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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1859



No. 1472 Session of 2003

           MAY 29, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), entitled "An
     2     act relating to tax reform and State taxation by codifying
     3     and enumerating certain subjects of taxation and imposing
     4     taxes thereon; providing procedures for the payment,
     5     collection, administration and enforcement thereof; providing
     6     for tax credits in certain cases; conferring powers and
     7     imposing duties upon the Department of Revenue, certain
     8     employers, fiduciaries, individuals, persons, corporations
     9     and other entities; prescribing crimes, offenses and
    10     penalties," adding definitions; and further providing for the
    11     capital stock franchise tax.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Section 601(a) of the act of March 4, 1971
    15  (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, is amended
    16  by adding definitions to read:
    17     Section 601.  Definitions and Reports.--(a)  The following
    18  words, terms and phrases when used in this Article VI shall have
    19  the meaning ascribed to them in this section, except where the
    20  context clearly indicates a different meaning:
    21     * * *

     1     "Exchange-related activities."  Include the activities:
     2     (1)  of:
     3     (i)  acting as a market maker, specialist, broker, floor
     4  broker, introducing broker, dealer, floor trader, futures
     5  commission merchant, commodity trading advisory, commodity pool
     6  operator, or foreign currency option participant or in a similar
     7  capacity that is registered with the Securities Exchange
     8  Commission, the Pennsylvania Securities Commission or the
     9  Commodity Futures Trading Commission;
    10     (ii)  otherwise dealing in, trading or hedging securities,
    11  municipal securities, commodities, futures, options, hybrid
    12  instruments, derivative security products, derivative commodity
    13  products, security futures, security futures products, foreign
    14  currencies or foreign currency derivative products; or
    15     (iii)  performing clearing or settlement functions in
    16  securities, commodities, futures, options, hybrid instruments,
    17  derivative security products, derivative commodity products,
    18  security futures, security futures products, foreign currencies
    19  or foreign currency derivative products;
    20  and
    21     (2)  on or through a national securities exchange, a
    22  registered securities association, a registered clearing agency,
    23  a foreign financial regulatory authority, a facility, a trading
    24  facility, an alternative trading system, an electronic
    25  communications network, an electronic trading facility, a
    26  designated contract market, a derivatives transaction execution
    27  facility, a derivatives clearing organization or clearing house
    28  or similar trading market or facility. The terms "market maker,"
    29  "specialist," "national securities exchange," "registered
    30  securities association," "foreign financial regulatory
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     1  authority," "facility," "registered clearing agency,"
     2  "alternative trading system," "electronic communications
     3  network," "security," "broker," "dealer," "security future" and
     4  "security futures product" shall have the same meaning as set
     5  forth under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. § 78a
     6  et seq.), as amended, and the rules promulgated thereunder. The
     7  terms "commodity," "future," "option," "hybrid instrument,"
     8  "floor broker," "introducing broker," "floor trader," "trading
     9  facility," "electronic trading facility," "futures commission
    10  merchant," "commodity trading advisor," "commodity pool
    11  operator," "designated contract market," "derivatives
    12  transaction execution facility" and "derivatives clearing
    13  organization" shall have the same meaning as set forth under the
    14  Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. § 1 et seq.), as amended, The
    15  Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board and the rules promulgated
    16  thereunder.
    17     "Exchange-related assets."  Tangible and intangible assets
    18  used in exchange-related activities. Exchange-related assets
    19  include all of the following, whether dealt, traded or used as
    20  hedges in connection with securities exchange activities:
    21  securities, municipal securities, commodities, futures, options,
    22  hybrid instruments, derivative security products, derivative
    23  commodity products, security futures, security futures products,
    24  foreign currencies, foreign currency derivative products,
    25  exchange memberships and cash and deposits to the extent such
    26  cash and deposits are used in or to support exchange-related
    27  activities. Exchange-related assets of an entity shall be deemed
    28  to include:
    29     (1)  Any exchange-related assets of any direct or indirect
    30  subsidiary of the entity.
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     1     (2)  Any receivable resulting from a loan to another entity
     2  of funds or other assets for use in exchange-related activities,
     3  to the extent that the value of such exchange-related assets is
     4  reflected in the value of assets held by the entity.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 2.  Section 602(a) of the act, amended May 24, 2000
     7  (P.L.106, No.23), is amended and the section is amended by
     8  adding a subsection to read:
     9     Section 602.  Imposition of Tax.--(a)  That every domestic
    10  entity from which a report is required under section 601 hereof
    11  shall be subject to, and pay to the department annually, a tax
    12  which is the amount computed by multiplying each dollar of the
    13  capital stock value as defined in section 601(a) by the
    14  appropriate rate of tax as set forth in subsection (h); except
    15  that any domestic entity or company subject to the tax
    16  prescribed herein may elect to compute and pay its tax under and
    17  in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b) of this
    18  section 602: Provided, That the provisions of this section shall
    19  not apply to the taxation of the capital stock of entities
    20  organized for manufacturing, processing, research or development
    21  purposes, which is invested in and actually and exclusively
    22  employed in carrying on manufacturing, processing, research or
    23  development within the State, except such entities as enjoy and
    24  exercise the right of eminent domain, but every entity organized
    25  for the purpose of manufacturing, processing, research or
    26  development except such entities as enjoy and exercise the right
    27  of eminent domain shall pay the State tax of the amount computed
    28  by multiplying each dollar of the capital stock value as defined
    29  in section 601(a) by the appropriate rate of tax as set forth in
    30  subsection (h) upon such proportion of its capital stock, if
    20030H1472B1859                  - 4 -     

     1  any, as may be invested in any property or business not strictly
     2  incident or appurtenant to the manufacturing, processing,
     3  research or development business, in addition to the local taxes
     4  assessed upon its property in the district where located, it
     5  being the object of this provision to relieve from State
     6  taxation only so much of the capital stock as is invested purely
     7  in the manufacturing, processing, research or development plant
     8  and business: [and] Provided further, That the provisions of
     9  this section shall not apply to the taxation of so much of the
    10  capital stock value attributable to student loan assets owned or
    11  held by an entity created for the securitization of student
    12  loans or by a trustee on its behalf[.]: and Provided further,
    13  That the provisions of this section shall not apply to the
    14  taxation of so much of the capital stock value of an entity
    15  attributable to exchange-related assets calculated by including
    16  exchange-related assets as assets relieved from taxation under
    17  the act of June 22, 1931 (P.L.685, No.250), entitled "An act
    18  providing for the settlement of capital stock tax in the cases
    19  of corporations, joint-stock associations, limited partnerships,
    20  and companies which own assets which are exempted or relieved
    21  from capital stock tax."
    22     * * *
    23     (b.1)  The capital stock value before apportionment of an
    24  entity subject to the capital stock or franchise tax shall not
    25  include that portion of the entity's capital stock value
    26  attributable to exchange-related assets. The portion of capital
    27  stock value attributable to exchange-related assets shall be
    28  calculated by multiplying the entity's capital stock value,
    29  otherwise determined under section 601, times the value of
    30  exchange-related assets over the value of all assets. An entity
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     1  may apportion its capital stock value after the exclusion
     2  provided hereunder, as provided by law.
     3     * * *
     4     Section 3.  This act shall apply retroactively to tax years
     5  beginning on or after January 1, 2003.
     6     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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