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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1829



No. 1506 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 29, 1972 (P.L.1701, No.364),
     2     entitled "An act providing for the establishment of nonprofit
     3     corporations having the purpose of establishing, maintaining
     4     and operating a health service plan; providing for
     5     supervision and certain regulations by the Insurance
     6     Department and the Department of Health; giving the Insurance
     7     Commissioner and the Secretary of Health certain powers and
     8     duties; exempting the nonprofit corporations from certain
     9     taxes and providing penalties," further providing for
    10     definitions; providing for an availability and accessibility
    11     bill of rights; and making editorial changes.

    12     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    13  hereby enacts as follows:
    14     Section 1.  Sections 1 and 2 of the act of December 29, 1972
    15  (P.L.1701, No.364), known as the Health Maintenance Organization
    16  Act, amended December 19, 1980 (P.L.1300, No.234), are amended
    17  to read:
    18     Section 1.  Short Title.--This act shall be known and may be
    19  cited as the "[Health Maintenance Organization] Managed Care
    20  Plan Act."

     1     Section 2.  Purpose.--The purpose of this act is to permit
     2  and encourage the formation and regulation of [health
     3  maintenance organizations] managed care plans and to authorize
     4  the Secretary of Health to provide technical advice and
     5  assistance to corporations desiring to establish, operate and
     6  maintain [a health maintenance organization] managed care plans
     7  to the end that increased competition and consumer choice
     8  offered by diverse [health maintenance organizations] managed
     9  care plans can constructively serve to advance the purposes of
    10  quality assurance, cost-effectiveness and access.
    11     Section 2.  The definition of "direct provider" in section 3
    12  of the act, amended December 19, 1980 (P.L.1300, No.234), is
    13  amended and the section is amended by adding definitions to
    14  read:
    15     Section 3.  Definitions.--As used in this act:
    16     * * *
    17     "Clinical peer" or "peer" means a physician or other health
    18  care professional who holds a nonrestricted license in this
    19  Commonwealth or another state and in the same or similar
    20  specialty as typically manages the medical condition, procedure
    21  or treatment under review.
    22     * * *
    23     "Department" means the Department of Health of the
    24  Commonwealth.
    25     "Direct provider" means an individual who is a direct
    26  provider of health care services under a benefit plan of a
    27  [health maintenance organization] managed care plan or an
    28  individual whose primary current activity is the administration
    29  of health facilities in which such care is provided. An
    30  individual shall not be considered a direct provider of health
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     1  care solely because the individual is a member of the governing
     2  body of a health-related organization.
     3     "Direct services ratio" means the ratio between an
     4  organization's medical revenues and medical expenses.
     5     "Emergency" means a medical emergency.
     6     "Enrollee" or "subscriber" means a person covered by a health
     7  insurance policy or managed care plan including a person who is
     8  covered as an eligible dependent of another person.
     9     "Grievance" means a complaint made by or on behalf of a
    10  subscriber. The term includes:
    11     (1)  a determination by a managed care plan or its designated
    12  utilization review organization or by any health care
    13  professional or health care facility affiliated with or acting
    14  under arrangement with the plan, that an admission, availability
    15  of care, continued stay or other health care service reviewed
    16  does not meet the plan's requirements for medical necessity,
    17  appropriateness, health care setting, level of care or
    18  effectiveness and that, the requested service is therefore
    19  denied, reduced or terminated;
    20     (2)  the availability, delivery or quality of health care
    21  services, including delay, timing or location of services,
    22  appropriate skill level of health care professional, denial of
    23  coverage for emergency and related services or any other managed
    24  care plan action or policy which hinders the receipt of covered
    25  health care services;
    26     (3)  claims payment, handling or reimbursement for health
    27  care services; or
    28     (4)  matters pertaining to the contractual relationship
    29  between a covered person and a managed care plan.
    30     * * *
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     1     "Health outcomes" means:
     2     (1)  the results of treatment adjusted for severity for
     3  patients seeking treatment;
     4     (2)  the recurrence of treatment; and
     5     (3)  the treatment received which is indicative of the
     6  possible lack of treatment of a less severe but related health
     7  problem.
     8     "Managed care plan" or "plan" means a system pursuant to
     9  which health care, related equipment or services are provided
    10  for members or subscribers whose access to other health care
    11  must be approved by a primary care practitioner selected by or
    12  for such member or subscriber from a panel of participating
    13  practitioners. The term includes, but is not limited to, health
    14  maintenance organizations and preferred provider organizations.
    15     "Medical audit" means an onsite review of the quality of care
    16  being provided and the effectiveness of the quality assurance of
    17  the managed care plan.
    18     "Medical emergency" means the initial treatment of a sudden,
    19  unexpected onset of a medical condition or traumatic injury, but
    20  does not include treatment for an occupational injury for which
    21  benefits are provided under any workers' compensation law or
    22  occupational disease law. The symptoms or injury must be of
    23  sufficient severity that a prudent layperson would seek
    24  immediate attention.
    25     "Medical expenses" means the cost of providing health care
    26  services.
    27     "Medical revenues" means the income generated from providing
    28  health care services.
    29     "Medically necessary" means treatment which is reasonable and
    30  necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of illness or injury or
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     1  to improve the functioning of a malformed body member. Treatment
     2  is considered reasonable and necessary if it is safe, effective
     3  and appropriate. The term does not include experimental or
     4  investigational treatment.
     5     "Preferred provider organization" means a health care benefit
     6  arrangement designed to supply services at a reasonable cost
     7  through incentives for enrollees to use designated health care
     8  providers, and in which:
     9     (1)  patients pay more to use services rendered by health
    10  care providers who are not part of the organization's network;
    11  and
    12     (2)  health care providers expect to benefit through
    13  increased patient volume and prompt payment, in return for the
    14  health care providers' agreement to abide by a fee schedule and
    15  follow utilization management procedures.
    16     "Primary care provider" means a health care professional who
    17  is designated by a managed care plan to supervise, coordinate,
    18  or provide initial care or continuing care to a subscriber, and
    19  who may be required by the plan to initiate a referral for
    20  specialty care and to maintain supervision of the health care
    21  services rendered to the subscriber. The term includes a
    22  physician, a gynecologist, a pediatrician, an obstetrician or
    23  other licensed health care specialist.
    24     "Risk-assuming preferred provider organization" means a
    25  preferred provider organization which has one or more of the
    26  following characteristics:
    27     (1)  Assumption by the preferred provider organization of
    28  financial risk arising out of contractual liability to pay for
    29  or reimburse enrollees for covered health care services.
    30     (2)  Participation in financial gains or losses of a health
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     1  benefits plan based on aggregate measures of expenditures or
     2  utilization.
     3     (3)  Participation in the overall financial risk of a health
     4  benefits plan by placing upper limits on future premium
     5  increases.
     6     (4)  Other characteristics which create a financial risk to
     7  the preferred provider organization and arise out of the
     8  preferred provider arrangement.
     9  The term does not include a third-party administrator, or a
    10  licensed insurer, when functioning solely as a third-party
    11  administrator.
    12     * * *
    13     Urgent care services" means those health care services that
    14  are appropriately provided for an unforeseen condition of a kind
    15  that usually requires medical attention without delay but that
    16  does not pose a threat to the life, limb or permanent health of
    17  the injured or ill person, without regard to where these
    18  services are provided, and that may include services provided
    19  out of a managed care plan's approved service area pursuant to
    20  indemnity payments or plan contracts.
    21     Section 3.  Sections 4, 5.1, 6.1, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the act,
    22  amended or added December 19, 1980 (P.L.1300, No.234), are
    23  amended to read:
    24     Section 4.  Services Which Shall be Provided.--(a)  Any law
    25  to the contrary notwithstanding, any corporation may establish,
    26  maintain and operate a [health maintenance organization] managed
    27  care plan upon receipt of a certificate of authority to do so in
    28  accordance with this act.
    29     (b)  Such [health maintenance organizations] managed care
    30  plans shall:
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     1     (1)  Provide either directly or through arrangements with
     2  others, basic health services to individuals enrolled;
     3     (2)  Provide either directly or through arrangements with
     4  other persons, corporations, institutions, associations or
     5  entities, basic health services; [and]
     6     (3)  Provide physicians' services (i) directly through
     7  physicians who are employes of such organization, (ii) under
     8  arrangements with one or more groups of physicians (organized on
     9  a group practice or individual practice basis) under which each
    10  such group is reimbursed for its services primarily on the basis
    11  of an aggregate fixed sum or on a per capita basis, regardless
    12  of whether the individual physician members of any such group
    13  are paid on a fee-for-service or other basis or (iii) under
    14  similar arrangements which are found by the secretary to provide
    15  adequate financial incentives for the provision of quality and
    16  cost-effective care.
    17     Section 5.1.  Certificate of Authority.--(a)  Every
    18  application for a certificate of authority under this act shall
    19  be made to the commissioner and secretary in writing and shall
    20  be in such form and contain such information as the regulations
    21  of the Departments of Insurance and Health may require.
    22     (b)  A certificate of authority shall be jointly issued by
    23  order of the commissioner and secretary when:
    24     (1)  The secretary has found and determined that the
    25  applicant:
    26     (i)  has demonstrated the potential ability to assure both
    27  availability and accessibility of adequate personnel and
    28  facilities in a manner [enhancing] assuring availability,
    29  accessibility, quality of care and continuity of services in
    30  accordance with section 10.1 of this act;
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     1     (ii)  has arrangements for an ongoing quality of health care
     2  assurance program; and
     3     (iii)  has appropriate mechanisms whereby the [health
     4  maintenance organization] managed care plan will effectively
     5  provide or arrange for the provision of basic health care
     6  services on a prepaid basis; and
     7     (2)  The commissioner has found and determined that the
     8  applicant has a reasonable plan to operate the [health
     9  maintenance organization] managed care plan in a financially
    10  sound manner and is reasonably expected to meet its obligations
    11  to enrollees and prospective enrollees. In making this
    12  determination, the commissioner may consider:
    13     (i)  The adequacy of working capital and funding sources.
    14     (ii)  Arrangements for insuring the payment of the cost of
    15  health care services or the provision for automatic
    16  applicability of an alternative coverage in the event of
    17  discontinuance of the [health maintenance organization] managed
    18  care plan.
    19     (iii)  Any agreement with providers of health care services
    20  whereby they assume financial risk for the provision of services
    21  to subscribers.
    22     (iv)  Any deposit of cash, or guaranty or maintenance or
    23  minimum restricted reserves which the commissioner, by
    24  regulation, may adopt to assure that the obligations to
    25  subscribers will be performed.
    26     (c)  Within ninety days of receipt of a completed application
    27  for a certificate of authority, the commissioner and secretary
    28  shall jointly either:
    29     (1)  approve the application and issue a certificate of
    30  authority; or
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     1     (2)  disapprove the application [specifying] and specify in
     2  writing the reasons for such disapproval. Any disapproval of an
     3  application may be appealed in accordance with Title 2 of the
     4  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to administrative
     5  law and procedure).
     6     Section 6.1.  Foreign [Health Maintenance Organizations]
     7  Managed Care Plans.--(a)  A [health maintenance organization]
     8  managed care plan approved and regulated under the laws of
     9  another state may be authorized by issuance of a certificate of
    10  authority to operate or do business in this Commonwealth by
    11  satisfying the commissioner and the secretary that it is fully
    12  and legally organized under the laws of [its] the other state,
    13  and that it complies with all requirements for [health
    14  maintenance organizations] managed care plans organized within
    15  the Commonwealth.
    16     (b)  The commissioner and the secretary may waive or modify
    17  the provisions of this act under which they have the authority
    18  to act if they determine that the same are not appropriate to a
    19  particular [health maintenance organization] managed care plan
    20  of another state, that such waiver or modification will be
    21  consistent with the purposes and provisions of this act, and
    22  that it will not result in unfair discrimination in favor of the
    23  [health maintenance organization] managed care plan of another
    24  state.
    25     (c)  The commissioner and the secretary are hereby authorized
    26  and directed to develop with other states reciprocal licensing
    27  agreements concerning the licensure of [health maintenance
    28  organizations] managed care plans which permit the commissioner
    29  and the secretary to accept audits, inspections and reviews of
    30  agencies from other states to determine whether [health
    19970H1506B1829                  - 9 -

     1  maintenance organizations] managed care plans licensed in other
     2  states meet Commonwealth requirements.
     3     Section 7.  Board of Directors.--A corporation receiving a
     4  certificate of authority to operate a [health maintenance
     5  organization] managed care plan under the provisions of this act
     6  shall be organized in such a manner that assures that at least
     7  one-third of the membership of the board of directors of the
     8  [health maintenance organization] managed care plan will be
     9  subscribers of the [organization] plan. The board of directors
    10  shall be elected in the manner stated in the corporation's
    11  charter or bylaws.
    12     Section 8.  Contracts with Practitioners, Hospitals,
    13  Insurance Companies, Etc.--(a)  Contracts enabling [the] a
    14  corporation to provide the services authorized under section 4
    15  of this act made with hospitals and practitioners of medical,
    16  dental and related services shall be filed with the secretary.
    17  The secretary shall have power to require immediate
    18  renegotiation of such contracts whenever he determines that they
    19  provide for excessive payments, or that they fail to include
    20  reasonable incentives for cost control, or that they otherwise
    21  substantially and unreasonably contribute to escalation of the
    22  costs of providing health care services to subscribers, or that
    23  they are otherwise inconsistent with the purposes of this act.
    24     (b)  A [health maintenance organization] managed care plan
    25  may reasonably contract with any individual, partnership,
    26  association, corporation or organization for the performance on
    27  its behalf of other necessary functions including, but not
    28  limited to, marketing, enrollment, and administration, and may
    29  contract with an insurance company authorized to do an accident
    30  and health business in this State or a hospital plan corporation
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     1  or a professional health service corporation for the provision
     2  of insurance or indemnity or reimbursement against the cost of
     3  health care services provided by the [health maintenance
     4  organization] managed care plan as it deems to be necessary.
     5  Such contracts shall be filed with the commissioner.
     6     Section 9.  Right to Serve or Benefits When Outside the
     7  State.--If a subscriber entitled to services provided by the
     8  corporation necessarily incurs expenses for such services while
     9  outside the service area, the [health maintenance organization]
    10  managed care plan to which the person is a subscriber may, in
    11  its discretion and if satisfied both as to the necessity for
    12  such services and that it was such as the subscriber would have
    13  been entitled to under similar circumstances in the service
    14  area, reimburse the subscriber or pay on his behalf all or part
    15  of the reasonable expenses incurred for such services. Such
    16  decision for reimbursement shall be subject to review by the
    17  commissioner at the request of a subscriber.
    18     Section 10.  Supervision.--(a)  Except as otherwise provided
    19  in this act, a [health maintenance organization] managed care
    20  plan operating under the provisions of this act shall not be
    21  subject to the laws of this State now in force relating to
    22  insurance corporations engaged in the business of insurance nor
    23  to any law hereafter enacted relating to the business of
    24  insurance unless such law specifically and in exact terms
    25  applies to such [health maintenance organization] plan. For a
    26  [health maintenance organization] managed care plan established,
    27  operated and maintained by a corporation, this exemption shall
    28  apply only to the operations and subscribers of the [health
    29  maintenance organization] plan.
    30     (b)  All [health maintenance organizations] managed care
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     1  plans shall be subject to the following insurance laws:
     2     (1)  The act of July 22, 1974 (P.L.589, No.205), known as the
     3  "Unfair Insurance Practices Act."
     4     (2)  Any rehabilitation, liquidation or conservation of a
     5  [health maintenance organization] managed care plan shall be
     6  deemed to be the rehabilitation, liquidation or conservation of
     7  an insurance company and shall be conducted under the
     8  supervision of the commissioner pursuant to the law governing
     9  the rehabilitation, liquidation, or conservation of insurance
    10  companies.
    11     (c)  (1)  All rates charged subscribers or groups of
    12  subscribers by a [health maintenance organization] managed care
    13  plan and the form and content of all contracts between a [health
    14  maintenance organization] plan and its subscribers or groups of
    15  subscribers, all rates of payment to hospitals made by a [health
    16  maintenance organization] plan pursuant to contracts provided
    17  for in this act, budgeted acquisition costs in connection with
    18  the solicitation of subscribers, and the certificates issued by
    19  a [health maintenance organization] plan representing its
    20  agreements with subscribers shall, at all times, be on file with
    21  the commissioner and be deemed approved unless explicitly
    22  rejected within sixty days of filing.
    23     (2)  Filings under this subsection shall be [made] submitted
    24  to the commissioner in such form, and shall set forth such
    25  information as the commissioner may require to carry out the
    26  provisions of this act. Any disapproval of a filing by the
    27  commissioner may be appealed in accordance with Title 2 of the
    28  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to administrative
    29  law and procedure).
    30     (d)  Solicitors or agents compensated directly or indirectly
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     1  by any corporation subject to the provisions of this act shall
     2  meet such prerequisites as the commissioner by regulation shall
     3  require.
     4     (e)  A [health maintenance organization] managed care plan
     5  shall establish and maintain a grievance resolution system
     6  satisfactory to the secretary, whereby the complaints of its
     7  subscribers may be acted upon promptly and satisfactorily.
     8     (f)  If a [health maintenance organization] managed care plan
     9  offers eye care which is within the scope of the practice of
    10  optometry, it shall make optometric care available to its
    11  subscribers, and shall make the same reimbursement whether the
    12  service is provided by an optometrist or a physician.
    13     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    14     Section 10.1.  Availability and Accessibility Bill of
    15  Rights.--(a)  A managed care plan shall cover health emergency
    16  services and urgent care services without authorization,
    17  regardless of provider or facility.
    18     (b)  A managed care plan shall include a sufficient number
    19  and type of primary care practitioners, specialists and
    20  hospitals throughout the services area to meet the needs of
    21  enrollees and to ensure reasonable choice. The mix of providers
    22  shall meet the needs of enrollee population adjusted for
    23  characteristics including, but not limited to, age, gender and
    24  health status. At a minimum, the plan shall have one full-time
    25  primary care physician per 1,200 enrollees.
    26     (c)  A managed care plan shall permit subscribers to change
    27  primary care providers at any time upon notice to the plan. The
    28  plan may not require more than fifteen days' prior notice.
    29     (d)  A managed care plan shall develop and implement a
    30  procedure for subscribers with specific conditions to receive a
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     1  standing referral from their primary care provider to a
     2  specialist with expertise in treating the condition. A standing
     3  referral may be authorized by the primary care provider if the
     4  subscriber requires continuing care from a specialist or if the
     5  subscriber is suffering from a prolonged, life-threatening,
     6  degenerative or disabling condition. Authorization of the
     7  specialist to provide health care services to the subscriber
     8  shall be made in the same manner as the authorization of
     9  subscribers' primary care provider.
    10     (e)  No managed care plan may:
    11     (1)  Deny enrollment to a subscriber who is a member of a
    12  group for which the plan is providing or has proposed to provide
    13  basic health services.
    14     (2)  Offer to provide basic health services contingent upon
    15  the exclusion of individuals who would otherwise be included in
    16  the defined group.
    17     (f)  A managed care plan may not impose a penalty on
    18  enrollees who seek direct access to an obstetrician or
    19  gynecologist.
    20     (g)  In applying practice standards or parameters, a managed
    21  care plan shall make appropriate adjustments based on the
    22  severity of the subscriber's condition consistent with generally
    23  recognized standards or parameters established or recognized by
    24  a professional provider association.
    25     (h)  A managed care plan shall cover medically necessary
    26  services provided by any provider if a participating provider
    27  cannot attend to the enrollee within a time period appropriate
    28  to the enrollee's medical condition. In no case shall the
    29  waiting period for an appointment exceed thirty days from the
    30  date of initial contact to schedule an appointment.
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     1     (i)  A managed care plan shall provide coverage for all FDA-
     2  approved drugs and devices, whether or not the drug or device
     3  has been approved for the specific treatment or condition, and
     4  provided that the treating physician determines that the drug or
     5  device is medically necessary or appropriate for the enrollee's
     6  condition.
     7     (j)  Enrollees shall have thirty days from the commencement
     8  of the contract to cancel for any reason. Cancellation shall be
     9  provided to the managed care plan in writing, and a United
    10  States postmark shall be conclusive evidence of the date
    11  received.
    12     (k)  A managed care plan shall cover medically necessary
    13  services furnished as a result of a medical emergency by a
    14  nonparticipating provider.
    15     (l)  Enrollees shall be covered for any condition which is
    16  normally covered under the plan. This shall include secondary
    17  conditions resulting from a noncovered primary condition.
    18     Section 10.2  Disenrollment Parameters.--A managed care plan
    19  may disenroll an enrollee only in accordance with the following:
    20     (1)  A subscriber shall be provided a notice thirty days
    21  prior to disenrollment. The notice shall state the reason for
    22  the disenrollment, the effective date of disenrollment and the
    23  subscriber's right to appeal the disenrollment to the
    24  department.
    25     (2)  A disenrollment shall only be provided for nonpayment of
    26  charges or premiums, termination of conditions under which
    27  enrollment occurred, violation of policies published by the
    28  secretary, policies of the managed care organization as approved
    29  by the secretary, change of residence or fraudulent use of
    30  managed care services.
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     1     (3)  The plan shall offer to each subscriber who is eligible
     2  for disenrollment, as a result of discontinuation of membership
     3  in a group enrolled with the managed care organization, a
     4  subscription agreement with the same level of benefits as
     5  provided under the group contract. The plan may charge a
     6  different reasonable premium to any subscriber who is not a
     7  member of a group.
     8     Section 5.  Sections 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 and 17 of the act,
     9  amended December 19, 1980 (P.L.1300, No.234), are amended to
    10  read:
    11     Section 11.  Reports and Examinations.--(a)  (1)  [The] A
    12  corporation that has a certificate of authority under section 4
    13  of this act shall, on or before the first of March of every
    14  year, file with the commissioner a statement verified by at
    15  least two of the principal officers of the corporation
    16  summarizing its financial activities during the calendar or
    17  fiscal year immediately preceding, and showing its financial
    18  condition at the close of business on December 31 of that year,
    19  or the corporation's fiscal year. [Such] The statement shall be
    20  in such form and shall contain such matter as the commissioner
    21  prescribes.
    22     (2)  The financial affairs and status of [every such
    23  corporation] each corporation that has a certificate of
    24  authority under section 4 of this act shall be examined by the
    25  commissioner or [his] the commissioner's agents not less
    26  frequently than once in every three years [and for]. For this
    27  purpose, the commissioner and [his] the commissioner's agents
    28  shall be entitled to:
    29     (i) the aid and cooperation of the officers and employes of
    30  the corporation [and shall have convenient];
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     1     (ii) access to all books, records, papers, and documents that
     2  relate to the financial affairs of the corporation[. They shall
     3  have authority to]; and
     4     (iii) examine under oath or affirmation the officers, agents,
     5  employes and subscribers for the health services of the
     6  corporation, and all other persons having or having had
     7  substantial part in the work of the corporation in relation to
     8  its affairs, transactions and financial condition.
     9     (3)  The [Insurance Commissioner] commissioner may at any
    10  time, without making such examination, call on any such
    11  corporation for a written report authenticated by at least two
    12  of its principal officers concerning the financial affairs and
    13  status of the corporation.
    14     (b)  A corporation that has a certificate of authority under
    15  section 4 of this act shall maintain its financial records in
    16  such manner that the revenues and expenses associated with the
    17  establishment, maintenance and operation of its prepaid health
    18  care delivery system under this act are identifiable and
    19  distinct from other activities it may engage in which are not
    20  directly related to the establishment, maintenance and operation
    21  of its prepaid health care delivery system under this act.
    22     (c)  The secretary or [his] the secretary's agents shall have
    23  free access to all the books, records, papers and documents that
    24  relate to the business of the corporation, other than financial.
    25     Section 12.  Contracts to Provide Medical Care.--A [health
    26  maintenance organization] managed care plan established pursuant
    27  to this act may receive and accept from governmental or private
    28  agencies payments covering all or part of the cost of
    29  subscriptions to provide its services, facilities, appliances,
    30  medicines or supplies.
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     1     Section 13.  Exemption from Taxation.--Every [health
     2  maintenance organization] managed care plan established,
     3  maintained and operated by a corporation not-for-profit is
     4  hereby declared to be a charitable and benevolent institution
     5  and all its income, funds, investments and property shall be
     6  exempt from all taxation of the State or its political
     7  subdivisions.
     8     Section 15.  Penalty.--(a)  The commissioner and secretary
     9  may suspend or revoke any certificate of authority issued to a
    10  [health maintenance organization] managed care plan under this
    11  act, or, in their discretion, impose a penalty of not more than
    12  one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each and every unlawful act
    13  committed, if they find that any of the following conditions
    14  exist:
    15     (1)  that the [health maintenance organization] managed care
    16  plan is providing inadequate or poor quality care, thereby
    17  creating a threat to the health and safety of its subscribers;
    18     (2)  that the [health maintenance organization] managed care
    19  plan is unable to fulfill its contractual obligations to its
    20  subscribers;
    21     (3)  that the [health maintenance organization] managed care
    22  plan or any person on its behalf has advertised its services in
    23  an untrue, misrepresentative, misleading, deceptive or unfair
    24  manner; or
    25     (4)  that the [health maintenance organization] managed care
    26  plan has otherwise failed to substantially comply with this act.
    27     (b)  Before the commissioner or secretary, whichever is
    28  appropriate, shall take any action as above set forth, [he] the
    29  commissioner or secretary shall give written notice to the
    30  [health maintenance organization,] managed care plan accused of
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     1  violating the law, stating specifically the nature of [such] the
     2  alleged violation and fixing a time and place, at least ten days
     3  thereafter, when a hearing of the matter shall be held. Hearing
     4  procedure and appeals from decisions of the commissioner or
     5  secretary shall be as provided in Title 2 of the Pennsylvania
     6  Consolidated Statutes (relating to administrative law and
     7  procedure).
     8     Section 16.  Exclusions.--[Certificates] No certificates of
     9  authority shall [not] be required of:
    10     (1)  [Health maintenance organizations] Managed care plans
    11  offered by employers for the exclusive enrollment of their own
    12  employes, or by unions for the sole use of their members.
    13     (2)  Any plan, program or service offered by an employer for
    14  the prevention of disease among his employes.
    15     Section 17.  Effect of Act on Other Plans.--(a)  Any
    16  requirements or privileges granted under this act shall apply
    17  exclusively to that portion of business or activities which
    18  reasonably relates to the establishment, maintenance and
    19  operation of a [health maintenance organization] managed care
    20  plan pursuant to the provisions of this act.
    21     (b)  [Any health maintenance organization program] A managed
    22  care plan approved by the commissioner or secretary and
    23  operating under the provisions of 40 Pa.C.S. Ch.61 (relating to
    24  hospital plan corporations) or 40 Pa.C.S. Ch.63 (relating to
    25  professional health services plan corporations) or under any
    26  statute superseded by either of such statutes, prior to the
    27  effective date of this act, may continue to operate under the
    28  provisions of such authority or successor provisions, if any.
    29     Section 6.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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