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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1824



No. 1508 Session of 1999

           MAY 12, 1999

           PREPAREDNESS, MAY 12, 1999

                                     AN ACT

     1  Creating funds to provide loans and grants to victims of small
     2     disasters; providing for powers and duties of the
     3     Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency and other State
     4     agencies; providing for terms and conditions of loans and
     5     grants; and imposing a surcharge on property insurance
     6     premiums.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9  Section 1.  Short title.
    10     This act shall be known and may be cited as the PENNCrisis
    11  Act.
    12  Section 2.  Legislative findings.
    13     The General Assembly finds that many communities in this
    14  Commonwealth frequently are subject to natural and manmade
    15  disasters which cause significant damage and disruption in the
    16  life of the community but which are not of sufficient magnitude
    17  to qualify for Federal disaster assistance programs.

     1  Nevertheless, these losses are of considerable importance to
     2  those directly affected and their communities, particularly when
     3  the homes, businesses, public facilities and lives lost are in
     4  one of this Commonwealth's many small communities.
     5  Section 3.  Definitions.
     6     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
     7  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     8  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     9     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.
    10     "Fund."  The Small Disaster Assistance Fund created under
    11  this act.
    12  Section 4.  Small Disaster Assistance Fund.
    13     (a)  Fund created.--There is created within the PENNCrisis
    14  program a Small Disaster Assistance Fund to assist the victims
    15  of natural and manmade disasters with low-interest loans and
    16  grants.
    17     (b)  Coordination and administration of fund.--All field and
    18  other activities of the fund shall be coordinated by the agency,
    19  including budgetary allocations from the PENNCrisis Fund to the
    20  various objects of PENNCrisis and reports to the General
    21  Assembly on program performance and needs. Final authority on
    22  all individual requests for assistance from the fund shall rest
    23  with the administering agencies. Program elements of the fund
    24  shall be administered as follows:
    25         (1)  For residential housing needs, the Pennsylvania
    26     Housing Finance Agency.
    27         (2)  For residential contents and vehicles, the
    28     Department of Public Welfare.
    29         (3)  For business and municipal programs, the Department
    30     of Community and Economic Development.
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     1  Section 5.  Low-interest loans to disaster victims.
     2     All loans shall bear interest for the entire term at a rate
     3  no greater than the annual cost of living in the year in which
     4  the loan is granted. Interest rates shall be reviewed by the
     5  administering agency at the beginning of each fiscal year based
     6  on guidance from the Office of the Budget and adjusted in
     7  accordance with the prior year's cost of living. All loans shall
     8  cover only that portion of loss not covered by insurance.
     9  Section 6.  Business and municipal loans.
    10     (a)  Business loans.--
    11         (1)  Loans to businesses and municipalities shall be for
    12     a term of no more than 15 years, except where the term is
    13     extended by hardship suspensions of payments. Business loans
    14     shall be secured by a mortgage on real property of the
    15     business or other suitable collateral.
    16         (2)  Business loans may be used to repair or replace all
    17     of the following when lost or seriously damaged due to an
    18     eligible disaster:
    19             (i)  Fixed equipment.
    20             (ii)  Major moveable equipment.
    21             (iii)  Furnishings.
    22             (iv)  Real property.
    23             (v)  Leasehold improvements.
    24             (vi)  Inventory, if it can be shown that insurance
    25         proceeds are not available to replace the inventory.
    26         (3)  At the discretion of the Department of Community and
    27     Economic Development, individual business loans may be
    28     increased up to 150% of eligible repair or replacement costs
    29     to assist in business retention and recovery. The sum of all
    30     business loans may not exceed more than one-half of all funds
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     1     available in the PENNCrisis fund in any fiscal year.
     2     (b)  Municipal loans.--Municipal and county loans may be used
     3  for repairing or replacing all of the following when lost or
     4  seriously damaged due to an eligible disaster:
     5         (1)  Buildings.
     6         (2)  Major equipment other than vehicles.
     7         (3)  Office machines.
     8         (4)  Streets.
     9         (5)  Water and sewer lines.
    10         (6)  Recreational facilities.
    11  Section 7.  Residential loans.
    12     (a)  General rule.--Residential loans may be made only for
    13  the replacement or repair of the structure of a primary
    14  residence and must be secured by a mortgage on the real property
    15  that is the subject of the loan. Tenants who have been forced
    16  from a primary rental residence by an eligible disaster event
    17  are eligible for loans to purchase a home approximately
    18  equivalent to their prior residence.
    19     (b)  Exception.--Repairs to landscaping, ponds, pools and
    20  outbuildings are not eligible for PENNCrisis funding, except to
    21  respond to serious hazards resulting from disaster damage.
    22  Section 8.  Grants to disaster victims.
    23     (a)  Residential grants.--
    24         (1)  Persons who have lost clothing, furniture,
    25     appliances, furnaces, hot water heaters or other contents of
    26     their primary residences as the result of an eligible
    27     disaster event shall be eligible for grants not to exceed
    28     $7,500 per person in multiperson households and not to exceed
    29     $15,000 for single persons. The total amount of a single
    30     grant shall not exceed $25,000.
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     1         (2)  Persons with documentable losses above the
     2     thresholds established under paragraph (1) shall be eligible
     3     for low-interest loans under the terms and conditions
     4     prescribed for real property in section 7, except that
     5     contents loans shall not be collateralized and shall bear
     6     interest at a rate of two times the annual cost of living,
     7     but not to exceed 7%.
     8         (3)  Personal items eligible for residential grants and
     9     loans shall not include jewelry or other luxury items or
    10     sporting equipment.
    11     (b)  Business grants.--Nonprofit organizations and small
    12  businesses with fewer than 15 full-time equivalent employees may
    13  be eligible for grants to cover loss or damage from an eligible
    14  small disaster event to furnishings, office equipment and
    15  noninventory supplies. Grants under this subsection shall not
    16  exceed $25,000.
    17  Section 9.  Disaster mitigation loans and grants.
    18     (a)  General rule.--Municipalities affected by an eligible
    19  small disaster event may apply for loans and grants to rectify
    20  conditions or inadequate public facilities that led directly to
    21  the disaster event or contributed substantially to its
    22  occurrence or the inability of local officials to bring the
    23  damage under control. Subjects of such assistance shall include,
    24  but are not limited to, the following:
    25         (1)  Missing or inadequate storm sewers or other water
    26     management structures.
    27         (2)  Inadequate fire hydrants or related water lines.
    28         (3)  Watershed plans.
    29         (4)  Engineering studies and designs necessary to effect
    30     mitigation improvements.
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     1     (b)  Limitation.--Disaster mitigation assistance may be used
     2  only for municipally owned or controlled improvements.
     3  Firefighting apparatus, including trucks, tankers and other
     4  vehicles, are not eligible for mitigation assistance.
     5     (c)  Chronic flooding.--The coordinating agency may consult
     6  with the Department of Environmental Protection to identify
     7  areas of chronic flooding that result in frequent damage to
     8  communities but which do not rise to the level of a small
     9  disaster. The coordinating agency, in conjunction with the
    10  Department of Environmental Protection, may use up to 25% of the
    11  PENNCrisis Fund annual revenue, exclusive of carryover reserves,
    12  to provide grants and loans to municipalities to correct such
    13  conditions. Assistance shall follow the formula set forth in
    14  subsection (e).
    15     (d)  Hazard mitigation.--Hazard mitigation loans and grants
    16  shall be subject to the following:
    17         (1)  Grants for hazard mitigation work shall be no more
    18     than $5,000,000 per event.
    19         (2)  Low-interest loans shall be available for the
    20     balance of project work not covered by a mitigation grant.
    21         (3)  Hazard mitigation loans shall bear interest at a
    22     rate fixed at the current year's cost of living and shall be
    23     for a term of 20 years.
    24     (e)  Formula.--Grants and loans shall be awarded on the
    25  following formula:
    26         (1)  Municipalities with average per capita personal
    27     income greater than 20% above the State average per capita
    28     personal income for the preceding year shall be eligible for
    29     a mitigation grant of 50% of total project costs.
    30         (2)  Municipalities with average per capita personal
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     1     income of between 20% less than and 20% greater than the
     2     State average per capita personal income for the preceding
     3     year shall be eligible for a mitigation grant of 60% of total
     4     project cost.
     5         (3)  Municipalities with average per capita personal
     6     income more than 20% less than the State average per capita
     7     personal income for the preceding year shall be eligible for
     8     a mitigation grant of 70% of total project cost.
     9  Section 10.  The PENNCrisis Fund.
    10     (a)  Creation.--There is established under the jurisdiction
    11  of the agency a fund to be called the PENNCrisis Fund. Revenue
    12  for the PENNCrisis Fund shall be generated by an annual
    13  surcharge of .25% on all property insurance premiums collected
    14  for properties within this Commonwealth.
    15     (b)  Surcharge collection and disposition.--
    16         (1)  Insurers shall collect the surcharge and remit the
    17     proceeds on a quarterly basis to the Department of Revenue.
    18     Insurers may retain 5% of the gross funds collected from the
    19     surcharge to defray administrative costs.
    20         (2)  Revenues from the surcharge shall be placed into a
    21     dedicated fund reserved for the programs authorized under the
    22     PENNCrisis Fund. Deposits into the fund shall not lapse but
    23     be carried forward from year to year. Up to one-half of funds
    24     on reserve and to be earned by the end of any fiscal year may
    25     be used to pay the Commonwealth's matching share for any
    26     major disaster declared eligible for Federal assistance by
    27     the President of the United States. The need for Federal
    28     matching funds for any specific major disaster event may not
    29     encumber PENNCrisis revenues in years beyond the year of the
    30     major event.
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     1  Section 11.  Training, administration and operations.
     2     (a)  Specialized staff.--The agency and each administering
     3  agency under section 4 shall recruit, train and develop staff
     4  specializing in disaster assistance in their respective program
     5  areas. The staff sections shall be deployed by each
     6  administering agency in response to a declared small disaster,
     7  as directed by the agency. These personnel shall also be
     8  available to the agency at the direction of the Governor to
     9  respond to any major disaster in this Commonwealth.
    10     (b)  Funding for staff.--The agency and each administering
    11  agency shall receive $1,000,000 annually, or as much thereof as
    12  is necessary, from the PENNCrisis Fund to create a permanently
    13  staffed disaster response section. When each agency's disaster
    14  response team is deployed on assignment, the coordinating agency
    15  shall reimburse the agency from the PENNCrisis Fund for standard
    16  and necessary travel and living costs for each team deployed to
    17  the event.
    18     (c)  Authority to approve expenditures.--In response to any
    19  small disaster event, the agency shall have final authority to
    20  approve expenditures of PENNCrisis funds for any additional
    21  purposes it deems necessary to disaster recovery, provided that
    22  the uses are not specifically prohibited by this act.
    23  Section 12.  Effective date.
    24     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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