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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1785



No. 1524 Session of 1989

           AND PRESSMANN, MAY 23, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), entitled "An
     2     act relating to insurance; amending, revising, and
     3     consolidating the law providing for the incorporation of
     4     insurance companies, and the regulation, supervision, and
     5     protection of home and foreign insurance companies, Lloyds
     6     associations, reciprocal and inter-insurance exchanges, and
     7     fire insurance rating bureaus, and the regulation and
     8     supervision of insurance carried by such companies,
     9     associations, and exchanges, including insurance carried by
    10     the State Workmen's Insurance Fund; providing penalties; and
    11     repealing existing laws," requiring insurance companies to
    12     disclose certain data; providing for the review of rate
    13     filings and for compliance with requests for data and
    14     information; providing for a liability underwriting services
    15     plan and for a notice of intent to withdraw; and providing
    16     for penalties.

    17     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    18  hereby enacts as follows:
    19     Section 1.  The act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known
    20  as The Insurance Company Law of 1921, is amended by adding

     1  articles to read:
     2                            ARTICLE X-A.
     3                          DATA DISCLOSURE.
     4     Section 1001-A.  Reporting of Insurance Data.--By no later
     5  than September 1, 1989, and each September 1 thereafter, each
     6  insurer licensed to write property or casualty insurance in this
     7  Commonwealth shall annually report its loss and expense
     8  experience as provided in this act. However, an insurance
     9  company whose market share, for a given line of insurance in the
    10  most recent annual statement, is less than one per centum by
    11  direct written premium volume, shall not be required to submit
    12  the data listed in subsection (b)(1) through (12) for all types
    13  of insurance included in that annual statement line, unless the
    14  company is a member of a group of companies under the same
    15  ownership or management, another member of which has a market
    16  share of at least one per centum. Once exempted from reporting
    17  by this section, a company shall not be required to submit data
    18  unless and until it or another member of its group achieves a
    19  market share of at least two per centum. Once required to report
    20  by this section, a company shall not be exempted from submitting
    21  data unless and until it and all other members of its group
    22  achieve market shares of less than one per centum. The Insurance
    23  Department may designate one or more rate-service organizations
    24  to gather and compile such experience and data, provided that
    25  the data are reported separately for each company. The
    26  department shall require each insurer licensed to write property
    27  or casualty insurance in this Commonwealth to provide the
    28  required data in a data processing format prescribed by the
    29  department.
    30     Section 1002-A.  Commercial Insurance.--(a)  The report
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     1  required for commercial insurance by section 1001-A shall
     2  include, but not be limited to, the following specific types of
     3  insurance (which shall be shown separately) written by each
     4  insurer:
     5     (1)  Political subdivision liability insurance, reported
     6  separately in the following categories:
     7     (i)  municipalities;
     8     (ii)  school districts or schools; and
     9     (iii)  authorities and other political subdivisions.
    10     (2)  Public official liability insurance.
    11     (3)  Dram shop liability insurance.
    12     (4)  Commercial day-care center liability insurance for
    13  facilities licensed and regulated by the Department of Public
    14  Welfare.
    15     (5)  Products liability insurance.
    16     (6)  Medical malpractice insurance.
    17     (7)  Attorneys malpractice insurance.
    18     (8)  Architects and engineers malpractice insurance.
    19     (9)  Officers and directors liability insurance.
    20     (10)  Commercial motor vehicle insurance reported separately
    21  for voluntary and involuntary writings, for each of the
    22  following coverages:
    23     (i)  bodily injury liability insurance;
    24     (ii)  property damage liability insurance;
    25     (iii)  first party benefits insurance;
    26     (iv)  uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage; and
    27     (v)  physical damage insurance (comprehensive insurance and
    28  collision insurance combined).
    29  The automobile insurance plan shall provide the data for the
    30  involuntary market; however, all insurance companies writing
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     1  commercial motor vehicle insurance shall report the data for the
     2  voluntary market.
     3     (b)  The required report shall include the following data by
     4  type of insurance, both specific to this Commonwealth and also
     5  to the United States, except where otherwise noted. The data
     6  shall be compiled for the previous calendar year, accident year,
     7  or policy year, as determined by the Insurance Department,
     8  ending on the thirty-first day of December, and evaluated as of
     9  the thirty-first day of March of the following year:
    10     (1)  Direct written premiums at collected rate levels.
    11     (2)  Direct earned premiums at collected rate levels.
    12     (3)  Net investment income, excluding both realized and
    13  unrealized capital gains and losses, using estimates where
    14  necessary, broken down by line in accordance with the NAIC
    15  insurance expense exhibit method.
    16     (4)  Net investment income, including realized capital gains
    17  and losses (which shall be shown separately) but excluding
    18  unrealized capital gains and losses, using estimates where
    19  necessary, broken down by line in accordance with the NAIC
    20  insurance expense exhibit method.
    21     (5)  Net investment income, including realized capital gains
    22  and losses (which shall be shown separately) and including
    23  unrealized capital gains and losses (which shall be shown
    24  separately), using estimates where necessary, broken down by
    25  line in accordance with the NAIC insurance expense exhibit
    26  method.
    27     (6)  Incurred loss development for all available years
    28  beginning with 1984, and determined as the sum of the following
    29  developments, which shall be shown separately:
    30     (i)  dollar amount of paid claims; plus
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     1     (ii)  reserves for reported claims; plus
     2     (iii)  reserves for incurred but not reported claims; plus
     3     (iv)  paid allocated loss adjustment expenses; plus
     4     (v)  reserves for allocated loss adjustment expenses.
     5     (7)  Incurred claim count development for all available years
     6  beginning with 1984, and determined as the sum of the following
     7  developments, which shall be shown separately:
     8     (i)  number of claims closed with payment; plus
     9     (ii)  number of claims closed without payment; plus
    10     (iii)  number of claims pending.
    11     (8)  Incurred expenses, including commissions, other
    12  acquisition costs, general expenses, unallocated loss adjustment
    13  expenses, taxes, licenses and fees, all of which shall be shown
    14  separately.
    15     (9)  Net underwriting gain or loss.
    16     (10)  Net operating gain or loss, including net realized
    17  investment income but excluding unrealized investment income.
    18     (11)  The total number of incurred claims and corresponding
    19  losses and loss distributions broken down into components of
    20  economic loss, pain and suffering, and punitive damages.
    21     (12)  For all ceded reinsurance agreements with unrelated
    22  insurers entered into with the current reporting year, except
    23  those negotiated on an individual risk basis, the names and
    24  addresses of reinsurance intermediaries and fronting companies
    25  that provide reinsurance services and coverage. Information
    26  shall include, but not be limited to, limits and types of
    27  coverage provided, restrictions and loss retention. For
    28  individual risk reinsurance agreements allocated to
    29  Pennsylvania, the company shall identify the three leading
    30  intermediaries placing the reinsurance and the number of
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     1  individual risks that are reinsured on that basis per line of
     2  business. The data shall be held confidential; however, a
     3  summary statement of the cost and availability of reinsurance
     4  shall be made part of the report requirement of section 1006-A.
     5     (13)  Any other information requested by the Insurance
     6  Department.
     7     (c)  The Insurance Department shall promulgate rules and
     8  regulations setting forth procedures governing the reporting
     9  requirements of this article that shall include, but not be
    10  limited to:
    11     (1)  provisions to guarantee confidentiality of the data with
    12  regard to information relevant to individual claims; and
    13     (2)  standard and uniform definitions for information
    14  required to be submitted to the department pursuant to this
    15  article, that shall be consistent with generally accepted
    16  actuarial principles.
    17     Section 1003-A.  Private Passenger Motor Vehicle Insurance.--
    18  (a)  The report required for private passenger motor vehicle
    19  insurance by section 1001-A shall include, but not be limited
    20  to, private passenger motor vehicle insurance reported
    21  separately for voluntary and involuntary writings, for each of
    22  the following coverages:
    23     (1)  bodily injury liability insurance;
    24     (2)  property damage liability insurance;
    25     (3)  first party benefits insurance;
    26     (4)  uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance;
    27     (5)  comprehensive insurance; and
    28     (6)  collision insurance.
    29  The automobile insurance plan shall provide the data for the
    30  involuntary market; however, all insurance companies writing
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     1  private passenger motor vehicle insurance shall report the data
     2  for the voluntary market.
     3     (b)  The required report shall include the following private
     4  passenger motor vehicle data, both specific to this Commonwealth
     5  and also to the United States, except where otherwise noted. The
     6  data for the coverages in clauses (1) through (4) of subsection
     7  (a) shall be compiled for the previous accident year ending on
     8  the thirty-first day of December and evaluated as of the thirty-
     9  first day of March of the following year, whereas the data for
    10  the comprehensive and collision coverages shall be compiled for
    11  the previous calendar year. Furthermore, all data required by
    12  clauses (1), (2), (3), (4), (8) and (9) of this subsection shall
    13  be broken down by Pennsylvania rating territories.
    14     (1)  Direct written premiums at collected and current rate
    15  levels; however, the current rate level information is not
    16  required on a countrywide basis.
    17     (2)  Direct earned premiums at collected and current rate
    18  levels; however, the current rate level information is not
    19  required on a countrywide basis.
    20     (3)  Written exposures.
    21     (4)  Earned exposures.
    22     (5)  Net investment income, excluding both realized and
    23  unrealized capital gains and losses, using estimates where
    24  necessary, broken down by line in accordance with the NAIC
    25  insurance expense exhibit method.
    26     (6)  Net investment income, including realized capital gains
    27  and losses (which shall be shown separately) but excluding
    28  unrealized capital gains and losses, using estimates where
    29  necessary, broken down by line in accordance with the NAIC
    30  insurance expense exhibit method.
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     1     (7)  Net investment income, including realized capital gains
     2  and losses (which shall be shown separately) and including
     3  unrealized capital gains and losses (which shall be shown
     4  separately), using estimates where necessary, broken down by
     5  line in accordance with the NAIC insurance expense exhibit
     6  method.
     7     (8)  Incurred loss development for all available years
     8  beginning with 1983, and determined as the sum of the following
     9  developments, which shall be shown separately:
    10     (i)  dollar amount of paid claims; plus
    11     (ii)  reserves for reported claims; plus
    12     (iii)  reserves for incurred but not reported claims; plus
    13     (iv)  paid allocated loss adjustment expenses; plus
    14     (v)  reserves for allocated loss adjustment expenses.
    15     (9)  Incurred claim count development for all available years
    16  beginning with 1983, and determined as the sum of the following
    17  developments, which shall be shown separately:
    18     (i)  number of claims closed with payment; plus
    19     (ii)  number of claims closed without payment; plus
    20     (iii)  number of claims pending.
    21     (10)  Incurred expenses, including commissions, other
    22  acquisition costs, general expenses, unallocated loss adjustment
    23  expenses, taxes, licenses and fees, all of which shall be shown
    24  separately.
    25     (11)  Net underwriting gain or loss.
    26     (12)  Net operating gain or loss, including net realized
    27  investment income but excluding unrealized investment income.
    28     (13)  The total number of incurred claims and corresponding
    29  losses and loss distributions, broken down into components of
    30  economic loss, pain and suffering, and punitive damages.
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     1     (14)  For all ceded reinsurance agreements with unrelated
     2  insurers entered into with the current reporting year, except
     3  those negotiated on an individual risk basis, the names and
     4  addresses of reinsurance intermediaries and fronting companies
     5  that provide reinsurance services and coverage. Information
     6  shall include, but not be limited to, limits and types of
     7  coverage provided, restrictions and loss retention. For
     8  individual risk reinsurance agreements allocated to
     9  Pennsylvania, the company shall identify the three leading
    10  intermediaries placing the reinsurance and the number of
    11  individual risks that are reinsured on that basis per line of
    12  business. The data shall be held confidential; however, a
    13  summary statement of the cost and availability of reinsurance
    14  shall be made part of the report requirement of section 1005-A.
    15     (15)  Any other information requested by the Insurance
    16  Department.
    17     Section 1004-A.  Rules and Regulations.--The Insurance
    18  Department shall promulgate rules and regulations setting forth
    19  procedures governing the reporting requirements of this article
    20  that shall include, but not be limited to:
    21     (1)  provisions to guarantee confidentiality of the data with
    22  regard to information relevant to individual claims; and
    23     (2)  standard and uniform definitions for information
    24  required to be submitted to the department pursuant to this
    25  article, that shall be consistent with generally accepted
    26  actuarial principles.
    27     Section 1005-A.  Actuarial Impact Statement Regarding
    28  Judicial Decisions.--Any insurance company or rating
    29  organization, acting on behalf of more than one insurance
    30  company, may file an actuarial study detailing the impact of any
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     1  appellate judicial decision it believes will have a significant
     2  impact on the price or availability of insurance.
     3     Section 1006-A.  Department Utilization.--The Insurance
     4  Department shall utilize the reports submitted by insurers
     5  pursuant to this article, or any portions of these reports, in
     6  determining whether the rates or rating plans, or any subsequent
     7  modifications thereof, for property or casualty insurance in
     8  this Commonwealth, are excessive, inadequate or unfairly
     9  discriminatory, or for any other purpose. The department shall
    10  annually summarize the data compiled pursuant to this act, and
    11  file a report and findings with the standing committees of the
    12  General Assembly having jurisdiction over insurance affairs. The
    13  department shall be authorized to audit, at its discretion, any
    14  of the data submitted under this article.
    15     Section 1007-A.  Requirement for Doing Business.--Each
    16  insurance company shall file all of the information required
    17  under this article with the Insurance Department as a
    18  prerequisite to obtaining permission to write coverage, to
    19  continue to do business, or to file for rate adjustments.
    20     Section 1008-A.  Penalty.--Each insurer who fails to comply
    21  with the terms of section 1001-A, 1002-A or 1003-A shall pay an
    22  administrative penalty of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and
    23  thereafter a further administrative penalty of two hundred
    24  dollars ($200) daily until all sections are complied with.
    25                            ARTICLE X-B.
    26                      REVIEW OF RATE FILINGS.
    27     Section 1001-B.  Filings.--(a)  The Insurance Department is
    28  authorized to audit, at its discretion, all data submitted in
    29  support of rules, rates or rating plans.
    30     (b)  Public notice shall be given of any public hearing or
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     1  other opportunities for any interested party or person to
     2  present information on filings of rules, rates or rating plans.
     3     (c)  All filings of rules, rates and rating plans presented
     4  to the department shall be part of the public record.
     5     (d)  The commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations
     6  establishing procedures for the review of rules, rates and
     7  rating plans for property and casualty insurance, which shall
     8  include, but not be limited to:
     9     (1)  Uniform definitions of actuarial terms used in filings
    10  of rules, rates and rating plans.
    11     (2)  Standard formats and standard methodologies for the
    12  submission or modification of rules, rates and rating plans. An
    13  insurance company may provide additional information beyond the
    14  standard data base established by the department.
    15                            ARTICLE X-C.
    17     Section 1001-C.  Requests for Data and Information.--Any
    18  person or entity licensed or otherwise authorized to engage in
    19  the business of insurance in this Commonwealth shall comply with
    20  calls for data and any other information that may be made by the
    21  Insurance Department. Compliance with such calls, relating to
    22  the conduct of the business of insurance, shall include the
    23  following actions:
    24     (1)  The provision of all data or information requested
    25  within thirty (30) calendar days of the date that the request is
    26  first received unless a different time to respond is provided by
    27  the department or granted as a result of a formal request by the
    28  entity to which the request is made. Where data or information
    29  is not readily available in the form or format in which it is
    30  requested, such data and information shall be generated,
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     1  organized and presented in the form or format requested by the
     2  department, provided that upon written request the person or
     3  licensee shall have an additional thirty (30) days to generate,
     4  organize and present all data and information requested. The
     5  commissioner may grant additional thirty (30) day extensions to
     6  the time to respond to a request for data or information upon
     7  request.
     8     (2)  The provision of copies of actual records or documents
     9  requested, including, but not limited to, letters, guidelines,
    10  lists, memoranda, directives, notices and any form of
    11  communication which relates to data or information requested.
    12     Section 1002-C.  Penalties.--Any person or entity which fails
    13  to comply with this article shall pay up to a maximum
    14  administrative penalty of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) and be
    15  subject to a further administrative penalty of two hundred
    16  dollars ($200) daily until full compliance occurs.
    17                            ARTICLE X-D.
    18                   NOTICE OF INTENT TO WITHDRAW.
    19     Section 1001-D.  Notice Required.--(a)  Whenever an insurer
    20  licensed to write property and casualty insurance as described
    21  in section 1001-A decides to withdraw from any line, subline or
    22  classification of business, the insurance company shall file
    23  with the Insurance Department a notice detailing the intent to
    24  withdraw. The notice shall include, but not be limited to, the
    25  reasons for withdrawal, the number of policyholders affected,
    26  the effective date of the withdrawal, if the withdrawal is
    27  Statewide or national, and a listing of potential sources for
    28  replacement coverage for insureds. This notice of withdrawal by
    29  insurers shall be filed at least sixty days prior to the
    30  effective date of the withdrawal.
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     1     (b)  The Insurance Department shall use this information to
     2  assist in determining market conditions.
     3     (c)  The department shall not permit any insurer licensed to
     4  write property and casualty insurance to withdraw from any line
     5  or classification of business without complying with the
     6  provisions of this article.
     7                            ARTICLE X-E.
     9     Section 1001-E.  Definitions.--The following words and
    10  phrases when used in this article shall have the meanings given
    11  to them in this section, unless the context clearly indicates
    12  otherwise:
    13     (1)  "Board," means the board of directors of the plan.
    14     (2)  "Commercial liability insurance," means insurance
    15  coverage against the legal liability of the insured against
    16  loss, damage or expense incident to a claim arising out of the
    17  death or injury of any person or property damage as the result
    18  of or incident to the lawful conduct of a business enterprise or
    19  public purpose. The term includes such insurance coverage of
    20  governmental entities, including political subdivisions as
    21  specified in section 1002-A(1)(i), (ii) and (iii).
    22     (3)  "Commissioner," means the Insurance Commissioner of the
    23  Commonwealth.
    24     (4)  "Department," means the Insurance Department of the
    25  Commonwealth.
    26     (5)  "Plan," means the Pennsylvania Liability Underwriting
    27  Services Plan.
    28     (6)  "Surplus lines agent," means an individual, partnership
    29  or corporation that is duly licensed as such by the commissioner
    30  to effect placement of insurance coverage with an unlicensed
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     1  insurer, and who may receive a commission therefor.
     2     Section 1002-E.  Creation of Plan.--The Pennsylvania
     3  Liability Underwriting Services Plan is created as a legal
     4  entity with all the rights which are reasonable and necessary to
     5  fulfill its purpose, including, but not limited to, the
     6  following:
     7     (1)  To own property.
     8     (2)  To enter into contracts.
     9     (3)  To sue and be sued, provided that no judgment against
    10  the plan shall create any liability in the individual members.
    11     Section 1003-E.  Purpose.--The plan shall assist in the
    12  placement of commercial liability insurance for eligible
    13  Pennsylvania commercial risks and public entities that have
    14  tried and failed to find such coverage.
    15     Section 1004-E.  Membership.--Every commercial liability
    16  insurer admitted to do business in this Commonwealth shall, as a
    17  condition of its authority to write such kinds of insurance
    18  within this Commonwealth, be a member of the plan and have the
    19  rights and obligations as hereinafter described. The
    20  commissioner may require that the surplus lines insurance
    21  companies participate in the plan.
    22     Section 1005-E.  Participation.--Each member of the plan
    23  shall participate in funding the administrative costs of the
    24  plan, to the extent that application fees do not defray those
    25  costs, and in the review of applications for insurance. Each
    26  member's share of participation obligations shall be equitable
    27  and set forth in the method of operation. However, members of
    28  the plan shall not be required to review application of eligible
    29  commercial risks or public entities where the member has not
    30  underwritten such coverage for two consecutive years preceding
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     1  the effective date of this section.
     2     Section 1006-E.  Board of Directors.--The plan shall be
     3  governed by nine directors and the Insurance Commissioner, who
     4  shall serve as a non-voting ex officio chairman. The nine
     5  directors shall be appointed to the board as voting members, by
     6  the commissioner, each to serve a term of two years. Five
     7  members shall be representatives of insurance companies, two
     8  members shall be licensed insurance agents or brokers and two
     9  members shall be consumers of commercial insurance. Members
    10  shall serve as representatives of their employers, who may have
    11  the right to substitute individuals with the prior approval of
    12  the commissioner.
    13     Section 1007-E.  Voting Rights.--Whenever so designated by
    14  the board pursuant to its method of operation, each commercial
    15  liability insurer shall be allotted votes in proportion to its
    16  share of the Statewide total written premium during the prior
    17  year relating to general liability coverage, plus the liability
    18  portion, as determined by the commissioner, of commercial multi-
    19  peril coverage.
    20     Section 1008-E.  Organization.--(a)  Within sixty (60) days
    21  following the issuance of an order by the commissioner to
    22  establish a plan the board shall submit to the commissioner, for
    23  his review, a proposed method of operation of the plan,
    24  consistent with the provisions of this act, which shall provide
    25  for the formation of the plan and the economical and efficient
    26  administration of the plan, including, but not limited to,
    27  management of the plan, preliminary assessment of all members
    28  for initial expenses necessary to commence operations,
    29  establishment of necessary facilities within this Commonwealth,
    30  assessment of members to defray continuing expenses, limits of
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     1  liability, eligibility requirements, procedures for securing
     2  timely referrals and quotes on insurance applications and
     3  governance of the plan.
     4     (b)  The method of operation shall be subject to approval by
     5  the commissioner and shall take effect ten (10) days after
     6  having been approved by him. If the commissioner disapproves the
     7  proposed method of operation, the commissioner shall specify his
     8  objections and how the plan of operation may be made acceptable.
     9  Following the receipt of objections from the commissioner, the
    10  plan shall, within fifteen (15) days, submit for review an
    11  appropriately revised method of operation, and, if the plan
    12  fails to do so or if the revised plan so filed is unacceptable,
    13  the commissioner shall promulgate a plan of operation.
    14     (c)  The plan may, by its own initiative, subject to prior
    15  approval by the commissioner, amend the method of operation.
    16     Section 1009-E.  Application Fees.--Subject to approval by
    17  the commissioner, the plan shall require applications to be
    18  accompanied by reasonable application fees, which may vary for
    19  different classes of applicants. Initially, application fees
    20  should not exceed one hundred dollars ($100) nor be less than
    21  ten dollars ($10) for any class of insured and shall be reviewed
    22  annually by the commissioner. The application fee is non-
    23  refundable if the applicant is determined to be eligible for
    24  coverage, regardless of whether coverage is found for the
    25  applicant through the plan.
    26     Section 1010-E.  Eligibility.--All applications for
    27  commercial liability coverage may be eligible for consideration
    28  by the plan if they are accompanied by the application fee
    29  appropriate to that class of risk, three refusals of coverage
    30  from admitted Pennsylvania commercial lines writers and one
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     1  refusal of coverage from a licensed surplus lines agent, and a
     2  completed questionnaire as shall be supplied to the applicant by
     3  the plan and approved by the commissioner, except for
     4  applications relating to:
     5     (1)  Insurance on motor vehicles.
     6     (2)  Insurance for pollution or environmental impairment.
     7     (3)  Insurance for workers' compensation and employers'
     8  liability.
     9     (4)  Insurance for medical malpractice professional
    10  liability.
    11     (5)  Insurance on activities conducted substantially outside
    12  this Commonwealth unless the insurance is required by
    13  Pennsylvania or Federal statute.
    14     (6)  Other risks as may be excluded by the plan and approved
    15  by the commissioner.
    16     Section 1011-E.  Immunity.--There shall be no liability or
    17  cause of action against any member of the plan or its agents or
    18  employes, the plan or its agents or employes, members of the
    19  board of directors or the department or its representatives for
    20  any action taken by or statement made by them in the performance
    21  of their powers and duties under this article.
    22     Section 1012-E.  Funds.--All fees, assessments and other
    23  moneys received by the plan shall be deposited into a restricted
    24  revenue account within the General Fund and are hereby
    25  appropriated to the board for the purposes set forth in this
    26  article.
    27     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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