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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1863



No. 1477 Session of 2003

           MAY 29, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 71 (State Government) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, providing service credits for campus
     3     police officers of universities of the State System of Higher
     4     Education.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  The definitions of "class of service multiplier"
     8  and "superannuation age" in section 5102 of Title 71 of the
     9  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended and the section
    10  is amended by adding a definition to read:
    11  § 5102.  Definitions.
    12     The following words and phrases as used in this part, unless
    13  a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall
    14  have the following meanings:
    15     * * *
    16     "Campus police officer."  An employee of a State System of
    17  Higher Education university who is commissioned and trained as a

     1  police officer according to section 2416 of the act of April 9,
     2  1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of
     3  1929.
     4     "Class of service multiplier."
     5  Class of Service           Multiplier
     6     A                          1
     7     AA     for all purposes
     8            except
     9            calculating regular
    10            member contributions
    11            on compensation
    12            paid prior to
    13            January 1, 2002     1.25
    14     AA     for purposes
    15            of calculating
    16            regular member
    17            contributions
    18            on compensation
    19            paid prior to
    20            January 1, 2002     1
    21     B                           .625
    22     C                          1
    23     D                          1.25
    24     D-1    prior to
    25            January 1, 1973     1.875
    26     D-1    on and
    27            subsequent to
    28            January 1, 1973     1.731
    29     D-2    prior to
    30            January 1, 1973     2.5
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     1     D-2    on and
     2            subsequent to
     3            January 1, 1973     1.731
     4     D-3    prior to
     5            January 1, 1973     3.75
     6     D-3    on and
     7            subsequent to
     8            January 1, 1973     1.731   except prior to December
     9                                        1, 1974 as applied to any
    10                                        additional legislative
    11                                        compensation as an officer
    12                                        of the General Assembly
    13                                3.75
    14     D-4    for all purposes
    15            except
    16            calculating
    17            regular member
    18            contributions
    19            on compensation
    20            paid prior to
    21            July 1, 2001        1.5
    22     D-4    for purposes of
    23            calculating
    24            regular member
    25            contributions
    26            on compensation
    27            paid prior to
    28            July 1, 2001        1
    29     E, E-1 prior to
    30            January 1, 1973     2       for each of the first ten
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     1                                        years of judicial service,
     2                                        and
     3                                1.5     for each subsequent year
     4                                        of judicial service
     5     E, E-1 on and
     6            subsequent to
     7            January 1, 1973     1.50    for each of the first
     8                                        ten years of judicial
     9                                        service and
    10                                1.125   for each subsequent year
    11                                        of judicial service
    12     E-2    prior to
    13            September 1, 1973   1.5
    14     E-2    on and
    15            subsequent to
    16            September 1, 1973   1.125
    17     G                          0.417
    18     H                          0.500
    19     I                          0.625
    20     J                          0.714
    21     K                          0.834
    22     L                          1.000
    23     M                          1.100
    24     N                          1.250
    25     P                          1
    26     T-C (Public School         1
    27         Employees'
    28         Retirement Code)
    29     * * *
    30     "Superannuation age."  Any age upon accrual of 35 eligibility
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     1  points or age 60, except for a member of the General Assembly,
     2  an enforcement officer, a correction officer, a psychiatric
     3  security aide, a Delaware River Port Authority policeman, campus
     4  police officer or an officer of the Pennsylvania State Police,
     5  age 50, and, except for a member with Class G, Class H, Class I,
     6  Class J, Class K, Class L, Class M or Class N service, age 55
     7  upon accrual of 20 eligibility points.
     8     * * *
     9     Section 2.  Sections 5303(b), 5306(a) and (b) and 5308(c) of
    10  Title 71 are amended to read:
    11  § 5303.  Retention and reinstatement of service credits.
    12     * * *
    13     (b)  Eligibility points for prospective credited service.--
    14         (1)  Every active member of the system or a multiple
    15     service member who is a school employee and a member of the
    16     Public School Employees' Retirement System on or after the
    17     effective date of this part shall receive eligibility points
    18     in accordance with section 5307 for current State service,
    19     previous State service, or creditable nonstate service upon
    20     compliance with sections 5501 (relating to regular member
    21     contributions for current service), 5504 (relating to member
    22     contributions for the purchase of credit for previous State
    23     service or to become a full coverage member), 5505 (relating
    24     to contributions for the purchase of credit for creditable
    25     nonstate service), 5505.1 (relating to additional member
    26     contributions) or 5506 (relating to incomplete payments).
    27     Subject to the limitations in sections 5306.1 (relating to
    28     election to become a Class AA member) and 5306.2 (relating to
    29     elections by members of the General Assembly), the class or
    30     classes of service in which the member may be credited for
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     1     previous State service prior to the effective date of this
     2     part shall be the class or classes in which he was or could
     3     have at any time elected to be credited for such service,
     4     provided however, that eligibility for Class P credit shall
     5     be limited in accordance with section 5306 (relating to
     6     classes of service). The class of service in which a member
     7     shall be credited for service subsequent to the effective
     8     date of this part shall be determined in accordance with
     9     section 5306 [(relating to classes of service)].
    10         (1.1)  Every active member of the system who elects to
    11     convert county service to State service pursuant to section
    12     5303.1 (relating to election to convert county service to
    13     State service) shall receive eligibility points in accordance
    14     with section 5307 for converted county service upon
    15     compliance with section 5303.1(b). The class or classes of
    16     service in which the member may be credited for converted
    17     county service shall be determined in accordance with section
    18     5306(c).
    19         (1.2)  Every member of the system who elects to convert
    20     school service to State service pursuant to section 5303.2
    21     (relating to election to convert school service to State
    22     service) shall receive eligibility points in accordance with
    23     section 5307 for converted school service. The class or
    24     classes of service in which the member may be credited for
    25     converted school service shall be determined in accordance
    26     with section 5306(d).
    27         (2)  A special vestee or person otherwise eligible to be
    28     a special vestee who returns to State service or withdraws
    29     his accumulated deductions pursuant to section 5311 (relating
    30     to eligibility for refunds) or 5701 (relating to return of
    20030H1477B1863                  - 6 -     

     1     total accumulated deductions) shall receive or retain
     2     eligibility points in accordance with paragraph (1) but upon
     3     subsequent termination of State service shall only be
     4     eligible to be an annuitant vestee or inactive member without
     5     regard to previous status as a special vestee and without
     6     regard to the provisions of this part providing for special
     7     vestees.
     8         (3)  A special vestee or person otherwise eligible to be
     9     a special vestee who becomes an active member of the Public
    10     School Employees' Retirement System and elects multiple
    11     service shall receive or retain eligibility points as
    12     otherwise provided for in this part and 24 Pa.C.S. Pt. IV
    13     (relating to retirement for school employees) but upon
    14     subsequent termination of school service shall only be
    15     eligible to be an annuitant, vestee or inactive member as
    16     otherwise eligible as a multiple service member without
    17     regard to previous status as a special vestee and without
    18     regard to the provisions of this part providing for special
    19     vestees.
    20     * * *
    21  § 5306.  Classes of service.
    22     (a)  Class A membership.--A State employee, other than a
    23  campus police officer, who is a member of Class A on the
    24  effective date of this part or who becomes a member of the
    25  system subsequent to the effective date of this part shall be
    26  classified as a Class A member and receive credit for Class A
    27  service upon payment of regular and additional member
    28  contributions for Class A service, provided that the State
    29  employee does not become a member of Class AA pursuant to
    30  subsection (a.1) or a member of Class D-4 pursuant to subsection
    20030H1477B1863                  - 7 -     

     1  (a.2).
     2     * * *
     3     (b)  Other class membership.--
     4         (1)  A State employee who is a member of a class of
     5     service other than Class A on the effective date of this part
     6     shall retain his membership in that class until such service
     7     is discontinued; any service other than service as a campus
     8     police officer thereafter shall be credited as Class A
     9     service, Class AA service or Class D-4 service as provided
    10     for in this section.
    11         (2)  A campus police officer shall be classified as a
    12     Class P member and any service performed as a campus police
    13     officer on or after the effective date of this paragraph
    14     shall be credited as Class P service, provided however, that
    15     an active member or inactive member on leave without pay who
    16     is a campus police officer on the effective date of this
    17     paragraph shall have all service as a campus police officer
    18     credited as Class P service, including service as a campus
    19     police officer previously credited as Class A service, and
    20     further provided that any service of a member that is
    21     credited as Class P service shall be credited as Class A
    22     service if the member is an officer of the Pennsylvania State
    23     Police on or after July 1, 1989.
    24     * * *
    25  § 5308.  Eligibility for annuities.
    26     * * *
    27     (c)  Disability annuity.--An active member or inactive member
    28  on leave without pay who has credit for at least five years of
    29  service or any active member or inactive member on leave without
    30  pay who is an officer of the Pennsylvania State Police, a campus
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     1  police officer or an enforcement officer shall, upon compliance
     2  with section 5907(k), be entitled to a disability annuity if he
     3  becomes mentally or physically incapable of continuing to
     4  perform the duties for which he is employed and qualifies in
     5  accordance with the provisions of section 5905(c)(1) (relating
     6  to duties of the board regarding applications and elections of
     7  members).
     8     Section 3.  Section 5508 of Title 71 is amended by adding a
     9  subsection to read:
    10  § 5508.  Actuarial cost method.
    11     * * *
    12     (h)  Determination of liability for Class P service.--
    13  Notwithstanding any other provision of this part or other law,
    14  the total addition accrued actuarial liability resulting from
    15  Class P service performed before the effective date of this
    16  subsection shall be determined by the actuary as part of the
    17  first annual valuation made after the effective date of this
    18  subsection. The resulting additional accrued actuarial liability
    19  shall be paid by the State System of Higher Education in annual
    20  payments over a period of 20 years from the first day of July,
    21  coincident with or next following the first valuation made after
    22  the effective date of this subsection. The amount of each annual
    23  accrued liability contribution for Class P service shall be 5%
    24  greater than the amount of such contribution for the previous
    25  fiscal year.
    26     Section 4.  Sections 5702(a) and 5902(k) of Title 71 are
    27  amended to read:
    28  § 5702.  Maximum single life annuity.
    29     (a)  General rule.--Any full coverage member who is eligible
    30  to receive an annuity pursuant to the provisions of section
    20030H1477B1863                  - 9 -     

     1  5308(a) or (b) (relating to eligibility for annuities) who
     2  terminates State service, or if a multiple service member who is
     3  a school employee who is an active member of the Public School
     4  Employees' Retirement System who terminates school service,
     5  before attaining age 70 shall be entitled to receive a maximum
     6  single life annuity attributable to his credited service and
     7  equal to the sum of the following single life annuities
     8  beginning at the effective date of retirement:
     9         (1)  A standard single life annuity multiplied by the sum
    10     of the products, determined separately for each class of
    11     service, obtained by multiplying the appropriate class of
    12     service multiplier by the ratio of years of service credited
    13     in that class to the total credited service. In case the
    14     member on the effective date of retirement is under
    15     superannuation age for any service, a reduction factor
    16     calculated to provide benefits actuarially equivalent to an
    17     annuity starting at superannuation age shall be applied to
    18     the product determined for that service. The class of service
    19     multiplier for any period of concurrent service shall be
    20     multiplied by the proportion of total State and school
    21     compensation during such period attributable to State
    22     service. In the event a member has two multipliers for one
    23     class of service the class of service multiplier to be used
    24     for calculating benefits for that class shall be the average
    25     of the two multipliers weighted by the proportion of
    26     compensation attributable to each multiplier during the three
    27     years of highest annual compensation in that class of
    28     service: Provided, That in the case of a member of Class E-1,
    29     a portion but not all of whose three years of highest annual
    30     judicial compensation is prior to January 1, 1973, two class
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     1     of service multipliers shall be calculated on the basis of
     2     his entire judicial service, the one applying the judicial
     3     class of service multipliers effective prior to January 1,
     4     1973 and the second applying the class of service multipliers
     5     effective subsequent to January 1, 1973. The average class of
     6     service multiplier to be used for calculating benefits for
     7     his judicial service shall be the average of the two
     8     calculated multipliers weighted by the proportion of
     9     compensation attributable to each of the calculated
    10     multipliers during the three years of highest annual
    11     compensation in that class of service[.]: Further provided,
    12     That in the case of a member who has 20 years or more of
    13     Class P service, the standard single life annuity shall be
    14     calculated without including any years of Class P service
    15     credit and the member in addition shall receive a single life
    16     annuity equal to 50% of the member's final average salary if
    17     the member has 20 years or more but less than 25 years of
    18     Class P service and a single life annuity of 75% of the
    19     member's final average salary if the member has 25 years or
    20     more of Class P service. Any single life annuity based upon
    21     20 years or more of Class P service shall be unreduced in the
    22     event the member is under superannuation age.
    23         (2)  If eligible, a single life annuity of 2% of his
    24     average noncovered salary for each year of social security
    25     integration credit as provided for in section 5305 (relating
    26     to social security integration credits) multiplied, if on the
    27     effective date of retirement the member is under
    28     superannuation age for any service, by the actuarially
    29     determined reduction factor for that service.
    30         (3)  If eligible, a single life annuity which is
    20030H1477B1863                 - 11 -     

     1     actuarially equivalent to the regular and additional
     2     accumulated deductions attributable to contributions as a
     3     member of Class C, but not less than such annuity determined
     4     as if the member were age 60 on the effective date of
     5     retirement, actuarially reduced in the event the member is
     6     under superannuation age on the effective date of retirement.
     7         (4)  If eligible, a single life annuity which is
     8     actuarially equivalent to the amount by which his regular and
     9     additional accumulated deductions attributable to any
    10     credited service other than as a member of Class C are
    11     greater than one-half of the actuarially equivalent value on
    12     the effective date of retirement of the annuity as provided
    13     in paragraph (1) attributable to service other than Class C
    14     for which regular or joint coverage member contributions were
    15     made.
    16         (5)  If eligible, a single life annuity which is
    17     actuarially equivalent to the amount by which his social
    18     security integration accumulated deductions are greater than
    19     one-half of the actuarially equivalent value on the effective
    20     date of retirement of the annuity provided for under
    21     paragraph (2).
    22         (6)  If eligible, a single life annuity sufficient
    23     together with the annuity provided for in paragraph (1) as a
    24     Class A [and], Class AA and Class P member and the highest
    25     annuity provided for in paragraph (2) to which he is
    26     entitled, or at his option could have been entitled, to
    27     produce that percentage of a standard single life annuity on
    28     the effective date of retirement as determined by his total
    29     years of credited service as a member of Class A [and], Class
    30     AA and Class P, treating Class P service as Class A service,
    20030H1477B1863                 - 12 -     

     1     and by the following table:

     2           Total Years of                     Percentage of
     3          Credited Service                      Standard
     4          as a Member of                       Single Life
     5              Class A [and],                     Annuity
     6              Class AA and Class P
     7                35-40                             100%
     8                41                                102%
     9                42                                104%
    10                43                                106%
    11                44                                108%
    12                45 or more                        110%

    13     * * *
    14  § 5902.  Administrative duties of the board.
    15     * * *
    16     (k)  Certification of employer contributions.--The board
    17  shall, each year in addition to the itemized budget required
    18  under section 5509 (relating to appropriations and assessments
    19  by the Commonwealth), certify, as a percentage of the members'
    20  payroll, the employers' contributions as determined pursuant to
    21  section 5508 (relating to actuarial cost method) necessary for
    22  the funding of prospective annuities for active members and the
    23  annuities of annuitants and certify the rates and amounts of the
    24  employers' normal contributions as determined pursuant to
    25  section 5508(b), accrued liability contributions as determined
    26  pursuant to section 5508(c) and 5508(h), supplemental annuities
    27  contribution rate as determined pursuant to section 5508(e) and
    28  the experience adjustment factor as determined pursuant to
    20030H1477B1863                 - 13 -     

     1  section 5508(f), which shall be paid to the fund and credited to
     2  the appropriate accounts. These certifications shall be regarded
     3  as final and not subject to modification by the Budget
     4  Secretary.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 5.  Section 5903 of Title 71 is amended by adding a
     7  subsection to read:
     8  § 5903.  Duties of the board to advise and report to heads of
     9             departments and members.
    10     * * *
    11     (g)  Transfer to Class P membership certifications.--The
    12  board shall certify to each campus police officer who is
    13  transferred from Class A to Class P the amount of class service
    14  that is so transferred.
    15     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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