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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1847



No. 1525 Session of 1997

           MAY 19, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 21, 1939 (P.L.626, No.294), entitled
     2     "An act providing for and regulating the assessment and
     3     valuation of all subjects of taxation in counties of the
     4     second class; creating and prescribing the powers and duties
     5     of a Board of Property Assessment, Appeals and Review;
     6     imposing duties on certain county and city officers;
     7     abolishing the board for the assessment and revision of taxes
     8     in such counties; and prescribing penalties," providing for
     9     auxiliary boards and for their powers and duties.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Section 1.1 of the act of June 21, 1939 (P.L.626,
    13  No.294), referred to as the Second Class County Assessment Law,
    14  is amended by adding a definition to read:
    15     Section 1.1.  The following words and phrases when used in
    16  this act shall have, unless the context clearly indicates
    17  otherwise, the meanings given to them in this section:
    18     "Auxiliary appeal board" shall mean an auxiliary board of
    19  assessment appeals created under section 2.
    20     * * *
    21     Section 2.  Sections 2 and 4 of the act are amended by adding

     1  subsections to read:
     2     Section 2.  * * *
     3     (f)  (1)  In conjunction with a county-wide revision of
     4  assessments involving either a change in the established
     5  predetermined ratio or revaluing the properties and applying the
     6  predetermined ratio, the county commissioners may create up to
     7  four temporary auxiliary appeal boards, each to be known as an
     8  auxiliary appeal board.
     9     (2)  The county commissioners shall establish the term of
    10  existence of an auxiliary appeal board, not to exceed eighteen
    11  (18) months.
    12     (3)  An auxiliary appeal board shall be composed of seven
    13  members who shall be appointed by the county commissioners to
    14  serve for the time that the auxiliary appeal board is in
    15  existence.
    16     (4)  Members of an auxiliary appeal board shall be competent
    17  and qualified residents of the county.
    18     (5)  Vacancies on an auxiliary appeal board shall be filled
    19  by appointment by the county commissioners for the duration of
    20  the auxiliary appeal board's existence. The unavailability of a
    21  member of a board for a scheduled hearing for which an alternate
    22  member may be appointed under subsection (g) shall not be
    23  considered a vacancy on the board.
    24     (6)  The salary of members of an auxiliary appeal board shall
    25  be fixed by the salary board of the county. The authority of an
    26  auxiliary appeal board shall be limited to hearing and
    27  determining appeals from assessments in accordance with the
    28  provisions of this act and the rules and regulations established
    29  pursuant to section 4.
    30     (7)  After one or more auxiliary appeal boards have been
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     1  established under this section, additional auxiliary appeal
     2  boards may be established only in conjunction with a succeeding
     3  county-wide revision of assessments.
     4     (g)  (1)  In addition to the appointment of three members to
     5  each auxiliary appeal board created under subsection (f), the
     6  county commissioners may appoint no more than eight alternate
     7  members, each of whom may serve, as directed by the Board of
     8  Property Assessment, Appeals and Review, on any auxiliary appeal
     9  board in the event that a member of an auxiliary appeal board is
    10  unavailable for a scheduled hearing by reason of being absent,
    11  having a conflict or being disqualified.
    12     (2)  Alternate members shall be appointed for the same length
    13  of time as any auxiliary appeal board is in existence.
    14     (3)  Any salary of alternate members shall be fixed by the
    15  salary board of the county when serving on an auxiliary appeal
    16  board.
    17     (4)  An alternate member shall have the same authority as a
    18  member appointed under subsection (f) to participate in the
    19  hearing and determination of appeals from assessments after a
    20  county-wide revision of assessments.
    21     Section 4.  The Board of Property Assessment, Appeals and
    22  Review shall have power and its duty shall be:
    23     * * *
    24     (h)  (1)  Subject to the approval of the county
    25  commissioners, the board may adopt, amend, alter and rescind
    26  rules and regulations for the administration of and conduct of
    27  business and proceedings for itself and auxiliary appeal boards.
    28     (2)  The rules and regulations may require a witness
    29  providing testimony at a hearing relative to any aspect of the
    30  value of the real estate which is the subject of the assessment
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     1  or reassessment appeal to disclose, under oath, whether any
     2  compensation paid for the testimony is contingent on the result
     3  obtained.
     4     (3)  The rules and regulations shall be in writing and shall
     5  be a public record open to examination, inspection and copying
     6  under the act of June 21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as
     7  the "Right-to-Know Law."
     8     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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