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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1795



No. 1534 Session of 1989

           MAY 23, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 22 (Detectives and Private Police) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, authorizing the
     3     appointment of special policemen for planned communities;
     4     providing for their powers; authorizing the Commissioner of
     5     the Pennsylvania State Police to make certain training
     6     available; and providing for procedures and penalties.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Title 22 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
    10  Statutes is amended by adding a chapter to read:
    11                             CHAPTER 35
    13  Sec.
    14  3501.  Definitions.
    15  3502.  Appointment authorized.
    16  3503.  Contents of application.
    17  3504.  Training requirements.
    18  3505.  Authority of Commissioner of Pennsylvania State
    19         Police.

     1  3506.  Oath of office.
     2  3507.  Powers.
     3  3508.  Compensation and liability.
     4  3509.  Termination of appointment.
     5  § 3501.  Definitions.
     6     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
     7  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
     8  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     9     "Commission."  The Municipal Police Officers' Education and
    10  Training Commission.
    11     "Commissioner."  The Commissioner of the Pennsylvania State
    12  Police.
    13     "Planned community."  A geographically contiguous private
    14  development of 100 or more lots, whether or not one or all of
    15  the lots have been sold or are occupied by private owners. The
    16  term does not include a geographic area which constitutes an
    17  entire municipality.
    18     "Policeman."  A person appointed under this chapter as a
    19  special policeman for a planned community.
    20  § 3502.  Appointment authorized.
    21     The developer of a planned community, or any association of
    22  lot owners of a planned community, may apply to the court of
    23  common pleas of the county in which the planned community is
    24  located for the appointment of such persons as the developer or
    25  association may designate to act as special policemen for the
    26  planned community. The court, upon reviewing the application and
    27  after consideration of the need for and appropriateness of
    28  special policemen in the planned community, may decree and order
    29  such persons, or as many of them as the court may deem proper,
    30  to be provisional special policemen for the planned community,
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     1  subject to satisfactory completion of the requirements of
     2  section 3504 (relating to training requirements). Thereafter,
     3  upon the submission of proof satisfactory to the court that such
     4  persons have complied with the training requirements of section
     5  3504, the court may decree and order the persons to be certified
     6  special policemen for the planned community. During the period
     7  that any such person is a provisional special policeman, he
     8  shall not possess the additional power and authority conferred
     9  by this chapter. A provisional special policeman who fails to
    10  obtain a certificate from the commissioner that he has
    11  satisfactorily completed the basic education and training
    12  requirements within 18 months of his appointment shall not be
    13  eligible for appointment as a certified special policeman.
    14  § 3503.  Contents of application.
    15     (a)  Initial application.--The initial application to the
    16  court for the appointment of special policemen for a planned
    17  community shall clearly define the boundaries of the planned
    18  community and state the reasons why the special policemen are
    19  needed or desired. It shall state the number of special
    20  policemen requested and the information specified in subsection
    21  (b) for each person who, if his appointment is authorized, will
    22  be employed in that capacity.
    23     (b)  Personal information.--The application shall incorporate
    24  all of the following information with respect to each person to
    25  be employed as a special policeman:
    26         (1)  The person's full name, age, residence and present
    27     and previous occupations.
    28         (2)  Evidence that the fingerprints of the person have
    29     been examined within the last three months by the
    30     Pennsylvania State Police or the Federal Bureau of
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     1     Investigation and that the person has not been convicted of
     2     or has not pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to a crime of
     3     violence.
     4         (3)  Proof that the person is 18 years of age or older.
     5         (4)  Any other personal information the court may
     6     require.
     7     (c)  Additional applications.--After the initial application
     8  for the appointment of special policemen for a planned community
     9  has been approved by the court, at any subsequent time that the
    10  planned community wishes to employ another person in that
    11  capacity, up to the number of persons authorized by the court,
    12  the information relating to such person prescribed by subsection
    13  (b) shall be submitted.
    14  § 3504.  Training requirements.
    15     A person decreed by the court to be a provisional special
    16  policeman shall be required to successfully complete the same
    17  course of instruction required for municipal police officers by
    18  the act of June 18, 1974 (P.L.359, No.120), referred to as the
    19  Municipal Police Education and Training Law, with the exception
    20  of such physical training requirements as the commission may
    21  deem appropriate to alter or waive.
    22  § 3505.  Authority of Commissioner of Pennsylvania State Police.
    23     In addition to the powers set forth in the act of June 18,
    24  1974 (P.L.359, No.120), referred to as the Municipal Police
    25  Education and Training Law, the commissioner shall have the
    26  authority to admit persons who have been decreed by the court to
    27  be provisional special policemen to the Municipal Police
    28  Officers' Education and Training Program and to issue
    29  appropriate certificates to provisional special policemen who
    30  have satisfactorily completed the basic educational and training
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     1  requirements as established by the commission. Tuition fees and
     2  other costs of training, as determined by the commission, shall
     3  be borne by the sponsoring employer or by the provisional
     4  special policeman.
     5  § 3506.  Oath of office.
     6     Every certified special policeman so appointed shall, before
     7  entering upon the duties of his office, take and subscribe the
     8  oath required by section 3 of Article VI of the Constitution of
     9  Pennsylvania. The oath, together with the decree and order of
    10  the court appointing such person a certified special policeman,
    11  shall be recorded by the recorder of deeds of each county in
    12  which it is intended that the policeman shall act.
    13  § 3507.  Powers.
    14     Certified special policemen appointed under this chapter
    15  shall severally possess and exercise all the powers of a
    16  municipal police officer in this Commonwealth, in and upon the
    17  property of the planned community. If a certified special
    18  policeman leaves the property of the planned community in hot
    19  pursuit of a suspected lawbreaker, it shall be his duty to
    20  immediately communicate with and request the assistance of the
    21  organized law enforcement agency which regularly provides
    22  primary police services in the municipality. Upon the appearance
    23  of the first officer in response to that request, the special
    24  policeman shall follow the commands of that officer, who may
    25  either direct the certified special policeman to assist in the
    26  apprehension or to discontinue his efforts to apprehend the
    27  suspect. A certified special police officer shall have no
    28  authority by virtue of this chapter to make an arrest beyond the
    29  property of the planned community, but he shall have the
    30  authority to detain a suspect for a reasonable period of time
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     1  until an officer of the organized law enforcement agency arrives
     2  to render assistance. The keepers of jails and other places of
     3  detention in any county of this Commonwealth shall receive all
     4  persons arrested by such policemen for purposes of detention
     5  until they are dealt with according to law. Whenever a certified
     6  special policeman exercises any power or authority over any
     7  person or event pursuant to this chapter, the officer shall
     8  relinquish authority and control over any such person or event
     9  upon the request of the chief law enforcement officer, or a
    10  person authorized by him to make the request, of the organized
    11  law enforcement agency which regularly provides primary police
    12  services in the municipality. Every policeman appointed under
    13  this chapter, when on duty, shall wear a metallic shield with
    14  the words "certified special policeman" and the name of the
    15  planned community for which appointed inscribed thereon.
    16  § 3508.  Compensation and liability.
    17     The compensation of the policemen shall be paid by the
    18  developer or association of lot owners of the planned community
    19  by which the policemen are employed, as may be agreed upon
    20  between the employer and the policemen. The Commonwealth of
    21  Pennsylvania shall not be held liable for any wrongful act of
    22  any policeman appointed under this chapter.
    23  § 3509.  Termination of appointment.
    24     (a)  General rule.--When any planned community no longer
    25  requires the services of any person who has been appointed a
    26  certified special policeman, it shall, within three business
    27  days, file a notice to that effect in the office of the recorder
    28  of deeds where the court decree and order of appointment of the
    29  policeman was recorded. The recorder of deeds shall note this
    30  information upon the margin of the record where the court decree
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     1  and order were recorded, and thereupon the powers of the
     2  policeman shall terminate. It is the duty of the recorder of
     3  deeds to notify the clerk of the court, by which the policeman
     4  was appointed, of the termination of the appointment in such
     5  county.
     6     (b)  Penalty.--Failure of an employer of a certified special
     7  policeman to file the notice required by this section
     8  constitutes a summary offense, and the developer or the chief
     9  officer of the association of lot owners shall, upon conviction,
    10  be sentenced to pay a fine of $100.
    11     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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