redevelopment assistance shall
     4  be a two-year continuing appropriation.
     5     (2)  The appropriation in Part II to the Department of
     6  Community Affairs for enterprise development shall be a two-year
     7  continuing appropriation.
     8     (c)  The appropriations in Part II to the Department of
     9  Environmental Resources for the Chesapeake Bay Pollution
    10  Abatement Program, and the black fly control program shall be
    11  continuing appropriations.
    12     (d)  The appropriation in Part II to the Pennsylvania Higher
    13  Education Assistance Agency for loan forgiveness shall be a two-
    14  year continuing appropriation.
    15     (e)  The appropriations in Part II to the Legislative
    16  Department shall be continuing appropriations.
    17     (f)  The appropriation in Part IV to the Department of
    18  Environmental Resources for the Pennsylvania Conservation Corps
    19  shall be a two-year continuing appropriation.
    20     (g)  The appropriations in Part IV to the Department of
    21  Commerce for business infrastructure development and industrial
    22  resource centers shall be two-year continuing appropriations.
    23     (h)  The appropriation in Part V to the Pennsylvania Energy
    24  Office shall be a two-year continuing appropriation.
    25     (i)  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1106(a) of the
    26  act of June 29, 1988 (P.L.    , No.5A), known as the General
    27  Appropriation Act of 1988, the appropriation in Part II to the
    28  Department of Education for Job Training Partnership Match shall
    29  be a two-year continuing appropriation.
    30                              PART XII
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     1                           EFFECTIVE DATE
     2     Section 1201.  Effective date.--This act shall take effect
     3  July 1, 1989, or immediately, whichever is later.

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