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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 1797                      PRINTER'S NO. 4367



No. 1479 Session of 2005

           JONES AND GERBER, MAY 2, 2005

           JUNE 26, 2006

                                     AN ACT

     1  Relating to the delivery of services and programs to persons
     2     with disabilities; conferring powers and duties on the Office
     3     of the Governor; and creating the Office for People with
     4     Disabilities and providing for its powers, duties and
     5     funding.

     6                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     7  Chapter 1.  Preliminary Provisions
     8  Section 101.  Short title.
     9  Section 102.  Legislative policy and declaration.
    10  Section 103.  Definitions.
    11  Chapter 3.  Office for People with Disabilities
    12  Section 301.  Creation of office.
    13  Section 302.  Powers and duties of office.
    14  Section 303.  Powers and duties of council.                       <--
    15  Chapter 5.  Miscellaneous Provisions

     1  Section 501.  Funding.
     2  Section 502.  Effective date.
     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5                             CHAPTER 1
     6                       PRELIMINARY PROVISIONS
     7  Section 101.  Short title.
     8     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Office for
     9  People with Disabilities Act.
    10  Section 102.  Legislative policy and declaration.
    11     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    12         (1)  Adults and children with disabilities and their
    13     families and guardians should have access to the full range
    14     of services and programs, including equal access to all
    15     services and programs provided for persons without
    16     disabilities, as well as individualized and specialized
    17     services that meet the unique needs of persons with
    18     disabilities regardless of age, gender, race or ethnic
    19     origin.
    20         (2)  Adults and children with disabilities and their
    21     families and guardians have traditionally been underserved.
    22     They have often been denied access to individualized and
    23     specialized services available to the community at large and
    24     have been denied services necessary to their health, well-
    25     being, independence and advancement.
    26         (3)  Persons who could live and work in the community
    27     live in institutions at State expense due to inadequate
    28     funding for community support services. The result is a loss
    29     both to these individuals and to this Commonwealth as a
    30     whole.
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     1         (4)  Adults and children with disabilities and their
     2     families and guardians should have the opportunity to choose
     3     and direct the services and programs provided to them, and
     4     the community of persons with disabilities should direct the
     5     development and operation of the delivery system.
     6         (5)  Increased availability of community support services
     7     and programs will enable adults and children with
     8     disabilities to be more independent and productive, to remain
     9     in their homes and communities and to more fully exercise
    10     their rights and responsibilities as citizens.
    11         (6)  Services and programs provided by the Commonwealth
    12     to adults and children with disabilities and their families
    13     and guardians should be provided in a manner that promotes
    14     independent living, enables people to obtain and maintain
    15     employment and supports people in their homes and
    16     communities.
    17         (7)  A State-level office is needed to advise and assist
    18     the Office of the Governor and the General Assembly in
    19     developing policies addressing the concerns of adults and
    20     children with disabilities and their families and guardians.
    21         (8)  Access to the office will enable adults and children
    22     with disabilities and their families and guardians to have
    23     their concerns and issues addressed.
    24  Section 103.  Definitions.
    25     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    26  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    27  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    28     "Consumer control."  The right of a person with a disability   <--
    29  or an individual acting on behalf of a person with a disability
    30  to maintain power and authority over decisions affecting the
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     1  provision of services and programs and community activities.
     2     "Council."  The Statewide Independent Living Council
     3  established under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-
     4  112, 29 U.S.C. § 701 et seq.).
     5     "Disability services."  Services and programs provided to
     6  adults or children PERSONS with disabilities or their families    <--
     7  or guardians to enhance the ability of adults or children with
     8  disabilities to live or work independently and to pursue their
     9  rights and responsibilities as citizens.
    10     "Functional limitations."  Those which affect one or more of
    11  the following activities of daily living:
    12         (1)  Mobility.
    13         (2)  Communication.
    14         (3)  Self-care.
    15         (4)  Economic self-sufficiency.
    16         (5)  Recreation.
    17         (6)  Independent living.
    18         (7)  Learning.
    19         (8)  Self-direction.
    20     "Long-term."  Likely to be of lifelong or extended duration.   <--
    21     "Office."  The Office for People with Disabilities created in
    22  section 301.
    23     "Person with a disability."  A child or adult who has a
    24  severe chronic condition resulting in substantial functional
    25  limitation which is attributable to psychological, cognitive,
    26  developmental, physical or sensory impairment or a combination
    27  of psychological, cognitive, developmental, physical or sensory
    28  impairment and is likely to continue indefinitely.
    29                             CHAPTER 3
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     1  Section 301.  Creation of office.
     2     The Office for People with Disabilities is hereby created
     3  within the Office of the Governor. The office shall be
     4  administered by the Office of the Governor.
     5  Section 302.  Powers and duties of office.
     6     The office shall have the power and its duty shall be to:
     7         (1)  Assure that all citizens of this Commonwealth who
     8     have disabilities and their families and guardians have
     9     access to adequate and coordinated quality services and
    10     programs.
    11         (2)  Establish interagency agreements and working          <--
    12     relationships with other governmental bodies and public and
    13     private agencies to:
    14             (i)  Assure access to the full range of available
    15         services and programs for adults and children with
    16         disabilities and their families and guardians.
    17             (ii)  Advocate for consumer control.
    18             (iii)  Coordinate the delivery of nonduplicative
    19         disability services and programs to adults and children
    20         with disabilities and their families and guardians.
    21         (3)  Work with the council in the development of a three-
    22     year plan to maximize the use of available funding and to
    23     develop needed services and programs.
    24         (4) (2)  Identify gaps in disability services and          <--
    25     programs and funding shortages in collaboration with the       <--
    26     council and report this information annually to the Governor
    27     and to the General Assembly.
    28         (5) (3)  Act as a system advocate to expand the            <--
    29     availability of disability services and programs and access
    30     to generic services and programs.
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     1         (6) (4)  Assure the planning for Statewide improvements    <--
     2     in services and programs for adults and children with
     3     disabilities and their families and guardians.
     4         (7) (5)  Assure the development of necessary requirements  <--
     5     and regulations in collaboration with the council.             <--
     6         (8) (6)  Collect data and conduct research relative to     <--
     7     its powers and duties.
     8         (9)  Provide information and refer adults and children     <--
     9     with disabilities and their families and guardians to
    10     appropriate agencies or other organizations.
    11         (10) (7)  Coordinate disability policy and serve as
    12     liaison between the Office of the Governor and the General
    13     Assembly.
    14         (11) (8)  Identify common concerns of Pennsylvania         <--
    15     disability communities and begin to build cohesion among
    16     disability groups through education.
    17         (12) (9)  Advise and inform the Office of the Governor on  <--
    18     issues and concerns regarding adults and children with
    19     disabilities and their families and guardians.
    20         (13)  Provide the disability community more direct access  <--
    21     to the Office of the Governor.
    22         (14)  Educate adults and children with disabilities and
    23     their families and guardians about their rights under the
    24     American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336,
    25     104 Stat. 327), the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Public Law
    26     93-112, 29 U.S.C. § 701 et seq.), the act of October 27, 1955
    27     (P.L.744, No.222), known as the Pennsylvania Human Relations
    28     Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (Public
    29     Law 91-230, 20 U.S.C. § 1400 et seq.) and other applicable
    30     law.
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     1         (15)  Assist public agencies and officials with issues
     2     related to adults and children with disabilities and their
     3     families and guardians.
     4         (16)  Review the issues and concerns that are related to
     5     the disability community and identify gaps in services and
     6     programs.
     7         (17)  Hire staff possessing the qualifications needed to
     8     deal with issues that arise between people with disabilities
     9     and governmental agencies.
    10         (18) (10)  Conduct studies, analyze and gather
    11     information, develop model policies and procedures and
    12     present information, approaches, strategies, findings,
    13     conclusions and recommendations to policymakers to ensure
    14     equal opportunity for adults and children with disabilities
    15     and their families and guardians as necessary.
    16         (19) (11)  Assure outreach by all levels of government to  <--
    17     populations that are underserved, including minority groups
    18     and urban and rural populations.
    19         (20) (12)  Assure ways to expand and improve the services  <--
    20     and programs that adults and children with disabilities and
    21     their families and guardians may require.
    22  Section 303.  Powers and duties of council.                       <--
    23     (a)  Enumeration.--The council shall have the power and duty
    24  to:
    25         (1)  Advise the office in the development of its plans,
    26     policies and regulations.
    27         (2)  Jointly develop and submit, in conjunction with the
    28     office, the three-year plan required by this act.
    29         (3)  Meet at least quarterly, as required by the act of
    30     December 12, 1994 (P.L.1023, No.139), known as the
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     1     Independent Living Services Act and Title VII of the
     2     Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-112, 29 U.S.C. §
     3     701 et seq.).
     4     (b)  Expenses of members.--The members shall receive no
     5  payment for their services. Members who are not employees of
     6  State government shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in
     7  the course of their official duties and in accordance with
     8  applicable law.
     9                             CHAPTER 5
    10                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    11  Section 501.  Funding.
    12     The Office of the Governor shall use Federal funds where
    13  possible for the administration of the Office for People with
    14  Disabilities and shall expend Federal funds, on appropriation by
    15  the General Assembly, prior to expending any State
    16  appropriations for the same or similar purpose. The Office of
    17  the Governor shall utilize any available private funds to carry
    18  out the provisions of this act.
    19  Section 502.  Effective date.
    20     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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