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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1810



No. 1549 Session of 1989

           KAISER AND BROUJOS, MAY 23, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 6, 1951 (P.L.69, No.20), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the rights, obligations and liabilities of
     3     landlord and tenant and of parties dealing with them and
     4     amending, revising, changing and consolidating the law
     5     relating thereto," providing for tenants' access to cable
     6     television; and providing for remedies.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  The act of April 6, 1951 (P.L.69, No.20), known
    10  as The Landlord and Tenant Act of 1951, is amended by adding an
    11  article to read:
    12                            ARTICLE V-B.
    14     Section 501-B.  Definitions.--As used in this article--
    15     (1)  "CATV system" or "cable television system" a system or
    16  facility or part of a system or facility which consists of a set
    17  of transmission paths and associated signal generation,
    18  reception, amplification and control equipment which is operated
    19  or intended to be operated to perform the service of receiving

     1  and amplifying and distributing and redistributing signals
     2  broadcast or transmitted by a television or radio station or an
     3  information distribution service company, including the cable
     4  communications system owner, operator or manager itself, to
     5  subscribers. The term shall include the service of distributing
     6  video, audio, digital, light or audio-visual signals, whether
     7  broadcast or otherwise.
     8     (2)  "Holding a franchise" obtaining municipal consent to, or
     9  approval of, the construction or operation of a CATV system and
    10  the rendering of CATV services, whether granted by resolution,
    11  ordinance or written agreement. The term shall include a person
    12  who has constructed and is operating a CATV system within the
    13  public right-of-way of a municipality which, at the time of
    14  construction and initial operation of the CATV system, did not
    15  require that municipal consent or approval be obtained.
    16     (3)  "Landlord" an individual or entity owning, controlling,
    17  leasing, operating or managing multiple dwelling premises.
    18     (4)  "Multiple dwelling premises" any area occupied by
    19  dwelling units, appurtenances thereto, grounds and facilities,
    20  which dwelling units are intended or designed to be occupied or
    21  leased for occupation, or actually occupied, as individual homes
    22  or residences for three or more households. The term shall
    23  include mobile home parks.
    24     (5)  "Operator" the operator of a CATV system holding a
    25  franchise granted in the municipality in which the multiple
    26  dwelling premises to be served is located.
    27     Section 502-B.  Tenants Protected.--A landlord may not
    28  discriminate in rental or other charges between tenants who
    29  subscribe to the services of a CATV system and those who do not.
    30  The landlord may, however, require reasonable compensation in
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     1  exchange for a permanent taking of property resulting from the
     2  installation of CATV system facilities within and upon the
     3  multiple dwelling premises, to be paid by an operator. The
     4  compensation shall be determined in accordance with this
     5  article.
     6     Section 503-B.  Right of Access.--A landlord may not prohibit
     7  or otherwise prevent a tenant from requesting or acquiring CATV
     8  services from an operator of the tenant's choice. A landlord may
     9  not prevent an operator from entering the premises for the
    10  purposes of constructing, reconstructing, installing or
    11  servicing CATV system facilities if a tenant of a multiple
    12  dwelling premises has requested CATV services. The operator
    13  shall retain ownership of wiring and equipment used in
    14  installation or upgrade of a CATV system in multiple dwelling
    15  premises. An operator may not provide CATV service to an
    16  individual dwelling unit unless permission has been given by or
    17  received from the tenant occupying the unit.
    18     Section 504-B.  Right to Render Services.--If a tenant of a
    19  multiple dwelling premises requests an operator to provide CATV
    20  services, and if the operator decides that it will provide such
    21  services, the operator shall so notify the landlord, in writing,
    22  at least five days prior to entering the premises for the
    23  purpose of commencing the initial construction or installation
    24  of the CATV system facilities. The notification shall state as
    25  follows: "The landlord, tenants and operators have rights
    26  granted under Article V-B of the act of April 6, 1951 (P.L.69,
    27  No.20), known as 'The Landlord and Tenant Act of 1951.'" The
    28  right of an operator to construct, reconstruct, install or
    29  repair CATV system facilities and maintain the CATV services may
    30  not be delayed or impaired because of giving notice under
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     1  section 506-B(b)(1), the assertion of a claim or the initiation
     2  of legal action to enforce a claim. An operator may bring an
     3  action in equity to enforce the right of access given under this
     4  section.
     5     Section 505-B.  Compensation for Physical Damage.--An
     6  operator shall be liable to the landlord for physical damage
     7  caused by the installation, operation or removal of CATV system
     8  facilities. A landlord may require that the installation of
     9  cable television facilities conform to reasonable conditions
    10  necessary to protect the safety, functioning and appearance of
    11  the premises and the convenience and well-being of tenants. A
    12  landlord may bring a civil action to enforce the rights
    13  conferred by this section.
    14     Section 506-B.  Compensation for Loss of Value.--
    15     (a)  A landlord shall be entitled to just compensation from
    16  the operator resulting from loss in value of property resulting
    17  from the permanent installation of CATV system facilities.
    18  Compensation shall be presumed to be one dollar ($1) for the
    19  permanent installation of CATV system facilities.
    20     (b)  If a landlord believes that the loss in value of the
    21  property exceeds one dollar ($1), the issue of just compensation
    22  shall be determined in accordance with the following procedure:
    23     (1)  Within twenty days of the date when the landlord is
    24  notified that the operator intends to construct or install CATV
    25  system facilities in multiple dwelling premises, the landlord
    26  shall serve upon the operator written notice that the landlord
    27  demands a greater amount of compensation. Unless written notice
    28  is given by the landlord to the operator within the twenty-day
    29  period, it shall be presumed conclusively that the landlord does
    30  not claim or intend to require the payment of a sum in excess of
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     1  one dollar ($1) for the permanent installation of CATV system
     2  facilities.
     3     (2)  Within thirty days from the date of the written notice
     4  under clause (1), the landlord shall advise the operator, in
     5  writing, of the specific amount claimed as compensation.
     6     (3)  Within sixty days from the receipt of the claim under
     7  clause (2), the operator shall decide whether or not to agree to
     8  pay the amount claimed or some other amount acceptable to the
     9  landlord.
    10     (4)  At the expiration of the sixty-day period under clause
    11  (3), if the operator has not agreed to pay the amount claimed or
    12  some other amount acceptable to the landlord, has rejected the
    13  landlord's claim or has not responded to it in writing, the
    14  landlord may bring a civil action for compensation.
    15     (5)  A civil action for compensation must be commenced no
    16  later than six months from the date of the written claim under
    17  clause (2).
    18     (6)  At any time after the commencement of the civil action
    19  for compensation, the landlord may apply to the court in which
    20  the action is pending to require the operator to give security
    21  by the filing of a bond for the use of the landlord, without
    22  surety, in an amount to be fixed by the court. The condition of
    23  the bond shall be that the operator shall pay the amount of
    24  compensation as determined by law.
    25     (c)  In an action brought to enforce a landlord's rights to
    26  compensation, it shall be presumed that reasonable compensation
    27  shall be one dollar ($1). The presumption may be rebutted and
    28  overcome by evidence that the landlord has a specific
    29  alternative use for the space occupied or to be occupied by CATV
    30  system facilities or equipment and the loss of the space will
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     1  result in a monetary loss to the owner or that installation of
     2  CATV system facilities upon the multiple dwelling premises will
     3  otherwise substantially interfere with the use and occupancy of
     4  the premises to an extent which causes a decrease in the resale
     5  or rental value of the premises.
     6     (d)  In determining the damages to a landlord in an action
     7  under this section, compensation shall be measured by the loss
     8  in value of the landlord's property. An amount representing
     9  increase in value of the property occurring by reason of the
    10  installation of CATV system facilities shall be deducted from
    11  the compensation.
    12     (e)  The procedure in an action to recover compensation under
    13  this section shall be in accordance with the procedures set
    14  forth in the act of June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess., P.L.84, No.6),
    15  known as the "Eminent Domain Code," to the extent that that act
    16  is not inconsistent with this section.
    17     Section 507-B.  Venue.--The court of common pleas of the
    18  county in which the multiple dwelling premises or affected part
    19  is located shall have venue of actions to enforce the provisions
    20  of this article.
    21     Section 2.  The General Assembly finds and declares as
    22  follows:
    23         (1)  Cable television has become an important medium of
    24     public communication, education and entertainment.
    25         (2)  It is in the public interest to assure apartment
    26     residents and other tenants of leased residential dwellings
    27     access to cable television service of a quality and cost
    28     comparable to service available to residents living in
    29     personally owned dwellings.
    30         (3)  It is in the public interest to afford apartment
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     1     residents and other tenants of leased residential dwellings
     2     the opportunity to obtain cable television service of their
     3     choice and to prevent landlords from treating such residents
     4     and tenants as a captive market for the sale of television
     5     reception services selected or provided by the landlord.
     6     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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