No. 1540 Session of 1979

           JUNE 22, 1979


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), entitled
     2     "An act concerning elections, including general, municipal,
     3     special and primary elections, the nomination of candidates,
     4     primary and election expenses and election contests; creating
     5     and defining membership of county boards of elections;
     6     imposing duties upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     7     courts, county boards of elections, county commissioners;
     8     imposing penalties for violation of the act, and codifying,
     9     revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
    10     repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating to
    11     elections," further providing for the nomination petitions of
    12     delegates and alternates to national conventions who are
    13     pledged to possible presidential candidates.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  Sections 809.1 and 907, act of June 3, 1937
    17  (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the "Pennsylvania Election Code,"
    18  added or amended December 22, 1971 (P.L.613, No.165), are
    19  amended to read:
    20     Section 809.1.  Delegate and Alternate Delegate Commitments;
    21  Authorization Required; Petitions.--(a)  Whenever [the rules of
    22  a party provide that] a candidate for delegate or alternate
    23  delegate to a National convention of a political party may

     1  pledge his support to a presidential candidate, he shall be
     2  committed to support and vote for the nomination of that
     3  candidate as President [as party rules provide] on the first
     4  ballot of a nominating convention, the notation of which shall
     5  be printed upon the ballot in accordance with section 1002 of
     6  this act.
     7     (b)  No candidate for delegate or alternate delegate shall
     8  make a commitment unless he has obtained prior authorization to
     9  do so from the presidential candidate to whom he is pledging
    10  support or from a State or National officer of a committee to
    11  draft a person who has not announced his candidacy for
    12  President. No candidate for delegate or alternate delegate shall
    13  be allowed to commit himself to any presidential candidate nor
    14  shall the Secretary of the Commonwealth cause any notation of
    15  commitment to be printed on any ballot unless the presidential
    16  candidate forwards notice to the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
    17  upon a form prescribed by the secretary, that [he is a] such
    18  candidate or committee for the nomination of President of the
    19  United States [and that he] authorizes delegates and alternate
    20  delegates to pledge their support and commit themselves to [him]
    21  such candidate or possible candidate. This notice must be
    22  received by the secretary [at least fifteen days prior to the
    23  first day on which nomination petitions may be circulated for
    24  the offices which are to be filled at the Spring primaries in
    25  the years in which candidates for the President of the United
    26  States are to be nominated] on or before the time that
    27  nomination petitions are required to be filed.
    28     (c)  Nomination petitions for delegates committed to
    29  particular presidential candidates shall bear the imprint of the
    30  seal of the Secretary of the Commonwealth and may be obtained
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     1  only from the presidential candidate or his duly authorized
     2  representative who is certified by the Secretary of the
     3  Commonwealth as being authorized by the candidate to distribute
     4  nomination petitions bearing his name.
     5     Section 907.  Nomination Petitions to Be Filed.--The names of
     6  candidates for nomination as President of the United States, and
     7  the names of all other candidates for party nominations, and for
     8  election as delegates, alternate delegates, members of
     9  committees and other party officers, shall be printed upon the
    10  official primary ballots or ballot labels of a designated party,
    11  upon the filing of separate nomination petitions in their
    12  behalf, in form prescribed by the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
    13  signed by duly registered and enrolled members of such party who
    14  are qualified electors of the State, or of the political
    15  district, as the case may be, within which the nomination is to
    16  be made or election is to be held. Nomination petitions of
    17  delegates and alternate delegates to National conventions
    18  committed to support a particular presidential candidate must be
    19  signed by the particular presidential candidate to whom support
    20  is pledged or, if the possible presidential candidate to whom
    21  support is pledged has not announced his candidacy, by a State
    22  or National officer of a committee to draft such person, before
    23  it can be certified by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The
    24  name of no candidate shall be placed upon the official ballots
    25  or ballot labels of a political party to be used at any primary,
    26  unless such petition shall have been filed in his behalf. In no
    27  event shall any person's name be printed upon the official
    28  ballots or ballot labels of any party for the office of
    29  delegate, alternate delegate, member of committee or other party
    30  officer, unless he is a duly registered and enrolled member of
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     1  said party.
     2     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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