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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1754, 3205               PRINTER'S NO. 3704



No. 1473 Session of 1999

           MAY 10, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of February 11, 1998 (P.L.58, No.15), entitled
     2     "An act providing for the regulation of combustible and
     3     flammable liquids; allocating functions of the Department of
     4     Labor and Industry and the Pennsylvania State Police;
     5     imposing penalties; and making repeals," further providing
     6     for regulations, for notification by manufacturers of
     7     gasoline additive information, for retail service stations
     8     and for penalties.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  The act of February 11, 1998 (P.L.58, No.15),
    12  known as the Combustible and Flammable Liquids Act, is amended
    13  by adding a section to read:
    14  Section 3.1.  Notification by manufacturers of gasoline additive
    15                 information.
    16     No person who THAT distributes gasoline OR THAT OWNS OR        <--
    17  OPERATES A RETAIL SERVICE STATION may make a representation
    18  respecting the antiknock characteristics of the gasoline unless
    19  the representation discloses the minimum Antiknock Index
    20  Requirements of the fuel as adopted by the National Conference

     1  of Weights and Measures and published in Handbook 130, and
     2  supplements thereto, or in any publication revising or
     3  superseding Handbook 130. The department shall have the
     4  authority to issue a stop sale notice to a retailer who PERSON    <--
     6  SERVICE STATION IF THE PERSON is in violation of this subsection  <--
     7  SECTION.                                                          <--
     8     Section 2.  Sections 4, 7 and 11 of the act are amended to
     9  read:
    10  Section 4.  Regulations.
    11     (a)  Authority.--
    12         (1)  The department may promulgate regulations governing
    13     the possession, use, storage and sale of combustible liquids
    14     or flammable liquids. Regulations under this paragraph must
    15     be based upon generally accepted national or international
    16     standards, except that regulations providing for emergency
    17     controls, including switches, shall be based upon subsection
    18     (c).
    19         (2)  To provide standards for the storage and dispensing
    20     of compressed natural gas as a vehicular fuel in fleet and
    21     public dispensing operations, the department shall promulgate
    22     regulations which adopt the National Fire Protection
    23     Association Standard for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicular
    24     Fuel systems (NFPA 52), excluding provisions on engine fuel
    25     systems.
    26     (b)  Existing regulations.--Until modified or deleted by the
    27  department, 37 Pa. Code Chs. 11 (relating to preliminary
    28  provisions) and 13 (relating to storage and use) shall be deemed
    29  regulations of the department under this section.
    30     (c)  Emergency controls.--The department shall require
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     1  emergency controls, including a main power shut-off switch, or
     2  switches, at self-service gasoline stations. Emergency controls
     3  shall be independent of the approved special dispensing devices
     4  and control equipment. Emergency controls and switches shall be
     5  installed at an accessible location not more than 15 feet from
     6  the principal control location of the attendant and not more
     7  than 125 feet from the farthest self-service dispensing device.
     8  Use of the emergency controls, including the main power shut-off
     9  switch or switches to control the dispensing devices in other
    10  than an emergency, shall be prohibited.
    11  Section 7.  Retail service stations.
    12     (a)  Kerosene.--At a retail service station, the intake or
    13  receiving pipe opening for a kerosene storage tank shall be
    14  smaller than the nozzle on the hose used to deliver gasoline or
    15  diesel fuel into the storage tank.
    16     (b)  Self-service.--An attended self-service gasoline station
    17  may use a hold-open gasoline-dispensing nozzle if all of the
    18  following are met:
    19         (1)  The nozzle meets safety standards adopted by
    20     regulation of the department.
    21         (2)  A sign is posted indicating that any person, other
    22     than the attendant, who uses a hold-open gasoline-dispensing
    23     nozzle shall remain at the refueling point during the
    24     refueling operation.
    25     (c)  Portable container specifications.--In addition to
    26  established container construction requirements under 37 Pa.
    27  Code, § 11.7 (relating to container construction), portable
    28  containers used for the storage and handling of flammable and
    29  combustible liquids shall be color-coded to properly identify
    30  the contents of the container as follows:
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     1         (1)  Blue shall represent kerosene.
     2         (2)  Red shall represent gasoline.
     3  No other color may be used for portable containers as provided
     4  for in this section which are used for the storage and handling
     5  of flammable and combustible liquids. At least 75% of the
     6  surface area of the container shall be of the required color.
     7     (d)  Attended self-service station operator facilities.--It
     8  is the responsibility of the operator of the attended self-
     9  service station to familiarize attendant employees with the
    10  location and operation of the station's emergency fuel shut-off
    11  switch.
    12  Section 11.  Penalties.
    13     (a)  Initial offense.--[A] Except as provided for in
    14  subsection (c), a person that violates this act or a regulation
    15  under this act commits a summary offense and shall, upon
    16  conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $500.
    17     (b)  Subsequent offenses.--A person that, after being
    18  sentenced under subsection (a), violates this act or a
    19  regulation under this act commits a summary offense and shall,
    20  upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $1,000.
    21     (c)  Improper container.--A person who violates section 7(c)
    22  relating to portable container specifications commits a summary
    23  offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay
    24  a fine of not more than $100. The responsibility for compliance
    25  with section 7(c) shall reside exclusively with persons who use
    26  portable containers to store or handle flammable combustible
    27  liquids. The filling of such containers in connection with the
    28  sale or distribution of gasoline or kerosene shall not
    29  constitute and act of storage or handling for purposes of this
    30  section and no seller shall incur any civil liability for
    19990H1473B3704                  - 4 -

     1  failure to properly identify the contents of such containers.
     2     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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