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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1818



No. 1502 Session of 1999

           WASHINGTON, MAY 12, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for driver's license revocation
     3     or suspension, for revocation of habitual offenders' drivers'
     4     licenses, for driving with a suspended or revoked license,
     5     and for chemical testing to determine amount of alcohol or
     6     controlled substances; providing for driving under influence
     7     suspensions; and further providing for reinstatement of
     8     license or registration and for driving under the influence
     9     of alcohol or a controlled substance.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Section 1532(b)(3) of Title 75 of the
    13  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, amended December 21, 1998
    14  (P.L.1126, No.151), is amended to read:
    15  § 1532.  Suspension of operating privilege.
    16     * * *
    17     (b)  Suspension.--
    18         * * *
    19         (3)  The department shall suspend the operating privilege

     1     of any driver for 12 months upon receiving a certified record
     2     of the driver's conviction of section 3731 (relating to
     3     driving under influence of alcohol or controlled substance)
     4     or 3733 (relating to fleeing or attempting to elude police
     5     officer), or substantially similar offenses reported to the
     6     department under Article III of section 1581 (relating to
     7     Driver's License Compact), or an adjudication of delinquency
     8     based on section 3731 or 3733, except that, if the driver is
     9     serving or has served a period of suspension for the same
    10     offense under the provisions of section 1593 (relating to
    11     suspension on administrative determination), he shall be
    12     credited with the suspension time served under the section
    13     1593 suspension. The department shall suspend the operating
    14     privilege of any driver for six months upon receiving a
    15     certified record of a consent decree granted under 42 Pa.C.S.
    16     Ch. 63 (relating to juvenile matters) based on section 3731
    17     or 3733.
    18         * * *
    19     Section 2.  Section 1542(d) and (e) of Title 75 are amended
    20  to read:
    21  § 1542.  Revocation of habitual offender's license.
    22     * * *
    23     (d)  Period of revocation.--The operating privilege of any
    24  person found to be a habitual offender under the provisions of
    25  this section shall be revoked by the department for a period of
    26  five years, except that, if the person is serving or has served
    27  a period of suspension for the same offense under the provisions
    28  of section 1593 (relating to suspension on administrative
    29  determination), he shall be credited with the suspension time
    30  served under the section 1593 suspension against the five-year
    19990H1502B1818                  - 2 -

     1  revocation.
     2     (e)  Additional offenses.--Each additional offense committed
     3  within a period of five years, as measured from the date to any
     4  previous offense, shall result in a revocation for an additional
     5  period of two years, except that, if the person is serving or
     6  has served a period of suspension for the same offense under the
     7  provisions of section 1593, he shall be credited with the
     8  suspension time served under the section 1593 suspension against
     9  the additional two-year revocation.
    10     Section 3.  Section 1543(b) of Title 75, amended December 21,
    11  1998 (P.L.1126, No.151), is amended to read:
    12  § 1543.  Driving while operating privilege is suspended or
    13             revoked.
    14     * * *
    15     (b)  Certain offenses.--
    16         (1)  Any person who drives a motor vehicle on any highway
    17     or trafficway of this Commonwealth at a time when their
    18     operating privilege is suspended or revoked as a condition of
    19     acceptance of Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition for a
    20     violation of section 3731 (relating to driving under
    21     influence of alcohol or controlled substance) or because of a
    22     violation of section 1547(b)(1) (relating to suspension for
    23     refusal), [3731] or suspended under section 1581 (relating to
    24     Driver License Compact) for an offense substantially similar
    25     to a violation of section 3731 or 1593 (relating to
    26     suspension on administrative determination) shall, upon
    27     conviction, be guilty of a summary offense and shall be
    28     sentenced to pay a fine of $1,000 and to undergo imprisonment
    29     for a period of not less than 90 days.
    30         (2)  This subsection shall apply to any person against
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     1     whom one of these suspensions has been imposed whether the
     2     person is currently serving this suspension or whether the
     3     effective date of suspension has been deferred under any of
     4     the provisions of any of the provisions of section 1544
     5     (relating to additional period of revocation or suspension).
     6     This provision shall also apply until the person has had the
     7     operating privilege restored. This subsection shall also
     8     apply to any revocation imposed pursuant to section 1542
     9     (relating to revocation of habitual offender's license) if
    10     any of the enumerated offenses was for a violation of section
    11     3731 or for an out-of-State offense that is substantially
    12     similar to a violation of section 3731 for which a revocation
    13     is imposed under section 1581 (relating to Driver License
    14     Compact).
    15     * * *
    16     Section 4.  Section 1547(b) of Title 75 is amended to read:
    17  § 1547.  Chemical testing to determine amount of alcohol or
    18             controlled substance.
    19     * * *
    20     (b)  Suspension for refusal.--
    21         (1)  If any person placed under arrest for a violation of
    22     section 3731 (relating to driving under influence of alcohol
    23     or controlled substance) is requested to submit to chemical
    24     testing and refuses to do so, the testing shall not be
    25     conducted but upon notice by the police officer, the
    26     department shall suspend the operating privilege of the
    27     person for a period of 12 months, except that, if the person
    28     is serving or has served a period of suspension for the same
    29     offense under the provisions of section 1593 (relating to
    30     suspension on administrative determination), he shall be
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     1     credited with the suspension time served under the section
     2     1593 suspension.
     3         * * *
     4     Section 5.  Chapter 15 of Title 75 is amended by adding a
     5  subchapter to read:
     6                            SUBCHAPTER E
     8  Sec.
     9  1591.  Definitions.
    10  1592.  Report by police officer.
    11  1593.  Suspension on administrative determination.
    12  1594.  Notice of suspension served by police officer.
    13  1595.  Notice of suspension or rescission.
    14  1596.  Period of suspension.
    15  1597.  Restoration of license.
    16  1598.  Administrative review.
    17  1599.  Hearing.
    18  1599.1.  Severability.
    19  § 1591.  Definitions.
    20     The following words and phrases when used in this subchapter
    21  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    22  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    23     "Administrative determination."  An informal determination by
    24  the department upon which the initial determination to suspend
    25  shall be made.
    26     "Administrative hearing."  A formal administrative
    27  determination by the department. Administrative hearings under
    28  this subchapter are exempt from the provisions of Title 2
    29  (relating to administrative law and procedure).
    30     "Administrative review."  A review of the administrative
    19990H1502B1818                  - 5 -

     1  determination of suspension by the department based on the
     2  documents supplied by the arresting officer and the arrested
     3  person.
     4  § 1592.  Report by police officer.
     5     (a)  Content.--If a police officer makes an arrest under
     6  section 3731 (relating to driving under influence of alcohol or
     7  controlled substance) and the officer determines that:
     8         (1)  the person drove, operated or was in actual physical
     9     control of a motor vehicle while the amount of alcohol by
    10     weight in the blood of the person was 0.10% or more;
    11         (2)  the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of the
    12     person is 0.10% or greater at the time of a chemical test of
    13     a sample of the person's breath, blood or urine, which sample
    14     is:
    15             (i)  obtained within three hours after the person
    16         drove, operated or was in actual physical control of the
    17         vehicle; or
    18             (ii)  if the circumstances of the incident prevent
    19         collecting the sample within three hours, obtained within
    20         a reasonable additional time after the person drove,
    21         operated or was in actual physical control of the
    22         vehicle; or
    23         (3)  the person refused to submit to a chemical test to
    24     determine the amount of alcohol or presence of a controlled
    25     substance in the blood in accordance with the procedure
    26     established in section 1547 (relating to chemical testing to
    27     determine amount of alcohol or controlled substance);
    28  the officer shall, in the performance of his official duty,
    29  forward to the department within five days of making the arrest
    30  a sworn report of all information relevant to the administrative
    19990H1502B1818                  - 6 -

     1  determination, including information which adequately identifies
     2  the defendant, a statement of the officer's grounds for belief
     3  that the person violated section 1547 or 3731, the results of
     4  any chemical tests which were conducted or information regarding
     5  the refusal to submit to chemical testing, a copy of the
     6  complaint filed with the court and the individual's driver's
     7  license.
     8     (b)  Forms.--The report required by this section shall be
     9  made on forms supplied by the department or in a manner
    10  specified in department regulations.
    11     (c)  Official record.--The report required by this section
    12  shall constitute an official record of the department and,
    13  consistent with Title 42 (relating to judiciary and judicial
    14  procedure), shall be admitted into evidence in any hearing
    15  conducted under section 1599 (relating to hearing).
    16  § 1593.  Suspension on administrative determination.
    17     (a)  General rule.--The department shall suspend the
    18  operating privilege of any person upon making an administrative
    19  determination that:
    20         (1)  the person drove, operated or was in actual physical
    21     control of a motor vehicle while the amount of alcohol by
    22     weight in the blood of that person was 0.10% or more;
    23         (2)  the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of the
    24     person is 0.10% or greater at the time of a chemical test of
    25     a sample of the person's breath, blood or urine, which sample
    26     is:
    27             (i)  obtained within three hours after the person
    28         drove, operated or was in actual physical control of the
    29         vehicle; or
    30             (ii)  if the circumstances of the incident prevent
    19990H1502B1818                  - 7 -

     1         collecting the sample within three hours, obtained within
     2         a reasonable additional time after the person drove,
     3         operated or was in actual physical control of the
     4         vehicle; or
     5         (3)  the person refused to submit to a chemical test to
     6     determine the amount of alcohol or presence of a controlled
     7     substance in the blood in accordance with the procedure
     8     established in section 1547 (relating to chemical testing to
     9     determine amount of alcohol or controlled substance).
    10     (b)  Determination.--Upon receipt of the report forwarded
    11  under section 1592 (relating to report by police officer), the
    12  department shall make an administrative determination of every
    13  violation of sections 1547 and 3731 (relating to driving under
    14  influence of alcohol or controlled substance) on the basis of
    15  the report of a police officer as required in section 1592. The
    16  administrative determination shall be final unless an
    17  administrative review is requested under section 1598 (relating
    18  to administrative review) or a hearing is held under section
    19  1599 (relating to hearing).
    20     (c)  Criminal charges.--The department's administrative
    21  determination is independent of any determination of the same or
    22  similar facts in any criminal proceedings arising from the same
    23  occurrence. The disposition of the criminal proceedings shall
    24  not affect any administrative determination under this section.
    25  § 1594.  Notice of suspension served by police officer.
    26     (a)  Personal service.--The police officer, acting on behalf
    27  of the department, shall, if practicable, serve a notice of
    28  suspension of the person's operating privilege personally on the
    29  defendant whenever:
    30         (1)  the chemical test results for a person who is being
    19990H1502B1818                  - 8 -

     1     charged with a violation of section 3731 (relating to driving
     2     under influence of alcohol or controlled substance) show an
     3     alcohol concentration of 0.10% or more; or
     4         (2)  the person violated section 1547(b) (relating to
     5     chemical testing to determine amount of alcohol or controlled
     6     substance).
     7     (b)  Notice.--The notice of suspension shall contain the
     8  information required under section 1595(1)(ii) (relating to
     9  notice of suspension or rescission).
    10     (c)  Seizure of license.--
    11         (1)  When the police officer serves the notice of
    12     suspension, the officer shall seize any driver's license
    13     issued by the department which is possessed by the person.
    14     When the officer seizes a valid driver's license issued by
    15     the department, the officer, acting on behalf of the
    16     department, shall issue a temporary permit to a licensed
    17     driver which shall be valid for 30 days and shall indicate
    18     that an identification card may be obtained from the
    19     department.
    20         (2)  A copy of the notice of suspension, a copy of any
    21     temporary permit form and any driver's license seized under
    22     this section shall be forwarded to the department by the
    23     officer.
    24         (3)  A person may not procure or attempt to procure a
    25     learner's permit, camera card, driver's license or duplicate
    26     driver's license from the department after being issued a
    27     notice of suspension under subsection (a). A person who
    28     violates this paragraph commits a summary offense and shall,
    29     upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of $500 or to
    30     imprisonment for not more than three months.
    19990H1502B1818                  - 9 -

     1     (d)  Forms.--The department shall provide notice of
     2  suspension forms, applications for identification cards and
     3  temporary permits to law enforcement agencies.
     4  § 1595.  Notice of suspension or rescission.
     5     In making the administrative determination described in
     6  section 1593 (relating to suspension on administrative
     7  determination):
     8         (1)  If the department determines that the person is
     9     subject to suspension under section 1593 and if notice of
    10     suspension of the person's operating privilege has not
    11     already been served upon the person by the police officer as
    12     required in section 1594 (relating to notice of suspension
    13     served by police officer), the department shall issue a
    14     notice of suspension as provided for in section 1540(b)
    15     (relating to surrender of license), which notice shall be
    16     deemed to be received three days after mailing.
    17             (i)  The notice of suspension shall be mailed by the
    18         department in accordance with section 1540.
    19             (ii)  The notice of suspension shall specify the
    20         reason and statutory grounds for the administrative
    21         determination of suspension, the effective date of the
    22         suspension, the right of the person to request
    23         administrative review or an administrative hearing, the
    24         procedure for requesting administrative review or an
    25         administrative hearing and the time within which a
    26         request for administrative review must be made in order
    27         to receive a review prior to the effective date of the
    28         suspension.
    29         (2)  If the department determines that the person is not
    30     subject to suspension, the department shall notify the person
    19990H1502B1818                 - 10 -

     1     of its administrative determination, shall rescind any order
     2     of suspension served upon the person by the police officer
     3     and shall return any driver's license taken from the person
     4     under section 1594(b)(1).
     5  § 1596.  Period of suspension.
     6     (a)  General rule.--The suspension shall become effective 30
     7  days after the defendant has received the notice of suspension
     8  as provided in section 1594 (relating to notice of suspension
     9  served by police officer) or 33 days after the notice of
    10  suspension is mailed as provided in section 1595 (relating to
    11  notice of suspension or rescission).
    12     (b)  Period.--The period of license suspension under this
    13  section shall be as follows:
    14         (1)  If the suspension is imposed under the provisions of
    15     section 1593(a)(1) or (2) (relating to suspension on
    16     administrative determination), the period shall be 90 days if
    17     the person's driving record shows no alcohol-related or drug-
    18     related driving offenses during the immediately preceding
    19     seven years. The period shall be 12 months if the person's
    20     driving record shows one or more alcohol-related or drug-
    21     related driving offenses during the immediately preceding
    22     seven years.
    23         (2)  If the suspension is imposed under the provisions of
    24     section 1593(a)(3), the period of suspension shall be 12
    25     months.
    26     (c)  Special provisions.--In accordance with the provisions
    27  of sections 1540 (relating to surrender of license) and 1541
    28  (relating to period of revocation or suspension of operating
    29  privilege), if the person has no license in his possession at
    30  the time of the arrest, if the license confiscated by the police
    19990H1502B1818                 - 11 -

     1  officer is not the latest license or if the person receives
     2  another license after the seizure, the suspension shall
     3  nonetheless commence in accordance with the provisions of this
     4  section, and the suspension will continue indefinitely until the
     5  person submits all valid licenses to the department and
     6  thereafter for the appropriate period provided in subsection
     7  (b). If the person has no license issued by the department to
     8  surrender, a suspension shall commence in accordance with the
     9  provisions of this section and shall continue indefinitely until
    10  the person submits an affidavit attesting to the lack of a
    11  license and acknowledging the suspension to the department and
    12  thereafter for the appropriate period provided in subsection
    13  (b).
    14     (d)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term "alcohol-
    15  related or drug-related driving offense" shall include any
    16  administrative suspension under this title, any suspension or
    17  revocation entered in this or any other state for a refusal to
    18  submit to chemical testing under an implied consent law and any
    19  conviction or other adjudication in this or any other state for
    20  a violation which involves driving a vehicle while having an
    21  unlawful alcohol concentration or while under the influence of
    22  alcohol or a controlled substance or alcohol and a controlled
    23  substance.
    24  § 1597.  Restoration of license.
    25     The periods of suspension specified by section 1596 (relating
    26  to period of suspension) are intended to be minimum periods of
    27  suspension for the described conduct. No operating privilege
    28  shall be restored under any circumstances until the period of
    29  suspension is served, and no occupational limited license shall
    30  be issued during the suspension period. No driving privilege may
    19990H1502B1818                 - 12 -

     1  be restored until all applicable reinstatement fees have been
     2  paid.
     3  § 1598.  Administrative review.
     4     (a)  General rule.--Any person who has received a notice of
     5  suspension under this subchapter may request an administrative
     6  review. The request may be accompanied by a sworn statement or
     7  statements and any other relevant evidence which the person
     8  wants the department to consider in reviewing the determination
     9  made under section 1593 (relating to suspension on
    10  administrative determination). The scope of the administrative
    11  review shall be limited to the issues of whether:
    12         (1)  the person drove, operated or was in actual physical
    13     control of a motor vehicle while the amount of alcohol by
    14     weight in the blood of the person was 0.10% or more;
    15         (2)  the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of the
    16     person is 0.10% or greater at the time of a chemical test of
    17     a sample of the person's breath, blood or urine, which sample
    18     is:
    19             (i)  obtained within three hours after the person
    20         drove, operated or was in actual physical control of the
    21         vehicle; or
    22             (ii)  if the circumstances of the incident prevent
    23         collecting the sample within three hours, obtained within
    24         a reasonable additional time after the person drove,
    25         operated or was in actual physical control of the
    26         vehicle; or
    27         (3)  the person refused to submit to a chemical test to
    28     determine the amount of alcohol or presence of a controlled
    29     substance in the blood in accordance with the procedure
    30     established in section 1547 (relating to chemical testing to
    19990H1502B1818                 - 13 -

     1     determine amount of alcohol or controlled substance).
     2     (b)  Evidence.--When a request for administrative review is
     3  made, the department or its designee shall review the
     4  determination made under section 1593. In the review, the
     5  department shall give consideration to any relevant sworn
     6  statement or other evidence accompanying the request for the
     7  review and to the sworn statement of the police officer required
     8  by section 1592 (relating to report by police officer). If the
     9  department or its designee determines, by the preponderance of
    10  the evidence, that:
    11         (1)  the person drove, operated or was in actual physical
    12     control of a motor vehicle while the amount of alcohol by
    13     weight in the blood of the person was 0.10% or more;
    14         (2)  the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of the
    15     person is 0.10% or greater at the time of a chemical test of
    16     a sample of the person's breath, blood or urine, which sample
    17     is:
    18             (i)  obtained within three hours after the person
    19         drove, operated or was in actual physical control of the
    20         vehicle; or
    21             (ii)  if the circumstances of the incident prevent
    22         collecting the sample within three hours, obtained within
    23         a reasonable additional time after the person drove,
    24         operated or was in actual physical control of the
    25         vehicle; or
    26         (3)  the person refused to submit to a chemical test to
    27     determine the amount of alcohol or presence of a controlled
    28     substance in the blood in accordance with the procedure
    29     established in section 1547;
    30  the department or its designee shall sustain the order of
    19990H1502B1818                 - 14 -

     1  suspension. The determination of the department or its designee
     2  upon administrative review is final unless a hearing is
     3  requested under section 1599 (relating to hearing).
     4     (c)  Time.--The department or its designee shall complete an
     5  administrative review prior to the effective date of the
     6  suspension order if the request for the review is received by
     7  the department within eight days following service of the notice
     8  of suspension. Where the request for administrative review is
     9  received by the department more than eight days following
    10  service of the notice of suspension, the department or its
    11  designee shall make its determination within 30 days following
    12  the receipt of the request for review.
    13     (d)  Effect of request.--A request for administrative review
    14  shall not stay the license suspension, except that, if the
    15  department or its designee is unable to make a determination
    16  within the time limits specified in subsection (c), the
    17  suspension shall be stayed pending the determination and the
    18  department shall issue another temporary license to a licensed
    19  driver.
    20     (e)  Limitation on use of sworn statement.--No sworn
    21  statement given by any witness may be used in any other action
    22  or proceeding.
    23     (f)  Forms.--The request for administrative review shall be
    24  made by mail to an address specified by the department. The
    25  department shall provide forms which the person shall use to
    26  request an administrative review and to submit a sworn
    27  statement.
    28     (g)  Hearing.--A person may request and be granted a hearing
    29  under section 1599 without first requesting administrative
    30  review under this section. Administrative review is not
    19990H1502B1818                 - 15 -

     1  available after a hearing is held.
     2  § 1599.  Hearing.
     3     (a)  General rule.--A person who has received a notice of
     4  suspension may make a written request for an administrative
     5  hearing. The request shall be made on a form available at
     6  designated offices of the department and must specify the
     7  reasons for which the suspension is being contested. The request
     8  shall be accompanied by a $100 filing fee. If the person's
     9  driver's license has not been previously surrendered, it shall
    10  be surrendered at the time the request for a hearing is made. A
    11  request for a hearing shall not stay the license suspension. The
    12  scope of the administrative hearing shall be limited to the
    13  issues raised in the request for the hearing and in no case
    14  shall look beyond the issues of whether:
    15         (1)  the person drove, operated or was in actual physical
    16     control of a motor vehicle while the amount of alcohol by
    17     weight in the blood of the person was 0.10% or more;
    18         (2)  the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of the
    19     person is 0.10% or greater at the time of a chemical test of
    20     a sample of the person's breath, blood or urine, which sample
    21     is:
    22             (i)  obtained within three hours after the person
    23         drove, operated or was in actual physical control of the
    24         vehicle; or
    25             (ii)  if the circumstances of the incident prevent
    26         collecting the sample within three hours, obtained within
    27         a reasonable additional time after the person drove,
    28         operated or was in actual physical control of the
    29         vehicle; or
    30         (3)  the person refused to submit to a chemical test to
    19990H1502B1818                 - 16 -

     1     determine the amount of alcohol or presence of a controlled
     2     substance in the blood in accordance with the procedure
     3     established in section 1547 (relating to chemical testing to
     4     determine amount of alcohol or controlled substance).
     5     (b)  Notice.--The hearing shall be scheduled to be held as
     6  soon as practicable. If the department or its designated hearing
     7  officer cannot conduct the hearing within 30 days of the filing
     8  of the request for a hearing, the department shall issue a
     9  temporary license to a licensed driver which shall be valid
    10  until the hearing is conducted, except that a temporary license
    11  shall not be issued to a person who sought and obtained a
    12  continuance of the hearing. The hearing shall be held at a place
    13  designated by the department or its designee. The department or
    14  its designee shall provide a written notice of the time and
    15  place of the hearing to the person requesting the hearing at
    16  least ten days prior to the scheduled hearing, unless the person
    17  agrees to waive this requirement.
    18     (c)  Hearing officer.--The hearing officer shall be
    19  designated by the secretary. The hearing officer shall have
    20  authority to administer oaths and affirmations, to examine
    21  witnesses and take testimony, to receive relevant evidence, to
    22  issue subpoenas, take depositions or cause depositions to be
    23  taken or interrogatories to be answered, to regulate the course
    24  and conduct of the hearing and to make a final ruling on the
    25  issue.
    26     (d)  Evidence.--The sole issue at the hearing shall be
    27  whether by a preponderance of the evidence:
    28         (1)  the person drove, operated or was in actual physical
    29     control of a motor vehicle while the amount of alcohol by
    30     weight in the blood of the person was 0.10% or more;
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     1         (2)  the amount of alcohol by weight in the blood of the
     2     person is 0.10% or greater at the time of a chemical test of
     3     a sample of the person's breath, blood or urine, which sample
     4     is:
     5             (i)  obtained within three hours after the person
     6         drove, operated or was in actual physical control of the
     7         vehicle; or
     8             (ii)  if the circumstances of the incident prevent
     9         collecting the sample within three hours, obtained within
    10         a reasonable additional time after the person drove,
    11         operated or was in actual physical control of the
    12         vehicle; or
    13         (3)  the person refused to submit to a chemical test to
    14     determine the amount of alcohol or presence of a controlled
    15     substance in the blood in accordance with the procedure
    16     established in section 1547.
    17  A prima facie case in the affirmative on any of these issues
    18  shall be established by the sworn report of a police officer
    19  which is in conformity with the requirements of section 1592
    20  (relating to report by police officer). The person challenging
    21  the suspension may introduce any relevant or admissible
    22  testimony or other evidence in support of the reasons for which
    23  the suspension is being contested as set forth in the written
    24  hearing request. It shall be the responsibility of the person
    25  challenging a suspension to arrange for the attendance of any
    26  witnesses, including the police officer who submitted the sworn
    27  report and the availability of any other evidence to be
    28  presented in opposition to the suspension action. Application
    29  may be made to the hearing officer to secure the attendance of
    30  witnesses and assure the availability of other evidence
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     1  consistent with the authority of the hearing officer to issue
     2  subpoenas or take other action necessary to regulate the course
     3  and conduct of the hearing. If the hearing officer finds in the
     4  affirmative on any of the above issues, the suspension order
     5  will be sustained. If the hearing officer finds in the negative
     6  on a pertinent issue, the suspension order will be rescinded.
     7     (e)  Decision.--The hearing shall be recorded. The cost of
     8  transcription services shall be borne by the defendant. The
     9  decision of the hearing officer shall be rendered in writing and
    10  provided to the person who requested the hearing.
    11     (f)  Limitation on testimony.--No testimony given by any
    12  witness may be used in any other action or proceeding.
    13     (g)  Failure to appear.--If the person who requested the
    14  administrative hearing fails to appear without just cause, the
    15  right to a hearing shall be waived, and the department's
    16  administrative determination shall be final.
    17     (h)  Exemption.--Hearings under this section are exempt from
    18  the requirements of 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to administrative law
    19  and procedure) and 67 Pa. Code Ch. 491 (relating to
    20  administrative practice and procedure).
    21     (i)  Appeals.--An appeal from a decision of a hearing officer
    22  may be taken in the manner provided in 42 Pa.C.S. § 763(a)
    23  (relating to direct appeals from government agencies). Appeals
    24  under this subchapter are exempt from the provisions of section
    25  1550(b) (relating to judicial review) and from the provisions of
    26  42 Pa.C.S. § 933 (relating to appeals from government agencies).
    27  § 1599.1.  Severability.
    28     If any provision of this subchapter or the application
    29  thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the
    30  invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of
    19990H1502B1818                 - 19 -

     1  this subchapter which can be given effect without the invalid
     2  provision or application, provided however, that, if the
     3  provisions of section 1599(e) (relating to hearing) are declared
     4  to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the
     5  provisions shall be considered unseverable from the rest of this
     6  subchapter, and this subchapter will be invalid and of no
     7  effect. If the provisions of section 1599(e) are found to be
     8  unconstitutional by the Commonwealth Court, there shall be a
     9  direct appeal to the Supreme Court.
    10     Section 6.  Sections 1960 and 3731(e)(6)(ii) of Title 75 are
    11  amended to read:
    12  § 1960.  Reinstatement of operating privilege or vehicle
    13             registration.
    14     (a)  General rule.--The department shall charge a fee of [$25
    15  or, if section 1786(d) (relating to required financial
    16  responsibility) applies, a fee of] $50 to restore a person's
    17  operating privilege or the registration of a vehicle following a
    18  suspension or revocation.
    19     (b)  Additional fee.--In addition to the restoration fee
    20  required under subsection (a), an additional restoration fee of
    21  $100 shall be assessed and collected before reinstating a
    22  person's operating privilege following a suspension under the
    23  provisions of section 1593 (relating to suspension on
    24  administrative determination).
    25  § 3731.  Driving under influence of alcohol or controlled
    26             substance.
    27     * * *
    28     (e)  Penalty.--
    29         * * *
    30         (6)  Any person who accepts Accelerated Rehabilitative
    19990H1502B1818                 - 20 -

     1     Disposition of any charge brought under this section shall
     2     accept as conditions the imposition of and the judge shall
     3     impose in addition to any other conditions all of the
     4     following:
     5             * * *
     6             (ii)  A mandatory suspension of operating privilege
     7         for a period of not less than [one month] three months
     8         but not more than 12 months.
     9             * * *
    10     Section 7.  This act shall take effect in 18 months.

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